Med Term-Complete Book

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How you see

Cornea, anterior chamber/aqueous humor, pupil, lens, vitreous humor, retina, optic nerve fibers, optic chiasm, thalamus, cerebral cortex

semen analysis

Cornerstone of testing for male infertility problems Provides important information about the quality and quantity of the sperm Analyzed for volume, viscosity (thickness), pH and color of the ejaculate, sperm concentration, motility, morphology, and forward progression of the sperm The sample is also examined for the presence of WBC's and/ or RBC's 20 million/mL sperm in semen are usually sterile

Diabetes Insipidus

Defective regulation of water balance secondary to decreased secretion of, or failure of response to vasopressin Signs and symptoms: Thirst, polydipsia, polyuria, nocturia, dehydration, headache, visual disturbances Causes: Tumors, infections, or vascular disorders Treatment: DDAVP


Deficiency of parathyroid hormone (PTH) Manifested as hypocalcemia producing neuromuscular symptoms ranging from paresthesias to tetany (constant muscle contraction) Common after thyroid surgery when the parathyroid is damaged during the procedure

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

Depression occurring during winter months

Blood pressure

Determined by the amount of blood pumped by the heart, and the size and condition of the arteries. Many other factors can affect blood pressure, including volume of water in the body, salt content of the body, condition of the kidneys, nervous system, or blood vessels; and levels of various hormones in the body

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Development of symptoms following an exposure to a traumatic event (in it, or witnessed it) Symptoms: Intense fear, flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety Causes clinically significant distress or impairment in the individual's social interactions, capacity to work or other important areas of functioning

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)

Device inserted up the urethra via the penis Removal of the excess prostate capsule material that has been restricting urine flow this process treats BPH

Cerebrospinal fluid analysis

Fluid is removed via a lumbar puncture Used to examine the spinal fluid because: Evaluate for diagnosis for major diseases Meningitis Subarachnoid hemorrhage CNS malignancy Autoimmune disease and multiple sclerosis Determine CSF pressure To introduce anesthetics Measures protein, glucose, RBC, WBC, and other chemical contents


Fluid is withdrawn by suction from a cavity or a sac with a needle Often called fine needle aspiration Used to aspirate a cyst in patients with breast disease Used to aspirate the contents of the uterus

Hyperopia (Hypermetropia)

Farsightedness (see things clear far away) Short eyeball or refractive power of lens is too weak Light focuses behind the retina

pyelonephritis symptoms

Fever (above 38.5), chills Unilateral vs. bilateral pain in the lumbar flank area Malaise, myalgia Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Frequency, urgency, suprapubic discomfort Can range from no physical findings to septic shock

Endocarditis symptoms

Fever, night sweats, anorexia,(begins with flu like symptoms), new onset heart murmur, chest pain, SOB, cough

rales (crackles)

Fine crackling sound when there is fluid in alveoli in pneumonia, bronchectasis, or acute bronchitis


Fluctuating course of altered state of awareness and consciousness May be accompanied by hallucinations, illusions, delusions, emotional lability, paranoia, alteration in the sleep cycle, psychomotor changes; may be reversible if treat underlying condition Meds increase this Aggressive, angry Commonly found in hospitalized patients >65 Clinical diagnosis via mental status exam and observation May be related to external toxin, medication side effect, metabolic abnormality, CNS abnormality, change in patient's usual routine, or medication side effect High risk groups include elderly patients with medical illnesses (CHF, UTI, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, malnutrition, dehydration, strokes),post CABG, brain damage, burn patients, HIV +


Fluid filled Encapsulated In dermis or subcutaneous layer Example: Sebaceous cyst Often appear like papules or nodules encapsulated, fluid-filled cavity in dermis or subcutaneous layer that tensely elevates skin (sebaceous cyst) -often appear like papules or nodules (can puncture them to examine their contents are sometimes done)


Fluid-filled cyst arising from the joint capsule or a tendon Most commonly in the wrist Unknown etiology Common at sites of trauma Don't hit with a Bible, surgically remove it please! (if you drain them it will just fill back up)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Focus on how the person who is experiencing difficulty is thinking, behaving, and communicating today (rather than early childhood experiences)

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Follicular lymphoma and large cell lymphoma Primarily B cell lymphomas (fever, weight loss, night sweats) Chemotherapy and radiation therapy used for treatment/cure

estrogen receptor (breast cancer receptor protein)

+ means tumor will respond to hormonal therapy Medication that blocks ER (Tamoxifen) so that we know the tumor won't grow Medication that block production of estrogen by inhibiting enzyme aromatase (Arimidex and Femara)


- is a large site of staphylococcus infection containing purulent matter in deep, interconnecting subcutaneous pockets -pus eventually discharges to the skin surfaces through opening -common sites form carbuncles are the back of the neck and the buttocks

Pituitary Gland

Anterior lobe: adenohypophysis Growth hormone Thyroid stimulating hormone Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Gonadotropic hormones (FSH, LH) Prolactin Posterior lobe: neurohypophysis Antidiuretic hormone (ADH, vasopressin) Oxytocin (OT)

Conductive Deafness

Anything on the outside, stopping the conduction of sound Impairment of middle ear ossicles and membranes responsible for transmitting sounds

how the kidneys filter

Aorta →renal arteries →arterioles Glomeruli filter and prevent proteins and blood cells from being excreted in urine Renal tubule: Most of water, sugar, and Na are reabsorbed and enter the bloodstream Collecting tubule: Contains urine (water urea, creatinine, salt, acids, and medications renal pelvis --> ureter --> urinary bladder -> urethra

Hormonal Agents

Class of chemicals made by endocrine glands in the body

Pulmonary fibrosis causes

Idiopathic Pneumonia, tuberculosis, pneumoconiosis Inhaled environmental and occupational pollutants Systemic Diseases such as Scleroderma, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus and Sarcoidosis Certain medications Therapeutic radiation (breast cancer)


Images of the urinary tract after contract injected


Itching Arises as result of stimulation of nerves in the skin by substances released in allegrgic rxs or by irritation caused by substances in blood/foreign bodies

genital herpes symptoms

Itching or burning feeling in the genital or anal area Pain in the legs, buttocks, or genital area Discharge of fluid from the vagina Feeling of pressure in the abdomen Within a few days, sores appear near where the virus has entered the body Small read bumps appear fist, develop into fluid filled blisters, and then become painful open sores Over several days, the sores become crusty and then heal without leaving a scar Some other symptoms that may go with the first outbreak are fever, headache, muscle aches, painful or difficult urination, vaginal discharge, and swollen lymph nodes in the groin area doesn't cause a scar because superficial, but extremely painful (often the worst infection is the first one). can take medicine as needed to reduce the pain, but doesn't cure anything (can be on meds every day or as needed) not going to kill you, just an inconvenience

Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)

Individual cell size is the best index for classifying anemias This index expresses the volume occupied by a single erythrocyte and is a measure in cubic micrometers The MCV indicates whether the RBC size appears normal (normocytic), smaller than normal (microcytic), or larger than normal (macrocytic)

endometrial cancer risk factors

Irregular menses Late menopause Obesity Diabetes mellitus Hypertension Infertility Prolonged unopposed exogenous estrogen (just estrogen given by itself) Polycystic ovarian disease


Large, soft, fleshy tumors Thryoid and breast tumors


Larger than 0.5 cm Thin walled Usually single-chambered unilocular (uno cavity) Ruptures easily Filled with serous fluid Example: Friction blister, 2nd degree burns, contact dermatitis


Larger than a few centimeters Firm or soft Deeper into dermis Benign or malignant Example: Lipoma, hemangioma





Pap smear process

Papanicolaou smear Speculum introduced into vagina to hold apart vaginal walls Excess secretion is wiped away Ayers' spatula used to take a sample from the ectocervix Cytobrush used to take sample from endocervical canal Sent to lab for analysis


Papules coalesce Wider than 0.5 cm Disc shaped lesion Examples: Psoriasis, lichen planus


Used high freq inaudible sound waves that bounce off body tisssues and are then recorded to give info about the anatomy of an internal organ Transducer/Probe placed near or on the skin Produces a sonogram Used by lots of different types of specialties Adv: do not damage the tissues bc not ionizing Doppler ultrasound and color flow imaging allow blood flow velocity to be recorded

breast MRI

Useful in younger women with dense breasts and the xray doesn't penetrate well (uses magnetic waves) can tell the difference between a cystic and solid mass Often ordered in patients with breast cancer as follow-up Also ordered in patients who are BRCA1/2 positive

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Uses magnetic fields and radiowaves rather than xrays H+ protons aligns and synchronized by placing the body in a strong magnetic field Performed with and w/o contrast (most commonly used contrast is Gadolinium

Varicose Veins

When the valves of the veins fail and the blood pools down Elongated, dilated, tortuous superficial veins with congenitally absent valves, or valves that have become incompetent Affects legs where reverse flow occurs when dependent 20% of all adults Female>male 5:1 Genetic component Sometimes asymptomatic, dull ache, leg cramps, dilation, tortuosity of superficial veins , edema of the effected limb, pain if ulcer develops, occurs more often during/after pregnancy Worsened by standing Trtmt: none because no risk (bc superficial), or they will go in and remove the vein


Where all the psych diagnoses come from

Conditions that cause murmurs

Velocity of blood increases (flow murmur) Viscosity of blood decreases Structural defects in the valves or unusual opening occur in chambers


stop, control


stopping, controlling




straight, upright








structure of the bone is becoming weaker (not softer)

Ciliary body

structure surrounding the lens contains muscles that control the shape of the lens and secretes aqueous humor


study of


study of blood


study of care and treatment of newborn


study of the female reproductive organs


study prior to rad ther uing CT scan or MRI



-in, -ine



substance kidneys secrete to make RBC


substance that forms (a hormone)


substance that the body recognizes as foreign evokes and immune response


substances that absorb most of crays they are exposed to and allow only a small fraction of xrays to reach the xray plaque (bones)

Alopecia Aerata

sudden appearance of a sharply circumscribed, round or oval balding patch, usually with smooth, of, hairless skin underneath autoimmune disease (no scarring, inflammation with loss of hair)

Pleurisy symptoms

sudden, stabbing chest pain, increased by deep breathing or sneezing, rapid or shallow breathing, respiratory excursion diminished on affected side, decreased breath sounds, pleural friction rub

gluc/o, glyc/o





sugar in urine

solar lentigo

sun spots


superficial blood vessels

cancer treatment

surgery radiation therapy chemother biological ther

Punch Biopsy

surgical instrument removes a core of tissue obtained by rotation of its sharp, circular edge


surgical removal of breast


surgical repair


surgical repair of the ear drum


surgical repair of the nose

renal transplantation

surgical transfer of kidney from a donor to recipient Option for patients with end-stage renal disease Living, related donors are best (siblings or parents), especially when HLA similar, but cadaveric kidneys are more common because of availability A transplanted kidney is placed in the iliac fossa (for easy biopsy access in case of a problem as well as for technical reasons) Usually the recipient's kidneys are left in place to reduce morbidity






swayback curvature of the lower back seen in preggo women






swelling caused by fluid in tissue spaces


swelling of lymph nodes

otitis externa

swimmers ear water and inflammation in the outer part of the ear




symptoms produced by the mind



blood pressure

systolic pressure/diastolic pressure


tapping on surface to determine density of underlying structure tapping a solid organ produces a dull sound without resonance, while over an air filled structure is a resonant hollow note.

Tinel's sign

tapping over the median nerve, it should reproduce their symptoms




tawny yellow


back, backward, again







direct innoculation

bacteria goes right into the joint trauma, surgery




bad feeling

parasympathetic nerve

balance sympathetic stimulation lower HR and BP, stimulate intestinal contractions


ball of twine (kidney)


bartholin gland




bearing, bringing forth

bronch/o, bronchi/o

bronchial tube





aur/o, auricul/o, ot/o



ear condition


eardrum, timpanic membrane

myring/o, tympan/o

eardrum, tympanic membrane


eat, swallow


eat, swallow




edema everywhere

Depression secondary to substance abuse

ex: alcohol dependence Reserpine Corticosteroids Oral contraceptives Methyldopa (for parkinsons) Digitalis (HR) Beta blockers (BP) Sedatives


how to identify hydrocele take a pen light and put it on the skin hydrocele will allow the light to pass through (if it was a solid structure you wouldn't see anything)

electronic fetal monitoring (EFM)

type of fetal monitoring out something around the abdomen of the mom ultrasound device used during labor and birth, or during certain testing, to record the baby's heart rate, and mother's contractions

T cell

lymphocyte that acts directly on antigen to attack/destroy them or produce chemicals such as interleukins and interferons that are toxic to antigens; originate in thymus gland

helper T cell

lymphocyte that aids B cells and stimulates T cells (CD4)

cytotoxic T cells

lymphocyte that directly kills antigen

suppressor T cell

lymphocyte that inhibits activity of B and T cells

B cell

lymphocyte that matures into a plasma cell to secrete antibodies originate in bone marrow

plasma cell

lymphocyte that secretes antibodies

total bilirubin

made of direct and indirect bilirubin


made of sperm and fluid

amylase and lipase

main digestive enzymes produced in pancreas elevated with pancreatitis

myringotomy tube

making an incision into eardrum and inserting tube


making an incision into the iris




male hormone


malignant brain tumor

rhabdomyal sarcoma

malignant tumor of the skeletal muscle


resembling squamous epithelial cells (thin, plate like) often occuring in respiratory tract


type of fetal monitoring special type of stethoscope used for listening to a baby


measure of exhaled carbon dioxide done after intubation


measure of the oxygen into the blood

protein marker tests

measure the level of proteins in the blood or on the surface of tumor cells






medical doctor able to prescribe meds oversees diagnosis and trmt of psychiatric pts

endometriosis treatment

medical or surgical birth control to try and regulate hormones Might go in and remove tissue


medication that breaks down anxiety


medicines that can cause severe birth defects

mening/o, meningi/o

membranes, meninges


menses, menstruation


normal adjustment of the eye to focus from far to near


normal scar left by healed wound


normal thyroid function





air pathway

nose, nasal cavities and aranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, lung capillaries (bloodstream)

kary/o, nucle/o



pts express their feelings by acting out family and social roles along with other pt actors on a stage Ask the audience to make comments on stage

Group therapy

pts with similar problems hgain insight into their own personalities through discussions and interactions with each other



transposition of the great arteries (TGA)

pulmonary artery arises from left ventricle and the aorta from the right ventricle causes cyanosis and hypoxia surgical correction involved arterial switch procedure (pulmonary artery and aorta are reconnected in their proper positions) Can have flares of CHF trmt- medication to treat underlying conditions





cor/o, pupill/o







pus yellow


pus in the urine



Phalen's signs

put the back of the hands together and down for a minute and it will reproduce their symptoms


putting sugar molecules together


putting the testes in place





Radioresistant tumor

reqs large doses of rad to produce death of cells



proton therapy

small subatomic positively charged particles produced by a cyclotron deposit all the absorbed dose at a focused finite point This reduced the dose affecting normal surrounding tissues by at least 50%


smaller, less




smells bad

CHF risk factors

smokers hypertension coronary artery disease diabetes

Iodine compounds

used in up to 50% concentration in angiography, cholangiography, DSA, hysterosalpingography, myelography, pyelography Can have side effects: flushing, nausea, warmth to airway spasm, hives, laryngeal edema, vasodilation, tachycardia

gamma camera

used to determine the distribution and localization of the radiopharmaceutical in various organs, tissues, and fluids

debulking procedure

used to remove as much of the primary tumor mass as possible, even if attached to a vital organ and cannot be completely removed


used to treat hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer


uses artificial kidney machine that receives waste filled blood from the pts bloodstream, filters it through an artificial porous membrane and returns the dialyzed blood to the pts body arteriovenous fistula created surgically to create easy access for the hemodialysis

episi/o, vulv/o



wasting away




water, fluid


watery flow




flat plate




flight from customary surroundings; dissociative disorder try to escape




flow, discharge


inner lining of the heart


no, not, none


no, not, without

Asthma treatment

Short acting bronchodilator: Albuterol Inhaled Corticosteroids Long acting bronchodilators

cell mediated immunity

T cells that respond to antigens and destroy them a type of adaptive immunity



temporal lobe

hearing, understanding speech, language





cardi/o, coron/o


normal sinus rhythm (NSR)

heart beat originating in the sinoatrial node in pts at rest of 60-100 bpm

how to determin apgar score

heart rate: absent 0, less than 100 1, more than 100 2 muscle tone: limp 0, some flexion 1, active motion 2 resp effort: absent 0, slow irreg 1, good cry 2 reflex activity: no response 10, grimace 1, cough sneeze cry 2 color: blue pale 0, body pink ext blue 1, completely pink 2


heat, burn

ACE inhibitors

helps to decrease protein urea




herniation of meninges


hiccup; involuntary contraction of diaphragm and rapid closure of glottis




high BP edema protein in urine

secondary hypertension

high BP caused by abnormal condition (like glomerulonephritis)

Secondary Hypertension

high blood pressure caused by another disorder.


high pitched whistling sounds pts with asthma experience this when bronchi narrow and tighten


higher in allergic response eosinophils



human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

hormone produces by placenta can measure this (by urine or blood) to see if you are preggo can be qualitative (pregnant or not-urine) or quantitative (actual number-blood-can tell us how long in the pregnancy you are and if things are normal early on cause the number should double every 48 hours)


hormone that stimulates rapid birth




how many times they've been pregnant (-gravida) , how many times they've given birth (-parous)


if substance permits passage of most xrays (lungs, appear black)




pertaining to the destruction of


pertaining to the mind


pertaining to the stomach


pertaining to the testes




pharynx, throat


pregnancy and childbirth


prevent clotting of blood Heparin, warfarin

cherry angioma

red spots in skin typically in elderly patients


red, dawn, rosey

erythem/o, erythemat/o



repeated sound


repeating one's own word


repeating the last words of someone else




increase in eosinophils in blood (WBCs)


sebum (oily)


increase risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer


increased appetite, assoc with diabetes

foley catheter

indwelling catheter (left in the bladder) held in place by a balloon inflated with liquir




infection in the lungs

otitis media

infection in the middle part of the ear




inflammation of breast often an infection in nursing women


inflammation of bronchial tube


inflammation of bronchiole more common in infants


inflammation of epididymis

glomerular nephritis

inflammation of glomerulus and kidney


inflammation of iris


inflammation of tear duct


inflammation of the brain


inflammation of the eye


inflammation of the meninges


inflammation of the pancreas


inflammation of the pleura


inflammation of the vessel


inflammation of tip of penis

VQ scan process

inhale radioactive isotope watch how it gets into blood stream if mismatch, there is a chance of embolus


inhibits bact

*apgar score*

initial evaluation of the newborn at 1 and 5 minutes after birth Designed as a quick assessment of the newborn to determine the need for resuscitation Appearance (color-pink or blue?), Pulse (heart rate), Grimace (response to catheter in nostril), Activity (muscle tone), Respiration (respiratory effort). want to get a score of ten, or at least above 7




secrete within


type of fetal monitoring handheld ultrasound device that transmits the sounds of the baby's heart rate




vomiting blood (from the GI)



sympathetic nerve

stimulate body in times of crisis increase HR and BP, dilate airways, slow digestion


stimulating in the function


to seize hold of


to shine


to stop


to turn




too much protein in the blood because not enough in the urine


tool that you can use to listen to chest (heart and lungs)


total abdominal hysterectomy- bilateral salphing oophorectomy




toxic thyroid


trachea, windpipe


"Conjugated bilirubin" protein bound Indicates liver disease or biliary tract obstruction


"Lung collapse" Incomplete expansion of alveoli Small atelectasis often asymptomatic Large atelectasis - tachypnea, cough, hypoxia, dull to percussion (bc dense), decreased chest expansion (ability of chest to rise during inspiration) Common to occur after surgery (Common cause of post-op fever, Incentive spirometry) Increase risk of pneumonia

Parkinson's Disease

"Paralysis Agitans" A chronic, degenerative disease of *basal ganglia*, characterized by a fine, slowly spreading tremor; muscular weakness and rigidity; and a shuffling, wide-based gait with postural instability Usually older (60s) when diagnosed Causes: Unknown, associated dopamine depletion, exposure to toxins No cure


"Unconjugated bilirubin" Circulates freely in the blood until it reaches the liver, where it is conjugated with glucuronide and then excreted into the bile Indicates hemolysis

pleural rub

"friction rub" scratchy sound caused by pleural surfaces rubbing against each other from inflammation, infection, scarring, or neoplastic cells

cryptorchism, cryptorchidism

"hidden flower" The failure of the testis to descend from its intra-abdominal location into the scrotum Physical exam reveals a nonpalpable testis in the scrotum Etiology unknown 1/3rd of patients will be bilateral (70% risk of infertility), majority unilateral (40% risk of infertility) Ultrasound in the most frequent imaging study used for evaluating the testis Orchiopexy is the treatment of choice and usually is performed in patients age 2-10 years Cryptorchid testis is *20-50* times more likely to become malignant Orchiopexy does not alter the risk of malignant transformation The incidence of cancer is also increased in the unaffected testis


(2)-typically by right and left, but sometimes can't use both legs (depends where the lesion is)

Cluster B

(Bad) Borderline personality Antisocial Personality Narcissistic Histrionic


(Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) Examination that can provide a close view of the gall bladder drainage system and the pancreas Uses a camera on a lengthy tube that is placed down the patient's throat By injecting contrast dye through the same tube, the physician can generate special x-ray picture that show the drainage system of these organs more thoroughly (contrast through the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum into bile ducts) For some problems (such as gallstones or scarring in the "bile duct" that drains the gallbladder), the physician can use tiny instruments on the end of the tube to correct the blockage


(kidney stones) "renal calculi" Condition related to the presence of stones in the urinary tract Calcium salts or uric acid Stones form in the proximal tract and migrate distally, commonly lodging at points along the ureter (or bladder) Higher incidence in the "stone belt" = southeastern USA Male>female (3-4:1)


(mature onset diabetes in youth) is more common with the increasing obesity in children

Cluster A Personality Disorders

(more angry) Schizoid, Schizotypal, Paranoid

Acne Vulgaris

(vulgaris means ordinary) buildup of sebum and keratin in pores of skin Blackhead/open comedo is a sebum plug partially blocking a pore If the pore becomes completely blocked, whitehead (closed comedo) forms Bacteria in skin breaks down the sebum, producing inflammation in the surrounding tissue

Chlamydial infection

*1 bacterial STI in United States* Particularly common among teens and young adults PID which can be caused by chlamydia, is a leading cause of infertility Chlamydia is known as the "silent epidemic" because ¾ of the women and 1/3 of the men with the disease have no symptoms Possible symptoms include discharge from the penis or vagina and a burning sensation when urinating Additional symptoms for women include lower abdominal pain or dyspareunia and bleeding between menstrual period (metrorrhagia) Men may experience burning and itching around the opening of the penis and/or pain and swelling in the testicles

