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190- With what information you can not calculate a triangle?

If all three angles are (sadece açılar ile hesaplanmaz)

48- Which triangle is sinα=sinβ?

Isosceles triangle

133- If Hamburg 53 N, Ottowa is 75 N. If it works in Hamburg 12:00 clokc is how late it is in Ottowa?

Not enough information

47- How big is the shaded area?


173- How big is the shaded area?


151- Q is a fully divisible by 20 square number. Which of the following numbers is again a square? (20 ile bölünebilen bir sayının karesi olan sayı isteniyor)

Q/4 (ya da 100)

189- In a column (dikdörtgenler prizması) is the base doubled and the amount is halved. How to change the volüme?

Remains the same

Where (x and y value) is the apex (tepe nok) following paroble y=x^2-4x-1 ?

X=+2 Y=-5"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

191- Which equation applies to the dark?

a^2 (1-π/4)""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

178- How big is the shaded area in the square with a side length?

a^2 (π/2-1)""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

185-Which equation is correct?


135- What is the solutions for (x-0.6)2=1.96 ?


69- Someone is 1/10 of his money for stamps, and four times as much on stationary. He still has 60 cents left. How much money he had before buying?

1.2 (Euro

20- At Frankfurt airport a passenger wants to ger from Terminal A to Terminal B walking would take 3 minutes. Standing on the conveyer belt would take 2 minutes. How long will it take him if he walks on the conveyer belt?


180- How long is the diagonal (köşegen) in a cube with edge length of 1 cm? (kenarı 1 cm olan küpün köşegen uzunluğu nedir?

1.4 (kök 2)

90- A Grdhörnchen is 3 years old. Only 1/24 to adjust its lifetime it has the daylight (soru eksik)?


232- A cube with total length 96cm has weight of 768g. How big is its density?

1.5 (gr/cm3)

203- The size of a circle is enlarged by 10 meters. How about changing its Radius? (soruya dikkat; büyük ihtimalle çevresi 10cm artırıldığında yarı çaptaki artışı soruyor)

1.6 (meters

36- Frank builds with the car accident. Because he has part of dept, it must damage the car on the other pay. The owner of this car says: "My new car cost 60000euros and wa new a time value of 60% of the new price. Part of your dept is 1/3 of total damage. So you need me? Of the new price to pay

1/5 12000

194- A paper cup has the shape of a circular cone. It is half filled with water. How big is the volüme of water proportion of the overall Bechers volüme of paper?

1/8 (of total volüme)

106- A father is 20 years older than his son. Two years ago he was 3.5 times as old as the son. How old is the son now?


144- Three workers require 6 days for 2km long road. How many workers do we need to make a 10km long road in 9 days to build?


161- A top x number is doubled. On the outcome of 1 added. The entire process is repeated. The result is 43rd what is x?


25- How many points of intersection can five straight have in one plane max?


66- A man has 5 and 10 cent pieces in his piggy bank (kumbara), a total of 17 coins. Together the coins have a value of 1.2euro. How many 5 cent pieces are in the piggy bank?


65- Usually writers an accounted average of 40 min. Since he has a headache today he takes an average 1 hour 20 min fort hat. How much is the extra time in %


214- A sphere with a Radius R is housed in a cube with edge lengt 2R. How much % is the surface of the cube is greater than the ball?


105- From a sum of money gets Tom quarter, 35% Peter Sabine and the rest this is 120euro. Peter got how much?


113- What number you need to add up to 46, so the total to 76 in the same proportion as is 63 to 84?


56- A car travels at 60km/h from A to B. In 5 hours should it arrive in B. But after 3 hours and 10 minutes left the car because of a breakdown stand. How many kilomaters is it removed from the target B?


32- A hotel charges on off-peak price of 98euro for a single room. During peak season the hotel charges an extra 15%. What is the room rate during peak season?


220- If Maurer 9 for a 2 day working 8 hours per need. How much do we need bricklayers to work in the same 12 hours to do?


43- Frank and Annette sit as the first to the bar, they dirink 6 litres of sengria in 4 hours. The landlord is delighted and wonders how many customers it would need arround its remaining 18 litres of sengria remaining in the oppening time of 2 hours to drink?


157-Ten workers lift a hole from 5 yards deep in 2 days. How deep is the hole if any 5 workers digging in 10 days?

