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A person who believed in the "family-decline" theory might say the following:

"There has been a serious breakdown in marriage and family values."

The text claims the reason 22 percent of millennials say they have "no friends" could be a result of the willingness to work fifty or more hours per week, otherwise known as a(n) __________.

"overwork premium"

Children of divorce also are more likely to have been __________, meaning they were forced to take on adult responsibilities before they were developmentally mature enough to handle them.


In 2013, the average cost of raising a child to age 18 is estimated at __________ for middle-income families.


About what percentage of married couples in the U.S. are same-sex couples?

10 percent

Polygamy has been illegal in the United States since


Today, women compose approximately __________ percent of Congress.

24 percent

Single-person households now make up __________ percent of U.S. households.


Men continue to dominate corporate America. In 2019, slightly less than __________ percent of CEOs in Fortune 500 companies were women.


Research suggests that _____ percent of young males have been victims of physical violence.


Today, __________ percent of adopted children are of a different race than one or both of their parents.


Today, only about __________ percent of American households fit the 1950s nuclear family ideal of a married couple with children, where only the husband is employed.


Almost __________ percent of young adults say they believe in one true love.


According to the text, female full-time employees earn __________ percent of what employed males do.


Approximately __________ percent of abortions are obtained by unmarried women.


A 2001 survey found that approximately __________ percent of women agree that one can be a good mother and have a successful career.


The text cites four social factors that may encourage young people today to postpone marriage or not to marry at all. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

A rejection of marriage as an institution

Which of the following is NOT one of the "facts" discussed in the text concerning fathers as primary parents?

About 20 percent of all U.S. children younger than age 15 are living with single fathers.

The most likely of all ethnic/racial categories to intermarry is__________.

American Indians

The text offers several explanations for the drop in overall fertility levels. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

An increase in sexual abstinence

Regarding international adoption, in 2000, most children were adopted from __________.


The text points out that parenting is probably more satisfying for parents and effective for children when both parents use which parenting style?


Which of the following is NOT one of the types of postdivorce relationships identified by Ahrons?

Bitter pills

__________ lower the likelihood of remarriage for both men and women.


Comparing children's well-being in married families with that of those in one-parent families, Linda Waite found that children from married families had several strengths. Which of the following is NOT one of her findings?

Children had a higher IQ and were more creative.

What is the impact of communication technologies like e-mail, Skype, and GPS on families?

Communication technologies change the way families interact.

Due to the American individualist orientation, three interrelated developments have occurred relating to marriage. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

Community became more vital and important.

Research on communication patterns in stepfamilies reveals several different communication patterns. In which pattern does communication flow freely, involving all members of the stepfamily equally?

Complete triad

Which of the following is NOT a style of relating, according to attachment theory?


__________ involves making disapproving judgments or evaluations of one's partner.


From a review of the literature about couples who decided not to have children, which of the following is NOT one of the motives for childlessness?

Dislike of children

Which of the following is NOT considered a reason for the stabilization of the divorce rate over the past three decades?

Divorce has once again become socially unacceptable.

T/F A national random sample of approximately 10,000 people is the minimum needed to validly represent the U.S. population.


T/F A review of research on couple communication in the 1990s strongly suggests that men and women respond almost identically to negative affect in close relationships.


T/F Both men and women do far more housework these days than in 1965.


T/F Children lower the likelihood of remarriage for both men and women, but the impact of children is greater on men's probability of remarriage.


T/F Children who live in poor neighborhoods are at less risk for negative social, educational, economic, and health outcomes.


T/F During the 1950s, both the divorce rate and the remarriage rate increased dramatically and remained high until the 1960s, when these rates declined slightly.


T/F Empathy is characterized by the willingness to work through problems and conflicts as opposed to calling it quits when problems arise.


T/F Empirical evidence includes things we know intuitively, which cannot be verified with our senses.


T/F Everyone who enters the marriage market is equally available to everyone else.


T/F Functional definitions of the family refer to what the family is, while structural definitions emphasize what the family does.


T/F Gender refers only to male or female anatomy and physiology.


T/F Gender socialization does not begin until late toddlerhood.


T/F Hispanic parents have been described as less authoritarian than white parents.


