MC2035-Unit 3

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What are some examples of shared media?

Organic social media, media sharing sites, and posts

What are some tweets that should be pinned?

Pin important events, announcements, promotions, special offers or discounts, contests, giveaways, or high performing posts

What do achievements refer to in gamification?

A visual representation of what you achieve in a game (e.g. earning a laurel or trophy for scoring a high number of points)

What does a leaderboard refer to in gamification?

How players measure their progress or success against other players (e.g. high score list on arcade game) - promotes competition and motivation for players

What roles does statistics play in games?

It's the center of the game; it measures how you're doing against other people

What is goal-based bidding?

Allows brands to bid on a goal relative to total impressions, video views, swipe ups, shares, or installs

What is Facebook Zero?

An algorithm change towards meaningful personal interactions

What is shadowbanning?

Being downgraded from the algorithm

What is a walled garden?

Creating a space where everything needed is present, so you don't have to leave the platform

What do appointments refer to in gamification?

Deadlines for performing certain assigned tasks (e.g. checking-in, visiting a site, playing a level, etc.)

How would some describe their experience on the web?

Deeply personal

What is gamification not?


Is gamification intrinsic or extrinsic?


What should be the focus to optimize your Facebook page?

Focuses on who's it for and what the objective is

What is the second most popular social media network for advertisers today?


What is the first step to building an audience?

Invite the people you know to like the page

*What is effective social media equivalent to?

Layered Experiences

How do you convince your publics to interact with your brand on social media?

Let your customers contribute

What is important to remember when writing an Instagram caption?

Make sure the caption has the important information first (before the "read more" button)

How should you alter Instagram captions to increase engagement?

Make them shorter and incorporate emojis, punctuation, and get creative with the text

What is message association in the Hierarchy of Effects?

Measures the extent to which respondents can match the message in the creative to the brand

What is brand favorability in the Hierarchy of Effects?

Measures the extent to which respondents have a positive or favorable opinion of the brand

What is brand awareness in the Hierarchy of Effects?

Measures the level of familiarity respondents have with the brand (aided and unaided)

What is purchase intent in the Hierarchy of Effects?

Measures the likelihood of respondents to purchase the brand in the future

How many users does Snapchat have currently?

More than 498 million

What do levels refer to in gamification?

Players can either complete levels or earn their way to higher levels with points - unlock additional features or status with each level

What does discovery refer to in gamification?

Players discover certain hidden content or levels (e.g. Easter eggs) - usually high achievement unlocks these items

What does community collaboration refer to in gamification?

Players work together to solve a riddle, a problem, or a challenge (e.g. joining a team to answer a quiz)

What are some examples of earned media?

Public relations, media relations, influencer relations, and word of mouth

*What is interactive interactivity?

When a message is related to a number of previous messages and to the relationship between these messages

*What is the "search mindset"?

Self-directed, consumer has control (lean forward with a purpose) "I'm in control...and usually on a self-directed mission."

*What is the social mindset?

Self-directed, more willing to browse (lean forward casually) "I'm in control...but I don't mind browsing."

What are some examples of paid media?

Social media ads, boosts, and sponsored content

In what two ways can ads be created and purchased for Instagram and Facebook?

The Facebook Ads Manager or within the Instagram app

What is creative interplay?

The need to decide if your current/traditional creative is sufficient

When are apologies best for a brand? Why?

When people are harmed by a product; it does not admit fault

How is gamification similar to bribery?

You are bribed for doing something you normally wouldn't

What does status refer to in gamification?

You can earn status by completing levels or assigned tasks (e.g. medallion-level airline status, frequent buyer) - you can even purchase status. Higher status players can usually earn more than lower status players

*What are some examples of aggregators?

-Associated Press -New York Times -Washington Post -Almost every newsroom

Why is this statement false?: "The Internet is inherently democratizing and levels the playing field."

-Does not always provide equal access to content -Internet access is dominated by the English language and North America

List nine of the aspects of a Facebook content strategy.

