Managing people and work Exam 2 (Chen)

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Some websites offer free streaming and downloading of movies, games, and music. Websites like these demonstrate that the pursuit of self-interest can lead to a collective disaster when one or more people start to profit from being unethical because this encourages other people to act in the same way. This exemplifies a situation known as the

"tragedy of the commons."

In 2016, the average pay for a CEO was

$10.8 million.

Charlie has been working for a manufacturing company for the last ten years as a general maintenance worker. His job often requires heavy-duty work. Charlie recently told his supervisor that he has back problems, and shortly thereafter his supervisor assigned him to a vacant light-duty maintenance job. This is an example of steps taken in support of the

Americans with Disability Act of 1990.

In what way do moods differ from emotions?

Correct Unlike moods, emotions are relatively short-lived.

________ justice is basing employees' promotions on their performance evaluations, independent of ethnicity, age, or gender.


_____ helps managers maintain their enthusiasm and confidence and energize subordinates to help the organization attain its goals.

Emotional intelligence

_____ are intense and relatively short-lived feelings.


Which of the following is true about emotions?

Emotions may play important roles in ethical decision making.

_____ encourage employees to behave in a socially responsible manner.

Ethical organizational cultures

_____ are the moral principles and beliefs about what is the right or appropriate way to behave.


Which of the following statements demonstrates that Jonathan, the general manager of Dawson and Co., has low emotional intelligence?

He cannot identify or interpret the moods of his employees.

______ ethics are standards that determine how people view their responsibilities to others and how they should act in situations when their own self-interest is at stake.


Which of the following is true about organizational commitment?

It helps managers perform their figurehead and spokesperson roles.

What is a schema?

It is an abstract knowledge structure stored in memory, making possible the interpretation and organization of information about people, events, or situations.

What is perception?

It is the process through which people select, organize, and interpret sensory input.

What is the salience effect?

It is the tendency to focus attention on individuals who are conspicuously different from us.

What is the social status effect?

It is the tendency to perceive individuals with a higher position in the social hierarchy more positively than we perceive those with a lower position in the social hierarchy.

What is the similar-to-me effect?

It is the tendency to perceive others who are like ourselves more positively than we perceive people who are different.

Which of the following employees exhibits organizational citizenship behavior?

Kelly: A hardworking employee who is willing to work overtime for her company if a project necessitates it

Why can hiring people through the attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) framework be disadvantageous?

Like-minded employees have difficulty offering fresh perspective.

_____ are frequently in the position of having to juggle the interests of different stakeholders, including themselves.


_____ have a claim on an organization because they bring to it their skills, expertise, and experience.


_____ have the right to expect a good return or reward by investing their human capital to improve a company's performance.


______ are the stakeholder group with the most responsibility for deciding the goals of the organization.


Mario is the product manager of Lampshades Ltd. Which of the following, if true, supports the statement that he is sociable, affectionate, outgoing, and friendly?

Mario is high on extraversion.

Which of the following is true about moods and emotions?

Moods last longer than emotions.

_____ are thoughts and feelings that tell people what is right or wrong.

Moral scruples

_____ is the tendency to be highly critical of oneself and of others.

Negative affectivity

______ ethics are the guiding practices and beliefs through which a particular firm and its managers view their responsibilities to stakeholders.


Which of the following is the right approach to eradicating sexual harassment?

Organizations should develop and clearly communicate a sexual harassment policy.

Which of the following is true about schemas?

People tend to pay attention to information that is consistent with their schemas.

_______ is the esteem or high repute that individuals or organizations gain when they behave ethically.


_____ is an example of an instrumental value.


Which of the following statements demonstrates that Amanda, the general manager of Waterworks Ltd., has high emotional intelligence?

She is able to interpret the moods of her employees with no difficulty.

Donna is an efficient manager who is on very good terms with her employees. She is known for taking risks and being innovative in her planning and decision making. Which of the following statements is true about Donna?

She is high on openness to experience.

______ ethics are the standards that govern how members of a society should deal with one another in matters involving issues such as fairness, justice, poverty, and individual rights.


_____ diversity requires that managers be sensitive and responsive to the needs and concerns of individuals who might not be as well off as others.