T/F Historically, polygamy has been very rare and taboo across all cultures.


T/F Hyperparenting is being an incredibly positive and almost perfect role model for your child.


T/F In most cases, marriage alone is sufficient to alleviate poverty.


T/F In recent years, men have been decreasing their share of the housework.


T/F Long marriages are more likely to end in divorce because marital happiness declines over time.


T/F Love may be accurately characterized as excessive self-sacrifice.


T/F Martyring is essentially equivalent to intimacy.


T/F More boys than girls are adopted.


T/F Most observers conclude that, for the time being, the divorce rate continues to rise dramatically.


T/F Most single mothers intended to raise their children without a partner.


T/F Mothers of young children were the first women to move into employment outside the home.


T/F Only 50 percent of Americans approve of black-white marriages.


T/F Our beliefs about families, based on our own personal experience, are usually accurate.


T/F Polyandry refers to multiple wives for one husband.


T/F Research reveals that women almost never engage in physical aggression in male-female relationships.


T/F Social fathers (nonbiological fathers in the role of father) seem to improve adolescents' outcomes when compared with living in a single-mother household.


T/F The high divorce rate implies that Americans are "giving up" on marriage.


T/F The informed consent of human subjects is only necessary in dangerous research.


T/F The proportion of young adults living with parents rose sharply between 2000 and 2012.


T/F The term stepparent originally meant an additional parent figure, not a person who replaces a dead parent.


T/F The traditional image of motherhood disappears when Mom is employed.


T/F The vast majority of two-paycheck marriages can be classified as dual-career.


Out-of-home placement with biological relatives of children who are in the custody of the state is __________.

Formal kinship care

Michael is a stay-at-home father and feels pressure from society to watch football on TV, enjoy action movies, play basketball on the weekends, and bring home a bigger paycheck than his corporate executive wife. What is this societal pressure called?

Gender expectations

The text lists three proposals to help boys to adjust better to our educational system. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

Having fewer recesses

__________ refers to marriage between those who are different in race, age, education, religious background, or social class.


Research has compared adolescents living in married, two-biological-parent families with those who have lived with a cohabiting parent. Those adolescents who have lived with a cohabiting parent are more likely to experience all EXCEPT which of the following?

Higher academic test scores

Which racial/ethnic group has the highest fertility rate in the U.S ?


According to classification by researchers Huston and Melz, which type of marriage is high on antagonism but low on love and affection?

Hostile, or distressed

According to classification by researchers Huston and Melz, which type of marriage is high on showing signs of love and affection while low on antagonism?

Hostile, or distressed

According to psychologist Beverly Smallwood, which of the following is NOT one of the most common love myths?

Individuals are not able to change who they really are.

Which is the correct term for a person who has been born with ambiguous genital anatomy?


Which of the following concepts indicates the condition of wanting to conceive and bear a child but being physically unable to do so?

Involuntary infertility

According to the text, parents today face questions that would not have been imagined several decades ago. Which of the following is NOT one of the questions discussed in the text?

Is my child doing well in school?

What is the primary reason, according to the text, that the transition to adulthood has become elongated?

It takes longer to earn enough to support a family.

What is the key function of marriage for most Americans?

Love and ongoing emotional support

Which of the following is NOT a way lawyers, mediators, and judges can improve the effects of divorce?

Make mothers the custodial parent.

Which of the following is one of the reasons offered in the text for the slight decline in remarriage rates?

Many divorced persons who would have remarried in the past are now cohabiting in stepfamilies.

Compared to married couples, cohabiters are all EXCEPT which of the following?

More sexually conservative

Which of the following is NOT identified in the text as among the features of the social context of child rearing that can make modern parenting difficult?

Most parents today do not have to worry about caring for their own aging parents.

Which of the following reflects the relationship between personal decision making and society?

Personal decisions are impacted by, but also influence, society.

The text observes that there are three major culturally defined obligations in masculinity. Which of the following is NOT one of those obligations?

Portraying emotional openness

Which of the following is a path young adults took in response to the recession?

Postponed marriage

One stepfamily scholar (Papernow) has suggested a seven-stage model of stepfamily development. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages in this model?


