Maternity Chpt 10 - Fetal Development 5-8

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diseases tied to ethnicity and race inborn errors of metabolism

A nurse is providing education related to genetic testing. Which benefits of genetic testing would the nurse explain to the client? Select all that apply. diseases tied to ethnicity and race inborn errors of metabolism psychosocial disorders learning disorders phenotype

The client has a nondisjunction occurring during meiosis.

A baby is born with what the primary care provider believes is a diagnosis of trisomy 21. This means that the infant has three number 21 chromosomes. What factor describes this genetic change? The mother also has genetic mutation of chromosome 21. The client will have a single X chromosome and infertility. During meiosis, a reduction of chromosomes resulted in 23. The client has a nondisjunction occurring during meiosis.

one vein two arteries

A client has just given birth to a healthy term newborn. Upon assessing the umbilical cord, the nurse would identify what findings as normal? Select all that apply. one vein one artery one ligament two ligaments two veins two arteries

The window of opportunity for conception is from 3 days before to 2 days following ovulation.

A client is confused concerning her fertile period each month. The nurse would educate the client by providing which information? The window of opportunity for conception is from 3 days before to 2 days following ovulation. Fertilization can occur only if intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation. Since a sperm can only live 12 to 24 hours after ejaculation, fertility is limited to 1 day before to 1 day after ovulation. The female fertility period is from Day 12 to Day 21 of her menstrual cycle.

Clarify values and goals for the couple.

A client is undergoing genetic testing and counseling. What is the responsibility of the nurses during this process? Share with the client the nurse's opinion when asked. Explain the results of the testing to the client. Notify insurance companies of test results. Clarify values and goals for the couple.

"You will be able to detect quickening." "Your baby makes sucking motions now with its mouth." "Soft hair covers your baby's head."

A client who is 15 weeks' gestation is attending prenatal classes and asks the nurse, "What changes in development has my baby made?" Which statement(s) would the nurse include in the response? Select all that apply. "You will be able to detect quickening." "The increase in weight of your baby has stopped now." "Your baby's lungs are ready for life outside the uterus." "Your baby makes sucking motions now with its mouth." "Soft hair covers your baby's head."

"Only one parent needs the gene for the syndrome to occur."

A couple has been referred to the genetic clinic for testing prior to conception due to the family history of a child with Marfan syndrome. Which response by the nurse explains how this condition occurs? "Only one parent needs the gene for the syndrome to occur." "Both parents need the gene for the syndrome to occur." "This syndrome occurs only in boy children." "Your child would have a 25% chance of the syndrome occurring if both of you carried the gene."

Klinefelter syndrome.

A couple has just learned that their unborn son has a chromosome disorder that results in an extra X chromosome. The primary care provider explains that secondary sex characteristics will not develop in this child at puberty and that his testes will remain small and produce ineffective sperm. The nurse recognizes that this child likely has: Down syndrome. Turner syndrome. Fragile X syndrome. Klinefelter syndrome.

This gene is usually carried by the mother, and there is a 50% chance that you are a carrier.

A female client desires preconception genetic counseling because the client has a brother with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, an X-linked recessive genetic disorder. How does the nurse best explain the genetics of this disorder to this client? The gene for Duchenne muscular dystrophy does not yet have a test available, so diagnosis is based on symptoms and family history. Passing on Duchenne muscular dystrophy is only a concern if your partner's family also has a history of this disease. Because only males are affected by this disorder, you may be offered assisted reproduction to ensure a female child. This gene is usually carried by the mother, and there is a 50% chance that you are a carrier.

The pulmonary artery to the aorta

A group of nursing students are preparing a presentation depicting the fetal circulation. The instructor determines the presentation is successful when the students correctly illustrate which route for the ductus arteriosus? The left to right heart atria The aorta to the pulmonary veins The right ventricle to the aorta The pulmonary artery to the aorta

chorion and amnion

A group of nursing students are preparing a presentation for a health fair illustrating the structures found during a pregnancy. Which structures should the students point out form a protective barrier around the developing fetus? chorion and endoderm ectoderm and amnion amnion and mesoderm chorion and amnion

There is a greater risk of Klinefelter syndrome due to the client's age.

A nurse is caring for a 37-year-old pregnant client who is expecting twin boys. The client smoked prior to conception but has stopped during the pregnancy. A relative of the client has Klinefelter syndrome, and the client wants to find out more about the disorder. Which information will the nurse provide to the client during genetic counseling? Having twins increases the risk of Klinefelter syndrome. Klinefelter syndrome occurs only in girls and not boys. The client's previous smoking habit will increase the risk of a genetic disorder. There is a greater risk of Klinefelter syndrome due to the client's age.

