MCAT - Behavioral Science Master Set

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Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.)

Best categorized as major depressive systems related to the winter months

Self-Serving Bias

Bias refers to the fact that individuals will view their own success based on internal factors, while viewing others success of external factors.

Primary Drives

Need for food, water, warmth, motivation to sustain bodily processes and needs

Prodroumal Phase

Phase that shows the deteriorating of Psycho and social accepts leading to Schizophrenia

Reciprocal Thinking

Phenomenon whereby people like each other


Pheromones: attracts mate, mark territory


Stabilizes brain activity, post synaptic activity

law of prägnanz

Taken altogether, the Gestalt principles are governed by the ___, which says that perceptual organization will always be as regular, simple, and symmetric as possible.

Avoidance symptoms

___ include deliberate attempts to avoid the memories, people, places, activities, and objects associated with the trauma

Intrusion symptoms

___ include recurrent reliving of the event, flashbacks, nightmares, and prolonged distress.

Biomedical therapy or Biomedical approach

___ includes interventions that rally around symptom reduction of psychological disorders. In other words, this approach assumes that any disorder has roots in biomedical disturbances, and thus the solution should also be of a biomedical nature.

Bipolar I disorder

___ includes manic episodes with or without major depressive episodes

bipolar II disorder

___ includes one or more hypomanic episodes alternating with major depressive disorder.

motor skills

___ incorporate movement of the SOMATIC system; divided into two classes, GROSS and FINE ___. GROSS ___ movement from large muscle groups and whole body motion, such as sitting, crawling, and walking. FINE ___ involve the smaller muscles of the fingers, toes, and eyes, providing more specific and delicate movement. FINE ___ abilities include tracking motion, drawing, catching, and waving.

thought broadcasting

___ is a belief that one's thoughts are being broadcast from one's mind for others to hear

thought insertion

___ is a belief that others thoughts are being inserted into his mind


___ is a collections of neuron cell bodies found outside the central nervous system; collections of neuron cell bodies found in the CNS is called NUCLEI.

Innate behavior

___ is genetically programmed as a result of EVOLUTION and is seen in all individuals regardless of environment or experience.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

___ is not a freestanding diagnosis in the DSM-5, but is best categorized as major depressive disorder with seasonal onset. In this case, depressive symptoms are present only in the winter months. This disorder may be related to abnormal melatonin metabolism; it is often treated with bright light therapy.

(Functional Attitudes Theory) Ego-Expressive

allowing us to communicate and solidify our self-identity.

Social Exclusion

arises from this sense of powerlessness when poor individuals feel alienated from society

Illness anxiety disorder

condition marked by intense preoccupation with the possibility of a serious undiagnosed illness


covers patients over 65, those with end-stage renal disease, and those with ALS


covers patients who are in extreme need of financial aid

Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1) and characterized by severe memory impairment with changes in mental status and loss of motor skills


increase in arousal in the nervous system. Each drug increases the frequency of action potentials, but does so by different mechanisms.


increased arousal by increasing the release of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin at the synapse and decreasing their reuptake


refer to the statistics of populations and are the mathematical applications of sociology

Mate Bias

refers how choosy members of the species are while choosing a mate


refers to a member of one sec mating with any member of another sex


refers to an exclusive mating relationship


refers to dense areas of population creating a pull for migration

Situational Attribution

related to features of surroundings, such as threats, money, social norms, and peer pressure ( external locus of control )

choroidal and retinal vessels

supply the EYE with nutrients; a complex intermingling of blood vessels between the SCLERA and the RETINA.


Changing behavior based on direct request

Secondary Apprasial

Put into one of three categories, Harm, Threat, Challenge

Impression Managment

Refers to attempts to influence how others perceive us. Done through regulation or controlling of information in social interactions.


The ability to understand and share the feelings of another

utricle and saccule

The vestibule refers to the portion of the bony labyrinth that contains the ___ and ___. These structures are sensitive to linear acceleration, so are used as part of the balancing apparatus and to determine one's orientation in three-dimensional space. The ___ and ___ contain modified hair cells covered with otoliths. As the body accelerates, these otoliths will resist that motion. This bends and stimulates the underlying hair cells, which send a signal to the brain.

Escape Learning

Through operant conditioning, this is the process of learning to engage in a particular behavior in order to get away from a negative or aversive stimulus


based on intellectual talent and achievement

aqueous humor

fluid in the eye, found between the cornea and the lens

Strain Theory

focus on how anomic conditions can lead to deviance.

Social Perception

provides tools to make judgments about other people

Self Disclosure

sharing fears, thoughts, thoughts, and emotions

In Group

social group where a person identifies with the group and feels as if he belongs

Network Support

social support that gives a person a sense of belonging

Material culture

socialologist explore the meaning of objects in a given society


societal rules that define boundaries of acceptable behavior

Conditioned Stimulis

something that creates a response, but only after learning

Three W's

"W"eird "W"ild "W"orried

Dissociate identity disorder (DID)

(Formerly known as multiple personality disorder) Two or more personalities that recurrently take control of a persons behavior. I.E. Fight Club Tyler Durden

Electra Conflict

(Penis Envy) girls are expected ti exhibit less stereotypical female behavior and be less morally developed in this stage.


(a loss of cognitive function) and memory loss,

Webers Law

(difference threshold) The change needed is proportional to the original intensity of the stimulus. (5% for sound, 8% vision)

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

(level 1) Physiological Needs, (level 2) Safety and Security, (level 3) Relationships, Love and Affection, (level 4) Self Esteem, (level 5) Self Actualization

D.I.G. F.A.S.T.

-Distractibility -Insomnia -Grandiosity (Generosity) -Flight of ideas -Agitation -Sleep -Thoughtlessness

Factors of groupthink (I PIS MICE)

-Illusion of invulnerability -Collective rationalization -Illusion of Morality -Excessive stereotyping -pressure for conformity -Self-censorship -illusion of unamity -mindguards

Cognitive Response (Emotion)


Psychological Response (Emotion)


S(uper) S(exy) P(eople) R(ole) P(lay)

-Self Disclosure -Similarity -Proximity -Reciprocity -Physical Attributes

Oral Stage

0-1 during this stage gratification is obtained primarily by putting objects in thier mouth

Behavioral Response (Emotion)


Trust vs Mistrust

0-1 if resolved successfully the child will learn to have trust in the environment surrounding them, if not the child will often be suspicious of the world around him

Autonomy vs Doubt and Shame

1-3 if autonomy wins out the child has the feeling of control against his environment and life. If doubt and shame wins the child will develop a sence of doubt and persistent external locus of control

Anal Stage

1-3 libido is centered on the anus and gratification is gained through the elimination and retention of waste materials

Primary Reinforcements

A stimulus that an organism desires with no learning (e.g. food, water)

Identity vs Role Confusion

12-20 This stage encompasses what Erikson termed Physiological Revolution. The favorable outcome is fidelity, the ability to see oneself as a unique being with sustained loyalties. The unfavorable outcome are confusion about one's identity and an amorphous personality that shifts from day to day

Golden Ratio

1:7:1 Chest-Wasit-Hip

Phallic or Oedipal Stage

3-5 Centers on the resolution of the Oedipal conflict for males or the analgous Electra Conflict for female children

Initiative vs Guilt

3-6 if initiative wins out then the child will develop a sense of purpose, the ability to initiate activities and enjoy accomplishments, if guilt wins the child will be overcome by fear of punishment, that will make the child restrict himself, or the child might overcompensate by showing off

Industry vs Inferiority

6-12 if industry wins out then the child will be able t exercise his or her abilities and intelligence in the world and be able to affect the world in the way the child desires too. If Inferiorty wins out then the child will have a sence of inadequecy, a sense of inablity to act in a comptent matter, and low self-esteem

Evolutionary Stable Strategy

A strategy by which, if most members of a population adopt it, cannot be bettered by an alternative strategy

signal detection experiment

A ___ consists of many trials; during each trial, a stimulus (signal) may or may not be presented; a ___ may be used to study RESPONSE BIAS, which refers to the tendency of subjects to systematically respond to a stimulus in a particular way due to non-sensory factors (i.e. a significant proportion of misses or false alarms); the experiment has CATCH TRIALS, when the signal is presented, NOISE TRIALS, when the signal is not presented, which will result in either HITS, when the subject correctly perceives the signal, MISSES, when the subject fails to perceive the signal, FALSE ALARMS, when the subject seems to perceive the signal when none was given, and CORRECT NEGATIVES, when the subject accurately identifies that no signal was given.


A ___ is a simple, automatic, INBORN RESPONSE to a SENSORY STIMULUS, such as the knee-jerk response; also includes PRIMITIVE REFLEXES (usually disappear within first year of life), such as the MORO (newborn stretches out arms and legs, crying in response to loud noise or abrupt change in environment), ROOTING (baby rotates towards a touch on the cheek, opens mouth and searches for the nipple), SUCKLING (suckling or nursing the nipple), PALMAR or GRASPING (newborn grasps vigorously objects touching the palm or fingers or when placed in the hand), PLANTAR or BABINSKI (fans out toes when the sole of the foot is touched) reflexes.

projection area

A ___ performs more rudimentary or simple perceptual and motor tasks; i.e. the VISUAL CORTEX receives visual input from the RETINA and MOTOR CORTEX, which sends out MOTOR COMMANDS to the muscles.

two-point threshold

A ___ refers to the minimum distance necessary between two points of stimulation on the skin such that the points will be felt as two distinct stimuli. The size of the two-point threshold depends on the density of nerves in the particular area of skin being tested.

biopsychosocial approach

A broader classification system commonly used for these psychological disorders is the ___. This method assumes that there are biological, psychological, and social components to an individual's disorder. The biological component of a disorder is something in the body, like having a particular genetic syndrome. The psychological component of a disorder stems from the individual's thoughts, emotions, or behaviors. Finally, the disorder's social component results from the individual's surroundings and can include issues of perceived class in society and even discrimination or stigmatization.

Episodic Memory

A category of long-term memory that involves the recollection of specific events, situations and experiences.

canal of Schlemm

A circular canal (venous sinus) in the eye at the junction of the sclera and cornea that drains aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the eye into the anterior ciliary veins.

Peripheral nervous system (PNS)

A division of the NERVOUS SYSTEM consisting of all nerves that are not part of the BRAIN or SPINAL CORD; consists of the SOMATIC and AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEMS. SOMATIC NERVOUS SYSTEM enables voluntary or conscious actions to be undertaken due to its control of skeletal muscles. AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM controls involuntary activity of VISCERAL MUSCLES (SMOOTH MUSCLES), internal organs and glands; further divided into the PARASYMPATHETIC (rest and digest) and SYMPATHETIC (fight or flight) NERVOUS SYSTEM.


A form of cocaine that can be smoked. With quick and potent effects, this drug is highly addictive


A group of severe disorders characterized by disorganized and delusional thinking, disturbed perceptions, and inappropriate emotions and actions.

Out Group

A group where one does not identify


A large dorsally projecting part of the brain, derived from the MYELENCEPHALON, concerned especially with the coordination of muscles and the maintenance of bodily equilibrium, situated between the BRAINSTEM and the back of the CEREBRUM and formed in humans of two LATERAL LOBES and a MEDIAN LOBE.

elaborative rehearsal

A memorization method that involves thinking about how new information relates to information already stored in long-term memory

Game Theory

A model that explains social interaction and decision-making as a game, including strategies, incentives, and punishments. Attempts to explain decision making behavior.

Major depressive disorder

A mood disorder characterized by at least one ___. ___ is a period of at least two weeks with at least five of the following symptoms: prominent and relatively persistent depressed mood, loss of interest in all or almost all formerly enjoyable activities (anhedonia), appetite disturbances, substantial weight changes, sleep disturbances, decreased energy, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt (sometimes delusional), difficulty concentrating or thinking, psychomotor symptoms (feeling "slowed down"), and thoughts of death or attempts at suicide; at least one of the symptoms must be depressed mood or anhedonia.

Cyclothymic Disorder

A mood disorder characterized by moderate but frequent mood swings that are not severe enough to qualify as bipolar disorder.

Unconditioned Stimulis

A natural stimulus that provokes a response with no learning at all (e.g. food is an unconditioned stimulus for salivation)


A neural center located in the limbic system that helps process explicit memories for storage.

prodromal phase

A patient goes through ___ characterized by poor adjustment, evidence of deterioration, social withdrawl, role functioning impairment, peculiar behavior, inappropriate affect, unusual experiences, this leads to active phase of schizophrenia.

State-dependent memory

A person's mental state can also affect recall. This retrieval cue is called

Dependent personality disorder

A personality disorder characterized by a pattern of clinging and obedience, fear of separation, and an ongoing need to be taken care of.

avoidant personality disorder

A personality disorder characterized by consistent discomfort and restraint in social situations, overwhelming feelings of inadequacy, and extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation.

Attribute Substitution

A phenomenon observed when individuals must make judgements that are complex but instead substitute a simpler solution or perception.

synaptic pruning

A process whereby the synaptic connections in the brain that are frequently used are preserved, and those that are not are lost.


A psychological or behavioral disorder in which anxiety is the primary characteristic; thought to be related to unresolved conflicts.

dissociative identity disorder (DID)

A rare dissociative disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct and alternating personalities. Also called multiple personality disorder.

conversion disorder

A rare somatoform disorder in which a person experiences very specific genuine physical symptoms for which no physiological basis can be found; also called la belle indifference.

Fixed-interval (FR) schedules

A reinforcement schedule in which a reinforcer (reward) is delivered after a specified interval of time, provided that the required response occurs at least once in the interval

Variable-interval (VI) schedules

A reinforcement schedule in which a reinforcer (reward) is delivered after predetermined but varying amounts of time, provided that the required response occurs at least once after each interval


A research procedure where subjects are asked to report only a portion of the information presented


A ring of muscle tissue that forms the colored portion of the eye around the pupil and controls the size of the pupil opening.


A social contract based on phenotypic differences between groups of people.

pinna or auricle

A sound wave first reaches the cartilaginous outside part of the ear, called the ___ or ___. The main function of the ___ is to channel sound waves into the external auditory canal, which directs the sound waves to the tympanic membrane (eardrum).

Achieved Status

A status that is gained through effort I.E. Doctor, Slut, Etc

Nondeclarative Memory

A subsystem within Long term memory which consists of skills we acquire through repetition and practice (e.g., dance, playing the piano, driving a car)

maintenance rehearsal

A system for remembering involving repeating information to oneself without attempting to find meaning in it

Language Acquisition Device

A theoretical pathway in the brain that allows infants to process and absorb rules.

Self-determination theory (SDT)

A theory of internal motivation, the forces which drive behavior in the absence of any external stimuli. A key part of this theory is intrinsic motivation.

Arousal Theory

A theory of motivation suggesting that people are motivated to maintain an optimal level of alertness and physical and mental activation.

Incentive Theory

A theory that states that people are motivated by external rewards.

Drive Reduction theory

A theory that states that people are motivated to take action in order to lessen the state of arousal caused by a physiological need.


A thick sheath of connective tissue that help protect the brain, anchoring it within the skull, and resorbing CEREBROSPINAL FLUID; consists of three layers: PIA MATER (delicate inner membrane), ARACHNOID MATER (cerebrospinal fluid and circulatory functions), and DURA MATER (thick outer layer); this is further covered by BONE, PERIOSTEUM, and SKIN.