The text offers several reasons for the lower overall stability of remarriages. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

Remarrieds receive more social support from their families of origin and are generally more integrated with parents and in-laws.

Which United States Supreme Court decision legalized abortion throughout the United States?

Roe v. Wade

Which statement about the well-being of stepparents is accurate?

Stepmothers have worse mental health than biological mothers.

Significant changes have taken place in American childbearing patterns in the decades since World War II. Which is NOT one of these changes discussed by the text?

Teen pregnancies are on the rise.

Josh and Lizzie were always very physical and lovey-dovey with each other, but they also fought often, sometimes getting loud and physical in their anger. According to Huston and Melz, which type of marriage do they have?


When parents are interviewed, they report a variety of emotional satisfactions from having children. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

The assurance that they would be well cared for in their old age

Middle-class Americans often dream of attaining "the white picket fence." That is, they see marriage as an opportunity for idealized domesticity within the "haven" of their own single-family home. Which marriage does this describe?

The companionate marriage bond

Young singles choose to live with their parents for several reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of these reasons?

The need for a tax shelter

Social scientists have proposed alternative hypotheses for why women do more unpaid household labor. Which of the following is NOT one of those hypotheses?

The partner with less power in the relationship can escape undesirable household labor.

According to professionals, a collaborative divorce is best as it is focused on mutual respect and family preservation.


T/F A developmental map allows members of stepfamilies to distinguish between normal behavior and family crises.


T/F According to the text, family life is far more complex and difficult than the traditional image commonly portrayed.


T/F All in all, 42 percent of adults have at least one step-relative.


T/F As overall fertility levels have dropped, childbearing has increasingly shifted to later ages.


T/F At least among white, middle-class Americans, the husband-wife dyad is expected to take precedence over any others.


T/F Children younger than 18 make up about one-quarter of the homeless.


T/F Conflict is a natural part of every relationship.


T/F Expectations for permanence derive from the fact that, historically, marriage has been a practical social institution.


T/F From the family systems perspective, the parts of a family are seen as making a whole that is more than the mere sum of its parts.


T/F In displacement, a person directs anger at people or things that the other cherishes.


T/F In general, singles of both sexes have been less likely than marrieds to say that they were happy with their lives.


T/F Institutions in virtually every society have been characterized by patriarchy and masculine dominance.


T/F It appears that some of the increase in singlehood results from the low sex ratio and economic disadvantage.


T/F Many couples may feel uncomfortable about expressing anger directly.


T/F Many observers attribute our society's high divorce rate to the fact that Americans' expectations for marriage are too high these days.


T/F More than half of all divorces involve children younger than 18.


T/F Mothers typically engage in more hands-on parenting and take primary responsibility for children.


T/F Nearly two-thirds of marrieds say they are "very happy," compared to less than half of unmarrieds.


T/F One way gender identities are changing involves the increasing convergence of men's and women's social roles.


T/F Parents with only one child report that they can enjoy parenthood without being overwhelmed and tied down.


T/F Polyamory refers to marriages in which one or both spouses retain the option to sexually and emotionally love others in addition to their spouse.


T/F Regardless of family structure, a family characterized by warmth, cohesion, and generally supportive communication is better for children.


T/F Remarriages are less stable than first marriages.


T/F Research on racial/ethnic differences finds that the pattern of men's spending less time than women in housework occurs in white, black, and Hispanic families.


T/F Social support is necessary for feeling positive about and generally satisfied with being single, whether living alone or not.


T/F Sociobiologists are careful to point out that biological predisposition does not mean that a person's behavior cannot be influenced or changed by social structure.


T/F Some husbands today are rejecting the idea that dedication to one's job or occupational achievement is the ultimate indicator of success.


T/F Some of our choices are not conscious, and we slide into them.


T/F Stable cohabiting families with two biological parents seem to offer many of the same benefits that stable married biological parents provide.


T/F The United States is an example of what cross-cultural researchers call a free-choice culture.


T/F The aim of qualitative research is to gain in-depth understandings of people's experiences.


T/F The cohabitation trend spread widely in the 1960s, took off sharply in the 1970s, and has risen steadily ever since.


T/F The frequency of divorce increased throughout most of the twentieth century.