12.5 (yards)

89- In a Gesellenprofang create the first contact 10% of males and 15% of females trainees examination. What percentage received a total of the journeymen letter, if the group to 60% from fmale test exists?

13 (%)

212- What is the result of


125- 15 tons of apples have been sold following amounts; 1.5dz/400kg/0.75t/550kg/100pfd

13.1 (ton)

31- A student normally needs 15 sec for 100m sprint. One day favourable wind conditions help her to increase her speed by 2km/h. How long time does she complete the sprint?


168- What is the result of 1-1/2-1/3+1/4-1/5 ?


18- Oliver and Chris are drinking beer worth 72euro. For every three glasses Chris dinks, Oliver drinks five. The price of one glass of beer is 3euro. How many glasses of beer Oliver had?


128- Tom was 1/8 of his money for stamp, and 3 times as much as stationary. He had 80 cents left. How much did he cents before buying?


179- How big is approximately the amount in equilateral (eşkenar) triangle, if the page length is 20 cm?


44- And because the landlord business scents of his life, he also wonders how much fan drinking sengria its three German guests tomorrow in the openning hours 18-02 clock can drink


223- Two cars together goes a distance of 300km. The route the car A goes is 2/3 of the car B. What is the distance car B gets?

180 (ama kağıtta cevabın 120 olduğu yazıyor)

221- Two brothers together have 42 candies. One has 4 more candies than the other. How much candy is the one owns fewer candies?


63- A factory in 8 hours is 304 bicycles. How many bicycles are in a half-our?


193- A clock shows 12:00 clock. After how much time is minute and hour hand back exactly on top of each other?


7- Two places A and B are 300km apart. At 8:00 am a freight train leaves A towards B at the speed of 30 km/h. A passenger train leaves B towards A at 11:00 am at the speed of 60 km/h. Where and when do the two trains meet?

1:20pm-160km from A

219- A car consumes 7 liters per 100km. After 600 km route is still exactly the tank to full quarter after he previously was completed filled. The remainder the journey until the destination is 184km. What percentage of the original tank is still on target left in the tank? (yolculuğun sonunda depoda kalan yakıt full dolu deponun % kaçıdır?)

2 (%)

95- Cuboid has a total length of 60cm. It's weight is 250g. How big is its density?

2 (gr/cm3 küpün 12 ayrıtı vardır.)

24- Ther series 1/1+1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16... is continued infinitely. Which number is sum approximating to?

2'den küçük bir sayı

26- A cube has edge lenghts of 5cm (6cm) each. The cube weighs 0.54 kg. What is its speceific weight?


123- Three figures have the ratio 2:3:4, their total value 45th. What is the biggest number?


154- A spiral staircase is located on a circle with Radius 1m. How many stairs with inside edge length 20cm and outer edge length about 30cm fit in this circle? (2xpix100=x.30)


202- A captain drinking before flight 5 bottle of water. During the flight, the copilot always drink 2 bottles when the captain drinks 3. After the flight they have a total of 30 bottles of water. How many bottle of captain drink a whole?


175- Calculate by dividing?


71- 15 crates (kasa) of strawberries wighing 250 kg, every empty box 3 kg. How much does it weigh the strawberries?


64- Three buttons cost 5 cents. How many bottoms you can buy for 50 cent?


54- If you have a number y shares 3.4 and 9.2 as a result recieves, as the number y loud?


14- Three candies cost 0,15euros. How many candies can you buy with 1,65euro?


72- From 50 screws are too small to 8% and 24% too large. How many bolts have to the correct size?


13- If 4/12 of cream cake are missing, the cake costs 24euro. What is the price of a complete cream cake?


70- A motorcycle consumes 4/5 of his tank contents for ¾ distance of 400km. How far the vehicle comes with a full of tank?


1- A motorcycle consumes 11L gasoline per 100km. How much does it at 350 km?

38.5 (litres)

101- From 100 newborn boys are 61. What percentage of newborn are girls?


117- Subtract one from 6 times a requsted the number 12, so you get the 3 times the figüre sought. What is the requested number?


58- A factory exported ¾ of their production and sells 4/5 the reminder domestically. How much percent will remain left?


88- How much you have to add Figure 19 so the total to 32 in the same proportion as is 51 to 68?


98- If one whole 3% from fat can win, how much kilogram of milk are needed by 1.5kg of fat to get?

