Maslow, ch 9

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Deficiency needs

-failure to satisfy produces a deficiency in body -basic requirements for physical and psychological well-being -4 lower level needs that must be satisfied first

Higher needs

-later in life -gratification can be postponed and requires better circumstances/opportinities -satisfaction leads to psychological benifits

Cognitive needs

1. need to know-strongest and highest priority 2. need to understand-comes later *Appear in late infancy and early childhood *Overlap the other five needs *Required for self-actualization

To say that Maslow and Rogers were existential is to recognize that they emphasized

choice making and responsibility

Rogers said it was difficult for a therapist to know a client's experiential world completely, because

all of the answers

Rogers believed that the essence of human nature is

an innate drive for actualization

concerning cognitive needs, studies have been shown that emotionally healthy adults

are motivated to improve their knowledge about unexplained events

Which of the following illustrates B-motivation?

beauty, truth, and justice

Rogers believed personality is influence primarily by

conscious perception of ourselves and our experiential world

According to Maslow, once a need has been met

it may again become pre-potent, if no longer met in the future

What was Maslow's attitude tower subjective experiences?

it provides the experiential base for personality research

According to Maslow, truly self-actualized people constitute for ___ of the population

less than 1%

Once infants develop conditions of worth, they

must avoid certain behaviors that otherwise might be personally satisfying

Maslow's hierarchy of needs are considered instinctoid, which are based on

needs for safety, belongingness, and love

At the highest level of the need hierarchy, people are

no longer motivated by basic need deficiencies

In Rogers' theory of human nature

one aspect of personality... predispositional

The tendency to self-actualize can be impeded by

our doubts about our own abilities

Rogers childhood was characterized by

parents who loved him in subtle ways, but held strict religious views and emphasized moral behavior

Maslow called moments of intense ecstasy, power, and transcendence of the self

peak experiences

People whose safety needs are unsatisfied prefer

stability and structure

Rogers regarded the fundamental motivation to be

the actualizing tendency

To say that Rogers took a phenomenological approach recognize that he emphasized

understanding the point of view of the client

Belongingness and esteem needs arise in


In metamotivation, a person

is said to be developing from within

Maslow's primary research method was the

Maslow did not use these traditional research techniques

Jonah Complex

The fear that maximizing our potential will lead to a situation with which we will be unable to cope.

A fully functioning person feels a(n)

ability to live richly and creatively in the moment

All of the following are characteristics of a fully functioning person except

achievement of as much wealth and power as one's potential allows

Four needs are ________, and four needs are __________

deficit; growth (being)

Highly differentiated individuals are thought to

demonstrate better psychological adjustment

In Maslow's view, human behavior is

determined by innate needs and situational variables

Research using the Q sort provides

impressive evidence for the effectiveness of person-centered therapy

The need for safety is most important in

infants and neurotic adults

At an intrapsychic level, differentiation refers to the ability to distinguish between

intellect and emotion

Rogers' term for acceptance we need from others is

positive regard

Rogers' terms for the acceptance we need from others is

positive regard

People who are self-actualized are most likely to laugh at

the human condition

Belongingness and love needs

*Necessary for acceptance -Friendship -Intimacy -Family *Arises in adolescence

Esteem needs

*Necessary for confidence, competence, and productivity -Esteem and respect from others -Feeling of self-worth and esteem from selves *Arises in adolescence

Safety needs

*Necessary for freedom from fear -Physical safety -Health and well-being -Economic safety -Emotional safety -Insurance against future threats *Most prevalent in children and neurotic and insecure adults

physiological needs

*basic physical or biological needs required by every human to sustain life -Food -Water -Air -Clothing -Shelter -Procreation *Rarely in need of satisfaction in affluent, industrialized cultures


*the result when metaneeds are not met; -A thwarting of self-development related to failure to satisfy the metaneeds. -Psychological disorder that results when a being motive is not allowed proper expression.

Maslow's influences from later experiences

-Developed an interest in behaviorism;Worked with primates -Interest turned to humanism -Worked to overcome ailments -Experiences of having a child and feeling helpless, viewing a parade, and influences of Gestalt psychologist and American anthropologist kindled interest in self-actualization

12 characteristics of a Self-Actualized individual

-Efficient perception of reality -Acceptance of self, others, and nature -Spontaneity, simplicity, and naturalness -Dedication to a cause -sense of detachment and need for privacy -Freshness of appreciation -Peak experiences -Social interest -Deep interpersonal relationships -Tolerance and acceptance of others -Creativeness and originality -Resistance to social pressures/inculturation

4 necessary conditions of self-actualization

-Free of constraints imposed by society and selves -Free of distraction by lower-order needs -Security in self image and relationships with others -Realistic knowledge of strengths and weaknesses

Failure to self actualize

-Hostile and rejecting parents -Poor economic/environmental conditions -Inadequate education -Restriction from exploring -Too much freedom -Self-doubt (Jonah complex)

When self-actualized people use metamotivation, they are

-Seeking knowledge and understanding of environment -Seeking personal enrichment -State of "being" (spontaneously, naturally, and joyfully expressing full humanity) -Evolving to meet metaneeds *failure results in metapathology

What is necessary to be able to be self-actualized?