T/F The frequent use of social media has been correlated to low self-esteem.


T/F The more common infertility interventions involve prescription drugs and microscopic surgical procedures to repair a female's fallopian tubes or a male's sperm ducts.


T/F The number of one-person households has increased dramatically over the past thirty years.


T/F The traditionally expected American career path has required giving priority to one's profession while making family secondary.


T/F Today there are as many singles as married people.


T/F Until about thirty years ago, researchers tended to see men and women as homogeneous categories.


T/F Working full-time at minimum wage does not earn a parent enough money to live above the poverty line.


The effective use of contraception has contributed both to the falling birthrate and the falling rate of abortion.


Which of the following is NOT one of the steps involved with making knowledgeable choices?

Try to avoid making a decision if possible.

Which of the following is LEAST likely to spank their children?

Upper-middle-class parents

Which of the following reasons is espoused by your textbook as a good reason for ending a relationship?

When the relationship is characterized by violence or consistent verbal abuse.

What false belief is detrimental to a relationship?

Your partner should automatically know how you think and feel.

The American Psychological Association has taken the position that __________.

abortion does not typically lead to severe or long-lasting emotional problems

One year into marriage, the average spouse says 'I love you,' hugs and kisses their partner, makes their partner laugh, and has sexual intercourse _________ as often as when they were newly wed.

about half

According to psychologists Nathaniel Branden and Robert Sternberg, in order to nourish a romantically loving relationship, couples should

accept their partner's shortcomings.

The importance of the male provider role is a powerful theme in _______.

all race/ethnic groups

Those who adopt unrelated children __________.

are most commonly couples or individuals in which the woman has had no children, has impaired fertility, and has used infertility services

Considerable research has shown that on average, in comparison with children in first-marriage families, stepchildren of all ages __________.

are somewhat less well adjusted.

Children who have experienced disrupted or dissolved adoption events may suffer from what is called __________ disorder.


The __________ parent's attitude is "I am in charge and set/enforce the rules, no matter what."


The text points out that children, fear of losing the child, religion, and a lack of financial resources are sometimes perceived by spouses as __________ divorce.

barriers to

As families have become less traditional, the legal definition of a family has

become much more flexible.

According to the text, a woman lives with a(n) __________ or a divided awareness that caregiving is most important to her but it is not highly valued in society.

bifurcated consciousness

The good divorce does not end a family but instead produces a __________—two households, one family.

binuclear family

Significantly less likely to be married than other racial/ethnic groups, __________ of all social classes are more likely than other groups to be living by themselves, particularly in older age groups.


Personal experience provides us with information, but it can also act as _________, which is why we need scientific study.


Some adults who live with their parents have never moved out, but others—called __________—have left home and then returned.


A practice among schoolmates involves _______, in which students patrol and maintain gendered expectations of masculine boys and feminine girls.


While family members increasingly encourage girls to develop instrumental skills, _________.

boys are still discouraged from cultivating tenderness

Since the 9/11 attacks, the so-called can-do man tackles traumatic events head-on _________.

but also feels free to express emotion.

When unmarried partners decide to move in together, there are__________.

certain firm legal guidelines to follow.

Family _________ theorists posit that today's family forms need to be seen as historically expected adjustments to changing conditions.


Policy advocates from a marital __________ perspective are mainly concerned about the high number and proportions of parents and children living in poverty.


A "team" approach to raising children after divorce is __________.


The text observes that today, more and more stepfamilies result from __________.


Marriage was originally a social institution directed toward the practical purposes of economic support and responsible child rearing. Today, marriage tends to be viewed as a__________

companionate relationship

Robert Winch proposed the theory of __________, whereby people are attracted to partners whose needs complement their own.

complementary needs

Lesbian and gay singles__________.

comprise a diverse category of all ages and racial/ethnic groups.

We live in a society characterized by _________ change, including increased ethnic, economic, and family diversity.


Women's remarriage rate is __________ men's.

considerably lower than

In the United States, stay-at-home fathers

continue to be viewed as norm violators.

The text points out that when we think of singlehood as a(n) __________, we realize that not all singles are socially unattached, disconnected, or isolated.


In an experiment, the ______ group receives no special intervention.


