Marketing M.14 Quiz

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advertising platform

Basic issues or selling points to be included in an advertising campaign

arbitrary approach

Budgeting for an advertising campaign as specified by a high-level executive in the firm

objective-and-task approach

Budgeting for an advertising campaign by first determining its objectives and then calculating the cost of all the tasks needed to attain them

percent-of-sales approach

Budgeting for an advertising campaign by multiplying the firm's past and expected sales by a standard percentage

Public relations

Communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relations between an organization and its stakeholders

comparative advertising

Compares the sponsored brand with one or more identified brands on the basis of one or more product characteristics

competition-matching approach

Determining an advertising budget by trying to match competitors' advertising outlays

native advertising

Digital advertising that matches the appearance and the purpose of the content in which it is embedded


Evaluation of advertisements performed before a campaign begins


Evaluation of advertising effectiveness after the campaign

Summarize the eight major steps in developing an advertising campaign.

First, they must identify and analyze the target audience. Second, they should establish what they want the campaign to accomplish by defining advertising objectives. Third, marketers must create the advertising platform. Fourth, advertisers must decide how much money to spend on the campaign. Finally, advertisers must devise one or more methods for evaluating advertisement effectiveness.


Paid nonpersonal communication about an organization and its products transmitted to a target audience through mass media


Photos, drawings, graphs, charts, and tables used to spark audience interest in an advertisement

advertising appropriation

The advertising budget for a specific time period

advertising campaign

The creation and execution of a series of advertisements to communicate with a particular target audience

target audience

The group of people at whom advertisements are aimed


A blueprint that combines copy and visual material to show the sequence of major scenes in a commercial

news release

A short piece of copy publicizing an event or a product


The physical arrangement of an advertisement's illustration and copy


The verbal portion of advertisements

Analyze how public relations is used and evaluated.

To evaluate the effectiveness of their public relations programs, companies conduct research to determine how well their messages are reaching their audiences. Environmental monitoring, public relations audits, and counting the number of media exposures are all means of evaluating public relations effectiveness. Organizations should avoid negative public relations by taking steps to prevent negative events that result in unfavorable publicity. To diminish the impact of unfavorable public relations, organizations should institute policies and procedures for dealing with news personnel and the public when negative events occur.

Competitive advertising

Tries to stimulate demand for a specific brand by promoting its features, uses, and advantages relative to competing brands

regional issues

Versions of a magazine that differ across geographic regions

consumer jury

a panel of a product's existing or potential buyers who pretest ads

To provide precision and measurability, advertising objectives should contain

benchmarks and indicate how far the advertiser wishes to move from these standards.

Each year, the U.S. government spends blank in advertising to advise and influence the behavior of its citizens.

hundreds of millions of dollars

the major steps in creating an advertising campaign are

identifying and analyzing the target audience, (2) defining the advertising objectives, (3) creating the advertising platform, (4) determining the advertising appropriation, (5) developing the media plan, (6) creating the advertising message, (7) executing the campaign, and (8) evaluating advertising effectiveness.

Advertisers research and analyze advertising targets to establish an information base for a campaign. Information commonly needed includes

includes location and geographic distribution of the target group; the distribution of demographic factors, such as age, income, race, gender, and education; lifestyle information; and consumer attitudes regarding purchase and use of both the advertiser's products and competing products.

many nonbusiness organizations—including blank employ advertising to communicate with stakeholders.

including governments, churches, universities, and charitable organizations

If an advertiser defines objectives on the basis of sales, the objectives focus on

increasing absolute dollar sales or unit sales, increasing sales by a certain percentage, or increasing the firm's market share.

An advertising platform should consist of

issues important to customers.

Organizations use advertising to

reach a variety of audiences ranging from small, specific groups

feature article

A manuscript of up to 3,000 words prepared for a specific publication

press conference

A meeting used to announce major news events


A news story type of communication about an organization and/or its products transmitted through a mass medium at no charge

captioned photograph

A photograph with a brief description of its contents

unaided recall test

A posttest in which respondents are asked to identify advertisements they have seen recently but are not given any recall clues

recognition test

A posttest in which respondents are shown the actual ad and are asked if they recognize it

aided recall test

A posttest that asks respondents to identify recent ads and provides clues to jog their memories

What permeates our daily lives?


Identify who is responsible for developing advertising campaigns.

Advertising campaigns can be developed by personnel within the firm or in conjunction with advertising agencies. A campaign created by the firm's personnel may be developed by one or more individuals or by an advertising department within the firm. Use of an advertising agency may be advantageous because an agency provides highly skilled, objective specialists with broad experience in advertising at low to moderate costs to the firm.


An advertisement's illustrations and layout

Describe advertising and its different types.

Advertising is a paid form of nonpersonal communication transmitted to consumers through mass media, such as television, radio, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, direct mail, outdoor displays, and signs on mass-transit vehicles. Both business and nonbusiness organizations use advertising. Institutional advertising promotes organizational images, ideas, and political issues. When a company promotes its position on a public issue such as taxation, institutional advertising is referred to as advocacy advertising. Product advertising promotes uses, features, and benefits of products. The two types of product advertising are pioneer advertising, which focuses on stimulating demand for a product category rather than a specific brand, and competitive advertising, which attempts to stimulate demand for a specific brand by indicating the brand's features, uses, and advantages. To make direct product comparisons, marketers use comparative advertising, which compares two or more brands. Two other forms of competitive advertising are reminder advertising, which reminds customers about an established brand's uses, characteristics, and benefits, and reinforcement advertising, which assures current users they have made the right brand choice.

Reinforcement advertising

Advertising that assures users they chose the right brand and tells them how to get the most satisfaction from it

advocacy advertising

Advertising that promotes a company's position on a public issue

institutional advertising

Advertising that promotes organizational images, ideas, and political issues

Product advertising

Advertising that promotes the uses, features, and benefits of products

Pioneer advertising

Advertising that tries to stimulate demand for a product category rather than a specific brand by informing potential buyers about the product

Reminder advertising

Advertising used to remind consumers about an established brand's uses, characteristics, and benefits

Describe the different tools of public relations.

Public relations is a broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between an organization and its stakeholders. Public relations can be used to promote people, places, ideas, activities, and countries, and to create and maintain a positive company image. Some firms use public relations for a single purpose; others use it for several purposes. Public relations tools include written materials, such as brochures, newsletters, and annual reports; corporate identity materials, such as business cards and signs; speeches; event sponsorships; and special events. Publicity is communication in news-story form about an organization, its products, or both, transmitted through a mass medium at no charge. Publicity-based public relations tools include news releases, feature articles, captioned photographs, and press conferences. Problems that organizations confront in using publicity-based public relations include reluctance of media personnel to print or air releases and lack of control over timing and content of messages.

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