Master Study Guide - Anatomy Final

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Where specifically is a chondrocyte located?

* Within Lacunae found in cartilage - Lacunae - In a Lacunae

What cells form the Visceral Layer of the Glomerulus? (multiple choice) a. Tubulocytes b. None of These Answers c. Pseudostratified Columnar Cells d. Podocytes e. Glomerulocytes f. Simple Squamous Epithelial Cells g. Simple Cuboidal Cells

***Ch 15, q 14

What is the area formed by the Afferent Arterioles, Efferent Arterioles, and the Distal Convoluted Tubule called?

***ch 15, q15

What forms the Internal Urinary Sphincter, be specific.

***ch 15, q16 Detrusor muscle?

What leads into the Vasa Recta and the Peritubular Capillaries?

***ch 15, q20

What are the multiple sacs of the Large Intestine?

***ch 15, q21

What is found in the Urogenital Diaphragm surrounding the Urethra in the male? (multiple choice) a. External Urethral Sphincter b. Detrusor Muscle c. Prostate Gland d. Smooth Muscle e. None of these answers

***ch 15, q9

What transports the Urine from the Kidney to the Ureter?

***ch15, q17

What are parts of the Juxtaglomerular Apparatus? Select all that apply. -Distal Convoluted Tubule -Peritubular Capillary -Macula Densa Cells -Afferent Arteriole -Proximal Convoluted Tubule -Glomerular Mesangial Cells

**ch 15, q6

What is found in the Renal Lobes? Select all that apply. -Minor Calyx -Major Calyx -Fibrous Capsule -Renal Columns -Renal Pyramid

**weekly quiz 15, q2**

What is a deep pit or socket found in the mandible and maxilla? Select all that apply. -Sinus -Foramina -None of These Answers -Fossa -Condyle -Alveolus

- Alveolus

The ducts of what glands in the Integumentary System are associated with hair follicles? Select all that apply -Apocrine Glands -Sebaceous Glands -Eccrine Glands -Merocrine Glands

- Apocrine Glands - Sebaceous Glands

What is the insertion of the most medial of the muscles of the Anterior Compartment of the Leg? Select all that apply. -Hallucis -Digits of Foot -Base of Medial Cuneiform -Lateral Malleolus of the Fibula -Lateral Condyle of Tibia -Base of Metatarsal 1

- Base of Medial Cuneiform - Base of Metatarsal 1

What structure(s) form the Obturator Foramen? Select all that apply. -Body of the Pubis -Ramus of the Ischium -Superior Pubic Ramus of the Pubis -Inferior Pubic Ramus of the Pubis -Body of the Ischium -Ischial Tuberosity of the Ischium

- Body of the Pubis - Ramus of the Ischium - Superior Pubic Ramus of the Pubis - Inferior Pubic Ramus of the Pubis - Body of the Ischium

What muscles Flex the Forearm at the Elbow? Select all that apply. -Flexor Antebrachium Radialis -Brachialis -Biceps Brachii -Supinator -Brachioradialis -Pronator Teres -Anconeus

- Brachialis - Biceps Brachii - Brachioradialis

What does the most proximal structure of the lateral bone of the antebrachium articulate with? Select all that apply. -None of these answers -Capitulum of the Humerus -Coronoid Fossa of the Humerus -Trochlea of the Humerus -Radial Notch of the Ulna

- Capitulum of the Humerus - Radial Notch of the Ulna

What makes up the skeletal system? Select all that apply. -Tendons -Cartilages -Bones -Ligaments -Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

- Cartilages - Bones - Ligaments

Where does the Superior Appendicular Skeleton join the Axillary Skeleton? Select all that apply. -None of these answers -Jugular Notch of the Scapula -Clavicular Notch of the Manubrium (Sternum) -Costal Notch of the Manubrium (Sternum) -Suprascapular Notch of the Scapula

- Clavicular Notch of the Manubrium (Sternum)

What are the notches found on the sternum? Select all that apply. -Sternal Notch of the Sternum -Clavicular Notch of the Manubrium (Sternum) -Suprasternal Notch of the Manubrium (Sternum) -Xiphoid Notch of Xiphoid (Sternum) -Manubrium Notch of the Manubrium (Sternum) -Costal Notches of the Sternum

- Clavicular Notch of the Manubrium (Sternum) - Suprasternal Notch of the Manubrium (Sternum) - Costal Notches of the Sternum

What myelinated axon bundles form the Corpus Callosum? -Association Tracts -Falx Cerebri Tracts -None of these answers -Projection Tracts -Fornix Tracts -Commissural Tracts

- Commissural Tracts

What has the body of the Atlas become? Select all that apply. -Odontoid Process of the Axis -Body of the Axis -Dens of the Atlas -Superior Articulating Facets of the Axis -Dens of the Axis -Odontoid Process of the Atlas

- Odontoid Process of the Axis - Dens of the Axis

Where is the Stratum Lucidum located? Select all that apply. -Knees -Back of the Neck -Palms -Buttocks -Elbows -Dorsum of the Foot

- Palms

What muscle or what muscles of the Quadriceps Femoris Group cross or crosses two joints? Select all that apply. -Vastus Lateralis -Vastus Medialis -Vastus Intermedius -Sartorius -Rectus Femoris

- Rectus Femoris

What are the conditions of isotonic contraction? Select all that apply. -Reduced Length -Same Length -Increased Tension -Increased Length -Decreased Tension -Same Tension

- Reduced Length - Same Tension

What muscle or what part of a muscle in the Posterior Compartment of the Thigh (Hamstring Group) only crosses one Joint? Select all that apply. -Semimembranosus -None of These Answers -Semitendinosus -Long Head Biceps Femoris -Short Head Biceps Femoris -Gracilis

- Short Head Biceps Femoris

What arteries branch directly or indirectly (can be traced directly back to the Celiac Trunk) off of the Celiac Trunk? Select all that apply. -Left Hepatic Artery -None of these answers -Splenic Artery -Right Gastric Artery -Gastroduodenal Artery

-Left Hepatic Artery -Splenic Artery -Right Gastric Artery -Gastroduodenal Artery

What does the Lessor Omentum attach to? Select all that apply. -Lesser Curvature of the Stomach -Duodenum, Proximal End -Fundus of the Stomach -Greater Curvature of the Stomach -Duodenum, Distal End -Liver

-Lesser Curvature of the Stomach -Duodenum, Proximal End -Liver

What true cells are found in blood? Select all that apply. -Leukocytes and Erythrocytes -Erythrocytes and Platelets -Erythrocytes -Leukocytes and Platelets -Platelets -Leukocytes


Which of the following are Areas of the Male Urethra? Select all that apply. -Corporus Urethra -Pituitary Urethra -Membranous Urethra -Terminal Urethra -None of These Answers

-Membranous Urethra

What nerve *does not* or what nerves *do not* innervate Flexor Digitorum Profundus? Select all that apply. -Musculocutaneous Nerve -Radial Nerve -Ulnar Nerve -Axillary Nerve -Median Nerve -Anterior Antebrachium Nerve -None of these answers

-Musculocutaneous Nerve -Radial Nerve -Axillary Nerve -Anterior Antebrachium Nerve

What does the Common Hepatic Artery Bifurcate or Trifurcate into? Select all that apply. -Duodenal Artery -Right Gastric Artery -Splenic Artery -Left and Right Hepatic Arteries -Left Gastric Artery -None of These Answers

-None of These Answers

What is found in the space formed by the two layers of the structures that surround the organs in the posterior cavities that prevents friction? Select all that apply. -Serous Fluid -Vertebral Cranial Fluid -Cerebral Spinal Fluid -None of These Answers -Interstitial Fluid

-None of These Answers

What digestive enzymes are released initially/directly into the Esophagus? Select all that apply. -Proteinase -Protease -Esophageal Amylase -None of these answers -Amylase -Lipase

-None of these answers

What Foramina, and other openings, are found totally in the Sphenoid Bone? Select all that apply. -Optic Canals -Superior Orbital Fissure -Foramen Lacerum -Inferior Orbital Fissure -Foramen Spinosum -Foramen Ovale -Foramen Rotundum

-Optic Canals -Superior Orbital Fissure -Foramen Spinosum -Foramen Ovale -Foramen Rotundum

What does the last section of the Colon deposit its contents into?


What is the first structure in the respiratory portion of the respiratory system?

Respiratory Bronchioles

Where are hair follicles located in the skin. Be specific.

Reticular Layer of the Dermis

Organs in the anterior/inferior cavity that are not totally covered by the serous membrane are referred to as what type of organ?

Retroperitoneal Organ

What artery becomes the Right Femoral Artery after becoming inferior to the Inguinal Ligament?

Right External Iliac Artery

What is the most superficial/posterior muscle on the Right side of the Muscles that Move the Pectoral Girdle ?

Right Trapezius

What does the Trachea bifurcate into?

Rt and Lt Main Bronchi

What facial bone is posterior/lateral to the most anterior projection of the Rt. Maxillary bone?

Rt. Lacrimal Bone

What Abdominopelvic Regions are lateral to the Umbilical Region?

Rt. and Lt. Lumbar Regions

What is the most posterior process of the Rt. Zygomatic Bone?