-Sufficient childhood love -satisfaction of physiological and safety needs in first two years of life -courage

Carl Rogers and ____ viewed psychology as humanistic, psychoanalytic

Abraham Maslow

Differentiation of self ....

All of the above

Those who have "satisfaction with life" tend to

All of the above

A wish or desire qualifies as a basic need when one or more of the following conditions are met

All of the above -absence -presence -return

Basic needs are

All of the above -instinctoid -universal -deficiency -prepotent

Carl Rogers' fully functioning person would

All of the answers

Self-actualizers can occasionally

All of the answers -feel doubt -be hurtful -experience conflict

A prerequisite for self-actualization is

All of the answers -realistic knowledge -freedom from constraints -feeling of security

Lower needs are

All of the answers -stronger -called -more

Higher needs are

All of the answers -weaker than lower -active late in life -less necessary

Deep interpersonal relationships

Although their circle of friends is not large, self-actualizers have deep, lasting friendships; tend to select as friends those with personal qualities similar to their own, just as we all choose as friends the people we find compatible; often attract admirers or disciples; relationships are usually one-sided; the admirer asks more of the self-actualizer than the self-actualizer is able or willing to give.

Maslow's influences from childhood

Father—determined but aloof father; hitchhiked across Western Europe; was a drinker and philanderer - periodically abandoned family Mother-- superstitious;cruel;hated- killed kittens; rejected Maslow for younger siblings Inferiority complex- Felt inferior because of physique, nose, and differences from others Compensation- Did not do well athletically, so turned to scholarship

social interest

Maslow adopted Alfred Adler's concept of social interest to indicate the sympathy and empathy self-actualizing persons have for all humanity; Although often irritated by the behavior of other people, self-actualizers feel a kinship with and an understanding of others as well as a desire to help them.

Maslow's views on human nature

Optimistic - focus on psychological health and potential Free will- we choose how to satisfy our needs and maximize potential Nature and nurture - needs are innate but behaviors are learned Uniqueness and universality - needs are universal but how we respond and behave are unique Growth - we try to achieve self-actualization and our maximum potential

Acceptance of self, others, and nature

Self-actualizers accept their strengths and weaknesses. They do not try to distort or falsify their self-image and they do not feel guilty about their failings. They also accept the weaknesses of other people and of society in general.

Resistance to social pressures/inculturation

Self-actualizers are autonomous, independent,and self-sufficient; feel free to resist social and cultural pressures to think or behave in a certain way;do not openly rebel against cultural norms or social codes, but they are governed by their own nature rather than the structures of society.

Tolerance and acceptance of others; democratic character structure

Self-actualizers are tolerant and accepting of the personality and behavior of others; display no racial, religious, or social prejudice; willing to listen to and learn from anyone capable of teaching them and are rarely condescending

sense of detachment and need for privacy

Self-actualizers can experience isolation without harmful effects and seem to need solitude more than persons who are not self-actualizing; depend on themselves, not on others, for their satisfactions; independence may make them seem aloof or unfriendly, but that is not their intent; more autonomous than most; and dont crave social support

Dedication to a cause; focus on problems outside themselves

Self-actualizers have a sense of mission, a commitment, to which they devote their energy. This dedication to a cause or vocation is a requirement for self-actualization; find pleasure and excitement in their hard work; Through intense dedication, able to satisfy the metaneeds; do not undertake their tasks for money, fame, or power but rather to satisfy the metaneeds. Their commitment challenges and develops their abilities and helps define their sense of self.

freshness of appreciation

Self-actualizers have the ability to perceive and experience their environment with freshness, wonder, and awe. An experience may grow stale for someone who is not self-actualizing, but self-actualizers will enjoy each recurrence as though it was the first. Whether it is a sunset, a painting, or a symphony, a baseball game or a birthday gift—all of these experiences can be viewed with delight. Self-actualizers appreciate what they have and take little for granted.

peak experiences

Self-actualizers know moments of intense ecstasy, not unlike deep religious experiences, that can occur with virtually any activity. Maslow called these events peak experiences, during which the self is transcended and the person feels supremely powerful, confident, an decisive.