Indicator Traits

A trait that indicates good overall health

Operant Conditioning

A type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher. Associated with B.F. Skinner

Appraisal Model

Accepts there are biologically predetermined expressions once an emotion is experienced, but there is a cognitive antecedent to emotional expression.


According to Piaget, the process by which existing mental structures and behaviors are modified to adapt to new experiences


According to Piaget, the process by which new ideas and experiences are absorbed and incorporated into existing mental structures and behaviors

psychotic disorder

According to the DSM-5, individuals with a ___ suffer from one or more of the following conditions: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thought, disorganized behavior, catatonia, and negative symptoms. For an individual to be given the diagnosis of schizophrenia, he or she must show continuous signs of the disturbance for at least six months, and this six-month period must include at least one month of "active symptoms" (delusions, hallucinations, or disorganized speech).

Active Phase

Actively showing signs of depression

Controlled Processing

Actively working to remember information, consistantly studing.

Front Stage

Actor is in front of the audience, and performs according to the setting, role, and scripts in order to conform

Back Stage

Actor is not being observed by an audience, and he is free to act in ways not to be congruent with his desired public images without having to worry about ruining his performance.


Adrenaline, system wide, fight or flight

Esteem Support

Affirming the qualities and skills of a person.

Social Behavior

Allows us to interact with others. These may flow from positive feelings to negative ones.

association area

An ___ integrates input from diverse brain regions; i.e. multiple inputs may be necessary to solve a complex puzzle, to plan ahead for the future, or to reach a difficult decision.


An abnormal fear of open or public places

Social Action

An action one does because they are in a social environment I.E. Sucking in your gut.

Generalized anxiety disorder

An anxiety disorder characterized by persistent anxiety occurring on more days than not for at least 6 months, sometimes with increased activity of the autonomic nervous system, apprehension, excessive muscle tension, and difficulty in concentrating

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

An anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts (obsession) and/ or actions (compulsions).

panic disorder

An anxiety disorder marked by unpredictable minutes-long episodes of intense dread in which a person experiences terror and accompanying chest pain, choking, or other frightening sensations.

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

An aqueous solution created by specialized cells, the EPENDYMAL CELLS of the CHORDID PLEXUS which line the VENTRICLES; the brain and spinal cord rest in the fluid insulating and protecting the brain, acting as a shock absorber.

retrograde amnesia

An inability to retrieve information from one's past.

That's-Not-All technique

An individual is made an offer, but before the offer can be declined or accepted the offer is made even better. "That's not all folks" Billy Mays


An out-of-body experience is an example of ___.

Context Effects

Another common retrieval cue. Memory is aided by being in the physical location where encoding took place.


Another way of demonstrating that information has been stored in long-term memory. In studying the memorization of lists, Hermann Ebbinghaus found that his recall of a list of short words he had learned the previous day was often quite poor.

Three W's of personality disorders

Cluster A = Weird Cluster B = Wild Custer C = Worried


Is a social contract which sorts people by cultural factors including language, nationality, religoun


Anxiety disorder characterized by fear of being in places or situations where it might be hard for and individual to escape.

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)

Anxiety disorder characterized by persistent and uncontrollable thoughts and irrational beliefs that cause the performance of compulsive rituals that interfere with daily life.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety due to social situations. Individuals with social anxiety disorders have persistent fear when exposed to social performance situations that may result in embarrassment.

Specific Phobias

Anxiety is produced by a specific object or situation. I.E. Claustrophobia, Arachnophobia


Any violation of norms, rules or expectations, regardless if its a major norm or minor one


Anything to which an organism can respond, responses can change over time.

Immediate Networks

Are dense with strong ties, whereas distant networks are looser and built by weaker ties.

anterior chamber

Area behind the cornea and in front of the lens and iris. It contains aqueous humor.


As a sense, ___ is often simpler than we imagine. There are five basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami (savory). Flavor is not synonymous with taste, but rather refers to the complex interplay between smell and taste, which can be affected by nonchemical stimuli like texture and the individual's mood. Tastes are also detected by chemoreceptors; however, unlike olfactory chemoreceptors, taste chemoreceptors are sensitive to dissolved compounds. Taste information travels from taste buds to the brainstem, and then ascend to the taste center in the thalamus before traveling to higher-order brain regions.


As the muscle contracts, it pulls on the SUSPENSORY LIGAMENTS and changes the shape of the LENS, a phenomenon known as ___.

optic chiasm

As the signal travels through the OPTIC NERVES toward the brain, the first significant event occurs at the ___. Here, the fibers from the nasal half, closer to the nose, of each RETINA cross paths. These fibers carry the TEMPORAL VISUAL FIELD, further toward the side of the head, from each eye. Because the TEMPORAL FIBERS, which carry the nasal visual field, do not cross in the ___, this reorganization means that all fibers corresponding to the left visual field from both eyes project into the right side of the brain, and all fibers corresponding to the right visual field from both eyes project into the left side of the brain.

Social readjustment rating scale

Assessment that measures the amount of stress in a person's life over a 1-year period resulting from major life events (SRRS).

Dorsal prefrontal cortex

Associated with cognition and attention

Depressive Episode

At least two weeks with five symptoms of S.I.G. S.P.A.C.E.


Attention, Arousal, voluntarily muscle movement

Learning Theory

Attitudes are developed through different forms of learning. Direct contact with the object can influence attitudes.

Functional Attitudes Theory

Attitudes serve functions: Knowledge, Ego expression, Adaptation, and Ego defense.


Attracted to both sex's


Attracted to the opposite sex


Attracted to the same sex

Dissociative Disorders

Avoids stress by escaping from his identity. The person still has an intact sense of reality.

System for Multiple Level Observation of Groups (SYMLOG)

Based on the belief that there are three fundamental dimensions of interaction, Dominance vs. Submission, Unfriendliness, and instrumentally controlled vs Emotionally expressive.

Central nervous system (CNS)

BRAIN and SPINAL CORD; arises directly above the formation of the NOTOCHORD; resulting in the formation of NEURAL FOLDS and the NEURAL GROOVE, in the ECTODERM; the NEURAL FOLDS are pinched off by the NEURAL CREST, to form the NEURAL TUBE (CNS); this is surrounded by the ALAR PLATE (develop into SENSORY or AFFERENT NEURONS), and BASAL PLATE (develop into MOTOR or EFFERENT NEURONS).

conduction aphasia

Because Broca's and Wernicke's areas are unaffected, speech production and comprehension are intact. However, the patient is unable to repeat something that has been said because the connection between these two regions has been lost.

round window

Because fluids are essentially incompressible, the ___, a membrane-covered hole in the cochlea, permits the perilymph to actually move within the cochlea.

Genital stage

Begins at puberty and last untill death, According to Freud if the child has passed through all of the Psychosexual stages successfully then he will enter a Heterosexual non-fetishism relationship


Begins with impaired memory, continues with impaired judgment and confusion.

Antinormative Behavior

Behavior against the norm. This explains mob mentality, each individual feels anonymous, therefor they can act differently than what they normally do.

Incentive Theory

Behavior is motivated not by need or arousal, but by desire to pursue rewards or avoid punishments.


Behavior of ___, or seeking out and eating food


Behavior that intends to cause harm, or increase social dominance.

Yerkes-Dodson Law of Social Facilitation

Being in the presence of others will increase the performance of a simple or already known task but will decrease performance of complex or foreign tasks.


Believing some people are inferior or superior without even knowing them

External Locus of Control

Belives that theyre fate is determined by others, and there enviorment

Four key Tenets of medical ethics

Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Respect for Patient autonomy, and justice


Birds: Bird Calls, Dogs: Barking, Humans: Speaking

Methods of Communication

Body language, Facial Expression, Visual Display, Scents, Vocalization


Both the donor and recipient are negatively affected

errors of growth

By the age of two or three years, children can speak in longer sentences. Vocabulary grows exponentially. As a child creates longer sentences, grammatical errors increase as the child internalizes the complex rules of grammar. These include ___


Can be defined as encompassing the entire lifestyle of a group


Can lead us to take on tasks that we can not complete at this current moment

Avoidant Attachment

Caregiver gives little to no response to a distressed child

Manic Episodes

Characterized by abnormal and persistently elevated mood lasting one week with at least three symptoms of DIG FAST

Dissociation Amnesia

Characterized by an inability to recall past memories. Some may experience Dissociative Fugue.

Major Depression Disorder

Characterized by at least one major depressive episode.

Illness Anxiety Disorder

Characterized by being consumed with thoughts

Histrionic PD (Cluster B)

Characterized by constant attention seeking behaviors, wear bright clothing, dramatic, exceptionally extrovertic


Chemical messengers that cross the SYNAPTIC GAPS between NEURONS. When released by the sending NEURON, NEUROTRANSMITTERS travel across the SYNAPSE and bind to RECEPTOR SITES on the receiving NEURON, thereby influencing whether that NEURON will generate a NEURAL IMPULSE. The seven that we need to know include: ACETYLCHOLINE is in the CNS and PNS; used in communication with MUSCLES; used by the PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM and small portion of the SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM, in GANGLIA and INNERVATES sweat glands; CNS linked to attention and arousal; lack of CHOLINERGIC NEURONS connecting with the HIPPOCAMPUS is associated with ALZHEIMER'S disease. EPINEPHERINE or ADRENALINE is a CATECHOLEMINE (plays a role in emotions) and a MONOAMINES or BIOGENIC AMINES; most commonly released from the ADRENAL MEDULLA and is involved in the SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM, fight or flight, usually used in a system wide response. NOREPINEPHERINE or NORADRENALINE is a CATECHOLEMINE (plays a role in emotions) and a MONOAMINES or BIOGENIC AMINES; involved primarily in local level NEUROTRANSMISSION; low levels are associated with DEPRESSION and high levels are associated with MANIA and ANXIETY. DOPAMINE is a CATECHOLEMINE (plays a role in emotions) and a MONOAMINES or BIOGENIC AMINES; and plays a role in movement and posture; imbalances have been found to play a role in SCHIZOPHRENIA, the DOPAMINE hypothesis of SCHIZOPHRENIA, that argues DELUSIONS, HALLUCINATIONS, and AGITATION arise from either too much or and over sensitivity to DOPAMINE in the brain; it also plays a role in PARKINSON'S disease due to a loss of DOPANINERGIC NEURONS in the BASAL GANGLIA, resulting in jerky movements, resting tremors, and postural instability; plays a role is pleasure and reward in the brain. SEROTONIN is a CATECHOLEMINE (plays a role in emotions) and a MONOAMINES or BIOGENIC AMINES; plays a role in regulating mood, eating, sleeping, and dreaming; also thought to play a role in DEPRESSION and MANIO; too much produces MANIC STATES, too little produces DEPRESSION . GABA produces an INHIBITORY POSTSYNAPTIC potential and is thought to stabilize NEURAL ACTIVITY in the BRAIN; HYPERPOLARIZING the POSTSYNAPTIC MEMBRANE, similar to Glycine. GLYCINE one of the 20 PROTEINOGENIC AMINO ACIDS and serves as an INHIBITORY NEUROTRANSMITTERS ; increases the INFLUX of CHLORIDE IONS into the NEURON, HYPERPOLARIZING the POSTSYNAPTIC MEMBRANE, similar to GABA. GLUTAMATE one of the 20 PROTEINOGENIC amino acids and serves as an EXCITATORY NEUROTRANSMITTER. PEPTIDE NEUROTRANSMITTERS or NEUROMODULATORS OR NEUROPEPTIDES involve complicated chain of events in POSTSYNAPTIC cells, work relatively slow and have longer effects on the POSTSYNAPTICcell than NEUROTRANSMITTERS ; ENDORPHINES, natural pain killers produced in the brain is the most important peptide to know; related to ENKAPHALINS and have similar action to MORPHINE or OPIOIDS in the body.

Secure Attachment

Child has consistent caregiver and is able to go out and explore knowing that he or she has a secure base to return to.

transformation grammer

Chomsky is known for ___.

Halo Effect

Cognitive bias in which judgments about a specific aspect of an individual can be affected by one's overall impression of the individual.


Collective Rationalization- Ignoring warnings against the idea of the group

Generalized Anxiety disorder

Common among general population. Defined as disproportionate and persistent worry about many different things.

Body language

Communication of information through body positions and gestures.

Consistency Cues

Consistent behavior of a person over time

Nervous System


General Adaption Syndrome

Consists of three distinct stages, Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion.

Dependent PD (Cluster C)

Continuous need for reassurance. Remain dependent on one specific person


Continuous release of hormones allows the sympathetic nervous system to remain engaged to fight the stressor.

Negative Feedback

Controls Homeostasis


Controls hunger, as well as other functions.


Corresponds to the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typaccly associated with a biological sex


Decrease in the perceived drug over time

Merkel receptor

Deep vibration texture


Natural instinctive state of mind derived from one's circumstances, mood, or relationship with others.

Animal Communications

Defined as any behavior if one animal that affects the behavior of another. Nonhuman animals communicate with each other to communicate emotions, intent, status, health, and location of resources.

Azlheimer's Disease

Degenerative brain disorder thought to be linked to a loss of acetylcholine in neurons that link to the hippocampus, although its exact causes are not well understood. Linked to Dementia

Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia

Delusions, Hallucinations, Disorganized thought (loosening of associations and word salad),


Described the observational pattern of social relationships among individuals or groups.

Symbolic Ethnicity

Describes a specific connection to one ethnicity in which symbols and identity remain important, even when ethnic identity does not play a significant role in everyday life.

Psychosocial Stages of Development

Developed by Erik Erikson, states that the stages of personality development are based on a series of crisis that derive from conflicts between need and social demand

Sensory Bias

Development of a trait to match pre existing preference that exists in the population

Cognitive Development

Development of ones ability to think & Problem solve

Differential Association Theory

Deviance can be learned through interactions with others, deviance is often associated with negative behavior such as crime

Role Conflict

Difficulty in satisfying the requirements or expectations of multiple roles, whereas role strain is satisfying multiple requirements of the same roles

dissociative disorders

Disorders in which conscious awareness becomes separated from previous memories, thoughts, and feelings.

D (epartment)

Displacement- I hate my mom changes to my mom hates me


Natural pain killers, local and system wide

Embryonic brain anatomy



Do no harm; the physician has a responsibility to avoid treatments or interventions that risk out way the reward


Doctor have an interest to act in the patient's best interest.

automatic processing

Does not require active attention to complete ( varies from person to person but, E.G. Driving, brushing teeth)

Role Exit

Dropping one identity or another

activities of daily Living

Eating, bathing, toileting, dressing. These skills do not decline with loss of memory


Emotional bond between caregiver and child.

Self-determination theory (SDT)

Emphasizes role of three universal needs, Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness

Avoidance Learning

Enables one to avoid the unpleasant stimulus altogether. (cutting class or studying to avoid getting a bad score on MCAT)

Derealization Disorder

Enters a Dreamlike world


Entities that are setup to achieve specific goals and are characterized by having a structure and culture.

Nora epinephrine

Epinephrine precursor, local

Cognitive Apraisal

Evaluation of a situation


Excessive Rationalization- Construction of stereotypes against outside opinions

Interpersonal Attraction

Explains why humans are attracted to certain things, assuming they successfully passed through the psychosocial stages of development successfully. Some factors that influence ___ are similarity, self-disclosure


Extreme cases of Ghettoes


Extreme disapproval or dislike for a person or group based on perceived differences from society.

