MAN 3025 Final Guide (6, 16, 17, 19, 20)

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Types of Control Chap 20

*Areas of Control* *Physical Resources* -Inventory management, quality control, and equipment control. *Human Resources* -Selection and placement, training and development, performance appraisal, and compensation. *Information Resources* -Sales and marketing forecasts, environmental analysis, public relations, production scheduling, and economic forecasting. *Financial Resources* -Managing capital funds and cash flow, collection and payment of debts. Notes- Inventory is form of control. Human Resources- Evaluate employees, performance appraisal. Information Resources- sales forecast, marketing forecast. Financial Resources- Accounting, pay debts, manage cash flow.

Structural Control

*Bureaucratic (Centralized) Control* A form of organizational control characterized by formal and mechanistic structural arrangements. *Decentralized control* An approach to organizational control based on informal and organic structural arrangements. *The Control Choice* Centralization creates more control and coordination, whereas decentralization fosters adaptability and innovation. Notes- Employees and managers resist controls.

Charismatic Leadership Chap 17

*Charisma*- -an interpersonal attraction that inspires support and acceptance. -Is an individual characteristic of a leader. *Charismatic persons are more successful than non-charismatic persons* . *Charismatic leaders* are: -Self-confident -Have a firm conviction in their belief and ideals -Possess a strong need to influence people Ex: MLK, Jr., Bill Clinton *Charismatic leaders in organizations must be able to*: -envision the future, set high expectations, and model behaviors consistent with expectations. -energize others through a demonstration of -excitement, personal confidence, and patterns of success. -enable others by supporting them, by empathizing with them, and by expressing confidence in them. Notes- Person having charisma

PURPOSES of control Chap 20

*Control helps the organization* -Adapt to environmental change. -Limit the accumulation of error. -Cope with organizational complexity. -Minimize costs. Notes- Adapt to environmental change- world is changing and we have to adapt to be successful. Limit the accumulation of error- Fix mistakes, can't keep making errors forever, need to fix. Minimize costs- can't keep spending money if it's not working.

BENEFITS of control Chap 20

*Control* -The regulation of organizational activities so that some targeted element of performance remains within acceptable limits. *Benefits of Control* -Provides organizations with indications of how well they are performing in relation to their goals. Provides a mechanism for adjusting performance to keep organizations moving in the right direction. Notes- Control- Assessing performance relative to a goal. Set goal, have I achieved it? Benefits of Control- Exam. If our car dealership is to sell 50 cars, we need to have counting system... Adjust performance.

Financial Statements Chap 20

*Financial statement*- A profile of some aspect of an organization's financial circumstances. *Balance sheet*- A listing of *assets* (current and fixed), *liabilities* (short- and long-term), and stockholders' equity at a *specific point in time* (typically, year-ending) that summarizes the financial condition of the organization. *Income statement*- Summary of financial performance—*revenues less expenses* as *net income* (i.e., profit or loss)—*over a period of time*, *usually one year*.

Transformational Leadership Chap 17

*Goes beyond ordinary expectations by*: -transmitting a sense of mission -stimulating learning -inspiring new ways of thinking Ex: Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jr. Notes- Selma- movie about March in Selma Alabama where people where beaten and risked their lives because they believed in MLK.

Who is responsible for control? Chap 20

*Managers* -Are responsible for overseeing the wide array of control systems and concerns in organizations. *Controller* -Is a staff member that helps line managers with their control activities. *Operative Employees* -Check the quality of their work and correct their own errors. Notes- Managers - Responsible in their areas. Controller- Responsible in the comp.

Norm Conformity by Individuals (behavioral norms) Chap 19

*Norm Conformity by Individuals* -Socialization in fully adopting group norms - Ex: When you attend a new school. -Ignoring the norms - Ex: Team Project member does not Attend Team Practice

Norms (behavioral norms) Chap 19

*Norms*- Are standards of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors that a group sets for its members. Ex: Rules of Team Interaction in your Team Proposal Notes- Norms- What's expected from you.

Reinforcement Perspectives on Motivation Chap 16

*Reinforcement Theory* >The role of rewards as they cause behavior to change or remain the same over time. >Assumes that: -*Behavior that results in rewarding consequences is likely to be repeated.* >Behavior that results in punishing consequences is less likely to be repeated.

Steps in the Control Process Chap 20

*Steps in Order* -1 Establish standards -2, Measure Performance -3, Compare performance against standards. -4, Determine need for corrective action -> - Maintain the status quo. Correct the deviation. Change standards. Then goes back to Establish standards and measure performance. (figure on slide 9) *Establish Standards* >*Control standard—a target against which subsequent performance will be compared should be:* --Expressed in measurable terms. --Consistent with and relevant to organizational goals. --Identifiable as an indicator of performance. *Measure performance* >Performance measurement is an ongoing process. >Performance measures must be valid indicators (e.g., sales, costs, units produced) of performance. *Compare performance against standards* >Define what is a permissible deviation from the performance standard. >Utilize the appropriate timetable for measurement. *Consider corrective action* >Maintain the status quo (do nothing). >Correct the deviation to bring operations into compliance with the standard. >Change the standard if it was set too high or too low. Notes- Establish standards- sell 50 cars. Determine need for corrective action- Better financing, change standard, do nothing.

