Management Final

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An organization is experiencing ____ when it is reluctant to change strategies or competitive practices that have been successful in the past.

competitive interia

Companies need to excel at managing ____ in order to successfully manage innovation streams.

the sources of innovation

Organizations use behavioral addition, behavioral substitution, and ___ to change their organizational culture.

visible artifacts

Ford Motor Company owns and operates a $1.9 billion manufacturing plant in Brazil. What method for organizing for global business has Ford used in this example?

wholly owned affiliate

The last step in the basic model of ethical decision making is to


____ is the emotional reaction that can occur when disagreements become personal rather than professional

A-type conflict

Which of the following management theories believed that workers ultimately grant managers their authority?

Chester Barnard

____ refers to the production of novel and useful ideas.


____ is a method of investment in which a company builds a new business or buys an existing business in a foreign country.

Direct foreign investment

Management theorist ____ is best known for his role in the Hawthorne Studies.

Elton Mayo

____ occurs when a company sells domestically produced products to customers in foreign countries.


_____ are both examples of cooperative contracts.

Franchising and licensing

___ departmentalization is defined as organizing work and workers into separate units responsible for particular business functions or areas of expertise.


The acronym GATT stands for

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

____ is best known for developing the five functions of managers and the fourteen principles of management.

Henri Fayol

Which of the following statements about the beginnings of management is true?

Management as a field of study is only about 125 years old

____ is the set of shared values and beliefs that affects the perceptions, decisions, and behavior of people form a particular country.

National culture

____ are types of standing plans.

Policies and procedures

_____ are the assets, capabilities, processes, information, and knowledge that an organization uses to improves in effectiveness and efficiency, to create and sustain competitive advantage, and to fulfill a need or solve a problem.


____ occurs when managers choose an alternative that is good enough, rather than the best possible alternative.


___ occurs when workers withhold their efforts and fail to perform their share of the work.

Social loafing

The _____ determined that companies can be prosecuted and punished for the illegal or unethical actions of employees even if management didn't know about the unethical behavior.

U.S. Sentencing COmmission Guidelines

What is social responsibility?

a business' obligation to pursue policies, make decisions, and take actions that benefit society

Which of the following is one of the steps in the process that managers use to make sense of their changing environments?

acting on threats and opportunites

An ____ lists the specific steps, people, resources, and time period for accomplishing a goal

action plan

The term ____ refers to the degree to which someone is cooperative, polite, flexible, forgiving, good natured, tolerant, and trusting.


The first step in the strategy-making process is to

assess the need for strategic change

Small manufacturers are successful often because Wal-Mart agrees to carry their products. If Wal-Mart does not like a price increase, it often will refuse to do business with the manufacturer. At this point, many small manufacturers will offer price reductions becuase they fear failure if they lose the Wal-Mart account. The relationship between these small manufacturers and Wal-Mart can be described as

buyer dependent

The ___ is the set of key values, beliefs, and attitudes shared by members of an organization.

organizational culture

A ____ is the individual who is formally in charge of guiding a change effort.

change agent

Planning is ultimately based upon

choosing a goal and developing a method or strategy to achieve that goal

The _____ approach to managing innovation assumes that innovation is a predictable process made up of a series of steps and that compressing the time it takes to complete those steps can speed up innovation.


The term ____ refers to the degree to which someone is organized, hard-working, responsible, persevering, thorough, and achievement-oriented.


According to Kohlberg's model of moral development, people at the ____ make decisions that conform to societal expectations.

conventional level

In any organization, the ___ are the less visible, internal decision-making routines, problem-solving processes, and organizational cultures that determine how efficiently inputs can be turned into outputs.

core capabilities

____ are workplace cultures in which workers perceive that new ideas are welcomes, valued, and encouraged.

creative work environments

A systems view of management allows managers to

deal with the complex environment in which their companies operate

____ are the expectations that a company will voluntarily serve a social role beyond its economic, legal, and ethical responsibilities.

discretionary responsibilities

A manufacturer of suntan lotion could set a ____ goal to increase revenues by 8 percent over the next five years and a ____ goal to increase sales next June in the Miami Beach area by 3 percent.

distal; proximal

Mary Parker Follett believed managers typically deal with conflict in one of three ways:

domination, compromise, and integration

Typical titles used for top managers are general manager, plant manager, regional manager, and divisional manager.


A manager striving to improve organizational ____ is accomplishing tasks that help achieve organizational objectives.