50 (kg)

40- The three decided to inform the residents better acquainted at the fest. You want 1/3 of the "giant wine barrel" in the market place pay. They ask the mayor how expensive the whole cosks was. But who knos only that the wine precisely to 4/5 filled barrels 1200 euro cost. How much need the three to put money?


12- Kerosene has a specific weight of 0.8. If an aeroplane is refulled with 4000kg kerosene, how many litres are inside its tank?


137- In 15 years, the pilot twice as old as the copilot. The copilot is in 5 years 25 years old. How old is the pilot today?


112- If in a hospital per year 900 children are born and 495 of them are boys, what percentage are they?

55 (%)

210- A sum of money is halved its value every 4 days. What is the value they had before 20 days. If its current value is 20?

640 (ilk değeri)

166- Two trucks need 8 days in order to build a house. This week helps from the forth day a third truck. How long does it now?


201- A rectangle has the edge lengths a=10 and b=5 cm; a magnified by 20%, b reduces by 10%. How to change the surface of rectangle (in%)?

8 (%)

28- A train needs 9 hours for a certain distance at the speed of 72km/h. How long would the train tak efor the same trip if it went 8 km/h faster?

8 hours and 6 minutes

114- After a price increase of 25% cost to Hoover 100euro. How high was the price before the increase?


57- Loom weaves 60M x Fabric, while 40M weaving Y fabric. How many meters X weaves during 60M Y weaves?


209- The bottom side of a square pyramid consists of 6 stones. How much has the stone pyramid as a whole?

91 (1+4+9+16+25+36)

228- A trolley travels 105km/h , wagons B 15km/h. If wagons B 13 km runs how far a drive wagon?

91 (km/h)

229- An alloy consist 5 part of silver and 8 parts titanium. How much do we need for titanium 156g of this alloy?

96 (gr)

184- What must apply for x, so the following equation a useful result; 109 [(x-2)(x-3)(x-3)]

x>2, x≠3""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

62- When a gate 15 meters North of a three, and the three is 30 meters North of house is located, how many meters are then from the gate to the house?


61- From a 13.5 kg seed cost 270euro. How much has to be paid for 7.5kg of seed?


121- Sphere,Dice


183- For what is the function a value of 45; x^4-6x^3+5x^2+22x+55 (şıklardan çözülebilir)


176- Calculate by subtracting? (cevap +6 diyor ama ben -6 buluyorum)

-6 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

213-What is the result of the pyramid task in multiplication?


208-What a result obtained by multiplying?


139- Which form has nearly the graph ? (sadece y eksenini kesen bir eğri)

0^x (sıfır üzeri x)

39- Three living in a small village in Spain with inhabitants. The three want to feast on the village residents with currywurst and fries delight. Annette need 2 hours, Julia 3 hours and Frank 6 hours to all the inhabitant of this culinary Genusszu supply. How long do they work together?


206-What is the result of: (1:1/4).1/2-1/2:1/2 ?


205-What is the result of: ((1:1/2).1/2-1/2):1/2 ?


136- One sheet (0.1mm thick) is folded 10 times. How thick is the steples in centimeters? (birime dikkat)

10.24 (cm)

170- A wall of 3m in length, 10m wide and 5m height will consist of bricks with 3 cm width, 5cm height and 10cm in length are bricked. How many bricks are needed?


217- An airplane starts in Frankfurt (8 east) at 8:00 local time clock on a flight to Mexico. The airport is located 97 west, the flight time is 11 hours. When the plane landed after time, if the time shift 1 hour per 15 degrees longitude?

12 (local destination time)

107- The dimensions of a cube is 4m in length, 20cm wide and 15 cm in height. How much has the cube kubikdezimeter?


50- The distance of a rectangle 4m in length, 20 cm wide and 15 cm height. How much kubikdezimeter? (desimetreküp)


147- A swimming pool has a capacity of 5000 liters. Through a tube, it will be with 5 liters per second filled. Through a hole loses 50 liters per minute. How long does it take to the pool is filled?

1200 (20 minutes)

83- An area with tihe edge lengths of 12cm and 8 cm to ise by 1/3 enlarged. How big is the new are square cm?


80- A wealth of 52000euro will be nuder two siblings so divided that A in three times as large as inheritance replaced by B. How much inherits B?


187- City A and B are located 90 km apart. A car goes from A to B with 60km/h and back with 120km/h. How long is he on?


222- Two tubes with a Radius of 1cm in diameter and 6cm once can fill pods. With the smaller tubes can be filled in 1.5hours. How much you need with the big tube?