_____ are composed of simplistic and often inaccurate beliefs about the typical characteristics of particular groups of people.


_____ watch the company and its managers closely to ensure that management is working diligently to increase the company's profitability.


_____ values help explain what managers are striving to achieve in their organizations and what they will focus their efforts on.


________ is the idea that the pursuit of self-interest with no consideration for societal interests leads to disaster.

The "tragedy of the commons"

_____ can provide guidance when organization members are uncertain about whether an action is ethical.

The ethics ombudsperson

Which of the following statements is true of ethical decision making?

The failure of a company can have catastrophic effects on a community since a general decline in business activity can affect a whole nation.

Which of the following statements is true of organizational ethics?

The individual ethics of a company's founders and top managers are especially important in shaping the organization's code of ethics.

Which of the following is true about value systems?

They are the terminal and instrumental values that are guiding principles in an individual's life.

Which of the following is true about norms?

They are unwritten codes of conduct considered important by most members of a group.

Which of the following is true about people with high self-esteem?

They believe that they are capable of handling most situations.

Which of the following is true about managers in conservative cultures?

They constantly monitor the progress of their employees.

Which of the following is true about people who are high on negative affectivity?

They experience negative moods frequently.

Which of the following statements is true about stockholders?

They have a claim on a company because when they buy its stock or shares, they become its owners.

Which of the following is true about managers who are high on extraversion?

They tend to feel good about themselves and other people.

Which of the following is true about managers who are low on extraversion?

They view the world and their life with little optimism.

Which of the following statements is true of the practical rule of ethical decision making?

This rule ensures that managers will take into account the interests of all the stakeholders.

______ is a person's confidence and faith in another person's goodwill.


Two male managers exchange a lewd sexual joke in the presence of a female manager. This is an example of

a hostile work environment.

Under the practical rule, a manager would not be reluctant to communicate a decision to people outside the company when

a typical person would consider the decision acceptable.

Andrea was a sales rep for a marketing firm for more than ten years, and when the company was forced to downsize, Andrea was laid-off. Andrea's colleague Jason, who has worked for the company for two years, continues to work for the company. Andrea has data to prove that her experience, sales, and accomplishments are much greater than Jason's. The manager who decided which employees would continue working and who would get laid-off was Jason's uncle. Andrea thinks the manager did not use fair procedures and that his decision was

a violation of the principle of procedural justice.

The _______ approach to social responsibility is most likely to be taken by a typical large U.S. company.


Sandra, an employee of Silver Stone Inc., is extremely ambitious and insists on working on important projects by herself. According to McClelland, she has a high need for


According to McClelland, the need for ________ is the extent to which a person is concerned with being liked and having others get along well with one another.


Kristin is a real estate agent. She has an outgoing and friendly personality, and she has strong networking skills which helps her gain referred clients. Kristin builds a rapport with her clients and they are very satisfied because she is sensitive to their needs. This implies that Kristin is high on


The __________ framework is the model developed to explain the role that founders' personal characteristics play in determining organizational culture.


Nathan just accepted a position as a Regional Director. He is new with the company, and he is just getting to know the sales reps in his region. To increase awareness of diversity among his sales reps, Nathan must

become aware of his own attitudes, biases, and stereotypes and the differing perspectives of the sales reps.

People with an external locus of control

believe that outside forces are responsible for what happens to and around them.

Which of the following is a method by which a company can act ethically toward employees and meet their expectations?

by creating an occupational structure that fairly and equitably rewards organization members for their contributions

The practical rule states that an ethical decision is one that

can be communicated with no reluctance.

In a(n) _____ culture, managers are likely to establish clear reporting relationships with their employees and constantly monitor subordinates.


Managers in a(n) _____ culture are likely to establish clear reporting relationships so employees know exactly whom to report to and how to react to any problems that arise.


A company that expects its managers to behave ethically to the degree that they stay within the law is acting with a(n) _____ approach.


WorldCom gave managers stock options and bonuses even when the company performance was declining, and managers sold their stock in advance of other stockholders. This illustrates the_____ approach.


What is diversity?

differences among people due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, and any other characteristic that is used to distinguish between people

As the branch manager of Missouri Bank, Jim is responsible for informing staff members about changes in diversity policies. Jim plays the role of a _____ in handling diversity.