Rt. temporal process of the Rt. zygomatic bone

What is the most Distal/Medial projection of the bone of the brachium that is not covered in Periosteum?

Trochlea of the Humerus

What is the Partition between the External Ear and the Middle Ear?

Tympanic Membrane Ear Drum

What is the regional name for the medial aspect of the antebrachium?

Ulnar Region

What is opposite to Dorsal using the veterinary term?


The cavities of the body are divided into two general groups. Which one of these two groups has cavities that contain Serous Membranes?

Ventral / Anterior

What is the most Inferior/Posterior cavity in the body?

Vertebral Cavity

What vein drains the Head and Neck, travels down through the Transverse Foramina, and empties into the Subclavian Vein?

Vertebral Vein

What forms the inferior 1/3 of the nasal septum from the anterior view?

Vomer Bone

What is the roughened surface on the proximal area of the shaft, anterior view, midlíne of the medial bone of the leg? (multiple choice) a. Intercondylar Eminence of the Tibia b. Head of the Fibula c. Tibial Tuberosity of the Tibia d. Medial Malleolus of the Tibia e. Lateral Malleolus of the Fibula f. None of These Answers

c. Tibial Tuberosity of the Tibia

What are the irregular muscular ridges found in each ventricle? (multiple choice) a. Septum Pellucidum b. None of These Answers c. Trabeculae Carneae d. Coronary Tamponade e. Conus Medullaris f. Conus Artertiosis

c. Trabeculae Carneae

What forms the majority of the outer layer of the Urinary Bladder? (multiple choice) a. Transitional Epithelial Tissue b. Fibrous Epithelium c. Serosa d. Adventitia e. Peritoneum

ch 15, q 8 ***

What neurotransmitter is released from the preganglionic axons of the sympathetic nervous system? (multiple choice) a. None of These Answers b. Dopamine c. GAMA d. Acetylcholine e. Norepinephrine f. Epinephrine

d. Acetylcholine

What Cranial Nerve carries Parasympathetic fibers that innervate the Parotid Gland? (multiple choice) a. CN XII Hypoglossal Nerve b. CN VII Facial Nerve c. CN X Vagus Nerve d. CN IX Glossopharyngeal Nerve e. CN V Trigeminal Nerve

d. CN IX Glossopharyngeal Nerve

What is the name of the area of the stomach where the esophagus empties into the stomach? (multiple choice) a. Greater Curvature of the Stomach b. Pyloris c. Esophageal Hiatus d. Cardia e. Fundus

d. Cardia

What is the name of the ganglia in the Parasympathetic Nervous System that are found in the walls of the target? (multiple choice) a. Intramural Ganglia b. Termnation Ganglia c. None of These Answers d. Transmural Ganglia e. Terminal Ganglia f. Mural Ganglia

a. Intramural Ganglia

Where does the majority of chemical digestion and absorption occur? (multiple choice) a. Jejunum b. Circular Folds of the Large Intestine c. ilium d. Haustra e. Transverse Colin f. Duodenum

a. Jejunum

What is the Membrane that lines the Palpebra and circles back to cover the Sclera to the edge of the Cornea? (multiple choice) a. None of These Answers b. Retina c. Ora Serrata d. Choroid e. Optic Disk

a. None of These Answers

What is an action of the most deep/inferior of the Muscles that Move the Pectoral Girdle? (multiple choice) a. None of these answers b. Abduct Scapula c. Upwardly Rotate the Scapula d. Stabilize Clavicle e. Elevate Clavicle f. Depress Scapula

a. None of these answers

What neurotransmitter is released from the majority of the postganglionic axons of the Sympathetic Nervous System? (multiple choice) a. Norepinephrine b. Catecholamine c. Dopamine d. Epinephrine e. Acetylcholine

a. Norepinephrine

What cells destroy the bone matrix to free up calcium and other minerals when the blood is low in these inorganic materials? (multiple choice) a. Osteoclasts b. Osteocytes c. None of these answers d. Osteocytes and Osteoblasts e. Osteoblasts f. Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts

a. Osteoclasts

What is the last enzyme to enter the digestive tract that aids in the digestion of fats? (multiple choice) a. Pancreatic Lipase b. Duodenal Lipase c. Small Intestine Lipase d. Salivary Lipase e. Lymphatic Lipase

a. Pancreatic Lipase

What divides the Renal Medulla into Renal Pyramids? a. Renal Columns b. Minor Calyx c. Corticomedullary Junction d. Renal Papilla e. None of These Answers f. Renal Lobes

a. Renal Columns

What do the Interlobar Veins merge to form? (multiple choice) a. Renal Veins b. Interlobular Veins c. None of these answers d. Arcuate Veins e. Segmental Veins f. Postcapillary Venules g. Inferior Vena Cava

a. Renal Veins

For most of its' length, what is the most medial muscle in the Posterior Group of the Thigh? (multiple choice) a. Semimembranosus Muscle b. Semitendinosus Muscle c. Pectineus Muscle d. Long Head Biceps Femoris Muscle e. Gracilis Muscle f. None of These Answers

a. Semimembranosus Muscle

What part of a serous membrane covers the organs within the cavity? (multiple choice) a. Visceral Layer b. Parietal Layer c. Serous Layer d. None of These Answers e. Organ Layer f. Outer Layer

a. Visceral Layer

What structure is found between the most proximal/medial structure of the bone of the brachium and the roughened/ enlarged areas in the proximal area of the brachium? (multiple choice) a. Intertubercular Groove/Sulcus b. Anatomical Neck of the Humerus c. None of These Answers d. Deltoid Tuberosity e. Surgical Neck of the Humerus

b. Anatomical Neck of the Humerus

What separates the Aorta from the Left Ventricle? (multiple choice) a. None of These Answers b. Aortic Semilunar Valve c. Chordae Tendineae d. Trabeculae Carneae e. Conus Arteriosus f. Left Atrioventricular Valve

b. Aortic Semilunar Valve

What is the collective name for the axons that project out of/ into the Conus Medullaris? (multiple choice) a. Lumbar/Sacral Neurons b. Cauda Equina c. Anterior Median Fissure d. Filum Terminale e. None of these answers

b. Cauda Equina

What happens to blood in the Superior Vena Cava, Inferior Vena Cava, Coronary Sinus, and the four Pulmonary Veins, when all of the valves of the heart are closed and the Ventricles are relaxing? (multiple choice) a. Slows Due to Reverse Pressure in Arteries b. Continues Normally c. Valve Closure Creates Vacuum, Flow Slows d. Causes Increase in Smooth Muscle Contraction Around Arterioles e. Parasympathetic Nervous System Slows Heart Rate f. 0.1 sec Pause to Allow Atrium to Relax

b. Continues Normally

What type of cartilage is closely associated with the function of long bones and what is it called? (multiple choice) a. Elastic Cartilage - Joint Cartilage b. Hyaline Cartilage - Articulating Cartilage c. Fibrocartilage - Articulating Cartilage d. Fibrocartilage - Joint Cartilage e. Hyaline Cartilage - Joint Cartilage f. Elastic Cartilage - Articulating Cartilage

b. Hyaline Cartilage - Articulating Cartilage

An organ in the abdominopelvic cavity that is completely surrounded by the serous membrane is referred to as being a what? (Multiple choice) a. None of these answers b. Intraperitoneal Organ c. Interperitoneal Organ d. Serous Organ e. Retropertioneal Organ

b. Intraperitoneal Organ

What do the Ciliary Muscles contract? (multiple choice) a. Ora Serrata b. Iris c. Pupil d. Macula Lutea e. Fovea Centralis f. None of These Answers

b. Iris *** I answered "f. None of These Answers" and got the points - argued with Dr. Karren that the ciliary muscles do not contract the iris, but that it contracts the lens. Not sure which answer he will prefer on the final.

What structure is the remnant of a tube in the fetus that carried blood from the Pulmonary Trunk to the Aortic Arch? (multiple choice) a. Ligamentum Venosum b. Ligamentum Arteriosum c. None of These Answers d. Ligamentum Fetalis e. Ligamentum Laterale

b. Ligamentum Arteriosum

During what period of a Heartbeat are all four Cardiac Valves open at the same time? (multiple choice) a. Ventricular Contraction b. None of These Answers c. Diastole d. Atrial Contraction e. Systole f. Systole and Diastole

b. None of These Answers

In a long bone of a prepubescent individual, what is located between the proximal knobby end and the long, cylindrical section? (multiple choice) a. Epiphyseal Artery b. None of These Answers c. Articulating Cartilage d. Medullary Cavity e. Epiphyseal Line

b. None of These Answers

What Dense Irregular Connective Tissue covers the outer surface of long bones except where they are covered by Articulating Cartilage? (multiple choice) a. Endosteum b. Periosteum c. Endochondrium d. None of these answers e. Perichondrium

b. Periosteum

What tonsil is found in the Nasopharynx? (Multiple choice) a. Auditory Tonsils b. Pharyngeal Tonsil c. Nasopharynx Tonsils d. Palatine Tonsil e. Lingual Tonsils

b. Pharyngeal Tonsil

Where are the soma of the Afferent, Sensory, Unipolar nerves located? (multiple choice) a. Posterior Rootlets b. Posterior Root Ganglia c. Anterior Horn d. Gray Commissure e. Posterior Horn