15 (ama kağıtta cevabın 10 olduğu yazıyor)

218- Karl Fritz and drink beer together for total of 72 euro,.. While Fritz 3 beer drinking Karl 5 beers drinking. A beer cost 3 euro. How much drink Karl?

15 (beers, 45euro)

172- A cube with the total length 96 cm weighs 7.68kg. How big is its density in grams per kubikdezimeter? (ölçüler dm olarak verilip sonuç cm3 olarak istenmiş olabilir)

15000 (gr/dm3)

142- A car starts at 12 clock with 80km/h. Car B starts around 13 clock with 120km/h. Car B fetches when A car?


19- A car with a turbo diesel engine consumes 6 litres per 100km. How much does it consume on 250km and how far can it go with 24 litres?

15lt 400km

29- A staircase has 8 steps with a height of 14 cm each. This staircase to be exchanged by a new one with only 7 steps. What is the height of each steps?


78- In two cases are a total of 43 bottles packed. In a bottle create is 9 more than in the other. How many bottles are in the smaller box?


197- How big is about (on smooth cm) in an equilateral triangle with side of 20 cm in height?

17 (10√3)

155- Kosta in 2 years is twice as old as George, now 10 years younger than Kosta. How old is Kosta now?


91- The distance between A and B is 240km as the arrow flies. On the road map appear this route 40cm long. What yardstick, the road map? (ölçek soruyor)


199- Three construction workers in 4 days to build a wall of 12 km in length. How many days are needed for a construction worker 5 wall of 10km in length? (3 işçi 4 günde 12km örüyor ise 5 işçi 10km i kaç günde örer?)


37- Fran, Julia and Annette want the car repair itself. Together they would need 10 days. How many friend would help them so they did in 6 days to create?


5- A person wearing roller blades needs 35 minutes for distance of 12 km. What ,s her speed in km/h?


149- A rectangle has a side length of 5cmx10cm. To what percentage increases if surface, if both sides increased by 10% be increased?

21 (%)

52- A car consumes 6 litres of gasoline per 100km. How much is consumed at 350 km and how far can it with a 27 liter tank drive?

21 450

16- 145 grams of cavior cost 43,50 euros. What is the price of 75 grams?


96- A motorcycle has cost 15000euro. Every year it loses 20% of original value. This is true but only fort he first two years. Then loses it four years 10% of its original acquisition value per year. After a year it loses only 5% of the new price. What is the motorcycle after 7 years worth? (new ifadesi kafa karıştırıyor)


124- Two brothers are together 39 years old with a 7 years older than the other. How old is the older brother?


230- How many combinations are with the numbers 3,4,5 and 6 are possible each number should occur only once? (4 rakam kaç farklı şekilde yazılabilir?)


79- A canvas of 60m in length should be cut so that one piece 2/3 the length of other amounts. How long is the shorter piece?


81- IF father three times as old as the youngest son and twice as old as the oldest dougther and all three people together a total age of 88 years, how old is daughter?


84- Tom renoveted a room of 18sq meters in a day in 8 hours. Peter creates in the same time only1/3 of this performence. Fritz Works even faster than Tom and is around 25% higher. What is difference between the work done in m2 between worts and best result after 1 ½ working days?


226- A alloy consist of 7/8 from gold and cost 840euro. How much would the alloy, if 25%of gold would exist?

240 (Euro)

35- Fran, Julia and Annette together are as old as the grandmother, namely 77 years old. Frank is 5 years older than Julia. Julia and Annette toether 17 years older than Frank. How old is Julia?


198- A sum of money is at 4% annually. After how many years the amount of money doubled, if there is no further taxation or coupon to take place?

25 (ama orjinalde 20 diyomuş)

87- A paving contactor is required for a space of 500m2 area. How many Stones must be ordered when the size of a stone 10*20cm?


225- A family is 1/6 of their income for rent and four times for eating and drinking. It reserves (kalan para anlamında) over 420.00euro. How much is the income of the family?

2520 (Euro)

94- A succestion of 576000euro should be split 4:5 ratio. How big is the smaller?


104- Two cyclist will meet shortly to clock 14:55. They will Exchange experiences for 5 minutes and then put their way into opposite direction. How big is the distance between them at 16:20 clock, when a 12km bike riders the other 7.5km per hour zurüchklegt?


15- A keeper at a zoo has enough meat to feed 7 lions for 78 days. How long would the food for 21 lions?


