Mastering Biology Chapter 7

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In glycolysis, what starts the process of glucose breakdown?


What is the correct general equation for cellular respiration?

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 --> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP Energy.

For each glucose that enters glycolysis, ? NADH enter the electron transport chain.


How many NADH are produced by glycolysis?


In glycolysis there is a net gain of ? ATP.


What is not a product of glycolysis?


Glycolysis is the multi-step breakdown of ?. Several different ? play a role in this process.

Glucose. Enzymes.

What is the correct sequence of steps as energy is extracted from glucose during cellular respiration?

Glycolysis --> acetyl CoA --> Citric Acid Cycle -->Electron Transport Chain.

What takes place in the cytosol of a eukaryotic cell?


Unlike the Citric Acid Cycle and Electron Transport, Glycolysis occurs ?

In the cytoplasm.

The proximate source of energy for oxidative phosphorylation is ?

Kinetic energy is released as hydrogen ions diffuse down their concentration gradient.

In muscle cells, fermentation produces ?

Lactate and NAD+.

In what organelle would you find acetyl CoA formation, the Citric Acid Cycle, and the Electron Transport Chain?

Mitochondrion - All the steps of cellular respiration except glycolysis takes place in the mitochondrion.

During electron transport, energy from ? is used to pump hydrogen ions into the ?

NADH and FADH2, Inter membrane Space.

In cellular respiration, most ATP molecules are produced by ?

Oxidative Phosphorylation.

What is the role of oxygen in cellular respiration?

Oxygen accepts high-energy electrons after they are stripped from glucose.

The final electron acceptor of cellular respiration is ?


Cellular respiration requires fuel (glucose) and oxygen gas. The main process that produces these inputs is ?


In glycolysis, ATP molecules are produced by ?

Substrate-level phosphorylation.

Cellular respiration accomplishes two major processes: (1) it breaks glucose down into smaller molecules, and (2) it harvests the chemical energy released and stores it in ATP molecules. By the end of ?, the breakdown of glucose is complete; most ATP molecules are produced during ?

The Citric Acid Cycle and Electron Transport.

Which part(s) of cellular respiration require(s) oxygen gas?

The Citric Acid Cycle and The Electron Transport Chain.

Which part(s) of cellular respiration take(s) place in the mitochondria?

The Citric Acid Cycle and the Electron Transport Chain.

What statement would describe the Citric Acid Cycle?

This process produces some ATP and carbon dioxide in the mitochondrion.

What statement would describe glycolysis?

This process splits glucose in half and produces 2 ATPs for each glucose.

What statement would describe the Electron Transport Chain?

This process uses energy captured from electrons flowing to oxygen to produce most of the ATPs in cellular respiration.

NADH and FADH2 are important in cellular respiration because they deliver high-energy electrons to the electron transport system. Electron transport produces ? ATP molecules(s) per NADH molecule and ? ATP molecule(s) FADH2 molecule.

Three, Two.

In electron transport, high-energy electrons "fall" to oxygen through a series of reactions. The energy released is used to ?

Transport protons into the inter membrane space of the mitochondria, where they become concentrated. They then flow back out into the inner compartment (matrix) of the mitochondria. On the way back, protons turn ATP synthase turbines and produce ATP.

What is/are the most important output(s) of glycolysis?

Two pyruvic acid and two NADH molecules.

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