MAR4503 exam 2

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What has research revealed regarding consumers' variety-seeking behavior?

Consumers are more likely to become bored on sensory attributes such as taste.

_____ continue to buy the same brand though they do not have an emotional attachment to it.

Repeat purchasers

Which of the following is NOT a research finding regarding the Internet as an information source?

Roughly 30% of American adults use a search engine to research a product/service before buying it online

Which problem recognition involves a discrepancy that only one brand can't solve

Selective problem recognition

Problem recognition is the result of discrepancy between a desiredStay and an actual state that is sufficient to arouse and activate the decision process


Which of the following is an approach to problem identification?

activity and product analysis human factors research problem analysis emotion research

Which type of decision making covers the middle ground between nominal and extended decision making?

limited decision making

Which type of decision making involves internal and external search, few alternatives, simple decision rules on a few attributes, and little postpurchase evaluation?

limited decision making

All EXCEPT which of the following nonmarketing factors affect consumers' desired state?

normal depletion

Which indirect measurement techniques used to determine consumers' evaluative criteria allow the respondent to indicate the criteria someone else might use?

projective techniques

The level of concern for, or interest in, the purchase process triggered by the need to consider a particular purchase is known as _____.

purchase involvement

Which of the following is NOT a subcategory of the awareness set?

purchase set

Evaluative criteria differ on all EXCEPT which of the following?


Which of the following is NOT a type of consumer choice process?

rational choice

Quaker introduced its "Quaker Oats to go" bar and marketed it as a healthy and convenient breakfast choice. Quaker's marketing message is designed to help the consumer to _____.

recognize a problem acknowledge breakfast as important and make it a priority in their busy day

One reason a consumer does an ongoing search is because the process itself is pleasurable to him or her.


Online services use bots, which are software "robots" that do the shopping/searching for users, and are therefore often referred to as shopping bots.


Two distinct categories of nominal decision making are brand loyal decisions and repeat purchase decisions


Variety-seeking behavior is a challenge to marketers because it means the consumers switch brands for reasons beyond a company's control.


Nominal decision making is sometimes referred to as habitual decision making.


Which approach to problem identification focuses on a particular activity such as lawn maintenance?

activity analysis

Which of the following is NOT a type of consumer decision making discussed in your text?

complex decision making

Which condition is appropriate to time to influence generic problem recognition

-It is early in the product life cycle - The firm has a high percentage of the market -external search after problem recognition is apt to be limited -it is an industrywide cooperative effort

Customer complaints communicated directly to the company and no one else are important because

-they can alert the firm to problems. -enable problems to be solved. - neutralize negative WOM. - enable dissatisfied customers to be more satisfied.

Many elderly consumers have problems with arthritis this painful condition makes it almost impossible for them to open jars her medicine containers because the joints in their fingers are so stiff. Which type of consumer problem is this?


Which of the following statements is true regarding active and in active consumer problems

Active problems require the market or only to convince consumers that it's brand is a superior solution

An ______ is the way an individual wants to feel or be at the present time

Desired state

Very high levels of purchase involvement 10 to produce_____.

Extended decision making

A latent problem is one of which the consumer is not aware.


Attitude-based choices are not used for important decisions.


Facebook ads are delivered at random to Facebook members.


Making a brand a compromise option in the choice set decreases that brand's probability of being chosen because consumers do not like "middle-of-the road" brands.


Mobile marketing efforts can be viewed in much the same way as those on the Internet; that is, driving information to consumers (pull strategy) and driving consumers to information (push strategy).


One difficulty with using into intuition alone to identify consumer problems is that it is a complex research so I can make that requires extensive training


Campbell Soup you several advertising campaigns that's just the benefits of soup and general for example one tagline used was soup is good food and another was never underestimate the power of soup which type of problem recognition was Campbells attempting to stimulate

Generic problem recognition

The manager of a bank branch is concerned about the number of mistakes the tellers were making so he started manipulating different aspects of the environment in the Bing to see what affects each has on the tellers performance he examined the factors such as the lighting temperature and the volume of the music playing in the bank which approach to problem recognition is a manager using

Human factors of research

Which condition is appropriate to attempt to influence generic problem recognition?