75- A Heuvorrat enough for 7 horses 78 days. How long this stoch enough for 21 horses?


23- The reaction time of a car driver is 1 second. At a speed of 96km/h the driver suddenly notices a red traffic light. Which distance does the car until the driver starts breaking?


120- A reaction time a car is one second. How many meters drives the car when the driver at a speed of 96km/h suddenly sees a danger situation before it begins to slow down?

26.6 (meters)

224- Lisas dragon has been in the top of the tree caught. The kite string is 54 m long and stright forward. The angle between kite string and the ground is 30 degrees. How high is the tree? (ipin uzunluğu 54m)

27 (meters)

4- A container holds 21cm3 of water maximum. The rectangular base of its contanier has the side lengths 3.5m and 3m. What is the height?


103- The difference from the 7x sought a number and the number 4 is equal to the sum of 5 times the number of those sought and the 2nd. What is the request number?


116- 18 painters need for a work 4 hours. How long do 24 painters?


55- In a family every daugther has the same number of brothers as sisters, and each son has twice as many sister as brother. Like many sons the family?


178- How many of the following number are a prime? 3,9,17,21,121,127,222,343,655,999 (asal sayı)

3 (3,17,343)

143- 3.6kg of apples cost 12euro. How much do you get apples for 10euro?

3 (kg)

207- To the paper cup from 16 to the task half, you need to fill 30 minutes. How long does it for not to fill? (kağıtta hiçbirşey anlamadım yazmış)


41- Slightly tipsy the three night on the way home. Under a bridge to see a distrought Professor, then the solution is looking for his equasion. Where are the only zero points for x2+2x-24. He calls desperately. You smile and say mild course at...A


233- A candle is a distance of 1m to the menü. This distance is shortened to 50cm. How much brigter now appears in the menü? (ışık mesafe artışının karesi oranında parlaklığı azalır ya da artar)

4 (kat parlaklaşır)

231- Car with 3/5 ¾ tank of a stretch (esnemek). How much fuel capacity is required fort he whole route? (aracın deposu 3/5 oranın da dolu. Ayrıca depo ¾ oranında esneme (artış) yapabiliyor. Full depodan kaç oranında yakıt harcanmıştır)


53- A lion, a cheetah and hyena eat together a prey animal. The lion eats prey alone in one hour, the cheetah needs three hours and the hyena six. How long do the three if they prey animal eat together? (min)


9- Five bottles of juice cost 8euro. How many bottles casn you buy for 64euro?


34- Frank and Julia buy the money from a used car for 20000euro. Julia share amonuts- the car because they rarely use them- only ¼ of Frank share. How much Jlia paid?


6- A guy from Texas has a square-shaped farm of 100 km2. How far must he ride to check his farm's outer fence?


165- There must be three times the number"2" are used what is the highest number that you can achieve?


169- How many times must a sheet thickness of 0.1 mm folded, to the distance between Earth and the moon to be able to fill?

42 (40)

100- A rectangle area has a size of 2.193 sq meters in a front of 51m in length. How broad the area?

43 (meters)

174- The cut shows a square pyramid. The individual cubes have a side lenght 2m. How big is the volüme of the entire pyramid, if it consists of 5 levels?

440 (m3- 55 adet küp)

119- A water supply sufficent for 12 people from 15 days. How many days can 4 people like this drink?


195- For what angle is sinα=cosα


11- Four bricklayer need six days to build a Wall. How many bricklayers would be necessary to finish the Wall after only half a day?


59- If a barrel on 7/8 is filled, it contains whiskey with a value of 84euro. What is the whiskey, when the barrel is half full?


171- A car travels at 60km/h in an hour from A to B. Then it travels 40km/h back. What is average speed?

48 (km/h)

150- A car consumes 8 litres per 100 km. There are still 32 liters in the tank. The tank has a maximum capacity of 60 liters. After a journey of 250km of the tank is fully filled. How many liters getankt(?) need to be?(deponun dolması için kaç litre gerekir)

48 (liters)

127- A gold bar consist of 7/8 made of pure gold and has a value of 840euro. How much would cost a gold bar, half made of pure gold?


For what number x is the equation 2^x.x-x^2=135 correct?

5 """""""""""""""""""""""

122- How much percent slary increase Mr x when he first earned 1476euro, 1549.80 euro but now gets?

5 (%)

140- In fantasialand cost of a 2.4euro Fanta. How much are 2.4 Fanta?

