Managerial communication test- chapter 7, 8

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Poor subjects are either too short and thus nondescriptive or too long and thus difficult to process

(1 to 2 words), (12 words or loner)

Avoid Contributing to Confusing and Repetitive Email Chains

- As the number of messages and people involved in an email chain increases, confusion can build.

Avoid Indications That You View Email as Casual Communication

- Certain causal ways of writing and formatting appear unprofessional - Casual forms of communication in email can be appropriate for close colleagues with whom you work often - stay aware of how your message recipients will react.

Asynchronus Communication

- Does not occur in real-time. -occurs outside of the constraints of time and place. Email is often asynchronous because we use it to send messages and wait for responses when receivers are not on their communication devices or are simply not available.

Protect Privacy and Confidentiality

- Double-checking that you have placed the correct people in the address line before you hit the send button is a worthwhile habit that requires a few extra moments

Maintain Professionalism and Appropriate Formality

- Email communication is typically considered fairly formal - having high standards is even more important - In the past few years, preference has emerged for less formal, stuffy writing. - You are better off erring on the side of too much formality as opposed to too much casualness

Keep your message brief yet complete

- Get to the point within three or four sentences, and keep your paragraphs about half the size of those in business documents • Ideally 30 to 50 words long. - Consider placing the most critical information at the beginning so readers gather the most relevant information immediately.

Let Others Know When You Will Take Longer Than Anticipated to Respond or Take Action

- If you can't respond to a request made in an email, reply immediately and explain how soon you can respond in full. • When you make your commitment, make sure to place the task on your calendar so you follow through

Be careful about Using the Priority Flag

- If you too often set a priority flag on such emails, your colleagues may become annoyed, perceiving you as pushy. • If you need something urgently, mention it politely in the subject line or use a rich communication channel such as a phone call to gain buy-in.

Show Respect for Other's Time

- Imagine their time pressures and the line of emails awaiting their response. - In the business world, where time pressures can be overwhelming, you can engender goodwill by writing emails that are professional, relevant, easy to read, and other-oriented.

manage Emotion and Maintain Civility

- Many managers cite the lack of emotion in emails as positive. - Yet, avoiding emotion, even for task-based messages, is nearly impossible - In the absence of face-to-face communication, emails tend to elicit either the neutrality effect or the negativity effect.

Use attachments wisely

- Messages that are more than several paragraphs long are typically appropriate as attachments - Pictures and other graphics, spreadsheets, databases, and many other types of files are nearly always appropriate as attachments - Consider whether these documents are more appropriate as shared files on company intranet or another location ( such as Google drive or Dropbox)

Provide a Descriptive Signature Block

- Signature blocks should provide clear contact information - this allows recipients to easily contact you through richer communication channels if needed. - It also enhances your professional image

benefits of writing messages

- individuals can carefully craft messages at their own pace and on their schedule (high in planning and low in coordination) - creates a permanent record - Generally, the constraints of writing are quite low

Principles of effective emails

- use for the right purposes - ensure ease of reading - show respect for time - protect privacy and confidentiality - respond promptly - maintain professionalism and appropriate formality - manage emotion effectively - avoid distractions

you can take several steps to defuse the situation when you receive an uncivil email

1. focus on task-related facts and issues in your reply 2. Focus on shared objectives and agreements 3. Express interest in arranging a time to meet in person

Most business professionals spend between ___ and ____ percent of their time reading and writing email.

20, 50

Good subject lines are generally ___ to ___ words long

5 to 10

Communication channel

A medium through which a message is transmitted.

Which of the following channels is considered the richest? A. An online conference (e.g., Google hangouts) B. A phone call C. An email

A. With verbal and audio cues and immediate feedback, online conferences are richer than phone calls and email.

_____ was the most damaging

Active incivility

Using Greeting and Names

Although not technically required, consider using short greetings and the names of your recipients. - Traditionally, the format for memos calls for omitting a personal greeting and name - typically, professionals with blue and hub MVSs show a stronger preference for greetings and names.

