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Refusing to ____________ his vituperative责骂 words, the ambassador only further ____________ members of the multinational多国的 committee. Blank (i) exacerbate使恶化 加剧 moderate温和的 有节制的 intensify加强 Blank (ii) intrigued好奇的 迷住的 encouraged受到鼓舞的 incensed愤怒的

1.+ moderate 2. - incensed

In Metroville, the KP subway line follows the riverfront from downtown to the neighborhoods surrounding the university. No matter how many trains the subway runs on the KP line, there are always congestion and delays on the KP line. The subway submitted a proposal for an alternate subway line that would travel from downtown to the neighborhoods surrounding the university via the inland neighborhoods, hoping to draw some of the congestion from the KP line. The city hired urban planning consultants who concluded the subway's proposal of a new line would not reduce commuter congestion on the KP line. 1.Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the urban planning consultants' position? Construction of a new subway line would involve constructing a number of new stations throughout the city. The city buses that run along the river between downtown and the university would be more attractive to commuters than an inland subway line. Construction of a new subway line would inevitably 不可避免的stimulate the growth of new business and restaurants along that line, especially in the vicinity邻近的 of the stations of that new line. Some commuters have reported having to wait as long as half an hour to board a train on the KP line. The most popular after-work destinations, such as riverfront restaurants and bars as well as the ballpark棒球场, would only be accessible by the current KP line.

1.The most popular after-work destinations, such as riverfront restaurants and bars as well as the ballpark棒球场, would only be accessible by the current KP line.

There has always been controversy有争议的 over the nature of poetic language. To some, poetic language should be special, removed from the language of everyday (thus, the dictum, 'The language of the age is never the language of poetry'). To others, it should be closely in touch with everyday, or, perhaps, be 'current language heightened.提高' To Ralph Waldo Emerson, the whole language is in any case 'fossil poetry.' Statements of this kind to some extent miss the point, which is to stress the enormous range of linguistic expression that is found under the heading poetry. At one extreme, there are poems that are as far removed from everyday speech as it is possible to imagine; at the other, there are poems that, if it were not for the division into lines, would closely resemble prose. 1."As far removed from daily speech as possible" most closely parallels which of the following? "poems...would closely resemble类似 prose散文" "Current language heightened" "fossil poetry" "the enormous range of linguistic expression" "The language of the age is never the language of poetry" 2. It can be inferred from Emerson's quote that he implied which of the following? Poetry has influenced colloquial白话的,通俗的 speech. All language eventually becomes archaic古代的 陈旧的. Language that is too far removed from everyday speech becomes meaningless. The range of linguistic expression is vast. In most societies exists a disconnection between poetry and everyday speech.

1.Thelanguage of the age is never the language of poetry 2.Poetry has influenced colloquial白话的,通俗的 speech.

Even though physiological and behavioral processes are maximized within relatively narrow ranges of temperatures in amphibians 两栖动物and reptiles爬虫动物, individuals may not maintain activity at the optimum 最适合的temperatures for performance because of the costs associated with doing so. Alternatively, activity can occur at suboptimal 次优的temperatures even when the costs are great. Theoretically, 理论上说costs of activity at suboptimal temperatures must be balanced by gains收益 of being active. For instance, the leatherback 革龟sea turtle will hunt during the time of day in which krill一种虾 are abundant, even though the water is cooler and thus the turtle's body temperature requires greater metabolic新陈代谢的 activity. In general, however, the cost of keeping a suboptimal body temperature, for reptiles and amphibians, is varied and not well understood; they include risk of predation捕食, reduced performance, and reduced foraging 觅食success. One reptile that scientists understand better is the desert lizard, which is active during the morning at relatively low body temperatures (usually 33.0 C), inactive during midday when external temperatures are extreme, and active in the evening at body temperatures of 37.0 C. Although the lizards engage in similar behavior (e.g., in morning and afternoon, social displays, movements, and feeding), metabolic rates and water loss are great and sprint speed is lower in the evening when body temperatures are high. Thus, the highest metabolic and performance costs of activity occur in the evening when lizards have high body temperatures. However, males that are active late in the day apparently have a higher mating success resulting from their prolonged延长的 social encounters邂逅. The costs of activity at temperatures beyond those optimal for performance are offset by the advantages gained by maximizing social interactions that ultimately impact individual fitness. 1.The author implies that, in the desert lizard, the advantages in some forms of social interaction occur during a period in which metabolic costs are low are in direct proportion to the desert lizard's body temperature typically outweigh the costs of engaging in activity lower the chance that the lizard will expend energy are short-lived and carry with them numerous dangers 2.The passage suggests that reptiles and amphibians are able to perform an activity at suboptimal temperatures avoid excessive costs when performing an activity limit the costs of an activity by resting frequently maintain a body temperature irrespective of the environment avoid predation by resting during the night 3. It can be inferred from the passage that the metabolic costs of an activity during the middle of the day are similar to the metabolic costs of activity during the evening the same as the cost of metabolic activity at night higher than metabolic costs of activity in the morning low and constant, regardless of behavior typically lower, depending on the activity