Reynaud Phenomenom

*Bilateral*ly occurring vasospastic disorder Intermittent attacks of extreme pallor, then cyanosis brought on by cold exposure. With warming, vasodilatation and intense redness develops, followed by swelling, throbbing, paresthesias Resolves with warming May accompany emotional upset Thumbs rarely involved Female>male 4:1 Once the spasm releases the blood supply is restored and everything is fine Now use Raynaud phenomenon primary vs secondary (to another disease, typically autoimmune) instead of disease This is uncomfortable, but not a severe pain (what would come with an occlusive disease)

Emphysema causes

*Cigarette smoking* is the most important cause (includes second-hand smoke) Other causes: genetic predisposition, environmental pollution, occupational exposure, allergy, infections


*Hives* Acute allergic reaction in which red, round, wheals develop on the skin Associated with itching and swelling Reaction to food or meds Histimine is released into the bloodstream *Angioedema*: swelling around the face, lips, and airway (assoc with ACEI's)

polycystic kidneys

*Inherited* disorder characterized by the development and growth of cysts in the kidneys -Hundreds of cysts (fluid filled sacs) -In the cortex and medulla of the kidney -Accounts for 5-10% of patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) Hereditary (1:400-1:1000) Two types: -Asymptomatic until adulthood (3rd and 4th decade) -Presents as acute renal failure in infants and children half will progress to total renal failure

Iron Deficiency Anemia

*The most common cause of anemia* Hypochromic, microcytic anemia Anisocytosis (different sizes) Caused by an underlying condition The most common type of anemia worldwide Not age related

Basal Cell Carcinoma

*Most common form of skin cancer*, which arises from the basal cells of the epidermis and its appendages Also known as a *rodent ulcer* Occurs mostly on sun-exposed area, particularly on the upper lip, ear lobes, and hairline regions There is a genetic predisposition in individuals with light skin Metastasis is rare The characteristic lesion is a shiny, slow-growing papule with a pearly border (irradescent) with telangiectasia and a central ulcer

Thyroid Carcinoma

*Papillary carcinoma - most common variety* 60-70% of thyroid tumors May be associated with radiation exposure Good prognosis Follicular carcinoma 10-20% of thyroid tumors Usually occurs in females over 40 years of age Little more aggressive than papillary Anaplastic carcinoma Undifferentiated, aggressive, very poor prognosis. *Almost always fatal. * Other types are much less common Symptoms: Painless, hard, fixed neck mass, hoarseness, dysphagia, cervical lymphadenopathy, dyspnea


*Reversible* airway disease caused by hyperresponsiveness of alveoli to a variety of stimuli The airway is obstructed by inflammation of the airway mucosa, increased mucus production, and eosinophilic infiltration and edema (airway only obstructed when having an acute attack) Different classifications of asthma based on severity and frequency of symptoms Mild intermittent to a Severe persistent "All wheezes are not asthma, and all asthmatics do not wheeze"

Hodgkin Lymphoma symptoms

*painless* localized lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, pyrexia, weakness, weight loss, and anorexia

Chronic Bronchitis risk factors

*smoking* environmental pollutants/fumes


1 year of unprotected intercourse without getting pregnant

Characteristics of xrays

1. ability to cause exposure of photographic plate 2. ability to penetrate different substances to varying degrees 3. Invisibility 4. Travel in straight lines 5. Scattering of xrays (occufs when come into contact with any material. greater with dense objects) 6. Ionization (Can help kill cancerous cells and stop tumor growth, but can lead to malignant changes)

Parathyroid gland

4 oval bodies on posterior aspect of thyroid Secretes parathyroid hormone (Mobilizes calcium from bones into bloodstream)

CVA risk factors

7th or 8th decade of life HTN, cardiac arrhythmia DM Hypercoagulable, history of smoking Family history of CVA obesity substance abuse high cholesterol

Cells of blood

45% blood erythrocytes leukocytes thrombocytes

Plasma of blood

55% blood made of water, sugar, proteins, salts, hormones, lipids, and vitamins

Non-small cell lung cancer

87% of lung cancer (*majority*) Includes squamous, large cell, and adenocarcinoma Poor response to chemotherapy Treated with surgery if early stage Prognosis varies with stage More commonly in the periphery rather than in the middle of the chest

Syndrome of inappropriate ADH (SIADH)

A form of hyponatremia with inappropriately elevated urine osmolality and no discernible stimulus for ADH release Total body water is usually increased Hyponatremia, hypoosmolality, and a urine osmolality above 100 mosmol/kg Causes: Tumor, drug reaction, and head injury Treatment with dietary water restriction

Personality Disorders

A group of disorders that manifest as maladaptive, rigid, and damaging to personal, work, and interpersonal relationships Group of traits that summarize how a person behaves A disorder might occur as a response to stress or as a way of dealing with other people The various personality disorders are classified as belonging to Cluster A, B, or C You can have more than one of these

Bone Scan

A *nuclear* scanning test that identifies new areas of bone growth or breakdown. It can be done to evaluate damage to the bones, detect cancer that has spread (metastasized) to the bones, and monitor conditions that can affect the bones (including infection and trauma). A bone scan can often detect a problem days to months earlier than a regular X-ray test.


A hereditary condition that results in boney overgrowth of the stapes bone As the overgrowth develops, the stapes can no longer function as a piston, but rather rocks back and forth and eventually becomes totally fixated Results in conductive hearing loss

ABCDEs for melanoma

A - for asymmetry B - for irregular borders C - for color variation (especially blue or black) D - for diameter larger than 6mm E - for elevation/changing


A benign tumor arising from arachnoid cells Usually asymptomatic but can cause symptoms by compression Usually it does not produce bone erosion Signs and symptoms Hemiparesis, Seizures Headache Sphincter disorder Diagnosis by CT or MRI

hemorrhagic stroke

A blood vessel breaks and bleeding occurs this type of stroke can be fatal and results from advancing age, atherosclerosis, and High BP in small hemorrhages, the body absorbs the blood and repairs itself with minimal disability in younger pts, cerebral hemorrhage usually is caused by mechanical injury assoc with skull fracture or rupture of arterial aneurysm

Alzheimer's disease (AD)

A chronic, progressive disorder that accounts for > 50% of all cases of dementia (slow mental decline of cognitive function) Usually in persons >65 years of age (before the age of 65 is early onset alzheimers and tends to be more progressive) Progressive impairment of intellectual function that may compromise language and memory, visuospatial skill, behavior and personality, and cognition (e.g. calculation, abstraction, judgment) Cause unknown No specific test to diagnose it Autopsy reveals *senile plaques* and *neurofibrillary tangles* with *amyloid deposits* -atrophy of the cerebral cortex and widening of cerebral sulci (esp in the frontal and temporal regions)

Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)

A chronic, recurrent, pruritic inflammatory skin disorder, mostly associated with a family or personal history of allergies Causes : Unknown Treatment : Creams, avoidance of offending organisms


A collection of serous fluid that results from a defect or irritation in the tunica vaginalis of the scrotum (patient process vaginalis) Hydrocele also may arise in the spermatic cord In extremes of ages Most are congenital and are noted in children age 1-2 years of age Adult hydroceles are usually late-onset (secondary) May present acutely from local injury, infections, and radiation Usually in men older than 40 years Bilateral in 7-10% of cases, so mostly unilateral often idiopathic, can be differentiated from testicular masses by ultrasound imaging if does not resolve on its own, the sac fluid is aspirated using a needle and syringe, or hydocelectomy (sac is surgically removed through incision in scrotum)


A combination of mild depression and hypomania, lasting for 2 years, resolving, and recurring (depressed mood does not meet requirements for MDD)

Atrial septal defect (ASD)

A defect or opening in the atrial septum allowing flow of blood between the two chambers. small holes in the wall between the atria Shunting is typically left to right Childhood symptoms usually minimal - can include failure to thrive and frequent pulmonary infections Adult symptoms - easy fatigability, DOE, heart failure Typically not a life threatening condition Surgical repair delayed until preschool age (2-4) Females>males -in 25% of individuals, the foramen ovale does not close completely -when the opening is small, it is of little significance -occasionally the opening is large and results in oxygenated blood from the left atrium passing into the right atrium -causes enlargement of the right atrium and ventricle and dilation of the pulmonary trunk -systolic ejection murmur, best heard over pulmonic area -systolic thrill -wide split S2

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Lou Gehrig's Disease

A degenerative disease which affects the upper and lower motor neurons, but it does not affect cognition The pt knows exactly what's going on, and they have no control of what's going on in their body Starts off with the bigger muscles, but it will eventually affect the little ones Typically presents in the 30s and 40s No cure for it Chronic and progressive (about 5-10 years)


A disease resulting from infection primarily of the valvular endocardium and occasionally the mural endocardium Produces lesions called vegetations that break off into the bloodstream as emboli which can lodge in other vessels leadign to a TIA, stroke, Look for this in an echocardiogram (transthorasic (TTE) or transesophageal (TEE) (across esophagus- clearer picture) Treat with IV antibiotics (usually 6 weeks) Often need to get a valve replacement

Myasthenia Gravis

A disorder of the neuromuscular junction resulting in a pure motor syndrome characterized by weakness and fatigue particularly of the extra ocular, pharyngeal, facial, cervical, proximal limb and respiratory musculature. Strictly motor! Progressive fatigue (improve with rest) Autoimmune d/o: antibodies block the ability of acetylcholine to transmit neural impulse from nerve to muscle cell. Incidence in females peaks in the 3rd decades, and in males in the 5th decade

Multiple Myeloma

A malignant proliferation of plasma cells in the bone marrow Tumor composed of plasma cells High levels of a specific immunoglobulin (monoclonal band) Notably not in the lymph nodes 70% of patients will have bone pain Identified on plain radiographs Disease stage influences survival Most commonly IgG Usually in older pts

Aneurysm (Aortic)

A permanent localized dilatation of the abdominal aorta having at least 50% increase in diameter compared to the expected diameter of the artery The majority are asymptomatic Often caused by atherosclerosis and hypertension or a congenital weakness in the vessel wall Some present with rupture, others with embolism or thrombosis The management and indications for surgery is dictated by the natural history of the aneurysm, the type and the size Male>female 4:1 *smoking is a huge risk factor*

carcinoma of the breast

A positive family history is the single greatest risk factor for breast cancer Women with one first-degree relative (mother or sister) with breast cancer have a 2-fold increased risk of developing breast cancer However, only 20% of women with breast cancer have even a remote family history of breast cancer *Invasive ductal carcinoma* is the most common type (Lobular and medullary carcinoma are other types) 1/3rd of breast cancers arise in women under the age of 50 (typically the younger they present, the more aggressive they are) Important to consider BRCA1/2 testing (genetic test)


A procedure in which a needle is inserted into a joint in order to remove fluid. The purpose of performing arthrocentesis is usually twofold: -first, the removal of excess fluid will usually decrease symptoms of pain and improve joint mobility (therapeutically) -second, the fluid removed can be used to diagnostic of a certain problem Most commonly seen in the knee

Mohs surgery

A procedure in which skin cancers are excised at a 45 degree angle with subsequent identification of residual tumor using light microscopy. This method provides total histological control of the surgical margins, and it achieves the lowest recurrence rate with maximal preservation of uninvolved tissue Usually treats basal and squamous cells Removing the least amount of tissue possible to get rid of skin cancer with the most little amount possible

Anorexia nervosa

A refusal to eat adequately, resulting from a distorted body image It may produce profound weight loss, amenorrhea, and emotional disturbances The patient is intensely fearful of becoming obese It occurs primarily in adolescents, predominantly in girls of middle and upper socioeconomic levels It is associated with anxiety, stress, conflict, irritation, anger, depression, and fear Hard to treat bc pt wants to reguse that there is a problem

Panic disorder

A short-lived, recurrent, unpredictable, intense anxiety disorder associated with physiological manifestations Diaphoretic, tachycardia, shaking, nauseous

Cochlear Implants

A small, complex electronic device that can help to provide a sense of sound to a person who is has profound *sensorineural *hearing loss The implant is surgically placed under the skin behind the ear


A sprain is an injury to the ligaments around a joint. Ligaments are strong, flexible fibers that hold bones together. When a ligament is stretched too far or tears, the joint will become painful and swell. Can be bruised, swollen, hot. Trmt: RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation)


A telescope inserted to inspect the bladder and urethra Performed to aid in diagnosis of lower urinary tract symptoms, or as a part of a treatment plan related to a specific condition (bladder tumor) Two types of cystoscopes Rigid A solid straight telescope, which is used alone with a high intensity light source and a separate channel to allow other instruments to be attached Passed through urethra and into bladder For taking biopsy samples, removing polyps, performing laser treatments Flexible More commonly used, fiberoptic instrument that can bend easily and has a maneuverable tip that makes it easy to pass along the curves of the urethra For checkups of the urinary bladder

Acoustic Neuroma

A tumor arising from Schwann cells of the *8th cranial nerve* Symptoms: Unilateral hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo Treatment: surgery vs ablation

hereditary elliptocytosis

A type of hemolytic anemia Abnormal red cell membranes

Hereditary spherocytosis

A type of hemolytic anemia Abnormal red cell membranes Cells are perfectly round (no depression) Spherocytes are red blood cells that are almost spherical in shape They have no area of central pallor like a normal RBC Autosomal dominant in 75% of patients 25% consider recessive/mutations

testicular torsion

A urologic emergency, must be differentiated from other complaints of testicular pain, since a delay in diagnosis can lead to loss of the testicle Time is of the essence! The testicles twist on itself in the scrotum and causes blood flow to not be able to get down into the testicle Not visible from the outside Incidence of torsion in males younger than 25 years is approximately 1 in 4000 Torsion more often involves the * left testicle* -A salvage rate of 80-100% is found in patient who present within 6 hours of pain -After 6-8 hours, the salvage rate markedly decreases, and it is near 0% at 12 hours

Blood types

A, B, AB, O A have antigens for type A, so they have antibodies against type B

carcinoma of the cervix symptoms

Abnormal vaginal bleeding Post-coital vaginal bleeding (because sensitive) Pelvic pain, leg pain, back pain Dyspareunia Hematuria Rectal bleeding Foul vaginal discharge Cervical ulcer (superficial), crater (hole), or fungating mass (growing out, irregular boundaries)


Accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain (and spinal cord) CSF is produced in the ventricle, circulates through the ventricular system and is absorbed into the bloodstream Hydrocephalus occurs where there is an imbalance between the amount of CSF that is produced and the rate at which it is absorbed Causes an enlarged head The most effective treatment is surgical insertion of a shunt

Pleural effusion

Accumulation of excessive fluid in the pleural space resulting from an underlying disease (not in the lung like pulmonary edema, it's around the lung) Signs and symptoms: pleuritic chest pain (worse on inspiration, sneezing, coughing) and dyspnea, decreased breath sounds and tactile fremitus, dullness to percussion, tracheal deviation toward unaffected side in large effusions (shift of organs to unaffected side)


Abnormal sound (doesn't mean that something needs to be structurally wrong with the heart) Blood circulating through normal cardiac chambers and valves usually make no noise Some conditions create turbulent blood flow and collision currents Caused by valvular defect or a disease of the smooth muscle Murmur is a blowing, swooshing sound Think of a pile of stones in a stream (noisy water flow)

Thrombotic therapy

Abnormal thrombosis can occur in any vessel at any location in the body Most commonly seen resulting in: Acute myocardial infarction (MI) Deep vein thrombosis Pulmonary embolism Acute nonhemorrhagic stroke Acute peripheral arterial occlusion Occlusion of indwelling catheters Thrombolytics are medications that dissolve clots Very time sensitive when given for MI or CVA Streptokinase (SK)- Tissue Plasminogen Activator- (tPA) Urokinase

Triple A

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm If they rupture you're screwed


Abnormal accumulation of CSF fluid in the brain Have enlarged head and small face Shunt is placed to remove pressure on the brain (*Ventriculoperitoneal* shunt- put tube leading fluid into the abdomen) Can occur as an adult from infection or tumors (typically present more acutely- more decline!) If caught early, babies can have completely normal lives and have no effects

Brain tumors

Abnormal growth of brain tissue and meninges *Glioblastoma multiforme* is the most common type of brain tumor in adults and the most common cause of new onset seizure in middle age Less than 1/5th of all patients survive less than 1year Glioma types inclue astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, and ependymoma Some may be single or multiple metastatic growths most arise from the lung, breast, skin, kidney, and GI tract and spread to the brain Diagnosis: CT (done first) or MRI - "ring-enhancing lesion" Treatment: remove surgically, radiotherapy


Abnormal heart rhythms (dysrhythmia) abnormal conduction examples: heart block, flutter, fibrillation


Abnormal hypersensitivity acquired by exposure to an antigen Patient gets exposed to a sensitizing agent called an allergen An immune response follows on reexposure to the allergen (second exposure) Possible reactions vary Anaphylaxis is a systemic reaction: Hypotension, shock, respiratory distress, edema of the larynx, can die (typically use epipens to stop this- injection of epinephrine) need to keep the airways open Allergies: asthma, hives, atopic dermatitis


Abnormal increase in granulocytes in the blood Eosinophilia seen with allergic conditions Basophilia seen with types of leukemia

Herniated Disc

Abnormal protrusion of a fibrocartilaginous intervertebral disc into the neural canal or spinal canal Herniated nucleus propulsus (HNP) Posterolateral herniation Sciatica symptoms: burning sensation, back pain, leg pain Once you have a herniation, it doesn't go back


Absence of hair from places where it normally grows Can be hereditary or caused by disease, injury, or trmt, or old age


Accumulation of free air between the visceral and parietal pleural layers Caused by a break in the lung surface which allows for communication between alveolus/bronchus and pleural cavity Can have a small or a large one (tension pneumothorax- big on one side that shifts everything over and heart can't pump effectively) Primary spontaneous pneumothorax -most commonly in tall, thin, young males -No underlying lung disease -this is just random! Large pneumothorax -diminished breath sounds, decreased tactile fremitus, hyporesonance Tension pneumothorax -Usually result from major trauma -tachycardia, hypotension, mediastinal or tracheal deviation


Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Caused by infection with the human retroviruses HIV-1 or 2 These viruses are passed through sexual contact, through contact with blood, blood products, or other bodily fluids, intrapartum or perinatally from mother to infant, or via breast milk There is no evidence that the virus can be passed through causal or family contact or by insects such as mosquitoes There is a small occupational risk of infection for health care workers HIV virus* destroys helper T cells (CD4)* Body is not able to fight infections well which predispose HIV+ patients to opportunistic infections


Acquired, persistent impairment in mental function Involves (at least 3): memory, language, visuospatial skills, personality or mood, and cognition Alzheimer's Disease is the most common cortical dementia- can affect 20% of patients >80 years old Frontotemporal dementia (Picks disease): affects younger patients Presents with behavioral changes and language difficulty Subcortical dementia occurs with gait disturbances- post-stroke, normal-pressure hydrocephalus, Huntington's and Parkinson's Diseases


Acute *self-limited* infection that occurs mainly in adolescents Caused by *Epstein-Barr virus* (EBV) and transmitted mainly through saliva Incubation period is 20-50 days Usually the course of illness is 2-4 weeks EBV is also implicated in 90% of African Burkett's lymphoma cases Trmt: supportive care

prostate cancer risk factors

Age: As patient gets older, the risk of prostate cancer increases Race: For reasons that are not understood, black men are more likely to have prostate cancer than are men of any other group in the United States Family history: 1st degree relative increases risk Diet: High fat diet may increase the risk of prostate cancer -Researches theorize that fat increases production of the hormone testosterone, which in turns speeds development of prostate cancer cells

Emphysema symptoms

Age> 50, thin build, wasted appearance Mild cough (typically in the morning) *Progressive dyspnea* Hypertrophic accessory muscles of respiration Barrel chest Hyper resonant to percussion (hearing the extra air) Prolonged expiratory phase

Addisonian (adrenal) crisis

Acute complication of adrenal insufficiency Lifethreatening -circulator collapse, dehydration, hypotension, nausea, vomiting, hypoglycemia -Typically precipitated by physiologic stress or illness Treated with steroids to keep the steroid level the same, but if they are under stress or getting sick, they need to take more steroids so that you don't get hypotension/circulatory collapse


Acute infection of the throat and upper respiratory tract caused by diphtheria bacteria (Corynebacterium diphtheriae) Rare in the United States (with inadequate immunizations- vaccination of DTAP) Adherent membrane (whitish-grey) that bleeds when removed Sore throat, adenopathy, fever, malaise Treated with antibiotics or antitoxin Thick membrane in the back of the throat that causes obstruction Usually treated with erythromycin or PCN


Acute or chronic infection of the bone and its structures caused most commonly by bacteria and rarely by other organisms Infection may be acquired by hematogenous, contiguous, or by direct inoculation such as trauma or surgery Infection commonly seen in older adults Hematogenous is bimodal (also seen in infants and children) Often seen in diabetics Tends to be more in one location (one joint) Can be seen in the sacrum (laying for a while and causes bed sore) Mainly affects the long bones

Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma

Acute! Restricted passage of aqueous humor outflow from the posterior chamber to the anterior chamber causing forward displacement of the iris Painful, red eye with hazy cornea This is an emergency (sudden onset), if untreated, it results in permanent visual loss in 2-5 days Hazy and smokey cornea, red sclera, dilated pupil Fluid accumulating in the front of the eye Treated with iridotomy


Acute, progressive inflammation of the bronchioles, *usually seen in children <2 *years of age and occasionally in high risk adults It may be seasonal (winter or spring) and often occurs in epidemics In approximately ½ of infants diagnoses with bronchiolitis develop asthma later in life Most common cause is RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) Viral- so treat the symptoms

Adrenal glands

Adrenal cortex Glucocorticoids: cortisol Mineralocorticoids: aldosterone Sex hormones: androgens and estrogens Adrenal medulla Epinephrine Norepinephrine

Addison Disease

Adrenal hypofunction of the adrenal gland with inadequate secretion of glucocorticoids and mineralcorticoids An autoimmune process in 80% of cases -Followed by tuberculosis -most common cause idiopathic

Malignant Melanoma

Aggressive, rapidly growing tumor originating from the melanocytes or pigmented cells May *metastasize* to any region of the body via the blood vessels or lymphatic system and by direct invasion (lung, liver, bone, brain) It is the *leading cause of death from skin diseases* Blistering intermittent sunburns and intense sun exposure increases risk (also genetic) Melanoma in situ- pre melanoma If any pigmented skin that is changing, or under a nail, you must biopsy it! *Can be ANYWHERE*


Alanine transaminase or called SGPT (serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase) Done to diagnose liver disease Used to monitor course of treatment for hepatitis More specific for liver malfunction than AST

Types of chemother agents

Alkylating agents Antibiotics Antimetabolites

side effects of radiotherapy

Alopecia fibrosis infertility mucositis myelosuppression nausea/vomiting pneumonitis secondary tumors xerostomia (dryness of mouth)

IVP (intravenous pyelogram)

Also called excretory urogram An x-ray of the kidney, ureters, and urinary bladder IVP *uses contrast material (iodine)*