Which of the following channels has the most constraints? A. A phone call between two colleagues in the same office B. An online conference involving a senior executive team C. AN email conversation between a manager and one of her employees

B The online conference requires the most resources because the largest number of people are involved and because the time of senior executives is a particularly valuable resource for their organization. This channel also requires a relatively high degree of coordination because it involves the largest number of people

Which of the following channels has the most control? A. A phone call B. An email B. An online conference

B professionals can carefully plan what they write in emails, and emails typically leave a more precise record of communication than do phone calls and online conferences.

Many business professional consider use of the ___ ____ ___ feature a breach of privacy

Blind carbon copy.

______ is likewise important in electronic communication


Having so many options, however, also presents dilemmas about selecting an appropriate ______ ____

Communication channel

____ may be your primary concern form many important communications


Many business professionals use the ____ feature liberally to let everyone in a department or work unit in on the conversation.

Copy - Copying too many people can lead to information overload - Copying too many people on an email can dilute responsibility

______ has been shown to lead to lower job satisfaction and organizational commitment

Cyber incivility

Clearly Identify Expected Actions

Effective emails contain specific and clear requests so that recipients know exactly how to respond. In many cases, you can place these directions in the subject line for the greatest clarity.

____ communication is the primary form of written business communication


_____ communication has few constraints (low cost, little coordination) and high control (the writer can think them out carefully, and they provide a permanent record)


Generally, projects begin with ____ -____-____ meetings because rich communication is particularly important to develop trust and establishing work roles, and brainstorming in the early stages of a project.


_____communication is considered the richest

Face-to-face since each person involved can get immediate verbal and nonverbal feedback.

Most business professional consider ____ a less formal communication channel than email


Spoken communication

Ideal for matters that require rapport-building, discussion, brainstorming, clarification, and immediate feedback. Preferred for sensitive and emotion-packed situations - High richness immediacy + cues - Low Control planning + permanence - Low to High constraints coordination + resources

Male and female supervisors engaged in different types of ____


____ messaging is ideal for short and simple business messages that contain announcements, questions, confirmations of plans, quick tips, support, and congratulations


______ messaging is a relatively new and undeveloped form of communication un the workplace, and attitudes toward it vary significantly


_____are among the most popular features on mobile phones

Instant messaging (IM) or texting

_____ communication typically leads to more trust-building, rapport, and commitment. It is generally the most efficient way to accomplish communication objectives quickly and is less likely to lead to misunderstandings.


_____ messages in the workplace are generally high in richness but low in control.


respond promptly

_ one recent study of business professionals found that most business professionals expect an email response within one to four hours - Younger professionals are more likely to expect a response immediately • if you choose not to check your email more than four to five times a day, let others know how soon to expect replies.

Male supervisors were far more likely to engage in ____ incivility, whereas female supervisors were far more likely to engage in ____ incivility

active, passive

Two characteristics of asynchronous electronic communication can lead to feelings of

anger and frustration more so than in face-to-face communication

As ambiguity and sensitivity in your communication increase, you will generally seek richer forms of _____, such as face-to-face conversations, meetings, phone calls, and online conferences


In all written _____, ensuring ease of reading is critical


At the most basic level, _______ can be divided between the spoken and the written

communication channels

synchronous communication

communication that occurs in real-time; the individuals involved give immediate responses to one another and engage in turn-taking

The effects of emotional inaccuracy due to the neutrality and negativity effects can lead to

conflict escalation, confusion, and anxiety.

methods to reduce nager

counting to ten, taking time-outs, engaging in deep breathing, and looking for the humor in the situation.

In high-immediacy communication, people have immediate access to a variety of

cues including social cues _turn -taking) verbal cues (tone of voice), and nonverbal cues (gestures, facial expressions).