b. Posterior Root Ganglia

What is found immediately anterior to the Central Sulcus? (multiple choice) a. None of These Answers b. Precentral Gyrus c. Olfactory Bulb d. Parietal Lobe e. Optic Chiasma f. Temporal Lobe

b. Precentral Gyrus

What Axial Muscle is lateral to the Right Nostril of the nose and inferior to the Orbicularis Oculi? (multiple choice) a. Rt. Orbicularis Oculi b. Rt. Zygomaticus Minor c. Rt. Zygomaticus Major d. Rt. Masseter e. Rt. Buccinator f. Rt. Temporalis

b. Rt. Zygomaticus Minor

What does the Lamina connect in a Vertebrae? (multiple choice) a. Body to Superior Articular Process b. Spinous Process to Transverse Process c. None of These Answers d. Spinous Process to Body e. Transverse Process to Body f. Body to Inferior Articular Process

b. Spinous Process to Transverse Process

What structure is connected to the hair cells in the spiral organ (Organ of Corti)? (multiple choice) a. Basilar Membrane b. Tectorial Membrane c. Scala Tympani d. Scala Vestibuli e. None of These Answers f. Vestibular Membrane

b. Tectorial Membrane

What Cranial Nerve (Name and Number) Innervates the Muscles of Speech? (multiple choice) a. Trigeminal CN V b. Vagus CNX c. None of These Answers d. Facial CN VII e. Oculomotor CNIII f. Hypoglossal CN XII

b. Vagus CNX

What are the small arteries that supply the cells of large arteries with blood? (multiple choice) a. None of These Answers b. Vasa Vasorum c. Vasa Recta d. Arterial Capillaries e. Vasa Arteriosa

b. Vasa Vasorum

What Two Veins join to form the Subclavian Vein? (multiple choice) a. Radial/Cephalic Veins b. Axillary/Ulnar Veins c. Axillary/Cephalic Veins d. Axillary/Basilic Veins e. Axillary/Radial Veins f. Ulnar/Basilic Veins

c. Axillary/Cephalic Veins

What connects the Cell Body to the Single Structure that carries an impulse from the Cell Body to a Skeletal Muscle? (multiple choice) a. Dendrite b. Synaptic Knobs c. Axon Hillock d. Axon Collateral e. Axon

c. Axon Hillock

What duct in the Biliary System caries Bile to and from the Gallbladder? (multiple choice) a. Common Bile Duct b. Left Hepatic Duct c. Cystic Duct d. Main Pancreatic Duct e. Common Hepatic Duct f. None of These Answers g. Right Hepatic Duct

c. Cystic Duct

What ligaments attach the Pia Mater to the Dura Mater in the Spinal Cord? (multiple choice) a. Lateral Horn Ligaments b. None of These Answers c. Denticulate Ligaments d. Arachnoid Ligaments e. Ligamentum Laterale

c. Denticulate Ligaments

What structure of the Corpora Quadrigemina (Tectal Plate) contains the Auditory Reflex Center? (multiple choice) a. Medulla Oblongata b. Arbor Vitae c. Inferior Colliculi d. Pons e. None of these answers f. Interthalamic Adhesion g. Cerebral Peduncles

c. Inferior Colliculi

What proximal structure of the bone of the thigh connects two bony projections and is not visible in the anterior view? a. Neck of the Femur b. Intertubercular Sulcus of the Femur c. Intertrochanteric Crest of the Femur d. Lesser Trochanter of the Femur e. Intertubercular Crest of the Femur f. None of These Answers

c. Intertrochanteric Crest of the Femur

What is the small triangle of tissue called that is located in the medial corner of the eye? (multiple choice) a. Nasolacrimal Duct b. Lacrimal Gland c. Lacrimal Caruncle d. None of These Answers e. Palpebra

c. Lacrimal Caruncle

What bone articulates with the proximal end of Left Metatarsal II? (multiple choice) a. Left Lateral Cuneiform b. Left Medial Cuneiform c. Left Intermediate Cuneiform d. Left Cuboid e. Left Calcaneus f. Left Navicular

c. Left Intermediate Cuneiform

What is the most medial metacarpal bone of the Left hand? (multiple choice) a. Metacarpal V b. No answer text provided. c. Left Metacarpal V d. Left Metacarpal I e. Metacarpal I

c. Left Metacarpal V

What large bony projection, used for muscle attachment, is found on the proximal/medial /anterior aspect of the bone of the brachium? (multiple choice) a. Posterior Tuberosity of the Humerus b. Anatomical Neck of the Humerus c. Lesser Tubercle of the Humerus d. Surgical Neck of the Humerus e. Greater Tubercle of the Humerus

c. Lesser Tubercle of the Humerus

What cells produce Platelets? (multiple choice) a. Lymphocytes b. Monocytes c. Megakaryocytes d. None of These Answers e. Erythrocytes

c. Megakaryocytes

How many nuclei are found in a skeletal muscle cell? (multiple choice) a. Two b. None of These Answers c. Multiple d. One or Two e. One

c. Multiple

What is the neurotransmitter that all of the preganglionic axons release? (multiple choice) a. Epinephrine b. Norepinephrine c. None of These Answers d. GAMA e. Dopamine

c. None of These Answers

What part of the Male Ureters are found within the Penis? (multiple choice) a. Membranous Ureter b. Glandular Ureter c. None of these answers d. Spongy Ureter e. Bulbous Ureter f. Muscular Ureter

c. None of these answers

What tissue lines the most inferior portion of the Pharynx? (multiple choice) a. Simple Squamous Epithelium b. Keratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium c. Nonkeratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium d. Simple Columnar Epithelium e. None of These Answers f. Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium g. Ciliated Stratified Columnar Epithelium

c. Nonkeratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium

How many nuclei are found in a cardiac muscle cell? (multiple choice) a. Multiple b. Two c. One or Two d. None of These Answers e. One

c. One or Two

What has to happen for the Left Atrioventricular valve to close? (multiple choice) a. Pressure equal in Left Atrium and Left Ventricle b. Pressure in Left Atrium greater than pressure in Left Ventricle c. Pressure in Left Atrium less than Pressure in Left Ventricle d. Pressure dropping in Left Ventricle e. Pressure rising in Left Atrium

c. Pressure in Left Atrium less than Pressure in Left Ventricle

What lobe of the Liver is found on the Posterior View, just Left of the Gallbladder? (multiple choice) a. Caudate Lobe b. Hepatis Lobe c. Quadrate Lobe d. None of These Answers e. Falciform Lobe

c. Quadrate Lobe

What muscle forms the Loin? (multiple choice) a. Rectus Abdominis b. No answer text provided. c. Quadratus Lumborum d. Iliocostalis e. Transversus Abdominis

c. Quadratus Lumborum

What is Superficial to all of the Muscles in the Posterior Compartment of the Antebrachium in the area of the Carpi? (multiple choice) a. Palmaris Longus Muscle b. Flexor Retinaculum c. Pronator Teres Muscle d. Supinator Muscle e. Extensor Retinaculum f. None of These Answers

e. Extensor Retinaculum

What Foramina or what Foramin allows Cranial Nerve I to leave or to enter or both the Cranium? (multiple choice) a. Foramen Rotundum b. None of These Answers c. Inferior Orbital Fissure d. Optic Canal e. Foramina Cribriform Plate f. Superior Orbital Fissure

e. Foramina Cribriform Plate

Where are the Reflex Receptors located? (multiple choice) a. On the Trunk b. Only In the Appendiges c. In Both the Periphery and the Central Nervous System d. In the Central Nervous System e. In the Periphery f. None of These Answers

e. In the Periphery

What do the Anterior Rami of Spinal Nerves T1-T11 form? (multiple choice) a. None of these answers b. Paracostal Nerves c. Epicostal Nerves d. Subcostal Nerves e. Intercostal Nerves

e. Intercostal Nerves

From the Posterior View, what is the most superficial/inferior muscle that Originates on the Axial Skeleton and Inserts on the Humerus? (multiple choice) a. None of These Answers b. Subscapularis Muscle c. Trapezius Muscle d. Teres Major Muscle e. Latissimus Dorsi Muscle

e. Latissimus Dorsi Muscle

What glial cell in the Central Nervous System is always found in White Matter? (multiple choice) a. None of these answers b. Neurolemmocytes c. Microglial Cells d. Simple Squamous Epithelial Cells e. Oligodendrocytes

e. Oligodendrocytes

What separates the Ciliary Body from the Retina? (multiple choice) a. Iris b. Pupil c. Lens d. Fovea Centralis e. Ora Serrata f. None of These Answers

e. Ora Serrata

Where is 70% of the filtered water Reabsorbed in the Kidney? (multiple choice) a. None of These Answers b. Nephron Loop c. Proximal Convoluted Tubule and Nephron Loop d. Distal and Proximal Convoluted Tubules e. Proximal Convoluted Tubule f. Nephron Loop and Distal Convoluted Tubule g. Distal Convoluted Tubule

e. Proximal Convoluted Tubule

What is the second branch off the Celiac Trunk? (multiple choice) a. Right Gastric Artery b. Left Gastric Artery c. Hepatic Artery Proper d. None of These Answers e. Splenic Artery f. Common Hepatic Artery