5.76 (Euro)

188- How many functions do not go through the y-axis

5/x^2 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

22- If 4,5 meters of carpeting cost 90 euro. How muc would 2,5 meters cost?


51- A dealer sells stationary pens. For four pens he demanded as much as him six pens have tested. What is his profit (in percentage)?


74- 4.5m lines cost 90euro. How much does it cost 2.5m?


82- 1/3 of the tasks was difficult,1/6 however easy. What percentage of the tasks was neither difficult or easy?(%)


200- A cog (dişli çark) with 20 teeth is on a chain with gear B with 50 teeth connected. How many revolutions makes gear B, if A rock rotates 20 times?

50 (ama kağıtta B 20 dönerse A kaç döner şeklinde çözülmş, o zaman cevap 8)

42- Arrived home to the three noted that they are only a ben in the room have. Consider recently after they decide that always one of them can sleep while the other still at the bar a dirink. Only the order they can not agree, because nobody wants to g oto bed first. You get a sheet of paper out there and write all the posibilities of the series to follow them. How many are they?


76- For an alloy you need two parts silver and three parts lead. How many grams of silver needed fort he manufacture of 15 grams of this alloy?


3- A rectangle is 12 cm long and 8cm wide. A second rectangle is identical with respect to the surface area. How wide is second rectangle if it is 16 cm long?

6 (cm)

92- A car leaving town for a 8:51 clock. City B is to clock reached 16:31. How long does the actual journey, if one assumes that the interim stay on the whole three quarters of an amount to have?

6 (hours) : 45 (mins)

164- Arround the equator of the earth is a rope tightly created. How much rope must be extended so that if it everywhere 1 meter above the equator floats?

6.28 (meters)

46- Two trucks need 8 days in order to build a house. This week helps from the fourth day a third truck. How long does it now?


141- TEn construction workers in 2 days to build a wall of 3km length. How many workers do we need a 90km long wall in 10 days to build?


160- What is the result of : 100-(70-(40-(30-20))) ?


129- An alloy consists of 6 silver and 4 shares titanium. How much do we need titanium grams to 150 grams of alloy?

60 (gr)

130- A girls can be 1.50m in ¼ sec run. How many meter can be run in 10 sec?

60 (m)

8- Stewen has 85 euro and speds 23 euro. How much does he have left?


109- How much km drive a motorcycle in 9 hours, when an average 70km/h?


131- How many cubes, each with total length 36cm into a cube with a total length of 144cm?


167- At what number is the square root twice as big as the cubic root?


45- On tomorrow Frank liver pain. His Spanish doctor tells him that diameter of his liver has quadrupled (bir şeyin 4 kati). At home Annette says that he probably has not really listened, because otherwise he would long ago have burst. His liver would than yes, finally, the volume... simplified?


30- A pile of sand has to be removed by trucks. Two trucks woold need 8 days to complete the work. In order to finish earlier an additional truck is delegeted to the truck as from day four. When is the sand removed completely?


204- Was three hours before the time clock to 10 twice as long as an hour. What is the time now?

7 (kağıtta 5 yazıyor)

97- The call, fee for 20 seconds of talk 0,50euro. How expensive in a conversation of 5 minutes?


102- A bale linen cost 93,75euro. How many meters it includes linen if a meter will cost 12,50euro?

7.5 (meter)

162-For what values yields the following equation a whole number? (x+3/4)/(1-1/3) (tam sayı veren sonucu istiyor)


60- A girl can be 1.75m in ¼ second run. How for he will run in 10 seconds?


93- They have 30 questions 21 correctly. What percentage are they?


What is the solution (1/2+1/3)/(1/4+1/7) ?


110- Tom earned 15% less than Peter and Sabine has a 10% ges (?) more income than peter. How big is the total income, if you know that peter 2400DM deserves?


2- A silver cube has edge lenghts of 5 cm each. A stamp mark "800" indicates that the cube is made of 800/1000 pure silver. Assume that silver has a density of 10.5 g/cm3 and a price of 0.68Euro/g. Calculate the value of the silver partion?


115- 4 workers need 9 days can to finish a work. How many workers do we need to finish this work in half day?


85- A large gear turns 18 times and moves to a small cog 54 times. When the small gear now rotates 216 times , how often should then have th big shaft?


156- A large pipe fills a tub in 2 hours. A small tube in 3 hours. How long do both together?