-Establish a voice -Be authentic -Social Media Rule of Thirds -Determine an engagement strategy -Post at optimal times -Make the most of pinned posts -Use emojis -Ask questions -Go live

What are some examples of gamification in real life?

-Games on shopping websites that gives deals for their participation -Educational games (Ex: Duolingo) -Water tracking apps -Frequent flyer miles -Rewards programs for food and stores -TAF Status

Why is the following statement false?: Filter bubbles are real and work through the algorithm.

-Google search results sends you to pages that promote their ads the most -Personalization: If we only personalize content, you don't know everything that's happening -Being on social media informs the public -Because of incidental exposure, we have a more perspective on news we get from social media

*What are two ways to identify influencers?

-Kred -Analytic Services

*What are some aggregation and curation tools?

-Reddit -Pinterest -Twitter -Google -Twitter -Feedly -RSS feeds -PublishThis

What do journalism curators do?

-Studies topic -Chooses relevant content (social media, blogs, staff) -Authenticates -Groups related items -Provides context -Presents collected content

Why is the following idea false?: The Internet is always-on connection to the world. Makes emotions easier. Never bored again. Experts at multitasking.

-The Internet has made people less empathetic and connected. It reduces the quality of a conversation -Makes us less creative -Multitasking is a myth -Phones are seductive

What are the problems with personalization?

-You don't get to decide the criteria -You don't even know it's happening

What are the three components of a Facebook page?

1. 140 characters or fewer is ideal 2. Photos, videos, and GIFS 3. Hashtags (These are subject to change by the algorithm)

*What is the Twitter content strategy?

1. 30-40% of tweets should be replies to other people 2. Multi-way discussions 3. Ask questions and tweet about industry news, trending topics, events, promotions, day-to-day activities, company culture, or customer stories 4. Brands should listen and respond to customer's comments and questions in real time, retweet, like and follow customers or industry thought leaders on a regular basis 5. Use @mentions and tag people in posts to increase engagement and reach 6. Keep tweets short

*What six traits are interactivity associated with?

1. Acceptance and satisfaction 2. Performance quality 3. Motivation 4. Fun 5. Cognition and learning 6. Openness, frankness, and sociability

*What are the five different types of aggregation?

1. Algorithm (Google News, TrendMaps) 2. Data scraping and organization (EveryBlock) 3. Curation (Huffington Post, Drudge, AP) 4. Re-report someone else's story (every newspaper) 5. Original reporting (all may aggregate for background/data)

What three qualities makes a good influencer?

1. Authenticity: Good influencers genuinely believe in the brand that they promote and what it stands for 2. Activity: Influencer must be active on social media, publishing content daily or weekly 3. Engaging: When followers mention the influencer or ask questions, it's important to acknowledge followers by liking or commenting back

What are the three categories of Twitter bidding in the auction model?

1. Automation Bidding 2. Maximum Bidding 3. Target Bidding

What are the three TikTok ad objectives?

1. Awareness 2. Consideration 3. Conversions

What are three of the main advertising objectives?

1. Awareness 2. Consideration 3. Conversions

What are the four factors of the TAO identity?

1. Be candid and transparent 2. Make amends. 3. No deletions. 4. Always give credit for shared content

List the four layers in the Hierarchy of Effects.

1. Brand Awareness 2. Message Association 3. Brand Favorability 4. Purchase Intent

What are the three Snapchat ad objectives?

1. Build awareness 2. Drive consideration 3. Boost conversions

What are four ways to engage with influencers?

1. Cite them in research/white papers/blog posts 2. Give shout outs during Twitter chats 3. Initiate conversations 4. Offer feedback from a new perspective

What are the 9 components of the community mechanics?

1. Community Collaboration 2. Leaderboard 3. Points 4. Loss Aversion 5. Appointments 6. Status 7. Discovery 8. Levels 9. Achievements

What are the four aspects of statistics in games?