ONe of the primary reasons for the slow response to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina was an antiquated government system that was bogged down in bureaucratic red tape. IN other words, the failure of assistance to arrive in a timely fashion was due to a lack of:


First-line managers will most likely have to:

encourage, monitor, and reward the performances of their employees

The ___ approach to innovation assumes that innovation is occurring within a highly uncertain environment and that the key to fast product innovation is to use intuition, flexible options, and hands-on experience to reduce uncertainty and accelerate learning and understanding.


A time study allows each task or job to be broken down into separate motions. Once this is done, then unnecessary or repetitive motions can be eliminated.


Kohlberg's three phases of moral development (in the appropriate order) are law and order, instrumental exchange, and universal principle.


Managers are responsible for doing the basic work in the company.


Organizational innovation is defined as "doing things differently" inside an organization.


S.M.A.R.T. goals are Specific, Meaningful, Active, Reachable, and Timely.


The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a regional trade agreement between Canada and the United States. No other nations have signed this trade agreement.


advocacy groups are typically composed of concerned citizens who have a strong feeling about a common issue even though the members' viewpoints differ significantly.


companies will be considered unethical if they do not perform their discretionary responsibilities.


Developing a purpose statement is the sole responsibility of middle management.


The goal of scientific management is to

find the one best way to perform each task

Typical responsibilities for ___ include setting objectives consistent with organized goals and then planning and implementing the subunit strategies for achieving these goals.

first-line managers

The positioning strategies identified by Michael Porter are

focus, cost leadership, and differentiation

Protectionism is the use of trade barriers to protect local companies and their workers from

foreign competition

A multinational company that acts with ___ has offices, manufacturing plants, and distribution facilities in different countries all which run based on the same rules, guidelines, policies, and procedures.

global consistency

A ____ strategy is a broad corporate-level strategic plan used to achieve strategic goals and guide the strategic alternatives that managers of individual businesses or subunits may use.


The two major approaches to corporate-level strategy are

grand strategies and the portfolio strategy

Groupthink occurs in

highly cohesive groups where there is a great deal of pressure to agree with each other

The ____ approach to management focuses on the psychological and social aspects of work.

human relations

Which of the following must be met if a firm's resources are to be used to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage?

imperfectly imitable resources

Patterns of innovation over time that can create sustainable competitive advantage are called

innovation streams

The Gantt chart

is a chart that shows when and where tasks need to be completed so that a job can be completed in a timely fashion

Organizational development

is a philosophy and collection of planned change internventions

According to Weber, a bureacracy

is the exercise of control on the basis of knowledge, expertise, or experience

A ___ is a strategic alliance in which two existing companies collaborate to form a third, independent company.

joint venture

Technology is the ___ used to transform inputs into outputs.

knowledge, tools, and techniques

An expatriate is someone who

lives and works outside of his or her own country

When Ruth was hired to be the second-in-command at Graham Mailing Services, she was told that her job was to deal with the employees to make sure they go the mailing done to the customers' specifications. She was not instructed on how to run machines or in any other technical area her position was a job in:


Resource similarity and ___ are factors that determine the extent to which firms will be in direct competition with each other.

market commonality

Creating a competitive advantage through people relies heavily on the use of which skill to reward people for providing exceptional customer service?

motivation to manage

When making travel plans, many tourists have selected Thomas Cook, a British tour operation, because they perceive that no other tour company can duplicate the customer service and satisfaction that Thomas Cook has provided over its years of operation. Thomas Cook has apparently created sustainable competitive advantage by using ___ resources.


A ____ is a nontax method of increasing the cost or reducing the volume of imported goods.

nontariff barrier

There are three kinds of ___ plans. They are single use plans, standing plans, and budgets.


_____ involves managing the daily productions of goods and services.

operations management

A high degree of buyer or seller dependence can lead to ____ in which one party benefits at the expense of the other.

opportunistic bahvior

After an organization's founders are gone, the organization can use ___ to sustain its organizational culture.

organizational heroes

after a year as a manager, new managers typically realize their job is:

people management

According to Kohlberg's model of moral development, people at the ____ use internalized ethical principles to solve ethical dilemmas.

postconventional level

According to Kohlberg's model of moral development, people at the ____ make decisions that are based on selfish reasons.

preconventional level

The three stages of moral development identified by Kohlberg are

preconventional level, conventional level, and post conventional level

The two general categories of stakeholders are ____ stakeholders and ____ stakeholders.

primary; secondary

Hallmark has four departments. These departments are (1) Flowers and Gifts, (2) Cards and E-cards, (3) Hallmark Collectibles, and (4) Photo Albums and Scrapbooks. Hallmark uses ____ departmentalization.