Methods for Managing Conflict Chap 19

*Stimulating Conflict*- -Increase competition among individuals and teams. -Hire outsiders to shake things up. -Change established procedures. *Controlling Conflict*- -Expand resource base. -Enhance coordination of interdependence. -Set superordinate goals. -Match personalities and work habits of employees. *Resolving and Eliminating Conflict*- -Avoid conflict. -Convince conflicting parties to compromise. -Bring conflicting parties together to confront and negotiate conflict. Notes- Controlling conflict is very important. (20k for raises, distribute in certain way, can be conflict).

Related Approaches to Leadership Chap 17

*Substitutes for Leadership* - situations when leader behavior is neutralized or replaced by *characteristics of subordinates, the task, and the organization.* Ex: Actions in Emergency Room *Characteristics that Substitute for Leadership* - -*Subordinates*- Their ability and experience. -*Task*- Routineness, the availability of feedback. -*Organization*- Group cohesion, Policies, procedures are flexible. Notes- KNOW -are such that a leader is not necessary.

Individual Strategies for Managing Diversity and Multiculturalism Chap 6

*Understanding*- try to understand that people are different. *Empathy*- try to put yourself in their place. *Tolerance*- May not like but at least tolerate. *Willingness to communicate*- means communicate. Notes- -Sabbath - a day of religious observance and abstinence from work, kept by the Jewish people from Friday evening to Saturday evening, and by most Christians on Sunday.

Alternative Forms of Working Arrangements Chap 16

*Variable Work Schedules* -Compressed work schedule -Flexible work schedules (flextime) -Job sharing -Telecommuting Notes- -Compressed work schedule- many dentists don't work on Fridays, work Mon-Thurs. -Flexible work schedules- let Adam work from 8-2 to accomidate him because he has to pick up kids from school. Jenny works from 7-1 because she needs to pick up kids from school. -Job sharing- like in Starbucks, someone has the morning shift and someone else takes the afternoon shift. -Telecommuting- working from computer at home.

Dimensions of Diversity and Multiculturalism and current U.S. trends Chap 6

-*Age* - *Average age* of the U.S. workforce is *increasing* and will continue to do so. More "Baby Boomers" -*Gender* - Per Bureau of Labor Statistics, Females were 57% of workforce in 2013. -*The "glass ceiling" has a discriminatory effect on female managers.* -*Ethnicity* - U.S. workforce will have an increase in Hispanic workers and decline in white workers. Notes- -In the past, people would work for a comp and stay there, and retire there. -In many households, women didn't work because they could afford it. Not so much today and more women are in the work force. -Less people are retiring early, people live longer as well. And they want to keep working. -Average age of work force has increase. Baby boomers from 1946 - 1964 are still in the work force. -Major increase in Hispanic workers.

Arrangement of the Reinforcement Contingencies Chap 16

-*Positive Reinforcement*- Strengthens behavior by providing a desirable consequences. *Ex*. Employee Receives recognition for doing a good job on a project. -*Avoidance*- Strengthens behaviors by allowing escape from an undesirable consequence. *Ex*. Employee Returns from Lunch on time to AVOID reprimand from supervisory. -*Punishment*- Weakens behavior by providing an undesirable consequence. *Ex*. Employee violates dress code and is sent home without pay. Employee never violates dress code again. -*Extinction*- Weakens behavior by ignoring it.

Situational Leadership Chap 17

-*SITUATIONAL* Models of Leader Behavior. -Appropriate leader behavior depends on the situation. Situational factors determining leader behavior can be identified. Ex: Trump's rise in presidential race Notes- Know both for exam. -Situation makes it such that you become a leader. -Donald trump appealed to certain people who were disgruntled, disenfranchised, and the situation at the time led to his rise in power. -Obama used social media to collect money. McCain admitted that he didn't even know how to use a computer. People couldn't put someone so out of the loop or out of "real life." The situation here led to Obama's rise in power.

Equity Theory Chap 16

-An individual's belief that the treatment the individual receives is *fair relative to the treatment received by others*. Theory's Assumptions People are motivated to seek equity in the rewards they receive for performance. Equity Comparisons of Individuals: -Feeling equitably rewarded. *Feeling under-rewarded—try to reduce inequity.* -Change inputs by trying harder or slacking off. -Change outcomes by demanding a raise. -Distort the ratios by altering perceptions of self or of others. -Leave situation by quitting the job. -Change comparisons by choosing another object person.