People who are high on negative affectivity are especially likely to experience


Last week Beverly stayed after hours and spent a lot of effort and time to complete a routine assignment and meet a critical deadline. Her supervisor Annie was impressed, and so for the next assignment, Annie assigned Beverly an interesting and new type of project. Annie's action is consistent with ______ justice.


The marketing manager at RST Consulting allocates annual bonuses to employees based on performance evaluations. What principle is the manager following?

distributive justice

Which principle dictates that managers should receive a raise in pay based upon their contributions to the organization, and not based on their gender?

distributive justice

ALT Inc. conducts periodic reviews of the distribution of pay and the favorable outcomes granted to employees, such as promotions and increased office space. The managers want to confirm that those employees who received increase in pay or other favorable outcomes have made significant contributions to the organization. This is an example of applying

distributive justice.

George is an efficient and effective manager who has a hard time managing his own moods and understanding those of his employees. This shows that he is low on

emotional intelligence.

Tony is a manager with the ability to understand and gauge the moods and feelings of his employees with little difficulty. Tony displays high

emotional intelligence.

Which of the following is a step to manage diversity effectively?

empower employees to challenge discriminatory behaviors

Becky is a sales representative for Lasco Car Master, a car dealership. Lasco reinforces the organization's values and norms through bonding members of the organization at quarterly regional meetings. Last year at a national conference, Beck received an award for best salesperson of the year. This is an example of a(n) _____ rite.


Collin works for a printing company in a small community. Recently, the local newspaper published an article about the company's history and recent growth. Several employees were credited in the article for their contributions in the company's success. This is an example of a(n) _____ rite.


Which of the following is a guideline for managers to evaluate employees?

ensure that performance standards are not vague

People who are high on extraversion are especially likely to experience


Justin, a human resources manager for XYZ Company, commits 5% of the annual budget toward instituting a new program that rewards employees for effectively handling diversity. Justin is playing the role of a(n)


Bryan is the manager of a company which has been judged as having the best corporate reputation for two years in a row, based on a survey of countrywide consumers. This company is well known for its

ethical culture.

Dianna has witnessed her manager harassing a coworker on multiple occasions. Dianna knows that she should report the incidents to a superior manager, but she is hesitant to report the inappropriate behavior because she thinks she could lose her job. This example illustrates a(n)

ethical dilemma.

A(n) ________ is a manager responsible for communicating and teaching ethical standards to all employees and monitoring their conformity to those standards.

ethics ombudsperson

Phil has noticed that his operations manager has been practicing unethical means to reap personal benefits at the expense of the company's customers. He will most likely approach the _____ to report the matter without fear of retribution.

ethics ombudsperson

Robert and his HR team have adapted several existing company policies. He is unsure if all these policies can be implemented on ethical grounds. His team can approach a(n) _____ to resolve the matter.

ethics ombudsperson

The _____ has organization-wide authority. Hence, organization members in any department can communicate instances of unethical behavior by their managers or coworkers without fear of retribution.

ethics ombudsperson

Michael was working with two of his colleagues to create a new marketing plan for his company's new product. The team was scheduled to meet with their manager on Monday to present the plan, but the plan wasn't final when the team met with the manager. Instead of accepting any responsibility, Michael told the manager that the plan was not final because the profile of the geographical area was inaccurate. Michael's view of the situation is an example of

external locus of control.

Glenn is an effective and efficient manager. He, however, tends to be pessimistic and avoids social interactions. This implies that Glenn is low in


In the _____ role, a manager conveys that the effective management of diversity is a valued goal and objective.


Which of the following stakeholder group's individual ethics are important in shaping the organizational code of ethics?


Which of the following is a terminal value?


Emily went to the general manager to file a complaint regarding something her supervisor said to her that implied that she would be demoted or fired if she did not submit to a sexual request. Which step should the general manager first take to deal with this complaint?

get a neutral third party to investigate the claims of sexual harassment

The term _____ alludes to the invisible barriers that prevent minorities and women from obtaining upper-level positions in the workplace.

glass ceiling

A manager who is organized and self-disciplined is

high on conscientiousness.