Avoidant PD (Cluster C)

Extreme shyness and fear of rejection, often socially inept


Eyes, Widen, eyebrows pulled up and curved, jaws open

B.F. Skinner

Father of Behaviorism

Depersonalization Disorder

Feels detached from there own mind and body

Basic Model of Emotional Expression

First established by Charles Darwin. Darwin stated emotional expression involves a number of components, Facial expressions, Behaviors, Posture, Vocal change, and physiological changes.

Schachter-Singer Theroy of Emotion

First response is Physiological arousal and cognitive appraisal and then the related emotion "My heart is raising and everyone is happy therefore I am excited."

Social Construcionism

Focuses on how individuals put together their social realities


Focuses on large groups of society


Focuses on small groups and individuals

Peripheral Route Processing

Focuses on superficial details of persuasion, such as appearances, catchphrases/slogans, and credibility.

Social Cognition

Focuses on the way people think about others and how certain ideas impact behavior, Our attitude, perception of others, impact the way we behave toward them.

non-rapid eye movement

Four distinct stages of sleep during which no rapid eye movements occur.

Psychosexual Development

Freuds 5 stages of development, Oral, anal, Phallic, Latency, And genital

lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus

From the OPTIC CHIASM, the information goes to several different places in the brain, the ___, through radiations in the TEMPORAL and PARIETAL LOBES to the VISUAL CORTEX in the OCCIPITAL LOBE.


Frown, inner eyebrows pulled up and together

Narcissistic PD (Cluster B)

Gargantuan sense of self importance or uniqueness, preoccupation with fantasies of success, and a need for admiration and attention


Given social context can determine what information is available to the perceiver.

Pervasive/Persistant Depression Disorder

Given to individuals who suffer from depression but not a Major Depression Disorder, Dysthymia

Self Disclosure

Giving information about oneself to establish and indetity


Glaring, eyebrows pulled down and together, lips pressed together

Just-world Hypothesis

Good things happen to good people, Bad things happen to bad people, Karma

Universal Emotion

Happiness, Sadness, Contempt, Surprise, Fear, Disgust Anger

Bipolar II

Has Hypomania with at least one major depressive episode. Does not typically impair functioning, and no other psychotic features

Bipolar I

Has major manic episodes(consist of DIG FAST symptoms) without Major depression episodes

Somatic Symptom Disorder

Have at least one somatic symptom and is accompanied by disproportionate concerns about its seriousness, devotion of an excessive amount of time and energy to it or elevated levels of anxiety

Sexual Orientation

Heterosexual Bisexual Homosexual

Ought Self

How others think we should be

Self reference

Human's tend to recall information best when we can put it into the context of our own lives

Reflex arcs

INTERNEURONS in the SPINAL CORD relay information to the source of stimuli, such as jerking foot off of a nail, while simultaneously routing it to the brain; also related to MONOSYNAPTIC and POLYSYNAPTIC reflexes.

Manifest Function

If an action is intended to help someone it is called ___


Illusion of invulnerability- Creation of optimism and encouragement of risk-taking Illusion of unanimity- The false sense of agreement within a group Illusion of Morality- The belief that the group's decisions are morally correct


Imposing an identity onto another person


In classical conditioning, the initial stage, when one links a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus begins triggering the conditioned response. In operant conditioning, the strengthening of a reinforced response.


In classical conditioning, the learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus.

false memories

Inaccurate memory created by the power of imagination or suggestion

Positive Reinforcements

Increasing behaviors by presenting positive stimuli, such as food. A positive reinforcer is any stimulus that, when presented after a response, strengthens the response.

Negative reinforcements

Increasing behaviors by stopping or reducing negative stimuli, such as shock. A negative reinforcer is any stimulus that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response. (Note: negative reinforcement is not punishment.)

Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Increasing coverage rates and affordability of insurance for all Americans, as well as reducing the cost of overall healthcare

Obsessive-Compulsive PD (Cluster C)

Individual is a perfectionist and inflexible. Tending to like rules and order. May discard worn out objects resistant to change, stubbornness, and a lack of a sense of humour.

Group Conformity

Individuals are compliant with the group's goals, even when the group's goals may be contrast to the individuals.


Infant nervous system ___ includes PRIMITIVE RELEXES, MOTOR SKILLS, SOCIAL, and LANGUAGE ___.


Influenced by a number of factors, culture, value systems, beliefs, practices, gender, age, race, ethnicity, and others

Automatic Processing

Information that is gained without effort (I.E. Dad)

Primary Appraisal

Initial evaluation of of environment and the associated Benign-positive/stressor/Irrelevant


Initial reaction to a stressor and the activation of the sympathetic nervous system.


Innate, born with, Fixed response to certain stimuli

Family Group

Is not self selected, but determined by birth, or adoption, and marriage. It joins various ages, sexes, and generations through emotional ties.

Negative Punishment

Is the reduction of a behavior when a stimulus is removed. For example, a parent may forbid her child from watching television as a consequence for bad behavior, with the goal of preventing the behavior from happening again


It increases activity of the GABAreceptor, a chloride channel that causes hyperpolarization of the membrane


Kinesthetic sense is also called ___, and refers to the ability to tell where one's body is in space. For example, even with your eyes closed, you could still describe the location and position of your hand. The receptors for ___ are found mostly in muscle and joints, and play critical roles in hand-eye coordination, balance, and mobility.

crystallized intelligence

Learned skills and knowledge

Secondary Socialization

Learning acceptable behaviors in our smaller communities in a larger society


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender

Meisner receptor

Light touch

Hypomanic Episode

Like manic disorder except mood disturbance is not severe enough to cause marked impairment in social/ and or occupational functioning or to necessitate hospitalization. No psychotic features.

Law of continuation

Lines are seen as following the smoothest path. The tendency to create a whole of detailed figure based on our expectations rather than what is seen.

Emotional Support

Listening, Affirming, and empathizing with someone's feelings.

Ethnic Enclave

Locations with high concentration of one specific ethnicity. I.E. Neighborhoods.

alcohol myopia

Logical reasoning and motor skills are affected, and fatigue may result. One of the main effects on logical reasoning is the inability to recognize consequences of actions, creating a short-sighted view of the world


Louder sounds have greater intensity, which corresponds to an increased amplitude of this vibration.

Depressive disorders

Major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia), Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)


Making assumptions about people based on the category they are placed in

Oedipal Effect

Male child during the Phallic stage envies his father's intimate relationship with is mother and fears castration at his father's hand. He wishes to eliminate his father and take his mother, he feels guilty about these thoughts so he sublimates his libidinal energy into odd tasks like collecting rocks or Airplanes


Mapping of a population

Identity shift effect

Mechanism behind peer pressure where when an individual's state of harmony is disrupted by a threat of social rejection, the individual will often conform to the norms of the group of peers


Melatonin precursor, mood, eating, sleep, dreaming

Implicit Memory

Memories we don't deliberately remember or reflect on consciously

Explicit Memory

Memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and "declare." (Also called declarative memory.) Which can be further broken down into episodic memory (events and experiences), and semantic memory (fact and concepts)


Mindguard- Appointed members of group to protect against opposing views

Lobes of the brain

Mnemonic for this is FPOT; FRONTAL LOBE is comprised of two basic regions: the PREFRONTAL LOBES and the MOTOR CORTEX; PARIETAL LOBE is the central region of the ___ is associated with SPATIAL PROCESSING and manipulation. This region makes it possible to orient oneself and other objects in three-dimensional space, to do spatial manipulation of objects, and to apply spatial orientation skills such as those required for map-reading; OCCIPITAL LOBE is at the very rear of the brain, contain the VISUAL CORTEX, which is sometimes called the STRIATE CORTEX; TEMPORAL LOBE is associated with a number of functions; the AUDITORY CORTEX and WERNICKE'S AREA are located in the TEMPORAL.

Sympathetic nervous system

Mobilizes our body to respond to stress. Carries messages to the control systems of the organs, glands and muscles that direct our body's response to stress. Alert system of our body. Accelerates some functions, but conserves resources by slowing down others.


Most potential causes are genetic, but trauma at birth, especially hypoxemia (low oxygen concentrations in the blood), is also considered to be a risk factor. Other exposures may also play a role; excessive marijuana use in adolescence is associated with increased risk. There is significant data to indicate that ___is partially inherited. If a person has this disorder, the risk that his or her first-degree relatives will also have the disorder is ten times that of an unrelated person in the general population; this measurement controls for environmental effects. highly associated with an excess of dopamine in the brain; many medications used to treat ___ block dopamine receptors. Finally, structural changes may be observed in the brain, but more research is needed to determine their significance.

medial geniculate nucleus (MGN)

Most sound information passes through the vestibulocochlear nerve to the brainstem, where it ascends to the ___ of the thalamus. From there, it projects to the auditory cortex in the temporal lobe for sound processing.

superior olive

Most sound information passes through the vestibulocochlear nerve to the brainstem, where it ascends to the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN) of the thalamus. From there, it projects to the auditory cortex in the temporal lobe for sound processing. Some information is also sent to the ___, which localizes the sound, and the inferior colliculus, which is involved in the startle reflex and helps keep the eyes fixed on a point while the head is turned (vestibulo-ocular reflex).

Drive Reduction theory

Motivation is based on the goal of eliminating uncomfortable states.

Intrinsic Motivation

Motivation that comes within one selves, wanting to do it without any other external stimuli.


Motivators that effect human behaviors

Neuropscyhology (with prominent psychologists)

Neuropsychology refers to the study of functions and behaviors associated with specific regions of the brain; the following psychologists have influenced this field of study. Franz Gall - associated development of a trait with growth of its relevant part of the brain Pierre Flourens - extirpation/ablation; concluded that different brain regions have specific functions William James - functionalism; Contributions: studied how humans use perception to function in our environment; Studies: Pragmatism, The Meaning of Truth John Dewey - credited with the landmark article on functionalism; argued for studying the entire organism as a whole. Paul Broca - Discovered that brain damage to the left hemisphere in stroke patients resulted in the loss of the ability to speak. Broca's area. Hermann von Helmholtz - first to measure the speed of a nerve impulse Sir Charles Sherrington - First inferred the existence of synapses


Norms that refer to a specific behavior to be polite in a certain situation I.E. Shaking your rival teams hands after beating them


Nose wrinkling and/or raising of upper lip


Not scoring highly on feminine or masculine

intelligence quotient

Numerical measurement of intelligence, usually accomplished by some form of standardized testing.

Repersational Thought

Object permanence marks the begging of ___ which the child has begun to create mental representations of external objects and events.

Phenotypic Benefits

Observable traits that make potential mates more attractive

Primary Socialization

Occurs during childhood when we initially learn acceptable actions and attitudes in our society. I.E. Following rules, Not lying, Respect Elders

Ambivalent/Anxious Attachment

Occurs when a caregiver has inconsistent response to a child's distress

olfactory pathway

Odor molecules are inhaled into the nasal passages and then contact the olfactory nerves in the olfactory epithelium. These receptor cells are activated, sending signals to the olfactory bulb. These signals are then relayed via the olfactory tract to higher regions of the brain, including the limbic system.

Material Support

Offering physical or financial support

Wernicke's (receptive) aphasia

On the other hand, when Wernicke's area is damaged, motor production and fluency of speech is retained but comprehension of speech is lost

tectorial membrane

On top of the organ of Corti is a relatively immobile membrane called the ___.

Latency Stage

Once the Libido has been sublimated the child enters ___ stage which lasted till puberty


One Female having exclusive relationships with multiple females

Polygamy/ Polygyny

One Male having exclusive relationships with multiple females


One corner of the mouth pulled upwards

Central Route processing

One of the ELM routes. Occurs when a listener is persuaded by the arguments or the content of the message. Referred to as deep thinking.

Jeans plaget

One of the most influential figure in deveopmental pschology

Individual discrimination

One person discriminates against one other person

Internal Locus of Control

One views themselves in control of their own fates


One's influence over others

dilator pupillae

Opens (dilates) the pupil under sympathetic stimulation

Door-in-the-face Technique

Opposite of Foot-in-door technique wherein a large request is made, then declined, followed by a smaller request which is accepted.

Semantic Network

Organization of information in the brain by linking concepts with similar characteristics and meaning.


Our detection of a STIMULUS can change over time through ___. ___ can have both a PHYSIOLOGICAL (sensory) component and a PSYCHOLOGICAL (perceptual) component; remember two terms, one for psychology and another for sociology.

Frontal lobe

PREFRONTAL CORTEX manages executive function by supervising and directing the operations of other brain regions. This region supervises processes associated with perception, memory, emotion, impulse control, and long-term planning;

Nocie (open ended)



Pain perception is part of the somatosensory system and can result from signals sent from a variety of sensory receptors, most commonly ___.

panic attack

Palpitations, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, choking, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, unreality, fear of loss of control, fear of dying, paresthesias, hot or cold flashes.

Social Facilitation

People perform tasks better when people are watching


Part of brain responsible for associating stimuli and there corresponding rewards or punishments.

Medulla oblongata

Part of the BRAINSTEM, derived from the MYELENCEPHALON, that controls vital life-sustaining functions such as heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, and digestion.

Mere Exposure effect/ Familiarity effect

People prefer stimuli that they have been more exposed too

Arousal Theory

People preform actions in order to maintain optimal level of arousal: seeking to increase arousal when it falls below optimal levels.

Personality Disorder

Pattern of behavior that is inflexible and manipulative, causing distress or impaired functioning in at least two of the three W's

Schizotypal PD (Cluster A)

Pattern of odd or eccentric thinking

Visual Display

Peacocks: Baring of feathers

Instinct Learning

People are driven to certain activity due to behaviors based on evolutionary programmed insticts

Social Loafing

People are less likely to give 100% effort when in a group.

Paranoid PD (Cluster A)

Pervasive mistrust of others


Physically being close to someone.

formal operational

Piaget's fourth and final stage of cognitive development, from age 11 or 12 and beyond, when the individual begins to think more rationally and systematically about abstract concepts and hypothetical events. Thought is abstract and hypothetical. Logical thought. Hypothetico-deductive reasoning. Idealism (understand love and justice). Imaginary audience (others are evaluating as much as you evaluate yourself)


Related to group Conformity, occurs when members of a group focus solely on ideas generated by the group, while ignoring outside ideas.


Pleasure/ happiness, fine movement


Position in society used to classify individuals.

Fisherian/Runaway Selection

Positive feedback mechanism in which a particular trait that has noe effect on survival

Symptoms of schizophrenia

Positive symptoms are behaviors, thoughts, or feelings added to normal behavior: delusions and hallucinations, disorganized thought, and disorganized or catatonic behavior. Positive symptoms are considered by some to be two distinct dimensions—the psychotic dimension (delusions and hallucinations) and the disorganized dimension (disorganized thought and behavior)—perhaps with different underlying causes. Negative symptoms are those that involve the absence of normal or desired behavior, such as disturbance of affect and avolition.

Yerkes-Dodson law

Postulates a U-shaped function between the level of arousal and performance. Performance is worst at the highest and lowest ranges of arousal.

