Management 3306 Ch. 9

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_____ is employees' beliefs that requisite job performance will be rewarded by the organization. Valence Expectancy Instrumentality Utility


The motivation triangle includes _____. selection organization design culture organization development


Which of the following is NOT true? More companies are using pay systems based upon individual, group, and organization performance. Workers with high security needs may accept lower pay if they come in a package that is stable. Workers may need higher pay to stay and perform in a company that uses at-risk pay plan. Companies are moving back to entitlement-oriented pay to reduce turnover.

Companies are moving back to entitlement-oriented pay to reduce turnover

Which of the following theories states that people choose the behavior that leads to the greatest reward? Maslow's need theory Expectancy theory Herzberg's two-factor theory Goal-setting theory

Expectancy theory

_____ theory states that success-sharing plans will be motivating, whereas at-risk plans will be demotivating. Equity Expectancy and agency Herzberg's two-factor Agency

Herzberg's two-factor

When identifying what is important to employees, which theory would be most useful? Expectancy theory Equity theory Maslow's need theory Agency theory

Maslow's need theory

_____ is an individual level form of performance pay. Risk sharing Gain sharing Merit bonus Success sharing

Merit bonus

There is evidence that every 10 percent increase in the bonus paid to employees by a firm yields a _____ percent increase in ROA to the firm. 1 1.5 5 15


Most experts agree that employees do not begin to consider changing their behaviors unless payouts are at least _____ percent higher. 5 8 20 10


Droppiece Inc. is a company that provides more performance-based pay and less base pay than its competitors. Who among the following is most likely to join Droppiece? George, a recently married man who wants a stable income Stella, a recent college graduate who loves to take on a challenge Mark, a musician who wants to supplement his income Sara, a senior citizen who wants a job only to keep herself busy

Stella, a recent graduate who loves to take on a challenge

According to research, which of the following is NOT one of the most important factors for employees influencing their pay systems? Team-based pay Changes in cost of living Pay at market rate Seniority

Team-based pay

_____ is the value employees attach to the organization rewards offered for satisfactory job performance. Equity Instrumentality Valence Reinforcement


All of the following EXCEPT _____ require periodically re-earning the added pay. success-sharing plans merit bonuses profit-sharing plans cost-of-living increases


According to the _____ theory, relative pay is important as employees evaluate their pay-effort balance in comparison to other employees. equity expectancy agency reinforcement


When employee performance is easily measured and the organization's performance is fairly stable over time, the most effective type of compensation is to offer _____. a large base pay and low-incentive pay a variety of rewards in addition to base pay a variety of rewards with significant incentive pay monetary rewards with large incentives

monetary rewards with large incentives

Available evidence indicates managers believe the most important factor for pay increases is _____. experience nature of the job seniority performance


When pay is based on individual performance, turnover tends to be highest among _____. poor performers good performers single women with children ethnic minorities

poor performers

The ability triangle includes _____. selection performance management compensation organization development


Company X pays for performance. Allan, an employee of the company, is not in favor of this reward system and, therefore, leaves Company X in search of another company with different rules for getting rewards. This is an example of the: design effect. compensation effect. sorting effect. incentive effect.

sorting effect

The most obvious sorting factor is _____. seniority ability experience educational qualification


When a company moves from an individual incentive plan to a group incentive plan, the company is most likely to experience _____. higher turnover among high performers an increase in instrumentality higher turnover among poor performers an increase in perceived equity

higher turnover among high performers

Grabhouse Inc. is experiencing an increase in turnover rates of its top employees. Upon consulting with its managers for the reasons for this increase, Grabhouse finds that employees are uneasy with the current pay mix as it involves too many risky elements. In order to make its pay mix less risky, Grabhouse needs to: increase the base pay component of its pay mix. introduce a profit-sharing plan to its pay mix. introduce a risk-sharing plan to its pay mix. increase the merit bonus component of its pay mix.

increase the base pay component of its pay mix

_____ theory argues that performance-based pay is the optimal compensation choice for complex jobs, where monitoring employee performance is difficult. Reinforcement Goal-setting Agency Expectancy


Which of the following is an example of the sorting effect in action? An employee leaving a high-paying job for one that provides more work/life balance The provision of across-the-board pay increases by a company The provision of cost-of-living increases by a company An employee choosing fewer incentives in his flexible compensation plan

An employee leaving a high-paying job for one that provides more work/life balance

When an organization's performance has regular and large swings and individual performance is unclear and hard to measure, the most effective compensation mix is to offer _____. a base pay with low incentives and a variety of rewards monetary rewards with large incentives a large base pay and low-incentive pay a wide range of rewards and significant incentives

a base pay with low incentives and a variety of rewards

When an organization's performance has frequent highs and lows, but individual performance is fairly stable, and performance measures are clear, the most effective compensation mix is to offer _____. a base pay with low incentives and a variety of rewards monetary rewards with large incentives a large base pay and low-incentive pay a wide range of rewards and significant incentives

a large base pay and low-incentive pay

A person with low self-esteem is likely to seek _____. a small, hierarchical organization with pay plans based upon individual performance a flat organization with a significant amount of pay based upon performance a small organization with large benefits based on group performance a large, decentralized organization with little performance-based pay

a large, decentralized organization with little performance-based pay

When employee performance measures are ambiguous and vary from time to time, but the organization's performance is fairly stable over time, the most effective type of compensation is to offer _____. a large base pay and low-incentive pay an increase in base pay a variety of rewards with significant incentive pay monetary rewards with no benefits

a variety of rewards with significant incentive pay

The corporate performance of Yellow Corp. is fairly stable. However, it is difficult to measure individual performance. In this case, the most effective compensation mix is to offer _____. a high base pay with high incentives monetary rewards alone a large base pay and low-incentive pay a wide range of awards beyond just money

a wide range of awards beyond just money

The amount of fairness given to employees refers to _____. total justice quantitative justice procedural justice distributive justice

distributive justice

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