1. Comparison 2. Status 3. Competition 4. Achievement

When not using social media, what are you mainly using devices for?

1. Conversation 2. Creating 3. Thinking 4. Reflecting

What are the five outcomes of gamification?

1. Creating content 2. Generating conversation 3. Sharing information 4. Repeating desired behavior 5. Building community

What are the five aspects of immersive branding?

1. Deeply interactive 2. On demand/controllable 3. Personalized 4. Augmented 5. Virtual

What are four reasons to work with influencers?

1. Drive brand or product awareness 2. Establish reputation, authority, and credibility 3. Rebuild trust 4. Sell products or services

*What are the four types of ethical aggregation?

1. Fair use (excerpt unless you transform or have permission to use in full) 2. Attribute (by author and publication, not "media reports" or "was reported") 3. Link (even if you get more value, you drive traffic to the original source) 4. Add value (comment, context, content)

*What is Kred?

1. Helps identify valuable communities and influencers on a topic 2. Measures "influence" and "generosity" (reciprocal relationships) 3. Measures real life credentials 4. Looks at Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn interaction

What 6 aspects is the Instagram algorithm based on?

1. How interested its users will be in the post based on content they engaged with in the past 2. The timing or recency of when the post was published 3. A users relationship with and how much they have interacted with the person or brand who published the post. 4. The frequency of which its users open the app. 5. Content from all accounts a user follows 6. How long a user spends on Instagram.

What are the four categories of the Twitter algorithm?

1. In case you missed it: Shows tweets that you may be interested in that were posted some time ago 2. Show the best tweets first: Twitter will show you the tweets that they think are most relevant to you first on your timeline. 3. Happening Now: Current events and topics Twitter thinks you might be interested in 4. Remaining Tweets: the rest of the tweets from the accounts you follow in reverse-chronological order

What are the components of the YouTube content strategy?

1. Include a Channel Trailer 2. Experiment with different content types 3. Publish videos regularly and at optimal times 4. YouTube Live 5. YouTube Shorts 6. Embed YouTube videos on websites, blogs and in emails 7. Keep viewers engaged 8. Engage with viewers 9. Create Playlists 10. Engage with Influencers 11. Use Analytics 12. Advertise

What are the four categories of audience segmentation for influencers?

1. Influencers 2. Creators 3. Ambassadors 4. Trolls/Haters

*What are the two layers of layered experiences in an effective social media strategy?

1. Initial Engagement 2. Immersive Branding

What are the three aspects of the social media voice?

1. Interact, don't preach 2. Be conversational. Speak like a real person. 3. Be authentic

What are eight factors that optimize YouTube videos?

1. Keywords 2. Titles 3. Descriptions 4. Transcripts and Closed Captions 5. Tags 6. Thumbnails 7. YouTube Cards 8. YouTube End Screens

What are the six targeting options for Facebook ads?

1. Location 2. Demographics 3. Interests 4. Connection Type 5. Behavior 6. Custom Audiences

What are the five aspects of initial engagement?

1. Location based 2. Narrowcast 3. Conversational 4. Integrated 5. Relevant and Unexpected

What are the two purposes of Instagram stories?

1. Meant to be at a higher frequency than posts 2. Not meant to be perfect; gives an inside or behind-the-scenes look at businesses

What two factors have influenced YouTube to being a popular algorithm?

1. People want visual tutorials when they need help 2. Google directs you to YouTube when searching

What are the six components of a snap on Snapchat?

1. Photo or video 2. Creative tools (ability to overlay text, a drawing, stickers, gifs, URLs, and more directly on the image or video) 3. Filters (static overlays); geofilters are location-based overlays 4. Lenses (dynamic filters with facial recognition) 5. Music 6. Chat

In what ways do you take advantage of Facebook Zero?

1. Post less frequently 2. Post highly valuable, engaging content 3. Target a highly specific audience

What is the Snapchat content strategy?