Social Cognitive Theory

Postulates that people learn how to behave and shape attitudes by observing the behaviors of others.

Stage 1

Preindustrial society; birth and death rate both extremely high


Pressure for Conformity- pressure that is put on anybody that does not fit the groups norm

Duncker's candle problem

Problem-solving can be impeded by an inappropriate mental set, as well as by functional fixedness

Fluid Intelligence

Problem-solving skills

Lev Vygotsky

Prominent educational psychologist, purposed that the engine driving cognitive development is the child's internalization of her culture.

Anticipatory Socialization

Process by which a person prepares for future changes in occupation


Process by which an individual's or group's behavior and culture begin to resemble that of another group.


Process of displaying oneself to society through culturally accepted behaviors.


Process of presenting an undesirable or noxious stimulus, or removing a desirable stimulus, to decrease the probability that a preceding response will recur


Process of putting new information into memory.

P (olice)

Projection- Changing your thoughts because original thoughts can't be fulfilled

Primary Group

Provides personal, and Intimate relationship.

somatic symptom disorder

Psychological disorder in which the symptoms take a bodily form without apparent physical cause.


Psychological sate of being alert and reactive to stimuli

recognition-primed decision model

Quick, effective decisions that operators make when faced with complex situations. In this model, the decision maker is assumed to generate a possible course of action, compare it to the constraints imposed by the situation, and select the first course of action that is not rejected.

Cells of the Retina

RODS and CONES connect with BIPOLAR CELLS, which highlight gradients between adjacent RODS or CONES; AMACRINE and HORIZONTAL CELLS receive input from multiple retinal cells in the same area before the information is passed on to GANGLION CELLS. They can thereby accentuate slight differences between the visual information in each BIPOLAR CELL and are important for edge detection, as they increase our perception of contrasts; and GANGLION CELLS group together to form the optic nerve.

R (1)

Rationalization- Convincing yourself you're correct

R (4)

Reaction Formation- An unacceptable thought or urge is transformed to the oppisite

Tactial Self

Refers to who we market ourselves to be when we adhere to others expectations of us

Ideal Self

Refers to who would we like to be in a certain circumstance

R (2)

Regression- Returning to an earlier developmental stage

Continuous reinforcement

Reinforceing the intended response every time the correct response is donse.

Autonomic Nervous System

Related to emotion, specific physiological reactions are associated with specific emotion.


Repeated exposure to the same stimulis which can cause a deacrase in response is called ___.

R (3)

Repression- Unconsciously suppress bad memories

controlled (effortful) processing

Requires selective attention to complete.

Taste receptors

Responds to dissolved compounds


Responds to temperature

Conditioned Response

Response elicited by a conditioned stimulus, note a ___ is not permenant

serial position effect

Retrieval cue that appears while learning lists. When researchers give participants a list of items to memorize, the participants have a much higher recall for both the first few and last few items on the list.


Retrieving a memory with an external cue

Extrinsic Motivation

Rewards for showing desired behavior or avoiding punishment if desired behavior is not achieved


Rhythm candance, and inflection of our voice

Stages 3 & 4

SWS (Slow wave Sleep) occurs here

pineal gland

Secretes melatonin


Selective reinforcement of behaviors that gradually approach the desired response


Self given label that carries with it a set of qualities


Self-Censorship- Withholding of opposing views

Olfactory receptor

Sense of smell


Sensory or afferent neurons; neurons that carry messages from sensory organs to the brain and spinal cords. Motor or efferent neurons; neurons that carry messages from spinal cord/brain to muscles and glands INTERNEURONS ; neurons within the brain and spinal cord that communicate internally and intervene between the sensory inputs and motor outputs; cells in the spinal cord through which reflexes travel without going to the brain

Elaboration Likelihood Model

Seperates individuals on a continuum, based on their processing of persuasive information


Set of beliefs, values, attitudes, and norms that define expectations for those who hold the status.


Sex Drive

Cultural syndrome

Shared set of beliefs, attitudes, norms, values, and behaviors.

Disorganized Attachment

Show no clear pattern of behavior in response to the caregiver's absence or presence.

S.I.G S.P.A.C.E. (Depression Symptom Mnemonic)

Sleep (increase), Interest(less) Guilt(increase). Suicidal Thoughts(Increase), Psychomotor symptoms (Decrease), appetite(Decrease) concentration(Decrease) energy(decrease)


Small round structure that signals the cortex about stimuli related to attention and emotion.


Smell can also carry interpersonal information through the medium of ___. ___ have debatable effects on humans, but play an enormous role in many animals' social, foraging, and sexual behavior. ___ are secreted by one person or animal, and once bonded with chemoreceptors, compel or urge another to behave in a specific way.


Smell, inside nostril


Smile, Wrinkling around eyes, raised cheeks


Social Phenomenon, Occurs when individuals are in group settings. An individual behavior can be dramatically different in social environments.

Social Reproduction

Social inequaility, ecpecially poverty is passed on from one generation to the next

Relative Poverty

Social inequality in which people are relatively poor compared to other members of the society in which they live.

Peer Pressure

Social influence placed on an individual by a group of people or another individual of influence.


Social movements that promote social change are termed as ___


Social phenomenon where people desire for harmony or conformity leading to poor decision making. In an attempt to make everyone happy alternate solutions are overlooked

Spatial Inequality

Social stratification across territories and their populations.


Socially unacceptable, not a law but rather a social more.

Ascribed Status

Societal Status given involuntarily I.E. Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Family-Backround


Societal rules that define the boundaries of acceptable behavior

Absolute level

Socioeconomic condition in which people don't have enough money or resources to maintain a quality of living that includes basic life necessities


Socioeconomic status

Rapid eye movement

Stage of sleep characterized by high-frequency, low-amplitude brain-wave activity, rapid and systematic eye movements, more vivid dreams, and postural muscle paralysis

Circular reactions

Starting at birth and lasting about two years, in this state the child learns to manipulate his or her environment in order to meet physical needs.

Iron Law of Oligarchy

States that democratic or bureaucratic systems naturally shift to being ruled by an elite group.

Master Status

Status by which a person is most identifies by. Most pervasive in their life. I.E. Town Doctor, President, CEO of Apple

Achieved Satus

Status gained as a result of one's effort or choices. I.E. Crook, Doctor, Family man

Neutral Stimuli

Stimuli that have no effect on a particular response.

Emotional Memory

Storage of emotions in long term memory

Ruffinie receptor


ciliary body

Structure surrounding the lens that connects the choroid and iris. It contains ciliary muscles, which control the shape of the lens, and it secretes aqueous humor.

Cognitive Appraisal

Subjective evaluation of situation that induces stress. Consist of two stages, Primary, and Secondary.

S (exy)

Sublimation- Divert energy from one goal to another

Generativity vs Stagnation

Successful resolution will lead to the individual capable of being a productive caring and contributing member of society. If it is not overcome then one deleops a sense of stagnation ad may become self indulging, bored, and self-centered

Dissociative Fugue

Sudden expected move of purposeless wandering away from one's home or location and daily activities.

S (uper)

Suppression- Unconsciously suppress bad memories


Symptoms of major depressive episode Sadness plus one of the following -- I - Interest, C - Concentration, E - Energy, G - Guilt, A - Appetite, S - Suicidal thoughts, P - Psychomotor symptoms, S - Sleep

physiological zero

Temperature is judged relative to ___, or the normal temperature of the skin (between 86 and 97°F). Thus, an object feels "cold" because it is under physiological zero; an object feels "warm" because it is above physiological zero.


The ABSOLUTE ___ is the minimum of stimulus energy that is needed to activate a sensory system, while the ___ or DIFFERENCE ___ , also called JUST-NOTICEABLE-DIFFERENCE or JND, is the minimum amount of a stimulus between two stimuli that renders a difference in perception or limina; see WEBER'S LAW.

Cerebral hemispheres

The CEREBRAL CORTEX or NEOCORTEX is divided into two halves, called the right and left ___. The dominant ___ (usually the left) is primarily analytic in function, making it well-suited for managing details. For instance, language, logic, and math skills are all located in the left ___. Again, language production (BROCA'S AREA) and language comprehension (WERNICKE'S AREA) are primarily driven by the ___. The non-dominant ___ (usually the right) is associated with intuition, creativity, music cognition, and spatial processing. The ___ simultaneously processes the pieces of a stimulus and assembles them into a holistic image. The ___ serves a less prominent role in language. It is more sensitive to the emotional tone of spoken language, and permits us to recognize others' moods based on visual and auditory cues, which adds to communication. CONTRALATERALLY is when one side of the brain communicates with the opposite side of the body, while IPSILATERALLY is when ___ communicate with the same side of the body.

Stage 1

The EEG caheracterizes activity by irregular waveforms with slower frequencies and higher voltages.

Stage 2

The EEG shows theta waves along with sleep spindles and K complexes,


The ___ (hammer) is affixed to the tympanic membrane; it acts on the incus (anvil), which acts on the stapes (stirrup). The baseplate of the stapes rests in the oval window of the cochlea, which is the entrance to the inner ear.

umbilical cord

The ___ connects the vasculature of the FETUS to the PLACENTA.

endocrine system

The ___ consists of GLANDS throughout the body; the GLANDS contain specialized cells that act DIRECTLY or TROPICALLY; the GLANDS release HORMONES into the blood stream, making transmission slower, and is considered the other internal communication network in the body; the ORGANS in the ENDOCRINE SYSTEM are HYPOTHALAMUS , PITUITARY GLAND, PINEAL GLAND, THYROID GLAND, PARATHYROID GLAND, PANCREAS, ADRENAL GLAND, and GONADS.

ciliary muscle

The ___ contraction is under parasympathetic control, when it contracts it pulls on SUSPENSORY LIGAMENTS and changes shape of lens (ACCOMODATION).

Rhombencephalon or hindbrain

The ___ controls balance, motor coordination, breathing, digestion, and general arousal processes, such as sleeping and waking; further divided into the METENCEPHALON, which develops into the CEREBELLUM (refined motor movements, balance), PONS (sensory and motor pathways between the CORTEX and MEDULLA), and the MYELENCEPHALON, which develops into the MEDULLA OBLONGATA (vital functions, breathing, digestion, heart rate, blood pressure); alcohol impairs the function of the cerebellum, which impacts speech and balance.

auditory pathways

The ___ in the brain are a bit more complex than the visual pathways. Most sound information passes through the vestibulocochlear nerve to the brainstem, where it ascends to the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN) of the thalamus. From there, it projects to the auditory cortex in the temporal lobe for sound processing. The lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) is for light; the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN) is for music.

neural crest

The ___ is a band of cells along the border of the NEURAL FOLDS where the NEURAL TUBE pinches off from the ECTODERM; the cells migrate to various parts of the EMBRYO and form the pigment cells in the skin, bones of the skull, the teeth, the ADRENAL GLANDS, and parts of the PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (PNS).

Reticular formation

The ___ is a network of cells in the BRAINSTEM that filters sensory information and is involved in AROUSAL and ALERTNESS, SOMATIC MOTOR CONTROL, pain modulation, HABITUATION, and CARDIOVASCULAR control of the VASOMOTOR centers of the MEDULLA OBLONGATA.

Mesencephalon or midbrain

The ___ is a portion of the BRAINSTEM that manages SENSORIMOTOR REFLEXES to VISUAL and AUDITORY STIMULI (SUPERIOR COLLICULLUS, the bumpy part located on the opposite side of the PITUITARY GLAND, involved in the VISUAL REFLEX, such as tracking objects visually and turning towards movement as a reflex, and INFERIOR COLLICULLUS, part of the AUDITORY PATHWAY that controls reflex movements of the head, neck, and trunk in response to stimuli, such as loud noises) and gives rise to some cranial nerves.


The ___ is a specialized organ used to detect light in the form of photons.


The ___ is a spiral-shaped organ divided into three parts called scalae. All three scalae run the entire length of the ___.


The ___ is a structure that allows an EMBRYO to be nourished with the mother's blood supply

Wernicke's area

The ___ is associated with language reception and comprehension and is located in the TEMPORAL LOBE.

Posterior pituitary

The ___ is comprised of axonal projections from the HYPOTHALAMUS and is the site of release for the HYPOTHALMIC HORMONES (hormomes made by the HYPOTHALAMUS ) ANTIDIURETIC HORMONE (ADH, also called VASOPRESSIN) and OXYTOCIN.


The ___ is derived from the DIENCEPHALON and serves as an important relay station for incoming SENSORY INFORMATION, including all senses except for smell; after receiving incoming sensory impulses, the THALAMUS sorts and transmits them to the appropriate areas of the CEREBRAL CORTEX. The ___ is therefore a sensory "way station."


The ___ is derived from the DIENCEPHALON, it is located above and controls the PITUITARY GLAND; connected to the ANTERIOR PITUITARY by the HYPOPHYSIEAL PORTAL SYSTEM and the POSTERIOR PITUITARY by NERVE TERMINALS; it is further subdivided into three sections, the LATERAL ___ or hunger/thirst center (LH or lacks hunger), VENTROMEDIAL ___ or satiety center (VMH or very much hungery), and ANTERIOR ___ or sexual center (A or asexual, also regulates sleep and body temperature); the ___ serves HOMEOSTATIC functions, and is a key player in emotional experiences during high arousal states, aggressive behavior, and sexual behavior; the ___ also helps control some ENDOCRINE functions, as well as the AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM; OSMORECEPTORS in the ___ help regulate METABOLISM, temperature, and water balance. Mnemonic is the Four Fs: Feeding, Fighting, Flighting, and (Sexual) Functioning

Limbic system

The ___ is derived from the TELENCEPHALON and comprises a group of interconnected structures looping around the central portion of the BRAINSTEM and CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES and is primarily associated with emotion and memory. Its primary components include the SEPTAL NUCLEI (primary pleasure center of the brain, has been associated with addictive behavior), AMYGDALA (food, sex, fear and aggression; damage has resulted in lack of fear/aggression; lesions result in hypersexual states), and HIPPOCAMPUS (long-term memory storage and recall, connects to other portions of the LIMBIC SYSTEM through a long projection, called the FORNIX).

Basal ganglia

The ___ is derived from the TELENCEPHALON and consists of a group or clusters of neurons, located above the THALAMUS and under the CEREBRAL CORTEX, that work with the CEREBELLUM and the CEREBRAL CORTEX to control and coordinate muscle movement as they receive information from the cortex and relay the information via the EXTRAPYRAMIDAL MOTOR SYSTEM (gathers information about body position and relays to the CNS); the ___ essentially makes our movements smooth and our posture steady; PARKINSON'S DISEASE is a chronic illness that is associated with destruction of the DOPAMINE RECEPTOR portions of the ___, resulting in jerky movements and uncontrollable resting tremors; the ___ may also play a role in SCHIZOPHRENIA and OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER (OCD).