Increasing diversity and multiculturalism in organization Chap 6

-Changing demographics in the labor force -Increased awareness that diversity improves the quality of the workforce -Legislative and legal actions mandating and fostering diversity -The globalization movement Notes- -The globalization movement- US opened up to other countries.

Financial Controls

-Control of financial resources (revenues, shareholder investments) as they: --Flow into the organization revenues --Are held by the organization as working capital, retained earnings --Flow out of the organization as payment of expenses Notes- Budgets and purposes of budgets. -to use resources wisely and not in an unlimited way.

Workplace Democracy Catches On

-Employees Tend to be More Invested When They Participate in Decisions -Name an Example of Workplace Democracy at Whole Foods which Employees Might Consider Motivational -Other examples in Article of Workplace Democracy Employees at other companies consider to be Motivational ---------- -At Whole Foods, new store employees must win approval from two-thirds of their departmental colleagues to stay on past a trial period of up to 90 days. -Other examples of workplace democracy considered to be motivational. InContext Solutions, whether to play music in office common areas. Also, a vote last summer to name InContext's conference rooms after notable scientists asked employees to rank their favorites from a slate of options. McKinsey & Co. have long had partners elect leaders—and unions give employees a say on pay and work arrangements—digital survey tools like TinyPulse and Know Your Company enable more companies to give their staff a voice in running the workplace. Taking ballows on issues from hiring to holiday parties helps spark loyalty to the company, managers say. "People feel like they have a real voice," says Mackenzie Siren, a product manager at InContext, which makes software for retailers and manufacturers. It's 95 workers have voted on standing desks, whether to have cubicles or open tables in its Chicago office, and which brews to keep in the company keg. Marketing-Technology firm MediaMath let employees pick its new headquarters, choosing from one of two locations in Manhattan. The board of directors of W.I. Gore & Associates, the maker of Gore-Tex, asked for feedback from workers in 2005 to help choose Terri Kelly as the company's next chief executive. General managers at restaurant chain Pret a Manger Ltd. Aske store employees for their opinions of job applicants. Software company Menlo Innovations LLC's employees participate in the hiring process by observing how candidates work during a trial period and vote yes or no on potential candidates (votes aren't anonymous and are conducted in a group). Mr. Sheridan (CEO) overruled some staff choices in the past, which made employees feel less invested in their decisions. Now, he sticks with the vote. Employees of online discount site voted on whether the company should continue serving free lunch or apply that money to lowering health-insurance premiums for workers. They also vote on whether a candidate is a "hire" or a "no fire," but hiring managers make the final call. Mr. Bortunk sometimes voted on people "a level or two above me on the corporate map," he says. "This in itself was a very empowering task. It felt like we all had a voice in who joins." Staff at Social Tables Inc., a maker of event-planning software, have voted on the company's core values, its conference-room themes ("50 Shades of Pink" and "Grandma's Living Room" were both winners) and even a company theme song ("Jubel" by Klingande), played at corporate events. "As soon as you stop voicing your opinion, you lose your right to complain."

Types of Groups/Who Creates them?/Time Horizon Chap 19

-FUNCTIONAL groups - Created by Organization, permanent, indefinite time period. Ex: HR, Marketing, Acct Department. -INFORMAL or INTEREST groups - Created by members for unspecified time. Ex: Group of Lunch Buddies. -TASK groups - Created by Organization for specific reason, not indefinite. Ex: Holiday Party Committee. Notes- -Informal - go out Friday night, found something in common (not forced by org). Don't know how long its going to last. -Task- Particular task (job) then it's done.

Benefits of Teams Chap 19

-Give more responsibility for task performance to workers who do the tasks. -Empower workers by giving them greater authority and decision-making freedom. -Allow organizations to capitalize on the knowledge and motivation of their workers. -Enable the organization to shed its bureaucracy and to promote flexibility and responsiveness. Notes- Motivational. That's why teams are popular.

Factors That Reduce Cohesiveness Chap 19 (know)

-Group size - Ex: 10 team members for project -Disagreement on goals - Ex: Earn "A" vs. "B"? -Domination - Ex: Dictator -Unpleasant experiences - Ex: Sports team Loses often, Earn a "C"

Can employers prohibit the wearing of a Hijab in the workplace?

-In June, a young Muslim woman won a Supreme Court case against Abercrombie & Fitch which had refused to hire her because she wore a head scarf. The company said the scarf clashed with its dress code, which called for a "classic East Coast collegiate style."

Intergroup Conflict Chap 19

-Interdependence - Marketing vs. Accounting -Different goals -Competition for scarce resources Intergroup conflict- between 2 groups. Like Marketing wants to spend money but accounting wants to save money.

Factors That Increase Cohesiveness Chap 19 (know)

-Intergroup competition - Compete against another team -Personal attraction -Favorable evaluation - Ex: Praise from Prof. H. -Agreement on goals - Ex: Earn "A" -Interaction Notes- 1 q from here. -The ideal group size is 5-7 members. -So like factors that reduce cohesiveness is having 10 people. -& Conflict within team if some don't care about getting an A. - or having a dictator.