The second aspect of asynchronous electronic communications that can lead to anger and frustration is

cyber silence


deals with the effort and timing needed to allow all relevant people to participate in a communication

Active incivility

direct forms of disrespect

Email is ____ and _____

easy and convenient

for nearly 25 years, ____ has been the primary written business communication tool


Examples of communication channels include

emails phone conversations face-to-face dialogue

The ability ti defuse such situations require high

emotional intelligence, especially in self-awareness and self- management

Typically, written communication is considered more _____


Three features contribute to email chains:

forward, copy, and reply to all

Email chains

groups of emails that are sent back and forth among a group of people

In terms of constraints, spoken communication can range from ____ to ___ depending on a number of factors

high, low

A meeting of ten corporate employees who fly in from different cities is a ____-_____ communication that requires extensive coordination and resources.


For fewer ambiguous, highly detailed, and highly analytical messages, you will likely turn to _____-____ channels


written messages

ideal for asynchronous communication, matters that require documentation, and messages that need to be crafted with a lot of thought and precision. - high control planning + permanence - low richness immediacy + cues - Low constraints coordination + restrictions


implies that the communication can be tightly drafted, edited and revised, rehearsed, and otherwise strategically developed before delivery.


include the financial, space, time, and other investments necessary to employ particular channels of communication.

Passive incivility

indirect forms of disrespect


involves adjusting your initial perceptions by making more objective, more fact-based, and less personal judgments and evaluations


involves avoiding escalation and removing tension to focus on work objectives


involves releasing and overcoming anger and frustration so that you can make a more rational and less emotional response

Cyber silence

nonresponse to emails and other communications

By reinterpreting the event, you allow yourself to take the communication less ___


most analytics expect email to be the ___ for at least the next five years in most companies

primary tool

Negativity effect

recipients are more likely to perceive messages that are intended as neutral as negative

Neutrality effect

recipients are more likely to perceive messages with an intended positive emotion as neutral


refer to the practical limitations of coordination and resources.


refers to the degree to which communications can be planned and recorded, thus following strategic message development.


refers to the extent to which the message can be stored, retrieved, and distributed to others.

you can take several steps to constructively address uncivil emails:

reinterpretation, relaxation, and defusing


relates to how quickly someone is able to respond and give feedback

The ____ feature can contribute to confusing email chains in many of the same ways as the forward and copy features

reply to all

Strategically choosing a communication channel involves three basic considerations related to their limitations:

richness, control, and constraints

The forward feature allows you to

send any message you receive to others with the click of the mouse. • Make sure that those you are forwarding the message to need to see the email. - consider whether the original sender would consider it appropriate for you to forward the email to other

Provide a ___, descriptive subject line


During the nonresponse stage, the message sender often misattributes explanations for the ____


The distinctions between spoken and written business messages mirror the relative benefits and weaknesses of ____ and _____ communications

synchronous, asynchronous

Because emails are not rich, they are best suited for routine, ____, ____, and ____ messages

task-oriented, fact-based, and nonsensitive

Strategically selecting a communication channel means

that you choose the one that is best able to meet your work objectives

Richness involves two considerations:

the level of immediacy and the number of cues available

Components of Effective Emails

the subject line, greeting, message, closing, signature block, attachments

Choosing between communication channels is generally a matter of _____.


T/F: There is no such thing as a perfect communication channel


cyber incivility

violation of respect and consideration in an online environment based on workplace norms

_____ messages in the workplace are generally low in richness since they typically do not allow immediate feedback and lack a variety of social, verbal, and nonverbal cues.


Select Message Recipients Carefully

• Before sending an email, think about the workload you are creating for your colleagues or other message recipients. - Make sure the email is necessary and relevant for each of your message recipients

Apply the Same Standards of spelling, punctuation, and Formatting You Would for Other Written Documents.

• Carefully review for typos, spelling punctuation, or grammatical problems before sending it. - For important messages, consider first composing with word processing software - Finally, you can ensure that you do not inadvertently send the message without making sure it is polished and complete.

Provide Timeline and Options

•By clearly providing timelines and schedules, you minimize the number of emails needed to coordinate your efforts, thus saving time. • By providing options, you show respect for your colleague's schedules - If you use email to coordinate tasks with deadlines, provide detailed information about time frames and your availability. - If you are setting up appointments, make sure you have provided several options

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