The Membranous and Bony Labyrinth

The ___ is filled with endolymph (blue); it is suspended within the ___, which is filled with perilymph (purple).

auditory cortex

The ___ is located in the FRONTAL LOBE, it is the primary site of most sound processing, including speech, music, and other sound information

primary motor cortex

The ___ is located on the PRECENTRAL GYRUS (on the POSTERIOR of the FRONTAL LOBE and just ANTERIOR to the CENTRAL SULCUS that divides the FRONTAL and PARIETAL LOBES), and initiates voluntary MOTOR movements by sending NEURAL IMPULSES down the SPINAL CORD toward the MUSCLES. Despite certain differences, the SOMATOSENSORY CORTEX and ___ are very closely related. In fact, they are so interrelated they sometimes are described as a single unit, the SENSORIMOTOR CORTEX.

adrenal glands

The ___ is located on top of the KIDNEYS and are divided into two parts: the ___ MEDULLA and ___ CORTEX. The ___ CORTEX produces many HORMONES called CORTICOSTEROIDS, including the stress hormone CORTISOL; also contributes to sexual functioning by producing SEX HORMONES, such as TESTOSTERONE and ESTROGEN; also releases MINERALOCORTICOIDS (ALDOSTERONE), GLUCOCORTICOIDS (CORTISOL AND CORTISONE), and SEX CORTICOIDS or ANDROGENS (TESTOSTERONE and ESTROGEN). The ___ MEDULLA releases EPINEPHRINE and NOREPINEPHRINE as part of the SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM.

pituitary gland

The ___ is sometimes referred to as the "master" gland, is located at the base of the BRAIN, and is divided into two parts: ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR.

anterior pituitary

The ___ is the "master" because it releases HORMONES that regulate activities of ENDOCRINE GLANDS; however, the it is controlled by the HYPOTHALAMUS; releases FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH, PROLACTIN, ENDORPHIN, and GROWTH HORMONES. Remember FLAT (tropic) PEG (direct)


The ___ is the innermost layer of the eye, it contains the actual PHOTORECEPTORS that transduce light into electrical information the brain can process; It is actually considered part of the CNS and develops as an outgrowth of brain tissue.

Prosencephalon or forebrain

The ___ is the most "modern" portion of the brain, and—in humans—forms the largest portion of the brain by weight. The ___ contains regions derived from the DIENCEPHALON, such as the THALAMUS (sensory relay station), HYPOTHALAMUS (food, fight, flight and sex), POSTERIOR PITUITARY (OXYTOCIN and ADH or VASOPRESSIN), and PINEAL GLAND (controls CIRCADIAN RHYTHM through release of MELATONIN; direct signals from RETINAS for light sensing and daytime coordination); it also includes derivatives of the TELENCEPHALON, such as the CEREBRAL CORTEX (FPOT, complex perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral processes), BASAL GANGLIA (smooth movement), and LYMBIC SYSTEM (emotion and memory).


The ___ of an object is usually determined through parallel processing and feature detection, and the motion of an object is perceived through magnocellular cells.

social interactionist theory

The ___ of language development focuses on the interplay between biological and social processes. That is, language acquisition is driven by the child's desire to communicate and behave in a social manner, such as interacting with caretakers and other children.

gate theory of pain

The ___ proposes that there is a special "gating" mechanism that can turn pain signals on or off, affecting whether or not we perceive pain. In this theory, the spinal cord is able to preferentially forward the signals from other touch modalities (pressure, temperature) to the brain, thus reducing the sensation of pain. ___ has been superseded by other theories, but still provides a useful model of understanding touch processing at the spinal cord level.


The ___ refers to the portion of the bony labyrinth that contains the utricle and saccule. These structures are sensitive to linear acceleration, so are used as part of the balancing apparatus and to determine one's orientation in three-dimensional space.

law of similarity

The ___ says that objects that are similar tend to be grouped together.

basal plate


alar plate



The ability to affect others behavior through real or perceived reward and punishments

categorical perception

The ability to make this distinction is ___


The active chemical in Marijuana is ___

Expectancy-Value Theory

The amount of motivation need to reach a goal is the result of both the individual expectation of success in reaching the goal and the degree to which he or she values succeeding at the goal.

Fertility Rate

The average number of children born to a woman during her lifetime in a population.

Portal systems

The body has three PORTAL SYSTEMS, where blood travels through two CAPILLARY beds prior to returning to the HEART. The HYPOPHYSEAL PORTAL SYSTEM connects the HYPOTHALAMUS and PITUITARY GLAND; they are spatially close to each other, and control is maintained through PARACRINE release of HORMONES into the HYPOPHYSEAL PORTAL SYSTEM that directly connects the two organs. RENAL PORTAL SYSTEM the blood travels through the GLOMERULUS and then into the VASA RECTA before returning to the VENA CAVA. HEPATIC PORTAL SYSTEM directs blood from the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM to the LIVER for processing before returning to the VENA CAVA.

posterior chamber

The chamber of the eye lies between the iris and the lens.


The close Actual self, Ideal self, and Ought self are the higher our ___ is

Michelangelo Phenomenon

The concept of self is made up of both the intrapersonal self, the ideas an individual has regarding his own abilities, traits, and beliefs; AND, the interpersonal self, the manner in which others influence creation of the ideal self.

vestibular sense

The ear is a complex organ responsible not only for our sense of hearing, but also for both rotational and linear acceleration, known as ___.

Indistinctive drift

The difficulty in overcoming instinctual behavior


The disappearance of the conditioned response.

Semantic Encoding

The encoding using emotion or memories.

Intimacy vs Isolation

The favorable outcome is the ability to form meaningful relationships with others, the ability to commit oneself to another person and one's goals. If not solved properly the person will commit too alienization withdraw and superficial relationships


The form of moving to a new location.

Learned Helplessness

The hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events. Considered to be one possible model of clinical depression


The important factor in determining an individual's behavior throughout his or her lifetime

Bony Labyrinth

The inner ear sits within a ___, which contains the cochlea, vestibule, and semicircular canals, as shown in Figure


The restoration to full strength of a response to a stimulus that had previously become weakened through habituation.

Secondary Group

The interactions are superficial with few emotional bonds. They are usually short-lasted.


The lifelong process in which people learn the attitudes, values, and behaviors appropriate for members of a particular culture

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

The manual was written to collect statistical data in the United States. It is now used as a diagnostic tool in the United States and various other countries. The manual is currently in its fifth edition, which was published in May 2013, so the common abbreviation seen is ___. This manual is a compilation of many known psychological disorders.

tympanic membrane (eardrum).

The membrane vibrates in phase with the incoming sound waves. The frequency of the sound wave determines the rate at which the ___ vibrates: it moves back and forth at a high rate for high-frequency sounds and more slowly for low-frequency sounds. The tympanic membrane divides the outer ear from the middle ear.


The membranous labyrinth is suspended within the bony labyrinth by a thin layer of another fluid called ___. ___ simultaneously transmits vibrations from the outside world and cushions the inner ear structures.

Nasal Cavity

The middle ear is connected to the ___ via the Eustachian tube, which helps equalize pressure between the middle ear and the environment.

organ of Corti

The middle scala houses the actual hearing apparatus, called the ___, which rests on a thin, flexible membrane called the basilar membrane. The ___ is composed of thousands of hair cells, which are bathed in endolymph

Bystander Effect

The more people surrounding a victim the less likely anyone is to help.

mirror neurons

The most important neurological factors that affect observational learning, there is not a lot.


The need to be in control of ones actions


The need to complete difficult tasks


The need to feel accepted and wanted in relatsionships


The number of deaths caused by a particular disease, illness or other environmental factors.


The number of new cases of a disease per population at risk in a given period of time; usually, new cases per 1000 at-risk people per year.


The number or proportion of cases of a particular disease or condition present in a population at a given time.


The oldest part and central core of the brain, arises from the RHOMBENCEPHALON and MESENCEPHALON; beginning where the SPINAL CORD swells as it enters the SKULL; the ___ is responsible for functions such as refined motor movements (CEREBELLUM), breathing and digestion (MEDULLA OBLONGOTA), arousal/alertness (RETICULAR FORMATION), and SENSORIMOTOR REFLEXES (INFERIOR and SUPERIOR COLLICULUS)

Structure of the Cochlea

The other two scalae, filled with perilymph, surround the hearing apparatus and are continuous with the oval and round windows of the cochlea. Thus, sound entering the cochlea through the oval window causes vibrations in perilymph, which are transmitted to the basilar membrane. Because fluids are essentially incompressible, the round window, a membranecovered hole in the cochlea, permits the perilymph to actually move within the cochlea. Like the rods and cones of the eye, the hair cells in the organ of Corti convert the physical stimulus into an electrical signal, which is carried to the central nervous system by the auditory (vestibulocochlear) nerve.

bright light therapy

The patient is exposed to a bright light for a specified amount of time each day


The physician has a responsibility to treat similar patients with similar care and distribute health care resources equally.


The principle (which Piaget believed to be a part of concrete operational reasoning) that properties such as mass, volume, and number remain the same despite changes in the forms of objects.


The process of demonstrating that information has been retained in memory; includes recall, recognition, and relearning.


The purpose, or driving forces behind our actions

Spontaneous recovery

The reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response

taste buds

The receptors for taste are groups of cells called ___, which are found in little bumps on the tongue called papillae.


The receptors for taste are groups of cells called taste buds, which are found in little bumps on the tongue called ___.


The thoughts others have that affects ones self concept, Ought Self


The semicircular canals canals are arranged perpendicularly to each other, and each ends in a swelling called an ___, where hair cells are located.

Cognitive Dissonance

The simultaneous presence of two opposing thoughts or opinions.


The smallest units of meaning in a language.

Characteristic institution

The social structure or institution about which societies are organized.

long-term potentiation

The strengthening of neural connections due to rehearsal or relearning; thought to be the neurophysiological basis of long-term memory.

Normative Conformity

The tendency to go along with the group in order to fulfill the group's expectations and gain acceptance


The tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses.


The theory that all behaviors are conditioned

Opponent-Process Theory

The theory that opposing retinal processes (red-green, yellow-blue, white-black) enable color vision.


The thoughts of your abilities, and skills


The tympanic membrane divides the outer ear from the middle ear. The middle ear houses the three smallest bones in the body, called ___. The ___ help transmit and amplify the vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear.

paradoxical sleep

The type of sleep encountered during REM when internally, the brain and body are active; while externally, the body appears calm and inactive

Cognitive (C)

The way someone acts due to known information about the entity Snake are dangerous so I should avoid them, My family provides for me so I should stay with them

Behavioral (B)

The way someone acts due to respect of something I'm scared of snakes so I avoid them, I enjoy my families company.

Affective (A)

The way someone feels about someone I'm scared of snakes and, I love my Family

law of proximity

The___ says that elements close to one another tend to be perceived as a unit.

law of good continuation

The___ says that elements that appear to follow in the same pathway tend to be grouped together.

James-Lange Theory of Emotion

Theory of emotion that states that people experience emotion because they perceive their bodies' physiological responses to external stimuli. "I am trembling, therefore I am afraid."


Theory that every behavior is learned

Mapping the Brain

There are three primary ways to map the brain in NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, CORTICAL MAPS (created with the help of an awake patient, activates individual neurons to see what they do), ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM (EEG, an amplified recording of the waves of electrical activity that sweep across the brain's surface. These waves are measured by electrodes placed on the scalp), and REGIONAL CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW (rCBF, detects broad patterns of neural activity based on increased blood flow in regions).

optic tracts

These reorganized pathways are called ___ once they leave the OPTIC CHIASM.

membranous labyrinth

These structures are continuous with each other and are mostly filled by the ___, which is bathed with a potassium-rich fluid called endolymph.

Admiration Stereotype

Those in which the group is viewed with pride and other positive feelings. High status, not competitive.


Those who resist social change

Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex

Thought to play substantial role decision-making and controlling emotional responses from the amygdala.


To effectively interact with society, a child must learn to communicate through language, whether oral or signed. An important precursor to language is ___

somatosensory cortex

Transduction occurs in the receptors, which send the signal to the central nervous system where it eventually travels to the ___ in the parietal lobe.

Borderline PD (Cluster B)

Twice as common in females rather than males, pervasive instability in interpersonal behavior, mood, and self-image.

Conversion Disorder

Unexplained symptoms affecting voluntary motor or sensory functions. Historically called Hysteria.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Unrealistic negative evaluation of body, goes to extreme to fix it

Latent Function

Unstated and unintended positive results of manifest functions

Five Ethnicities Model

Used by the U.S. Census Bureau and the NIH; white, black, Asian, Latino, and Native American; limits description of an increasingly diverse population

(Functional Attitudes Theory) Ego-Defensive

Used to protect our Self esteem or justify actions that we know are wrong. I.E. A child who has difficulty doing math may develop a negative attitude to math may develop a negative attitude towards the subject (Christian)


Using flattery or conforming to expectations to win someone over.

Managing Appearance

Using props, appearance, emotional expression or associations with others to create a positive image

base rate fallacy.

Using prototypical or stereotypical factors while ignoring actual numerical information

Dramaturgical Approach

Using the metaphor of theatrical performance to describe how individuals create images of themselves in various situations.

Social Instituitons

Well-established social structures that dictate certain patterns of behavior or relationships and are accepted as a fundamental part of culture.

Delta Waves

When ___ are active it becomes extremely difficult to rouse someone from sleep.

object permanace

When a child understands that just because an object is not visibly in sight it does not mean that it isn't in existence anymore


When a group is looked down as inferior due to contemptuous stereotypes.


Widely observed social norms. While mores are not laws they do have wide influence and provide a sense of social control

disconfirmation principle

When a potential solution to a problem fails during testing, this solution should be discarded.

Foot-in-door Technique

When a small request is made, and after gaining compliance, a larger request is made.

Cultural Barriers

When cultural differences impedes interaction with others

Broca's (expressive) aphasia

When damage occurs to Broca's area, speech comprehension is intact but the patient will have a reduced or absent ability to produce spoken language.


When entering the eye, light passes first through the ___, a clear, domelike window in the front of the eye, which gathers and focuses the incoming light.


When the body can no longer maintain an elevated response with sympathetic nervous system activity.

semicircular canals

While the utricle and saccule are sensitive to linear acceleration, the three ___ are sensitive to rotational acceleration. The ___ canals are arranged perpendicularly to each other, and each ends in a swelling called an ampulla, where hair cells are located. When the head rotates, endolymph in the semicircular canal resists this motion, bending the underlying hair cells, which send a signal to the brain.


While there are many more RODS than CONESin the human eye, the central section of the RETINA, called the MACULA, has a high concentration of CONES; in fact, its centermost point, called the ___, contains only CONES.

Authentic Self

Who the person actually is

Olfactory chemoreceptors

___ (olfactory nerves) are located in olfactory epithelium in the upper part of the nasal cavity. Chemical stimuli must bind to their respective chemoreceptors to cause a signal. There are a tremendous number of specific chemoreceptors, which allows us to recognize subtle differences in similar scents, such as lavender and jasmine.


___ Looks at how our brains work process, and react to incredible information overload. Not exclusively human but humans are the best evolved.

Delusions of grandeur

___ a delusion (common in paranoia) that you are much greater and more powerful and influential than you really are

Delusions of persecution

___ a delusion that leads to irrationally believing that others are trying to harm you.

indirect therapy

___ aims to increase social support by educating and empowering family and friends of the affected individual.

Delusions of reference

___ are a false belief that public events or people are directly related to the individual.

Beta waves

___ are at high frequencies and occur when the person is alert or attending to a mental task that requires concentration

Manic episodes

___ are characterized by abnormal and persistently elevated mood lasting at least one week with at least three of the following: increased distractibility, decreased need for sleep, inflated self-esteem or grandiosity (beliefs that one is all-powerful, famous, or wealthy), racing thoughts, increased goal-directed activity or agitation, pressured speech or increased talkativeness, and involvement in high-risk behavior.


