MANA 4340

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At the personal level, what kind of questions are asked?

"Should I cheat, tell the professor?" "Should I download music, cable, etc?"

Another term for the Golden Rule is -

"The ethic of reciprocity"

What are the main two factors of concern in management and control of global operations?

1. Organizational structure/design 2. Human resource management


A business's technological environment represents the total set of technology based advancements or progress taking place in society

Few applications of biotechnology will come in the fields of -


One of the primary reasons that companies check up on their employees is -

Availability of technology

Define conventional ethics

Based on how common, everyday society views business ethics today. Based on ordinary, common sense and prevailing practice.

What are the ways the concepts of right and wrong are increasingly being interpreted today?

Business ethics

What is the key operating question of immoral management?

Can we make money with this action?

Developing internet policies, helping their companies avoid consumer litigation, and handling consumer complaints are all functions of a -

Chief Primary Officer (CPO)


Chief Privacy Officers (CPOs) are now primarily using narrow, legal compliance approach to privacy issues

One of the most serious invasion of privacy issues with respect to e-commerce is -

Collection and use of personal information

What are the Ten Commandments of computer ethics?

Commandments set by the Computer ethics institute

Define normative ethics and what question does it answer?

Concerned with supplying and justifying a coherent moral system of thinking and judging. "What ought to be" or "what should be"

Decisions about ethical situations often present -

Conflict of interest

How are ethical issues at the organizational level played out?

Confront people in their roles as managers or employees

The re-equipment for an MNC to take on local partners is referred to as?

Creeping expropriation


Cultural differences between an MNC's home country and its host country sometimes make it difficult to distinguish between cultural issues and ethical issues.

Ethical theories that focus on duties are called -

Deontological theories


Descriptive ethics is concerned with studying and describing the morality of a particular group.

"Access" in e-commerce ethics refers to -

Difference in computer access between the rich and the poor

Public opinion polls regarding business ethics are -

Difficult to assess because the media keeps ethics scandals in the public eye.

What are the types of justice mentioned in the textbook?

Distributive justice, compensatory justice, procedural justice (ethical due process)

What are the most intensely monitored employee activities?

Email and internet usage


Employers' monitoring of workers is not limited to their use of computers and the internet

Which of the following are undesirable side effects to technology?

Environmental pollution

teleological theories

Focus on the consequences or results of the actions they produce


Immoral management implies that decision makers know right from wrong but choose to do wrong.

Technology has benefited society in all of the following EXCEPT -

Improving the sustainability of life on Earth


Individual managers, through ethical leadership do not have a direct effect on business ethics at the societal and global levels.

Reasons to use the golden rule as an ethical principal include all of the following EXCEPT -

It is a uniquely Christian principle

Lawrence Kohlberg's model of moral development includes of the -

Levels of preconventional, conventional, postconventional (EXCEPT law and order morality)

Define phishing

Luring computer users with convincing bait into revealing private data


Lying is one of the types of misconduct most observed by workers.

Define Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Makes it illegal for a representative of an American corporation to offer or pay officials of American governments for the purpose of getting or maintaining business.

One of the most powerful ethical tests is the test of -

Making something public (disclosure rule)

One of the primary functions of corporate governance is -

Monitory by the corporate board of directors of the top executives, oversight of senior managers

What is the difference in moral rights and legal rights?

Moral rights - important, justifiable claims or entitlements. Legal rights - a claim recognized by the law

Define off shoring

Moving jobs that have historically resided in the home country to a lower cost host country.


One of the ethical issues that is exacerbated by operating an underdeveloped country is that the host nation's citizens often do not understand the technology being used nor do they recognize its potential dangers.

What is the most challenging situation that an MNC would have to face?

Operating in less developed countries.


Over one half of the world's economies are not nation states, but are MNCs (multinational corporation)

Quid Pro Quo

Payment of bribe implies some type of

Which of the following is the most basic assumption we make in discussing personal and managerial ethics?

People want to behave ethically

To resolve infant formula controversy, Nestle agreed to do all of the following EXCEPT -

Providing purified water with formula.

Define corporate transparency

Refers to the quality, characteristic or state in which activities, processed, practices and decisions that take place in companies become open or visible to the outside world

Kant's categorical imperative emphasizes all of the following concepts -

Respect for person, universalizability, duty (except Virtues)


Society's moral climate does not have a direct impact on organizational ethics.

In order to be viewed as legitimate in their host countries, MNCs must fulfill their social responsibilities EXCEPT which one?

Technological functions

Define technological intoxication

Technology blurs the vision and judgement of people

What is not regarded as an argument in support of bribery?

The argument that it is a way of providing needy foreigners with the money they need.

Teleological theories focus on -

The consequences or the results of the actions they produce

Define ethics

The discipline that deals with moral duty and obligation

Public opinion polls regarding business ethics are affected by what influences?

The economy and the unique experiences of those using social networking at work.


The ethical principle of justice is a deontological theory.


The ethical tests approach is considered a more pragmatic approach than the principles approach to ethics.

Unlike other ethical principles, virtue ethics focuses on -

The individual becoming imbued with virtues, the individual becoming virtuous

What is a main issue related to Genetically Modified Foods? (GMFs)

The labeling requirements companies do


The major questions related to the conventional approach to business ethics are "Whose norms do we use?" and "What norms are prevailing?"


The majority of Americans think that morality is worse than it was fifty years ago.

What is the most basic moral question involved in stem cell research?

The moral status of a human embryo, the product of sperm and egg, and what constitutes a human being.


The most visible issues in the US related to globalization is moving jobs overseas.

Ethical leadership is founded on two pillars. These are -

The perceptions of the manager both as a moral person and as a moral manager

Define internationalization

The process by which firms increase their awareness of the influence of international activities on their future and establish and conduct transactions with firms from other countries.


The real danger in the debate over embryonic stem cell research is the tendency to treat the cells as 'property'


The revolution in biotechnology is a result of DNA research


The tolerance of moral disagreement and ambiguity is simply an extension of a managerial aptitude that is present in practically all decision making-situations.

ethical imperialism

This position holds that the MNC should continue to follow its home country's ethical standards even while operating in another country.

Managers who simply fail to consider moral questions when making business decisions use the -

Unintentional amoral management model

What are the central questions to the meaning of ethics?

What is the nature of practice that occurred? What are prevailing norms? What are the value judgments being made? What is that person's perception of ethical norms?

Define strategies for improving global business ethics

a. Create global codes of conduct b. Link ethics with global strategy c. Suspension of business activities in certain countries d. Create ethical impact statements and audits

What does the Alien Tort Claims Act allow?

a. Efforts to sue transnational corporations for violations of international law in countries outside the U.S. b. Efforts by foreign individuals to sue U.S. firms in U.S. courts for the actions of their companies abroad

Define the characteristics of sweatshops.

a. The use of cheap labor in developing countries b. Characterized by child labor, low pay, poor working conditions, worker exploitation, and health and safety violations

The top factor in managers' unethical behaviors is consistently cited as -

behaviors of superiors

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