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Which of the following is not a necessary element of good table manners?


Which of the following actions falls under the procedure meeting track?

Assign a speaking sequence.

Evaluate the following paragraph and identify its primary problem. Many businesses are recognizing the importance of having employee fitness programs. Often a fitness trainer is hired, either full or part time. Obesity is becoming a major issue in our country. Many people are unhappy and unfulfilled at work, and this leads to high levels of turnover in some industries. Having a good fit between a person's talents and interests is important in long-term employee satisfaction. Use an indirect approach. Develop the key ideas in more detail. Divide the paragraph into two. Create a single topic sentence.

Create a single topic sentence.

Higher pixel density means lower picture quality. T or F


Three general composition steps

Follow an appropriate pattern. Strengthen the content. Clarify your purpose.

What does the acronym HATS stand for?

Headings, Art, Typography, Spacing

Identify which of the following is not an element of planning for effective meetings.

Pay attention to three parallel tracks of activity: task, procedure, and relationship. Notify meeting participants. Prepare an effective agenda. Prepare appropriate materials Arrange an appropriate meeting location and time.

# 9 quiz 4

The document below uses art judiciously.

three i's that apply to using art

interpret / introduce / insert

What key factor influences whether to use a direct or indirect approach?

whether or not the message seeks to inform or persuade

Which of the following is a strategy of reflective (active) listening?

After listening, paraphrase what you think the speaker said; i.e., check for your own understanding of their words.

Which channel has the greatest message richness?

Face to face

. What are three of the guidelines you should always follow when writing to people for whom English is a second language?

Use concrete words; use simple sentence structures; use the active voice.

Brainstorm categories sequence (what you used to organize information for maven interview)

bottom-up outline

Which of the following is one of the five factors of paragraph revision?


What are the four levels of DOCS as listed in WS4B?

design, organization, content, and style/sentences

Why is it important to make sure your writing is always well polished? (Select all that apply.)

incorrect NOT Well-written documents demonstrate that you value your audience's time and perceptions. See WS4B Chapter 5 Introduction "Revising and Editing Text."

Which of the following is an example of non-chronological sequencing? cause-effect time-series spatial narrative


Which of the following statements is true regarding question headings? Question headings should be avoided and replaced with statement headings when revising documents. Question headings are useful in guiding readers who are searching for answers to specific questions. Question headings are the most commonly used form of headings. Question headings are effective in conveying useful information, even if the audience doesn't read the subsequent text.

Question headings are useful in guiding readers who are searching for answers to specific questions.

Evaluate the following paragraph and select all the problems that apply to it.Kerry's work has been a problem ever since he was hired. I have talked with him on three different occasions about the need to improve, but nothing has happened. I plan to let him go on July 11. His work affects at least a dozen other employees. His performance record and my notes are attached.

You probably noticed that the first paragraph fails three of the five paragraph tests. To its credit, it is not too long and it does have unity, but it has problems with organization, coherence, and development. For example, it does not begin with a good topic sentence (the idea that Kerry is being fired). It also bounces from one idea to the next and reflects a lack of coherence and cohesion. Further, it fails to develop the case for Kerry being fired.

. Why is avoiding the common pitfalls of being self-serving or short-sighted important? (Select all that apply.) Being self-serving or shortsighted can ruin careers. Being self-serving or shortsighted can destroy companies. Being self-serving or shortsighted can damage credibility. Being self-serving or shortsighted can foster non sequitur arguments.


Which of the following is not one of the three basic processes that could be included in the body of a persuasive message? association analysis evaluation synthesis


What are some of the reasons for or benefits of applying HATS to your writing? (Select all that apply.) Few people enjoy reading pages of written analysis with no graphic relief. Research concludes that undifferentiated text is less effective than text with HATS applied. HATS promotes a clearer, more professional writing tone. Documents with too many text-only pages give a negative first impression.

Few people enjoy reading pages of written analysis with no graphic relief. Research concludes that undifferentiated text is less effective than text with HATS applied. Documents with too many text-only pages give a negative first impression.

If we don't raise taxes, Social Security will go bankrupt.

either/or thinking

. What style of font is this question written in?

sans serif

Your messages should always have an underlying purpose of strengthening your relationship with the reader, i.e., building and maintaining good will and trust.


Which type of graphic is scalable without loss of quality? vector screenshot photograph raster


The contrast is not as effective in the right document because of the excess of red. Read WS4B Chapter 4 "Art."