1. Post short, fun content 2. Post daily and at optimal times 3. Tell a great story 4. Hold Snapchat contests 5. Offer incentives 6. Sneak peeks or behind-the-scenes stories 7. Holiday sales 8. Use influencers 9. Provide access to live events

What are the four types of Twitter content?

1. Promotion 2. News/Politics 3. Lifecasting 4. Entertainment

What two qualities makes a good influencer?

1. Reach: Quantity of people that an influencer is able to deliver a message to -Common Misconception: Social media influencers need to have millions of followers -Reality: Reach alone is not a requirement of being an influencer. There are many micro-influencers that have fewer followers but have tapped into a highly credible niche audience 2. Credibility: Level of trust given by followers based on perceived knowledge or expertise of influencers; credibility is considered more important than reach

*What are the three pillars of influence (Solis)?

1. Reach: Relationships and how info can move across social groups 2. Credibility: Affinity for the subject matter and authority and trust messenger brings to that subject matter 3. Resonance: Interaction occurring around the content, including frequency, length of visibility and engagement a network has with the context

When using devices, what are you mainly using it for?

1. Researching 2. Interacting 3. Play 4. Browsing

*What are the six components of game dynamics?

1. Reward 2. Status 3. Achievement 4. Self Expression 5. Competition 6. Altruism

What are the five components of benchmarking in poem?

1. Sales/behavioral goals 2. Registrations/coupons 3. Positive conversations 4. Time spent with social media 5. Increase over previous methods

What are the seven types of Snap ads?

1. Single image ads 2. Video ads 3. Collection Ads 4. Story Ads 5. Lenses AR experience 6. Commercials 7. Filters

What are some ways to work with influencers?

1. Social media takeovers and vlogs 2. Re-sharing your client's content with or without comments 3. Testimonials 4. Mentions and shout outs 5. Interviews 6. Collaborations between your client and other organizations 7. Spotlights

What is the Instagram content strategy?

1. Take advantage of Instagram Stories, Live Video, and IGTV 2. Sell products with Instagram Shopping 3. Promote Limited Releases / Drops Use influencers 4. Post with a location 5. Use tags 6. Post consistently and at optimal times 7. Post visually appealing content 8. Regram user-generated content 9. Engage with your audience 10. Avoid overt product pitches 11. Info-social posts 12. Use emojis 13. Experiment with different caption lengths 14. Provide a good mix of photos, videos, Boomerangs, and Hyperlapse 15. Ask questions 16. Run contests and promotions 17. Account takeovers 18. Advertise on Instagram

What are the two elements of any effective branded social media content?

1. Unique 2. Relevant

What are the three components of the TikTok Algorithm?

1. User Interactions 2. Video Information 3. Device and Account Settings

With the YouTube algorithm, videos are recommended to a user based on what five factors?

1. Video relevance 2. Video quality 3. Watch time (views, view duration, session starts, upload frequency, session duration, session ends) 4. The number of video likes and dislikes 5. Prioritizes watch time, and time spent on the platform over views

*What questions should be asked when finding the tone of a social media brief?

1. What aspects of our brand personality/ voice should the social media express? 2. What types of conversations might people have about our brand? 3. What types of appeals do we use?

What are the four aspects of understanding your audience?

1. What does your audience currently do in social media? 2. What motivates this behavior? 3. Where is your brand in social media? 4. Where are there active communities around your brand?

*What questions should be asked when finding the content for a social media brief?

1. What is our key content? - What is relevant to the audience? - What makes our content compelling, unexpected, unique or cool? - Can we gamify the experience? 2. What is our plan for consistency?

*What questions should be asked when finding the platforms for a social media brief?

1. What tools will we use? 2. How should we interlink each? 3. How should each voice be unique? Multicasting? 4. How do audiences prefer to access our content 5. POEM?

What are the four aspects of finding communities and listening?