Why people join groups and teams. Chap 19

-Interpersonal attraction - Similar personalities, socio-economic status, etc. -Group activities - Tennis -Group goals - Joining a union -Need satisfaction - Parents without Partners *Instrumental benefits* -College Students joining -An Accounting Club to -Network + looks good on -resume Notes- -Interpersonal attraction - example Black Employees Network (people that are similar to you). -Instrumental benefits- This is like you join accounting club only because it looks good on your resume. But you don't care about Acct club or what they want to achieve. -Group Activities- Soccer, Golf, etc. -Group Goals- feel like they're going to help you. -Need satisfaction- need in your life. Want to talk to other people. On the exam, why this person joined the team?

Islam and Muslims Chap 6

-Islam is the Religion Practiced by Second Largest # of MUSLIMS Worldwide after Christians. Is based on Teachings of Prophet Mohammed, Sent by Allah (God) to Guide his People. -Why haven't I Included a picture of the Prophet Mohammed? No picture of mohammed because it is not allowed and if you do it/try to do it anyways, they won't take that offense to them lightly. -Observant Muslims Pray 5x a Day Facing the Holy Land of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. -No Pork is Eaten -As a Manager, Business Owner, Why do you need to know this? As a manager (etc) we need to know this because you may have a muslim employee and they might need accommodation (for prayer, don't eat port, etc), avoid a lawsuit. -Islam - Among Beliefs - For Modesty, Women Must Cover Themselves Outside of the Home + Wear Loose Clothing. -Hijab is like a scarf that covers them. -Burqa is a black covering and you can only kinda see their eyes when they wear this. -As a Manager, Business Owner, Why do YOU need to know this? Avoid a lawsuit. You cannot prohibit them from wearing this unless there is a safety concern involved (like working with machinery) but that is not very likely. That might be the exception. Notes- -islam is the name of the religion. -muslims are those who practice this religion.

Leadership TRAITS Approach Chap 17

-Leadership *TRAITS* Approach - Personal, psychological or physical *TRAITS* that differentiate leaders from non-leaders can be used to identify leaders and to predict who will leaders. Traits : *Intelligence, Assertiveness, Above-average Height, Good Vocabulary, Attractiveness, Self Confidence* -Traits theory- states that leaders have power and are leaders based on certain traits they posses.

The nature of leadership - Know for Exam, examples are on pgs. 483-485 Chap 17

-Legitimate power - granted through position in the organization, Authority. Ex: Manager vs. Employee?? -Reward power - power to give or withhold rewards. Ex: Pay raises, Interesting Assignments, etc. -Coercive power - ability to force compliance by psychological, emotional, or physical threat. Ex: Warning, Termination, etc. -Referent power - personal power someone has based on identification, imitation, loyalty, or charisma. Ex: Imitate by dressing alike -Expert power - from the possession of information or expertise. Ex: Co-worker who can fix your computer. Notes- On exam she will describe a situation. -There are 5 types. -Legitimate Power - Like a CEOs. -Coercive power- Ex. Leave without pay. -Referent power- people want to imitate you (like celebs have this power). -Expert power- based on info you posses.

US demographic trends, including rising diversity Chap 6

-More Disabled Workers (after Iraq and Afghanistan wars) -*Increased diversity* due to religious and political beliefs , lifestyles, sexual orientation (LBGT, recent gay marriage legislation) etc. Multicultural Differences -Increasing globalization of business -Immigration patterns affect labor force makeup Notes- -More disabled workers like veterans and people with psychological disabilities.

In what ways are Muslims Diverse?

-Muslims from Indonesia, Bangladesh, Turkey, Somalia, and Guyana. -Some Muslims are religious and attend mosque every week, others are nonpracticing (*practicing, nonpracticing*). Some are dark-skinned, others are light-skinned. Some Muslim women wear a head scarf, or hijab, and others don't.

Organizational Approaches for Managing Diversity and Multiculturalism Chap 6

-Organizational Policies - Mission Statement, Seeks Diversity, Responds to Problems -Organizational Practices- Benefits, Flexible Work Schedules, -Diversity and Multicultural Training -Organizational Culture Notes- -Organizational policies- Write policies, mission statement. These are useless though unless you practice what you preach. -Organizational practices- Benefits, flexible work schedules. Like for women or men (child care taker). Also religious accommodations. -Diversity and multicultural training- More prevalent in larger orgs (costly). -Organizational culture- setting culture. People are welcome and comfy.