Native American women's political power ________ with European invasion.


Economic downturns typically lead to a(n)__________ in divorce rates.


The divorce rate has __________ in the last two decades.


Christina is angry with her husband Tyrone for spending too much time and energy on his business endeavors, and she expresses dislike for his very expensive car. This is an illustration of


Women often find that "family-friendly" occupations__________.

do not pay well

According to the text, the nuclear-family model __________.

does not work well for most remarried families

Deciding about, rather than sliding into, a situation involves looking at the alternatives, not just picking the ________ choice.


Most research presents a consistent picture of postdivorce __________ for women.

economic decline

Jane married a man from her own social group. Her marital behavior illustrates


Huston and Melz classified relationships into four types. Which of the following is NOT one of those relationship types?


According to the__________ perspective, dating couples choose either to stay committed or to break up by weighing the rewards of their relationship against its costs.


Sociologists who argue that singles weigh the costs against the benefits of marrying are utilizing the __________ perspective.


The idea of bargaining resources in relationships such as marriage come to us from ___________ theory.


People are influenced by the society around them. Societal or structural conditions can negatively limit or positively__________ our options.


Warmth, sensitivity, tenderness, and placing concern about others' welfare above self-interest can be classified as __________ character traits.


Many households containing grandparents are __________ family households, which include other relatives besides parents and children.


Studies comparing marriages with and without children consistently report marital happiness to be higher in __________.

families with no children

Family togetherness, stability, and loyalty are all examples of

familistic (communal) values.

Policy advocates from a __________ perspective are concerned with the breakdown of the family including money spent on welfare.

family decline

A photograph in the text depicts individuals waiting patiently for medical attention in a neighborhood clinic. Which group of scholars might remark on the quality of the facilities or speculate about the home that these people live in?

family ecologists

There are__________ social, moral, and legal constraints on divorce than in the past.

far fewer

The home lives of undocumented parents are often characterized by__________.

fear and vigilance

When faced with a complaint from their partner, men tend to withdraw emotionally while women do not. This response is so common that therapists have named it the "__________ pattern."


Involved fathers work __________compared to childless men, on average.

fewer hours

A significant disadvantage of using case studies is that_________.

findings and conclusions may be highly subjective

In terms of mate selection patterns, the United States is an example of what cross-cultural researchers call a __________ culture.


Typically in __________ cultures, a wedding takes place only after a relationship has developed.


A highly masculine male who paints his fingernails pink is BEST described as an example of _________.

gender bending

The idea that there are naturally two very distinct genders is called

gender dichotomy.

Representative samples (like Gallup polls) are important to family survey research because the results can be ________ to the national population of the sample.


Supportive couple relationships have to do with the couple's __________, perhaps more than any other social indicator emphasized by social scientists in earlier studies.

gentleness and humor in relating to each other

Propinquity is also known as

geographic availability.

Suzanne and Paul obtained a complete list of all 500 students in their marriage and family class. Starting with the first student on the list, each student was assigned a number ranging from 1 to 500. Then, Paul and Suzanne selected for their study every tenth number on the list. Clearly, they were trying to ensure that their research_________.

had a representative sample

About __________ of all women who have had an abortion have had a previous abortion.


It is estimated that ________of all cohabiting relationships last less than two years, because the couple either break up or marry.


More than__________ of all nonmarital births occur to cohabiting couples.


Most stepfamilies are __________ with their relationships and lives.


For the most part, the divorce rate__________.

has stabilized for the time being

Differences will arise in a satisfying long-term relationships because no two individuals ___________.

have exactly the same points of view

Same-sex couples have successfully challenged __________, or the idea that heterosexuality is the only normal or acceptable option.

heteronormative bias

Some Muslim children who wear headscarves, called __________, may be subject to ridicule and discrimination.


According to the text, spanking refers to__________.

hitting a child with an open hand without causing physical injury

Friendship networks tend to be highly ______, encouraging similar people to meet and interact.


Family researchers will often generate a __________, or educated guess about the way things are, based on their theoretical orientation.


The increasing independence of Asian women in the United States has been attributed to _________.