1. Where are the conversations taking place? 2. Who is talking? 3. Are the speakers influential? 4. How are they referencing my brand and in what context?

*What are the 15 writing rules to increase sharing?

1. Write to individuals, not to search algorithms 2. Have real conversations 3. Write in first and second person 4. The Long Tail: Keep it simple 5. Active Voice 6. Newsjacking: Keep it current 7. Add variety 8. Be honest 9. Share the love with your competitors 10. Be real: The TAO of social media and asking questions 11. Interact 12. Write when others don't: nights and weekends 13. Post with purpose: digital media objectives take time 14. Great Headlines: Keep content relevant and unexpected 15. Write and build for mobile: test on everything else

The majority of content comes from influencers with less than how many followers?


How many users has TikTok amassed in a year?

100 million

What percentage more engagement does a hashtag bring to an Instagram post?


What percentage more clicks does a tweet with images receive?


How many times more likely are Twitter users to follow a brand than Facebook users?

3 times

What percentage of posts on a social media account should be replies?


How many monthly users does Twitter attract?

353 million

What percentage of TikTok users are males?


About what percentage of the world has access to the Internet?


How many hashtags are ideal for an Instagram post?


What percentage of TikTok users are females?


What percentage of Twitter users have purchased from a brand after following them on Twitter?


What percentage of Twitter users retweeted content from a brand they purchased from?


What is gamification?

A marketing strategy that involves turning routine customer behaviors into experiences by adding gaming elements to tasks that might otherwise be boring or routine

*What is the Crimson Hexagon Analysis?

A patented social media analytics platform using big data to generate insights into the ever-growing volume of conversations happening in the online world

What is an A/B test?

A randomized group of experiments used to collect data and compare performance among two options studied

What is Twitter?

A social microblogging platform where users share short messages called Tweets in 280 characters or fewer

*What does the TAO of social media refer to?

A transparent, authentic, and open voice for social media; the impression of spontaneity, and transparency your customers want to see; also encompasses addressing issues in a brand openly

How does the Instagram algorithm evaluate a post?

Based on what you and your network like and interact with

Why are the poor and working class not active prosumers?

Because they have lower income, they have reduced access; similarly, less education also plays a factor

What is active control equivalent to?

Cognitive Involvement

What are some of the characteristics of a game?

Competition, points, scores

What is heterophily?

Connections between different groups of people

*What is the difference between citizens and consumers?

Consumers are more individual and citizens focus on what's best for society

What does persuasion involve?

Cultivating relationships

*What should be the outcomes of a social media evaluation?

Effect on purpose/objective/problem

What does embedding YouTube videos do?

Embedding videos allows exposure to an audience who may not visit the YouTube channel directly

What is an example of a tactical approach to increasing loyalty?

Encourage a share

What is a conversation?

Exchange of sentiments, observations, and ideas

*What does gamification use to encourage content interaction?

Extrinsic Motivation

What are objective-based campaigns designed to help brands do on Twitter?

Help brands achieve results and add business value

What can Twitter ads do?

Help brands expand their influence and connect with new audiences

What is an influencer?

Individuals with the capability of affecting the opinions and actions of others

Why is Snapchat considered more individualistic than Instagram?

Instagram is more business-like, while Snapchat is more intimate

Why are reels more appealing than IGTV on Instagram?

Instagram is usually not where you sit for an hour. Also, people like the pictures in Instagram more than longer length videos

*What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?

Intrinsic comes from within and extrinsic comes from without, such as being motivated by money or material needs

How did the Epic Mix app use gamification?

It allowed skiers to see their ski stats; you don't have to use an app because it was apart of the ticket

How do goals and rules affect a game?

It creates interesting challenges and feedback loops, which allows for opportunities of mastery

Why is interactivity important for brands?

It raises engagement and likability

Why was Twitter created?

It was created by Jack Dorsey in 2006 as an SMS (short messaging service) based communications platform similar to texting

What are some examples of Facebook engagement?