Interpersonal Conflict Chap 19

-Personality clash - Dislike -Differing beliefs - How project is to be organized -Competitiveness - 2 employees try to impress boss Notes- Interpersonal Conflict- 2 people or more aren't getting along.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Chap 16

-Physiological- Attending to basic survival and biological functions. (base salary) -Security- Seeking a safe physical and emotional environment. (pension plan) -Belongingness- Experiencing love and affection. (friends at work) -Esteem- Having a positive self-image/self-respect and recognition and respect from others. (job title) -Self-actualization- Realizing one's potential for personal growth and development. (challenging job) Notes- Need to know, 1-2 questions on the Final. -Here is listed from bottom to top. Physiological needs- in life, you don't have food, you don't care about anything else like benefits. You need a fair salary.

Managing Political Behavior Chap 17

-Provide subordinates with autonomy, responsibility, challenge, and feedback to reduce the likelihood of political behavior. -Get disagreements and conflicts out in the open so that subordinates have less opportunity to engage in political behavior. -Clearly communicate the bases and processes for performance evaluation. -Tie rewards directly to performance -Minimize competition among managers for resources.

Optimal level of conflict in an organization: Chap 19

-Too little conflict and the organization becomes complacent and apathetic, and lacking in innovation and underperforms. -Too much conflict creates a dysfunctional organization where hostility and non-cooperation predominate, and suffers from low performance. Ex: Congress? -A moderate level of conflict in an organization fosters motivation, creativity, innovation, and initiative and can raise performance. Notes- Conflict- how much conflict is good? Moderate level is idea. -Too much conflict, nothing gets done. (creates dysfunctional org). Too little conflict- people are complacent.

Camp Bow Wow

1) According to Ch. 17, what is the Difference Between a Manager and a Leader? Manager does the ordinary work. Leader inspires people to go up and beyond. 2) At Camp Bow Wow, how has Heidi's Role shifted away from being a manager to a leader? She had an open door policy (listening to people's wants) but specifically she didn't have to micro-manage anymore, she turned managing (day to day operations) over to others and focused on where brand was going.

The 'Soft Skills' Employers are Looking for

1. According to the LinkedIn profiles studied, what are the Strong "Soft Skills" Employers are Looking for on Resumes? 2. Which one(s) can you add to YOUR Resume as a result of taking this course? -Soft skills (those traits that don't show up in a job posting but are essential for succeeding in the workplace) - Communication, teamwork, punctuality, and critical thinking are in high demand, an analysis of 2.3 million LinkedIn profile shows. -Nearly 58% of employees who touted stellar communication skills were hired over the course of a year, according to an analysist of 2.3 million LinkedIn profiles for The Wall Street Journal. Soft skill communication, at the top of the list for sought after. Followed by organization, teamwork, punctuality, critical thinking, socials skills, creativity, interpersonal communication, adaptability and having a friendly personality. -I will add any skills like communication, organization, and punctuality, working well with others and talking initiative.

Barcelona Restaurant Group 4:33 mins 1 question on Exam

1. Name the controls which Barcelona Restaurant Group uses to minimize costs, ensure food quality and service excellence, maintain financial performance, etc.? -Various cost measures. 8 controls they use. -Meet on Weds, (evaluate performance, review reports during that meeting) -Chart for food costs (food costs is huge part of rest). -Chefs get no bonuses because chefs might get money hungry and lower the quality of the food. They're worried that in order to try to look like they're making money, which they would be making more money, that the chefs would cut the quality of the food and then eventually the customers will go away. Like instead of buying highest quality steak, they buy a low quality stake to make it look like they're making money and the customer will notice and not come back. -General manager is the one who gets the bonus based on performance. -Cost (food)- Mayor expenses, take control and monitor that. -Quizzing a woman manager of bone in or bone out, how much to charge and how much it actually costs, food costs. Because one of the major expenses at restaurants is food costs. And if you're not taking extreme controls and monitoring that, the restaurant isn't making any money. -Secret shoppers- tell the owner their experience. -Anonymous people getting to eat at the restaurant. -They have 7 restaurants, owner was stimulating comp between the restaurants, comparing them so that they would do better. -Video cameras because a lot of times in the food business, food and liquor go out the back door with employees or is wasted. So monitor what's going on.

Living Social

1. Which Needs in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs are MOST important to Living Social Escapes Employees? -They weren't working for big paycheck so no to *safety* and *physiological* needs. They were interacting and making friends on these trips, so yes for *Social*, *Esteem*, and *self actualization* (envision trip and make it on their own). 2. Knowing this, what specific direct or indirect compensation might appeal to these employees? Paid time off (vacation time) is motivational to them. Maybe giving them outdoors gear or apparel as rewards.

Group Chap 19

2 or more who interact regularly to accomplish a common purpose or goal.

Look at all PPs anyways. Here are the "helpful hints" or "to know" or "know at a minimum"

60 questions on exam.

Weaknesses of Budgets Chap 20

>Can hamper operations if applied too rigidly. >Can be time consuming to develop. >Can limit innovation and change.