Efficient perception of reality

Self-actualizers perceive their world, including other people, clearly and objectively, unbiased by prejudgments or preconceptions

Creativeness and originality

Self-actualizing people are highly creative and exhibit inventiveness and originality in their work and other facets of life; flexible, spontaneous, and willing to make mistakes and learn from them; open and humble, in the way children are before society teaches them to be embarrassed or shy about possibly doing something foolish.


States of growth or being toward which self-actualizers evolve; Secondary concerns, such as spirituality, creativity, curiosity, beauty, philosophy, and justice, that can be addressed only after the basic needs are met.

Growth (being) needs

The 4 higher needs; although growth needs are less necessary than deficit needs for survival, they involve the realization and fulfillment of human potential.

Spontaneity, simplicity, and naturalness

The behavior of self-actualizers is open, direct, and natural. They rarely hide their feelings or emotions or play a role to satisfy society, although they may do so to avoid hurting other people; individualistic in their ideas and ideals but not necessarily unconventional in their behavior; feel secure enough to be themselves without being overly assertive.


The way Maslow desribed the five needs in his hiearchy; needs are innate or have a heriditory component. However, these needs can be affected/overridden by learning, social expectations, and fear of disapproval. Although we come equipped with these needs at birth, the behaviors we use to satisfy them are learned and therefore subject to variation from one person to another;Overlain with environmental influences and learned behaviors

Rogers believed that personality should be

Three long words

Can the order change in the hierarchy of needs?


The technique in which a person arranges statements about the self-concept into categories is called

a Q-sort

The need for self-esteem is ____

a deficiency motivation

According to Rogers, the best way to understand personality is through

a person's subjective experiences

Hierarchy of needs

activate and direct human behavior 1. physiological 2. safety 3. belongingness and love 4. Esteem 5. self-actualization

According to Rogers, the way we see our environment is

dependent on our perception of it, which may not always coincide with reality

In Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, one need is ___________ at any time


People who are highly differentiated tend to also be

emotionally regulated

Rogers term for understanding others as they see themselves is


According to Maslow, what could one do to help another person grow and develop

enhance the attractions (benefits) of change

To rogers, the only valid way to study personality is through

examining each person's subjective perceptions

During a peak experience, the person

feels powerful, confident, and decisive

By self-actualization, Maslow meant

fulfillment of our unique potential, talents, and abilities

For Rogers, the ultimate goal is to become a

fully functioning person

Maslow called the higher (meta) needs

growth or being needs

Parents who accepted their children unconditionally and displayed democratic child rearing practices

had children with higher self-esteem and greater emotional security

Lower needs

higher potency/priority

Maslow insisted on psychology that emphasized

human strengths, free-will, and the fulfillment of human potential

Abraham Maslow was associated with ____ psychology


Conditions of worth derive from

internalizing parents' norms and standards

Maslow believed that the belongingness and love needs

involves the need bot to give and receive love

Maslow has been criticized on the grounds that his research

is nnot scientifically rigorous

According to Rogers, unconditional positive regard

is nto dependent on the child's behavior

Which are more important: lower level needs or higher level needs?

lower level needs

The key idea in Maslow's hierarchy of needs is that

lower needs have to be satisfied before higher needs become influential

Maslow's approach to personality is based on the idea that

people are capable of displaying better behavior than prejudice, hatred, and aggression

According to Maslow, hungry people are not preoccupied with the need of self-actualization until they _____needs


In order of their salience (ability to influence us), the needs in Maslow's hierarchy are

physiological, safety, love, esteem, self-actualization

With regard to experiemtnal research, Rogers

preferred to have a clearer view of a person's experiential world

Highly differentiated individuals are thought to

remain in satisfying contact with families of origin

Our level of psychological adjustment and emotional health is a function of the extent for which our

self is congruent with our environment

Our level of psychological adjustment is a function of the extent to which

self is contingent with environment

Maslow's personality theory grew out of his research on the characteristics of

self-actualized persons

The self-reports, children whose parents used conditional regard

showed poor coping skills, fluctuating levels of self-esteem and low self worth

The only predetermined belief of the person-centered therapist is

the client's inherent value and worth


the motivation of self-actualizers, which involves maximizing personal potential rather than striving for a particular goal object

All of the following are physiological needs except

the need for relationships

need for Self-actualization

the need to fulfill one's potention; highest need in Maslow's motivational hierarchy; Peak of potential and fullest personality development

If a person is highly incongruent

the real self and ideal self are in conflict

A peak experience occurs when

the self is transcend and a person feels supremely able and at peace

A peak experience occurs when

the self is transcended and a person feels supremely powerful

Maslow believed that psychologists should study

the strengths and virtues where human natures is at its best

In Rogers' approach to therapy, the therapist provides

unconditional positive regard

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