___ are false sensory experiences, such as seeing something in the absence of an external visual stimulus.


___ are made up words, sometimes seen with people who have schizophrenia.


___ are modified hair cells that cover the utricle and saccule.

Learned behaviors

___ are not based on HEREDITY but instead on EXPERIENCE and ENVIRONMENT.

ideas of reference

___ are similar to delusions of reference, but not as extreme in intensity


___ are the SEX GLANDS of the body—OVARIES in females, and TESTES in males. These glands produce SEX HORMONES in higher concentrations, leading to increased levels of TESTOSTERONE in males and increased levels of ESTROGEN in females. These SEX HORMONES increase LIBIDO and contribute to mating behavior and sexual function as well as SECONDARY SEX CHARACTERISTICS. Higher levels of TESTOSTERONE also increase aggressive behavior.

neural folds

___ are the raised ridges in the NEURAL PLATE that surround the deepening NEURAL GROOVE.

persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)

___ are those who suffer from dysthymia (depressed mood not severe enough to meet criteria of major depressive episode, for at least 2 yrs.

Twin studies

___ are used when comparing CONCORDANCE RATES, the likelihood that both twins exhibit the same trait, for a trait between MONOZYGOTIC (MZ; IDENTICAL) and DIZYGOTIC (DZ; FRATERNAL) ___, are better able to distinguish the relative effects of shared environment and genetics.

Depth perception

___ can rely on both monocular and binocular cues (processes that involve one or both eyes, respectively). Monocular cues include the relative size of objects, partial obscuring of one object by another, the convergence of parallel lines at a distance, position of an object in the visual field, and lighting and shadowing.


___ doesn't significantly impair functioning/no psychotic features, just more energetic and optimistic


___ false beliefs discordant with reality and not shared by others in the individual's culture that are maintained in spite of strong evidence to the contrary; Delusions of reference, Delusions of persecution, Delusions of grandeur, thought broadcasting, thought insertion.

apolipoprotein E

___ gene on chromosome 19 can also alter the likelihood of acquiring the disease.

Gestalt principles

___ generally follow the same basic idea: these are ways for the brain to infer missing parts of a picture when a picture is incomplete.


___ genes on chromosomes 1 and 14 contribute to having Alzheimer's disease


___ has been used and abused for centuries. Today, we have numerous drugs, used both recreationally and therapeutically, derived from ___.

Subjective contours

___ have to do with perceiving contours and, therefore, shapes that are not actually present in the stimulus.

adoption studies


Negative cognitive symptoms

___ include an inability to recall key features of the event, negative mood or emotions, feeling distanced from others, and a persistent negative view of the world.

arousal symptoms

___ include an increased startle response, irritability, anxiety, self-destructive or reckless behavior, and sleep disturbances.

neural tube

___ is a group of cells running along the dorsal axis of the body, just dorsal to the NOTOCHORD. It will give rise to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (CNS).

cyclothymic disorder

___ is a mood disorder characterized by moderate but frequent mood swings that are not severe enough to qualify as bipolar disorder.

personality disorder

___ is a pattern of behavior that is inflexible and maladaptive, causing distress or impaired functioning in at least two of the following: cognition, emotions, interpersonal functioning, or impulse control.

schizoid personality disorder

___ is a pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of emotional expression

Parallel processing

___ is a psychological model that describes the ability to simultaneously analyze and combine information regarding color, shape, and motion; ___ has a correlate in neuroscience called FEATURE DETECTION. This is accomplished with two cells, MAGNOCELLULAR CELLS, specialize in motion detection, they have very high TEMPORAL RESOLUTION, however, they have low SPATIAL RESOLUTION, so much of the rich detail of an object can no longer be seen once it is motion, i.e. they provide a blurry but moving image of an object, while the PARVOCELLULAR CELLS, detect shape and have very high color SPATIAL RESOLUTION, that is, they permit us to see very fine detail when thoroughly examining an object.

magical thinking

___ is a superstitiousness or a belief in clairvoyance


___ is a symptom of schizophrenia marked by apathy and an inability to start or complete a course of action.

monoamine or catecholamine theory of depression

___ is a theory that too much norepinephrine and serotonin in the synapse leads to mania, while too little leads to depression.

Classical conditioning

___ is a type of associative learning that takes advantage of biological, instinctual responses to create associations between two unrelated stimuli

Alzheimer's disease

___ is a type of dementia characterized by gradual memory loss, disorientation to time and place, problems with abstract thought, and a tendency to misplace things. Later stages of the disease are associated with changes in mood or behavior, changes in personality, difficulty with procedural memory, poor judgment, and loss of initiative. When all or almost all of these symptoms are seen in one person, and especially when the symptoms end up inhibiting normal daily function, this points to ___ disease. This disease is most common in patients older than 65, and women are at greater risk than men. Family history is a significant risk factor and, interestingly, there is a lower risk of developing disease with higher levels of education. • Diffuse atrophy of the brain on CT or MRI • Flattened sulci in the cerebral cortex • Enlarged cerebral ventricles, shown in Figure 7.5a • Deficient blood flow in parietal lobes, which is correlated with cognitive decline • Reduction in levels of acetylcholine • Reduction in choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the enzyme that produces acetylcholine • Reduced metabolism in temporal and parietal lobes • Senile plaques of β-amyloid (a misfolded protein in β-pleated sheet form)

Paranoid personality disorder

___ is a type of personality disorder characterized by extreme suspiciousness or mistrust of others

motor homunculus

___ is a visualization that shows a systematic arrangement of the MOTOR NEURONS associated with parts of the body.

Kinesthetic sense

___ is also called proprioception, and refers to the ability to tell where one's body is in space. For example, even with your eyes closed, you could still describe the location and position of your hand. The receptors for proprioception are found mostly in muscle and joints, and play critical roles in hand-eye coordination, balance, and mobility.

Social anxiety disorder

___ is an anxiety disorder involving the extreme and irrational fear of being embarrassed, judged, or scrutinized by others in social situations

word salad

___ is an incoherent mixture of words, phrases, and sentences; seen in cases of Wernicke's Area trauma.

Spreading Activation

___ is at the heart of a retrieval cue known as priming, in which recall is aided by first being presented with a word or phrase that is close to the desired semantic memory.


___ is considered one of the chemical senses, which means that it responds to incoming chemicals from the outside world. Specifically, smell responds to volatile or aerosolized compounds.


___ is defined as HEREDITY, or the influence of INHERITED characteristics on behavior; also may be described as INNATE.

Cerebral cortex

___ is derived from the TELENCEPHALON, and is also called the NEOCORTEX; it is the most recent region to evolve and consists of an intricate fabric of interconnected neural cells covering the cerebral hemispheres; the surface of the ___ is covered in bumps and folds called GYRI and SULCI; the ___ is the body's ultimate control and information-processing center including functions such as, language-processing, problem-solving, impulse control, and long-term planning; the ___ is further divided into four sections (with the mnemonic FPOT), FRONTAL, PARIETAL, OCCIPITAL, and TEMPORAL LOBES).


___ is disorganized muscle behavior characterized by various unusual physical movements or stillness; a potential symptom of schizophrenia.

Top-down (conceptually driven) processing

___ is driven by memories and expectations that allow the brain to recognize the whole object and then recognize the components based on these expectations.

cocktail party phenomenon

___ is evidence of a different interpretation of selective attention. Selective attention is probably more of a filter that allows us to focus on one thing while allowing other stimuli to be processed in the background

Selective attention

___ is focusing on one part of the sensorium while ignoring other stimuli


___ is fundamental to the creation of communities. As humans began to live in groups, the ability to use ___ became essential


___ is nothing more than TRANSDUCTION, which is the conversion of physical, electromagnetic, auditory, and other information from our internal and external environment to electrical signals in the nervous system. ___ RECEPTORS are special parts of cells that transduce or convert ___ energy into neural activity so we can perceive it; includes: PHOTORECEPTORS, light-sensitive cells in the retina - the rods and cones, HAIR CELLS, the STEREOCILIA located in the cochlea and used in hearing, NOCICEPTORS or pain receptors, THERMORECEPTORS or temperature, OSMORECEPTORS, respond to changes in blood osmolarity which is involved in homeostasis, OLFACTORY or SCENT/SMELL RECEPTORS, and TASTE RECEPTORS which respond to dissolved compounds.


___ is often reduced to "touch" when listed as a sense, but is actually quite complex. It is usually described as having four modalities: pressure, vibration, pain, and temperature. There are at least five different types of receptors that receive tactile information, including: Pacinian corpuscles, Meissner corpuscles, Merkle cells (discs), Ruffini endings, and Free nerve ending.

multiple intelligences

___ is one of the most all-encompassing definitions, with seven defined types of intelligence: linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.


___ is the Association of a meaning with a word

Adaptive value

___ is the extent to which a TRAIT or behavior positively benefits a SPECIES by influencing the EVOLUTIONARY FITNESS of the SPECIES, thus leading to ADAPTATION through NATURAL SELECTION.

specific phobia

___ is the fear of objects or specific situations or events


___ is the first step in the DEVELOPMENT of the NERVOUS SYSTEM, dependent upon the formation of the NOTOCHORD; NEURAL FOLDS form above the NOTOCHORD; the NEURAL CREST cells bridge and close the gap between the NEURAL FOLDS and create the NEURAL TUBE.


___ is the loss of interest in all or almost all formerly enjoyable activities

flat affect

___ is the marked lack of expressed emotions; a symptom of schizophrenia.


___ is the processing of this sensory information to make sense of its significance, while PSYCHOPHYSICS is the study of the relationship between the physical nature of stimuli and the sensations and perceptions they evoke.


___ is the prototypical psychotic disorder.


___ is the severe reduction in intensity of affect expression.


___ is the uncontrollable and immediate repetition of words spoken by another person.

Negative symptoms

___ may include disturbance of affect, blunting, flat affect, inappropriate affect, or avolition; ___ symptoms seen in schizophrenia.

Language development

___ milestones include laughing aloud (4 mo), repetative responding (8 mo), and mama, dada (10 mo). ___ milestones for age 1 includes; great variation in timing of ___, may use 10 words. ___ milestones for age 2 includes; use of pronouns, parents understand most, two word sentences, uses 250 words, identifies body parts by pointing. ___ milestones for age 3 includes; complete sentences, uses 900 words, understands 3600 words, strangers can understand, recognizes common objects in pictures, can answer, "tell me what we wear on our feet or which block is bigger?"

Social development

___ occurs in infancy and continues through adolescence; includes multiple stages and developmental milestones can be used to monitor appropriate ___; infant ___ includes three stages, STRANGER ANXIETY, a fear and apprehension of unfamiliar individuals, SEPARATION ANXIETY, a fear of being separated from the parental figure, and PARALLEL PLAY, when children engage in the same activity side by side but with very little interaction or mutual influence. ___ milestones for first year of life include; STRANGER ANXIETY, PARALLEL PLAY, and peek-a-boo or patty cake. ___ for age 1 includes; SEPARATION ANXIETY, parental dependency, and onlooker play. ___ for age 2 includes; selfish or self-centered, imitation of mannerisms and activities, may be aggressive, recognizes self in mirror/pictures, "no" is favorite word, and PARALLEL PLAY. ___ for age 3 includes; fixed gender identity, gender specific play, understand taking turns, knows full name.

Physical development

___ occurs throughout life; includes multiple stages and developmental milestones can be used to monitor appropriate ___; infant includes primitive reflexes and motor skills. ___ milestones for first year of life includes; put everything in mouth, sit up with support (4 mo), stand with help (8 mo), crawls and fear of falling (9mo), pincer grasp (10 mo), follow objects to midline (4 wk), one-handed approach and grasp of toy, feet in mouth (5 mo), bang and rattle stage, changes hands with toy (6mo). ___ milestones for age 1 includes; kicks and throws ball, pats pictures in book, walks alone (13 mo), climbs stairs alone (18 mo), dominant hand (18 mo), stacks three cubes (18 mo). ___ milestones for age 2 includes; very active, walks backwards, turns doorknob, unscrew lid, scribble with crayon/pen, stack six cubes (24 mo), stands on tiptoes (30 mo), able to aim and throw ball. ___ milestones for age 3 includes; ride tricycle, stack nine cubes (36 mo), alternate feet climbing stairs, bowel and bladder control (toilet training), draws recognizable figures, catches ball with arms, cuts paper with scissors, unbutton buttons.

β-amyloid precursor protein gene

___ on chromosome 21 is known to contribute to Alzheimer's disease, explaining the much higher risk of Alzheimer's in individuals with Down syndrome.

Disorganized thought

___ or loosening of associations; may be word salad; exhibted as speech in which ideas shift from one subject to another so you can't follow train of thought.

Hair cells

___ or the STERIOCILIA are sensory receptors found in the INNER EAR. COCHLEAR ___ respond to vibration in the COCHLEA caused by sound waves and vestibular hair cells respond to changes in position and acceleration (also used for balance). Named for the long tufts of STERIOCILIA on their top surface. As vibrations reach the BASILAR MEMBRANE underlying the ORGAN OF CORTI, the STERIOCILIA adorning the ___ begin to sway back and forth within the ENDOLYMPH. The swaying causes the opening of ion channels, which cause a receptor potential. Certain ___ are also directly connected to the immobile TECTORIAL MEMBRANE, sitting above the ORGAN OF CORTI; these ___ are involved in amplifying the incoming sound.

Schizotypal personality disorder

___ refers to a pattern of odd or eccentric thinking. These individuals may have ideas of reference, as well as magical thinking.


___ refers to concentrating on one aspect of the sensory environment, or sensorium

Disorganized behavior

___ refers to inability to carry out activity of daily living.

Bottom-up (data-driven) processing

___ refers to object recognition by parallel processing and feature detection.

Perceptual organization

___ refers to the ability to use these two processes, in tandem with all of the other sensory clues about an object, to create a complete picture or idea. Most of the images we see in everyday life are incomplete; often, we may only be able to see a part of an object and must infer what the rest of the object looks like. By using what information is available in terms of depth, form, motion, constancy, and other clues, we can often "fill in the gaps" using Gestalt principles.


___ refers to the actual sound of language

disturbance of affect

___ refers to the emotional irregularities that can occur in individuals who suffer from schizophrenia


___ refers to the idea that we perceive certain characteristics of objects to remain the same, despite differences in the environment. For example, we perceive a white piece of paper as essentially the same color whether it is illuminated by fluorescent lights, incandescent bulbs, or sunlight—this is called color constancy.


___ refers to the influence of environment and physical surroundings on behavior; also may be described as learned.

subliminal perception

___ refers to the perception of a STIMULUS below a given THRESHOLD; usually, this term refers to the threshold of conscious perception.

Family studies

___ rely on the assumption that genetically related individuals are more similar GENOTYPICALLY than unrelated individuals.

