Mass communication Test 3

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Ivy Lee

"Father of public relations"; originated modern PR in the early 1900s; Emphasized openness in dealing with the press; Objected to demands for "free advertising."


According to the FCC indecent language or material is that which depicts sexual or excretory activities in a way that is offensive to contemporary community standards.


Advertising is showing up in many different places because advertisers believe that "our susceptibility" to marketing arises from our ignorance and pervasiveness.

Television advertising

Advertising was well positioned to put products and people together because of this. Commercials were good because consumers could see and hear the product in action which was different from advertising of all other media.

Pseudo event

An event staged specifically to attract public attention.


As defined by the Supreme Court, the representation of sexually explicit material in a manner that violates community standards and is without redeeming social importance or value.


Attractive, artful business cards.

Edward Bernays

Coined the term "public relations", was the first major advocate for the professionalization of PR practitioners.

Advertising to children is unethical and immoral

Critics contend that children are simply not intellectually capable of interpreting the intent of these ads, nor are they able before the age of 7 or 8 to rationally judge the worth of the advertising claims. This makes children's advertising unethical. It is also questionable because children consume it in their home without parent supervision most of the time.


Expression calculated solely to supply sexual excitement. (Is a protected expression)

Carl Bernstein

Fellow journalist that helped woodward during the watergate scandal.


First one called The weekly News was printed in England in 1625. It contained ads.

George Creel

Headed the Committee on Public Information, for promoting the war effort in WWI.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Highlighting the aspect of a product that sets it apart from other brands in the same product category.

ad hoc balancing of interest

Individual 1st amendment cases, several factors should be weighed in determining how much freedom the press is granted.

Bob Woodward

Investigative reporter for Washington Post helped uncover the Watergate scandal that led to U.S. President Richard Nixon's resignation.

Three levels of Ethics

Metaethics, normative, and applied

Parity products

Most brands in a given product category are essentially the same.

Public relations

Not only tells an organization story to its public but it also helps shape the organization and the way it preforms. It also can be divided into four stages; Early public relations, the propaganda-publicity, early two way communication, and advanced two way communication. A responsable and effective program is based on understanding and support of its public.

Consumer culture

Personal worth and identity reside not in the people themselves, but in the products with which we surround ourselves.


Philosophy that people cannot govern themselves in a democracy unless they have access to information for that governance. This philosophy was based on the self-righting principle.


Pinup want ads for all sorts of products and services

Actual malice

Reporting on public figures as knowledge of its falsity or reckless disregard for whether or not it is true.


Rules of behavior or moral principle that guide our actions, are not regulations, but they are every bit as important in guiding media professionals' behavior


The false or malicious publication of material that damages a person's reputation.

Absolutist position

The idea that no law means no law. The First amendment is based on Libertarianism's self-righting principle.

Social responsibility Theory

The norm against which the operation of the American media system should be judged.


The oral or spoken defemation of a person's character.... Not protected by the first amendment.

Prior restraint

The power of the government to prevent the publication or broadcast of expression.

Investigative journalism

The use of in depth reporting to uncover wrong doing.

4 Eras of Mass communication Theory

There is no one mass communication theory. Mass communication theories are often borrowed from other feilds of science. Mass communication theories are human constructions. Mass communication theories are dynamic.

Industrialization and the Civil War

This altered the social and cultural landscape and brought about the expansion of advertising. The telegraph made communication over long distances possible, railroads linked cities and states, and many immagrants were welcomed into the United States to provide labor for expanding factories. The war also sped up industrialization.

Magazine advertising

This was effective because it was financially supported by advertisers instead of readers. The ads had creative language and different things that grabbed peoples interest.

Radio advertising

This was important in three major ways. First, although people both inside and outside government were opposed to commercial support for the new medium, the general public had no great opposition for radio ads. Second, advertising agencies virtually took over broadcasting, producing the shows in which their commercials appeared. Third, money poured into the industry.

AIDA approach

To persuade consumers, advertising must attract attention, create interest, stimulate dire, and promote action.

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