Marketing Exam 2

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The Internet and digital age have given marketers a whole new way to​

create customer​ value, engage customers and build customer relationships

Closing a sale with a particular customer is a​ short-term ________​ orientation, but the selling process must also take a​ ________ orientation and look at the long term.

transactional; relationship

What are the five promotion mix tools used by marketers to communicate customer​ value?

Advertising, public​ relations, personal​ selling, sales​ promotion, and direct and digital marketing

Which of the following statements about public relations is​ correct?

The lines between advertising and public relations are becoming more blurred.

Marketers should work to measure the returns on their sales promotion investments. What is the most common time to perform the​ evaluation?

Before, during and after a promotion

What are three major factors are changing the face of​ today's marketing​ communications?

Changes in​ consumers; changes in marketing​ strategies; and sweeping changes in digital technologies

What is big​ data?

Data contained in huge and complex data sets

High sales force costs necessitate an effective sales management process consisting of which of the following​ steps?

Designing sales force strategy and​ structure, recruiting and​ selecting, training,​ compensating, supervising, and evaluating salespeople and sales force performance

​________ involve engaging directly with carefully targeted individual consumers and customer communities to both obtain an immediate response and build lasting customer relationships.

Direct and digital marketing

​________ is perhaps the toughest public policy issue now confronting the direct marketing industry.

Invasion of privacy

​________ selling requires listening to​ customers, understanding their​ needs, and carefully coordinating the whole​ company's efforts to create lasting relationships based on customer value.


Customer insights come from good marketing​ information, which contribute to creating value and meaningful customer relationships. Companies use these customer insights to develop​

a competitive advantage

The main forms of direct and digital marketing are

traditional direct marketing tools and the new digital marketing tools

Marketers use mobile marketing to engage customers​ anywhere, anytime during the​

buying and​ relationship-building processes

Evaluation calls for evaluating the communication and sales effects of advertising and other brand content​ before, during, and after it is placed and measuring​

advertising return on investment

According to the​ text, what is perhaps the toughest public policy issue now confronting the direct marketing​ industry?

Invasion of privacy

Which of the following is a benefit of direct and digital marketing for​ buyers?

It is​ convenient, easy, and private.

_____________________ must be closely coordinated for maximum campaign effectiveness.

Message decisions and media decisions

Which form of direct and digital marketing do companies use to stimulate immediate​ buying, make shopping​ easier, enrich the brand​ experience, or all of​ these?

Mobile marketing

________ refers to marketing via the Internet using company​ websites, online advertising and​ promotions, email​ marketing, online video and blogs.

Online marketing

What are the four important decisions made when developing an advertising​ program? List them in order.

Setting advertising​ objectives, setting the advertising​ budget, developing advertising​ strategy, and evaluating advertising effectiveness

What are the four sales force structures a company can​ use?

Territorial, product,​ customer, and complex

A​ company's total promotion​ mix, also called its marketing communications​ mix, consists of the specific blend of five​ tools:

advertising, personal​ selling, sales​ promotion, public​ relations, and direct and digital marketing tools

Most marketers are now riding the huge social media wave. Marketers can engage in social media in which of the following​ way(s)?

They can use existing social media or they can set up their own.

The marketing information system​ (MIS) first​ ________, which primarily serves the​ company's marketing and other​ managers, but it might also provide information to external partners.

assesses information needs

To gain good customer​ insights, marketers must effectively manage marketing information from​

a wide range of sources

Integrated marketing communications must deliver company and brand messages that are​

clear, consistent, and compelling

Depending on the type of​ promotion, a marketer develops and implements the sales promotion program by using three key promotion tools. These include

consumer promotion tools​, trade promotion tools or business promotion tools

Sales promotion campaigns call for setting sales promotion objectives. In​ general, sales promotions should be

consumer relationship building

Social media has many​ pluses, but on the down​ side, ________. This makes social media difficult for marketers to control.

consumers largely control social media content

The Internet and digital age have fundamentally changed​ customers' notions of​ convenience, speed,​ price, product​ information, service, and brand interactions. As a​ result, they have given marketers a whole new way to​

create customer​ value, engage customers and build customer relationships.

To​ ________ for customers and​ ________, marketers must first gain​ fresh, deep insights into what customers need and want.

create​ value; build meaningful relationships with them

For​ sellers, direct and digital marketing are powerful tools for building​ ________ and​ ________________.

customer​ engagement; close,​ personalized, interactive customer relationships

The marketing information system​ (MIS) helps users analyze and use the information to​

develop customer​ insights, make marketing​ decisions, and manage customer relationships

Spurred by the surge in Internet usage and​ buying, and by rapid advances in​ ________, ________ has undergone a dramatic transformation.

digital​ technologies; direct marketing

Firms seeking immediate response from targeted individual consumers and consumer communities use​ ______________________ marketing tools to engage consumers and cultivate relationships with them.

direct, digital, and social media

Online advertising has become a major promotional medium. The main forms of online advertising are

display ads and​ search-related ads

As an element of the promotion​ mix, the sales force is​ ________ and carrying out such activities as​ prospecting, communicating, selling and​ servicing, and information gathering.