Whenever Lisa goes to the warehouse to pick up time sheets, she is confronted with whistles and lewd comments from male coworkers, both of which make her uncomfortable. What type of environment is this?

hostile work environment

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination

in employment decisions on the basis of race, religion, sex, color, or national origin.

The influence of one's family, peers, and upbringing in general can affect a person's ________ ethics.


When faced with an ethical dilemma as a manager, Sam tries to reflect on his upbringing to decide between right and wrong. Sam is reflecting on ______ ethics.


In a(n) _____ culture, managers are likely to lead by example, encouraging employees to take risks and experiment.


Richard had some ideas and developed a new process for the production line, but when he implemented the changes, the results were not what he expected. Instead of improving production speed, the new process slowed down the production and caused some deficiency in the quality of the product. Although he was frustrated with the results, Richard's manager told him to keep working on the project and fix the problems. This is an example of a(n) _____ culture.


A(n) _____ value is a personal belief or opinion about desired modes of conduct or ways of behaving.


Rites of _____ build and reinforce common bonds among organization members.


When hiring new employees, a manager reviews numerous resumes and interviews several applicants. If the manager denies employment opportunities to diverse individuals, the manager engages in overt discrimination which is

intentional and deliberate.

Matthew is a district manager for a health insurance company. Recent reports summarized that Matthew's district was not performing as well as other districts in his region. Matthew thinks he has been a poor leader and blames himself for the decline in performance in his district. Matthew's view of the situation is an example of

internal locus of control.

People who tend to be sociable, outgoing, and friendly are low in


The _____ rule is that an ethical decision is one that distributes rewards and harms in a fair way.


When Bob was calculating the yearly bonuses for his employees, he paid particular attention to the individual employee scores to ensure that they were based on performance and not favoritism. Which ethical rule was Bob following?


Which of the following best defines overt discrimination?

knowingly and willingly denying diverse individuals access to opportunities and outcomes in an organization

Amanda owns and manages a restaurant with more than 50 employees. She wants to make sure that all of her employees not only support diversity among themselves but also among all their customers. For effective management of diversity, Amanda schedules her employees so that diverse individuals work the same hours. The employees build relationships, learn from each other, and support each other. Amanda's management fits the _____ role.


As the manager of Taylor Construction, Scott created a policy that required all subcontractors to submit monthly reports to show the percentage of work that was completed by their diverse employees. This is an example of

managing diversity.

JRC Inc., a consumer-electronics firm based in Atlanta, is opening another manufacturing unit. The top management involves female representatives in the design team to take care of any concerns that female employees may have. This is an example of

managing diversity.

Brittney just started working for a real estate agency a few weeks ago, and she has developed a supportive relationship with Sherry who has worked with the agency for several years. Brittney talked with Sherry about a problem she is facing in the workplace. Sherry suggested some possible solutions and discussed the strengths and weaknesses of each. This is an example of


Under the _____ rule, an ethical decision is one that best maintains people's fundamental privileges.

moral rights

Emily is seldom in a bad mood and is always optimistic about herself and others. It can be said that Emily is low on

negative affectivity.

Which of the following helps managers respond to the differing needs of diverse employees while enabling those employees to be effective contributors to an organization?

not feeling threatened by different approaches and perspectives

Managers at Enron prevented employees from selling Enron shares in their pension funds while they sold hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of their own Enron stock. This illustrates the_____ approach to social responsibility.


Paul works in the billing department for a medical center. He reports to his manager that some patients' bills include additional fees for which they should not be charged. His manager tells him to ignore the issue and keep processing the bills. This is an example of a(n) ______ approach.


The managers of Lehman Brothers, whose bankruptcy helped propel the 2008-2009 financial crisis, used loopholes in U.K. law to hide billions of dollars of worthless assets in its balance sheet to disguise its poor financial condition. Which of the following approaches to how to be socially responsible is illustrated from this example?


When tobacco companies sought to hide evidence that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, they were exhibiting a(n) _____ approach to social responsibility.


Bob gave a talk to his employees about standards that govern how members of their profession should conduct themselves. He was talking about ______ ethics.


When people belong to the same organization, they tend to share certain beliefs and values that lead them to act in similar ways. This is known as

organizational culture.