e. Splenic Artery

What branches off of a Metarteriole? (multiple choice) a. Postcapillary Venule b. Thoroughfare Capillaries c. Continuous Capillaries d. Sinusoid Capillaries e. True Capillaries

e. True Capillaries

What part of a Serous Membrane covers the organ it is surrounding? (multiple choice) a. Parietal Layer b. Organ Layer c. None of These Answers d. Serous Layer e. Visceral Layer

e. Visceral Layer

In what part(s) of a long bone do we find the medullary cavity? (multiple choice) a. Diaphysis, Metaphysis b. None of these answers c. Epiphysis, Metaphysis d. Diaphysis, Metaphysis, and Epiphysis e. Metaphysis f. Diaphysis

f. Diaphysis

What fibers are found in Areolar Connective Tissue? (multiple choice) a. Elastic and Reticular Fibers b. Reticular Fibers c. Collagen Fibers d. Collagen and Reticular Fibers e. Reticular Fibers f. Elastic and Collagen Fibers

f. Elastic and Collagen Fibers

What muscle of the Leg passes the most posterior to the Lateral Malleolus? (multiple choice) a. Fibularis Brevis b. Extensor Hallucis Longus c. Tibialis Posterior d. Flexor Hallucis Longus e. Tibialis Anterior f. Fibularis Longus

f. Fibularis Longus

What is the area where tubes pass into or out of a lung called? (multiple choice) a. Root b. Lingula c. Base d. Cardiac Notch e. None of These Answers f. Hilum g. Horizontal Fissure

f. Hilum

What muscle or part of a muscle in the Posterior Compartment of the Brachium crosses two joints? (multiple choice) a. Medial Head Triceps Brachii b. Coracobrachialis c. Short Head Triceps Brachii d. Brachioradialis e. Lateral Head Triceps Brachii f. Long Head Triceps Brachii

f. Long Head Triceps Brachii

What muscle, in the Posterior Compartment of the Leg, passes most posterior to the Medial Malleolus? (multiple choice) a. Fibularis Longus Muscle b. Tibialis Posterior Muscle c. Flexor Hallucis Brevis Muscle d. Flexor Digitorum Longus Muscle e. Tibialis Anterior Muscle f. None of These Answers

f. None of These Answers

What quadrant contains the umbilicus? (multiple choice) a. Umbilical b. Lower Left Quadrant c. Right Lumbar d. Upper Right Quadrant e. Left Iliac f. None of these answers

f. None of these answers

What facial bone is posterior/lateral to the Right Nasal Bone? (multiple choice) a. Zygomatic Bone b. Right Zygomatic Bone c. None of These Answers d. Right Lacrimal Bone e. Frontal Bone f. Right Maxillary Bone

f. Right Maxillary Bone

Where is a heartbeat initiated? (multiple choice) a. Atrioventricular Node b. Purkinje Fibers c. Left Atrial Node d. Conus Arteriosus e. Fossa Ovalis f. Sinoatrial Node

f. Sinoatrial Node

What is the most inferior structure of the Digestive System located on the Right side of the body? (multiple choice) a. Cecum b. Rectum c. Anus d. Haustra e. None of These Answers f. Vermiform Appendix

f. Vermiform Appendix

Which of the following is not an Extrinsic Eye Muscle? (multiple choice) a. Inferior Oblique Muscle b. Medial Rectus Muscle c. Lateral Rectus Muscle d. Superior Rectus Muscle e. None of These Answers f. Superior Oblique Muscle g. Lateral Oblique Muscle

g. Lateral Oblique Muscle

What is the last structure before the start of the Urinary Tract?

renal pelvis

How many locations does a single rib articulate with the vertebrae?

three locations

What is required to generate a Reflex Reaction?

A Stimulus

What blood type, using the convention of combining blood types, contains all surface antigens?


What does the Superior Articulating surface of the Posterior bone of the Pectoral Girdle Articulate with? Be as specific as possible.

Acromial End of the Clavicle

What is the receptor type for the majority of the neurotransmitter released from the Postganglionic Axons in the Sympathetic Nervous System?

Adrenergic Receptor

What whole muscle in the Posterior Compartment of the Upper Arm only Extends the Forearm at the Elbow Joint?


What is the name of the region that forms the anterior aspect of the elbow?

Antecubital Region

What mid-line structure of the Spinal Cord is Posterior to the Body of the Vertebrae?

Anterior Median Fissure

What do we call the White Matter in the most Inferior/Posterior division of the Brain?

Arbor Vitae

What smooth muscles are attached to the base of hair follicles?

Arrector pili muscles

What blood vessels control blood pressure thru contraction or relaxation of smooth muscle in their walls?


What collection of myelinated Axons travel the length of a Cerebral Hemisphere, anterior to posterior and posterior to anterior?

Association Tracts

What is the Deepest/Inferior/Posterior muscle in the Gluteal Muscle Compartment of the Thigh?


What carpal bone cannot be seen from the posterior view?


What is the most inferior muscle that pulls the *lower lip* inferiorly.


What cavities in the Thoracic Cavity are lateral?

Pleural Cavities

What is the serous membrane called that surrounds the lungs?

Pleural Membrane

In the Anatomical Position, what direction are the Olecranon Regions facing?

Posterior (or Dorsal)

What is the longitudinal depression of the spinal cord that is just anterior to the spinal processes of the vertebrae?

Posterior Median Sulcus

What Autonomic Nervous System axons are Nonmyelinated?


What knobby end of a long bone is found closest to the trunk?

Proximal Epiphysis

What nerve innervates all of the muscles or part of a muscle, except one, in the posterior compartment of the thigh?

Tibial Nerve

What is the regional name for the medial aspect of the leg?

Tibial Region

What plane divides the body into Superior and Inferior sections?

Transverse (or Horizontal) Plane

What are the singular cavities in the body? Select all that apply. -Abdominopelvic -Mediastinum -Pericardial -Cranial -Pleural -None of These Answers

-Abdominopelvic -Pericardial -Cranial

What muscle is or what muscles are innervated by the Obturator Nerve? Select all that apply. -Psoas Major -Piriformis -None of These Answers -Iliacus -Adductor Longus -Sartorius -Gracilis

-Adductor Longus -Gracilis

What structures of the Ethmoid Bone form part of the Cranial Vault? Select all that apply. -Superior Nasal Conchae of the Ethmoid Bone -Crista Galli of the Ethmoid Bone -Paranasal Sinuses of the Ethmoid Bone -Cribriform Plate of the Ethmoid Bone -None of These Answers -Perpendicular Plate of the Ethmoid Bone

- Crista Galli of the Ethmoid Bone - Cribriform Plate of the Ethmoid Bone

For a Skeletal Muscle to perform its function of creating movement between bones, what must be present? Select all that apply. -Cross the joint between the bones. -Attachment to a bone that moves. -Involuntary stimulus of the muscle. -Attachment to a bone that does not move. -Presence of Actin, but no Myosin -Presence of Myosin, but no Actin

- Cross the joint between the bones. - Attachment to a bone that moves. - Attachment to a bone that does not move.

What glands in the Integumentary System are Exocrine Glands? Select all that apply. -Eccrine Glands -Hypothalamus Gland -None of These Answers -Sebaceous Glands -Thymus Gland -Adrenal Gland -Pineal Gland

- Eccrine Glands - Sebaceous Glands

What is found deep to the Compact Bone of the Diaphysis? Select all that apply. -None of These Answers -Endosteum -Chondroblasts -Periosteum -Medullary Cavity -Chondrocytes -Chondroclasts

- Endosteum - Chondroblasts - Medullary Cavity - Chondroclasts

What structure(s) provide sound waves to enter the skull and be processed? Select all that apply. -External Auditory/Acoustic Meatus of the Temporal Bones -None of These Answers -Tympanic Meatus of the Temporal Bone -Auricular Meatus of the Temporal Bones -Internal Auditory/Acoustic Meatus of the Temporal Bones -Auditory Canal of the Sphenoid Bone

- External Auditory/Acoustic Meatus of the Temporal Bones

What muscle or muscles of the Posterior Compartment of the Leg cross or crosses Two Joints? Select all that apply. **** -Fibularis Longus -Tibialis Anterior -None of these answers -Tibialis Posterior -Soleus -Flexor Hallucis Longus

- Flexor Hallucis Longus **I answered "none of these answers" and was given the points

What bones articulate with the Cuboid Bone? Select all that apply. -Forth Metatarsal -Lateral Cuneiform Bone -Calcaneus Bone -Navicular Bone

- Forth Metatarsal - Lateral Cuneiform Bone - Calcaneus Bone - Navicular Bone

What structures in the Brain, contain Cerebrospinal Fluid? Select all that apply. -Fourth Ventricle -Subarachnoid Space -None of These Answers -Subdural Space -Cerebral Aqueduct -Third Ventricle -Epidural Space

- Fourth Ventricle - Subarachnoid Space - Cerebral Aqueduct - Third Ventricle

Where are Interneurons located? Select all that apply. -Gray Matter -None of these answers -Nuclei -Central Nervous System -Corpus Callosum -Peripheral Nervous System