Because of the cultural ambiguity of remarried family relationships, social scientist Andrew Cherlin calls the remarried family a(n) __________.

incomplete institution

The United States is considered a(n) __________ society, where romantic love is valued in marriage.


Family systems theory emphasizes __________ in family relationships.


Suppose that a Puerto Rican marries a Cuban. The situation reflects

interethnic marriage.

Many parenting couples move in together, then out, then back in, a situation referred to as__________.

intermittent cohabitation

Children who report, "I am unhappy a lot," or "I worry a lot," are evidencing __________ behavioral problems associated with emotional or psychological problems.


The ___________ perspective holds that conflict between parents is responsible for the lowered well-being of children of divorce.

interparental conflict

Considerable research supports the overall conclusion that growing up with married parents __________.

is better for children

The text concludes that the best way to make decisions about our personal lives is to make them_________.


Keeping love involves __________—a task largely accomplished by little gestures of appreciation, such as a touch or hug, and also simply by listening with genuine interest.

letting our loved ones know how much we care and appreciate them

Studying social change in the family can be best understood through _______ data.


Collecting data over a period of years using documented materials would reflect a(n)_________.

longitudinal study

If you wanted to make a knowledgeable decision about choosing which class to take,_________.

look through the catalog at all the possibilities, consider what will benefit you in the future, and register early to get the class you consider best

According to John Gottman and his colleagues, anger, sadness, and whining are examples of

low-intensity negative affect.

In discussing the importance of friendships for single individuals, the text points out that__________.

men may be more open and disclosing with a female friend

According to the text, fathers are spending __________ time with their children in comparison to the past.


The child population of the United States is ________ racially and ethnically diverse than the adult population.


Research by Straus and his colleagues show that children who have been frequently spanked by their parents, are__________.

more likely to have behavior problems later in life, as well as depression

In 2014, __________ percent of young adults aged 18-24 lived with their parents.

more than 50

Between 1960 and a peak in 1980, the refined divorce rate__________.

more than doubled

The text reports that _________ percent of first marriages were preceded by cohabitation.

more that 50

The vast majority of single mothers__________.

never intended to raise their children without a partner

Historically, black women have been far more likely than __________to work for wages.

nonHispanic white women

Compared with other ethnicities, it is much more common for blacks and Hispanics to enter stepfamilies through __________.

nonmarital childbearing and cohabitation

The pronounced tendency for men and women to be employed in different types of jobs is termed__________.

occupational segregation.

About __________ of all first marriages in the United States are likely to end in divorce.


Male infertility accounts for fertility difficulties in approximately __________ of couples seeking infertility treatment.


New parents feel overwhelmed, but the motivation to overcome their stress and do their best proceeds from the stressor itself. This has been termed the

paradox of parenting.

The child-inclusive approach focuses on __________communication.


In Europe, requirements for women's sexual exclusivity emerged to maintain the ______ line of descent.


In Ahrons' postdivorce relationship typology, __________ were friends who called each other often and brought their common children and new family ties together on holidays or for outings or other activities.

perfect pals

A type of polygamy wherein a woman has multiple husbands is __________.


Joline and Noah have been married for several years. They respond to each other warmly, with interest, affection, and shared humor. Joline and Noah's behavior reflects

positive affect.

Particularly among college-educated women, parenthood is _________.


According to the text, permanence and sexual exclusivity are two every important elements of the marriage


A feminine expectation that has emerged over the past thirty years is that of the "__________ woman," who is independent, ambitious, and self-confident.


The Multiethnic Placement Act of 1994 and the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997__________.

prohibit delay or denial in placement of children on the basis of race, color, or national origin of the parents

In American society, having children is taken for granted, whereas not having children seems to need a justification. This reflects a __________.

pronatalist bias

Which of the following is NOT a professional ethical standard of the IRB?

protection from harm

In the United States, the mother is expected to be the child's primary __________ parent, assuming the major emotional responsibility for the safety and upbringing of her children.