It is early in the product life cycle. The firm has a high percentage of the market. External search after problem recognition is apt to be limited. It is an industry-wide cooperative effort.

Ben is interested in golf, so he visits several golf-related websites, such as the USGA and the PGA. Unbeknownst to him, his surfing behavior is being tracked, and it's no accident that he receives several banner ads for golf products and destinations. This is called _____.

Marketing strategy that focuses only on creating awareness is adequate.

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding appropriate alternatives?

Marketing strategy that focuses only on creating awareness is adequate.

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding problem recognition?

Only when the desired state is greater than the actual state will a problem exist.

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate condition to attempt to influence generic problem recognition?

The firm has a small percentage of the market.

Churn is a term used to refer to turnover in a firm's customer base.


For a target market using the elimination-by-aspects rule, it is critical to meet or surpass the consumers' requirements on one more (in order) of the criteria used than the competition.


Indirect measurement techniques used to determine consumers' evaluative criteria differ from direct measurements in that they assume consumers will not or cannot state their evaluative criteria.


Which marketing strategy is similar to preference strategy but is complicated by the fact that the target market is not seeking information about the brand?

acceptance strategy

Which type of consumer problem is one the consumer is aware of or will become aware of in the normal course of events?


Kim was participating in a group discussion centered on the participants' problems encountered while taking care of their hair. Which approach to problem identification is this?

activity analysis

Which of the following tends to be more holistic in nature, and the brand is not decomposed into distinct components that are evaluated separately from the whole?

affective choice

Bobbie bought a Dell computer because her brother has one, and he seems to be satisfied with it. She did not compare any other computers when making this choice. Which type of choice process did Bobbie use?

attitude-based choice

Karl and his wife are considering putting a built-in pool in their backyard. They were discussing who they could get to do it for them, and they realized they knew of five pool contractors in their city. These five pool contractors that they thought of as potential contractors for them represent their _____.

awareness set

Which online environment option is a growing source of potential consumer feedback and input?

blogs Facebook Twitter

Brad was out of soft drinks in his dorm room, so he went to the store and purchased Coke. This is the brand he always buys, and he would not even consider purchasing another brand. Which type of nominal decision does this illustrate?

brand loyal decision

Joyce will only drink Pepsi, and she feels an emotional attachment to it. That is the brand she was brought up on and is the one she continues to drink every day. Joyce is exhibiting _____.

brand loyalty

Which marketing strategies are appropriate for limited decision making?

capture strategy and intercept strategy

Joanne is considering the purchase of a microwave oven and has four evaluative criteria. For each criterion, she has attached an importance weight ("W"), and each brand is evaluated on its performance on that criterion ("B"). Then a rating is calculated by summing the product of the B's and W's on a criterion for each brand, and the brand with the highest overall rating is chosen. Which type of decision rule is Joanne using?


Conrad is considering the purchase of a laptop computer. He has decided that he will not spend more than $1200, the computer must weigh no more than 4 pounds, and battery life must last at least 4 hours. He has similar minimum requirements for a few other criteria he is using to evaluate alternatives. If an alternative does not meet ALL of these minimum requirements, he will not consider it further. Which decision rule is Conrad using?


The evoked set is also called the _____.

consideration set

Negative emotions or guilt feelings aroused by the use of a product or a service are referred to as _____.

consumption guilt

Rebecca is a single woman in her 40s. She sold her Honda Civic and bought an Acura CSX, which is considerably more expensive. She was going to her brother's house with her mother, and she asked her mother to drive in her car instead of Rebecca's new one. She didn't want her brother to see that she had purchased an expensive car for herself. Rebecca was experiencing _____.

consumption guilt

Which of the following factors is the MOST likely reason consumers change providers of a service?

core service failure

Candice is on a diet and wants to lose 10 pounds. She wants to be thin right now, which represents her _____.

desired state

Which decision rule establishes a minimum level of performance for each important attribute (often a fairly high level), and all brands that meet or exceed the performance level for any key attribute are considered acceptable?