The zygote begins life with the diploid number of chromosomes

A nurse is describing what happens at fertilization as the zygote begins life. Which statement is most accurate? The zygote begins life with the diploid number of chromosomes The zygote begins life with the haploid number of chromosomes The zygote begins life with its second meiotic division just before ovulation. The zygote begins life with its first meiotic division before ovulation.


A nurse is interviewing a couple who has come for a preconception visit. The couple asks the nurse about inheritance and how it occurs, When describing the concept of genes and inheritance, the nurse explains that a gene that is expressed when paired with another gene for the same trait is called: recessive. dominant. homozygous. heterozygous.

"What was the cause and age of death for deceased family members?"

A nurse is obtaining the genetic history of a pregnant client by eliciting historical information about her family members. Which question is most appropriate for the nurse to ask? "Were there any instances of premature birth in the family?" "Is there a family history of alcohol or substance use disorder?" "What was the cause and age of death for deceased family members?" "Were there any instances of depression during pregnancy?"

fragile X syndrome

A nurse is preparing a presentation on genetic disorders. Which condition would the nurse most likely include as the most common form of male autism spectrum disorder? Patau syndrome cri du chat syndrome fragile X syndrome Down syndrome


A nurse is providing care to a woman who has just found out that she is pregnant. The nurse is describing the events that have occurred and the structures that are forming. When describing the trophoblast to the client, the nurse would explain that this structure forms: fetal membrane. morula. placenta. zygote.

explaining basic concepts of probability and disorder susceptibility knowing basic genetic terminology and inheritance patterns ensuring complete informed consent to facilitate decisions about genetic testing

A nurse is providing genetic counseling to a pregnant client. Which are nursing responsibilities related to counseling the client? Select all that apply. avoiding explanation of ethical or legal issues and concentrating on genetic issues explaining basic concepts of probability and disorder susceptibility knowing basic genetic terminology and inheritance patterns ensuring complete informed consent to facilitate decisions about genetic testing instructing the client on the appropriate decision to be taken

Immediately stop the nurse.

A nurse overhears a colleague tell a client that based on the genetic testing results she should terminate the pregnancy. Which action is most appropriate for the nurse to take? Tell the unlicensed assistive personnel Immediately stop the nurse. Call the client later and apologize. Contact the health care provider.

the fetus receives oxygen through the umbilical vein.

A pregnant client asks the nurse how the fetus breathes if it is floating in the amniotic fluid. The best explanation by the nurse is: the fetus breathes by receiving blood from the maternal circulation. the fetus receives oxygen through the umbilical vein. the fetus breathes by exchanging gases in the lungs. the fetus receives oxygen through the umbilical artery.

Amniotic fluid volume

A pregnant client is undergoing a fetal biophysical profile. Which parameter of the profile helps measure long-term adequacy of the placental function? Fetal heart rate Fetal breathing record Amniotic fluid volume Fetal reactivity

Fingernails are present.

A woman at 15 weeks' gestation asks the nurse what the fetus currently looks like at this stage of the pregnancy. Which response by the nurse would be most accurate? The fetus is covered with a white, greasy film called vernix. The fetus is about 15 in (38 cm) in length. Fingernails are present. Rhythmic breathing movements are occurring.

"By the end of the eighth week all of the organ systems and major structures are present, so exposure to any teratogen can lead to birth defects. More assessments are needed."

A woman at 15 weeks' gestation who works at a daycare center thinks she may have just been exposed to rubella at work. The client asks how this may affect her fetus. What is the best response the nurse can give? "We will have to see what gestational age your baby was at exposure." "By the end of the eighth week all of the organ systems and major structures are present, so exposure to any teratogen can lead to birth defects. More assessments are needed." "Your health care provider will let you know if there are any problems with your baby." "We will need to perform some additional tests."

1 in 4.

A woman carries a recessive gene for sickle cell anemia. If her sexual partner also has this recessive gene, the chance that her first child will develop sickle cell anemia is: 2 in 4. 3 in 4. 0 in 4. 1 in 4.

16 weeks' gestation

A woman is to undergo quad screening testing. The nurse would anticipate that this test would be done at which time? 16 weeks' gestation 20 weeks' gestation 24 weeks' gestation 12 weeks' gestation


After teaching a class on the various structures formed by the embryonic membranes, the nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the class identifies which structure as being formed by the ectoderm? lungs bones ears stomach

week 5

At a prenatal class a couple asks the nurse when the fetal heart will begin beating. Which is the correct response by the nurse? week 3 week 5 week 7 week 9

spontaneous mutation.