72 (min)

211- A small pipe takes 3 hours to fill a container, a large pipe 2 hours. How long do both together?

72 (minutes)

216- A the Frankfurt airport wants to be a passenger Terminal 1 to Terminal 2nd on foot it takes 3 mins. On conveyor belt he needs 2 mins for same distance. How long is he walk on conveyor belt?

72 (minutes)

134- 6 people want to go to each other in a sport aircraft. How many ways are there?


67- Whenever Tom gets 5euro Sabrina receives 3euro. Together they have 120euro. How much did Tom?


99- Two car meet at 8.30 clock. How far are they to 8.50 clock apart when a car 90km/h, while the other 135km/h?

75 (km)

73- A 48 cm long wire expands when heated to 52cm. How long is a wire of 72 cm in length when heated?


21- A metal wire of 48 cm length expands to 52 cm if heated. How long would a wire of 72 cm length become if heated?

78 (cm)

227- A ship runs 17.5km in 12 min. How far it goes in 9 hours?

787.5 (km)

118- The planet Alpha has exactly the same rotation as the earth. An hour last 100 minutes there, the day has 10 hours. The day begins at alpha when it comes to us is the morning 06:00. What time is it on Alpha when it is midnight for us?


196- A viscular x contains bullets. The number of balls will be halved and then 4 balls dazugelegt. This process is repeated 4 times. At the end there are 8 balls in the container. How big is x?

8 (veya daha fazladır)

215- A cube house has a slapping roof. The length edges of the house is 8m, the overall level of the house is 11m. How lbig is the entire surface of two salnting roof?


38- In the three holidays have an apartment with 90m2 of living space ranted (1200-). Indeed the apartment but seems to be smaller. You want to hire only Attributable to pay. The owner told them that they still have to pay more even as the are is 60000cm2. Who is right and how much rent is due?


33- Grandma wants her grandchildren 140000euro gift. Anette is 2 times as much Money as getting Frank, Frank 2 times as much as Julio. How much Money gets Annette?


10- Mr P gets one fifth from a lottery prize and Mrs N gets one fourth. How much is the total lottery prize if Mrs N gets 4000euro more than Mr P?

80000 (euro)

68- Seven people can work in 6 days quit. How many people can work in same half a day to create?


77- A helicopter sets in 15 seconds 175 meters back. How far he flies in 2 hours?

84 (km)

146- A special bicycle has a Wheel in front with 10 cm size, rear Wheel with size 80cm. If front makes 7000 revolutions, how many revoluations makes the rear?


126- In a factory are 288 tables in 8 hours produced. How man tables are produced in a quarter?


27- All points in a space have the same distance to a stright line. Which shape results?

A cylinder

17- Two cars drive a total distance of 300 km. The distance that car A drives 2/3 of total distance than car B drives. How far does car A drive?

A=120km B=180km

86- Like many large circuits can be obtained by the two Erdpge place?

An infinitive number

234- Comprehensive and fundimental side of a parallelogram and rectangle are the same. Behave like the surface together? (paralelkenar ve dikdörtgenin çevreleri eşit olsa da dikdörtgenin alanı daha büyüktür)

Area of the rectangle is Bigger

1- Together, a mother and her daughter are 60 years old. The mother is 36 years older than daughter. How old are both persons?


181- At a square column is the amount by half, width and depth but are doubled. How does the volüme of the column?

Doubled (iki katina çıkar)

111- The scope of a parallelogram is.... same area of a square? (paralelkenarın alanı karenin alanından)

Greater than

132- Which triangle is sinα=sinβ?

Isosceles triangle (right triangle=dik üçgen, homogenous triangle=eşkenar üçgen)

186-The Radius of a sphere is doubled. How to enlarge its surface?

More than 300%

145- How many of the values given for the equation lead to positive outcome?

X=1 (2/3)

49- Where (x and y value) is the apex (tepe) following paroble y=x2-4x-1?

X=2 Y=-5

163- How many of the equations are for x=-2 correct (şıklardan hangisi x=-2 doğrudur)


159- What is the tangent of alpha?

b/a (tanα=karşı/komşu)

158-What is in the triangle following sinα of alpha?

b/c (sinα=karşı/hip.) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

182- What response represents the equation (x+3).(x-3).(x-2) ?


For which figures, the equasion √(x^2-3x+2) real solution?


192-For what is √((x^2-3x+2)) for real pay defined?


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