Which marketing strategy is appropriate if the brand is not part of consumers' evoked sets?

disrupt strategy

Exploding demand and short product life-spans for high-tech gadgets such as cell phones, personal computers, and various other personal electronic devices is creating growing concerns over _____.


Miles is considering the purchase of a new car. Price is the most important criterion for him, and he will only consider those models that do not exceed $20,000. Since several models satisfy this criterion, he then considers how each alternative performs with respect to gas mileage, and he will not consider any that get less than 20 miles per gallon in the city. Which decision rule is Miles using?


One retailer asked a group of consumers the types of emotions they experience in both positive and negative retail situations. The purpose of this research was to uncover consumer reactions to various situations so that clerks could be trained to respond appropriately. Which approach to problem recognition is this?

emotion research

Nancy usually considers price and quality when she has to make a major purchase, such as an appliance or an automobile. These two features represent Nancy's _____.

evaluative criteria

The Smith's oldest daughter, Olivia, is a senior in high school. She has all "A's" and scored a 34 on the ACT. She is president of the debate team and the national honor society as well as a member of the cheerleading squad. Olivia wants to attend medical school, so both she and her parents are very concerned about which undergraduate school she attends. They have spent countless hours on the Internet examining universities, and they have already visited five campuses. For Olivia and her parents, which type of decision making does this represent?

extended decision making

Which type of consumer decision making involves the evaluation of many attributes and alternatives and employs complex decision rules?

extended decision making

Nathan is purchasing a new computer, so he asks his friends and family for help in selecting one. He also has searched the Internet and visited the Dell, Gateway, and Apple websites and has consulted Consumer Reports. Nathan is conducting which type of information search?

external search

In a compensatory decision, a brand's weakness on one attribute cannot be overcome by its strength on another attribute.


The maintenance marketing strategy is appropriate if consumers use extended decision making and the brand is in the evoked set.


The three types of decision making are rebuy, limited, and extended.


Factors such as timely delivery, order accuracy, billing accuracy, and merchandise quality are part of which dimension in online satisfaction and dissatisfaction?

fulfillment and reliability

Research has shown that most of the online search leading up to a purchase was _____.


Two basic approaches to causing problem recognition are _____.

generic problem recognition and selective problem recognition

For which product is no disposition involved?

ice cream cone

Which type of consumer problem is one of which the consumer is not aware


Which type of consumer problem is one of which the consumer is not aware?


Kimberly loves the ham and turkey from the Heavenly Ham store. There is only one store in her town, though, and it is pretty far away. She goes that direction on Saturdays for her daughter's music lesson, but by the time it's over and she's heading home, the store is already closed. Sometimes she brings a cooler and stops there before her daughter's lesson, but most of the time she forgets to bring the cooler. She usually ends up buying lunch meat at the grocery deli. Which reason for changing providers does this represent?


Which of the following is NOT a source of increased customer profitability over time?

increased churn

Brands that are found completely unworthy of further consideration are members of the _____.

inept set

Brands for which a consumer is aware but basically indifferent toward compose his or her _____.

inert set

Which dimension of product performance relates to the physical functioning of the product?


Hannah asked her mother to buy her a certain brand of athletic shoes because that's what all the other kids are wearing at school. For Hannah, which type of motive is most likely underlying her request for that specific brand?

instrumental motive

Which type of motives activates behaviors designed to achieve a second goal?

instrumental motives

Style, taste, prestige, feelings generated, and brand image are examples of which type of evaluative criteria?