- Gray Matter - Central Nervous System

What are included as layers of skin, not the integumentary system? Select all that apply. -None of These Answers -Stratum Corneum -Basement Membrane -Stratum Lucidum -Hypodermis -Epidermis

- Hypodermis - Epidermis

What is found between the Medial and Lateral Condyles of the medial bone of the leg? Select all that apply. -None of These Answers -Anterior Crest of the Tibia -Tibial Tuberosity of the Tibia -Middle Epicondyle of the Tibia -Middle Malleolus -Intercondylar Eminence of the Tibia

- Intercondylar Eminence of the Tibia

What bones and/or structures of bones form the Acetabulum? Select all that apply. -Fovea of the Femur -Neck of the Femur -Ishium -Ilium -Pubis -None of These Answers -Head of the Femur

- Ishium - Ilium - Pubis

What muscle, or what part of a muscle, extends the antebrachium at the elbow? Select all that apply. -Brachialis Muscle -Supinator Muscle -Brachioradialis Muscle -Lateral Head of Triceps Brachii Muscle -Anconeus Muscle -None of These Answers

- Lateral Head of Triceps Brachii Muscle - Anconeus Muscle

What is the Insertion or what are the Insertions of the Rotator Cuff Muscles? Select all that apply. -Proximal/Anterior Shaft of the Humerus -Intertubercular Sulcus/Groove of the Humerus -Lesser Tubercle of the Humerus -Greater Tubercle of the Humerus -Proximal/Posterior Shaft of the Humerus -Anatomical Neck of the Humerus

- Lesser Tubercle of the Humerus - Greater Tubercle of the Humerus

What Muscle or Muscles or part of a Muscle that Move the Pectoral Girdle elevate or elevates the Scapula? Select all that apply. -Levator Scapulae -Inferior Fibers, Trapezius -Superior Fibers, Serratus Anterior -Inferior Fibers, Pectoralis Minor -Superior Fibers, Trapezius -Middle Fibers, Serratus Anterior

- Levator Scapulae - Superior Fibers, Trapezius

What muscle or muscles or part of a muscle of the Posterior Compartment of the Thigh crosses or cross two joints? Select all that apply. -Short Head Biceps Femoris -Abductor Brevis -Long Head Biceps Femoris -Abductor Magnus -Semimembranosus

- Long Head Biceps Femoris - Semimembranosus

What muscles insert on the Coronoid Process of the Mandible? Select all that apply. -Buccinator Muscle -Orbicularis Oris -Masseter Muscle -Temporalis Muscle -None of These Answers -Zygomaticus Minor

- Masseter Muscle - Temporalis Muscle

What does the anterior/superior cavity of the body contain. Select all that apply. -Mediastinum -Pleural Membrane -Liver -Cerebral Spinal Fluid -Brain -None of These Answers

- Mediastinum - Pleural Membrane

What separates the ends of a mature long bone from the long shaft? Select all the apply. -Metaphysis and Epiphysis -Metaphysis -Epiphyseal Line -Epiphyseal Line and Diaphysis -Diaphysis and Metaphysis

- Metaphysis - Epiphyseal Line

What glial cells in the Central Nervous System would be in large supply in the area of the Choroid Plexus? Select all that apply. -Satellite Cells -Microglial Cells -Simple Cuboid Epithelial Cells -Astrocytes -Ependymal Cells

- Microglial Cells - Ependymal Cells

What bone cells are located in a Central Canal? Select all that apply. -Osteoblasts -None of these answers -Chondroblasts -Chondroclasts -Osteoclasts -Osteocytes -Chondrocytes

- None of these answers

What muscle or what muscles *Are Not* innervated by the Musculocutaneous Nerve in the Anterior Compartment of the Brachium ? Select all that apply. -None of these answers -Anconeus -Coracobrachialis -Biceps Brachii, Long Head -Brachialis -Biceps Brachii, Short Head

- None of these answers

What nerve type leaves or what nerve types leave the spinal cord in the Anterior Rootlets? Select all that apply. -Autonomic Nervous System -Autonomic Sensory Nervous System -Somatic Sensory Nervous System -Somatic Motor Nervous System -Sympathetic Nervous System -Parasympathetic Nervous System

- Somatic Motor Nervous System - Sympathetic Nervous System

What Bones form the borders of the Foramen Lacerum? Select all that apply. -Ethmoid Bone -Vomer Bone -None of These Answers -Maxillary Bones -Sphenoid Bone -Temporal Bones -Palatine Bones -Occipital Bone

- Sphenoid Bone - Temporal Bones - Occipital Bone

What Axial Muscles insert on the Mastoid Process of the Temporal Bone? Select all that apply. -None of These Answers -Splenius Capitis Muscle -Temporalis Muscle -Splenius Cervicis Muscle -Trapezius Muscle -Masseter Muscle

- Splenius Capitis Muscle

What Openings of the Cranium allow CNV to Enter/Leave the Cranium? Select all that apply. -Superior Orbital Fissure -Foramen Lacerum -Foramen Spinosum -Foramen Trigeminal -Foramen Rotundum -Foramen Ovale

- Superior Orbital Fissure - Foramen Rotundum - Foramen Ovale

What opening is formed between the Lesser Wings and the Greater Wings of the Sphenoid Bone? Select all that apply. -Pterygoid Fissures of the Sphenoid Bone -Inferior Orbital Fissure of the Sphenoid Bone -Optic Canals/Foramen of the Sphenoid Bone -Superior Orbital Fissure of the Sphenoid Bone -None of These Answers

- Superior Orbital Fissure of the Sphenoid Bone

What Dural Venous Sinuses drain into/out of the Confluence of the Sinuses? Select all that apply. -Superior Sagittal Sinus -Straight Sinus -Left Transverse Sinus -Right Sigmoid Sinus -Inferior Sagittal Sinus -Left Sigmoid Sinus

- Superior Sagittal Sinus - Straight Sinus - Left Transverse Sinus

What bones or what structures of bones from the Zygomatic Arch? Select all that apply. -Temporal Process of the Zygomatiic Bone -Zygomatic Process of the Maxillary Bone -Frontal Process of the Zygomatic Bone -None of These Answers -Zygomatic Process of the Temporal Bone

- Temporal Process of the Zygomatiic Bone - Zygomatic Process of the Temporal Bone

What structure does the sympathetic autonomic nervous system innervate that the parasympathetic nervous system does not?

-Adrenal Medulla -Ventricles of the Heart

What is the course that the filtrate takes from the Glomerulus to the Minor Calyx? Glomerulus, ___(1)___, ___(2)__, ___(3)__, Distal Convoluted Tubule , ___(4)__, Collecting Duct , ___(5)__, Minor Calyx.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. **ch 15, q3)

In the Anatomical Position, what structure is or what structures are facing anterior? Select all that apply. - None of These Answers - Toes - Thumbs - Umbilicus - Ears - Palms

- Toes - Umbilicus - Palms

What carpal bones are found in the distal row? Select all that apply. -Trapezium -Triquetrum -Hamate -Scaphoid -Lunate -Capitate

- Trapezium - Hamate - Capitate

What muscle or what muscles does CNXI innervate? Select all that apply. -Trapezius Muscle -Levator Scapulae Muscle -None of These Answers -Sternocleidomastoid Muscle -Splenius Cervicis Muscle -Temporal Muscle

- Trapezius Muscle - Sternocleidomastoid Muscle

What Body Cavities do not have a Serous Membrane? Select all that apply. - Vertebral Cavity - Cranial Cavity - Pericardial Cavity - Abdominopelvic Cavity - Pleural Cavities - None of These Answers

- Vertebral Cavity - Cranial Cavity

When recording blood type, we usually combine the two systems into one. Using this convention, list all of the possible Antibodies that could be found dissolved in the Plasma? Assume that there has been no cross-contamination from another blood type. Select all that apply. -Anti-O Antibody -Anti-AB Antibody -Anti-D Antibody -Anti-Rh Antibody -Anti-A Antibody

-Anti-D Antibody -Anti-A Antibody

Hyaline cartilage is found in (check all that apply). -Articulating Cartilage -Nose Cartilage -None of the above -Costal Cartilage -Pubic Symphysis Cartilage

-Articulating Cartilage -Nose Cartilage -Costal Cartilage

What veins drain directly into the Superior Vena Cava? Select all that apply. -Left Common Carotid Vein -Hemiazygos Vein -Coronary Sinus -Azygos Vein -Right Subclavian Vein -Right Brachiocephalic Vein

-Azygos Vein -Right Brachiocephalic Vein

What is found in bronchi that is not found in bronchioles? Select all that apply. -Simple Cuboidal Epithelium -Cartilaginous Rings -Ciliated Stratified Columnar Epithelium -Ciliated Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium -Ciliated Pseudo-stratified Columnar Epithelium -Simple Squamous Epithelium

-Cartilaginous Rings -Ciliated Pseudo-stratified Columnar Epithelium

What Ducts merge in the Hepatopancreatic Ampulla? Select all that apply. -Common Bile Duct -Main Pancreatic Duct -None of These Answers -Common Hepatic Duct -Accessory Pancreatic Duct -Cystic Duct