It is not uncommon for young couples to be on-again, off-again, a pattern relationship experts refer to as__________.

relationship churning

Coping in which each partner attempts to cope with his or her own strain in ways that do not harm the relationship and also attend to the other's emotional needs is called

relationship-focused coping

Children and adults can demonstrate the capacity to recover from adverse situations and events. This is called being


Parents who engage in the "overwork premium" often experience__________in which there are competing demands between career and parenting expectations.

role conflict

Virtually all research suggests that today's typical American family is__________.

rushed and stressed

Mark is angry because his wife invited friends over when he wanted to relax. He decides to act bored during the entire evening. Mark's behavior reflects


White and Booth found that marital quality does not vary greatly between first marriages and single or double remarriages; it is __________ that is generally affected.

satisfaction with family life

Sociologist Arlie Hochschild writes that employed parents put in a __________of unpaid family work that leaves them stressed and drained.

second shift

Children in high-conflict marriages__________.

seem to benefit from a divorce

According to the __________ hypothesis, many of the benefits of marriage result from the personal characteristics of those who marry.


Statistics on women in politics highlight that women, who make up more than 50 percent of the U.S. population, are ________ in high government positions.

significantly underrepresented

Social scientists have defined the family as a(n) __________—a fundamental component of social organization.

social institution

Attitudes and behaviors in relationships became increasingly egalitarian since the 1970s. Then the trend toward egalitarian behavior slowed during the 1990s. Feminists refer to this development as a __________.

stalled revolution

The text points out that remarriages dissolve at higher rates than first marriages, especially for remarried couples who have __________.


A small study cited in the text asked 265 stepmothers about their expectations of the stepmother role. The researchers found that __________.

stepmothers expect to be included in stepfamily activities but do not see themselves as replacing the stepchild's mother

The ______ hypothesis suggests that more texting is positively associated with other forms of communication.


Because some of America's values, laws, employment policies, and culture are slanted against parents and their children, some scholars have warned that our society is characterized by __________.

structural antinatalism

When conducting __________, researchers ask a series of structured, or closed-ended questions.


Once a couple starts to date, ______ are viewed as places to make an emotional connection and publicize the romance.

texting and social media

Family sociologist Andrew Cherlin has noted that time-honored family definitions and social norms "count for far less" than in the past. He calls this __________.

the deinstitutionalization of marriage

The text indicates that perhaps the most important task for unmarried individuals of both genders is__________.

the development of strong social networks

What is assisted reproductive technology (ART)?

the manipulation of sperm and/or egg in the absence of sexual intercourse that may involve a third party

Upper-class, highly educated parents are more likely to emphasize concerted cultivation, which is__________.

the overall development of their child's talents and potential

Journalist Peggy Orenstein observed students in two California middle schools and found that _________.

the participation and even antics of white boys in the classroom were considered inevitable and rewarded

Historically, marriage and family had two important functions: (1) guaranteeing property rights and (2) _________.

the responsible upbringing of children

LaToya and Christian have been having a bad day. LaToya asks Christian what is wrong. Christian replies, "Oh, nothing," but the look on his face and his body language suggest otherwise. Christian's behavior reflects

the silent treatment.

Research shows that distressed marital couples are distinguished by

their negative exchanges during conflict.

Some analysts concerned about boys' behavior in school note that _________.

there is a mismatch between their high levels of physical activity and school expectations

Heterosexual women are more likely than men to adjust their work and home schedules to accommodate caregiving, largely because__________.

they are paid less on average than their male partners

The text observes that a little more than half of home-based workers are women. Besides catching up on work, the reason they give most often for working at home is__________.

to coordinate work with personal/family needs

A possible disadvantage of the family ecology perspective is that it is __________.

too broad and inclusive

While part of being a scientist is having objectivity, in reality,_________.

total neutrality is impossible for anyone.

The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act mandates up to __________of unpaid family leave for workers in companies with at least fifty employees.

twelve weeks

Today, the statistical norm among married couples is the__________partnership.


The conflict and feminist theories call attention to __________ within groups—including families—and within the larger society.

unequal power

When neither spouse enters a remarriage with children, the couple's union is usually __________.

very much like a first marriage

The increase in childbearing among older single women is largely a(n) __________ phenomenon.

white, middle-class

Images of men as instrumental and women as expressive are based on _________.

white, middle-class heterosexuals

Study after study shows that marital satisfaction is greater when __________.

wives feel that husbands share fairly in the household work

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