Conflict Between an Organization and its Environment

>Conflict with competition - Ex: Stole trade secrets >Conflict with consumer groups, Ex: PETA >Conflict with employees - -Based on different perceptions. Ex: Employee feels she deserves a raise, boss does not. Notes- Conflict between an organization and its environment- competitors, consumer groups (Int whole sale fish and seafood, peta protests) Peta is part of the environment in this case.

Strengths of Budgets Chap 20

>Facilitate effective operational controls. >Facilitate coordination and communication between departments. >Establish records of organizational performance, which can enhance planning. >Link plans and control as part of plans and then serving as part of control. Notes- Strengths- you have controls, establish records of performance. Weaknesses- takes time to develop.

Financial Audit

An independent appraisal of an organization's accounting, financial, and operational systems. -External audits -Internal audits Notes- Financial audit- internal vs external. -In condos where she lives, property manager manages budget for building. Building pays outsider once a year to do audit.

Budgetary Control

Budgets- -May be established at any organizational level. -Are typically for one year or less. -May be expressed in financial terms, units of output, or other quantifiable factors. Purposes of budgets- -Help managers coordinate resources and projects. -Help define the established standards for control. -Provide guidelines about resources and expectations. -Enable evaluation of the performance of managers and organizational units. Notes- Help managers control and coordinate resources.

Sample Questions

Correct answers are in *bold* *Chap 6* -When a groups member differ from each other based on age or gender, this is *diversity*. -Which is not a reason for rising diversity? Globalization, legislation, change in demographics, *International travel.* -Princeton church has White, Japanese, Ecuadorean, African American patrons. They are *Diverse*. -Which is not a reason median age of workers is increasing? Better access to health care (living longer), aging baby boomers, declining births, *younger workers attending college*. -The gender related prob that many orgs face today is called *Glass Ceiling*. -Which of the following ethic groups is expected to experience a drop in percentage of workers? *Whites*. -Prospective employees searching for employment at Merrill Lynch can see equal opportunity statement. This is an example of *organizational policies*. -Schools in New Jersey are closed during Rosh Hashanah, Christmas, and Easter. *Organizational practices* (actually practice what they declare). -At a meeting last week, Steve had to pretend to be a woman. This is part of *Diversity training*. -Holiday casinos provide foreign language training for employees who will come into contact with customers who don't speak English. *Diversity Training*. *Chap 16* -Performance is determined by ability, motivation, environmental (tools, script, phone, etc). -Mazlow's heirarchy of needs, Walmart rewards high performing employees with a chance to model on sales flyers. Meets associates *Esteem*. -GM announced it's going to increase pay of entry level employees. Remember pay is *Physiological*. -What theory of motivation is based on idea employees compare inputs and outputs to those of other persons to see if they're being treated fairly? *Equity* (you think its fair or not). -Selecting a student for gifted and talented program. *Positive reinforcement*. -Sexual harassment policy spell out the consequences for violation of the rules. *Avoidance* (avoid consequences so won't violate the rules). -Teresa constantly loses her phone, her colleagues are tired of helping her so they use *extinction* to stop her behavior by not entertaining it. -Firefighters work 24 hr shifts 8 times a month, this is *compressed work schedules*. *Chap 17* -Which is not a type of power? Legitimate, *empathetic*, coercive, referent, expert, reward. -FB's CEO struck a deal with Spotify's CEO, as CEOs they have *Legitimate power*. -What type of power do leaders have if they are able to offer incentives to employees? *Reward Power*. -Jason uses reprimands (fines, demotions, warnings, terminations). *Coercive power*. -Charismatic leadership is closely linked with *referent power* (remember like celebrities people want to imitate). -Don has PhD in Psychology, he works as an executive coach. He has *expert power*. -Bill is a good man, he inspires loyalty, and has high moral standards. He has *referent power* (some people want to be like him) xD hehehe. -Mika was promoted to manager based on self confidence and intelligent. She has *leadership traits*. (Intelligence, Assertiveness, Above-average Height, Good Vocabulary, Attractiveness, Self Confidence) *Chap 19* -A group created by org to accomplish a # of purposes for an *indefinite time* period is: Informal, *functional*, task group, an interest group. Ex. like a Marketing, Acct group. -Seamons reorganized its structure, planning this change were numbers from human resources, planning, communications, and operations. After the changes were implemented, the group disbands. This is a : functional group, informal group, *task group*, quality circle. -Which of the following statements is correct about interest groups? They have goals that are consistent with the organization's goals, they have a specific time frame, *they are not formed by the organization*, they will go away if ignored. (remember, tennis, after work bar, lunch groups) -Craft brought together representatives from operations, marketing, and finance to asses the success of a new product. What kind of group did Craft create? Functional, Interest, *Task*, Informal. -HR has 4 people in 4 different locations interview applicants. Each of these 4 people posts their comments on an internal blog picking their candidate for the position. This is an: interest group, *a virtual team*, a functional team, a quality circle. -Mona joined the united auto workers because she thinks they will negotiate a *pay increase*. She joined because of group activities, *group goals*, needs satisfaction, all of the above. -Drew joined a group supporting literacy because he know a teacher in the group is good looking and he wants to meet her. Which of the following is Drew's primary reason for joining the group *Instrumental benefits* -Oscar is volunteering at a food bank, he does it because it makes he feel better about himself when he spends time helping others. Which of the following reasons explain why he's joining this group? *Needs Satisfaction*. -Rodolfo is trying to stay ahead of a major project at work, he's also coach of his daughter's soccer team, and a member of the church choir. He finds little time to sleep. He is experiencing: *Role overload* -Norms are: a group's future role, a group leader's identity, *what is expected of members*, the progression of a groups dynamic. -In the last department Anne worked in, people could take extra time during work breaks without other members of the group saying anything. In her new department, if she takes extra time, her coworkers are likely to make negative remarks when she gets back to her desk. From the new groups point of view, this example deals with: *norm conformity*, norm generalization, norm variation, norm attribution. *(they expect her to conform in this new group, to engage in norm conformity)* -Which of the following should increase the cohesiveness of a sales force? A sales contest between individual member of the sales team, *a sales contest between the sales team and a sales team in another division*, an increase in the size of the sales team to 30 members, hiring a sales person who will dominate and tell them what to do. -A person who engages in leadership but has not been formally appointed to do so is: an *informal leader* (someone emerges and sort of becomes the leader because they have expert power or referent power). *Chap 20* -The benefit of control is? Determine whether organization should be at some point in the future, *asses organizational performance relative to a desired goal*, determine how to structure the organization, get employees to work towards organization goals. (remember we have to set the goal but then asses how we're doing against that goal). -Army helicopter pilots follow a pre-flight check list because small things here and there can add up to a disaster in the air. This illustrates: organizational complexity, how changing conditions are influenced by innovation, *why control is necessary to reduce the accumulation of errors*. -Income statements, balance sheets, and audits are all examples of the control of: physical resources, human resources, *financial resources*, organizational complexity. -At Sony Pictures, user data was stolen by hackers. This is an example for the need for what kind of control: Financial, *information*, human, strategic. (they need some mechanisms in place to make sure this doesn't happen). -The last step in the control process is to: establish standards, *determine the need for corrective action*, compare performance against standards, measure performance. -iphones are notorious for cracked screens, when a customer brings one into a istore, the employee checks the customer records and may replace the screen for free. Which step in the control process does this represent? Measuring performance, *taking corrective action*, performing performance to standard, establishing performance standards. (there is a prob and we need to correct it) -A _____ is a financial statement that lists all the org's assets and liabilities at a *given point in time*. *Balance Sheet* -A financial statement that represents a picture of the org's financial performance *over a period of time* as opposed to a single point in time is an *income statement*. -Initially Cali Closets tried limit employee access to FB, however when FB became part of the company's communication strategy, Cali Closets relented and allowed employees to access FB. When the employees were unhappy initially because they thought the restriction was unreasonable, it was due to: lack of accountability, inappropriate focus, *over control*, inefficiency. GOOD LUCK

