MD Hunter Safety

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What distance should bow shots be limited to?

40 yards or less

How do you make sure a bold action rifle is unloaded?

Action should be open and visually check the action

What does a choke do?

Affects the shot pattern

What does a crossbow shoot?


What arrowhead should be used for big game?


How can you show respect for other hunters?

By sharing your knowledge and skills with others

What is the word that describes the size of a rifle or handgun bore?


Name the four basic pars of rifle ammunition

Case, Primer, Powder, Projectile

What type of bow has a rifle type stock?


What limits the potential production of wildlife?


What is a safety harness?

Fall Arrest System

What should every hunter carry for emergencies?

First Aid Kit

What are the five essential elements that must be present for wildlife?

Food, Water, Cover, Space Arrangement

What does the rules of fair chase address?

How game may be taken

What is the #1 cause of outdoor fatalities (death)


What are the goals of hunter education?

Improve hunters skill and knowledge

How do we safely store a firearm

In a locked location away from ammunition

If you are shooting a muzzle loader and a hang-fire occurs, what should you do?

Keep the gun pointed in a safe direction for 30 seconds

What type of shotgun pellets are not allowed for water fowl?


the action of a firearm does what?

Loads, Fires and Ejects Cartridges

What should you do before every hunting trip?

Make a hunting plan of where you will be and when you will be home.

Before loading a gun, what must you check with the ammunition?

Match the information on the box to the ammunition and the ammunition to the gun.

Before you cross a fence with a firearm, what is the first thing you should do?

Point the firearm in a safe direction

How do you take a gun outof a gun safe?

Pointed in a safe direction and make sure it is unloaded

The Federal Aid and Restoration Act (Pitt-Robertson Act) pays for what?

Restoring and improving wildlife habitat and hunter education

What is inside a barrel that makes a bullet spin?


What are the four standard shooting positions?

Sitting, Prone, Standing, Kneeling

What does a responsible hunter do?

Teaches other and works with the Game Wardens

What distance should be used to pattern a shotgun?

The distance you expect to be from the game you are hunting

Three hunters are walking together. What is the safest carry?

The middle hunter should us Trail Carry

What happens when a 20 gauge shell is placed in a 12 gauge barrell?

The shell could lodge in the barrel and explode

Why can't you shoot endangered species?

These species are fully protected by law

Why are muzzle loaders called muzzle loaders?

They are loaded from the muzzle

Why should you know what your game looks like?

To avoid taking illegal game or non-game animals

Why do you need to know the firearm's maximum projectile range?

To determine the distance for the firearm's projectile could cause injury or damage to persons, animals or objects. Knowing the maximum range will help to assess the "effective killing range" for a clean kill.

Why do hunters wear blaze orange?

To make you more visible to other hunters

What is the goal of wildlife conseration?

To use and manage renewable resources wisely

Hunting is an effective wildlife tool


What should you do before haul lining a gun into an elevated stand?

Unload the firearm and open the action

Where should you shoot a game animal for a quick, clean kill?

Vital organs

What is the major disadvantage of hunting from an elevated stand?

You could fall

What is the area that a hunter can safely shoot called?

Zone of Fire

Why is good marksmanship critical?

a clean, quick kill

The safety on a firearm is...

a mechanical device that can fail

What spoils meat?

heat, moisture, dirt

Which way do you move the rear sight when sighting in a rifle?

move it in the direction you want it to move on the target

What is the first step in cleaning a firearm?

point the muzzle in a safe direction

Following game laws and regulations is a form o f what for the sport?


Why do landowners most often complain about hunters?

they do not ask permission to hunt the landowner's property

What type of carry offers the most control?

two handed carry

Every time you get in an elevated stand, you should...

wear a harness

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