What is one advantage of using a working title when building a message? A working title helps keep your mind focused while you write. A working title makes it easy for you to wander away from your specific purpose as you write. A working title acts as a hook to catch readers' interest. A working title lets your reader know what you want to communicate.

A working title helps keep your mind focused while you write.

According to WS4B, what are the advantages of using an agenda in your writing? (Select all that apply.) Agendas act as a preview or map of the body message. Agendas commit the writer to only writing about specific points. Agendas serve as bridges, or transitions, to subsequent text.

Agendas act as a preview or map of the body message. Agendas commit the writer to only writing about specific points. Agendas serve as bridges, or transitions, to subsequent text.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the adequacy of headings? All documents should have an adequate number of headings to serve as navigation signposts. Short documents should not incorporate headings. Longer documents should incorporate adequate use of headings. Headings are most adequate when placed two lines above the paragraph/content.

All documents should have an adequate number of headings to serve as navigation signposts.

Three main ways to strengthen content

Avoid logic fallacies. Compose effective paragraphs. write with power

Which of the following statements is true regarding closing a message? Closings should refer to agenda elements in a new way. Even short, routine messages require a comprehensive, lengthy closing. Summarizing is the most effective strategy for closing a message. Closings can reaffirm the main thrust of the message.

Closings can reaffirm the main thrust of the message.

About one-fourth of employers utilize social media sites in their hiring process.


Evaluating a document for appropriate use of HATS is the first element of evaluation and revision you should complete.


You must always plan an appropriate content pattern and message structure, regardless of message length.


Which of the following statements is true? Giving information in a creative or emphatic way can help people remember it. A well-designed chart or graph isn't any more effective than a simple, well-written paragraph. The human brain has no natural preference for either visual or aural learning. People remember best what they encounter last in a message.

Giving information in a creative or emphatic way can help people remember it.

Which of the following types of non-verbal language is internationally safe?

Giving someone a thumbs up. Making the OK sign by forming a circle between the index finder and the thumb Indicating the number two by holding up the first and second fingers. Gesturing with an open palm.

According to WS4B, what are the three techniques writers can use to improve the accuracy of their work? (Select all that apply.) Use spell check to catch small, routine errors and typos. Have multiple reviewers read the document. Use a ruler or piece of paper to cover the text below the line you're reading. Read the document out loud meaningfully to concentrate on each word.

Have multiple reviewers read the document. Use a ruler or piece of paper to cover the text below the line you're reading. Read the document out loud meaningfully to concentrate on each word.

Which of the following is not a necessary element of good table manners?

In self-serve buffet settings, take smaller portions initially. Server will serve you from left and remove plates from right. In tight quarters passs items along. If you leave table, place napkin on chair After the meal, refold your napkin and place it on the table. (this is incorrect because do not need to refold it) WHen you sit down notice the table setting. For multiple utensils, generally use those farthest from the plate and then work inward as the meal progresses.Place fork and knife in 5 oclock position on plate to signal to the waiter you are finished Always remember to leave a tip for and express thanks to servers. Closely observe what others are doing and wait until host is seated. Male should help seat female. Chew with mouth closed and do not talk with mouth full. When you leave, push chair in. Male should push females in Elbows off the table Before you eat wait for host to eat. if no host is there, wait for everyone.

What is the most effective way to check the overall organization of major information blocks in a message? Analyze the contents of each sentence. Read the first and last paragraphs of the document. Glance briefly at the page. Skim the entire document.

Skim the entire document.

What are the three forms headings can take?

Statement topic question

Which of the following statements is true regarding tables? Leaving empty cells in tables is fine. The shape of tables isn't all that important. Tables should fit on one page whenever possible. The order of data in rows and columns is arbitrary.

Tables should fit on one page whenever possible.

What is the first element of design you should review when revising a document? The document effectively uses headings. The document effectively uses HATS. The document follows generally accepted formatting standards for its type. The document appropriately applies DOCS.

The document follows generally accepted formatting standards for its type.

Emotional intelligence is a flexible set of skills that can be acquired and improved with practice.


People with average IQs outperform those with the highest IQs 70 percent of the time.


When reading silently, people typically read clusters of words without giving adequate attention to individual words.


Which of the following is not one of the six guidelines that can help improve collaborative-writing projects?

Understand the writing task Select an effective writing team Create a simple outline...(should be detailed outline) Assign tasks based on each individual's strengths (skillfully) Establish deadlines and monitor progress. Develop a style guide.