The Importance of Motivation in the Workplace Chap 16

Determinants of Individual Performance - KNOW -*Motivation*—the desire to do the job. -*Ability*—the capability to do the job. -*Work environment*—*the resources to do the job.* (script, phone, etc).

Multiculturalism (Many Cultures) Chap 6

Differences in values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and Attitudes held by people in different cultures.

Evo (sporting) Video Discussion

EVO Sells to such countries as Bahrain, Turkey, Bali, and Japan. What actions do you suggest to Help EVO to Embrace Diversity and Multiculturalism and its larger global marketplace? -Being online means they are already global. 5% of business happens outside of US. -They buy, sell, invest in (global). Actions to embrace diversity and multiculturalism. -They're not open from 8pm to 7pm. Having better international hours will definitely help them. Maybe having diverse workers to communicate with international shoppers. -Having employees from diff countries to help them understand the market place of those places. -Use the color red more for China, etc.

Informal Leaders Chap 19

Engage in leadership activities but their right to do so is not formally recognized by the organization or group. Draw on *referent or expert power* to establish themselves as leaders. Notes- Informal leaders- no one appointed but one person emerges as leader. Expert power- particularly good at putting slides together, or are nice and charismatic.

Cohesiveness Chap 19

Extent to which members are loyal and committed to the group, Work Well Together. Notes- Cohesiveness- *how well people work together*.

Is Xenophobia new to the U.S.? Which Ethnic/Religious groups have/are experienced Xenophobia?

German-Americans were targeted when the US declared war on Germany is World War I, Russian and Eastern European immigrants were looked on with suspicion after the Bolshevik Revolution during the first Red Scare, and Japanese-Americans were rounded up into internment camps after the attack on Pearl Harbor. -Ignorance also makes people vulnerable to hate speech by demagogues and fearmongers - whether about Catholics in the 1920s, Jews in the 1930s or Muslims today. -Ethnic groups target of mass suspicions or prejudice in the past; Native Americans, African salves and African-Americans, Irish Immigrants, German immigrants, Chinese immigrants, Italian immigrants, Catholic immigrants, Russian and Eastern European immigrants, Jewish immigrants, Japanese immigrants, and Mexican immigrants.