Erectile Dysfunction

Also called impotence A persistent or recurrent failure to reach or maintain a complete erection Two forms exist: Primary impotence - patient has never maintained an erection Secondary impotence - patient has lost the ability; may be person or situation specific (selective impotence) Common sexual complaint of men - predominately the secondary form It is not a natural consequence of aging Medical treatment commonly used: Viagra (silendafil), Cialis (Tadalafil), Levitra (Vardenafil) Phosphodiesterase inhibitors that are involved with smooth muscle activity

Aplastic Anemia

An anemia in which the bone marrow fails to produce adequate numbers of peripheral blood elements (pancytopenia- lack of leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes) Bone marrow failure Results in anemia, hemorrhage, and infections Males > females Most common cause is idiopathic Treatment with immunosuppression and bone marrow transplant Blood transfusions prolong life (allow the marrow time to resume normal fxning) and antiobiotics control infections

Urticaria (Hives)

An example of wheals Wheals coalesce to form extensive reactions intensely pruritic become urticaria or hives


An inability of the eye to produce a focused image on the fovea or central part of the retina When the cornea is steeper in one meridian more than the other or the globe is not round, visual blurriness occurs Don't have a smooth surface to refract the light (so the points do not converge at the same area) Contacts can help with this because they can flatten out the surface of the eye and they might be weighted a certain way so that it smooths it out

Pulmonary Abscess

An infection of the lung resulting from material aspirated through the airway into the lungs Single lung abscess are most common The superior segment of a lower lobe and the posterior segment of an upper lobe are most commonly affected When the abscess breaks down, it affects the bronchus and the patient's lung It may produce a cavity filled with fluid and air

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

An inflammatory, progressive demyelination of the white matter of the brain and spinal cord resulting in multiple neurological signs and symptoms Causes: Unknown, patient usually <55 years of age at onset, usually of western European lineage and residing in temperate zones, possibly familial, or may have immunologic basis More common in women than men Diagnosis: Lesions on MRI, also use LP (lumbar puncture-insert needle into space and look for proteins in the fluid)


An opacity of the lens, usually bilateral causing decreased vision (can see clouding over with naked eye) The most common cause of curable blindness worldwide Most common cause: senile cataract Can also be present at birth, secondary to trauma, diabetes, or prolong high dose corticosteroid use

renal angiography

Angiogram is an x-ray study used to study arteries (check for constriction or obstruction) Use contrast The test involves placing a small plastic tube into the arterial system This small catheter, is usually introduce into the femoral artery The catheter is then advanced up to the arteries near the kidneys Then x-ray contrast is injected into the arteries, and x-ray images of the arteries are taken If the renal arteries are found to be constricted, a renal angioplasty may be done

reasons for C section

Arrest of dilation (cervix stops dilating while in active labor-needs to be 10 cm) Arrest of descent (baby stops progressing down birth canal) Fetal distress (abnormal fetal heart tones) Umbilical cord prolapses (cord wrapped around very tight around neck) Placental abruption, placenta previa Multiple gestation Breech or abnormal fetal position Cephalopelvic disproportion (Baby's head is too big for mom's birth canal)

SLE symptoms

Arthritis, fever, anorexia, malaise, weight loss, skin lesions (malar/butterfly rash), oral ulcers, eye pain and or redness, chest pain and or SOB, pallor Malar rash, photosensitivity (burning sensation when you go out in the sun)

Depressive disorders syptoms

Ask SIGECAPS Anhedonia withdrawal from activities, loss of sexual desire Feelings of guilt and worthlessness, melancholia Inability to concentrate, cognitive impairment Anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, or hypersomnia Somatic complaints: anorexia, constipation Suicidal ideation Psychotic ideations Paranoid thinking and somatic delusions

Kaposi Sarcoma

Associated with Kaposi sarcoma and lymphoma Associated with AIDS Get deep purple (almost color of bruise) and slightly raised all over the body

Adjustment disorder with a depressed mood

Associated with adverse life situation, such as death of a loved one (a grief reactions) or any family or financial crisis Within 3 months of a major life event

Asthma causes

Asthma may be associated with aspirin sensitivity and nasal polyps Allergen mediated, occupational, cardiac, drug-induced, exercise-induced, cold induced, GERD

AIDs symptoms

Asymptomatic: 10-60% of patients (can last for 10 years) Fever, lymphadenopathy, fatigue, night sweats, weight loss, headache, sore throat, rash, evidence of opportunistic infections, secondary neoplasms, neurologic problems

Cystic fibrosis

Autosomal recessive disorder of infants, children and young adults resulting in thick mucous secretions Widespread dysfunction of the exocrine glands (Affects the lungs a lot, but also the pancreas and makes those secretions very thick, infertility) Characteristics include chronic pulmonary disease, pancreatic insufficiency, abnormally high levels of electrolytes in the sweat (used to be diagnosed by a sweat chloride test) and less frequently biliary cirrhosis and diabetes mellitus Most common lethal genetic disease Diagnosed through genetic testing, newborn blood test, or sweat chloride test Most males are infertile

humoral immunity

B cells produce antibodies after exposure to specific antigens type of adaptive imm


Repetitive rhythmic movements of one or both eyes Vertical vs horizontal Numerous causes: Brain tumor, Inner ear problems, *Normal in newborns*

skull fractures

Basilar skull fracture Raccoon sign - bruising around the orbit Battle signs - blood in external auditory meatus CSF leakage from ear or nose Cranial nerve palsies may occur

Seborrheic keratosis

Benign lesion that results from overgrowth of the upper epidermis Dark in color


Best suited for use in patients with light skin and for treatment of lesions in most nonhair-bearing areas of the body. Benign skin lesions that are suitable for *freezing* include actinic keratosis(presquamous cell cancer), solar lentigo, seborrheic keratosis, viral wart, molluscum contagiosum, and dermatofibroma Freeze with liquid nitrogen

Serum bilirubin

Bilirubin results from the breakdown of hemoglobin in the RBCs, is a by-product of hemolysis (RBC destruction) -Removed from the body by the liver, which excretes it into the bile, it gives the bile its major pigmentation -A rise in serum levels will occur if there is an excessive destruction of RBCs or if the liver is unable to excrete the normal amounts of bilirubin produced High levels of bilirubin in the blood are associated with jaundice

Leukemia symptoms

Bleeding caused by thrombocytopenia, infection, gingival hypertrophy, bone and joint pain, dyspnea, confusion, headaches, pale skin, purpura, petechiae, stomatitis, lymphadenopathy, random fevers


Bleeding under the skin Multiple pinpoint hemorrhages and accumulation of blood under the skin

Peripheral Arterial Disease

Blockage of arteries due to atherosclerosis Commonly involves carotids, femoral, or popliteal arteries Often asymptomatic but can present with claudication (pain caused by exercise that is relieved with rest) or ulcers Risk Factors: Smoke, diabetes, hypertension Treatment: Control underlying disease condition (DM, HTN, Hyperlipidemia, CKD), Avoid nicotine - causes vasoconstriction, Surgery If you don't treat it will lead to gangrene and loss of extremity


Blockage, inflammation, and infection of the nasolacrimal duct and lacrimal sac Needs to be treated with oral antibiotics Green pus will come out of inner part of eye Can progress to cellulitis


Blood cells are all different sizes

Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT)

Blood clot in a large vein, usually lower limb Present with pain, swelling, redness of extremity Usually unilateral Can be asymptomatic and present with *pulmonary embolism* (can be fatal) Diagnostic evaluation: Venous Doppler, D-Dimer Treatment: Anticoagulation (doesnt dissolve the clot that's there but does stops clot from getting bigger and less likely to have a piece break off and cause a PE)

Pulmonary Embolism (PE)

Blood clot obstruction the pulmonary vasculature Emboli most frequently originate in the deep venous system of the legs Can be fatal Make sure they are properly anticoagulated

Causes of Iron Deficiency Anemia

Blood loss, most commonly from gastrointestinal or genitourinary sources Dietary deficiency in strict vegan diets Malabsorption Gastrectomy Menorrhagia (lots of menstrual bleeding)

prostate-specific antigen (PSA)

Blood sample analyzed for a substance that's naturally produced by the prostate gland to help liquefy semen It's normal for a small amount of PSA to enter the blood stream However, if a higher than normal level is found, it may be an indication of prostate infection, inflammation, enlargement, or cancer

Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)

Blood test that differentiates cardiac from pulmonary causes of dyspnea (>100pg/mL in heart failure) Level elevated in heart failure/cardiomyopathy but not in patients with dyspnea due to lung disease How elevated the number is doesn't correlate with the degree of the disease

Ecchymosis, ecchymoses

Bluish-purplish mark (bruise) on skin Caused by hemorhages into the skin from injury or spontaneous leaking of blood from vessels Form of purpura

Adaptive Immunity

Body's ability to recognize and remember specific antigens and immune response Lymphocytes, immunoglobulins, maternal antibodies Vaccines


Bony growth arising from the surface of the bone Most common type is a *bunion* -Swelling of the metatarsophalangeal joint near the base of the great toe -Usually from wearing improper shoes (narrow toe box) -Enlarged bursa often develops over the site -Bunionectomy: but recovery is very long (6 weeks)


Break in a bone or bones Can be treated with an open or a closed reduction (closed- when you just move them back together with force, open reduction- when you have to go into the OR)

Delirium tremens

Brought on by the abrupt cessation of alcohol in a patient with previous regular alcoholic consumption (withdrawal) Patients can experience hallucinations, disorientation, tachycardia, hypertension, hyperthermia, agitation, and diaphoresis At risk for electrolyte imbalances, dysrhythmias, and seizures Happens most commonly in the hospital


COPD includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema Characterized by enlargement of air spaces distal to terminal bronchioles, associated with alveolar wall destruction Destruction of alveoli (decreased gas exchange) Patients with emphysema are also called "pink-puffers" because of their typical physical appearance

Cerebrospinal Fluid

CSF is a clear, colorless fluid formed within the ventricles of the brain Choroid plexus produced 70% of the CSF The ependymal lining of the ventricles and cerebral subarachnoid space produce the rest of the CSF Approximately 500mL of CSF is produced each day, only 90-150 mL is present in the system at one time Reabsorption of the CSF occurs at the arachnoid villi CSF functions as a shock absorber as well as it helps to regulate intracranial pressure (ICP), supply nutrients to the nervous tissues, and removes waste products

lumbar puncture

CSF is withdrawn from between two lumbar vertebrae Examination of fluid for evaluation of: Meningitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, CNS malignancy, and demyelinating diseases Can determine CSF pressure, document impaired CSF flow, can remove fluid to lower pressure Can introduce anesthetics, medications, or contrast media some pts may get a headache after LP "spinal tap"

CT of the brain

CT is better than MRI of the brain for acute hemorrhage in the brain and subarachnoid space CT is best after trauma for 1-3 days because it is better for demonstrating hemorrhage and fracture can introduce contrast material to highlight abnormalities. it leaks through the blood brain barrier and and shows tumors, aneurysms, bleeding, brain injury, skull fractures, and blood clots

Exudate Pleural effusion

Can be more infectious and aggressive Seen in: Cancer Pneumonia Infection Pulmonary embolism Chronic pancreatits May need to do a thorocentesis Thicker fluid, pus, might smell bad


Cancer involving the WBC Immature blood cells in the bone marrow and peripheral circulation producing an array of neoplastic disorders Classification based on what type of immature cells predominated in acute and chronic manifestation (depends on what cell line is effected) If lymphocytes predominate, the condition is called lymphocytic leukemia (ALL/CLL) If myeloid cells predominate, it is called myelogenous leukemia (AML/CML) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia(CLL): most common form of leukemia, often in the *elderly*, can live very long (die with, not from) Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL): most often seen in *children*, often comes on very quickly, have bruises in places you wouldn't think they'd have trauma Causes: unknown, excessive radiation, toxins, drugs The presence of *Philadelphia chromosome* is diagnostic of CML Trmt: chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant (at very high risk of bleeding and infection)


Cardioversion refers to the process of restoring the heart's normal rhythm from an abnormal rhythm Most elective cardioversions are performed to treat atrial fibrillation Using electricity to resync Typically used when the pt is more stable than when you defibrilate This is timed, have more of a chance of getting it to the normal rhythm

Schizophrenia subtypes

Catatonic: Patient is mute and rigid and does not move or react to external stimuli Disorganized: Patient exhibits disorganized speech and bizarre behavior Paranoid : Patient exhibits prominent delusions of grandeur or persecution and auditory hallucinations


Catecholamine-producing tumor, most commonly found in the adrenal medulla (epinephrine and norepinephrine) Signs and symptoms: Paroxysmal spells (the 5 "P's") (sudden attacks) Pressure - sudden increase in BP Pain - headache, chest and abdominal pain Perspiration Palpitation Pallor Treatment is by inpatient surgery

epidural hematoma

Caused by a tear of the middle meningeal artery or venous sinus, between skull and dura, usually after skull fracture Lethal if untreated Transient recovery of consciousness followed by progressive obtundation, gradual decline of patient's neurological status ultimately producing coma Concave blood clot shown on CT MRI


Caused by hypofunction of the anterior pituitary gland with decreased secretion of growth hormone Children are normal mentally Treatment is to administer growth hormone

Actinic Keratosis

Caused by long term UVLight exposure Precancerous leasion that can evolve into squamous cell carcinoma

Pulmonary Abscess causes and risk factors

Causes: Associated with periodontal disease, foreign body obstruction, immunocompromised state Risk factors: LOC- Loss of Consciousness (caused by drug or alcohol abuse) CNS disease Seizures General anesthesia

Composition of Blood

Cells and plasma

Small cell lung cancer

Central location (in the middle of the chest) Sensitive to chemotherapy Surgery is not indicated (bc in middle of chest) *Poor prognosis *(2-4 months from diagnosis to death)... most fatal! Often not picked up by an xray

Causes of central vertigo

Central nervous system lesion Drug toxicity Cerebellar stroke Brainstem stroke or ischemia


Cervical; conization is both a diagnostic and treatment tool used to detect and treat abnormalities of the cervix It is also known as a cone biopsy or a cold knife cone biopsy Cervical conization is performed is the results of a cervical biopsy have found a precancerous condition of the cervix Using a scalpel or a laser, LEEP, or with carbon dioxide and the physician removes a cone-shaped piece of the cervix and that is sent to the pathologist for analysis More invasive, removes more cells Typically done in the OR or in outpatient procedure (not while pt is awake) Slight increase for cervical incompetence when get pregnant (cervix opening up when not ready to have baby)

Major depressive disorder

Characterized by at least one episode of serious mood depression lasting at least 2 weeks occurring at any time of life Fatigue, social withdrawal, hopelessness, helplessness, tearful, emotional

Bipolar I Disorder

Characterized by one or more manic episodes alternating with depressive episodes Mania: inflated self esteem, feelings of grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, increased energy, racing thoughts, excessive involvement in pleasurable activates that may have negative consequences, impulsive Then there are times of very severe depression


Chemicals are derived from bacteria, fungi, plants

Serum Enzymes Test

Chemicals measured in the blood as evidence of a myocardial infarction Myoglobin: Elevated within 1 hour of MI but nonspecific Creatinine phosphokinase (CPK): Elevated within 4-8 hours of MI but is nonspecific CK MB isoenzyme: Specific marker for myocardial tissue damage, but takes a while to be elevated *Troponin* T or I: Very sensitive and specific markers for cardiac muscle injury, Elevated within 3 hours and can stay elevated for more than a week (order in a series of three so that you see them increase)

Hemolytic Anemia symptoms

Chills, fever, pain in the back and abdomen (because of splenomegaly), prostration, shock, jaundice, splenomegaly, hemoglobinuria, *reticulocytosis* (trying to compensate for the hemolysis so trying to pump out extra RBC)

Huntington Disease symptoms

Chorea , dysphagia, dysarthria (difficulty with speech), impaired recent memory, impaired judgment, intellectual decline, emotional disturbances, depression, anxiety, delusion, aggressiveness, urinary incontinence, bowel incontinence...

down syndrome

Chromosomal abnormality Trisomy 21 Results in mental retardation, retarded growth, flat face with a short nose, low-set ears, and slanted eyes Most of babies affected with Down's will also have cardiac abnormalities Often diagnosed in utero (look at the nuchal skin folds) and then amniocentesis for the karyotype


Chronic Non-infectious multisystem disease of unknown causes in which small nodules (granulomas) develop Frequently presents with bilateral hilar adenopathy, pulmonary infiltrates, ocular and skin lesions Other organs may be involved including liver, spleen, lymph nodes, heart, and CNS More common in *African Americans* More common in females Treated with steroids Can affect: CNS, eyes, glands, heart, rash around the ankles

Generalized anxiety disorders

Chronic anxiety and exaggerated worry when there is little/no precipitating factors

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease of collagen in skin, joints, and internal organs Commonly associated with a "butterfly" pattern rash on the face Females>Males Different from Discoid lupus erythematosus (photosensitive, scaing plaque like eruption of skin confined to face, scalp, ears, hest, arms, and back)


Chronic changes within the bronchi that creates extra pockets Chronic, irreversible, abnormal dilation of the bronchi, usually accompanied by infection and productive cough Usually large volumes of sputum (malodorous)


Chronic progressive disease of the skin and internal organs with hardening and shrinking of connective tissues Fibrous scar-like tissue forms in the skin heart, lungs, kidneys and esophagus Areas of hyperpigmentation and depigmentation Autoimmune disease Palliative treatment PSS (Progressive Systemic Sclerosis) More common in women

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

Chronic systemic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology with a predilection for joint involvement May be extra-articular: rheumatoid nodules, arteritis neuropathy, scleritis, pericarditis, and splenomegaly Women affected twice as often as men (3rd to 6th decades) *Autoimmune disease* Typically bilateral Starts in the small joints Sometimes fibrous tissue forms and calcifies creating a bony ankylosis

Open Angle Glaucoma

Chronic! The most common type of glaucoma (90%) a progressive increase of intraocular pressure resulting in optic atrophy with loss of vision varying from slight loss of peripheral vision to complete blindness Typically painless, early often asymptomatic Treated : Medication, Laser therapy (trabeculoplasty)


Chronic, recurrent skin disorder characterized by well-defined erythematous plaques with a silvery scale Knees and elbow are the most common sites of involvement Not contagious Caused by increased in growth of basal layer of epidermis Also see pitting nails and onycholysis (separation of the nail plate from the nail bed) Trmt: Palliative (relieving but not curing)

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Chronic, usually progressive condition in which inflammatory changes and new bone formation occurs at the attachment of tendons and ligaments to bone *"Bamboo spine"* Sacroiliac joint involvement is the hallmark More common in Caucasian men Usually symptoms begin in the early 20's Responds to corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory drugs


Clear, white, or yellow discharge

Cushing Syndrome

Clinical abnormalities associated with chronic exposure to excessive amounts of cortisol (the major adrenocorticoid) The most frequent cause is prolonged use of exogenous glucocorticoids Take corticosteroids when you have COPD, autoimmune stuff, MS, Lupus -real good with inflammation


Clinical state resulting from decreased circulating levels of free thyroid hormone of from resistance to hormone action Female:Male 5-10:1 Treatment with thyroid hormone supplementation


Clinical state resulting from decreased circulating levels of free thyroid hormone or from resistance to hormone action Severe hypothyroidism Can be fatal (can cause coma) Lowers everything: HR, temp, reflexes

Second Heart Sound (S2)

Closure of semilunar valves (aortic and pulmonary valves), end of systole Aortic (A2) precedes pulmonic (P2) *S2 is loudest at the base* and Best heard in aortic and pulmonic areas May become two components during inspiration (Ask patient to inhale and hold breath) S2 to become single sound as breath exhaled S2 splitting greatest at peak of inspiration Varying from easily to hear to nondetectable

Schizoid Personality

Cluster A A person who is functioning but shy, introverted, socially isolated, lonely, emotionally cold, afraid of closeness and intimacy, oversensitive and a daydreamer Trouble connecting to people

Schizotypal personality

Cluster A A person who is socially isolated, emotionally detached, has ideas of reference or paranoid ideation, and claims to use magical thinking, clairvoyance, and telepathy More paranoid thoughts than schizoid

Paranoid personality

Cluster A An extremely suspicious and distrustful person, who blames others for his or her mistakes and goes to great lengths to find hostility, prejudice, and malevolence in other people's innocent actions

Narcissistic personality

Cluster B A self-centered, self-absorbed individual with grandiose ideation, who constantly needs admiration and is sensitive to criticism, failure, or defeat Not about hurting other people like the antisocial person, and not as moody as the borderline Need people to constantly tell them how good they are Take failure very personally

Histrionic personality

Cluster B A very dramatic attention seeker, with exaggerated emotions, and childish, superficial behavior, usually evoking sympathetic or erotic attention in others

Antisocial personality

Cluster B Previous called psychopathic or sociopathic. The person disregards the feeling and rights of others and exploits others for materialistic gain No regard for consequences, will break the law

Borderline personality

Cluster B The most common of personality disorders, which affects mostly women who are unstable in their self-image, interpersonal relationships and mood. The person feels empty, angry, and entitled to seek care More moody Feel very entitled to everything (makes relationships difficult because they don't help anyone)

Obsessive Compulsive Personality

Cluster C A perfectionist who is self-centered, rigid in thought patters, and needs to control things; an individual who has feeling of obsessions and compulsions considerably affecting his or her occupational, social, or interpersonal functioning

Avoidant Personality

Cluster C A person hypersensitive to rejection, who suffers from social phobias; unlike a schizoid person, a person with avoidant personality is openly distressed by isolation Very distressed by this. They want to be accepted by their peers but they don't know how

Dependent Personlity

Cluster C An insecure person who lacks self-confidence, is unable to make decisions, and depends on others Constantly rely on someone else

semen collection for anaylsys

Collection instructions Semen samples should be collected at the laboratory in a special sterile container after a 2-3 day period of abstinence from ejaculation Alternatively, the sample may be brought in from home within 1 hour of ejaculation The sample should be maintained at body temperature which can easily be done by placing the container in a shirt pocked No lubrication should be used while obtaining the sample as it can be toxic to sperm A minimum of 2 semen analysis should be provided several weeks apart because sperm counts tend to fluctuate


Collection of interstitial fluid from obstruction of lymphatic vessels and nodes Can occur post lymphadenectomy and or radiation to the area Usually occurs after surgery (When removing lymph nodes- mastectomy) or trauma Most commonly occurs in the arms Chronic problem once developed Compression is the biggest treatment (Don't draw blood from the side of mastectomy because you don't have the lymph to fight infection)


Collection of skin cells and cholesterol which causes a mass in the middle ear Often seen as the result of chronic otitis media See perforations of the typanic membrane (TM) These pts will often have decreased hearing


Common condition typified by the perception of sound in the absence of an acoustic stimulus The sound may be of a buzzing, ringing, roaring, whistling, or hissing quality Causes: Damage to inner ear or cochlea, middle ear infection, aneurysms, hardening of the arteries, medications, unknown Trmt: not good

stool culture

Commonly done to identify parasites, enteric disease organisms, and viruses in the intestinal tract The stool is examined to detect Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, Yersinis, enteropathic E. coli (in the newborn) and pure cultures for staphylococcus Stool passed into the toilet bowl must not be used for culture

breast ultrasound

Commonly used to distinguish fluid-filled (cystic) from solid masses Helps to guide cyst aspiration and fine-needle biopsy