One marketer for a brand of shampoo learned through research that consumers in the target market engage in limited decision making but that this marketer's brand is not part of their evoked set. Which marketing strategy is appropriate for this company?

intercept strategy

Once a problem is recognized, relevant information from long-term memory is used to determine if a satisfactory solution is known, what the characteristics of potential solutions are, what are appropriate ways to compare solutions, and so forth. This is referred to as _____.

internal search

Once a problem is recognized, relevant information from long-term memory is used to determine if a satisfactory solution is known, what the characteristics used to determine if a satisfactory solution is known, what the characteristics and so forth. This is referred to as _____.

internal search

Rudy is a product category manager for a major consumer packaged goods manufacturer. Part of his job requires that he analyze a given product category and logically determine where improvements could be made. Rudy has determined several consumer problems this way. Which of the following best describes how Rudy uncovers consumer problems?


What is the most common approach to discovering consumer problems?


The minimum amount that one brand can differ from another with the difference still being noticed is referred to as the ______.

just noticeable difference

Marla is bored with her cell phone. She wants to purchase a new one that has cool ring tones and can take a picture. She's not going to conduct a big search for a new phone as she's just going to consider a few others. Which type of decision making is this?

limited decision making

When a consumer notices a new product in a store because of the point-of-purchase display, reads about the attributes of the product and recalls an unresolved problem that this product will solve, and then purchases the product, _____ has occurred.

limited decision making

Which type of decision making involves recognizing a problem for which there are several possible solutions?

limited decision making

Blake doesn't much care about cars but is engaging in a substantial amount of information search about cars since he is about to buy a new car. In terms of involvement, Blake is _____.

low in product involvement; high in purchase involvement

Susan actually knows quite a bit about some product categories that she doesn't actively seek out information concerning and doesn't even own. Which of the following is the most likely means by which she obtained this information?

low-involvement learning

Coca-Cola has a large brand-loyal purchaser segment. Which marketing strategy is appropriate for this brand?

maintenance strategy

Which marketing strategy requires consistent attention to product quality, distribution, and a reinforcement advertising strategy because the brand is purchased habitually by the target market?

maintenance strategy

Some companies attempt to initiate problem recognition through ______.

mass media advertising point-of-purchase displays

Karen is going to the mall to purchase new shoes. Based on her prior experience with Nine West and her positive attitude toward them, she plans on looking at the Nine West store first. Her decision to visit the Nine West store is based on which source of information?


Past searches, prior personal experiences, and prior low-involvement learning are examples of which source of information?


Which of the following is a primary source of information available to consumers?

memory personal sources independent sources marketing sources

Every winter, Laurie's skin becomes very dry and results in painful cracks in her skin on her fingers. Once this happens, Laurie remembers that Zim's Crack Cream works really well for this problem, so she stops at the store to pick some up. Which type of decision making has occurred?

nominal decision making

If, in response to a problem, a consumer recalls a single, satisfactory solution, no further information search or evaluation may occur. The consumer purchases the recalled brand and _____ has occurred.

nominal decision making

Which type of consumer decision making does NOT include alternative evaluation?

nominal decision making

Which type of consumer decision making includes only a limited internal information search and no external search for information?

nominal decision making

Which type of consumer decision making only includes the stages of problem recognition, limited internal information search, purchase, and limited postpurchase behavior?

nominal decision making

Which type of decision making process in effect involves no decision per se?

nominal decision making

Deliberate external search that occurs in the absence of problem recognition and is done both to acquire information for possible later use and because the process itself is pleasurable is known as _____.

ongoing search

Friends, family, and others are examples of which source of information?

personal sources

Kasi is seeking the advice of her parents in her decision on which college to attend. Which source of information is Kasi using?

personal sources

Connie just purchased her first new car, and she's actually feeling a little bad about it. She's concerned about how much money she spent and how long she will be making car payments. She's not sure she made the right choice, either. She liked another car a little better, but ended up purchasing another model. Connie is experiencing _____.

postpurchase dissonance

Extended decision making with the brand in the evoked set requires which marketing strategy?

preference strategy

Which marketing strategies are appropriate for extended decision making?

preference strategy and acceptance strategy

Which of the following is often used as a surrogate indicator of quality?