-Common Bile Duct -Main Pancreatic Duct

What ducts merge to form the last duct in the Biliary Apparatus? Select all that apply. -Common Hepatic Duct -Left Hepatic Duct -Cystic Duct -Common Bile Duct -Right Hepatic Duct -Main Pancreatic Duct

-Common Hepatic Duct -Cystic Duct

What are the paired laryngeal cartilages? Select all that apply. -Ethanoid Cartilage -Corniculate Cartilage -Cricoid Cartilage -Arytenoid Cartilage -Astroid Cartilage -Cuneiform Cartilage

-Corniculate Cartilage -Arytenoid Cartilage -Cuneiform Cartilage

What does the Visceral Pericardium form? Select all that apply. -Epicardium -Layer of the Serous Membrane -Coronary Sinus -Endocardium -Great Vessels -None of These Answers -Myocardium

-Epicardium -Layer of the Serous Membrane

Where do we find non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium? Select all that apply. -Lining Kidney Tubules -Lining Blood Vessels -Esophagus -Anus -None of These Answers -Epidermis

-Esophagus -Anus

Which of the following are Digestive Organs? Select all that apply. -Esophagus -Stomach -Biliary System -Liver -Tongue

-Esophagus -Stomach

What paranasal sinuses are contained in cranial bones? Select all that apply. -None of these answers -Sigmoid Sinus -Maxillary Sinus -Ethmoid Sinus -Temporal Sinus -Mandibular Sinus

-Ethmoid Sinus

What muscles are involved in normal inhalation? Select all that apply. -Erector Spinae Group -Transversus Abdominus -External Oblique Muscles -External Intercostal Muscles -Linea Alba -Internal Intercostals

-External Intercostal Muscles

Which of the following are accessory digestive organs? Select all that apply. -Nasopharynx -Esophagus -Duodenum -None of These Answers -Rectum -Gall Bladder -Biliary Apparatus

-Gall Bladder

What does the Dorsal Venous Arch drain into? Select all that apply. -Anterior Tibial Vein -None of These Answers -Fibular Veins -Great Saphenous Vein -Posterior Tibial Vein -Plantar Venous Arch

-Great Saphenous Vein

What is or what are the Superficial Veins of the Thigh? Select all that apply. -Great Saphenous Vein -Popliteal Vein -Femoral Vein -Cephalic Vein -Small Saphenous Vein

-Great Saphenous Vein

What is common to both the right and left lungs? Select all that apply. -Horizontal Fissure -Cardiac Impression -Hilum -Lingula -Oblique Fissure -None of These Answers -Inferior Lobe

-Hilum -Oblique Fissure -Inferior Lobe

What is found in the Right Lung that is not found in the Left Lung? Select all that apply. -None of These Answers -Lingula -Horizontal Fissure -Hilum of the Lung -Oblique Fissure -Cardiac Notch -Inferior Lobe

-Horizontal Fissure

What bones or parts of a bone form the floor of the Nasal Cavity? Select all that apply. -Horizontal Plate of the Lt. and Rt. Palatine Bone -Perpendicular Plate of the Ethmoid Bone -Inferior Nasal Conchae -None of These Answers -Vomer Bone -Palatine Process of the Lt. and Rt. Maxillary Bone

-Horizontal Plate of the Lt. and Rt. Palatine Bone -Palatine Process of the Lt. and Rt. Maxillary Bone

What process of bones form the hard palate? Select all that apply. -Horizontal Plate of the Ethmoid Bone -Vomer Bone -Horizontal Plate of the Lt. and Rt. Palatine Bone -Palatine Process of the Lt. and Rt. Maxillary Bone -Horizontal Plate of the Lt. and Rt. Maxillary Bone -Palatine Process of the Lt. and Rt. Palatine Bone

-Horizontal Plate of the Lt. and Rt. Palatine Bone -Palatine Process of the Lt. and Rt. Maxillary Bone

What are the Auditory Ossicles? Select all that apply? -Incus -Saccule -Oval Window -None of These Answers -Semicircular Canals -Utricle -Round Window


What arteries are formed by or directly branch off of the Descending Abdominal Aorta? Select all that apply. -Right/Left Hepatic Arteries -Splenic Artery -Inferior Mesenteric Artery -Right/Left Common Iliac Arteries -Right/Left Gonadal Arteries -Right Internal Iliac Artery

-Inferior Mesenteric Artery -Right/Left Common Iliac Arteries -Right/Left Gonadal Arteries

What Veins form the Hepatic Portal System? Select all that apply. -Inferior Mesenteric Vein -Left Hepatic Vein -Accessory Hemiazygos Vein -Right Hepatic Vein -Splenic Vein

-Inferior Mesenteric Vein -Splenic Vein

The right shoulder is what in relation to the umbilicus (belly button)? Select all that apply. -Proximal -Distal -Lateral -Medial -Superior

-Lateral -Superior

What do we call the turn when the transverse colon turns into the descending colon? select all that apply. -None of These Answers -Gastric Flexure -Right Colic Flexure -Left Colic Flexure -Hepatic Flexure

-Left Colic Flexure

What Nerve comes or what Nerves come from the most superior plexus and what does it or what do they innervate? Select all that apply. -Phrenic Nerve/Internal Intercostals -Respiratory Nerves/Diaphragm, External Intercostals -None of these answers -Phrenic Nerve/Diaphragm, External Intercostals -Phrenic Nerve/Diaphragm, External Intercostals, Internal Intercostals -Respiratory Nerves/Diaphragm -Phrenic Nerve/Diaphragm

-Phrenic Nerve/Diaphragm

What are the folds that encircle the lumen of the small intestine called? -Plicae Circulares -MIcrovilli Plicae -Microvilli Circulares -Encircling Folds -Intestinal Circulares -Plicae Folds

-Plicae Circulares

Where do Leukocytes perform Diapedesis? Select all that apply. -True Capillaries -Sinusoid Capillaries -Fenestrated Capillaries -Postcapillary Venule -Arterioles -Capillary Beds

-Postcapillary Venule

What is found in the root of either lung? Select all that apply. -Pulmonary Arteries -Main Bronchi -Pulmonary Venules -Pulmonary Capillaries -Lobar Bronchi -Trachia

-Pulmonary Arteries -Main Bronchi

What controls the outflow of chyme from the stomach into the duodenum? Select all that apply. -None of these answers -Pyloric Orifice -Contraction of Stomach Muscles -Pyloric Sphincter -Pyloric Antrum -Pyloric Canal

-Pyloric Sphincter

What are the veins of the Right Antebrachium? Select all that apply. -Right Olecranon Veins -Right Humeral Veins -Right Basement Vein -Right Tibial Veins -Right Cephalic Vein -Right Ulnar Veins

-Right Cephalic Vein -Right Ulnar Veins

What does the Brachiocephalic Trunk bifurcate into? Select all that apply. -None of These Answers -Right Axillary Artery -Right Common Carotid Artery -Right Vertebral Artery -Right External Carotid Artery -Right Subclavian Artery

-Right Common Carotid Artery

What vessels carry blood directly to the liver? Select all that apply. -Splenic Vein -Right Hepatic Artery -Common Hepatic Artery -Superior Mesenteric Vein -None of These Answers -Hepatic Artery Proper -Hepatic Portal Vein

-Right Hepatic Artery -Hepatic Portal Vein

What Veins drain directly into the Superior or Inferior Vena Cava? Select all that apply. -Hemiazygos Vein -Right Hepatic Vein -Left Gonadal Vein -Splenic Vein -Superior Mesenteric Vein -Right Brachiocephalic Vein

-Right Hepatic Vein -Right Brachiocephalic Vein

What does the Axon from the Postganglionic Neuron synapse with? Select all that apply. -Smooth Muscle Tissue -None of These Answers -Cardiac Muscle Tissue -Glands -Ganglioinic Neuron

-Smooth Muscle Tissue -Cardiac Muscle Tissue -Glands

What are the true spaces in the Spinal Cord? Select all that apply. -Subdural Space -Subarachnoid Space -Epidural Space -Epipia Space -None of these answers -Epiarachnoid Space

-Subarachnoid Space -Epidural Space

What innervates the smooth muscles in the walls of the male urethra causing rhythmic contraction of the muscles leading to ejaculation? Select all that apply. -Sympathetic Nervous System -Parasympathetic Nervous System -Visceral Sensory Nervous System -Autonomic Sensory Nervous System -Somatic Motor Nervous System

-Sympathetic Nervous System

What structures are found within the Right Ventricle? Select all that apply. -Fossa Ovale -Ligamentum Arteriosum -Trabeculae Carneae -Chordae Tendineae -Fibrous Skeleton -None of These Answers -Conus Arteriosus -Ligamentum Venosum

-Trabeculae Carneae -Chordae Tendineae -Conus Arteriosus

When recording blood type, we usually combine the two systems into one. Using that convention, what types of blood do not have an Antibody dissolved in the plasma? Assume that there has been no cross-contamination from another blood type. Select all that apply. -Type O -Type AB -Type B -Type A -Type Rh negative -Type Rh positive -Type A negative

-Type AB -Type Rh negative -Type Rh positive

What are the structures that make up the Respiratory Membrane? Select all that apply. -None of These Answers -Type I Alveolar Cell Membranes -Postcapillary Venule Membrane -Fused Basement Membranes -Type II Alveolar Cell Membranes -Metarteriole Membrane

