mastering environmental science: human population
Whaling in the Atlantic has been historically important for the people of this island, with a small but rapidly expanding human population size.
18 B: Which of the following is true?
Most bird and mammal species are hosts to numerous parasites.
18 C: Which of the following is true?
Parasites can live either inside or on the outside of a host's body.
Is the following statement supported or not supported by the data shown in the graph? In the future the birth rate and death rate will be balanced, so the total population will remain relatively constant.
cannot be determined from the graph
fishes, invertebrates, plants, and microbes inhabiting the shallow water near the shoreline
A high proportion of the nations in this group have total fertility rates below replacement level fertility.
developed nations
Who sets automobile efficiency standards in the United States?
federal government
Cyprus has suffered in recent years from shortages of freshwater. It relies heavily on rain for household water, but rainfall has been decreasing. What is the climate of Cyprus?
In the presence of a black-and-white striped background, a cuttlefish was observed to _______.
move its arm to match the orientation of the stripes
Item 14 Part A: What does the left y-axis of the graph represent?
number of breeding pairs per 100 acres
Which stage in the graph shows the greatest overall decline in death rate?
stage 2
Part complete Which stage represents the fertility transition--a period of declining fertility rates related to economic and social change?
stage 3
In which stage or stages is the size of the population relatively stable?
stages 1 and 4
Is the following statement supported or not supported by the data shown in the graph? The population grows most rapidly when the birth rate is significantly greater than the death rate.
Look at the age-structure pyramids. The numbers between the bars (in the middle of the graphs) serve as the y-axis. What do these numbers represent?
the age classes, in 5-year ranges
In which period did the number of species increase most rapidly?
0 to 20 years
What does the left y-axis of the graph represent?
birth rate or death rate
The changes to the cuttlefish's skin are related to _______.
Calculate the total C pool (above- and belowground C) for the Control group.
10,125 g C/m2
After 20 years, what was the total number of bird species?
Compare the belowground C for the Control group and the Fertilized group. What is the difference in C between the two groups?
2,500 g C/m2
If the actual increase in total sea otters was 1,400 individuals between 1985 and 2005, how many new sea otters were added to the population (on average) each year?
Can you label age structure diagrams? Drag the labels to the appropriate targets. Pink labels indicate what each age class represents. Blue labels indicate how the population is expected to change over time.
Blue: a. population decreasing b. population increasing rapidly c. stable population Pink: a. post-reproductive age b. reproductive age c. pre-reproductive age
In 1991, scientist James Estes and his team observed a new trend of orcas preying on sea otters. Orcas normally prey on great whales, but those populations had been dramatically reduced by industrial whaling. Estes hypothesized that the decrease in the great whale population had caused orcas to turn to smaller prey -- sea otters. If this hypothesis is correct, predict what might happen to sea otter numbers if great whale population numbers increase.
Sea otter populations would increase.
The climax, or final stage, of old-field succession is an oak-hickory forest, which is usually well established after 160 years. What happens to the diversity of bird species after 160 years?
The answer cannot be determined from this graph.
Every carbon atom in the organic molecules that make up your body MUST recently have been part of ______
a producer
In 2014, how many 25- to 29-year-old women lived in Niger?
about 0.6 million
In the Netherlands in 2014, which age classes contained the largest number of people?
adults between 45 and 54
Ignoring migration, the age structure of a human population likely to decrease in size will have what shape?
inverted pyramid
Ignoring migration, the age structure of a human population likely to increase in size will have what shape?
What does the green graph line represent?
total number of individuals in the population
Which organisms play a role in returning carbon to the atmosphere?
Producers, consumers, and decomposers
You are an automobile engineer focused on decreasing the amount of carbon dioxide produced per mile driven. What are you working on?
carbon intensity
As a group, these nations have the lowest rates of population growth today.
developed nations
In general, women in these nations have higher access to education, employment, and contraception.
developed nations
In the year 2005 there were approximately ____ more sea otters in total than in 1985.
If past trends continue, which of the following will be true?