1.lower the chance that the lizard will expend energy 2.perform an activity at suboptimal temperatures 3.higher than metabolic costs of activity in the morning

The DNA molecule分子 is composed震惊的 of subunits亚组 called base pairs, which are two smaller subunits bonded together, forming part of a genetic message. In our bodies every individual cell has one billion base pairs. It is unlikely that all of these base pairs, making up what scientists call an entire genome基因组, could be extracted萃取 from fossil remains. Even if they could, they would still need to be assembled into an ordered, structured genome. At present, isolating and organizing the DNA into an entire genome for a fossil animal is impossible. We cannot create carbon copies of organisms that are alive today, even if we have the entire genome in its correct order. Before cloning becomes possible, much must be learned about translating the information in the genome into a living, breathing organism. 1.Based on information in the passage, if a scientist were able to derive a dinosaur's entire genome from a fossil then that scientist would not have sufficient information to create an actual dinosaur have the essential information necessary to clone a dinosaur know little regarding the dinosaur's DNA not have access to the dinosaur's base pairs be able to translate the information in the genome into an organism 2.The primary purpose of the passage is to discuss an ongoing difficulty highlight a common misconception disprove a common theory recommend a course of action argue against a controversial practice

1.not have sufficient information to create an actual dinosaur 2.discuss an ongoing difficulty

Dark matter and dark energy have little effect on conventional matter over familiar distances. Instead, they make their presence known through their prodigious惊人的 gravitational effects. In tracking them down, therefore, astronomers have had to study gigantic assemblages集合体 of matter, extending across spans 范围of millions and billions of light-years. Perhaps the first to take that sweeping viewpoint was the Swiss-American astronomer Fritz Zwicky. In the 1930's, Zwicky traced the motions of individual galaxies within great clusters 群 簇of galaxies and made a remarkable discovery: the individual galaxies are moving too fast to be held together in a cluster by the force of gravity exerted by the starry matter visible within them. From his measurements, Zwicky concluded that the great clusters of galaxies must be held together by the gravitational effect of some unseen mass, which he dubbed被称为 "dark matter." 1.Scientists studied "gigantic assemblages of matter, extending across spans of millions and billions of light-years" in order to support a theory regarding the structure of galaxies discredit the view that effects of dark matter are only manifest 证明over small distances bolster支持 a hypothesis first proposed by Zwicky expand the scope of their findings observe a gravitational effect that is not apparent on a smaller scale 2. It can be inferred from the passage that Zwicky hypothesized the existence of "dark matter" in order to account for the speed in which galaxies are moving away from one another the manner in which large galaxies tend to clump together the great distance between certain galaxies a phenomenon that visible matter alone is unable to explain the behavior of galaxies outside of great clusters

1.observe a gravitational effect that is not apparent on a smaller scale 2.a phenomenon that visible matter alone is unable to explain

____________ abound in geography: the city of Alexandria is named after Alexander the Great; Leopoldville, the former name of Kinshasa, is named after King Leopold II of Belgium. Eponyms 名字被用于命名地方的人 Derivatives衍生物 Metaphors隐喻 Tropes比喻 Diminutives微小的


Modern psychoanalysis is ___________ Freud, for while he bequeathed 遗传us an effective heuristic启发式的 for understanding the human psyche心智, he is also guilty of perpetuating不朽的 many untruths谎言. dismissive of轻蔑的 ambivalent toward矛盾的 condemnatory of处罚的 indifferent to漠不关心的 uninformed about无知的


The chairman of the board, sensing that any effort was futile无用的, became _____ the company's plight困境, and only shrugged his shoulders when the shareholders 股东notified him that the corporation was insolvent.破产 wary of小心翼翼,警觉 apathetic to冷漠的 irascible towards易怒的 hopeless regarding绝望的 pugnacious towards好斗的 indifferent to冷漠的



adj. being vorn or beginning


adj. coming, forth, or about to come forth; about to appear, approachingin time; the forthcoming concert 2.ready or available when required or expected: He assured us that patyment would be forthcoming 3.frank and cooperatiove; cndid: in his testimony, the senator could have been more forthcoming 4.friendly and outgoing: sociable n.5. a coming, forth; appearance

