Management Chapter 1

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self awareness

-authentic commo sense: over resilience on hindsight (lacks bison for future) , lack of rigor (unlikely to define problem accurately), lack of objectivity(overly subjective and like a basis in science)

three step approach

-define the problem in terms of desired outcomes -identify potentiometer causes using OB concepts and theories: test causes by asking why or how this cause the problem -make recommendations and if appropriate take action: map recommendations into causes


-difference or gap between and actual and a desired state of outcome problem solving- systematic process for closing these gaps


-performance give me crediblity -apply diff motivational tools, provide constructive feedback, develops lead predictive teams, understand and manage organizational culture and change *class= increase employee performance

OB attempts to overcome elements of using common sense hindsight lack of objectivity

Does not settle for traditional opinions of other solutions is better based on systematic science-based approach which makes us more attractive to potential employers and more effective employee imperial data/rigorous research measurable can be a replica can be replicated peer reviewed

Right versus wrong ethics in my performance

Ethics is concerned with behavior right wrong and how many shades of green in between an ethical behavior that has many forms and causes the vast majority of unethical conduct at work is not legal and ethical conduct negatively affects the individual targets the perpetrator coworkers entire organization's employees often encounter ethical dilemmas or situation which none of the potential solutions or ethically acceptable whistleblowers overly protected an offer suffer substantial emotional and professional cost

hard skills equal technical skills soft skills equal people skills personal attributes and interpersonal skills portable

Global strategy group study equals employers top three most sought after skills equals problem-solving, collaboration, critical thinking

The value of OB to my job in career

Inter-disciplinary and apply feel that involve managing the behaviors of individuals/groups/teams and organizations the benefit of OB are based on the contingency approach which is the best and most effective approach requires us to apply the knowledge and tools appropriate to get in situation rather than relying on one solution self-awareness is critically important to both applying the contingency approach in achieving short term and long term success at work and school OB helps to and Hance your attractiveness to employees who want employees with both hard and soft skills OB is far more than common sense common sense has limits and inherit pitfalls in OB knowledge and skills help you avoid the outcome

how can I use knowledge OB to enhance my job performance and career

OB= organizational behavior -interdisciplinary field understanding and managing how people work -draws from: anthropology economics ethics management organizational theory political science psychology sociology statistics vocational counseling -influence, get along with, manager, and get things down through

The person situation distinction

OK concepts and theories can be classified into two broad categories person factors in situation factors the person situation distinction is fundamental to OB knowledge and application

The basic version of the organizing

The basic version of the organizing framework The foundation of the organizing framework is a system model where in inputs influence outcomes through process the personal situation factors are inputs we've organized processes and outcomes into the three levels of OB individual group/team and organizational

The organizing framework for understanding and implying OB

The organizing framework is a tour that helps you organize understand and apply your knowledge to solve problems the systems approach inputs processes outcome is the basis of the organizing framework person and environmental factors are and put in the processes and outcomes on organized into individual group/team and organizational levels organizing framework is extremely valuable when I hired to the three-step problem-solving approach it helps you to find problems identified the cost and generate recommendations

Structure and rigor and problem solve

The person situation distinction is a fundamental way to organize understand and apply OB concepts her some factors are the many characteristics that give individuals their unique identity is situational factors consist of all the elements outside ourselves that influence what we do you the way we do it in the ultimate result of your actions

Applying OB to problem solving

The problem is a difference or Gabbi tween a current and desired outcome or state problem-solving is a systematic means for closing such different workouts the three-step problem-solving approach defined the problem useless OB concepts and theories to understand the causes of the problem and makes recommendations and action plans to solve the problem

Preview an application of what you will learn

The three step problem-solving approach is a simple and effective way to players rowing knowledge of OB concepts and tools the fully populated organizing framework is an excellent preview of the breath depth and practical knowledge he will gain during this course a high particle scenario illustrates how rigorous and structured problem-solving generate greater accuracy and success

ethical dilemmas equal no perfect solution not always appear choice between right and wrong places people in an uncomfortable position most people working in organizations are good with peoples good interactions ethics are not always being bags it's about being human questions does everyone cheat or only son

What causes an ethical behavior equals an ethical business conceived goals, motivated blindness, indirect five minutes, the slippery slope, overvaluing outcomes, when's personal motivation to perform, pressure from a supervisor, or word system that insane bad behavior, and putting his perception of no consequences for crossing the line

what is social capital equals seductive potential resulting from relationships, trust, property of effort, goodwill

attic sequel is easy to know what is ethical,, most importantly do we know what is a nautical ethics is primarily concerned with right versus wrong, good versus bad, and the mini shades of gray in between

four most desirable skills by employees

critical thinking problem solving judgment and decision making active listening

using the organizing framework for problem-solving

define the problem, identify causes, make recommendations

what you want in employees

do good job show up can count on cannwork w other and groups cimmumicate ethical

I Tats are important because employees are confronted with ethical challenges throughout their careers and ethical behavior damages relationships making it difficult to conduct business I'm not a copy Haviar reduces crop ration, loyalty, performance

done unethical= illegal an ethics call acts or not necessarily illegal can't rely on the legal system to assure contact at work is ethical


elevator pitch: in elevator finish strong: restate best perpare for situational questions make your research social dont trip up on the money


guides behavior by identifying right wrong and gray


hard: technical expertise and knowledge required to do a particular task or job function such as financial analysis accounting or operations soft skills: relate to human interactions include both interpersonal skills and personal attributes

Opie is based on a contingency perspective

it depends on what best course of action depends on the interplay a person and environmental factors it depends on a lot of things

personal factors are the infinite characteristics that give individuals their unique identity's situation factors are all the elements outside ourselves and influence what we do, the way we do it, in the ultimate result of her actions

levels equal individual, group/team, and organization

how shift happens

living in exponential times -tools may change but still informant to have person skills

applying OB concepts to identify the right problem

personal factors, situation factors, individual level, group/team level, organizational level

research shown

persons behavior and performance are a function of interdependent person and environmental factors

reinforce problem solving skills

problem solving application many cases, self-assessment, take away applications, end of chapter problem-solving application cases, essay call/legal challenge

what to do about it

recognize that it's business and treated that way, except that confronting at the cool concerns is part of your job, challenge the rational, use your lack of sincerity or status as an asset, consider and explain long-term consequences, suggest solution not just complaints

Applied approaches to selecting a solution

resolving, solving, dissolving parentheses problem requires changing or illuminating the situation in which the problem occurs parentheses

Basic elements for selecting an effective solution

selection criteria (your own values) consequences, choice process (you, team)

What can be done about an ethical behavior equals except for fronting ethical concerns it's part of your job, it's business treated that way, challenge is rational, use your lack of sensory or status as an asset, consider and explain long-term consequences, solutions not just complaints

self check and ethical behavior or my actions at the car not always easy to know lots of trying to simple test you can ask yourself mom, newspaper

ethical dilemmas

situations with two choices neither of wbu h resolved the situation in an ethically acceptable manner

Contingency approach

using OB concepts and tools that best suit the situation instead of trying to rely on the best way -depends on the situation

skills most desired by employees employers incorporate soft skills that can be obtained through the study of OB personal attributes equals attitude, personality, teamwork, leadership interpersonal skills equals active listening, positive attitude, affective communication

what criteria determines which applicant is hired equals technical skills equals heart skills, nuts and bolts of doing a job ability to get the job done equals based on job or function specific knowledge

soft skills set employees apart equals hires, technical skills and ability to do the job promoted equals perceived ability to get things done through others and manage people need strong team skills and ability to build and manage relationships

what is human capital equals productive potential of an individual's knowledge, skills, experience

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