Animals in captivity will be treated for parasites.
If predictions hold true, which two countries will be responsible for adding the most cars to the world's total by 2030?
China and India
Can you identify what happens in each stage of the demographic transition model? Drag the labels to the appropriate targets.
a. pre-industrial stage: populations grow slowly (or not at all) despite high birth rates because death rates are similarly high b. transitional stage: the large gap in birth and death rates leads to big increases in population c. industrial stage: population growth slows as birth rates drop and approach death rates d. post-industrial stage: populations stabilize when birth rates and death rates are similarly low
These nations will experience the vast majority of population growth in the coming decades.
developing nations
Part complete Cuttlefish placed in a sandy environment with white rocks will camouflage their skin in a pattern called _______.
disruptive camouflage
the fishes, invertebrates, plants, microbes, rocks, sediments, and water in the lake, and the interactions between them
To limit the growth of the Zambian population, humanitarian aid agencies and organizations such as UNICEF are focusing on __________.
educating and empowering women
Camouflage contributes to the cuttlefish's survival by enabling it to _______.
hide from predators
You are a paleontologist studying how parasites have influenced and altered humanity. Which of the following is the focus of your research?
hygiene hypothesis
According to current research, human internal parasites work most closely with which of the following body systems?
What factor would contribute to a sharp decline in death rate, such as the one shown in Stage 2?
improved sanitation
What does the blue graph line represent?
number of species
a single fish living in the lake's shallow water near the shoreline
a group of fish of the same species inhabiting the shallow water near the shoreline
An organism gets carbon by using carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to make sugar molecules. This organism is a ______
Which question was raised but not answered in the video?
How do cuttlefish camouflage themselves even though they are colorblind?
On the basis of the data, will warming tundra soils decrease atmospheric CO2 and create a negative feedback to climate change or increase atmospheric CO2 and act as positive feedback?
Increase atmospheric CO2 because the total C uptake by Fertilized plants is lower than total uptake by Control plants
Suppose that you and your next door neighbor both have a small pond in your yard. Your pond is surrounded by abundant St. John's wort, but your neighbor's pond is surrounded by very little St. John's wort. Based on what you learned from Knight's study, which of the following would be reasonable explanations for why your pond has abundant St. John's wort and your neighbor's pond does not? Select the four best answers.
- Your pond has 100 fish, and your neighbor's pond has 50 fish. - Your neighbor's pond has a plant that competes with St. John's wort. - Your neighbor has been using herbicides to manage vegetation near his pond. - You have a bird house with dragonfly-eating birds near your pond.
Can you sequence the steps in the eutrophication process that occurs in a body of water? Drag each statement to the appropriate location in the flowchart of the eutrophication process.
1. nutrients enter a waterway in elevated concentrations 2. nutrients promote phytoplankton growth and increase phytoplankton density in waters 3. more phytoplankton die and settle to the bottom where they are metabolized by bacteria 4. hypoxic conditions arise in the deep water above the sediments 5. aquatic life in and near the sediment flees or suffocates
In which year was the density of birds greatest?
Which process or processes return carbon to the atmosphere?
Cellular respiration only
Look at the three countries called out in the map below. Compare each nation's level of development, as indicated by the HDI. Then compare each nation's population growth rate. Based on the data from the map, drag each country's data point to its approximate place on the graph. (Note that six targets will be left blank.)
DR Congo: rapid PGR, low HDI Brazil: moderate PGR, medium HDI U.S.: slow PGR, high HDI
The greater Earth's total human population, the greater impact humans as a whole have on the environment. Could nations take steps to manage their long-term population growth? Sort the following actions based on whether they would be effective means of managing population growth, not effective, or effective but possibly infringing on individuals' civil and personal rights.
Effective: - encourage family planning initiatives - increase economic development - promote education for all - empower women Ineffective: - increase the fertility rate - reduce per capita resource use - send food to nations with a starving population Effective but violates human rights: - sterilize 10% of the population - legally limit the number of children a family can have
Match each description with the appropriate graph.
