Management Ch 2

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In order to achieve enormous savings of time and effort, the Gilbreths' goal was to maximize ______ in how individual tasks were being performed across tasks.


The organizational environment refers to how managers control their organization's relationship with its ______ environment.


Fayol suggested that workers be given more ______ in order to counteract the boredom that many workers feel arising from too much specialization.

Job duties

When managers study the relationships between people and tasks so that they can redesign the work process to increase efficiency, they are using ______ management.


Which theory is a set of positive assumptions about workers that leads to the conclusion that a manager's task is to create an environment that encourages commitment to organizational goals and provides opportunities for workers to be imaginative and to exercise initiative and self-direction?

Theory Y

The concept of ______ is important in an organization as it encourages employees and managers to engage in comradeship by communicating with each other to solve problems and implement solutions.

esprit de corps

Which theory suggests that managers should closely supervise employees to maintain control over the worker's behaviors and minimize worker's control over the pace of work?

Theory X

Unity of ______ results in an effective organization where activities are focused and individuals and groups have a unified plan for using organizational resources.


What is the theory of management that examines how to create an organizational structure and control system that results in an organization that is highly efficient and effective?


The power to hold people accountable for their actions and to make decisions concerning the use of organizational resources is called ______.


The Hawthorne studies looked at the importance of the interaction between managers and employees and how their relationships impact employee performance. To look at a company as a whole and consider the factors that impact how individuals as well as groups respond is called organizational __________________


What is the study of how managers should behave for motivating employees, encouraging them to perform at high levels, and committing to achieving organizational goals?

Behavioral management

_______ is a formal system of organization and administration designed to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.


The idea that organizational structures and control systems are chosen based on characteristics of the external environment is a characteristic of _______ theory.


A system of small workshops run by skilled workers who produced hand-manufactured products was called ______.

Crafts Production

True or false: In an organic structure, supervisors make all important decisions, and employees are supervised closely and follow well-designed rules and standard operating procedures. In contrast, in a mechanistic structure, authority is decentralized and managers are encouraged to take responsibility to act quickly to pursue scarce resources.


True or false: The Gilbreths' goal was to make employees work harder for longer hours so that gains across tasks would add up to enormous savings of time and effort.


True or false: A system that takes in resources from its external environment and converts them into goods and services that are then sent back to that environment for purchase by customers is a closed system.

False; open

Which theorist proposed that employees with knowledge and expertise, not managers' formal authority deriving from their position in the hierarchy, should decide who will lead at any particular moment?


If a manager heaps praise on an employee for a job well done, and the employee's work continues to improve, what effect could this be attributed to?


What study suggests that workers' attitudes toward their managers affect the level of workers' performance?

Hawthorne Effect

Which of the following are mathematical techniques often utilized in quantitative management? (Choose all that apply.)

Modeling Nonlinear programming Linear programming Chaos theory Queuing theory

What type of management gives managers a set of techniques so they can analyze an organization's production system and increase efficiency?


A mechanistic structure is designed to operate in a stable environment with centralized authority. In contrast, a(n) ______ structure is designed to operate in an environment that is changing rapidly wherein the individual, team, or department best suited to control the situation has decision-making authority.


The set of forces and conditions that are external to an organization's boundaries, but that affect a manager's ability to purchase and use resources is referred to as the ______ environment.


_________ structure is the system of task and authority relationships that controls how employees use resources to achieve the organization's goals.


The study of the factors that have an impact on how individuals and groups respond to and act in organizations is known as ______.

Organizational behavior

What is the system of task and authority relationships that controls how employees use resources to achieve organizational goals?

Organizational structure

What are the two factors that are examined in the administrative management theory when trying to create an organization that is highly efficient and effective?

Organizational structure and control systems

Rank the following theories of management from the oldest to the most recent, with the oldest theory at the top.

Scientific management, Administrative management, behavioral management theory, Management science theory, organizational environment Theory

To determine who would be the best person work on a market analytics project to facilitate a company-wide re-branding initiative, Lauren secretly timed and recorded how long it took three of her staff to complete a mini-analytics project before deciding to whom she would assign the project. What tool was Lauren using?

She was using the time-and-motion-study.

An organization that lacks a unity of direction does not have a(n) ______ plan, which, according to Fayol, leads to an organization that is inefficient, ineffective, unfocused, and working at cross-purposes.


Fayol was the first to point out the downside of _________.


Job ______ is the process by which a division of labor occurs as different workers specialize in different tasks over time.


Management science theory is really an extension of whose theory of management that relied on measuring worker tasks to improve efficiency?


True or false: Rules are the formal written instructions that specify actions to be taken, whereas the standard operating procedure specifies exactly how the action is to be done.


Mechanistic structures typically rest on Theory _______ assumptions and organic structures typically rest on Theory ______ assumptions.


Management science theory is an approach to management that uses rigorous ______ techniques to help managers make maximum use of organizational resources.


According to contingency theory, the characteristics of the organizational environment affect: (Choose all that apply.)

the type of control system chosen. how managers lead and motivate their employees. how managers design the organizational hierarchy.

Carefully timing and recording the actions taken to perform a particular task is known as ______.

time-and-motion studies

Behavioral management is the study of how managers should personally behave: (Choose all that apply.)

to motivate employees to be committed to organizational goals. to encourage employees to perform at high levels.

Fayol's principle of equity addresses ______.

treating all members of the organization with respect

Fayols' principle of ______ states that all organizational members are entitled to justice, impartiality, and fairness.


What is it called when managers encourage staff to develop comradeships as a result of their common goals, and when managers bond with each other as they solve organizational problems?

Esprit de corps

Authority gives managers the power to make decisions regarding resources, both human and inanimate; however, it does not always hold managers accountable for themselves.


Mary Parker Follett proposed that authority should go with ______, not necessarily with the managers because of their position.


When there are systematic relationships between people and tasks with the result being an improved work process with maximum efficiency, this exemplifies _______.

Scientific Management

______ focuses on matching people and tasks to maximize efficiency.

Scientific Management

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