Complete loss of pigment in areas of the skin (melanin) Autoimmune process against melanocytes Often presents during second and third decades Slowly progressive Can occur in all raes Also called *leukoderma* Usually symmetric, and on extremities and orifices Lesions are prone to sunburn

types of placenta previa

Complete or total = if the entire cervical os is covered Partial = if the margin of the placenta extends across part but not all of the internal os Marginal = if the edge of the placenta lies adjacent to the internal os Low lying = if the placenta is located near but not directly adjacent to the internal os


Compulsive need to expose ones body (genitals) to strangers

CT scan

Computed Tomography Shooting xrays through at multiple different angles Can visualize a lot of organs and bones better this way than with a normal xray technique

Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)

Congenital Failure of the ductus arteriosus to close after birth (its supposed to close after birth) Passage between aorta and pulmonary artery remains open which results in flow of oxygenated blood from the aota into the pulmonary artery 75% of the time occurs as an isolated defect Premature infants at increased risk 75% close within 3 months Can be treated with medication (indomethacin) to promote closure or surgery via catheterization -normally the ductus arteriosus closes by the end of the first month of life, it then becomes the ligamentum arteriosum -the failure to close results in aortic blood passing into the pulmonary artery, which raises the pressure in the pulmonary circulation and causes hypertrophy of the right ventricle -dilated neck vessels -wide pulse pressure -a harsh, loud continuous murmur is heard at the 1st to 3rd intercostal spaces and the lower sternal border -machinelike quality -associated with maternal rubella infection -a small ductus is compatible with a normal lifespan

coarctation of aorta (CoA)

Congenital Severe narrowing of descending aorta usually at the junction of the ductus arteriosus and the aortic arch -Attached at the Ligamentum arteriosum Assoc. with defects of aortic valve in 75-80% of cases Upper extremity hypertension (20mmHg higher than lower extremity) -results in a increased work load on the ventricle -diagnosis is usually accidental due to blood pressure findings -normally blood pressure in the legs will ordinarily be the same or even slightly higher than that in the arms Absent or *diminished femoral pulses*, or delayed femoral pulses -findings will be the same on both sides of the body Systolic murmur @ LSB radiates to back (can hear when listening to the lungs) diagnosed with a chest xray or an ultrasound (echocardiogram) -in adults, an x-ray film may show *notching of the ribs and a "3" sign* in the contour of the left upper border of the heart caused by the dilatation of the aorta distal to the area of the coarctation which is adjacent to the shadow of the descending thoracic aorta -the aorta may dissect or rupture if not discovered and corrected Treatment: surgical to remove the constricted region and end to end anastomosis of aortic segments


Congenital anomoly of the hind foot Club foot Defect of the tendons of the foot (short tendons lengthened, long tendons shortened) Pt cannot stand with the sole of the foot flat on the ground

tetralogy of fallot

Congenital birth defect Four components: -Right ventricular outflow stenosis (pulmonic stenosis- narrowed or obstructed) -VSD- large hole between two ventricles lets venous blood pass from R to L ventricle and out of aorta w/o oxygenation -Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH)- myocardium works harder to pump blood through narrowed pulmonary artery -Overriding aorta (dextroposition (reversed) of aorta)- oxygen poor blood passes from the R ventricle to the aorta Blood doesn't get oxygenated (cyanosis occurs) Thrill, S1 normal, loud A2, diminished P2 murmur loud, crescendo-decrescendo *Right to left shunt* -shunts a lot of venous blood directly into aorta away from pulmonary system, so blood never gets oxygenated -severe cyanosis, DOE, slowed development, loss of consciousness (younger infants) -older children develop clubbing of fingers and toes -thrill palpable at left lower sternal border -parasternal heave and precordial prominence -murmur is systolic ejection murmur, loud, crescendo-decrescendo best heard over the 3rd intercostal space -sometimes radiates to the left side of the neck -surgical correction required to patch closure of ventricular septal defect and remove obstruction to the outflow at pulmonary artery -the resulting high blood pressure in the right ventricle causes hypertrophy of the right ventricle -infants with tetrology of Fallot often have paroxysmal dyspnea with loss of consciousness and central cyanosis, older children develop clubbing of the fingers and toes -persistent heave and precordial prominence -single S2 is heard -systolic ejection murmur over the third intercostal space which can radiate to the left side of the neck -surgical correction is required -squatting position after physical activity relieves their breathlessness (squatting reduces venous return by compressing the abdominal veins and increasing system arterial resistance by kinking the femoral and popliteal arteries in the legs (decreases the right to left shunt through the VSD) and improves pulmonary circulation

Ventricular Septal defect (VSD)

Congenital or acquired defect (after a heart attack) of the interventricular septum that allows communication of blood between the left and right ventricles Most common congenital heart defect Can occur after MI Male=female Symptoms depend on the degree of shunting across the defect Symptoms: Respiratory distress, tachypnea, holosystolic murmur -the ventricular septum is normally formed by a fusion of the small membranous upper part with the larger lower muscular part -ventricular septal defect are found in the membranous part of the septum -oxygenated blood passes through the defect from left to right -causes enlargement of the right ventricle -this is the most common cardiac defect -a large shunt increases pulmonary blood flow, which causes severe pulmonary disease (hypertension and may cause heart failure) -holosystolic murmur, load,coarse, and best heard along the left sternal border in the 3rd to 5th intercostal spaces -lift along the left sternal border and apical area -a smaller defect causes a louder murmur than a larger one -murmur does not radiate to the neck


Contagious, parasitic infection Burrows in finger webs, flexor surfaces, elbows, axillary folds, areola, belt line Intense pruritis, secondary infections caused by intense scratching Mite easily identified in skin scrapings viewed under a microscope All contacts must be treated concurrently with Permethrin applied all over the body for a minimum of 12 hours


Containing abnormal appearing cells that are not clearly cancerous

Cardiac Catheterization

Coronary angiography remains the criterion standard for diagnosing coronary artery disease and is the primary method used to help delineate coronary anatomy A thin flexible tube is guided into the heart's coronary arteries via a vein or artery (usually femoral) Allows you to visualize where the problem is Stents can be placed during this procedure as well Correlation of the coronary angiogram and left ventriculogram findings permits identification of potentially viable areas of the myocardium that may benefit from a revascularization procedure. Left ventricular function can be further evaluated during stress using atrial pacing, dynamic exercise, or pharmacologic agents.

retrograde pyelogram

Cystoscopy is performed to located the opening from the ureter to the bladder Contrast agent is injected directly into this opening and an x-ray is taken to locate a kidney stone or other abnormality This procedure eliminates the risk for an allergic reaction to the contrast agent because the dye does not reach the bloodstream, but the procedure will require anesthesia

Chronic heart failure symptoms

DOE (dyspnea on exertion) - cardinal sign of left heart failure Nocturia, deteriorating exercise capacity, fatigue, dyspnea, weakness, tachypnea with mild exertion, nocturnal productive cough, orthopnea, PND, wheezing, especially nocturnal pulmonary edema

Cerebral Palsy

Damage to the cerebrum during gestation (development) or birth Mostly from hypoxia Tends to be over the whole body because more generalized in cerebrum Body will often go into flexion (which is why they're all curled up)

Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP)

Decrease in platelets after infection <100,000 (when under 10,000 platelets, have a chance of never clotting) Bruising, bleeding gums, GI bleeds, gyn bleeding Prolonged bleeding time

Peripheral Artery Disease signs

Decreased distal pulses Decreased hair distribution Shiny legs Non-healing ulcers


Decreased hearing Can have deafness secondary to sensorineural or conductive problems

fetal monitoring

Defines as watching the baby's heart rate for indicators of stress, usually during labor and birth

Schizophrenia positive symptoms

Delusions (false beliefs) Hallucination (false perception) -Auditory hallucinations (most common) often from Jesus or demons -"voices" consisting of comments on patient's behavior Thought disorder -Disorganized thinking manifested in speech -Shifting from one topic to another (non-goal-directed speech) Bizarre behavior -Silliness, agitation, inappropriate appearance, poor hygiene, inappropriate conduct -Catatonic behavior, rigid posture


Densely packed (hard), due to dense bands of fibrous tissues Common in breast or stomach tissues

Cluster C

Dependent Avoidant Obsessive Compulsive


Destruction of old RBC by macrophages Filtration of microorganisms and other foreign material from the blood Activation of lymphocytes Storage of blood

stool guaiac/*hemoccult* test

Detection of occult (hidden) blood in the stool is very useful in detecting or localizing disease in the GI tract This test will demonstrate the presence of blood in upper GI bleeding, as in the presence of a gastric ulcer The real benefit is screening for colonic carcinoma and other sources of occult bleeding Vitamin C taken in quantities greater than 500mg per day will cause false-negative results When guaiac added to stool, it reacts with blood present in feces

Shingles (Herpes Zoster)

Disease usually presenting as a painful unilateral dermatomal eruption Reactivation of varicella-zoster (chickenpox) virus that has been dormant in the dorsal root ganglia Can only get shingles if you have had chickenpox (but this is not 100% true...much less chance, but not zero chance) You cannot give someone else shingles, but you can give them chickenpox (when the lesions are open) Stay away from pregnant women (fetus has never been exposed, if the woman gets it she can get pneumonia from it) Can develop post-herpetic neuralgia (pain after the rash goes away) There is a vaccine called Zostiva (decreases chance of getting shingles by about 50%, but decreases postherpetic neuralgia by over 90%)

Conversion disorder

Disorder characterized by the presence of one or more neurological symptoms that cannot be explained by a known neurological or medical disorder. Requires that psychological factors be associated with the initiation or exacerbation of the symptoms. No longer a diagnosis according to DSM V


Disorder due to excessive secretion of pituitary growth hormone AFTER puberty Characterized by progressive enlargement of the head, face, hands, feet, and thorax Usually caused by a pituitary adenoma

Anxiety Disorders

Disorders characterized by an unpleasant emotion state Behavioral and physiological changes often accompany these disorders Fatigue and sleep disturbance are very common Lack of daily structure is commonly a contributing factor; for example, "Sunday neurosis" (inability to cope in an unstructured environment)


Displacement of a bone from its joint Common location: acromioclavicular, shoulder, hip, fingers Shoulder- more common to have an anterior dislocation (humerus is coming forward) Once you have one, your ligaments are much looser, so more common to occur again

Somatic symptoms disorder: (Somatoform Disorders)

Distinguished by physical symptoms suggesting a medical condition, yet the symptoms are not fully explained by the medical condition, by substance use, or by another mental disorder. The symptoms are severe enough to cause significant distress or impaired social, occupational, or other functioning. The symptoms are not intentionally produced (vs. factitious disorders or malingering). Characterized by many somatic symptoms that cannot be explained adequately on the basis of physical and lab findings. Usually begins before age 30. Distinguished by a combination of pain, gastrointestinal, sexual and pseudoneurological symptoms. Chronic. Associated with significant psychological distress, impairment in social and occupational functioning. Excessive medical-help-seeking behavior.

Extracorporeal circulation

Diversion of blood flow through a circuit located outside the body but continuous with the body circulation Heart-Lung machine Will oxygenate the blood for you

Sexual disorders

Divided into two types: paraphilas and sexual dysfunctions


Dizziness with the sensation of "spinning" Must by differentiated from lightheadedness (vertigo is much more severe) The two categories are central and peripheral


Drooping of upper lid margin that can be a result from neuromuscular problems or trauma

Myxedema symptoms

Dry, coarse skin, dull facial expression, coarsening or huskiness of voice, periorbital puffiness, swelling of hands and feet, bradycardia, hypothermia, reduced systolic BP, increased diastolic BP, reduced body and scalp hair, delayed relaxation of deep tendon reflexes, macroglossia (big tongue)

Bone Density

Dual-energy absorptiometry (DEXA or DXA) is the most common and preferred method of measuring bone mineral density because of its precision and low radiation exposure DEXA can assess fracture risk with ease and patient comfort (osteoporosis) Test scores are reported with a T-score and a Z-score The T-score is the number of standard deviations for the patient compared with normal young adults with mean peak bone mass -Osteopenia= -1- -2.4 -Osteoporosis= less than -2.5 Fracture risk increases 1.5 to 2.5 time for every SD The Z-score is defined as the number of SDs for the patient compared with normal persons in the same age category


Due to excessive pituitary secretion occurring BEFORE puberty and before epiphyses close Treatment: Surgery, irradiation, or bromocriptine


During circumcision, the prepuce of the foreskin is removed Usually performed on the 1st or 2nd day after birth A choice of the parent The procedure only takes about 5 to 10 minutes A local anesthetic can be given to the baby

Aplastic Anemia symptoms

Dyspnea, ecchymosis, petechiae, fatigue, fever, hemorrhage, menorrhagia, occult blood in the stool, epistaxis, pallor, palpitations, progressive weakness, retinal hemorrhages, weight loss

interstitial nephritis symptoms

Dysuria, marked frequency of small amounts of urine, urgency, tenderness of the bladder base, fever, skin rash, eosinophils in the blood and urine

Polycythemia vera symptoms

Early stages may produce no symptoms, headaches, tinnitus, vertigo, blurred vision, epistaxis, increased blood viscosity, spontaneous bruising, upper GI bleeding, PUD, arterial and venous occlusive events, pruritis, sweating, weight loss, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, bone tenderness

Iron Deficiency Anemia symptoms

Easy fatigability, weakness, tachycardia, palpitations, pallor, brittle nails, * ice pica* (chewing on ice) In severe iron-deficiency anemia: smooth tongue (no taste buds), cheilosis (cracking around the mouth), dysphagia caused by esophageal webs


Eclampsia is the presence of convulsions, which are not caused by neurologic disease, in a women who condition also meet the criteria of preeclampsia Seizures! could lead to death of mother and baby

glomerulonephritis symptoms

Edema (peripheral, periorbital, pulmonary) Dark urine (coca cola color) Hypertension Tenderness in the abdomen or back Urinalysis (Will have hematuria, red cell casts, and proteinuria)


Electrical activity applied across the chest so the heart can reset to a rhythm controlled by natural pacemaker cells Used to treat ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation It does not treat asystole or pulseless electrical activity (PEA) Can also use and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) for patients with high risk of sudden death from ventricular dysrhythmia (Will shock the heart internally)--very useful!!


Elevated cavity An accumulation of fluid between the upper layers of the skin producing an elevation covered by a translucent epithelium that is easily punctured to release the fluid Contains fluid Up to 0.5 cm in size Example: Herpes simplex, early varicella, herpes zoster, herpes simplex, contact dermatitis

Anorexia nervosa symptoms

Emaciation, cold intolerance, constipation, amenorrhea, bradycardia, hypotension, hypothermia, dry and scaly skin, increased lanugo body hair, parotid enlargement, edema


Endocrine- Islets of Langerhans: insulin (secreted from beta cells) and glucagon Exocrine cells: secrete digestive enzymes

Bouchard's Node

Englargement of PIP assoc with OA

Heberden's node

Enlargement of DIP assoc with OA


Entrapment of a retracted foreskin behind the *coronal sulcus* Pain and edema are characteristic Occurs in the uncircumcised penis Phimosis and paraphimosis can occur at any age; however, a higher incidence is seen in infancy and adolescence Adults, especially the elderly population, may have a history of frequent catheterizations or of poor hygiene leading to phimosis and eventual paraphimosis Vigorous sexual activity has been reported to predispose one to paraphimosis Pain with erection occurs Emergent reduction is necessary

Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)

Enzyme originating mainly in the bone, liver, and placenta, with some activity in the kidney and intestines Is is called alkaline since it functions best at a pH of 9 Enzyme is used as a tumor marker and an index of liver and bone disease -In bone disease, the enzyme rises in proportion to new bone cell production resulting from osteoblastic activity and the deposit of calcium in the bones -In liver disease, the blood level rises when excretion of this enzyme is impaired as a result of obstruction in the biliary tract

ELISA test

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay The ELISA is a fundamental tool of clinical immunology, and is used as an initial screen for HIV detection. Based on the principle of antibody-antibody interaction, this test allows for easy visualization of results Western blot is the confirmatory test for HIV Used a lot as a follow up diagnostic test Antibody to HIV develop within 2 weeks of infection

Third Degree Burns

Epidermis and dermis destroyed as well as subcutaneous layer Charred white tissue

Red Blood Cells

Erythroblast→ Reticulocyte→ Erythrocyte Have a biconcave shape with central depression to there is a larger surface area (more room for oxygen) and helps with flexibility Life span of erythrocytes is 120 days Spleen, liver, and bone marrow destroy old cells

Blood cell development

Everything traces back to the hemopoetic stem cell Then it will go onto your blasts (immature blood cell) Band Cell- between the blast and the mature white blood cell


Examination of the back part of the eyeball (fundus), which includes the retina, optic disc, choroid, and blood vessels

Red Blood Cell Morphology

Examination to determine variations and abnormalities in erythrocyte size, shape, structure, Hb content, and staining properties


Excess secretion of insulin causing hypoglycemia Caused by: Tumor of the pancreas (insulinoma) or Overdose of insulin Fainting spells, convulsion, and loss of consciousness are common

Adrenal Virilism

Excessive output of adrenal androgens Can be caused by tumor in females Symptoms include: Amenorrhea, hirsutism, acne, deepening of the voice Male hair patterns on women Higher testosterone levels often

Chronic Bronchitis

Excessive productive cough for 3 months over at least 2 consecutive years in the absence of any other diseases that produce similar symptoms Usually occurring in patients over 35 It produces airway obstruction as the result of increased secretion of bronchial mucus and hyperplasia of the mucosal lining of the airways One component of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Persons with this condition are also called "blue bloaters" because of the typical physical appearance


Excision of both testicles Not removal of the penis Chemical castration can be performed with injections of depot progesterone Used for sex offenders in some states Eunuch: castration prior to puberty Male secondary sex characteristics fail to develop.

Parkinson's Disease symptoms

Expressionless face ("mask face"), infrequent blinking Positive Myerson sign (repetitive tapping over bridge of nose produces sustained blink ) Fine, slowly spreading tremor, pill-rolling resting tremor Muscular rigidity and weakness Shuffling gait (small, shuffling steps with loss of normal arm swing) Bradykinesia, postural instability Possible decreased intellectual function Orthostatic hypotension (10-20 mmHg drop from when they lay, sit, to stand)


Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy Uses sound waves (shock waves) to break a kidney stone (nephrolithiasis) into small pieces that can more easily travel through the urinary tract and pass from the body pt receives light sedation or anasthetic


Extreme hypothyroidism during infancy and childhood If you don't treat, it will cause irreversible damage in the child Leads to a lack of normal physical and mental growth Obese, short, and stocky child Treat with thyroid supplementation


FSH and LH stimulating gonad function

intrinsic renal failure

Factors involving the kidney itself Glomerulonephritis, ATN, drug toxicity, contrast nephropathy

renal failure

Failure of the kidney to excrete urine (impaired filtration function) Can be acute or chronic ESRD Fatal if untreated Risk factors: high BP, infection, diabetes Can be reversible or progressive, mild or severe Cannot survive stage 4 renal failure without dialysis

culdocentesis procedure

First a pelvic examination is done Then, the cervix is grasped with an instrument and lifted slightly A long, thin needle is inserted through the vaginal wall (just below the uterus) A sample is taken of any fluid found in the space, and then the needle is withdrawn

Rinne Test

First: Bone Conduction -Vibrating Tuning Fork held on Mastoid -Patient covers opposite ear with hand -Patient signals when sound ceases -Move the vibrating tuning fork over the ear canal -Near, but not touching the ear Next: Air Conduction -Patient indicates when the sound ceases -Should be better than bone conduction Normal: Air Conduction is better than Bone Conduction -Air conduction usually persists twice as long as bone -Referred to as "positive test" Abnormal: Bone conduction better than air conduction -Suggests Conductive Hearing Loss -Referred to as "negative test" If sensorineural, air conduction still better than bone conduction

Schizophrenia negative symptoms

Flat affect (not pos/neg, very stoic) Loose thought associations Anhedonia - diminished capacity to experience pleasure Social withdrawal Loss of ego boundaries - inability to perceive self as a separate individual Concrete thinking - inability to abstract

Intrinsic factor

Formed in parietal cells of gastric mucosa Intrinsic factor is what allows B12 to be absorbed in the blood B12 is necessary for proper development and maturation of erythrocytes B12 also important neurologically (decreased vibration sensitivity)


Forming large open spaces filled with fluid Most common in the ovaries


Forming small, fingerlike or nipplelike projections of cells Bladder and thyroid cancers are examples

Cataracts symptoms

Frequent change of eyeglasses, visual loss, painless, blurred visions, glare (poor night vision), myopia, lens opacity

BPH symptoms

Frequent urination (polyuria) Hesitancy or difficult start of urination Urgency or incomplete voiding Waking to urinate (nocturia) Poor or weak urinary stream Incomplete emptying of bladder Dribbling or leakage (Because the prostate is enlarged, it encroaches on urethra which causes all the urinating problems)


From adrenal cortex regulates glucose, fat, and protein metabolism

Dissociative Disorders

Fugue: sudden, unexpected travel away from one's home with inability to recall one's past Reaction is precipitated by emotional crisis The symptom produces anxiety reduction and temporary solution of the crisis Mechanisms include repression and isolation Condition similar to symptoms seen in temporal lobe dysfunction


Fungal infection of the skin Tinea corporis (whole body in ring like pattern) Tinea pedis (of feet- almost always in the area between the 3 and 4th toe, mascerated) Tinea pubis Tinea capitis (of the head) Symptoms: very itchy Trmt: antifungals, want to keep the feet dry (change your socks a lot if you need to)

vaccines against HPV

Gardasil Cervarix

AIDS treatment

HAART-highly active antiretroviral therapy -Reverse transcriptase inhibitors -Protease inhibitors When below 200, will go on antibiotic most people do very well with HAART

Polycythemia vera

General increase in red blood cells (erythremia) Also causes increase of leukocytes and platelets (basically increase of all cell lines) Hyperviscosity Males>females Treatment phlebotomy or myelotoxic (toxic to the bone marrow) drugs Concerned about having strokes!

Hemolytic Anemia

General term covering a large group of anemias, in which there is a shortened life span of the RBCs (usually do to destruction) Most hemolysis occurs in the spleen


Generalized condition caused by partial or total failure of the pituitary gland's vital hormones ACTH, TSH, LH, FSH, GH, prolactin Caused by tumors of the sella turcica, arterial aneurysms, surgery of the pituitary Signs and symptoms: Decreased FSH and LH, secondary amenorrhea, impotence, infertility, decreased libido, diabetes insipidus, lethargy, headache, visual field defect, blindness Treatment with hormones


Generally painless, slowly enlarging nodule on the eyelid formed by inflammation of the meibomian glands (deep chalazion) or Zeis sebaceous glands (superficial chalazion).