Graph 1: strongly supported Graph 2: flaw in experimental setup Graph 3: the dragonfly and insect predictions are supported by the st. john's wort prediction is not supported Graph 4: the dragonfly and insect predictions are not supported, but the st. john's wort prediction is supported Graph 5: weakly supported Graph 6: not supported at all, opposite trends observed
How does Iceland's population density and growth rate compare to those of the rest of Europe?
Iceland's population density is low, but its growth rate high compared to the rest of Europe.
Between the years of 1985 and 2005 the total number of sea otters:
Increased by approximately 100%.
Separated from Iceland by about 900 miles, it too harbors no native snakes.
Do the data support the original hypothesis that the net effect of increased nutrient availability will be to remove carbon from the air and store it in the soil?
No. Belowground C biomass decreased in the Fertilized group as compared with the Control group.
You work for the Department of Transportation in the United States. You are sent to the country that has done the most to encourage electric car use to learn how they did so. Where do you go?
Drag the pink labels to indicate which type of interaction occurs between each pair of species. Based on those interactions, drag the blue labels to indicate the population changes Knight predicted for each species in the two different treatments. Labels can be used once, more than once, or not at all.
Pink: a. predation b. predation c. mutualism Blue: d. goes down e. goes up f. goes up g. goes up h. goes down i. goes down
Regions with otters tend to host dense forests of kelp, a brown seaweed that anchors to the seafloor. Kelp forests provide a physical structure in which diverse marine communities find shelter and food. Sea otters prey on urchins, which consume kelp. According to James Estes, sea otter populations have dropped dramatically in Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. If sea otter populations in these areas continue to decline, what might happen with populations of sea urchins and kelp?
Sea urchins increase and kelp decreases.
Imagine following a single carbon atom through the carbon cycle. Which of the following is a possible path for the carbon atom to take?
The atmosphere, a plant, a herbivore, a decomposer, then back to the atmosphere
Which of the following statements best describes the bird populations during the period from 100 to 160 years?
The number of species slowly increased, while the number of breeding pairs reached a peak and then slowly declined.
The colors of the bars on the graphs indicate the life stage of the people in that age class. What does it mean if a bar is colored red?
The people in that age class are past reproductive age.
Assuming that current trends continue, predict how the age structure of the Netherlands in 2034 will likely differ from that in 2014.
The proportion of the population made up of older adults (65+) will increase.
Ignoring migration, the age structure diagram of a human population likely to maintain a relatively stable size will have what shape?
a rectangle tapering toward the top
In the Netherlands in 2014, people between the ages of 45 and 54 made up the largest percentage of the population. What factor is most likely to have caused this bulge in the age pyramid?
a surge in the birth rate after World War II ended in 1945
These nations account for only about 20% of the global human population
developed nations
Some nations in this group are in the transitional stage of the demographic transition model.
developing nations
The nations in this group have populations with many more people in the pre-reproductive age class than in the post-reproductive class.
developing nations
In comparison with the Control group, the Fertilized group had _________ plant growth and _______ belowground C biomass.
increased, decreased
Thick woodlands covered Ireland until the 17th century, but today it is among the most deforested areas in Europe. What is the annual growth rate of the human population on the island?
What factor is most likely to have caused the change in the number of bird species that occurred between years 30 and 60?
increasing number of bird habitats
Based on a comparison of the age-structure pyramids, which of the following would likely be a higher priority in the Netherlands than in Niger?
providing long-term care for the elderly
Why aren't more couples using birth control in Zambia? Birth control in Zambia __________.
requires travel that many families cannot afford.
What is the relationship between family income and family size? In general, as family income levels __________.
rise, families have fewer children
The number of children in a family in Zambia has largely been determined by __________.
the father
What do the bars on the graphs represent?
the number of males and females in each age group
When it comes to climate change, which of the following is the least desirable way to produce the electricity for electric vehicles?
using coal
The 2014 age-structure pyramid for Niger indicates that the population of Niger ________.
was increasing