-Type I Alveolar Cell Membranes -Fused Basement Membranes

What veins drain the antebrachium? Select all that apply. -Median Cubital Vein -Radial Vein -Ulnar Veins -Basilic Vein -None of These Answers -Brachial Veins

-Ulnar Veins -Basilic Vein

What structures make up the Urinary Tract? Select all that apply. -Renal Pelvis -Urethra -Ureters -None of These Answers -Prostate Gland (Male) -Urinary Bladder -Renal Column

-Urethra -Ureters -Urinary Bladder

What cranial systems, working together, stimulate the Phrenic and Intercostal Nerves to initiate ventilation when breathing is not on our minds? Select all that apply. -Ventral Respiratory Group -Lateral Respiratory Group -Posterior Respiratory Group -None of These Answers -Dorsal Respiratory Group -Medial Respiratory Group -Autonomic Respiratory Group

-Ventral Respiratory Group -Dorsal Respiratory Group

What bones form the nasal septum? Select all that apply. -Vomer Bone -Middle Nasal Conchae of the Ethmoid Bone -Nasal Bones -Palatine Bone -Superior Nasal Conchae of the Ethmoid Bone -None of These Answers -Perpendicular Plate of the Ethmoid Bone

-Vomer Bone -Perpendicular Plate of the Ethmoid Bone

What is found in Plasma? Select all that apply. -None of these answers -Water -Dissolved Proteins -Platelets -Blood Cells

-Water -Dissolved Proteins

What is the pathway that blood takes from the Descending Abdominal Aorta to a Glomerulus in the Left Kidney? Descending Abdominal Aorta -->Left Renal Artery , Left Segmental Arteries , ___(1)___, ___(2)__, ___(3)__, ___(4)__, ___(5)__, ___(6)__, Glomerulus. (select from pull down menu)

1. Left Renal Artery 2. Left Segmental Arteries 3. Interlobar Arteries 4. Arcuate Arteries 5. Interlobular Arteries 6. Afferent Arterioles

What is the only artery formed by the union of two other arteries?

Basilar Artery

What Cranial Nerve, name and number, innervates the muscles of Mastication?

Trigeminal Nerve CN V

What region is found between the Deltoid Region and the Antecubital Region?


What muscle inserts on the styloid process of the radius?


What Cranial Nerve, Name and Number, carries Parasympathetic Fibers that innervates the Lacrimal, Sublingual, and Submandibular Glands?

CNVII Facial Nerve

What is the most distal/lateral structure of the bone of the brachium that is *not* covered in periosteum?

Capitulum of the Humerus

What does the union of the Cystic Duct and the Common Hepatic Duct form?

Common bile duct

What plane would place the tip of the nose in a section by itself?

Coronal (or Frontal) Plane

What muscle crosses and stabilizes the joint where the Clavicle and the Scapula articulate?


What Smooth Muscle forms the Internal Urinary Sphincter?

Detrusor muscle **ch15, q7**

What do we call the situation where a Smooth Muscle or a Cardiac Muscle Fiber or a Gland is innervated by the Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems?

Dual Innervation

What type of Artery is the Aorta?

Elastic Artery

What type of Synapse is designed for Ion exchange between cells?

Electrical Synapse

What surrounds the myelin sheath of an Axon in a Fascicle?


What is the inner layer of a long bone that contains the cells that destroy the bone matrix if necessary?


What is the structure superior to a distal condyle?


What is found between the two outermost tunics in Muscular Arteries that is not found in Medium Veins?

External Elastic Lamina

What separates the right and left Lobes of the Liver from the Anterior View?

Falciform ligament

What Muscle Fiber *does not* store oxygen?

Fast Glycolytic

What is the Dense Regular Connective Tissue structure of the Heart that supports the four Heart Valves and provides electrical insulation between the Atrium and the Ventricles?

Fibrous Skeleton

What artery branches off or what arteries branch off of the Posterior Tibial Artery?

Fibular Artery

What Dense Irregular Connective Tissue fiber connects the Inferior tip of the Spinal Cord to the Coccyx?

Filum Terminale

What are the total number of Lobar Bronchi present in the lungs?

Five (5)

What is the most lateral/posterior foramen found in the Sphenoid Bone?

Foramen Spinosum

What indentation is found in the medial surface of the proximal articulating structure of the bone of the thigh?

Fovea of the Femur

What is Serous Fluid designed to reduce in the body?


What plane divides the body into anterior (ventral) and posterior (dorsal) sections?

Frontal (or Coronal) Plane

What is the most Posterior Muscle in the Posterior Compartment of the Leg?


What is the inferior articulating surface of the Posterior Bone of the Pectoral Girdle?

Glenoid Cavity/Fossa of the Scapula

What Class of Leukocytes all have the suffix (ending) -phil?


What is the Postganglionic Axon of the Sympathetic Nervous System call as it leaves the Ganglia to join the Spinal Nerve?

Gray Rami Communicantes Gray Rami

What are the arteries and veins that enter the heart known as collectively?

Great Vessels

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Halfway there :)

Where do the Common Bile Duct and the Main Pancreatic Duct unite?

Hepatopancreatic ampulla

What cartilage forms the majority of the infant skeleton?

Hyaline Cartilage

What prevents undigested waste from leaving the Large Intestine and reentering the Small Intestine?

Ileocecal valve

What two muscles both insert on the Lesser Trochanter of Femur?

Iliacus and Psoas Major

What is the most Lateral Group in the Erector Spinae Group?

Iliocostalis Group

What runs the length of the Thigh in the Lateral view?

Iliotibial Tract/Band

What structure forms the union between Cardiac Muscle Cells?

Intercalated Discs

What Nerve type is found only in the Gray Matter of the Central Nervous System?


What is found between the two large bony structures on the proximal area, anterior view, of the bone of the brachium?

Intertubercular groove/sulcus of the Humerus

What structure does the Atrioventricular Bundle (Bundle of His) travel through on its way to the Apex of the Heart?

Interventricular Septum

What is opposite to Contralateral?


What is the most inferior/posterior structure of the Os Coxae?

Ischial Tuberosity of the Ischium

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Keep going :D

What is the projection found on the anterior surface of the thyroid cartilage?

Laryngeal prominence

In the Anatomical Position, what direction are the thumbs facing?


What is the left inferior abdomino-pelvic region?

Left Iliac Region

What is the regional name for the Left Groin?

Left Inguinal Region

What artery supplies or what arteries supply the Left Antebrachium?

Left Radial and Ulnar Arteries

What does the Left Gonadal Vein (Testicular or Ovarian Vein) drain into?

Left Renal Vein

What is the last vessel to branch off of the Aortic Arch?

Left Subclavian Artery

What cell is found in the lacunae located in an osteon?


What separates the right and left lobes of the liver from the posterior view?

Ligamentum venosum

What is found running the length of the shaft in the posterior view of the bone of the thigh?

Linea Aspera of the Femur

What medial/vertical space divides the Hemispheres of the Cerebrum?

Longitudinal Fissure

What is on the inside of the Duodenum and is the termination of the union of the Biliary Apparatus and the Pancreatic Duct System?

Major duodenal papilla

Where on a Cranial bone, does the only bone of the Facial Bones that moves articulate?

Mandibular Fossa of the Temporal Bone, Rt. and Lt.

What is the regional name for the Hand?

Manus Region

What is the most medial/ inferior bone structure of the bone of the thigh?

Medial Condyle of the Femur

What nerve innervates Pronator Teres?

Median Nerve

What is medial to both the Right and Left Posterior Sacral Foramina?

Median Sacral Crest of the Sacrum

The Pericardium is found inside what structure? (The one that is closest to the pericardium.)


What sections of a long bone contain the Epiphyseal Growth Plate in prepubescent Males?


What plane divides the body into equal Right and Left sections?

Midsagittal Plane

What type of Nervous System is the Autonomic Nervous System?

Motor Nervous System

What structural Neuron innervates Muscles and Glands?

Multipolar Neurons

What type of cells maintain the matrix and are found in the lacunae of long bones?


What Division of the Autonomic Nervous System deals with Homeostasis?

Parasympathetic Division

What is the name of the layer of a serous membrane that contacts the surface of the structure that is surrounding an organ?

Parietal Layer

What lines the Pleural Cavity?

Parietal Pleura

What muscle in the Medial Compartment of the Thigh has the most Lateral Origin and the most Superior Insertion of the muscles in the Medial Compartment?


What connects the dense irregular connective tissue that covers long bones to the long bone?

Perforating Fibers

What is the Serous Membrane that is found in the Abdominopelvic Cavity?


What gland of the Diencephalon only produces one Hormone?

Pineal Gland

What line produces Eosinophils?

Myeloid Line

What protein in muscle fibers saves oxygen?


What Muscle of Mastication inserts on the Mastoid Process of the Temporal Bone?


What cavities contain a serous membrane? Select all that apply. -Cranial Cavity -Vertebral Cavity -None of These Answers -Thoracic Cavity

None of These Answers

What is the Origin and Insertion of the most Proximal/Deep/Medial muscle in the Anterior Compartment of the Brachium? Show Origin as O: and Insertion as I: Be sure to identify which is which.