During the admission assessment, the nurse notes many café-au-lait spots on the client's trunk, back, neck, and legs and suspects that she has neurofibromatosis. The client's chart confirms that she has neurofibromatosis type 1. Based on the nurse's knowledge of neurofibromatosis, the nurse understands that a single family member has a: spontaneous mutation. germline mutation. monosomy. nondisjunction.

embryonic stage

During which stage of fetal development is exposure to teratogens most damaging? pre-embryonic stage mitosis stage embryonic stage fetal stage

client whose partner has cystic fibrosis

For which client is preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) a viable option? client in the second week of pregnancy client whose partner has cystic fibrosis client who is currently 32 years of age client who had a miscarriage at 15 weeks' gestation

the genetic abnormality occurred after fertilization and during the mitotic cell division.

Genetic testing has revealed that a couple's unborn child shows the possibility of mosaicism. When counseling this couple, the nurse explains this means that: the genetic abnormality occurred after fertilization and during the mitotic cell division. this genetic abnormality is a recessive trait that is familial. this genetic trait is generally passed from the mother to the child. this genetic trait generally occurs when both parents have the recessive trait in their DNA and pass it to their offspring.

The umbilical vein carries oxygenated blood, while deoxygenated blood is carried by the umbilical arteries.

How does fetal circulation differ from circulation after birth? Fetal blood flow bypasses the right atrium and goes directly to the right ventricle. In utero, blood through the pulmonary artery is only 50% of the post-delivery blood flow. The ductus arteriosus carries the majority of the blood circulating from the left atrium to the left ventricle directly to the aorta. The umbilical vein carries oxygenated blood, while deoxygenated blood is carried by the umbilical arteries.

the upper posterior surface

Implantation generally occurs at which place on the uterus? directly over the cervical os the upper posterior surface the lower anterior surface directly over an opening to a fallopian tube

20 weeks

The nurse is conducting a prenatal class for a group of first-time parents in the first trimester. The nurse should point out that the mother should feel the baby move by the end of which week of gestation? 20 weeks 16 weeks 22 weeks 18 weeks

the period of the embryo

The nurse is providing prenatal care to a young couple who is pregnant with their first child. In what period of development would the nurse explain to the couple that most congenital defects would occur? the period of the embryo the period of the fetus the period of the zygote all periods are equally vulnerable

The one umbilical vein carries oxygen-rich blood to the fetus from the placenta.

The nursing instructor is illustrating the circulatory flow between the mother and fetus. The instructor determines the session is successful when the class correctly chooses which structure with which route? The one umbilical vein carries oxygen-rich blood to the fetus from the placenta. The two umbilical veins carry waste products from the fetus to the placenta. The one umbilical artery carries oxygen-rich blood to the fetus from the placenta. The two umbilical arteries carry waste products from the placenta to the fetus.

It begins in the ovaries before birth but is not fully complete until the childbearing years.

The nursing student correctly identifies what information about oogenesis? It begins at puberty in the male. It begins in the ovaries before birth but is not fully complete until the childbearing years. It is the process by which gametes undergo two sequential cellular divisions of the nucleus. It is the process by which somatic cells give birth to daughter cells.

6 weeks

The parents are questioning why their newborn was born deaf when there are no other deaf family members. The nurse could explore possible exposure to a teratogenic agent at which stage of the pregnancy? at fertilization 18 weeks 12 weeks 6 weeks


The placenta is the site where antibodies in the mother's blood pass into the fetal circulation. These antibodies give passive immunity to the fetus for several common childhood diseases. There are some infections for which the mother does not provide antibodies to the fetus. What infection is the fetus not protected from? rubeola smallpox rubella diphtheria

a neural tube disorder.

The results of a woman's quadruple marker screen show that her alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) blood level is more than twice the value of the mean for that gestational age. The nurse recognizes that this finding is most strongly associated with: a trisomy disorder. a chromosomal disorder. a neural tube disorder. Down syndrome.

The amount gradually fluctuates during pregnancy.

When describing the characteristics of the amniotic fluid to a pregnant woman, the nurse would include which information? It limits fetal movement in utero. It is usually an acidic fluid. The amount gradually fluctuates during pregnancy. It is composed primarily of organic substances.

interventions that support identification of the genetics-related health needs of people

When genetics and genomics were incorporated into nursing, the decision was made to include them in what part of the nursing process? responses to nursing interventions that support generalized nursing care the planning of interventions that address the medical genetic needs of people interventions that support identification of the genetics-related health needs of people the psychosocial assessment of the genetic needs of people

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