Genetic condition causing excessive deposits of iron throughout the body Iron overload Symptoms: hepatomegaly, skin is pigmented (bronze hue), joint pain, and erectile dysfunction Can lead to diabetes, heart failure, liver failure Treatment is phlebotomy (remove blood) Suspect this when you get a CBC with high hemoglobin



nephrotic sydrome

Groups of symptoms caused by excessive protein loss in the urine Nephrosis May be caused by glomerulonephritis or prior infection May occur in patients with cancer or diabetes mellitus High urine protein excretion Peripheral edema Hypoalbuminemia Hypercholesterolemia Ascites, anasarca, hypertension, pleural effusion Significant weight gain Treatment with Lasix and ACE inhibitors to reduce proteinuria


Growths that form projections extending outward from a base

Coronary Artery Disease risk factors

HTN (hypertension), DM (diabetes), tobacco, obesity, male, physical inactivity, increasing age, family history

Mitral Valve Prolapse

Happens when part of the valve flips back up into the atrium later in systole (happens because it is enlarged) Very common Valve is competent in systole but, prolapses into atrium later in systole Late systolic murmur with *midsystolic clicks* Heard best at Apex and left sternal border Easily missed in supine position Must also listen in upright position -may become progressively severe resulting in a holosystolic murmur -frequently concurrent with pectus excavatum

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

Hardening of arteries that supply the flow of blood to the heart Arteriosclerosis is a group of diseased characterized by thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls which progressively blocks the coronary arteries and their branches The process is chronic, occurring over many years Males>females, but after menopause women catch up

Meningitis symptoms

Headache Fever Sensorial disturbances Neck and back stiffness (nuchal rigidity, cannot touch their chin to their chest) Positive Kerning and Brudzinski signs

bladder cancer symptoms

Hematuria (Gross or Microscopic) Irritative urination symptoms: Pain Burning Frequency Incomplete emptying

Brain tumors symptoms

Hemiparesis or focal neurological signs Vision changes Seizures (if you have a seizure as an adult, you have a brain tumor until proven otherwise) Confusion Obtundation Headache (can be progressive) cerebral edema and hydrocephalus


Hemoglobinopathy A group of inherited disorders that affect the synthesis of hemoglobin This leads to deficient hemoglobin, resulting in hypochromic and microcytic (small) red cells Inherited in autosomal recessive pattern Thalassemia is prevalent among Mediterranean, Middle East and Southeast Asia ethnicities In beta-thalassemia there is deficient synthesis of beta globin, while in alpha-thalassemia, there is deficient synthesis of alpha globin Beta-thalassemia - transfusion therapy necessary to sustain life


Hemolytic Anemia Abnormal hemoglobin (oxygen carrying molecule that fills the red cell)

hemolytic disease of the newborn

Hemolytic Anemia Caused by Rh incompatability usually caused by blood group incompatibility between mother and baby

Sickle Cell Anemia

Hemolytic anemia Abnormal hemoglobin (oxygen carrying molecule that fills the red cell)

erythroblastosis fetalis

Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) Rh incompatibility Mother's antibodies destroy of red blood cells (RBCs) of the neonate or fetus by maternal IgG antibodies Can range in severity from mild hyperbilirubinemia to severe life threatening hemolytic anemia Severe form of the disease is hydrops fetalis Treatment ranges from hydration, phototherapy (For treatment of the jaundice-causes you to get rid of the excessive biliruben quicker), immunoglobulin therapy, to exchange transfusion Rhogam prevents this

Tourette Syndrome

Hereditary, chronic neuromuscular disorder consisting of various motor and vocal tics Tics are sudden, involuntary, brief, repetitive, stereotypic motor movements Tends to get worse in times of stress


High Density Lipoprotein good cholesterol will bind to the LDL and takes it back to the liver to get it out of the body we want this to be high!

renal hypertension

High blood pressure from kidney disease Renovascular hypertension Fibromuscular dysplasia Treat with angioplasty Most common cause of secondary hypertension

Management of depression

Hospitalization for pts with suicidal ideation Underlying medical causes ruled out Antidepresseants Electroconvulsive therapy


High pitched sound heard on inspiration caused by obstruction caused by throat abscess, airway injury, croup, allergic reaction, epiglottis and laryngitis

Echocardiography (ECHO)

High-frequency sound waves and echoes produce images of the heart Done transthoracic (ETT) or transesophagealvia (EET) the esophagus BEcause it is ultrasound, to radiation exposure

Anorexia nervosa diagnosis

History and physical examination Decreased luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone Anemia Leukopenia Increased levels of blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine Electrolyte abnormalities

renal cell carcinoma

Hypernephroma Cancerous tumor of the kidney in adulthood (2%) Most common type is * renal cell adenocarcinoma* Male: female 2:1 Peak age 50-70 Risk factors Smoking, obesity, use of diuretics, asbestos Presents with hematuria Commonly *metastasizes to the bone and lung* Nephrectomy is treatment (not susceptible to chemo or radiation so we don't want it to spread)


Hypersensitivity or allergic state arising from an inherited predisposition Ex: Atopic dermatitis (eczema) hypersensitivity or allergic state arising from a genetic predisposition

polycystic kidneys symptoms

Hypertension Hematuria, microscopic or macroscopic Palpable kidneys Hepatomegaly Abdominal pain *Flank pain* Nocturia, dysuria, frequency, polyuria Renal failure nephrolithiasis


Hypertrophied, thickened scar Extend beyond the boundaries of original injury Blacks more prone to this condition

The Axes of pts

I: psych illness II: personality disorder III: medical DO IV: social stressors V: GAF

In Vitro fertilization (IVF)

IVF/ET (in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer) Most common method for patients battling infertility Uses hormones that stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple follicles The eggs are collected and inseminated Fertilized eggs develop into embryos (can screen zygote for genetic abnormalities) Embryos are then transferred to the uterus This is very expensive, and insurances typically don't cover 30-50% assoc with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)- direct injection of sperm into harvested ova

breast cancer diagnosis

If a dominant mass is present, breast biopsy is indicated Bilateral mammography very important Ultrasound may be also helpful to distinguish benign from malignant masses (usually a solid lesion is cancerous) Biopsy is the definitive test

endometrial cancer symptoms

If before menopause: Menometrorrhagia (Excessive uterine bleeding at and between menstrual periods) If after menopause: Postmenopausal bleeding

radioisotope scan

Image of the kidney after injecting a radioactive substance into the bloodstream (isotope) Isotope concentrates in the kidney Test will help determine size of blood vessels, kidney function, and diagnose obstruction

Passive Immunity

Immune agents given to a pt Given the antibodies/immunoglobulins Would be given if you already have the infection and they wouldn't have time to develop the antibodies themselves example: tetanus vaccine if you cut yourself and haven't had shot for long time, rabies immunoglobulin


Immunoelectrophoresis (IEP) is a method of determining the blood levels of three major immunoglobulins: Immunoglobulin M (IgM), Immunoglobulin G (IgG), and Immunoglobulin A (IgA) separating them out!


Impairment of vision as a result of age (natural part of aging process and affects everyone) The focusing power of the eye, which depends upon the inherent elasticity of the lens, is gradually lost as people age. This results in a slow decrease in the ability of the eye to focus on objects nearby. People usually notice the condition around age 45, when they realize that they need to hold reading materials further away in order to focus on them.


Impetigo is an infection caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococci (GABHS) or Staphylococcus aureus. The organisms are thought to enter through damaged skin and are transmitted through direct contact. After infection, new lesions may be seen on the patient with no apparent break in the skin. Frequently, however, these lesions will demonstrate some physical damage upon close examination. *"honey-colored crusts"*, vesicles, and pustules

Red Blood Cell Count (RBC)

Important measurement in the evaluation of anemia or polycythemia, determines the total number of erythrocytes in a microliter (cubic millimeter) of blood

opportunistic infections

In a normal pt, the body will fight it off no problem with little or no patients With HIV you will get an infection Candidiasis (a lot of extra normal flora) Cryptococcal infection Cryptosporidiosis Cytomegalovirus Herpes simplex Histoplasmosis Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (MAI) Pneumocystis pneumonia Toxoplasmosis (in cat litter) Tuberculosis


Inability to retract the distal prepuce (foreskin) over the glans penis Can interfere with urination and cause secretions to accumulate under prepuce and lead to infection Occurs in the uncircumcised penis two types: congenital (physiologic in young children) or acquired (There is likely a history of poor hygiene, or forceful retraction of a congenital phimosis)


Inhibit synth of nucleotide components of DNA Side effects: myelosuppression, thrombocytopenia, anemia

prerenal renal failure

Inadequate perfusions, hypovolemia, CHF (congestive heart failure), cirrhosis, sepsis Dealing with blood flow before it gets to the kidney

diabetes mellitus

Inadequate secretion or improper utilization of insulin w/o insulin, sugar can't leave bloodstream and not available to cells for energy Glycosuria, hyperglycemia, polyuria, polydipsia Microalbuminuria Types 1 and type 2 DM in 5-7% of the population 8% of all legal blindness 2x increased risk of cardiovascular disease Leading cause of end stage renal disease (ESRD) in the US

diabetes insipidus

Inadequate secretion or resistance of the kidney to the action of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Neurogenic or nephrogenic "Tasteless" urine Polyuria 2.5-6 liters of urine per day The kidney can't absorb the excess water because of lack of ADH Polydipsia especially for cold or iced drinks Treat with DDAVP -Desmopressin acetate -Nasal spray


Incision into the thorax Most helpful in patients with undiagnosed focal or diffuse pulmonary problems, in which definitive diagnosis is likely to improve the management plan. It is used in patients with pulmonary problems of unknown etiology when less invasive procedures have not yielded a diagnosis or when other procedures are more dangerous or unlikely to yield a diagnosis. (Opening is cut into chest, rather than in Bracheotomy where they go in through the throat with tube)

spina bifida

Incomplete closure of the vertebral column during embryogenesis, resulting in exposure of meninges and spinal cord Three types (spina bifida occulta, with meningocele, with myelomeningocele) Spina bifida is one type of Neural tube defects Serious congenital anomalies of the nervous system, which occur during the first 4 weeks of gestation, result from faulty formation of the neural tube *Folic acid deficiency* is an environmental factor strongly associated with neural tube defects

oral contraceptives

Increase levels of estrogen and progesterone which signals the pituitary gland to decrease secretion of FSH and LH When FSH and LH blocked ovaries will not release eggs thus preventing pregnancy thinks you're pregnant can be up to 99% effective if taken correctly (same time everyday

Incentive spirometers

Increase the expansion of the chest Keeps the alveoli from collapsing Used after surgery

Hypoparathyroidism symptoms

Increased deep tendon reflexes Carpopedal spasm Chvostek's sign (Hyperirritability of the facial nerve when tapped) Trousseau's sign (Carpopedal spasm within 2 minutes of inflating a blood pressure cuff over systolic pressure)


Increased growth of cells in the keratin layer of the epidermis caused by pressure or friction Your body's way of protecting the skin Corn- callus that develops a hard core


Increased intraocular pressure causing optic nerve damage, leading to impaired vision that progresses to complete blindness Diagnosed by tonometry (Measures intraocular pressure) Two types: open angle and primary angle-closure

Tuberculosis (TB)

Infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis Contagious Usually affects the lungs, but other organ systems can be involved *Signs and symptoms: cough, sputum production, hemoptysis, fever, night sweats, weight loss, malaise, adenopathy, pleuritic chest pain* Should also evaluate patient for HIV virus Screen with PPD skin test (intradermal injection and read 48-72 hours later and looking for red, swollen, and hard) Most common in prison, HIV pts, health care workers, homeless BCG vaccine will cause a false positive PPD Positive PPD=chest xray next

Herpes genitalis (genital herpes)

Infection caused by the herpes simplex virus or HSV Two types A person who has genital herpes can easily transmit the virus to an uninfected person during sex (Even if you don't have active lesions) Both HSV 1 and HSV2 can produce lesions in and around the vaginal area, on the penis, around the anal opening, and on the buttock or thighs Occasionally, sores also appear on other parts of the body where the virus has entered through broken skin prodrome (symptoms before the symptoms)- tingling sensation can be diagnosed with a culture or a blood test to check the antibodies for HSV1 and HSV2 (typically most common)


Infection of the lung parenchyma Organisms invade the lower respiratory tract via inhalation, aspiration, or hematogenous spread Cigarette smoking and chronic bronchitis predisposes patients to infection Viral (most common in children) *Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) - most common bacterial pneumonia* (most commonly caused by bacteria) We have a vaccine for the elderly and babies Nosocomial(acquired in hospital) versus community acquired pneumonia


Infection of the pyelo-calyceal system ascending infection affecting renal pelvis and medulla Renal pelvis and renal medulla and renal parenchyma Produces localized flank or back pain combined with system symptoms such as fever, chills, and prostration Also bacteremia, which can progress to "septic shock" and death (all organs effected) ...bacteria in blood stream Infection can produce an abscess (pus) Will have leukocyte casts Recurrent infections can cause scarring in the kidney Very concerned for this in pregnant women Common condition -More common in sexually active females Renal sonogram and IVP Contract-enhanced CT Can treat some as outpatient- antibiotics Or surgical repair

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Inflammation and infection of organs in pelvic region: salpingitis, oophoritis, endometritis, endocervicitis Majority associated with STDs such as gonorrhea or chlamydia (magnifies these symptoms) Patients usually present with lower abdominal tenderness, adnexal tenderness,and cervical motion tenderness, fever, vaginal discharge Can be treated as an outpatient or inpatient depending on severity of signs and symptoms This disorders increases the risk of infertility (Can cause adhesions and scarring), ectopic pregnancies, and chronic pelvic pain treatment: antibiotics


Inflammation of the cervix Can be infectious Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, herpes simplex, or Trichomonas vaginalis Chronic cervicitis is characterized by inflammation of the cervix without identified pathogen (cervical erosions/ulceration) red, inflamed, abnormal discharge trmt depends on underlying cause cryocauterization (destroying tissues by freezing)


Inflammation of the eyelid causing scaling, crusting, flaking, and erythema of lid margins Treat with baby shampoo


Inflammation of the kidney glomerulus, usually in response to an infection (Most commonly streptococcal) Damages the renal glomerulus Most patients recover, some may develop a chronic condition Patients will have hypertension, albuminuria, and may develop renal failure and uremia 60% of cases in children 2-12 years old Only 10% older than 40 years old Male > female (60:40)

Otitis Media

Inflammation of the middle ear Symptoms: Ear pain, hearing impairment, fever, erythema of the TM, decreased movement on pneumatic otoscopy, bulging tympanic membrane, rupture of the TM Treatment with antibiotics (decreases amt of time) Seen more often in kids because their eustachian tube is much more horizontal Risk factors: young age, day care, smoking parents Breast feeding reduces child's risk for developing ear infection

Pleurisy (Pleuritis)

Inflammation of the pleura, characterized by sharp, localized, fleeting chest pain, which may be precipitated by coughing, sneezing, or deep breathing Pain may refer to the shoulders

interstitial nephritis

Inflammation of the renal interstitium Connective tissue that lies between the renal tubules Causes Reaction to medications (NSAIDS- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories) Connective tissue disorders (lupus most common) Usually occurs in women ages 20-50 Requires a kidney biopsy for definitive diagnosis Corticosteroids may help in treatment Urine culture will be sterile (no bacteria)


Inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart which causes the heart to not be able to contract as hard Disease process involving the pericardial sac surrounding the heart Can be acute (more common) or chronic Tends to be after viral infections Treatment: anti inflammatory drugs and agents to manage pain Diseases of the pericardium present clinically in one of several ways [1]: ●Acute and recurrent pericarditis ●Pericardial effusion without major hemodynamic compromise ●Cardiac tamponade ●Constrictive pericarditis ●Effusive-constrictive pericarditis


Inflammatory condition mostly affecting the face, resulting in comedones, papules, pustules, nodules, and occasionally scarring Increased production of sebum Onset is most frequently at puberty, although it can develop in the 3rd or 4th decades of life Food has little effect on the development of acne The menstrual cycle may increase or decrease incidence, as may pregnancy

Rheumatic Heart Disease

Inflammatory disease Preceding infection of the upper respiratory tract with group A streptococcus is a prerequisite to the development of acute rheumatic fever (strep throat and don't get treated with antibiotics) Heart valves damaged by inflammation and scarred so that they don't close normally Carditis 65% with rheumatic fever Pericarditis Myocarditis Valvular insufficiency (Most commonly *mitral* regurgitation) Treatment: reduced activity, drugs to control arrythmia, surgery to repain damaged valve, anticoagulant therapy to prevent emboli from forming


Inflammatory reaction to urate crystal in joints, bones, and subcutaneous structures Predominate age is 30-60, males > females Extremely painful Sudden onset Mostly in hands and feet (big toe=podagra)


Inherited bleeding disorder secondary to clotting factor deficiency Severity of disease depends on percentage of clotting factor present Types: Hemophilia A (factor VIII) and B (factor IX aka Christmas disease) Causes: genetic X linked, vitamin K deficiency Signs and symptoms: Easy bruising with minor trauma, bleeding tendencies, tissue hemorrhages, *hemarthrosis* Trmt: Clotting Factor replacement

Huntington Disease

Inherited disease characterized by dementia and chorea (uncontrolled movements) that has a gradual onset and slow progress Symptoms usually don't develop until after 30 years of age (this is bad bc at this point already reproduced) By the time of the diagnosis the patient has usually reproduced and passes the disease to another generation *Autosomal dominant*, marker on chromosome 4 No cure

Sickle Cell Anemia

Inherited hemoglobinopathy Characterized by irreversibly crescent or sickle-shaped RBCs, increased hemolysis, painful crisis, and increased susceptibility to infections (because the spleen ends up not really working) Autosomal-recessive condition, occurs mostly in African American patients Sickling influenced by stress, hypoxia, high altitude, acidosis, infections, dehydration

Muscular Dystrophy

Inherited progressive diseases of muscle with wide ranges of clinical expression Fat replaces functional muscle cells Motor dysfunction, muscle weakness (first proximal, then distal), muscle atrophy Multiple types: *Duchenne muscular dystrophy*most common type

Parenteral Administration

Injected from a syringe: -Intracavity instillation (made into a body cavity) -intradermal (upper layers of skin) -subcutaneous (subQ tissue) -intramuscular (IM) butt or upper arm usually -intrathecal instillation (occurs in space under membranes around spinal cord and brain -Intravenous (IV) -Pumps (battery powered for continous admin)


Injury to tissues aused by heat contact

Meniere Disease

Inner ear disorder in which there is an increase in volume and pressure of the inner-most fluid of inner ear Resulting in recurrent attacks of *hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, and fullness* Usually unilateral There is no test for this

Causes of peripheral vertigo

Inner ear lesion Meniere's disease Viral and bacterial labyrinthitis Benign paroxysmal postural vertigo (BPPV) Acoustic neuroma

Digital rectal examination (DRE)

Insertion of gloved, lubricated finger into the patient's rectum to examine the prostate Texture, shape, and size analyzed Also check for the presence of blood in the stool

Absolute contradintications for thrombotic therapy

Intracranial neoplasm Recent (ie, <2 months) intracranial or spinal surgery or trauma History of a hemorrhagic stroke Active bleeding or bleeding diathesis

Phobic disorders

Irrational or debilitating fears associated with a specific object or situation

carcinoma of the cervix

Invasive cancer of the uterine cervix commonly involves the vagina, parametria, and the pelvic side-walls In advanced cases, the cancer may invade the bladder, rectum, or other pelvic sites Associated with genital infection by oncogenic strains of human papilloma virus (HPV) as pap tests become abnormal and biopsies reveal dysplasia treatment: radical (complete) hysterectomy, radiation and chemotherapy


Inversion of the eyelid Eyelashes rub against the eye Can cause a corneal abrasion


Involves looking into the cavity of the uterus with a small "scope" Biopsies can be taken and abnormal tissue can be removed Can be performed as either an office procedure or an outpatient hospital procedure

Septic Arthritis

Involves more of the larger joints (knee, hip, shoulder) osteomyelitis involved mostly the bone

Thyroid Scan

Iodine is administered (orally) Scan shows size, shape, and position of thyroid

RA symptoms

Joints most often involved are wrists, knees, elbows, shoulders, ankles, MTPs, and subtalar joints with swelling, joint hear, joint deformity, morning stiffness, pain on PROM Joint destruction occurs early

Diabetes Mellitus

Lack of insulin secretion or resistance of insulin Prevents sugar from leaving the blood and entering the body cells where it is used to produce energy Two major types Symptoms (more for type I): Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss, poor wound healing Complications: -Retinopathy (can lead to blindness), nephropathy, neuropathy (stocking/glove affects feet and hands...increased sensation or sometimes decreased sensation), gastroparesis (slowing of GI tract), cardiovascular disease -Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA): Seen in type 1 DM often as a result of illness or infection. Your body digests its own muscles. medical emergency, needs fluids and insulin


Lacking microscopic structures typical of normal mature cells


Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis (shaping of the cornea) A procedure that permanently changes the shape of the cornea, the clear covering of the front of the eye, using an excimer laser. A knife, called a microkeratome, is used to cut a flap in the cornea. A hinge is left at one end of this flap. The flap is folded back revealing the stroma, the middle section of the cornea. Pulses from a computer-controlled laser vaporize a portion of the stroma and the flap is replaced. Not always 100%, vision can still continue to worsen Prescription needs to be stable for 2 years before eligible Most common side effect: dry eye

syphilis- tertiary stage

Latent (hidden) stage of syphilis begin when the secondary symptoms disappear Without treatment, the infected person still has syphilis even though there are no signs or symptoms It remains in the body, and it may begin to damage the internal organs, including the brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones, and joints The internal damage may show up many years later in the late or tertiary stage of syphilis Generate neurosyphilis! Late stage signs and symptoms include not being able to coordinated muscle movements, paralysis, numbness, gradual blindness and dementia This damage may be serious enough to cause death This is years of untreated syphilis


Lazy eye Abnormal deviation of the eye due to muscle weakness An inward deviation of the eye (esotropia), outward deviation (exotropia), upward deviation (hypertropia), or downward deviation (hypotropia) Also known as "squint" Management: -Corrective lenses -Occlusion (patching) of the good eye to develop macular vision in the affected eye -Early surgery is recommended for function cure in 2-24 months


Leptomeningitis Inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord Can progress very quickly (<24 hours to be in a coma) Typically effects older teenagers and college students Causes: Usually viral, bacterial, can be fungal Diagnosis: CBC, blood cultures, CXR, LP (main thing- det if bacterial or viral), CT before LP if space-occupying lesion is suspected Meningitis vaccine protects against bacterial meningitis (4 strains), but no viral meningitis Rates of meningitis have dropped drastically since the vaccine Trmt: if bacterial, treat with antibiotics through IV (need to be able to cross blood brain barrier). If viral, antibiotics don't work, so supportive care (viral meningitis doesn't tend to be as severe as bacterial)


Less than 1 cm Described as a small spot Just a color change Not palpable (flat and circumscribed) Examples: Freckles, flat nevus, hypopigmentation, petechiae, measles, scarlet fever, drug eruptions, 1st degree burns


Local death of soft tissue due to disease or injury associated with loss of blood supply Increased risk with diabetes or arteriosclerosis Pain, foul odor, dark skin, crepitation Treat with surgical debridement

Hordeolum (stye)

Localized infection or inflammation of the eyelid margin involving hair follicles of the eyelashes (i.e., external hordeolum) or meibomian glands (i.e., internal hordeolum). Often staphylococcal

Carcinoma in situ

Localized tumor cells that have NOT invaded adjacent structures Carcinoma of the cervix may begin this way


Loud rumbling sounds when bronchi are obstructed with sputum


Low Density Lipoprotein bad cholesterol this is the cholesterol that tends to deposit in the arteries and create atheroslerosis We want this to be low Clear evidence that if you lower this you will lower cardiovascular risk


Lymphatic organ located in the upper mediastinum between the lungs Important role in immunity at younger age Helps body to determine what is self and what is foreign Shrinks in size with age

MRI of brain

MRI is better than CT for posterior fossa tumors and brain stem glioma, and for evaluation of parenchyma Better for tumors in general MRI is best for the spinal cord used to look for causes of headache, diagnose stroke, and detect bleeding problems


Macule larger than 1 cm Ex: vitiligo, ecchymosis


Made up of rods and cones

Radionuclide scanning

Making an image by tracking the distribution of RA substance in body Lung Scan (perfusion/ventilation studies) Bone Scan Lymphoscintigraphy PET scan PET/CT scan SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) Cardiolite scan Thallium Scan Thyroid Scan

Mononucleosis symptoms

Malaise, anorexia, myalgia, fever, sore throat (with dirty exudates), pharyngitis, tonsillitis, headache, lymphadenopathy (especially in posterior cervical chain), splenomegaly, maculopapular rash may occur if ampicillin is given, abdominal pain Rare manifestations: hepatitis, Bell's palsy, encephalitis

Ewing Sarcoma

Malignant bone tumor : Most common in the long bones Peak age: 10-20 <25% have metastatic disease at diagnosis However 80-90% reoccurrence rate without systemic treatment (they have micrometastisis) Treatment is with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy

Wilms' tumor

Malignant kidney tumor in childhood 2nd most common solid tumor in childhood (1st is neuroblastoma) Treat with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy Presents with an abdominal mass, hematuria, and pain Usually before age 5 2 year survival is 80% 5 year survival is 50%

Osteogenic Sarcoma (osteosarcoma)

Malignant tumor arising from osteoblasts Highly malignant Often occur at the metaphyseal region of the long bones Large, bony tumors Metastasis takes place through the blood stream Symptoms are pain and a palpable mass -Pain with weight bearing, at rest, and at night -Fracture with minor trauma -Minor injury may bring attention to lesion Commonly metastasis to the lungs Bimodal age distribution (adolescents and >65) Can treat with chemotherapy


Malignant tumor from the pleura Associated with exposure to *asbestos* Rare 15-40 years after exposure to asbestos Associated with pleural effusions Cancer of the peritoneum too!