Characteristics of Goals Chap 16

Goal *difficulty* - Extent to which a goal is challenging and requires effort. -People work harder to achieve more difficult goals. -Goals should be *difficult but attainable*. Goal *specificity* -Clarity and precision of the goal. -Goals vary in their ability to be stated specifically.

Formal Leaders Chap 19

Have been elected or designated to engage in leadership activities by the group members or have been formally appointed or recognized by the organization as the leader for the group. Notes- Formal leaders- org has appointed.

Team Chap 19

Is a form of a task group and is an interdependent group of workers who function as a unit, often with little or no supervision, to carry out work-related tasks, functions, and activities. Teams are also called: Self-managed teams Cross-functional teams High performance teams

Role Structures Chap 19

Is the set of defined roles and interrelationships among those roles that the group or team members define and accept.

Reinforcement in Organizations Chap 16

Kinds of Reinforcement -Positive Reinforcement -Avoidance -Punishment -Extinction Notes- 1-2 questions. -Positive- thanks, great jobs. -Avoidance- trying to escape unpleasant situations, like rushing to get to work on time to avoid boss getting mad and screaming at you. -Punishment- Punishing some one for doing something wrong. -Extinction-Getting rid of behavior by not giving positive feed bad, ignoring it. Like if a worker says a lot of dirty jokes and you don't like them and don't want to hear them anymore, you don't laugh at them and hopefully the worker stops.

Leadership Versus Management - Know the difference for Exam Chap 17

Leadership- -Establishing direction and vision for the organization. (creating an agenda) -Aligning people through communications and actions that provide direction. (developing a human network for achieving the agenda) -Motivating and inspiring by satisfying needs. (executing plans) -Produces useful change and new approaches to challenges. (outcomes) Management- -Planning and budgeting, allocating resources. (creating an agenda) -Organizing and staffing, structured and monitoring implementation. (developing a human network for achieving the agenda) -Controlling and problem solving. (executing plans) -Produces predictability and order and attains results. (outcomes) Notes- 1-2 Qs on Test. -Diff between management vs leadership. -Management means getting things done in an ordinary fashion, can still accomplish goals. -Leadership kicks it up a notch, inspires people to do more ( go up and beyond).

What is Political Behavior? Chap 17

Notes- Political - employees put their own self needs above those of the organization.

Role Conflict (disruptions in roles) Chap 19

Occurs when messages of the role are contradictory. Ex: Work vs. FAU Class Responsibilities. Notes- -Role Conflict- Two rules are conflicting with each other.

Role overload (disruptions in roles) Chap 19

Occurs when role expectations exceed an individual's capacities. Ex: Work Full Time, Attend FAU Full Time, Raise a Family. Notes- -Role Overload- Too much, roles are just too much.

Role Ambiguity (disruptions in roles) Chap 19

Occurs when the role is unclear. Ex: If I Assigned a project and gave you no instructions. Notes- -Ambiguous means unclear.

Sources of Resistance to Control

Overcontrol, Inappropriate focus, rewards for inefficiency, too much accountability ->Control Notes- -Overcontrol- micromanaging (then feel nothing can be accomplished). -Inappropriate focus- goals to open accts were so high and unrealistic that associates were opening fake accounts. -Job as a leader is to overcome resistance.

Type of Team Chap 19

Problem-solving team- Most popular type of team; comprises knowledge workers who gather to solve a specific problem and then disband. Management team- Consists mainly of managers from various functions like sales and production; coordinates work among other teams. Work team- An increasingly popular type of team; work teams are responsible for the daily work of the organization; when empowered, they are self-managed teams. Virtual team- A newer type of work team whose members interact in a virtual arena; members enter and leave the network as needed and may take turns serving as leader. Quality circle- Declining in popularity, quality circles, comprising workers and supervisors, meet intermittently to discuss workplace problems. Notes- -Remember *work teams* like the Harley Davidson in TN. -Virtual teams- not physically in the same location (so via comp, internet, virtual conference).

Role Chap 19

The part a person plays in helping the group reach its goals.

Diversity Chap 6

When members of a group differ from one another along dimensions such as age, gender, or ethnicity.

Glass Ceiling Chap 6

an unofficially acknowledged barrier to advancement in a profession, especially affecting women and members of minorities.

Intrinsic rewards Chap 16

are outcomes internal to the individual (e.g., self-esteem and feelings of accomplishment).

Extrinsic rewards Chap 16

are outcomes set and awarded by external parties (e.g., pay and promotions).


is a fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners. intense or *irrational dislike or fear* of people from other countries.

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