Melanie is a financial advisor for an investment firm. Her formal business attire reflects and reinforces the firm's conservative culture. Furthermore, Melanie engages clients, coworkers, and superior managers in a professional and respectful manner. This is an example of the concept of a(n)

organizational language.

New employees in an organization are sometimes put through a training period where they are familiarized with the organization as a whole. This process is also called

organizational socialization.

The U.S. Army develops socialization programs to determine how individuals enter, advance within, and leave the organization. This is a rite of _____.


Good decisions are based on accurate information. The success of fast-food restaurants in diverse markets can be attributed to the managers who have relatively accurate


According to McClelland, the need for ______ is the extent to which a person has a strong desire to control and to influence others.


Companies and managers that take a(n) _____ approach go out of their way to learn about the needs of different stakeholder groups.


Companies that go out of their way to learn about the needs of different stakeholders and use organizational resources to promote their interests are using the _____ approach.


Which approach to social responsibility is being implemented by a company that actively embraces the need to behave in socially responsible ways?


Which of the following approaches is characterized by the highest degree of social responsibility?


The supervisor of medical billing at a hospital has established a practice that helps her document her employees' skills, performances, and abilities. This information helps the supervisor make objective decisions when promoting employees in her department. Which principle are the supervisor's actions based on?

procedural justice

When a manager asks a subordinate for sexual favors in return for a promotion, what type of sexual harassment has occurred?

quid pro quo

One result of effectively managing diversity is a(n)

reduction in turnover rates.

Demonstrating its social responsibility helps a company build a good


Which of the following would be considered quid pro quo sexual harassment?

request for sexual favors

Which of the following helps ensure that diversity is managed effectively in an organization?

securing top management commitment

Samantha made some changes in the production process to make sure employees could perform tasks without endangering their health and safety. Samantha was employing the moral rights rule to

seek to protect the rights and privileges of people affected.

Julie, a regional sales manager for a pharmaceutical corporation, scheduled a critical meeting for all the sales reps in her region. After setting the date and time for the meeting, Julie learned that the date she chose was a religious holiday for members of a certain faith. Julie then changed the date for the meeting because

she wanted to effectively manage diversity.

Tucker is hiring a manager for his clothing store. When he reviews the credentials of applicants, he pays special attention to individuals who share his hobbies and interests. Jose's passion for music and interest in the stock market gets him the job. Tucker is influenced by the _______ effect.


Organizational _____ is the process by which newcomers internalize an organization's values and norms and behave in accordance with them.


Tiffany & Co. has a deep moral commitment to act responsibly in its sourcing of precious metals and gemstones. This is an example of ______ ethics.


The management of an elementary school in Texas receives Martin's application for a teaching position. Martin's application is rejected because he is male. The management of the elementary school is influenced by


The sales manager at STU Inc., Riley, has to promote either Mark or Kate to the position of assistant sales manager. Mark and Kate are equally good resources. Riley promotes Kate because he believes that all women are soft-spoken and polite. Riley is influenced by


Jolene just started working at Elogics, an electronics company. During her first week of employment, she attended an orientation meeting where the managers talked about the company's history. As they talked about the actions of those who contributed to Elogics' growth and those who caused problems over the years, Jolene learned what values and norms are appropriate. The company used _____ to communicate organizational culture.

stories and language

Which of the following is least likely to be a source of individual ethics?


Organizational commitment can be defined as

the collection of feelings and beliefs that managers have about their organization as a whole.

Nancy wants to report some unethical behavior among colleagues in her department, but she doesn't want to her colleagues to know she is the whistle-blower. Nancy should talk to

the ethics ombudsperson.

Organizations can have a strong organizational culture when

the organizational commitment is strong.

When people are in negative moods

they are focused on the facts at hand.

Which of the following is an aim of distributive justice within an organization?

to ensure that outcomes are not distributed based on a person's personal characteristics like race or age

Simon was confronted with a serious ethical dilemma. He responded with a solution that created the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Which ethical rule best describes his response?


A(n) _____ is what a person is striving to achieve in life and how they want to behave.

value system

One managerial implication of the justice model is that managers should base their decisions on

whatever promotes a fair distribution of outcomes.

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