Merkle cells (discs)

___ respond to deep pressure and texture.

Pacinian corpuscles

___ respond to deep pressure and vibration.

Meissner corpuscles

___ respond to light touch.

Free nerve endings

___ respond to pain and temperature.

Ruffini endings

___ respond to stretch.

signal detection theory

___ states that perception of stimuli can also be affected by nonsensory factors, such as experiences (memory), motives, and expectations; focuses on the changes in our perception of the same stimuli depending on both internal (psychological) and external (environmental) context

Weber's law

___ states that there is a constant ratio between the change in STIMULUS magnitude needed to produce a JND and the magnitude of the original stimulus; law appears to be accurate for all sensory modalities, except at the extremely high and low ends of each range (0.68 percent)

body dysmorphic disorder

___, a person has an unrealistic negative evaluation of his or her personal appearance and attractiveness, usually directed toward a certain body part. This person sees her nose, skin, or stomach as ugly or even horrific when it is actually normal in appearance. This body preoccupation also disrupts day-to-day life, and the sufferer may seek multiple plastic surgeries or other extreme interventions.

bipolar disorders

___, formerly known as manic depression; a major type of mood disorder characterized by both depression and mania.

general personality disorder

___, there are ten personality disorders grouped into three clusters: cluster A (paranoid, schizotypal, and schizoid), cluster B (antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic), and cluster C (avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive).


___is often described as giving the world a dreamlike or insubstantial quality.

inappropriate affect

___is the display of emotions that are unsuited to the situation; a symptom of schizophrenia

direct therapy

___treatment that acts directly on the individual, such as medication or periodic meetings with a psychologist.

suspensory ligaments

a FIBROUS MEMBRANE that holds the LENS of the eye in place.

Social Class

a broad group in society having common economic status


a collection of basic knowledge about a category of information; serves as a means of organization and interpretation of that information


a deficit of language production or comprehension

Dissociative amnesia

a dissociative disorder characterized by the sudden and extensive inability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature

masklike facies

a facial expression consisting of static and expressionless facial features, staring eyes, and a partially open mouth

Demographic shift

a general term referring to changes in population makeup over time


a group where an individual competes or is in competition.


a hallucinogen combined with an amphetamine. As a designer amphetamine, its mechanism and effects are similar to other amphetamines. Physiologically, ecstasy causes increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, blurry vision, sweating, nausea, and hyperthermia. Psychologically, ecstasy causes feelings of euphoria, increased alertness, and an overwhelming sense of well-being and connectedness

substantia nigra

a layer of cells in the brain that functions to produce dopamine to permit proper functioning of the basal ganglia; this condition can be partially managed, therefore, with l-DOPA, a precursor that is converted to dopamine once in the brain, replacing that which is lost due to Parkinson's disease.


a low socioeconomic status and a lack of possessions or financial resources


a measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned, as on a multiple-choice test


a political system governed by the wealthy people


a potassium-rich fluid called ___.

Stereotype Threat

a self-confirming concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype

sleep paralysis

a sensation of being unable to move despite being awake


a state of consciousness in which we are awake and able to think. In this state, we are able to perceive, process, access information, and express that information verbally.


a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal cortex

Conditioned Reinforcer; Secondary Reinforcer

a stimulus that gains its reinforcing power through its association with a primary reinforcer; also known as a secondary reinforcer

Opponent -Process Theory

a theory of motivation that explains continuous drug use... this theory explain that when a drug is taken repeatedly, the body will attempt to counteract the effects of the drug by changing physiology. The withdrawal created by this mechanism can create a physical dependence on the drug. This theory can also explain tolerance.


a transparent gel that supports the RETINA.

resting tremor

a tremor that appears when muscles are not being used


ability to complete goals and obtain resources regardless of obstacles


ability to convey information by speech, writing, signals, or behavior.


acceptance of a group's rules blindly


adaptation to information comes about by two complementary processes: assimilation and accommodation

Secondary Drives

additional Drives that are not directly related to biological needs, money, video games, etc

Positive Punishment

adds an unpleasant consequence in response to a behavior to reduce that behavior; for example, a thief may be arrested for stealing, which is intended to stop him from stealing again.

nativist (biological) theory

advocates for the existence of some innate capacity for language

Healthcare & Medicine

aimed at maintaining or improving the health status of the individual, family, and community.


aims to arm the population with Information


all our thoughts and feelings about ourselves, in answer to the question, "Who am I?"

Sleepwalking; somnambulism

also usually occurs during SWS. Some sleepwalkers may eat, talk, have sexual intercourse, or even drive great distances while sleeping with absolutely no recollection of the event

Poverty Line

amount of yearly income a family requires to meet its basic needs, according to the federal government

Facial Expression

an arrangement of the facial muscles to communicate thoughts, emotions, and attitudes


another process by which one discards old behaviors in favor of new oes to make a life change, can be positive or negative

anterograde amnesia

an inability to form new memories

Socioeconomic Class

an individual's social standing that is influenced by a combined measure of economic and sociological factors (education, income, and occupation) May depend on achieved or ascribed status

Stage 4

an industrialized society, birth and death rates are low


another common way to memorize information, particularly lists.

Korsakoff's syndrome

another form of memory loss caused by thiamine deficiency in the brain.


another method of learning that steps outside the standard behaviorist approach


are abnormal movements or behaviors during sleep, and include night terrors and sleepwalking

hypnagogic; hypnopompic hallucinations

are hallucinations when going to sleep or awakening

Night terrors

are most common in children, are periods of intense anxiety that occur during slow-wave sleep. Children will often thrash and scream during these ___ and will show signs of sympathetic overdrive, with a high heart rate and rapid breathing


asking a participant to identify everything immediately after the presentation, not very accurate. Only able to provide around 30-40% of information


associates numbers with items that rhyme with or resemble the numbers

method of loci

associating each item in the list with a location along a route through a building that has already been memorized

Peer Group

association of self selected equals around similar interests, age, and statuses.

Social construction Model

assumes that there is no biological basis for emotions, instead emotions are based on experiences and situational context alone.

Stereotype Content Model

attempts to classify stereotypes with respect to hypothetical in-group using two dimensions; Warmth and competance

(Functional Attitudes Theory) Adaptive

attitude is the idea that one will be accepted if socially acceptable traits are shown


based on political borders, result of shared history, media, cuisine, and national symbols

Conflict Theory

based on the works of Karl Marx, focuses on how power differentials are created and how these differentials contribute to the maintenance of social order.


biological element of external condition or event that leads to stress response


both the donor and recipient benefit by cooperating

Government & Economy

can be defined as a systematic arrangement of political and capital relationships, activities, and social structures that apply to rule making.

Sleep deprivation

can result from as little as one night without sleep, or from multiple nights with poor-quality, short-duration sleep

Role Preformance

carrying out of behaviors associated with Ascribed status.


changing one's behavior in response to a direct order from a figure of authority. People are willing to do things they are uncomfortable with if told to do so by someone with authority.

Demographic Transition

change in a population from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates, divided into four stages


changes are from parents to children


changes in social status happen within a person's lifetime


changing one's behavior to fit with a group while privately agreeing with the ideas of the group


changing one's emotional experience by changing the meaning of the emotion stimulus

Anxiety/Panic Disorder

characterized by Repeated panic attacks

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

characterized by obsessions (persistent, intrusive thoughts and impulses), which produce tension, and compulsions (repetitive tasks) that relieve tension but cause significant impairment in a person's life. The relationship between the two is key: obsessions raise the individual's stress level, and the compulsions relieve this stress.

Working Memory

closely related to short-term memory and is similarly supported by the hippocampus. It enables us to keep a few pieces of information in our consciousness simultaneously and to manipulate that information


common way to promote prejudice


commonly used to shift focus toward efficiency, predictability, calculability. and control in these societies.


communities or societies containing multiple cultures.

Limbic System

complex set of structures that reside below the cerebellum

Ventral Prefrontal Cortex

connects with the region of brain for experiencing emotion

James-Lange Theory of Emotion

conscious experience of emnotion results from one's awareness of physiological arousal

Social Capital

considered the investments people make in their society in return for economic or collective rewards; the greater the investment the higher level of social integration and inclusion in reward


considered to be a pattern of social activities organized around a set of beliefs.


consist of two or more people who share similar characteristics and sense of unity. Social groups are more complex than a group of individuals who happen to be in the same location


consists of spoken, written or signed symbols, which are regulated according to certain rules of grammar and syntax

constrictor pupillae

constricts the pupil under parasympathetic stimulation


contrast, is a condition characterized by lack of voluntary control over the onset of sleep

Broca's Area

controls language expression-area of the TEMPORAL LOBE in LEFT HEMISPHERE that directs muscle movements involved in speech.

Locus of Control

controls the war we characterize he influences in our lives

Associative learning

creation of a pairing, or association, either between two stimuli or between a behavior and a response

Genetic Compilation

creation of pair mates that have more opposite than in common

Display Rules

cross-cultural guidelines for how and when to express emotions

circadian rhythms

daily cycle of waking and sleeping is regulated by internally generated rhythms

Parasympathetic nervous system

deactivates or shows down activities of muscles and glands (rest-and-digest response); slowing down of heart rates, pupillary constriction


defined as a movement into a new geographic space


defined as a state in which a person appears to be in control of his or her normal functions, but is in a highly suggestible state. In other words, a hypnotized person easily succumbs to the suggestions of others


defined as a state of being both highly masculine and highly feminine


defined as areas where specific racial, ethnic, or religious minorities are concentrated.

Ascribed Status

derives from skin clo, age, gender etc


describes Piaget's stage in which the child explores the world through interaction of his mouth and hands with the environment in Piaget's theory, the stage (from birth to about 2 years of age) during which infants know the world mostly in terms of their sensory impressions and motor activities

Gender Identity

describes a person appraisal of him or herself on scales of masculinity and femininity

Mating System

describes the organization of a groups sexual behavior

pill-rolling tremor

flexing and extending the fingers while moving the thumb back and forth, as if rolling something in the fingers


difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

Role Strain

difficulty in satisfying multiple requirements of the same role

external auditory canal

directs the sound waves to the tympanic 2: Sensation and Perception 65 membrane (eardrum).

dissociative fugue

disorder in which one travels away from home and is unable to remember details of his past, including often his identity


disorders that make it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, or avoid sleep, and include insomnia, narcolepsy, and sleep apnea

problem-solving dream theory

dreams are a way to solve problems while you are sleeping

activation-synthesis theory

dreams are caused by widespread, random activation of neural circuitry

cognitive process dream theory

dreams are merely the sleeping counterpart of stream-of-consciousness

REM rebound

earlier onset and greater duration of REM sleep compared to normal

Adaptive Role of Emotion

emotions are thought to be evolutionary adaptations due to situations encountered over the evolutionary history of the human species that guide sensory processing, physiological response, and behavior


events that follow responses and strengthen the tendency to repeat those responses

Second Sickness

exacerbation of health outcomes caused by social injustice


exposed portion of the eye is covered by a thick structural layer known as the ___, or the white of the eye.


expression of positive or negative feeling toward a person, place, thing, or scenario. Three primary components of ___ Affective, Behavioral, Cognitive.


eyes widen, eyebrows pulled up and together, lips pulled towards ears

Symbolic Culture

focuses on the ideas that represent a group of people

Attribution Theory

focuses on the tendency for individuals to infer the causes of people's behaviors.

critical period (for language development)

for language acquisition between two years and puberty. If no language exposure occurs during this time, later training is largely ineffective.


form of helping behavior in which the person's intent is to benefit someone else at some cost to himself


formalized ceremony that usually involves specific material objects, symbolism, and additional mandates on acceptable behaviors.


formula or procedure for solving a certain type of problem

Lowball Technique

getting a commitment from a person then revealing more requirements than previously known

Envious Stereotype

group is viewed with jealousy, bitterness and distrust


group of people within a culture that distinguish themselves from the primary culture that they belong too.

Reference Groups

groups that establish the terms by which individuals evaluate themselves, to determine how strong of a medical student applicant you are, you may consider yourself in relation to other medical school students.


groups to which an individual belongs and can be contrasted with out groups.

hypnotic induction

he hypnotist seeks to relax the subject and increase the subject's level of concentration. Then, the hypnotist can suggest perceptions or actions to the hypnotized person. In practice, hypnosis is not the same as its sensationalized version in the media, in which a hypnotist will snap his fingers and cause an individual to exhibit bizarre behavior.


in Piaget's theory, the stage (from about 2 to 6 or 7 years of age) during which a child learns to use language but does not yet comprehend the mental operations of concrete logic

Integrity vs Despair

if solved succsesfuly one will see happiness in his life, wisdom, assurance in the meaning of life, dignity, and the acceptance of the facts one life has been worth living and the readiness to face death. If not solved properly one will develop a sense of regret, bitterness and that his life was worthless and being fearfull of death.

Stage 2

improvement of health care, nutrition, sanitation, and wages cause death rates to drop, population booms

Stage 3

improvements in contraception, women's right's, and women's rights, families have fewer children

concrete operational

in Piaget's theory, the stage of cognitive development (from about 6 or 7 to 11 years of age) during which children gain the mental operations that enable them to think logically about concrete events

Variable-ratio (VR) schedules

in operant conditioning, a reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses

sleep apnea

inability to breathe during sleep

Functional fixedness

inability to consider how to use an object in a nontraditional manner

belief perseverence

inability to reject a particular belief despite clear evidence to the contrary. Together, confirmation bias, overconfidence, and ___ can seriously impede a person's analysis of available evidence


include drugs such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) The exact mechanism of most hallucinogens is unknown, but is thought to be a complex interaction between various neurotransmitters, especially serotonin. These drugs typically cause distortions of reality and fantasy, enhancement of sensory experiences, and introspection. Physiologic effects include increased heart rate and blood pressure, dilation of pupils, sweating, and increased body temperature.


include life events such as graduating from college.

misinformation effect

incorporating misleading information into one's memory of an event

depersonalization/derealization disorder

individuals feel detached from their own mind and body(___), or from their surroundings (___).

Reliance on Central Traits

individuals tend to organize the perception of others based on traits and personal characteristics of the target that are most relevant to the perceiver


influenced by experiences, motives, and emotional state

superior colliculus

inputs into the ___, which controls some REFLEX RESPONSES to visual stimuli and REFLEXIVE EYE MOVEMENTS.

Stanford-Binet IQ test

intelligence test based on the measure developed by Binet and Simon, adapted by Lewis Terman of Stanford University


internal states of tension that activate particular behaviors focused on a certain goal.

representativeness heuristic

involves categorizing items on the basis of whether they fit the prototypical, stereotypical, or representative image of the category


is a highly adapted sense in human beings. With the ability to sense brightness, color, shape, and movement, and then to integrate this information to create a cohesive three-dimensional model of the world, the visual pathways are extremely important to everyday life. In fact, ___ is the only sense to which an entire lobe of the brain is devoted: the OCCIPITAL lobe.


is a memory trick that involves taking individual elements of a large list and grouping them together into groups of elements with related meaning.

sensitive period

is a time when environmental input has maximal effect on the development of an ability. Most psychologists consider the sensitive period for language development to be before the onset of puberty.

Parkinson's disease

is characterized by bradykinesia (slowness in movement), resting tremor (a tremor that appears when muscles are not being used), pill-rolling tremor (flexing and extending the fingers while moving the thumb back and forth, as if rolling something in the fingers), masklike facies (a facial expression consisting of static and expressionless facial features, staring eyes, and a partially open mouth), cogwheel rigidity (muscle tension that intermittently halts movement as an examiner attempts to manipulate a limb), and a shuffling gait with stooped posture. A common but not characteristic symptom is depression. Dementia is also common in Parkinson's disease.