price advertising intensity warranties country of origin

Which approach to problem recognition starts with a problem and asks respondents to indicate which activities, products, or brands are associated with (or perhaps could eliminate) those problems?

problem analysis

What is the first stage of the consumer decision process?

problem recognition

A manufacturer of a digital music player asked several consumers the problems associated with using these types of products. Several consumers said that they had trouble downloading music onto their computers and then onto their music players. Which approach to problem recognition is this marketer using?

product analysis

Feature and quality variations across brands are referred to as _____.

product differentiation

All EXCEPT which of the following nonmarketing factors affect a consumer's actual state?

reference group

Marriott Rewards customers earn points whenever they stay at any Marriott property. Louis is in this program, and he travels quite a bit because he works in sales. He usually stays at a Courtyard by Marriott, and when he walks into the lobby there is a sign by the desk welcoming him by name as well as other Marriott Rewards customers who might be staying there. This ongoing relationship between Louis and Marriott is an example of _____.

relationship marketing

Rita is doing her family's grocery shopping and purchases ice cream. She's purchased Blue Bell ice cream before and purchases it again. She's not committed to this brand; it's just that she and her family like it. Which type of nominal decision is this?

repeat purchase decision

Which type of nominal decision is characterized by a consumer believing that all brands within a given product category are about the same and not attaching much importance to the product category or purchase?

repeat purchase decision

Which of the following involves techniques designed to ensure that a company's Web pages appear high on an Internet search result list?

search engine optimization

Which of the following is an alternative once a consumer has decided to get rid of a product?

sell it give it away loan it to someone throw it away

Amelia wanted to purchase a nice watch for her husband, but she was overwhelmed by the amount of information available on the Internet for this product. She visited one website that offered a service that would do the searching and comparisons for her, so she decided to use it. The service Amelia used is referred to as a(n) _____.

shopping bot

Consumers' general approaches or patterns of external search are termed _____.

shopping orientations

The two types of evaluative criteria are _____.

tangible and intangible

Radian6 is a leader in the field of ______.

social media measurement, consumer problem discovery

Which of the following is a nonmarketing factor affecting problem recognition?

social status previous decision motives situation

Lisa has to check her e-mail frequently to delete the unsolicited messages she gets, typically for loans and prescription drugs. If she doesn't delete them, her inbox will fill up and e-mails that she wants to receive won't get through. This unsolicited e-mail is known as _____.


Unsolicited e-mail that is a major concern and irritant is known as _____.


Sandy uses online banking, and her bank charges her $4.99 per month. However, she has seen ads for a competing bank offering free online banking services. She'd like to switch, but she realized that it might be difficult to do since she has several of her bill payments set up as automatic debits. The cost of changing to another bank represents Sandy's _____.

switching costs

The costs of finding, evaluating, and adopting another solution are known as _____.

switching costs

A completely nominal decision does not even include consideration of _____.

the "do not purchase" alternative

Which of the following drives problem recognition?

the consumer's perception of the actual state

Attribute-based choice requires _____.

the knowledge of specific attributes at the time the choice is made. attribute-by-attribute comparisons across brands.

The level of one's desire to resolve a particular problem depends on which factors?

the magnitude of the discrepancy between the desired and actual states and the relative importance of the problem

A consumer's desired state can be influenced by previous decisions.


Approaches to discovering consumer problems include activity analysis, product analysis, problem analysis, human factors research, and emotion research.


Conjunctive, disjunctive, elimination-by-aspects, and lexicographic are noncompensatory decision rules.


Firms attempt to cause selective problem recognition to gain or maintain market share


Firms attempt to cause selective problem recognition to gain or maintain market share.


Nominal and most limited decision making will not produce postpurchase dissonance.


James likes to eat a strawberry Pop-Tart for breakfast before school. After about two weeks of this, he starts to get bored with that and switches to waffles. James is displaying which type of behavior?


Factors such as information quality, navigation, price, merchandise availability, purchase process, and order tracking are part of which dimension in online satisfaction and dissatisfaction?

website design and interaction

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