Malignant tumor of lymph nodes and lymph tissue Many forms, depends on cell type: B cell progenitors, T cell progenitors, mature B cells, mature T cells, or (rarely) natural killer cells Classic "*B symptoms*": Fever, Night sweats, Weight loss

Hodgkin Lymphoma

Malignant tumor of lymph tissue is spleen and lymph nodes 10% of all lymphomas Bimodal peak (affects younger people- 20, and then again in older people- 65s) Biopsy identifies *Reed-Sternberg cells*- huge lymphocyte Treatment with local radiation or chemotherapy Cure-rate is high

Multiple Myeloma

Malignant tumor of the bone -Tumor of plasma cells -*Bence Jones protein*- part of plasma cells you see in urine Monoclonal tumor cell proliferation that reveals *monoclonal protein* in the serum or urine (one type of plasma cell) Average age at diagnosis is 66 Diagnosed : Serum or urine protein electrophoresis Most commonly you have a spike in your gamma The majority of patients present with bone pain Pathologic fracture occurs in 1/3rd Findings: Hypercalcemia, anemia, elevated Cr, lytic bone lesions (seen best on xray) Treatment is with analgesics, radiation, palliation with chemotherapy

Squamous cell carcinoma

Malignant tumor of the squamous epithelial cells of the epidermis Male > female Associated with chronic sun exposure in light skinned people (ears, lips, tops of hands) Treat with excision (make sure you have clear borders)


Malignant tumor of the thymus gland 10% primary mediastinal neoplasm 1/4th are malignant Myasthenia gravis occurs in half Patients will present with cough, SOB, dysphagia, fever, chest pain, weight loss, and anorexia Surgery is treatment of choice

Kaposi Sarcoma

Malignant, vascular, neoplastic growth characterized by cutaneous nodules Vascular tumor of skin and viscera (organs) Red-blue violaceous tumors Frequently arises on lower extremities Associated with *AIDS*


Mammography or breast x-ray, was first introduced in the mid 1960's Since then it has become the most effective way to detecting breast cancer Can get a lot of false positives

Sickle Cell Anemia Symptoms

May be asymptomatic, jaundice, initially splenomegaly then ultimately hyposplenism, pigmented gallstones, poor healing ulcers on the legs, acute painful episodes caused by vaso-occlusion, mainly in bones, abdominal pain, delayed puberty, cardiomegaly, priapism (constant erection), stroke

Cerebral injuries

May cause increased ICP, seizure, cerebral edema, or an intracranial hematoma

lipid tests

Measurement of cholesterol and triglycerides in a blood sample The lipid profile includes: -Total cholesterol: goal <200 -Triglycerides: goal <150 -LDL (bad cholesterol): goal <130 (if no risk factors), but <70 is perfect -HDL (good cholesterol): goal >40 Sometimes the report will include additional calculated values such as HDL/Cholesterol ratio or a risk score based on lipid profile results, age, sex, and other risk factors. Trmt: Statin

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

Measurement of electrical activity produced by the brain as recorded from electrodes place on the scalp demonstrates seizure activity resulting from brain tumors and injury to the brain can help define diffuse cortical dysfunction


Measurement of the dimensions of the maternal pelvis to determine her capacity for delivery Done during the first prenatal examination and during labor

White Blood Cell Count (WBC)

Measurement of white blood cells (leukocytes) in mm3 WBC serves as a useful guide to the severity of disease process Leukocytosis: WBC > 11,000/mm3 Usually caused by an increase of only one type of leukocyte Leukopenia: WBC < 4000/mm3

CD4 Cell Count

Measures number of CD4 T helper cells Used to follow patients with AIDS Normal count between 500 and 1500

Viral Load Test

Measures the amount of HIV virus in the bloodstream Tests: -PCR = polymerase chain reaction -NASBA = nucleic acid sequence-based amplification test We want this to be undetectable in HIV and Hep C

Bleeding Time

Measures the primary phase of hemostasis - the interaction of the platelet with the blood vessel wall and the formation of a hemostatic plug Bleeding time is the best single screening test for *platelet function* disorders and is one of the primary screening tests for coagulation disorders A small stab wound is made in either the earlobe or the forearm: the bleeding time (the amount of time it takes to form a clot) is recorded The duration of bleeding from a punctured capillary depends on the quantity and quality of platelets and the ability of the blood vessels wall to constrict Normal is < 8 minutes

creatinine clearance test

Measures the rate at which creatinine is cleared from the body by the kidney Urine creatinine levels can be used as a screening test to evaluate kidney function, or can be part of the creatinine clearance test blood sample taken, urine sample taken, and then they're compared for creatinine content after fixed amount of time if kidney function is good, the amt of creatinine in blood will be high relative to the amount in urine creatinine clearance useful indicator of glomerular filtration rate

Retinal Detachment

Medical emergency Separation between the pigmented and sensory portions of the retina, most commonly in people > 50 years of age The superior temporal area is the most common site of detachment Causes: Trauma, Spontaneous event Symptoms: Curtain down over eye, blurred vision, flashes (photopsia) and floaters (entopsia) Management: Immediate ophthalmologic referral

Pernicious Anemia

Megaloblastic anemia (macrocytic) Lack of Intrinsic Factor Lack of mature erythrocytes from inability to absorb vitamin B12 into the body Get large, immature, and poorly functioning cells in the bone marrow and large, often oval red cells (macrocytes) in circulation Trmt: B12 injections

Folic Acid deficiency anemia

Megaloblastic anemia produced by deficiency of folic acid Folic acid is essential for DNA synthesis and is mainly present in fruits and vegetables Causes: Dietary insufficiency (example alcoholic patient with an inadequate intake of food), medications can interfere with absorption (methotrexate), malabsorption syndromes, parenteral nutrition (getting nutrition not by eating) Signs and symptoms: Malaise, fatigue, weakness, usually no neurologic defects

Intrauterine Device (IUD)

Method of birth control Prevents implantation of the fertilized egg Can increase risk of pelvic infections in women who are exposed to STD's Types: Hormonal (less than taking the pill, stay in 3-5 years) or copper (no added hormones, just creating a toxic environment in the uterus, stay in up to 10 years) T shaped device, always have a string completely reversible and nothing to remember to do expensive initially ($1000) best for women who have already had a baby because cervix has already been dilated Mild concern with multiple sex partners because increases risk of PID with STDs

Holter monitor

Monitor worn (EKG) for 24 hours to detect cardiac arrhythmias Patients records symptoms and these are compared with the tracings Typically a 5 lead (no extremities) Want the pt to do everything they normally do in a day

Cushing Syndrome symptoms

Moon faces (facial adiposity), increased adipose tissue in neck and trunk, central weight gain, emotional lability, hypertension, osteoporosis, purple striae on the skin, glucose intolerance, muscle weakness, easy bruising

syphilis- secondary stage

More systemic (fever, large lymph nodes, muscle aches) Starts when one or more areas of the skin break into a rash that usually does not itch Rashes can appear as the chancre is fading or can be delayed for weeks The rash often appear rough, red or reddish brown spots both on the *palms* of the hands and the *bottom of the feet* (very rare) The rash may also appear on other parts of the body with different characteristics, some of which resemble other diseases Sometimes the rashes are so faint that they are not noticed Even without treatment, the rash will clear up on its own In addition to rashes, 2nd stage symptoms can include fever, lymphadenopathy, sore throat, patchy hair loss, headaches, weight loss, muscle aches, and fatigue A person can easily pass the disease to sex partners when primary or secondary stage signs or symptoms are present

pyloric stenosis symptoms

Most babies begin to vomit during the 2nd to 3rd weeks of life Babies begin with "spitting up" that turns into forceful projectile vomiting The vomiting occurs after feeding Babies have failure to thrive, and when palpating babies abdomen you feel the "olive pit"

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Most common cause of peripheral nerve compression *Median nerve* is compressed as it traverses the carpal tunnel in the wrist and hand (from swelling or inflammation of the flexor tendons) Tunnel is comprised of the carpal bones dorsally and the transverse carpal ligament ventrally It contains the flexor tendons and the median nerve Symptoms tend to affect the dominant hand (1/2 of patients have bilateral symptoms) 40-60; females > males It involves part of the thumb (back side), and the first three fingers (but only half of the ring finger) Trmt: splinting (esp at night), surgically release carpal tunnel Need to treat bc can progress to where you lose sensation in the fingers

carcinoma of the testes

Most common tumor in men ages 15-34 Most common type is* seminoma* (arises from embryonic cells in the testes) Less common in African American men compared to Caucasian men Occurs most commonly between the ages of 15 and 40 years It can occur in infancy and late adulthood *Individuals with an undescended testicle are at higher risk of developing testicular cancer* (even after you bring the testis into the scrotum) The best way to diagnose testicular cancer is through testicular self-examination Usually the initial finding is a painless lump in or on the testis, a harness, or enlargement of the testis -Less commonly there is associated pain and tenderness Tumors produce *hCG and alpha-fetoprotein (αFP)* and are used as tumor markers Treatment orchiectomy (remove testicle), chemo, radiation

glomerulonephritis treatment

Most patients can be followed as outpatients Decrease salt: no added salt diet until edema and hypertension clear Restrict protein Avoid high potassium foods Severe cases require dialysis or renal transplant Drugs for inflammation

Multiple Myeloma symptoms

Most pts present with bone pain (nighttime...wakes you up in the middle of the night) Weakness , fatigue, bleeding (nose, gums), recurrent infections, weight loss

Anxiety Disorder symptoms

Motor tension: shakiness, jumpiness, trembling Inability to relax Autonomic hyperactivity: sweating, palpitation, dry mouth, dizziness, hot or cold spells, frequent micturition, diarrhea Apprehensive expectation: worry, anticipation of personal misfortune Vigilance and scanning: distractibility, poor concentration, insomnia, edginess

cervicitis symptoms

Mucopurulent (yellow) discharge (pus) Leukorrhea (Clear, white, or yellow discharge)—a lot!! Cervical erosion or erythema Easily induced endocervical bleeding Cervical tenderness Postcoital bleeding Frequently asymptomatic


Multifactorial skeletal disease characterized by severe bone loss and disruption of skeletal micro-architecture sufficient to predispose to atraumatic fractures *Vertebral column*, upper femur, distal radius, proximal humerus, pubic rami and ribs Postmenopausal loss is most common (Caucasian and Asian women) because of loss of estrogen Backpain, kyphosis, scoliosis, atraumatic fracture, loss of height Screening: DEXA scan (machine scans hip, back, and distal radius and measures how dense the bone is, gives you a T score compared to the rest of population. if you are less than -2.5, you have osteoporosis)

carcinoma of cervix risk factors

Multiple sexual partners Male partner with multiple sexual partners Early onset of first sexual intercourse Current or previous HPV infection History of sexually transmitted disease (STD) Smoker

Lyme Disease

Multisystem infection caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi Transmitted primarily by Ixodid ticks (deer tick- very tiny... need to be present for a minimum of 24 hours) Stage I - erythema migrans rash, flu-like symptoms (don't always get the rash) Stage II - one or more organ symptoms Neuro 15% (Bells Palsy), cardiac 8% (*Cardiac Lyme causes third degree heart blocks*... so treat the lyme and the heart block will go away)... can be treated orally or with IV antibiotics Stage III - chronic arthritis, neurologic syndromes (years later, dementia, behavioral changes).. always needs IV antibiotics Males = females Risk factors - exposure to tick infected area from May to September Diagnosis: ELISA and Western Blot Trmt: Doxycycline

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Multisystem, autoimmune inflammatory condition characterized by a fluctuating chronic course Age 30-50 most common Female > male 10:1 Black, Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans have a higher incidence than Caucasians

pyloric stenosis

Narrowing of part of the stomach (the pylorus) that leads into the small intestine (food can't pass from stomach to duodenum) This narrowing occurs because the muscle around the pylorus has grown too large Present at birth Treatment is a surgical procedure called a pyloromyotomy


Nearsightedness (can see things near) Eyeball is too long, or the refractive power of the lens is so strong that light rays do not properly focus on the retina Light rays focused in front of the retina "my" means to shut (Greek): Referring to the observation that myopic persons usually peer through half-closed eyelids


Needle aspiration of fluid from cul-de-sac This procedure checks for abnormal fluid in the space that is just behind the vagina (cul-de-sac) done if suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy (you would see nonclotting blood) This procedure is done when pain occurs in the lower abdomen and pelvis, and other test suggest that fluid may be present in the cul-de-sac This test may be done when a ruptured ectopic pregnancy or ovarian cyst is suspected The test is now performed infrequently because of the availability and effectiveness of ultrasound to detect the same fluid

Sensorineaural Deafness

Nerve deafness Imparment of cochlea of auditory nerve (middle ear)

HIV encephalopathy

Neurologic complications from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may arise from HIV itself, opportunistic infections, tumors, or drug-related complications. HIV encephalopathy and AIDS dementia complex (ADC) are the neurologic complications that arise from primary HIV infection, others include vacuolar myelopathy, peripheral neuropathies, and polymyositis

Transient Cerebral Ischemia (TIA)

Neurological deficits caused by ischemia that lasts <24 hours, but usually <2 hours, related to CVA, Patients with HTN or DM are prone Causes -Embolus formation: Commonly at the carotid bifurcation, possibly of ulcerated plaque migrating to the brain and causing an embolus -Cardiac causes: Rheumatic heart disease, mitral valve disease, cardiac arrhythmia,atrial myxoma -Hematologic causes: Polythycemia vera, hyperviscosity syndromes, sickle cell anemia Signs and symptoms: Onset abrupt and without warning, recovery usually occurring rapidly Vertebrobasilar ischemia vs. carotid artery ischemia blood clot in the arteries leading to the brain results in occlusion of the vessel atherosclerosis leads to this type of stroke as bloodvessels become blocked over time Trmt: antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy

Benign Prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

Non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland It frequently occurs as part of the aging process often present the same way as cancer Symptoms of BPH can be very bothersome and, in addition to their negative impact on quality of life, can lead to urinary tract infections or bladder obstruction Testing: PSA is not very elevated (in cancer it is), DRE (digital rectal exam- whole prostate is enlarged, smooth, firm, in cancer there is a nodule) Treatment is by medication and/or surgery (TURP)


Nosebleed Most common location for bleeding is anterior at Kesselbach's plexus (where most of the vessels come together) Posterior bleeds are a lot worse and harder to stop Most common cause is trauma (but also dry air and picking your nose) Bleeding usually responds with pressure Occasionally need to be packed and/or cauterized People with clotting disorders and on anticoagulants Pinch the bridge of the nose and lean head forward

Transudate Pleural effusion

Not contagious Seen in: CHF Cirrhosis of the liver End Stage Kidney Disease Nephrotic syndrome Myxedema

Pervasive development disorders

Now Autism spectrum disorder Group of childhood disorders characterized by delays in development of social and communication skills Often evident during the first 3 years of life Spectrum disorder Affects each individual differently and at varying degrees

Positron Emission Tomorgraphy Scan (PET)

Nuclear medicine imaging technique which produces a three-dimensional image of function processes in the body The system detects pairs of gamma rays emitted indirectly by a positron-emitting radioisotope, which is introduced into the body on a metabolically active molecule Images of metabolic activity in space are then reconstructed by computer analysis, often in modern scanners aided by results from a CT x-ray scan performed at the same time Radioactive glucose is injected and then detected in the brain to image metabolic activity of cells provide info on function of brain activity, detect malignancy, and evaluate brain abnormalities

Ventilation-perfusion scan (V/Q scan)

Nuclear scan so named because it studies both airflow (ventilation) and blood flow (perfusion) in the lungs Looking for a match between the ventilation and the clot. The initials V-Q are used in mathematical equations that calculate airflow and blood flow A lot of these come back inconclusive (only tell if high probability or low probability for one) The purpose of this test is to look for evidence of a blood clot in the lungs, called a pulmonary embolus (although CT scan is the more common test to use to diagnose this)

Pneumothorax treatment

Observation, oxygen supplementation needle aspiration of intrapleural air, chest tube insertion (ie, tube thoracostomy), and thoracoscopy Pleurodesis (when a pt gets it a lot. fusion of the two layers of pleura)

cesarean section

Obstetrician makes an incision in a woman's abdomen and uterus and removes her baby through the belly 22% of American women give birth by Cesarean once you have one C section, you typically just continue to have them with subsequent pregnancy (although this is not required) incision made very low (above pubic bone) and is a transverse incision

postrenal renal failure

Obstruction in ureter, backing up, and causing damage in the kidney BPH- benign prostetic hypeprtrophy Outlet obstruction (prostate), ureteral obstruction (stones), renal vein occlusion


Occupational pulmonary fibrotic disease resulting from the inhalation of an offending agent -Anthracosis (black lung disease) - coal dust -Asbestosis - asbestos particles (used to be everywhere!... when it's disturbed and you can breath it in it is a risk) -Silicosis - silica or glass When you breath in this stuff you are creating scar tissue Chronic lung disease that produces fibrotic lung changes after the inhalation of dusts It is characterized by well-defined pulmonary nodular fibrosis and in more advanced stages diffuse fibrosis of the lung and severe pulmonary impairment Lungs appear black

tubal ligation procedure

Often the operation is performed through a laparoscope This instrument is inserted through a small incision in the abdomen The tubes are visualized so the surgeon can place rings, or, or apply clips to, the tubes or burn the tubes

difference between HIV+ and AIDS

Once CD4 cells drop below 200 you have AIDS

Bipolar II Disorder

One or more hypomanic episodes alternating with major depressive episodes (not as severe as Bipolar I, hypomania and major depression) Self-esteem may be inflated during hypomania (not totally manic), but never reaches the point of delusional grandiosity that can occur during mania. Although mental overactivity and flight of ideas can occur in either hypomania or mania, thought form is more organized in hypomania. Thinking in hypomania is often quick and creative, and leads to productive increases in goal-directed activities, whereas mania is marked by racing thoughts that are disconnected and lead to aimless overactivity. Speech can be loud and rapid, but typically is easier to interrupt than manic speech. Psychosocial functioning in hypomania is either improved or mildly impaired, whereas mania markedly impairs functioning. Risk-taking behavior in hypomania is mild to moderate, but in mania is severe.

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Onset in childhood, destruction of the beta islet cells of the pancreas and deficiency of insulin, thin pts Treatment with insulin

Hypothyroidism symptoms

Onset may be insidious, subtle Weakness, fatigue, lethargy, cold intolerance, decreased memory, hearing impairment, constipation, muscle cramps, arthralgias, modest weight gain ( 10 pounds), menorrhagia, depression, hoarseness (pressure over the larynx), carpal tunnel syndrome


Operation for construction of a new movable joint. Its use is almost confined to the shoulder, the elbow, the hip, the knee, certain joints in the hand, and the metatarso-phalangeal joints in the foot. Three methods are in general use: excision arthroplasty; half-joint replacement arthroplasty; and total replacement arthroplasty.