A tantalizing 撩人的paradox悖论 in the field of number theory—especially for the neophyte新学者—is that even one with little training can pose 造成a legitimate合法的 question that can ______________ a seasoned 经验丰富的expert. impress加强 baffle使困扰 undermine破坏 confound使混淆 convince说服,确信 discourage阻止,使气馁


Much of the consumer消费者 protection movement is predicated断定的 on the notion概念 that routine日程 exposure暴露 to seemingly _______________ products can actually have long-term deleterious 有毒的consequences. outdated过时的,废弃的 banal陈腐的,平庸的 litigious好争论的 virulent剧毒的 benign良性的,和蔼的亲切的,吉利的


That Alexander Solzhenitsyn languished 失去活力的for many years in a Siberian prison camp露营 can perhaps account for the _____ tone语气 of many of his novels. bleak阴冷的,荒凉的 sentimental伤感的 cogent强有力的,令人信服的 sanguine乐观的,满怀希望的 persistent固执的 grim冷酷的,糟糕的

bleak, grim

Whereas Henry James preferred urban settings to spin his intricate复杂的 studies on the human psyche, Thomas Hardy preferred _____ backdrops背景 to explore the workings of the mind. simple historic有历史意义的 bucolic乡村的 牧羊的 serene拼镜的 tense紧张地 rustic乡村的

bucolic, rustic

Yielding to increased pressure from the international community, the nation of Himeria consented 同意to _____ a large swathe包围 of land it had formerly captured捕获的. convert转换 restore恢复 cede放弃 割让领土 annex附加 吞并 surrender使投降,交出,放弃 dismiss 减少

cede, surrender

Though she had spent years toiling 倾斜away, she had again, much to her ____________, been passed over for a lucrative有利可图的 post that went to someone far less senior. delight高兴 disenfranchisement剥夺... 的公民权利 diligence勤奋的 prescience先见 chagrin气恼,苦恼


A successful space shuttle launch 航天发射is ______________ such a great number of factors--any of which can sabotage 妨害a lift-off--that spectators旁观者 should not chafe at the slightest 极不重要的sign of delay. unrelated to 不相关 relevant to依赖于 contingent upon依情况而定 dependent on 看情况determined by conditions or circumstances not yet estalished peripheral to次要的 coterminous with 相连的bing of equal extent or scope

contingent upon dependent to

Because the defendant辩护 expressed very little ____________ for his heinous可憎的 crime, the judge meted给予 out a(n) ____________ sentence. Blank (i) contempt蔑视 contrition痛悔 会晤 apathy无兴趣 Blank (ii) charitable慷慨的 severe严厉的 peculiar特殊的,独特的

contrition severe

No less incendiary 煽动者amongst在...中 the populace大众 than many other "hot button" issues of the day, "fracking水力压裂"—or hydraulic 液压的fracturing of the earth's surface to acquire获得 gas, a practice that mostly takes place in remote parts of the country—has been (i) ___________ the national dialogue come election time, perhaps because voters are typically (ii) ___________ environmental problems that do not occur in their own backyards, so to speak. Blank (i) unfairly tarnished使生锈 in a prominent突出的 theme in curiously好奇的 absent 缺席的from Blank (ii) misinformed误导 about worked up over unmoved by无动于衷的,不受控制的

curiously absent from, unmoved by

The travel writer's ______________ towards others he met on his cross-country trip most likely endeared 钟爱him only to those readers with a misanthropic不愿与人来往的 bent嗜好. diffidence羞怯 humility谦卑的 cynicism玩世不恭 愤世嫉俗 garrulity多嘴的 obsequiousness谄媚的


The conception of time as parcelled out in ______________ intervals间隔 did not begin with the advent 出现of the clock; as such we must have a biological predisposition易染病的 to not conceive设想 of time as simply an amorphous无定型的 succession of moments. fleeting 飞逝的 illusory错觉的 幻影的 unbounded 不受控的无限的 discrete离散的 indiscernible难识别的 看不见的



dispersion, 分散 from disperse

Eschewing避免(avoid) the acerbic tone used in his previous reviews of Kingley's works, Clarke was far more ______________ in his latest article, balancing the curmudgeonly小气的 with the avuncular.叔叔的 forthright直率的 equitable公平的 ingenuous天真的 坦白的 evenhanded公平的 公平无私 demonstrative说明的 证明的 ambivalent矛盾的

equitable , evenladed

For the time being, at least, the director's intent意图 is _______: he has remained reticent沉默的 during interviews, and even viewers have had wildly divergent相异的 interpretations解释 over the film. fixed固执的,准备好的 unambiguous清楚地 equivocal可疑的 provisional临时的 unorthodox非正统的, 异端的


