Management Module 4

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The number of subordinates who directly report to a superior refers to the manager's

A span of control

The hierarchy of needs theory argues that deficiency needs must be met before the push to satisfy growth needs drives personal growth. The individual most commonly associated with this theory is

Abraham Maslow

Which of the following is the primary purpose of the management-by-objectives (MBO) approach?

Aligning goal setting and planning


Always make your organization as flat as you can without losing control

The span of control most appropriate in a given organization is primarily influenced by which of the following?

Amount of supervision needed by subordinates

Praise received from an employee's peers is best described as an example of

An extrinsic reward


As the degree of centralization changes and organization may need different managers.


Can you tell by looking at the org chart if an organization is centralized or decentralized?

where in the organization key decisions are made


Which organizational approach is most to provide standardization and efficiency/lower cost?


According to equity theory, after an employee receives a reward for performance, what is the next step the employee takes in the motivation process?

Comparing the reward with a self-selected comparison group or person

The practice in large companies of establishing autonomous divisions whose heads are entirely responsible for what happens in the division is referred to as

Decentralization of authority

Describes motivational approaches based on managers beliefs about employees

Douglas McGregor

Which of the following people is associated with the development of the Theory X and Theory Y model?

Douglas McGregor

Unity of Command

Each person should be responsible to one clear superior who directs them

Which of the following theories of motivation states that people are demotivated by rewards that are perceived as unfair?

Equity Theory

According to Maslow, the need to feel genuinely respected by peers, both in and out of the work environment, is included in which of the following need classifications?


process based and tells us what kinds of incentives will really motivate people

Expectancy Theory

negative action = nothing good


lower costs and better up/down communications

Flat organization

based on organization structure and policy

Formal Authority

Which of the following organizational designs groups employees by what they do?


Each group is organized by their function

Functional Organization

Organized around landscape around where your markets are and where factories and production operations are

Geographic organization

Which of the following best illustrates informal organization?

Groupings based on such factors as technical ability, seniority, and personal influence


How we bring people, resources, and information together to perform a task

In accordance with Herzberg's 2-factor theory, which factor can demotivate but are not likely to motivate employees?

Hygiene factors

Decentralization tends to be encouraged by which of the following business trends? I. Product diversification II. Telecommuting III. Geographical expansion of operations1

I, II, and III

something that incites or has a tendency to incite to determination or action


Job enrichment can be an effective tool to achieve which of the following?

Increased job responsibility

based on technical ability, seniority, reputation, and personal influence

Informal Authority

Which of the following is the most accurate description of a grapevine in an organization?

It plays an important role in organizations

What aspect of job design involves adding tasks to a job to make it more variable and more interesting?

Job enlargment

Which of the following practices enhances job content by building into the job more motivating factors such as responsibility, achievement, recognition, and personal growth, as advocated by Frederick Herzberg?

Job enrichment

decentralized organization structure

Large dispersed organizations often use


Large organizations are likely to structure their work operations and personnel in any of the following ways EXCEPT


Maslow fourth level


Maslow's fifth level


Maslow's second level


Maslow's third level


Maslows first level

they marked by a poor unity of command

Matrix organizations are promising in theory but..

Decentralized orgs

More flexible, and better able to adapt to changing circumstances, popular when you make lots of different products or serve lots of different customer groups, typically higher cost than centralized

The intention of achieving a goal, leading to goal directed behavior


is the result of individuals trying to satisfy their own needs

Needs based motivation

Which of the following best describes the situation in which an employee arrives for work on time in order to avoid being placed on probation for a second time?

Negative reinforcement

motivation is a rational process where individuals make choices based on their own situation

Process Based Theory

Each group of people are organized based around the product they product

Product Organization

Intrinsic rewards can be classified as rewards that do which of the following?

Provide a sense of achievement and accomplishment

How many people report directly to a single manager

Span of Control

Higher costs but managers have more time to plan and analyze

Tall organizations

Centralized Org

Tend to reduce cost by being efficient and standardized, and most popular when you only make a few product types, not very flexible and may not work in unstable periods

Organization Chart

The best way to show an organizational design

Which of the following can be best determined by consulting an organization chart?

The connections of positions

Authoritarian Approach - employees only work for extrinsic rewards and must be watched and pushed

Theory X

Scientific management, needs based motivation theories and higher costs

Theory X

Employees need constant reward and punishment Employees cannot be trusted and need constant supervision Employees only work for money

Theory X Managers Think

Small spans of control and lots of mangers/levels Emphasis on rewards and punishments to motivated Lots of micromanagement and high employee turnover

Theory X Organizations

Participate approach - employees seek satisfaction in work and should be included in managerial decisions

Theory Y

Professional management, process based motivation theories, and lower costs

Theory Y

Large spans of control and few managers Emphasis on term work and cooperation to motivate Frequent promotion opportunities

Theory Y Organizations

employees view work as fulfilling and satisfying employees can be trusted to work well without supervisions employees have ability to solve problems creatively on their own.

Theory Y managers assume

existence, relatedness, growth

What does ERG stand for?

Line of Authority

What is also known as chain of command

When managers can easily monitor employees and employees have similar jobs, when employees are well trained and formally organized into teams

When can you increase span of control?

A large span of control throughout an organization invariably results in

a flat (horizontal) organizational structure

key decisions are made at the top

centralized organization

key decisions are made at many levels

decentralized organization

we do something because we want to earn an external reward; bonus, certificate, etc

extrinsic motivation

Expectancy theory tells us that employees will only be motivated by a promised reward

if they expect to be able to achieve the goal and earn the reward

we do something because we gain a sense of achievement and accomplishment

intrinsic motivation

McGregor's Theory Y states that workers

naturally enjoy work and see it as a source of fulfillment and satisfaction

positive action = nothing bad

negative reinforcement

positive action = reward

postive reinforcement

negative action = punishment


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