Management Ch 13

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virtual team

a new type of work team that interacts by computer; members leave the network as needed and may take turns serving as leader

work team

an increasingly popular type of team; work teams are responsible for the daily work of the organization; when empowered, they are self-managed teams

resolving and eliminating conflict

avoid conflict, convince conflicting parties to compromise, bring conflicting parties together to confront and negotiate conflict

intergroup conflict

conflict between two or more organization groups

interrole conflict

conflict between two roles; may occur when the person gets conflicting demands from different sources within the context of the same role

inter organizational conflict

conflict that arrises between one organization and another

interpersonal conflicts

conflicts between two or more individuals is almost certain to occur in any organization

management team

consists mainly of managers from various functions like sales and production; coordinates work among other teams


consists of two ore more people who interact regular to accomplish a common purpose or goal

quality circle

declining in popularity; comprising workers and supervisors who meet intermittently to discuss workplace problems

controlling conflict

expand resource base, enhance coordination of interdependence, set superordinate goals, match personalities and work habits of employees

stimulating conflict

increase competition among individuals and teams, hire outsiders to shake things up, change established procedures

problems solving teams

most popular; comprises knowledge workers who gather to solve a specific problem and then disband

managing conflict

not always a bad thing and can lead to growth and better informed decisions within an organization if it is handled cordially and cohesively

intrasender conflict

occurs when a single source sends clear but contradictory messages

person-role conflict

results from a discrepancy between the role requirements and the individuals personal values, attitudes and needs

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