effective in achieving certain marketing objectives

Marketers tend to underuse public relations or use it as an afterthought. Public relations has the power to​ ______________ and​ _______________.

engage​ consumers; make them a part of the brand story and its telling

The company uses the promotion​ mix, also called its marketing communications​ mix, to​ ______________________.

engage​ customers, persuasively communicate customer​ value, and build customer relationships

With companies becoming more​ market-oriented, the sales force plays a key role in​ ________ and​ __________________________.

engaging​ customer; developing and managing profitable customer relationships

Companies use mobile marketing to stimulate immediate buying and make shopping​ easier, but it can also​

enrich the brand experience

Traditional direct marketing tools include​

face-to-face selling,​ direct-mail marketing, catalog​ marketing, telemarketing,​ direct-response television​ marketing, and kiosk marketing

Marketers are viewing information not only as an input for making better decisions but also as​ a(n)

important strategic asset and marketing tool

To deliver a clear and compelling​ message, each tool in the promotion mix must be carefully coordinated under the concept of​

integrated marketing communications

To prevent creating a communications​ hodgepodge, companies are adopting the concept of​

integrated marketing communications​ (IMC)

The second critical phase in developing a marketing information system​ (MIS) is developing information. The information is developed from​ ________, __________, and​ ____________.

internal​ databases, marketing intelligence​ activities, and marketing research

Personal selling can be very effective in complex selling situations because it involves​ ________ interactions and engagement between salespeople and individual customers.


For most​ companies, digital and social media marketing will remain​ ________ to the marketplace that works alongside other approaches in a​ ________.

just one important​ approach; fully integrated marketing mix

The sales force sells products by engaging​ customers, presenting its​ offerings, answering​ objections, negotiating prices and​ terms, closing​ sales, servicing​ accounts, and​

maintaining account relationships

The people and procedures dedicated to assessing information​ needs, developing the needed​ information, and helping decision makers use the information to generate and validate actionable customer and market insights comprise a​

marketing information system

As marketers adopt richer but​ _____________________ to reach their diverse​ markets, they risk creating a communications hodgepodge for consumers.

more fragmented media and promotion mixes

Direct marketers know​ that, if left​ unattended, direct marketing abuses will lead to increasingly negative consumer​ attitudes, lower response and engagement​ rates, and calls for​

more restrictive state and federal legislation

The new digital and social media have given birth to a​

more​ targeted, social, and engaging marketing communications model

In most​ cases, the company is not simply seeking a sale.​ Rather, it wants to engage the customer over the long haul in a​

mutually profitable relationship

The​ ________ are providing salespeople with powerful tools for identifying and learning about​ prospects, engaging​ customers, creating customer​ value, closing​ sales, and nurturing customer relationships.

new digital technologies

Companies that have traditionally operated offline have created their own online​ sales, marketing, and brand community channels. In​ fact, ​________ retailing companies are having as much online success as their​ online-only competitors.


Websites, online advertising and​ promotions, e-mail​ marketing, online​ video, and blogs are all forms of​ ________ marketing.


The concern about​ ________ is an area where consumers fear that unscrupulous snoopers will eavesdrop on their online transactions and social media​ postings, picking up personal information or intercepting credit and debit card numbers.

online and digital security

Ultimately, ___________________technologies are helping to make sales forces more​ efficient, cost effective and productive.

online, mobile and social media

A dazzling new set of direct digital marketing tools has burst onto the marketing​ scene, including​

online, social media marketing and mobile marketing

The​ firm's PR should be blended smoothly with other promotion activities within the​ company's

overall integrated marketing communications effort

The marketing information system​ (MIS) consists of​ _______, __________, and​ ___________to generate and validate actionable customer and market insights.

people and procedures for assessing information​ needs, developing the needed​ information, and helping decision makers use the information

Public relations involves building good relations with the​ company's various publics. What are all of the functions it​ includes?

press​ agentry, product​ publicity, public​ affairs, lobbying, investor​ relations, and development

Personal selling involves a​ multiple-step process. The first step includes​ ______________ and the last step is​ _______________________.

prospecting and​ qualifying; follow-up

Promotional tools offered to consumers include​

rebates, coupons, price​ packs, and samples

After sales promotion campaign objectives are​ set, the next steps are​ ________, __________, and then​ __________________________.

selecting​ tools; developing and implementing the sales promotion program

As with the other promotion​ tools, in considering when and how to use product public​ relations, the best thing management should do is​

set PR​ objectives, choose the PR messages and​ vehicles, implement the PR​ plan, and evaluate the results

Advertisers should​ ______________ to determine whether the advertising is supposed to​ inform, persuade, or remind buyers.

set clear objectives

The​ fastest-growing sales trend is the explosion in​ ________, which is using​ online, mobile and social media in selling.

social selling

Strong relationships with the salesperson will result in​

strong relationships with the company and its products

The typical personal selling process consists of seven specific steps. The steps in the selling process are​ ________. The aim is to help salespeople close a specific sale with a customer.


Advertising​ decision-making involves decisions about​

the​ objectives, the​ budget, the​ message, the​ media, and the evaluation of results

Although the​ fast-growing digital marketing tools have grabbed most of the headlines​ lately, ________ are very much alive and still heavily used.

traditional direct marketing tools

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