Dilation and Curettage (D&C)

Operation performed usually under general anesthesia It involves opening the cervix and emptying the uterus by suction Clean out the lining of the uterus Used for abnormal uterine bleeding (manorrhagia) and for a miscarriage or termination (to clean out anything leftover) Inserting series of dilators of increasing diameter, a curet (metal loop at end of long thin handle) is used to sample the uterine lining


Operation which blocks the tubes (vas deferens) which carry a man's sperm to the penis This operation should be considered permanent Less invasive than tubal ligation It is less expensive and involves fewer complications than a tubal ligation The operation is not effective immediately Condoms are needed until all of the sperm clears from the vas deferens (about 20 ejaculations) Verified be sterile semen analysis normal hormone secretion, sex drive, and potency

nephrolithiasis treatment

Outpatient management possible for 80-90% Inpatient management and urology consult if: Intractable pain, nausea, or vomiting Signs of infection Non-functioning kidney Stone larger than 6mm Pain control (use of narcotics) Hydration (2-3 L/day) Strain urine to recover the stone (usually done if had more than one stone) Treatment with ESWL Cystoscopy with basket extraction


Outward sagging and eversion of the eyelid leading to improper lacrimation causing corneal dryness and ulceration Puts you at risk for corneal abrasion

Verruca (Warts)

Painless skin tumors characterized by a thickened epithelial area, mostly caused by HPV Verucca vulgaris (the most common type) Verucca plantaris (plantar wart) Condyloma acuminatum (venereal wart) Warts typically described as having a cauliflower look Very susceptible to many warts (contagious too)

Thyroid Function Tests

Panel includes: T3 uptake, Free T4, Total T4, T3 total, Free thyroxine index, TSH The thyroid gland take iodine from the circulating blood, combines it with the amino acid tyrosine, and converts it to the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Iodine composes about 2/3rds of the weight of the thyroid hormones The thyroid gland stores T3 and T4 until they are released into the bloodstream under the influence of TSH from the pituitary gland Only a small amount of hormones is not bound to protein However, it is the free portion of the thyroid hormones that is the true determinate of the thyroid status of the patient


Paralysis Partial or complete loss of motor function

congenital syphilis

Passed from mother to fetus during pregnancy Approximately 40 to 60 percent of symptomatic infants have at least one of the following: hepatomegaly, nasal discharge,rash, generalized lymphadenopathy, skeletal abnormalities, hutchinson's teeth (notched out teeth) Will have deformities for their entire life, but you will treat with penicillin so that the infection is treated

Diabetic Retinopathy

Pathological changes of the retina caused by systemic disease In diabetes, changes in the retinal vessels include the weakening or leaking of retinal vessels, which ultimately causes microaneurysms, neovascularization, hemorrhage, retinal deposits, and edema Management: -Optimal control of blood glucose -Yearly eye examinations -Laser photocoagulation and vitrectomy Can have scotoma

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Patients are older and usually obese Islet cells are not destroyed, increased insulin resistance with relative deficiency of insulin secretion (resistance) Treatment with oral medications and occasionally also insulin Always treat first with lifestyle (less sugar, exercise, less carbs, stop smoking)

DVT risk factors

Patients on prolonged immobility Recent surgery Obesity Pregnancy Hypercoagulable Malignancies Oral contraceptives Prior thromboembolism

Left ventricular assist device (LVAD)

Patients placed on this booster pump when waiting for a heart transplant Often called "bridge to transplant"


Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography is an x-ray test that can help show whether there is a blockage in the liver or the bile ducts that drain it (contrast needle injected into the liver) Since the liver and its drainage system do not normally show up on x-rays, the doctor will inject a special dye, which will appear on the picture, directly into the drainage system of the liver The dye can spread out to fill the whole drainage system - if it does not, then there is a blockage This type of blockage might result from a gallstone or a cancer in the liver


Performed by gently pulling the auricle upward and backward. In children, the auricle should be pulled downward and backward. This process will move the acoustic meatus in line with the canal. Hold the otoscope like a pen/pencil and use the little finger area as a fulcrum. This prevents injury should the patient turn suddenly.

Radioactive Iodine Uptake (RAIU)

Performed to asses the fxn of thyroid gland Given RA iodine and then a sensor placed over thyroid gland Detects gamma rays emitted from the RA tracer (taken up more readily by the thyroid than other tissues)


Pervasive development disorders Commonly becoming evident during the first three years of life Difficulties in verbal and nonverbal communication and social/play interactions Symptoms: resistance to change, repeating words, tantrums, preference to being alone, difficulting in interacting, no wanting to be touched

renal failure symptoms

Peripheral edema, skin pallor, eccymosis, oliguria, delirium, lethargy, back pain


Person's preoccupation with the fear of contracting,or the belief of having, a serious disease. The fear or belief arises when a person misinterprets bodily symptoms or functions. Preoccupation results in significant distress and impairs ability to function in personal, social, and occupational roles No longer a diagnosis according to DSM-V

Asperger syndrome

Pervasive development disorders Kids usually have normal language skills and intelligence

Nevus, Nevi

Pigmented lesion of the skin Commonly known as moles

Travel of sound

Pinna, EAC, typanic membrane, malleus, incus, stapes, oval window, cochlea, organ of corti, auditory nerve fibers, cerebral cortex

Platelet Count

Platelets (thrombocytes) are the smallest of the formed elements in the blood Platelet activity is necessary for blood clotting, vascular integrity, and vasoconstriction, and the adhesion and aggregation activity that occurs during the formation of platelet plugs that occlude breaks in small blood vessels

Muscle Biopsy

Plays an integral role in evaluation of the patient with neuromuscular disease. With rare exceptions, it is an essential element in the assessment of a patient with suspected myopathy.

renal angioplasty

Procedure done to dilate and area of the renal arteries that have narrowed Done via balloon, then a stent may be placed used to treat renal hypertension and to preserve renal fxn

Gestational Diabetes risks

Preeclampsia, hydramnios, macrosomia, fetal organomegaly (hepatomegaly, cardiomegaly),maternal and infant birth trauma, operative delivery, perinatal mortality, neonatal respiratory problems and metabolic complications (hypoglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia, hypocalcemia, erythremia)


Process of filtering nitrogenous waste from blood Performed via hemodialysis (94%) or peritoneal dialysis (6%) used to treat acute or chronic renal failure

Delirium vs Demetia

Primary distinguishing feature is the retention and stability of alertness in demented patient Delirium has an *acute onset and reversible*; dementia- hard to tell exactly when occurred- slowly downhill course

Prothrombin Time

Pro time or PT Tests the ability of the blood to clot Prothrombin is a protein produced by the liver for clotting of blood (factor II) Prothrombin production depends on adequate vitamin K intake and absorption During the clotting process, prothrombin is converted to thrombin Also *used to evaluate therapy with Coumadin * Often paired with INR

Shingles symptoms

Prodromal phase (sensations over involved dermatome prior to rash) Tingling Itching Boring or knifelike pain (because it's on the nerve) Lesions start of vesicular and then they may crust over Acute phase -Constitutional symptoms -Fatigue, malaise, headache, fever, dermatomal rash, weakness -Rash initially erythematous and maculopapular that evolves rapidly to grouped vesicles (does not usually cross midline) Will only cross midline you have disseminated herpes zoster (when you get chemo or your immune system is like zero)


Produced by bacteria or fungi Act by binding to DNA in cell, promoting DNA strand breaks and preventing replication of DNA Side Effects: alopecia, stomatitis, myelosuppression, GI disturbances

First Heart Sound (S1)

Produced by the closure of AV valves (mitral and tricuspid), beginning of systole Mitral component (M1) slightly precedes tricuspid component (T1) Commonly fused as one sound *Loudest at the apex* Coincides with the carotid pulse

subdural hematoma signs

Progressive change in mental status Focal neurological signs with or without LOC, H/A, hemiparesis In acute state, unreactive pupil with ophthalmoplegia Possible seizure

Macular Degeneration

Progressive damage to the macula of the retina Dry vs wet (85% dry) -Dry: atrophy and degeneration with clumps of extracellular debris (Drusen) -Wet: neovascularization and leaky blood vessels Leading cause of irreversible, severe visual loss in persons over 65 years of age Loss of central vision

Hypertensive heart disease

Prolonged elevation of blood pressure leads to physiologic changes in: -Myocardial structure -Coronary vasculature -Conduction system of the heart When BP is 140/90 Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH): Lead to CHF Coronary artery disease: Angina, MI Conduction system diseases: Cardiac arrhythmias (especially atrial fibrillation)

Eczema symptoms

Pruritis, lesions on the face, neck, upper trunk in characteristic distribution, constant itching, which produces erythema and lichenification of the skin, prominently seen at the antecubital and popliteal fossa, secondary bacterial infection, history of asthma or allergic rhinitis


Psychotic disorder characterized by: -Gross distortion of reality -Disturbances of language and communication -Withdrawal from social interaction -Disorganization and fragmentation of thought, perception, and emotional reaction Prevalence is equal among men and women Men are affected mostly from 18 to 25 years of age When one monozygotic twin has schizophrenia, the other has a 50% chance of becoming schizophrenia Causes: Unknown, genetic factors implicated They don't see that there is a problem and the meds might inhibit them Can have both positive and negative symptoms

Active Immunity

Pt's own immune system is stimulates to produce antibodies Most vaccines

Myasthenia Gravis symptoms

Ptosis , diplopia, facial weakness, fatigue on chewing, dysphagia, dysarthria, dysphonia, neck weakness, proximal limb weakness, respiratory weakness, generalized weakness

Aneurysm symptoms

Pulsatile epigastric mass (most commmonly in abdominal aneurysm), vague abdominal pain, may radiate to the back or flank, vertebral body erosion


Pulseless electrical activity see electrical activity on the monitor, but there is no pulse (there is no perfusion) The heart is not beating


Puncture of the chest wall for extraction of pleural fluid. Diagnostic thoracentesis is most frequently performed to determine the etiology of a pleural effusion. -Pleural fluid analysis is important in the diagnosis and staging of a suspected or known malignancy. Therapeutic thoracentesis is performed to relieve respiratory insufficiency caused by a large pleural effusion.

Positron Emission tomography scan (PET)

Radionuclide injected intravenously into tissue and pics show where it is or is not being metabolized


Radiotracer injected under the skin Gamma camera takes series of images of an area of body WAnt to ID a sentinel lymph node (first LN to receive lymph drainage from a tumor), lymph node blockage, or eval lymphedema


Raised yellowish plaque on the eyelid caused by a lipid disorder Almost always associated with high cholesterol

Exanthematous Viral Disease

Rash of the skin due to a viral infection Very common especially in children Examples: Varicella, Rubella, Rubeola (measle), Erythema infectiosum, Coxsachie virus

risks of circumcision

Rate of problems is low Bleeding and infection in the circumcised are are the most common problems Sometimes the skin of the newly exposed glans becomes irritated by the pressure of diapers and ammonia in the urine Irritation treated with Vaseline

electrocardiography (ECG or EKG)

Record of electricity flowing through the heart Can tell a lot from these If having a heart attack, will have elevation of the T wave (only in certain leads) In pericarditis, will have diffuse ST elevation (in all leads)

Bulimia nervosa

Recurrent episode of binge eating resulting from a loss of control over eating The patient also engages in self-induced vomiting, use of laxatives and/or diuretics, fasting, and excessive exercise The patient is persistently concerned with body shape and weight Bulimia nervosa mainly affects adolescent females in middle and upper socioeconomic levels Some patients suffering from bulimia nervosa are also affected by anorexia nervosa In these patients, weight loss and amenorrhea are present But less emaciated than pts with anorexia, they actually might be thin-average

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Recurrent intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and recurrent repetitive acts (compulsions) Patient experiences anxiety if unable to perform the acts to alleviate the thoughts Can affect social and occupational functioning You can relieve the obsession when you do the compulsion


Redness, swelling, and heat Result from tumor blockage of the lumphatic drainage Mostly seen in breast cancer

Green Light photoselective vaporization of the prostate

Removal of benign prostatic tissue using a green light laser Now used more than TURP as it is less invasive


Removal of internal organs usually done with cancer

pelvic exenteration

Removal of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, bladder, rectum, and lymph nodes Used to treat advanced cervical, endometrial, and *ovarian cancer* (most common)

nephrolithiasis symptoms

Renal colic (sudden onset, agonizing flank pain, waxing and waning, radiation to lower abdomen, groin, testicles, or labia; causes patient to be restless) Tachycardia Diaphoresis Nausea, with or without vomiting Abdominal tenderness, on deep palpation Ileus Costovertebral angle (CVA) tenderness Hematuria (almost always!!) Urinary frequency Chills, fever, pyuria (if infection is present) Asymptomatic stones may be found on abdominal x-rays done for other reasons tends to be unilateral on the side they have the stone


Represents a loss in control of the body's normal regulatory feedback mechanism on the parathyroid glands and their ability to maintain a normal serum calcium Calcium leaves the bones and enters the bloodstream, Hypercalcemia! (leads to osteoporosis) Bones susceptible to fractures Symptoms: "painful bones, renal stones, abdominal groans, and psychic groans" (abdominal pain, depressed)


Resembling a wart-like growth Typically in gums

Natural Immunity

Resistance present at birth Not dependent on prior antigen exposure Neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes example bacterial infection: WBC respond immediately to intruding antigen

hyaline membrane disease

Respiratory problems in the neonate (Usually premature) Secondary to a lack of protein (surfactant) in the lining of the lung tissue (Can't oxygenate their lungs as well) Causes collapse of the lung Also known as respiratory distress syndrome


STI caused by bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gram neg diplococci) Can affect genital tract, the mouth, and the rectum In women, the cervix, is the first place of infection Can spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes = PID (*more likely to cause PID* than chlamydia) The early symptoms often are mild but can lead to *disseminated infection* (it spreads from genital tract throughout the rest of the body) Symptoms usually appear within 2 to 10 days after sexual contact with an infected partner Treat with antibiotics (cured!)

Bacterial Analyses

Samples of skin are examined for presence of microorganisms Purulent (pus filled) and exudate (fluid that accumulates) material is often taken

Pulmonary fibrosis

Scarring of the lung Gradually, the air sacs of the lungs become replaced by fibrotic tissue When the scar forms, the tissue becomes thicker causing an irreversible loss of the tissue's ability to transfer oxygen into the bloodstream progressive shortness of breath and coughing

Fungal Tests

Scrapings from skin lesions, hair specimens, or nail clippings are sent to a lab for culture and microscope exam May be treated with KOH (positive result = fungal infection)

mammography types

Screening is a routine procedure used to examine women who have no evidence of breast cancer -It consists of 2 views of each breast -Screening done every year Diagnostic mammography is used to examine a specific area of the breast when an abnormality has been found -Includes special views and additional angles

breast cancer screening

Screening mammography has been shown to permit early diagnosis of breast cancer and to reduce deaths from breast cancer The general consensus that all women over the age of 50 should had annual mammography There is no consensus on the issue of screening mammography between the ages of 35 and 50 (but you're exposing them to radiation earlier and most breast cancers don't present before 50) If you have family history, typically the only person that will be screened before 35

ovarian carcinoma

Second most common gynecologic malignancy but leading cause of gynecologic cancer death Peak incidence at 60-64 years of age when signs finally show up, usually already stage 3 or 4 (asymptomatic early on) 2 kinds: -serous (Clear fluid) and mucinous (thick pasty fluid) cystic adenocarcinomas Use of oral contraceptives reduces the risk of ovarian cancer No fully effective method of screening to detect has been discovered (why you can't find it- just palpating ovaries to see if enlarged) Most patients present with advanced disease (stage III) -When an adnexal mass is found, a determination of serum *CA-125* should be made -An elevated level of serum CA-125 is highly predictive of malignancy in postmenopausal women


Secreted from adrenal cortex regulates concentration of electrolytes (absorbs Na in kidney and excretes K)


Secreted from adrenal medulla constricts blood vessels to increase blood pressure


Secreted from adrenal medulla increases heart rate, blood pressure, dilates bronchial tubes and releases glucose

Thyroid gland

Secretes: tetraiodothyronine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), and calcitonin T3 and T4 support metabolic metabolism Calcitonin decreases serum calcium (TSH coming from pituitary that tells whether thyroid needs to secrete more T3 or T4) In charge of basic metabolic rate, heart rate, basically everything

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

Sedimentation occurs when the erythrocytes clump or aggregate together in a column-like manner (rouleaux formation) ESR is the rate at which erythrocytes settle out of anticoagulated blood in 1 hour This test is base on the fact that inflammatory and necrotic processes cause alteration in blood proteins, resulting in aggregation of RBCs, which makes them heavier and more likely to fall rapidly when placed in a special vertical tube The faster the settling of cells, the higher the ESR Doesn't tell us where there in inflammation in the body, just that it's there.

pelvic ultrasonography

Sending of sound waves through the body For women, pelvic ultrasound is most often used to examine the uterus and ovaries, and during pregnancy, to monitor the development of the embryo or fetus In males, a pelvic ultrasound usually focuses on the bladder and prostate gland US images are captured in real time, so they can show movement of the internal tissues and organ, such as the pumping of the heart and the flow of blood in arteries and veins

Scratch Test

Several scratches are made in the skin Very minute amount of test material inserted into scrathes

Gout symptoms

Severe pain, swelling, redness, and warmth in one or two joints (75% monoarticular) Exquisite tenderness Propensity for first MTP joint (Podagra) Recurrent attacks last longer and occur more frequently with each recurrence

Relative contraindications for thrombotic therapy

Severe uncontrolled hypertension (ie, systolic blood pressure >200 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure >110 mmHg) Nonhemorrhagic stroke within the prior three months Surgery within the previous ten days Pregnancy

Migraine headache

Severe, reoccurring, unilateral, vascular headache Get an aura (symptoms: temporary visual and sensory disturbances like flashing lights and zig zag lines) Sensitivity to sound and light pain is thought to be related to dilation of the blood vessels POUND: Pulsatile, Onset (abrupt) Unilateral, N/V, Duration (4-72 hours) Types: Classic, Common, Basilar Treatment: drugs that target serotonin receptors on blood vessels and nerves (reduce inflammation and restrict dilation of blood vessels)


Sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum (spirochete) Often called the "great imitator" because so many of the signs and symptoms are indistinguishable from those of other disease Syphilis is passed from person to person through direct contact with a syphilis sore Sores occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus, or in the rectum Treated with *penicillin*

Alzheimer's disease symptoms

Short-term memory loss (anterograde and retrograde)- typically in more than one domain Loss of expression Language comprehension difficulties (aphasia) Problems-solving difficulties Thought disorders Difficulties with ADLs Problems with concentration Social withdrawal Confusion restlessness anxiety, depression, and emotional disturbances

PDA symptoms

Signs and symptoms: failure to grow, recurrent respiratory infections, easy fatigability, DOE, SOB, angina, syncope, *continuous machinery murmur* (constant hum of blood flow), thrill at left upper sternal border, bounding pulses, cyanosis, rapid breathing

Patch test

Skin test Allergen treated piece of gauze/filter paper is applies to skin If skin becomes red/swollen, = +


Sleep Interests Guilt Energy level Concentration Appetite Psychomotor Suicidal ideations

OA symptoms

Slowly developing joint pain, pain that follows the use of a joint Morning stiffness of less than 15 minutes duration Joint enlargement (Heberden's nodes of DIPs) Decreased ROM Tenderness usually absent, crepitus late sign

Petechia, petechiae

Small, pinpoint hemorrhage Smaller version of ecchymosis Form of purpura


Softening of the bone due to vitamin D deficiency Referred to rickets when it occurs in children Defined as an excess organic bone matrix secondary to defective or inadequate bone mineralization Osteomalacia is usually a disease of the older population (50-80) Increased alkaline phosphatase and low serum calcium Symptoms include bone pain (anterior shins, lower back, sternum), tenderness, muscle weakness Causes are vitamin D deficiency (Decreased sunlight exposure, poor nutrition, poor absorption or Drug induced - Dilantin (antiseizure) Looser lines are pseudofractures but are larger arteries that overly the bone


Solid Elevated Hard or soft lesion Larger than 0.5 cm May extend deeper into dermis than papule Example:Xanthoma, fibroma, intradermal nevus


Something you can palpate Solid, elevated, circumscribed lesions Less than 1 cm Some texts define smaller than ½ cm elevated nevus[mole], lichen planus, wart[verucca

Doppler/ultrasound studies

Sound waves detect blood flow in the carotid and intracranial arteries Detect occlusions in BV Types Duplex carotid ultrasound Transcranial doppler

staghorn calculi

Stone that takes up the whole pelvis Must be treated by nephrologist

Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)

Stroke, cerebral infarction A suddenly developing neurological deficit usually related to impaired cerebral blood flow impaired oxygen to the brain 3rd leading cause of death in US Causes :Carotid atherosclerosis, hypercoagulable states, oral contraceptive, HTN, drugs (cocaine, amphetamines) Types :Thrombotic, Embolic, Hemorrhagic Symptoms: depends on location

benefits of circumcision

Studies have provided conflicting results Circumcision does offer some benefit in preventing urinary tract infections in infants Also offers some benefit in preventing penile cancer in adult men May also reduced the risk of STDs


Subacute viral illness (self limiting- influenza virus or respiratory syncytial virus) Obstruction of the larynx Causing fever, hoarseness, and a barking, hacking cough May also cause a crowing noise (called stridor) when the child breathes in through a narrowed windpipe Usually lasts 5-6 days Symptoms are usually worse at night Usually occurs in children ages 1-3 Most can be managed at home, but if the windpipe narrows too much you may have to be hospitalized

brain trauma

Subdural hematoma Caused by tear of the veins between dura and arachnoid membrane, usually from blunt trauma S

Ankylosing Spondylitis symptoms

Subgluteal or low back pain and or stiffness Duration greater than 3 months Morning stiffness, frequently awaken at night to "walk off stiffness", increased symptoms with rest Pleuritic chest pain is often an early feature Loss if lumbar lordosis Bilateral sclerosis of sacroiliac joints

Skin Test

Substances are injected intradermally or applied to the skin Results observes Used to diagnosed allergies and disease

First Degree Burns

Superficial epidermal lesions, erythema, pain, no blisters Sunburn


Superficial, raised, transient, and erythematous lesion Irregular shape due to edema of the skin Example: Mosquito bite, allergic reaction, dermatographism

ovarian cancer treatment

Surgery is the initial step in staging and therapy -Chemotherapy is commonly used -abdominal hysterectomy BSO removal of omentum (which often contains deposit of tumor)

Tube Thoracostomy

Surgical insertion of a hollow, flexible drainage tube into the chest. Chest tubes are inserted to drain blood, fluid, or air and allow full expansion of the lungs. The tube is placed between the ribs and into the space between the inner lining and the outer lining of the lung (pleural space).