Which of the following strategies is not listed in the online content about paragraphs as a key guideline for creating effective paragraphs? Use appropriate transitions to connect ideas to one another within a paragraph. Use repetition to state the same idea in two different sentences written in two different ways. Use a clear, focused topic sentence. Ensure paragraphs have three or more carefully crafted sentences (see the online information about sentences).

Use repetition to state the same idea in two different sentences written in two different ways.

According to WS4B, which of the following is one of the major advantages of using OABC structure in your writing? Using OABC guarantees your message will be concise. Using OABC guarantees your message will be clear. Using OABC commits the writer to including only pertinent information in the message. Using OABC keeps your reader connected with the message.

Using OABC keeps your reader connected with the message.

Evaluate the following paragraph and identify which element of CLOUD it lacks.I recognize that Collins cannot thrive on baby food alone. Since we already control 73% of the market, further gains will be difficult. Also, the current baby boom is slowing. We must expand our product line. Development length, organization, coherence


Which of the following are part of the four Cs? (Select all that apply.) complete concise clear coherent

complete clear

When evaluating the content of a message, at which revision level would you ask yourself, "Are all sources properly cited?" coherent concise correct clear


Charts consist of an information grid, with vertical columns and horizontal rows containing numeric or alphabetic information.


Which of the following strategies is not listed in WS4B as being an effective way to make an idea come alive in the reader's mind? Telling stories using imagery Using metaphors following an agenda

following an agenda

What are the two aspects of headings? (Select all that apply.) arrangement hierarchy headings adequacy

hierarchy adequacy

. According to WS4B, what are three problems that can result if you send messages with errors or other weaknesses? (Select all that apply.) negative self-image improper conclusions (reader's) wasted time (reader's) damaged credibility

improper conclusions (reader's) wasted time (reader's) damaged credibility

According to the "Sentence Guidelines" section in the appendix, as well as the section "Level 4—Review the Sentences" in WS4B chapter 5, which sentence error does the following sentence demonstrate? Over 60 percent of the 1,086 respondents in this nationwide study agree to the fact that the implementation of Regulation 605 in their organizations has improved controls in two being areas of mine safety and health protection.


Which of the following is not one of the three elements of organization to review? transitions between information blocks organization of major information blocks overall approach structure and sequence of information blocks

incorrect (not overall approach) see overall approach This is one of the three elements. See WS4B Chapter 5 "Revising Design, Organization, Content, and Sentences."

Which of the following is not one of the four basic management functions?

leading monitoring developing planning

Under which of the five elements of paragraph revision would the question "Does this paragraph look too hard to read? unity conciseness organization length development


circle at center branching out to other circles, branching out to even more circles

mind map

According to the section "Level 4—Review the Sentences" in WS4B chapter 5, which sentence problem does the following paragraph suffer from?Starting a business requires you to develop a business plan. A business plan includes a description of the business. The description covers marketing, competition, operating procedures, and personnel. A business plan also includes financial data. The financial data section includes a balance sheet, sources of funding, pro-forma income projections, and cash flows. A business plan must also include any other relevant supporting documents. inaccurate language incomplete sentences no sentence variety no topic sentence

no sentence variety

Which of the following items properly lists the elements of OABC as listed in WS4B?

opening, agenda, body, closing

What is the level of DOCS that evaluates the sequence of main points and ideas throughout a document? content order categorization organization


Which of the following items is not one of the three main purposes of business messages? persuade build or maintain a relationship of trust inform impress

persuade build or maintain a relationship of trust inform impress

Three reasons a meeting can fail

poor meeting management poor planning before the meeting poor follow-up after the meeting

Which of the following documents effectively uses both aspects of spacing?

quiz 4 question 9 (left aligned paragraphs and subheadings with center being an image

Emotional intelligence is made up of four core skills that pair up under two primary competencies: personal competence and social competence. Which of the following is not an element of personal competence?

self-awareness, or your ability to accurately perceive your emotions and stay aware of them as they happen self-management, or your ability to use awareness of your emotions to stay flexible and positively direct your behavior self-other awareness, or your ability to accurately pick up on emotions in other people and understand what is really going on

Which of these are two categories of font styles? (Select all that apply.) victorian sans serif gothic serif

serif and sans serif

According to WS4B, what types of information can be included in the opening of a message? (Select all that apply.) justification or reason for the text background information about the topic summary of main points and conclusions made in the message statement of authorization

statement of authorization background information about the topic justification or reason for the text

Which of the following is one of the five elements to review when evaluating sentences? structure spelling syntax spacing


five elements of SPELL?

structure, punctuation, errors, language, length

Chapter 2. (title roman numeral, a, i)

traditional outline

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