Massage Modalities

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A Thai massage involves a lot of stretching of muscles and balancing the positive and negative energies in the body (Yin & Yang).

Trigger Point

A Trigger point is an area of muscle tissue that is hypercontracted (a knot). The therapist pushes on this point to relax the entire muscle. Trigger point therapy is never done without massage, or shouldn't be.


Acupressure uses pressure in points of energy flow. Pressure at these points is supposed to balance energy in the body (Chi). The points are very close to acupuncture points and in reality probably are the same points.


Anyone who does strenuous activity can benefit from massage. If you have an injury, chronic pain or lack range of motion, Sports Massage can help you. It concentrates on a specific problem, stimulates circulation of blood and lymph fluids. Sports Massage can incorporate Swedish massage, deep tissue, trigger point, stretching and deep transverse friction. Using trigger point therapy can break down knots in muscles and help you gain range of motion. For athletes, there are different types of sport massage. Pre-event, post event, during training and massage maintenance programs to alleviate pain due to injury and return the body to balance.


Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) bathes the brain and spinal cord, much the same way that blood bathes the other tissues of the body. Craniosacral practitioners believe that the CSF creates a "pulse" like blood does in the arteries. This pulse can be felt by placing the hands on the head. Disease can be diagnosed through the quality of the pulse and the dysfunction can be corrected by manipulating the plates of the skull. I was a skeptic when I first learned this technique. This really works, but it takes a long time to perfect.

Hot Stone

Hot Stone Therapy is a technique that adds warmth to the benefits of massage. Smooth stones are heated and applied to the body using the techniques of the Swedish massage. It provides deep relaxation, softens the fascia, relaxes muscles, tendons, calms your nervous system and increases your circulation. Hot stone massage also improves back pain and aches and can help with osteoarthritis and arthritis pain.


If pregnant women can do one thing for themselves, this massage is it. Your body goes through so many changes. Not only internally, but also within the musculosketal system in order to make room for your growing fetus. Massage can bring you relief from a variety of symptoms: fluid retention, low back pain, headaches, swelling, sleeplessness, stretch marks etc... Massage can also help after the baby is born, by realigning your pelvis and lower back. Massage is not recommended within the first 3 months. Seek the approval from your physician.

Lomi Lomi

Lomi Lomi means rub rub and originated in Hawaii. The therapists use their forearms to glide over the body with long flowing, quick strokes.


Lymphatic drainage is used to decrease edema (Tissue fluid) and has the side effect of improving the immune system. The therapist glides along path of the lymphatic vessels to return tissue fluid to the heart. Excess tissue fluid accumulates with various conditions, such as congestive heart failure (CHF)


Polarity involves balancing the positive and negative forces in the body (yin and yang) by holding various points on the body and passing energy through these points.


Reflexology is based on ancient Oriental theory that stimulating points on your feet (and hands) correspond to other areas of your body. Internal organs and/or areas of pain are connected to your nervous system and energy with points on your feet and hands. Reflexology restores function and balances energy throughout your body (Homeostasis). Reflexology is also very relaxing and rejuvenating.


Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.


Shiatsu means finger pressure and is a Japanese form of acupressure. A Shiatsu treatment involves balancing the meridians of the body by pressing and holding certain points for 2 to 3 minutes each. Meridians are energy channels through which chi (energy) flows through the body.

Deep Tissue

The goal of deep tissue massage is to get to the deeper layers of muscle and tissue. It works to restore function and balance to muscles, joint and fascia (the tissue that connects skin and muscles, organs, bones and vessels). Body Benefits you can expect are breaking up muscles knots and range of motion.

Myofascial Release

This is a type of deep tissue massage. A Massage Therapist can use their hands, elbows, fists and hands to release the fascia to restore the clients balance. Fascia allows the nutrients into the cells and support the organs. When the fascia is blocked, your blood flow is decreased as well as your range of motion.


This type of massage is based on the five strokes of Western massage: effleurage, petrissage, friction, percussion and vibration. It completely relaxes the body and increases the circulation of blood and lymph throughout your body. Increasing the oxygen flow to the muscles, joints and all cells. Toxins are flushed from your body. Swedish Massage affects your nervous system and releases serotonin. This hormone controls pain, anxiety and stress. Oil or gel is used to allow fluid strokes to your body and manipulating your soft tissue. Most consider this type of massage to be the most relaxing and refreshing all while relieving stress and reaping the body benefits of massage.

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