Drug addiction

is highly related to the mesolimbic reward pathway, one of four dopaminergic pathways in the brain

somatosensory cortex

is located on the PARIETAL LOBE at the POSTCENTRAL GYRUS, which is POSTERIOR to the CENTRAL SULCUS, and is involved in SOMATOSENSORY information processing. This projection area is the destination for all incoming SENSORY SIGNALS for touch, pressure, temperature, and pain. Despite certain differences, the ___ and MOTOR CORTEX are very closely related. In fact, they are so interrelated they sometimes are described as a single unit, the SENSORIMOTOR CORTEX.

Self efficacy

is our belief to succeed, can vary from activity to activity

Divided attention

is the ability to perform multiple tasks at the same time


is the tendency to focused only one aspect of a phenomenon or inability to understand the concept of conservation.

learning (behaviorist) theory,

language acquisition by operant conditioning. Very young babies are capable of distinguishing between phonemes of all human languages, but by six months of age, show a strong preference for phonemes in the language spoken by their parents.

latent learning

learning that occurs without a reward but that is spontaneously demonstrated once a reward is introduced


less sophisticated type of problem-solving in which various solutions are tried until one is found that seems to work


level of respect show to a person by others


lies right behind the iris and helps control the refraction of the incoming light.

Broca's area

located in the inferior frontal gyrus of the frontal lobe, controls the motor function of speech via connections with the motor cortex

Wernicke's area,

located in the superior temporal gyrus of the temporal lobe, is responsible for language comprehension


loss of memory that may take two forms; ANTEROGRADE ___ characterized by not being able to establish new long-term memories, and RETROGRADE ___, the opposite of ANTEROGRADE, refers to memory loss of events that transpired before BRAIN INJURY.


loss of muscle control while sleeping

Self-Discrepancy Theory

maintains that each of us has three different selves. our self-concept makes up our actual self, ideal self, and ought self


making judgements of other cultures based on your own cultures and experiences

general personality disorder cluster C

marked by behavior that is labeled as anxious or fearful by others; avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive

general personality disorder cluster B

marked by behavior that is labeled as dramatic, emotional, or erratic by others; antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic


matching one's attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to societal norms


material items that they make, possess, and value

Inclusive Fitness

measure of an organism's success in the population

Procedural Memory

memory for skills, including perceptual, motor, and cognitive skills required to complete tasks


more functional and only allow sensation of light and dark because they all contain a single pigment called RHODOPSIN; have low sensitivity to details and are not involved in color vision, but permit night vision.

cogwheel rigidity

muscle tension that intermittently halts movement as an examiner attempts to manipulate a limb and a shuffling gait with stooped posture

Distant Networks

networks that are looser and composed of weaker ties

Reticuluar Formation

neural structure locating in the brain stem to keep the cortex awake and alert

Retroactive interference

new information causes forgetting of old information

Law of similarity

objects that are similar tend to be grouped together


occur when attitudes and impressions are based on limited and superficial information.

Alpha waves

occur when we are awake but relaxing with our eyes closed, and are somewhat slower than beta waves

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

occurs after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, such as war, a home invasion, rape, or a natural disaster and consists of intrusion symptoms, avoidance symptoms, negative cognitive symptoms, and arousal symptoms; to meet the criteria of PTSD, a particular number of these symptoms must be present for at least one month. If the same symptoms last for less than one month (but more than three days), it may be called acute stress disorder.


occurs when a child is overindulged or overly frustrated during a stage of development


occurs when experiencing unpleasant stressors

Secondary Circular Reactions

occurs when manipulations is focused on something outside the body, such as repeated throwing toys from a high chair.


occurs when prejudicial attitudes cause individuals to be treated differently from others

Majority Influence

occurs when the beliefs held by the larger number of individuals in the current social group prevail

proactive interference

old information is interfering with new learning

Institutional Discrimination

one institution discriminates against an entire group


one's level of awareness of both the world and one's own existence within that world.

Social Movement

organized to promote or resist social change


originates from the coca plant, grown in the high-altitude regions of South America. Cocaine can be purified from these leaves or created synthetically. Cocaine also decreases reuptake of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, although by a different mechanism


parents and caregivers repeat and reinforce sounds that sound most like the language spoken by the parents. Thus, over time, the infant perceives that certain sounds have little value and are not reinforced, while other sounds have value and are reliably reinforced by parents and caregivers.

Gate theory of pain

pain sensation is reduced when other somatosensory signals are present

Social Structures

patterns of relationships that shape society: government law, business, family, education, labor


penalties used to maintain social order

Social Support

perception of reality that one is cared for by a social network.

Direct Benefits ( phenotypic )

providing material advantages, protection, or emotional support

Dispositional Attribution

person has an internal Locus of Control

Role Partner

person with whom one is interacting. I.E. Doctor interacts with Nurse

general personality disorder cluster A

personality disorders are all marked by behavior that is labeled as odd or eccentric by others; paranoid, schizotypal, and schizoid

Schizoid PD (Cluster A)

pervasive pattern of detachment

fundamental attributes

posits that we are generally biased toward making dispositional attributions rather than


predisposition to learn certain behaviors based on their own natural abilities and instincts


prejudice or discrimination on the basis of age


preliminary sensory processing station and routes to the cortex and the other appropriate areas of the brain.

Informational Support

provides information that will help someone


primarily refers to the leaves and flowers of two plant species: Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica. It has been the subject of many news reports in the last few years as many states move toward the legalization of marijuana for medical or recreational use.

Indirect Benefits

promoting better survival in any offspring

(Functional Attitudes Theory) Knowledge

provides consistency and stability, helps to organize thoughts and predict behavior


raping fluctuations in mental cognition (downward)


rational system of political organization, administration, discipline, and control.

electroencephalography (EEG)

records an average of the electrical patterns within different portions of the brain


reduce nervous system activity, resulting in a sense of relaxation and reduced anxiety

Visual Pathways

refer to both the physical anatomical connections between the eyes and the brain and the flow of visual information along these connections

Strong Ties

refer to peer groups and kinship contacts, which are small but powerful

Weak ties

refer to social connections that are superficial and not long lasting

Nonverbal Communiccation

refers to how people communicate, intentionally or unintentionally, without words. I.E. Facial expressions, tone of voice, gestures, body positions and movement


refers to how words are put together to form sentences

Ethnic Idenity

refers to one's ethnic group in which members typically share a common ancestry, cultural heritaag, and language

Symbolic thinking

refers to the ability to pretend, play make-believe, and have an imagination.


refers to the beneficial consequences of people's actions


refers to the dependence of language on context and preexisting knowledge. In other words, the manner in which we speak may differ depending on the audience and our relationship to that audience

Distinctiveness Cues

refers to the extent to which a person engages in similar behavior across a series of scenarios.


refers to the harmful results of people's actions


refers to the inability to imagine what another person may think or feel

Mortality Rates

refers to the number of deaths in a population per unit time


refers to the person about which the perception is made.


refers to the structure of words. Many words are composed of multiple building blocks called morphemes

Social interactionism

reflects in how we use symbols to interact with each other.


regulation of the internal environment to mention an optimal, stable set of conditions.

Fixed ratio (FR) schedules

reinforce behavior after a set number of responses

Consensus Cues

relate to the extent to which a person's behavior differs from others

corticotropin releasing factor

released from hypothalamus because of increasing light, causes release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

Prospective memory

remembering information about doing something in the future; includes memory for intentions

Primary Circular Reactions

repetition of body movement that originally occurred by chance such as sucking thumb.


replaced Barbiturates


retrieval error caused by the existence of other (usually similar) information

Law of proximity

says that elements close to one another tend to be perceived as a unit

Kinsey Scale

scale that rates people's sexual desires from exclusively heterosexual (0) to exclusively homosexual (6)

Inductive (bottom-up) reasoning

seeks to create a theory via generalizations. This type of reasoning starts with specific instances, and then draws a conclusion from them.

Mate Choice

selection of a mate based on attraction


serotonin-derived hormone from the pineal gland

Implicit Personality Memory

sets of assumptions about how different types of people, personality traits, and actions are related to each other

acute stress disorder

similar to PTSD, lasts more than three days but less than one month. If the same symptoms last for more than one month, it will be called PTSD.


simplified principles used to make decisions; they are colloquially called rules of thumb


slowness in movement

Deductive (top-down) reasoning

starts from a set of general rules and draws conclusions from the information given

Cognitive Neoassociation Model

states that people are more likely to respond to others aggressively whenever we are feeling negative emotions

duplexity or duplicity theory of vision

states that the RETINA contains two kinds of PHOTORECEPTORS, those specialized for light-and-dark detection, and those specialized for color detection.

Expectancy-Value Theory

states that the amount of motivation for a task is based on the individual's expectation of success and the amount that success is valued

Law of prägnaz

states that the simplest organization, requiring the least cognitive effort, will emerge as the figure. our perceptual system prefers to see a fully developed gestalt, such as a complete circle.

Whorfian hypothesis; linguistic relativity hypothesis

suggests that our perception of reality— the way we think about the world—is determined by the content of language

Symbolic Interactionism

studies of the way people interact through a shared understanding of words, symbols, and gestures.


study of the structure and function of each part of a society

Interaction process analysis

technique for observing, classifying, and measuring the interactions between small groups.

Group Polarization

tendency for groups to make decisions are more extreme than the individual

Mental Set

tendency to approach similar problems in the same way.


tendency to erroneously interpret one's decisions, knowledge, and beliefs as infallible

law of closure

the ___ says that when a space is enclosed by a contour it tends to be perceived as a complete figure. ___ also refers to the fact that certain figures tend to be perceived as more complete (or closed) than they really are.


the ability to act on perceptions that may not be supported by available evidence


the ability within the brain to constantly change both the structure and function of many cells in response to experience or trauma


the association of meaning with a word.


the burden or degree of illness associated with a given disease

Representational thought

the child has begun to create mental representations of external objects and events.


the donor benefits while the recipient is negatively impacted

Visual Encoding

the encoding of picture images

Acoustic Enconding

the encoding of sound

auditory nerve

the hair cells in the organ of Corti convert the physical stimulus into an electrical signal, which is carried to the central nervous system by the ___ (vestibulocochlear) .

Labeling Theory

the idea that deviance and conformity result not so much from what people do as from how others respond to those actions

Primacy Effect

the idea that first impressions are more often more important that subsequent impressions

Empathy-Altruism Hypothesis

the idea that when we feel empathy for a person, we will attempt to help that person for purely altruistic reasons, regardless of what we have to gain

sensory memory

the immediate, very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system, extremely short term memory. Consists of Iconic (visual), and Echoic (auditory)


the individual components of our self concept related to the groups we belong.


the individual perceives her behavior as correct, normal, or in harmony with her goals.


the individual sees the illness as something thrust upon her that is intrusive and bothersome


the loss of the ability to recognize objects, people, or sounds, though usually only one of the three. Agnosia is usually caused by physical damage to the brain, such as that caused by a stroke or a neurological disorder such as multiple sclerosis.

Primacy/ Recency Effect

the more accurate recall of items presented at the beginning of a series

adrenal cortex

the ourter part of the adrenal gland that secretes many hormones, including cortisone and aldosterone

Respect for Patient autonomy

the physician has a responsibility to respect the positions decisions and choices about their own healthcare.


the process of creating vivid but fabricated memories, typically thought to be an attempt made by the brain to fill in the gaps of missing memories.


the process of integrating the global economy with free trade and the tapping of foreign markets

Observational learning

the process of learning a new behavior or gaining information by watching others


the smallest units of sound used in a language


the subjective experience of a person in a certain situation.

Spacing Effect

the tendency for distributed study of practice to yield better long-term retention that is achieved through massed study or practice.

Risky Shift

the tendency for groups to make riskier decisions than individuals would


things which we attach meaning, but previously have none.

Recency Effect

the tendency to emphasize the most recent impression over earlier impressions when forming a perception

Confirmation bias

the tendency to focus on information that fits an individual's beliefs, while rejecting information that goes against them

object permanence

the understanding that objects continue to exist even when out of view. Infants find peek-a-boo so entertaing because they do not understand ___ as soon as a object is outside of there sight it is out of existance.

Hierarchy of Salience

the way diffrent acpects of our identity are organized from important to least important

Actual Selfs

the way we see ourselves currently

Ideal Self

the way we think that we should be

Cognitive arousal theory, or two-factor theory

theory of emotion in which both the physical arousal and the labeling of that arousal based on cues from the environment must occur before the emotion is experienced

Antisocial PD (Cluster B)

three times more common in males rather than females, Essential feature of the disorder is a disregard for and violation of the right of others.

Verbal Communication

transmission of information via the use of words, whether spoken, written, or signaled.


tricky and is highly dependent on the practitioner of meditation and his or her beliefs

Theories of Emotion

try to explain how the three components (physiological, behavioral, cognitive) are connected

Theories of Emotion

try to explain how the three components (physiological, behavioral, cognitive) are connected (James-Lange)


type of memory error where a specific recollected experience is incorrectly determined to be the source of a memory

Social mobility

typically the result of an economic and occupational structure that allows one to acquire higher-level employment opportunities given proper credentials and experience requirements

Neurocognitive models of dreaming

unify biological and psychological perspectives on dreaming by correlating the subjective, cognitive experience of dreaming with measurable physiological changes


used as anxiety-reducing (anxiolytic) and sleep medications


used for color vision and to sense fine details; ___ are most effective in bright light and come in three forms, which are named for the wavelengths of light they best absorb.

availability heuristic

used when we try to decide how likely something is

Cultural Relativism

view that morality is culturally determined and consequently there is no objective moral rule or law that is universally correct


was originally created as a substitute for morphine. However, once injected, the body rapidly metabolizes heroin to morphine. Usually smoked or injected, heroin was once the most widely abused opioid; however, this designation has shifted to prescription opioids like oxycodone and hydrocodone


we are attracted to be people who we are ___ to, example of this is attitudes, emotional, intelligence, education, height, age, race

Cannon-Barde theory of emotion

we react to a stimulus and experience the associated emotion at the same time

Cannon-Barde theory of emotion

we react to a stimulus and experience the associated emotion at the same time and then act consciously act "I see a snake, and my heart is raising, so I stomp the snake."


what a person deems importat in life, which dictates one's ethical principales and stadards of behavior

Law of closure

when a space is enclosed by a group of lines, it is perceived as a complete or closed line

Choice Shift

while the initial ideas of a group may not be that extreme but shift toward extreme through group discussion

depressive disorders

• Abnormally high glucose metabolism in the amygdala • Hippocampal atrophy after a long duration of illness • Abnormally high levels of glucocorticoids (cortisol) • Decreased norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine (monoamine theory of depression)

bipolar disorders

• Increased norepinephrine and serotonin (monoamine theory) • Higher risk if parent has bipolar disorder • Higher risk for persons with multiple sclerosis

Information processing model

• Thinking requires sensation, encoding, and storage of stimuli. • Stimuli must be analyzed by the brain (rather than responded to automatically) to be useful in decision-making. • Decisions made in one situation can be extrapolated and adjusted to help solve new problems (also called situational modification). • Problem-solving is dependent not only on the person's cognitive level but also on the context and complexity of the problem.

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