According to the ___ theory, companies go through long, simple periods of environmental stability, followed by short, complex periods of dynamic, fundamental change, finishing with a return to environmental stability

punctuated equilibrium theory

A ____ resource is a resource that is not controlled or possessed by many competing firms.


Prior to the development of scientific management principles, workers whose work pace was significantly faster than the normal pace in their work group were known as ___ and often unpopular with their fellow workers.

rate busters

In a very strong economy, where the demand for qualified job applicants exceeds the supply, the environmental characteristic of ___ is likely to be particularly salient for many comapnies.

resource scarcity

The purpose of a ____ strategy is to turn around very poor company performance by shrinking the size or scope of the business.


The ____ model holds that the only social responsibility that businesses have is to maximize profit.


In terms of environmental complexity, ____ environments have few environmental factors, whereas ____ environments have many environmental factors.

simple; complex

What type of planning would be used to create the festivities necessary to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of a furniture manufacturer?

single-use plan

A ____, also called a SWOT analysis for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, is an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses in an organization's internal environment and the opportunities and threats in its external environment.

situational analysis

Which of the following statements about social responsibility and economic performance is true?

social responsibility can sometimes create significant costs for a company

Companies that are following a ____ strategy would be most likely to try to improve the way in which they sell the same goods or services to the same customers.


Various persons or groups with a legitimate interest in a company's actions are called


Top management is responsible for developing long-term ___ that make clear how the company will serve customers and position itself against competitors in the next two to five years.

strategic plans

A department store is experiencing greater than usual lossed due to theft and management wants it stopped. Middle management decided to hire a security company to study the problem and develop the best plan for dealing with it. Middle management have implemented a ____ plan.


A ____ is a direct tax on imported goods designed to make it more expensive to buy those goods instituted in hopes of reducing the volume of those imported goods in a given country.


An accountant with ___ has the ability to create a budget, compare the budget to the actual income statement, and determine unnecessary expenses.

technical skill

Which type of skills tends to be most important to the success of lower-level managers?

technical skills

Kodak is a company associated with photography. The development of the digital camera forced Kodak into the innovation stream because the new imaging process was a

technological discontinuity

The development of the DVD player was a source of ___ to companies in the movie industry just as VHS tapes had once been.

technological discontinuity

Global business is defined as

the buying and selling of goods and services to people from different countries

Secondary stakeholders are important to a company because

they can affect public perceptions and opinions

After six months as a manager, new managers typically believe their job is

to solve problems for subordinates

_____ are responsible for creating a positive organizational culture through language and action.

top managers

A strategic group is a group of other companies, within an industry, that to managers choose for comparing, evaluating, and benchmarking their company's strategic threats and opportunities.


A technology cycle begins with the birth of a new technology and ends when that technology reaches its limits and dies; it is then replaced by newer, substantially better technology.


According to the principles of scientific management, work and responsibility for the work, should be divided equally between workers and management.


Corporate-level strategy is the overall organizational strategy that addresses the question "What business or businesses are we in or should we be in?"


Ethics is the set of moral principles or values that defines right and wrong for a person or group.


External environments are the forces and events outside a company that have the potential to influence or affect it.


Management ideas and practices have been used from the earliest times of recorded history.


Multinational corporations are corporations that own businesses in two or more countries.


One of the advantages of a systems view of management is that it forces manager to be aware of how the environment affects specific parts of the organization.


Planning can impede change, create a false sense of certainty, and lead to the detachment of planners.


Resource scarcity is the degree to which an organization's external environment has an abundance or lack of critical organizational resources.


Strategic dissonance is a discrepancy between upper management's intended strategy and the strategy actually implemented by the lower levels of management.


The media would be an example of a secondary stakeholder group for an organization.


first-time managers are the only managers who do not supervise other managers.


team leaders are responsible for managing both internal team relationships and external relationships with other teams, departments, and divisions in a company.


Environmental ____ is affected by environmental complexity, change, and resources.


The three steps in the basic process of managing organizational change outlines by Kurt Lewin are

unfreezing, change intervention, and refreezing

When Clorox Corporation, a manufacturer of bleach and bleach-based cleaning products, acquired Kingsford Charcoal and Prime Choice brand steak sauce; it was an example of

unrelated diversification

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth are important to management because they

used motion studies to eliminate unnecessary or repetitive motions from the work process

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