Management Exam 2

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Geert Hofstede's research found that countries varied on ________ dimensions of national culture. Select one: a. seven b. eleven c. nine d. five


A ________ economy is one in which resources are primarily owned and controlled by the private sector. Select one: a. free market b. command c. planned d. technocratic


A strategic partnership ________. Select one: a. promotes efficiencies because of its flexible and informal arrangements b. leads to dysfunctional conflict, as opposed to synergy, among the parties involved c. does not allow either firm to retain its brand identity d. entails a lot of paperwork when creating and disbanding projects


A virtual organization ________. Select one: a. hires outside specialists on a project basis b. has a high degree of departmentalization c. is structurally complex d. has a fairly large full-time workforce


An ethnocentric attitude ________. Select one: a. is the belief that the home country has the best work approaches and practices b. is the view that employees in the host country know the best work approaches and practices c. prompts managers to have a global view and look for the best approaches and people regardless of origin. d. gives a manager a much broader understanding of what it takes to manage in a global environment


The World Trade Organization has ________ member countries and ________ observer governments. Select one: a. 155; 29 b. 188; 60 c. 161; 40 d. 176; 50


When an organization makes products domestically and sells them abroad, it indulges in ________. Select one: a. exporting b. franchising c. licensing d. importing


A compressed workweek is one wherein ________. Select one: a. employees work fewer days per week but also do lesser work b. employees work longer hours per day but fewer days per week c. employees work for a lesser number of hours per day in the week d. employees work the same number of hours per week but do more work


A disadvantage of ________ departmentalization is poor communication across the different groups. Select one: a. geographic b. functional c. customer d. process


A dual chain of command is the key characteristic of the ________ structure. Select one: a. project b. matrix c. team d. virtual


Multidomestic corporations ________. Select one: a. maintain operations in multiple countries, but do not allow managers in each country to make their own decisions b. decentralize management and other decisions to the local country c. reflect ethnocentric attitudes d. attempt to replicate their domestic successes by managing foreign operations from the home country


Which of the following is a structural option that an organization should consider for internal collaboration? Select one: a. strategic partnerships b. communities of practice c. joint ventures d. open innovation


In a matrix structure, a functional manager has authority over all of the following, EXCEPT ________. Select one: a. conducting annual reviews b. making salary recommendations c. the performance of functional members on projects d. promoting functional members


Joint ventures are a type of ________. Select one: a. foreign subsidiary b. franchisee c. strategic alliance d. licensee


Large organizations are more ________. Select one: a. decentralized b. disorganized c. mechanistic d. organic


Which of the following is a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations? Select one: a. South Korea b. China c. Myanmar d. Japan


Which of the following is the basic difference between multidomestic corporations and global companies? Select one: a. Multidomestic corporations are run by global companies but must be owned by a local, national company. b. Multidomestic corporations reflect an ethnocentric attitude, while global companies reflect a polycentric attitude. c. Multidomestic corporations decentralize management to the local country, while global companies centralize management in the home country. d. Multidomestic corporations typically do business with more countries than global companies.


________ is the practice wherein an organization gives another organization the right to use its brand name, technology, or product specifications in return for a fee usually based on sales. Select one: a. Exporting b. Global sourcing c. Licensing d. Subsidizing


Nepal belongs to which of the following regional trade alliances? Select one: a. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation b. Association of Southeast Asian Nations c. Common Wealth of Independent States d. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation


Licensing is primarily used by service organizations and franchising is primarily used by manufacturing organizations. Select one: True False


Work specialization and departmentalization constitute the ________ boundaries of an organization. a. internal horizontal b. external vertical c. internal vertical d. external horizontal


Work teams composed of individuals from various functional specialties are known as ________ teams. Select one: a. cross-functional b. cross-command c. cross-training d. cross-control


________ is a cultural dimension in which people expect others in their group to look after them and protect them. Select one: a. Collectivism b. Achievement c. High power distance d. Low uncertainty avoidance