The stage of daytime talk shows has become our Roman coliseum竞技场 - the audience, hissing 轻蔑and booing, ____________ the "culprit犯人," who is forced to justify some unseemly不合适的 behavior. conciliates安抚调和 remediates治疗的 lauds赞美 execrates诅咒,憎骂 stymies从中作梗,妨碍


For one undertaking such a complex dissertation论文, Marcus gave a remarkably ________ response when the committee asked him a probing好探索的 question, thereby creating the impression that he had only a superficial knowledge of the subject. facile温和的,易做到的 debonair高兴地 smug自鸣得意的,自以为是的 整洁的 shallow浅的,肤浅的 erudite博学的,饱学之士 histrionic戏剧的,表演的


The professor began to work ______________ on various research projects—though never to the point that she failed to attend to her classes, since whether she received tenure 任期was determined not only by published research but also, to some extent, by student recommendations. periodically定期的 sporadically零星的,偶发的, monotonously单调的 industriously勤勉的 diligently勤奋的 fruitfully多产的,肥沃的

industriously, diligently

Favoring quantity over substance, many amateur writers labor under the delusion错觉 that the more ____________ the sentence structure the more ____________ the thought being conveyed. Blank (i) rudimentary基本的 involved有关的 superficial表面的 Blank (ii) tactical战术的 ironic讽刺的 反讽的 profound意义深远的

involved profound


n. 1. in warfare retaliation aagainst an enemy, for injuries received, y the infliction of equal or greater injuries. act or instance of retalition 3.the action or practice of using force, short of war, against another nation, to secure redress of a grevance 4.the forcible seizure of property or subjects in retaliation.


n. 1. the process of realizing upon assets and of discharging liabilities in concluding the affairs of a busness, estate, etc. 2.the process of converting securities or commodities into cash. 3.the state of being liquidated : an estate in liquidation.


n.浸泡注射 1.the act or process of infusing; . 2. something that is infused. 3. a liqui extract , as tea, prepared by steeping or soaking. 4. Pharmacology a, the steeping or soaking of a crude drug in water. b. the liquid so prepared 5. medicine a. the introduction of a saline用盐水 or other solution into a vein血管

Rather than ____________ the objectives客观的 of the recent reform改革, the government opted选择 to forgo放弃 making any official announcement to the public. institute开始 promulgate公布 concede承认,退让 retract缩回,取消 compromise妥协,危害


Jacques was a born ____________ : he would often regale取悦 款待 those around him with stories from his fascinating childhood. dissembler掩饰,伪君子 iconoclast偶像破坏者 打破常规者 raconteur健谈者 善于讲故事的人 sentimentalist多愁善感的人 maverick持不同意见的人 没打烙印的动物


The recent spate洪水 of quality television dramas—while clearly indebted 负债的to the cinematic 电影的idiom of the 1970's—represents a(n) ______________ achievement: never before has any video medium been called on to sustain a narrative讲述 for 100 plus hours. wondrous奇妙的令人惊奇的 incalculable无数的 unambiguous清楚地 unprecedented空前的 spotty多斑点的 groundbreaking开创性的

unprecedented , groundbreaking

While the dense稠密的 brush can make for tough going, the state park features a wilderness荒地 that is virtually事实上 _________; some will gladly乐意的 trade their comfort for a chance to behold fauna 动物群few others ever have. empty endangered濒临灭绝的 untouched未受影响的 pristine原始的 淳朴的 secluded隐蔽的 imperiled 危及使陷于危险


Though many are apt to believe that the bones from a recent discovery are those of a direct ancestor of modern humans, some scientists are skeptical怀疑论者, and contend争斗 that the remains, while suggesting a common ancestor, are but a vestige退化的器官 of one of evolution's many ______ experiments. noble高尚的 unviable不能独立生存的 intuitive只觉得 unsuccessful失败的 archaic古代的 ingenious有独创的,聪明的



v. to provide an instance of or concrete evidence in rupport of ( a theory, concept, claim, or the like)

For triathletes三项全能运动员 to remain _____ even after a large meal is unsurprising, given that their training regimens养生法 require them to burn thousands of calories each day. responsive回应的 sated满意的 voracious贪吃的 reticent沉默的 alert警觉地 ravenous贪婪的

very hungry voracious and ravenous

What is currently (i) ______________ civil engineers is not so much a predicted increase in annual precipitation as the likelihood that many storms will come in (ii) ______________, thereby making flooding in lower lying riparian regions (iii) ______________. Blank (i) worrying comforting unimportant to Blank (ii) more predictable patterns tighter succession greater isolation Blank (iii) far more likely somewhat infrequent all but impossible


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