Likes, shares, comments

*What are some examples of Twitter engagement?

Likes, tweets, etc.

When the Internet first started, what gender used it most? How has this changed?

Men; it is now a mix of men and women

What is the optimal posting time for Facebook?

Middle of the week (10 AM-2 PM)

How has there been a shift in Internet use according to age?

Older people are online more now

What is the best strategy for posting YouTube videos?

On specific days and times of the week, and maintaining a consistent video cadence will not only grow followers, it will give subscribers a reason to keep coming to back for more

*What should be the outputs of a social media evaluation?


What is the PESO Model?

Paid, earned, shared, owned media

*What is the POEM model?

Paid, owned and earned media and the framework will help any digital marketing company improve their marketing strategies and achieve goals and targets

In ancient Greece, what was a core mechanism of democracy?


What is a core mechanism of market economy?


What is the long tail in social media writing?

Placing more focus on the products than the popularity

Who are the actors in persuasion?

Political leaders and citizens

*What is aggregation?

Publication (distribution) of information originally gathered by someone else

What does social media affect one's ability to do?

Read emotions

*What is dark social?

Sharing outside of major social networks, using e-mail, IM, texts, etc

What is persuasion?

The co-production of meaning that results when an individual or group of individuals uses language strategies and/or symbols to make audiences identify with them.

*What is interactivity?

The extent to which a user is able to influence the form and content of a media environment

*What is a filter bubble?

The idea that we live in a bubble built by algorithms; from this, we don't get new knowledge, so we have the same ideas

What is the two-step flow of communication?

The process by which media influence often occurs through opinion leaders, who in turn influence others -Primary Groups: Helps us make meaning of the world and finds info to share with others; most usually grasps materials from them -It comes down to opinion leaders' ideas; people in the primary groups that we turn to for advice about beliefs, purchases, titles, dislikes, and more -Change Agents: Communication professionals who work to make changes and change attitudes; not the same as opinion leaders

What is homophily?

The tendency of individuals to associate and bond with similar others (ex: DeRay Mckesson)

How do creators have control over owned media?

There is no algorithm or changes to the content

Why are journalists reluctant to engage with audiences on Twitter?

They are supposed to be objective

What is the role of a social media ambassador?

They don't tend to have as much influence as an influencer, but they endorse products and in return, are given a larger platform

How do playlists help YouTube videos?

They drive higher video consumption, generate longer watch times, and keep viewers hooked as videos in the playlist are served one after another

How do emojis affect Twitter engagement?

They have 25.4% higher engagement

What are content creators?

Those that consistently create and release content

What is an important factor if your content strategy is based on posting news?


What is a YouTube search based on?

Titles and keywords

How have most minorities used the Internet?

To gain more representation

What is the optimal level of posting for Facebook and Twitter?

Under 140 characters

What is the Facebook Business Suite for?

Viewing your analytics

What are echo chambers?

We are over-exposed to information we agree with

*What is context collapse?

We present ourselves differently to different audiences (Styles of dress, non-verbal, tone of voice, language)

What is the best day to post on Facebook?


What is the optimal posting time for Twitter?

Wednesday morning

What is an advertising objective?

What the brand wants people to do when they see the brand's ad

*What is non-interactive interactivity?

When a message is not related to previous messages

*What is reactive interactivity?

When a message is related only to one previous message

What does loss aversion refer to in gamification?

You can lose points or levels for not completing certain tasks (e.g. losing airline miles for not booking by a certain date)

What is side-door access?

You didn't come on social media for news, but are exposed it it by being online inadvertently

What is the second largest search engine and second most popular website in the world after Google?


In creative interplay, what must you consider?

Your audience's mindset (people use social media for different reasons)

What does owned media consist of?

Your content that you have complete control and absolute control over (Ex: Websites, content marketing, podcasts)

What does points refer to in gamification?

Your running value assigned to your completing certain tasks or groups of tasks. Can also relate to virtual currency

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