________ is a measure of the degree to which people rely on social norms and procedures to alleviate the unpredictability of future events. Select one: a. Uncertainty avoidance b. Power distance c. Achievement d. Nurturing


________ is the extent to which a society encourages people to be tough, confrontational, and competitive rather than modest and tender. Select one: a. Assertiveness b. Institutional collectivism c. Humane orientation d. Future orientation


Departmentalization based on ________ groups jobs on the basis of territory or physical location. Select one: a. process b. product c. customer d. geography


Christopher, who is based in the United States has been offered a chance to work in Thailand. He finds that in this society people are expected to look after others in their family (or organization) and protect them when they are in trouble. This society tends to support ________. a. individualism b. collectivism c. parochialism d. monotheism


Parochialism is a tendency to ________. Select one: a. focus on best approaches and people from around the globe b. view the world solely through one's own eyes and perspectives c. think highly of the foreign country in which the organization is doing business d. let employees in the host country figure out how best to do things


The ________ decentralizes its management and other decisions to the local country. Select one: a. global company b. multidomestic corporation c. borderless organization d. transnational organization


The ________ determines the number of levels and managers in an organization. Select one: a. chain of command b. span of control c. delegation of authority d. unity of command


Which of the following is an advantage of a team structure? Select one: a. It reduces the pressure on teams to perform. b. It empowers employees and makes them more involved. c. It separates different functional groups. d. It establishes a clear line of managerial authority.


________ refers to how standardized an organization's jobs are and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures. Select one: a. Decentralization b. Formalization c. Centralization d. Specialization


________ refers to the rights inherent in a managerial position to tell people what to do and to expect them to do it. Select one: a. Responsibility b. Authority c. Liability d. Bureaucracy


A matrix structure violates which important element of organizational design? Select one: a. team size b. span of control c. unity of command d. decentralization


A domestic firm and a foreign firm sharing the cost of developing new products or building production facilities in a foreign country constitute a ________. Select one: a. foreign subsidiary b. brokering agreement c. franchising agreement d. joint venture


All work in project structures is performed by ________. Select one: a. informal groups b. functions c. outside specialists d. teams


In a ________ structure the parent corporation typically acts as an external overseer to coordinate and control the various divisions and provide financial, legal, or other such support services. Select one: a. functional b. matrix c. simple d. divisional


In a ________ structure, no clear chain of command exists. Select one: a. project b. functional c. mechanistic d. team


Organizational levels and hierarchies are a part of an organization's ________ boundaries. Select one: a. internal horizontal b. external horizontal c. external vertical d. internal vertical


The process of grouping jobs together is known as ________. Select one: a. centralization b. formalization c. decentralization d. departmentalization


Which of the following types of global organizations reflects the geocentric attitude? Select one: a. regional organization b. multidomestic corporation c. global company d. transnational organization


The Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness program's ________ dimension is similar to Hofstede's achievement-nurturing dimension. Select one: a. humane orientation b. power distance c. uncertainty avoidance d. assertiveness


Which of the following dimensions of the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness program is similar to Hofstede's nurturing dimension? Select one: a. in-group collectivism b. institutional collectivism c. future orientation d. humane orientation


Today's organizations mostly rely on strict rules and standardization to guide and regulate employee behavior. Select one: True False


A high uncertainty avoidance society is threatened by ambiguity and experiences high levels of anxiety. Select one: True False


Customer departmentalization works well because it emphasizes monitoring and responding to changes in customers' need. Select one: True False


In a cross-functional team there are no artificial boundaries and thus, the team focuses on working together to achieve organizational goals. Select one: True False


Managers with an ethnocentric attitude do not trust foreign employees with key decisions or technology. Select one: True False


Organizational structure is defined as the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization. Select one: True False


Strategic alliance is a partnership between an organization and a foreign company partner or partners in which both share resources and knowledge in developing new products or building production facilities. Select one: True False


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