O: Coracoid Process of Scapula, I: Middle/Medial Shaft of Humerus

What is the Origin and Insertion of the most Anterior Muscle of the Rotator Cuff Muscles? Show Origin as O: and Insertion as I: Be sure to identify which is which.

O: Subscapular Fossa of Scapula, I: Lesser Tubercle of Humerus

What is the Origin and Insertion of Temporalis Muscle? The answer is based on the Lab Manual.

O: frontal bone and parietal bone, I: Coronoid Process of the Mandible

What structures of the Skull articulate with the Vertebral Column?

Occipital Condyles of the Occipital Bone, Rt. and Lt.

What Dural Venus Sinus is found in the Falx Cerebelli?

Occipital Sinus

What is the the area where the Optic Nerve (CN II) leaves the eye called? Official name, not the common name.

Optic disc

In naming a muscle, what is the term that indicates that the Muscle Fibers are arranged in a Circular fashion?


What Axial Muscle is superior to the Mental Region?

Orbicularis Oris

What plane would divide the body into two sections so the right thumb was the only structure in one of the sections?

Sagittal Section

What enzyme in the saliva begins the digestion of carbohydrates?

Salivary amylase

What Glial cells would be found in the Dorsal Root Ganglion?

Satellite Cells

What branches off of the Lobar Bronchi?

Segmental bronchi

What structure is found medial to the Foramen Rotundum and is also in the midline of the Sphenoid Bone?

Sella Turcica

What separates the Right and Left Lateral Ventricles?

Septum Pellucidum

How many Veins drain the Antebrachium?

Six (6)

What muscle fibers are the slowest to fatigue?

Slow Oxidative Fibers

What is the most Anterior muscle that Inserts on the Calcaneus via the Calcaneal Tendon?


What is another term for the cell body in a Neuron?


What is the area where the Manubrium and the Body of the Sternum join?

Sternal Angle

Where does the 2nd Rib attach to the Sternum?

Sternal Angle of the Sternum

What do we call the perpendicular lines in Skeletal Muscle Fibers?


What is the most distal/medial structure in the antebrachium?

Styloid Process of the Ulna

What directional term pairs with and is opposite to Prone?


What is the region of the calf?

Sural Region

What do Alveolar Type II cells produce?

Surfactant Pulmonary Surfactant

What Cranial Dura Septa separates the Cerebellum from the Cerebrum?

Tentorium Cerebelli

What muscle has its' Origin on the Scapula and its' Insertion on the Humerus but is NOT a Rotator Cuff muscle?

Teres Major

What is the most inferior, for most of its' length, of the Posterior Rotator Cuff muscles?

Teres Minor

What airway leads into the Respiratory Bronchioles?

Terminal bronchioles

What connects the midsagittal Ventricles of the Brain?

The Cerebral Aqueduct

What is the most proximal/deep muscle of the Anterior Compartment of the Antebrachium?

The Pronator Teres Muscle

What structure allows the vibrations to leave the Cochlea?

The Round Window

What organ does the posterior/inferior cavity of the body contain?

The Spinal Cord

The three steps for forming cartilage are: 1) ____________ of stem cells in the ____________. 2) This first step produces ____________ that are found on the periphery. 3) These ____________ produce matrix and become ____________.

The three steps for forming cartilage are: 1) *MITOSIS* of stem cells in the *PERICHONDRIUM.* 2) This first step produces *CHONDROBLASTS* that are found on the periphery. 3) These *CHONDROBLASTS* produce matrix and become *CHONDROCYTES.*

What cavity of the body contains additional cavities within it?

Thoracic Cavity

What type of Connective Tissue is found in both the outer and the inner layers of the heart? (multiple choice) a. Areolar Connective Tissue b. Cardiac Muscle c. Dense Regular Connective Tissue d. Dense Irregular Connective Tissue e. Reticular Connective Tissue f. Elastic Connective Tissue g. Adipose Connective Tissue

a. Areolar Connective Tissue

What is the final structure of a Multi-polar Neuron that deals with a nerve impulse? (multiple choice) a. Axon Terminal b. Telodendria c. Axon Hillock d. Colateral Axon e. None of These Answers

a. Axon Terminal

What is the first section of the Large Intestine called? (multiple choice) a. Cecum b. Ascending Colon c. Rectum d. None of These Answers e. Transverse Colon f. Sigmoid Colon

a. Cecum

What cells produce matrix in cartilage? (multiple choice) a. Chondroblasts b. Chondrocytes c. Chondroclasts d. Chondrocytes and Chondroclasts e. None of these answers f. Chondroblasts and Chondroclasts

a. Chondroblasts

What is the official end of the Spinal Cord? (multiple choice) a. Conus Medullaris b. Dura Mater c. None of these answers d. Filum Terminale e. Anterior Median Fissure f. Posterior Median Sulcus

a. Conus Medullaris

What is the Insertion of the most Distal/Deep/Medial muscle of the Anterior Compartment of the Brachium? (multiple choice) a. Coronoid Process of Ulna b. Olecranon Process of Ulna c. Radial Tuberosity of Radius d. Trochlear Process of Ulna e. Coracoid Process of Ulna

a. Coronoid Process of Ulna

What duct in the Biliary System caries Bile to and from the Gallbladder? (multiple choice) a. Cystic Duct b. Left Hepatic Duct c. Main Pancreatic Duct d. Right Hepatic Duct e. Common Hepatic Duct f. None of These Answers g. Common Bile Duct

a. Cystic Duct

What is the outer band of connective tissue surrounding Skeletal Muscle called? (multiple choice) a. Epimysium b. Perimysium c. Exomysium d. Hypomysium e. Endomysium

a. Epimysium

What is most predominate in Hyaline Cartilage Connective Tissue? (multiple choice) a. Extracellular Matrix b. Lacunae c. Elastic Fibers d. Collagen Fibers e. Collagen and Elastic Fibers

a. Extracellular Matrix

What is found in the lateral/anterior wall of the Foramen Magnum? a. Hypoglossal canal b. Jugular Foramen c. None of these answers d. Transverse Foramina e. Superior Articulating Facets

a. Hypoglossal canal

What structure separates the Anterior Compartment from the Posterior Compartment in the Eye? (multiple choice) a. Choroid b. Ora Serrata c. Cornea d. Lens e. Iris f. Ciliary Body

d. Lens

During what phase of a heart contraction are all four valves open? (multiple choice) a. Atrioventricular Pause b. Diastole c. Purkinje Innervention d. None of These Answers e. Systole f. Interventricular Impulse

d. None of These Answers

How many nuclei are found in a Smooth Muscle Cell? (multiple choice) a. Multiple b. Two c. One or Two d. One

d. One

What is the last bronchiole in the Bronchial Tree? (multiple choice) a. Ultima Bronchiole b. Terminal Bronchiole c. None of These Answers d. Respiratory Bronchiole e. Tertiary Bronchiole

d. Respiratory Bronchiole

What is the structure that is anterior to the Rt. Mandibular Notch? a. Rt. Mental Process of the Mandible b. Rt. Coracoid Process of the Mandible c. Rt. Conoid Process of the Mandible d. Rt. Coronoid Process of the Mandible e. Rt. Condylar Process of the Mandible

d. Rt. Coronoid Process of the Mandible

What glial cells of the Peripheral Nervous System protect the Cell Body of some of the Neurons? (multiple choice) a. Microglial Cells b. Neurolemmocytes c. Schwann Cells d. Satellite Cells e. Astrocytes

d. Satellite Cells

Where do the ducts of Merocrine or Eccrine glands terminate? (multiple choice) a. Oral Cavity b. Stomach c. Shaft of Hair Follicles d. Surface of Epidermis e. None of These Answers f. Liver

d. Surface of Epidermis

What is the sensory function of CNVII? (multiple choice) a. Taste Posterior 1/3 of Tongue b. Sensation of Hearing/Balance c. Sensation from Superficial Facial Area d. Taste Anterior 2/3 of Tongue

d. Taste Anterior 2/3 of Tongue

What bone contains or what bones contain the External Auditory/Acoustic Meatus and the Internal Auditory/Acoustic Meatus? (multiple choice) a. Occipital Bone and Temporal Bone b. Sphenoid Bone and Occipital Bone c. Temporal Bone and Sphenoid Bone d. Temporal Bone e. None of These Answers f. Occipital Bone g. Sphenoid Bone

d. Temporal Bone

What layer of a Blood Vessel, artery or vein, forms the capillaries? (multiple choice) a. Tunica Externa b. None of These Answers c. Tunica Media d. Tunica Intima e. Tunica Squamousus

d. Tunica Intima

What cells produce matrix in cartilage? a. Chondrocytes and Chondroclasts b. Chondrocytes c. Chondroclasts d. None of these answers e. Chondroblasts f. Chondroblasts and Chondroclasts

e. Chondroblasts

What cells are found in lacunae in cartilage? (multiple choice) a. Chondrocytes and Chondroclasts b. None of these answers c. Chondroblasts d. Chondroclasts e. Chondrocytes f. Chondroblasts and Chondroclasts

e. Chondrocytes

What branches off of the Arcuate Arteries?

interlobular arteries

What muscle is found on opposing sides of the Colon and contracts the Colon forming the Haustra?

teniae coli

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