Surgical removal of the eyeball from its orbit Used to treat tumors or if the eye has become blind and painful as a result from diseases/trauma (can get melanoma in eye) Last resort

Heart transplantation

Surgical transplant procedure performed on patients with end-stage heart failure or severe coronary artery disease Most common procedure is to take a working heart from a recently deceased organ donor (allograft) and implant it into the patient The patient's own heart may either be removed (orthotopic procedure) or less commonly, left in to support the donor heart (heterotopic procedure)

Skin Biopsy

Suspected malignant skin lesions are removed and examined microscopically by a pathologist

Pulmonary Edema

Swelling and fluid in the air sacs and bronchioles Signs and symptoms: SOB , DOE, PND, orthopnea, cough, pink frothy sputum, moist rales, tachycardia, air hunger, noisy respirations Often seen with CHF because the heart is unable to pump blood, and then blood backs up into the pulmonary blood vessels and then seeps into the alveoli and bronchioles

Polymyositis symptoms

Symmetrical proximal muscle weakness causing difficult when arising from sitting or lying positions, difficulty kneeling, difficulty climbing stairs, difficulty, descending stairs, difficulty raising arms, joint pain, swelling, dysphagia, respiratory impairment

Tourette Syndrome symptoms

Symptoms begin in childhood and the location, number, frequency, and complexity of the tics change over time (often gets better over time) Signs and symptoms: Tics occur may times throughout the day and they change over time May have only one tic at a time Multiple motor tics such as: facial grimacing, blinking, head or neck twitching, tongue protruding,sniffing, touching Vocal tics such as grunts, snorts, throat clearing or barking and more complex vocal tics with echolalia, palilalia, coprolalia, copraxia, or copropraxia


Symptoms milder than in major depressive episodes but persist over a two year period Just a negative thought process

atrial fibrillation symptoms and treatment

Symptoms: Palpitations, Fatigue, Dyspnea, Syncope Treatment: Heart Rate control (to make sure you have effective perfusion), Anticoagulation (most often)

Alkylating agents

Synthetic cmpds containing one or 2 alkyl groups Chemicals interfere with the process ofDNA synth by attaches to DNA molec Side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bone marrow suppression, alopecia


Systemic connective tissues disease characterized by inflammatory and degenerative changes in proximal muscles sometime accompanied by a characteristic skin rash Dermatomyositis Anything that affects the hips and the shoulders Not really that common

BPH treatment

TURP to relieve obstruction Drugs: FUbasterude- inhibits production of a potent testosterone that promotes enlargement of prostate alpha blockers (tamsulosin)- relax the smooth muscle of prostate and neck of the bladder

Weber Test

Technique: Tuning Fork placed at midline forehead (looks like a W) Normal: Sound radiates to both ears equally (if you have hearing loss, conductive goes to the side of the problem, the sensorineural problem means goes away from side) Abnormal: Sound lateralizes to one ear Ipsilateral Conductive Hearing Loss OR Contralateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Antiglobulin Test (Coombs' test)

Test detects antigen-antibody complexes on the red blood cell membrane in vivo as well as red blood cell sensitization Diagnostic for the following conditions: Hemolytic disease of the newborn Acquired hemolytic anemia Transfusion reaction RBC sensitization caused by drugs

pregnancy test

Test of blood or urine to detect the presence of HCG Qualitative versus quantitative


Test that is part of the basic infertility evaluation (uterine and fallopian tube) HSG is usually done in the radiology department of a hospital Radiographic contrast is injected into the uterine cavity through the vagina and cervix The uterine cavity fills with dye and if the fallopian tubes are patent the dye will fill the tubes and spill out into the abdominal cavity Determines whether the tubes are open or blacked and their anatomical location on the uterus (tubal patency- adequate opening) This test also evaluates the uterine cavity for abnormalities Enter dye and see if there is any strictures or obstructions resulting in infertility Sometimes inserting the dye will open whatever blockage there was, so they can concieve after this

voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG)

Test to measure bladder function Radiopaque dye is injected into a catheter to fill up the bladder X-rays are taken while the bladder is full and while the patient is voiding to determine if fluid is forced out of the bladder through the urethra (normal) or up through the ureters into the kidney (vesicourethral reflux)

Thallium Scan

Thallium is injected to eval myocardial perfusion High concentration is present in well perfused heart muscle cells, but scarred myocardium does not take up an thallium, showing cold spots

Partial Thromboplastin Time

The PTT, a one-stage clotting test, screens for coagulation disorders Specifically, it can detect deficiencies of the intrinsic thromboplastin system and also reveals defect in the extrinsic coagulation mechanism pathway *Used to monitor Heparin*


The development of *hypertension* with *proteinurea* or *edema* (or both) induced by pregnancy Occurs generally in the second half of pregnancy More common in women who have not carried a previous pregnancy beyond 20 weeks and is more frequent at the extremes of the reproductive years (teens and AMA (advanced maternal age) patients) occurs a lot in first pregancies trmt: bed rest, close monitoring of BP, or medication to prevent seizures, and the baby delivered as quickly as possible


The insertion of an endoscope, a narrow-diameter tube with a viewing mirror or camera attachment, through a very small incision (cut) in the chest wall. VATS = Video-assisted thorascopy


The main component of erythrocytes, serves as the vehicle for transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide The oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is directly proportioning to the Hb concentration rather than to the RBS because some RBCs contain more Hb than others This is why Hb determinations are important in the evaluation of anemia

Graves' Disease

The most common form of hyperthyroidism An autoimmune disease Goiter and ophthalmopathy are common

Osteoarthritis (OA)

The most common form of joint disease Involves progressive loss of articular cartilage and reactive changes at joint margins and in subchondral bone Prominent age is over 40, leading cause of disability in those over age 65 Male = female Caused from normal wear and tear of the joints Tends to be unilateral If you've had an injury to a joint you are at much higher risk of developing OA

Depressive Disorders

The most common psychiatric disorder Causes: Unknown, adverse life changes, divorce, financial and family crises, illness In Women: Postpartum, premenstrual, postmenopausal

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)

The principal methods of surgery for treatment of CAD involve bypassing blockages in coronary arteries with a blood vessel taken from another part of the patient's body. The standard procedure is called Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) surgery, or simply coronary artery bypass surgery. They open up the chest and see where they is a blockage and they unblock it. Typically use left internal thoracic (mammary) artery or radial artery Less often greater saphenous vein (increased occlusion rates)

prostate cancer symptoms

The problem with detecting prostate cancer is that it often doesn't produce any symptoms in its early stages When symptoms do occurs, they may include the following: dull pain in pelvic area, urgency or urination, difficulty starting urination, pain with urination, weak urine flow and dribbling, intermittent urine flow, frequent urination at night, hematuria


The process of destroying tissue by chemical corrosion or electricity, or by heating or freezing it Great tool to control bleeding -LEEP = loop electrocautery excision procedure (Used to treat cervical disease or dysplasia) Instrument is a bovie- has a metal tip that can send electricity Used to seal blood vessels used to treat cervical dysplasia or cervical erosion


The radiographic examination of a joint after the injection of a dye-like *contrast material* and/or air to outline the soft tissue and joint structures on the images.


The reaction to excess production of thyroid hormone Graves Disease, toxic multinodular goider, toxic uninodular goiter Symptoms: Nervousness, increased sweating, weight loss, heat intolerance, palpitations, tachycardia, dyspnea, fatigue, weakness, increased appetite Radioactive iodine destroys the thyroid gland Can remove some thyroid by surgery

Red Blood Cell Indices

The red cell indices define the size and Hb content of the RBC and consist of: Mean corpuscular volume Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration Mean corpuscular hemoglobin The RBC indices are used in differentiating anemias


The surgical removal of plaque from an artery that has become narrowed or blocked. Commonly done on the carotid arteries Risk: bleeding, infection, stroke


The testing of a person's ability to hear various sound frequencies. The test is performed with the use of electronic equipment called an audiometer. This testing is usually administered by a trained technician called an audiologist.

testicular torsion pathophys

The typical testicle is covered by the tunica vaginalis, which attaches to the posterolateral surface of the testicle and allows for little mobility In patients who have an inappropriately high attachment of the tunica vaginalis, the testicle can rotate freely on the spermatic cord within the tunica vaginalis This allows the testicle to twist spontaneously on the spermatic cord 1 or more time, causing testicular torsion This twisting leads to venous occlusion and engorgement, with subsequent arterial ischemia causing infarction of the testicle


The word cellulitis literally means inflammation of the cells. Indicates an acute spreading infection of the dermis and subcutaneous tissues Presents with pain, erythema, edema, and warmth.


Thickened and rough lesion of epidermis Associatied with aging and skin damage

BUN (blood urea nitrogen)

This test is primarily used, along with the creatinine test, to evaluate kidney function under a wide range of circumstances and to monitor patients with acute or chronic kidney dysfunction or failure It may also be used to evaluate a person's general health status when ordered as part of a basic metabolic panel (BMP) or comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) *Measure of urea levels in the blood* Usually urea low in blood, but when kidney fails urea accumulates there and leads to unconsciousness or death

Thyroid Storm

Thryotoxicosis Thyroid stimulating way too much that it is harmful Life-threatening condition, which may cause heart failure, fever, and mania

syphilis primary stage

Time between infection with syphilis and the start of the 1st symptoms can range from 10-90 days Usually marked by the appearance of a single sore (chancre) but there may be multiple It appears at the spot where syphilis entered the body Chancre lasts 3-6 weeks, and it will heal on its own (so people often miss it and aren't concerned) If adequate treatment is not administered, the infection progresses to the secondary stage

Coagulation Time

Time required for venous blood to clot in a test tube Normal is less than 15 minutes

Carpal Tunnel symptoms

Tingling sensations in the fingers, burning pain in the fingers especially at night, symptoms characteristically relived by shaking the hand, finger sensory loss Tinel's and Phalen's signs are positive


Tissue is destroyed by brning with an electric spark Used along with Curettage to remove and destroy small cancerous lesions with well defined borders

Autoimmune diseases

Tolerance process fails and immune cells react to normal cells resulting in a pathological condition Ex: Rheumatoid arthritis (attacking joints) Systemic lupus erythematous (attacks joints and kidneys) Type 1 Diabetes (attacks beta cells- in kids usually, lack of insulin, treat with insulin) Celiac disease (attack of celia in small intestines (help with absorption)- triggered by gluten (protein in wheat, rye, and barley) only trmt is gluten-free diet Autoimmune hepatitis (attacks liver cells)

testicular torsion causes and symptoms

Torsion can occur with activity, be related to trauma, or develop during sleep Scrotal swelling Nausea and vomiting Abdominal pain Fever

endometrial cancer treatment

Total hysterectomy and lymph node dissection (Staging procedure- cancer is staged depending on how much it has spread -take lymph nodes close to area) Radiotherapy Hormonal therapy with high dose progesterone Chemotherapy

Traumatic Alopecia

Traction alopecia - linear or oval patch of hair loss along hair line, due to trauma from hair rollers, tight braiding, tight pony tail

Central Nervous System Trauma

Traumatic damage to the brain Patient with loss of consciousness lasting > 2 minutes should be evaluated in the hospital; patients with neurological symptoms must be admitted


Traveling clot

bladder cancer treatment

Treatment with intravesicular BCG infusions, chemotherapy, cystectomy, and radiation therapy Superficial tumors removed by electrocauterization (burning)


Tumor cells form patterns resembling small sacs Common in muscle, bone, fat, and cartilage


Turbid fluid in the cavity Pus Circumscribed and elevated Example: Impetigo, acne Tiny abscesses in the skin through the translucent skin covering, their contents appear milky, orange,, yellow, or green, depending on what the infecting organisms are -pustules frequently arise from hair follicles or sweat glands

Universal Recipient

Type AB blood

Universal Donor

Type O blood


Type of traumatic brain injury caused by blow to the head no evidence of structural damage loss of consciousness might now occur rest is important to allow the brain to heal

varicocele symptoms

Typical symptoms are mild and many do not require treatment One of the signs is an aching pain when the individual has been standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time There is an association between varicocele and infertility Atrophy of the testicles is another sign of varicocele The condition is often diagnosed in adolescent boys during a sports physical exam When the affected testicle is smaller that the other, repair of the varicocele is recommended doesn't really cause a tremendous amt of pain


Typically affects the extremities (mostly hands) Tips of the fingers tend to be more bulbus and curved down A bump and then a downward slope at the last knuckle Most often associated with pulmonary disorders

Gestational Diabetes

Typically occurs during second or third trimester of pregnancy Screen with glucose tolerance test between 24-28 weeks (check your sugar, drink a sweet drink, and then they check your sugar again and make sure it's normal) Will often resolve after delivery of baby

Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)

Typically, PCI is performed by threading a slender balloon-tipped tube - a catheter - from an artery in the groin to a trouble spot in an artery of the heart (this is referred to as percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty - also known as PTCA, coronary artery balloon dilation or balloon angioplasty). The balloon is then inflated, compressing the plaque and dilating (widening) the narrowed coronary artery so that blood can flow more easily. This is often accompanied by inserting an expandable metal stent or a drug eluding stent (DES)

transurectal ultrasound

Ultrasound probe is inserted into the rectum to evaluate the prostate A biopsy of the prostate can also be performed if necessary The biopsy is guided by images from the probe A fine, hollow needle is aimed at the center of the prostate A spring propels the needle into the prostate gland and retrieves a very thin section of tissue

ALS symptoms

Unexplained weight loss Focal wasting of muscle groups Limb weakness with variable symmetry and distribution Difficulty walking Difficult swallowing Slurring of speech Inability to control affect Atrophy of muscle groups Fasciculations Hyperactive deep tension reflexes *Spares cognitive, oculomotor, sensory and autonomic functions*

Bell's Palsy

Unilateral facial paralysis secondary to a problem with the facial nerve (CN 7) Complete recovery is possible Causes: Viral infection, Lyme's Disease These symptoms make you concerned about a stroke, but with a stroke you do not have forehead involvement

Causes of anxiety disorders

Unknown Hyperthyroidism Drugs: Corticosteroids, cocaine, amphetamines Often associated with other mood disorders, such as major depression

Anorexia nervosa causes

Unknown Primarily of psychiatric origin Associated factors -Achievement-oriented family members with high goals -Destructive interpersonal relationships -Excessive family concerns in dietary matters

Bulimia nervosa causes and symptoms

Unknown Psychosocial Stress or possible psychiatric component Signs and symptoms Binge eating, fluctuating body weight, self-induced vomiting, excessive use of diuretics and cathartics, strict dieting and or vigorous exercise, impulsive antisocial behavior, gastric dilation and pancreatitis may occur as a complication Vomiting may lead to poor dentition, infections of the pharynx and esophagus, aspirations, electrolyte abnormalities, dehydration

barium swallow

Upper GI series/esophagus study X-ray used to examine the upper digestive tract (esophagus, stomach, and small intestine) Because these organs are not visible of x-rays, barium is used to coat the inside of the organs This test is useful for detecting cancers, ulcers, problems that causes narrowing of the esophagus, some causes of inflammation in the intestine, and swallowing problems

urinary catherization

Urinary catheter is any tube system placed in the body to drain and collect urine from the bladder Most common is the Foley catheter Another type is a suprapubic catheter Placed through the abdomen and into the bladder for urine drainage


Urinary tract infection Much more common in women because urethra is shorter Most are caused by *E. coli* Patient will complain of urgency, dysuria, suprapubic or low back pain, and low-grade fever, nocturia Gold standard for diagnosis is urine culture A catheterized sample or suprapubic tap is best Urinalysis shows WBC's, bacteria, positive leukocyte esterase and/or positive nitrites Treat with antibiotics

bladder cancer diagnosis

Urine testing.cytology Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) Cystoscopy (gold standard) Biopsy Transurethral resection


Use of nonliving objects as subsitutes for a human sexual love object


Use of sharp dermal curette to scrape away skin lesion

Stereotactic radiosurgery

Use of specialized instruments to target specific areas of the brain Gamma Knife is used to treat deep and often inaccessible intracranial brain tumors and abnormal blood vessel masses without surgical incision Proton stereotactic radiosurgery delivers uniform dose of proton radiation to a target and spares surrounding normal tissue Highly precise form of radiation therapy used primarily to treat tumors and other abnormalities of the brain A non-surgical procedure that uses highly focused x-ray to treat certain types of tumors, inoperable lesions and as a post-operative treatment to eliminate any leftover tumor tissue Also used to treat arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), a tangle of blood vessels that disrupts normal blood flow in the brain (leading cause of stroke in young people)


Used in multiple areas of the body Also used to treat cervical dysplasia Freezing of the abnormal cells

Radiofrequency ablation

Used to remove tumors and tissues Type of interventional radiology

Lung Cancer

Very common Not a good screen for lung cancer Leading cause of cancer death in both men and women in the US (Rates are currently decreasing due to increased education ) Smoking is by far the most important causative factor in the development of lung cancer (90%) Etiology: -Smoking, passive smoke exposure -Radon gas exposure, asbestos, arsenic, nickel -Genetic Patient with 40 pack year history has 20x increase of lung cancer risk compared to a non smoker Once it is found, it has usually spread a lot already

Gonorrhea symptoms

Very similar to chlamydia, so can only truly know if you do a culture (often will have both) Women -Bleeding associated with vaginal intercourse -Painful or burning sensations when urinating -Vaginal discharge that is yellow or bloody -More advanced symptoms (development of PID) = cramps, bleeding between menstrual period, vomiting, or fever Men -Have symptoms more commonly then women -Pus from the penis and pain -Burning sensation during urination that may be severe Symptoms of rectal infection include discharge, anal itching, and occasional painful bowel movements with fresh blood on the feces


Visual examination of vagina and cervix using colposcope The Pap smear is only a screening test and not a diagnostic tool used when the cervical appearance is abnormal or more commonly when the Pap smear returns abnormal a visual examination of the cervix The patient is positioned much like for a Pap smear, however acetic acid (vinegar) is placed on the cervix which causes abnormal cervical cells to fill with water so light will not pass through them

Pernicious anemia symptoms

Weakness, fatigue, pallor, glossitis (inflammation of tongue), abdominal disturbances, diarrhea, anorexia, ataxia, paresthesias, decreased sense of vibration and position, dementia, neuropsychiatric changes

Addison Disease symptoms

Weakness, fatigue, tiredness, weight loss, dizziness, increased pigmentation, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, chronic diarrhea, salt craving, hair loss, depression, Diffuse hyperpigmentation

Multiple Sclerosis symptoms

Weakness, numbness, tingling, unsteadiness, spastic paraparesis, diplopia (double vision), disequilibrium Sphincter disturbance (urinary urgency or hesitance) Optic atrophy, nystagmus, dysarthria Numbness of the extremities and visual loss Sensory loss in spinal distribution, ataxia, hyperreflexic Remission and relapses progressing to increased disability

Complete Blood Count

White blood cell count Differential white blood cell count Red blood cell count Hematocrit Hemoglobin Red blood cell indices (variations in size) Mean corpuscular volume Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration Mean corpuscular hemoglobin Platelet count Red blood cell distribution width Mean platelet volume


White, thickened patches on mucous membrane tissue of the tongue or cheek Evolves to squamous cell carcinoma Common in smokers


Whooping cough Highly communicable, respiratory bacterial infection caused by Bordetella pertussis Produces a paroxysmal spasmodic cough, ending in prolonged high-pitched inspiratory whoop or crow Transmission by direct contact and incubation period can be 3+ weeks Adults have been getting it (because the vaccine you got as a kid doesn't carry you through your whole life) Post-tussive emesis (throwing up after coughing) Can be fatal in babies and elderly


Wide resenction involving removal of the tumor, its organ of origin, and all surrounding tissue in the body space

endometriosis symptoms

Women with extensive endometriosis may have few symptoms, whereas, paradoxically, those with minimal gross endometriosis may have severe pain (with period, sex, defecation) Classic symptoms -Dysmenorrhea -Dyspareunia -Dyschezia -Infertility -Abnormal vaginal bleeding -Pelvic pain

Hematocrit (Hct)

Word hematocrit means "to separate blood" Hct is part of the CBC This test indirectly measures the RBC mass The results are expressed as the percentage by volume of packed RBCs in whole blood (PCV) It is an important measurement in the determination of anemia or polycythemia

Computed Tomography (CT) scan

X ray imaging produces cross-sectional and other views of anatomic structures Show abnormalities of lymphoid organs (lymph nose, spleen, thymus)

barium enema

X-ray exam of large intestines after insertion of Barium in the rectum Bowel preparation must be done prior to test Radiologist and tech will administer the barium enema The barium mixture fills the large intestine so that it can be seen on x-ray The radiologist will watch the images of the intestine on fluoroscopy. At times, the patient will need to change positions Test is mildly to moderately uncomfortable Test takes about 15 minutes

cerebral angiography

X-ray imaging of the arterial blood vessels in the brain Contrast material injected into femoral artery Helpful for diagnosis of hemorrhage, aneurysm, occlusions in the brain

Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA)

Xray image of contract injected blood vessels is produced by taking 2 xray pictures (first w/o contrast) Use computer to subtract obscuring shadows from the second image

CT urography

Xray images obtaned using CT scan detect kidney stones and evaluate pts with hematuria


Xray imaging after injection of contrast into bile ducts Inject contrast directly into common bile duct via endoscopic retrograde cholangiopacreatography (ERCP) or after surgery of gall bladder/biliary tract, or percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography


Xray imaging of renal pelvis and urinary tract Contrast injected into a vein to through catheter


Xray imaging of spinal cord after injection of contrast agent into the subarachnoid space surrounding spinal cord Usually done on pts who can't have an MRI


Xray of Kidney, ureters, and bladder Flat plate of the abdomen done *without contrast*


Xray record of the endometrial cavity and fallopian tubes obtained after injection of contrast material through the vagina and into the endocervical canal Determines the patency of fall. tubes

Spider veins

You can see the vein this is not varicose veins

Stress test

You stress the heart and look for the response (the heart might only have symptoms when there is extra demand on it) ETT (exercise tolerance test) Radionuclide stress myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI): Thallium stress test (imaging heart after stress test for areas of decreased blood flow) If patient cannot exercise, can perform pharmacologic stress test (Adenosine/Dobutamine- this medication stresses the heart) Patient placed on a treadmill and attached to a monitor Vitals and EKG rhythms are monitored during test


a disorder marked by loss of contact with reality of associated with delusions and hallucinations


a diuretic rid extra fluid from the interstitial tissues of body and pee it out


a large, electric microscope that is positioned approximately 30 cm from the patient's vagina The examiner focuses on the areas where no light passes through Abnormal blood vessel changes are also apparent through the colposcope Abnormal vascular changes can occurs with dysplasia Tissue samples will be taken from the cervix and sent to the pathologist for analysis Preferred when cervical dyplasia is present bc identifies specific areas of abnormal cells

android pelvis

a little more narrow


a method of dividing radiation into small repeated doses rather than fewer large doses Allows larger doses to be given while causing less damage to normal tissue

status epilepticus

a seizure lasting > 30 minutes, or a series or seizures without complete recovery -treatment of choice: diazepam (Valium) -diagnosis by CT or MRI, EEG

Electromyography (EMG)

a test that assesses the health of the muscles and the nerves controlling the muscles. For an EMG, a needle electrode is inserted through the skin into the muscle. The electrical activity detected by this electrode is displayed on an oscilloscope, and may be heard through a speaker. After placement of the electrodes, the patient will be asked to contract the muscle (for example, by bending your arm). The presence, size, and shape of the wave form -- the action potential -- produced on the oscilloscope provide information about the ability of the muscle to respond when the nerves are stimulated. Stimulating the nerves This is not a pleasant test. The main test to diagnose carpal tunnel


a trance created to help recovery of deeply repressed memories

bone marrow/stem cell transplantation

bone marrow or stem cells are infused intravenously into a pt


bone marrow tumor




breaks up clots






ability to have an erection

adaptive immunity

ability to recognize and remember specific antigens and mount an attack on them (B and T cells)




abnormal condition


abnormal condition


abnormal condition of excessive acid ketone in blood


abnormal flowing of milk from the breast


abnormal formation


abnormal sound caused by improper closure of heart valves doesn't have to be bad


abnormal sound or murmur heard on auscultation


abnormal speech

generalized seizure

abnormal throughout the whole brain Absence (petit mal) Febrile Tonoclonic (grand mal) Status epilepticus (everything twitching and shaking)




abnormally large ears



Osteomyelitis symptoms

abrupt onset of high fever, irritability, malaise, restriction of movement in the involved extremity, signs of local inflammation (hot, swollen, painful), joint destruction Find and treat early... it will destroy the bone (treat with IV antibiotics)


absence of all signs of disease


absence of emotions


accessory structures fallopian tubes, ovaries, and supporting ligaments of the uterus




around menopause age experiencing some symptoms

mammary papilla

breast nipple


across, through




act of giving birth


act of turning




active form of vitamin D needed for absorption of calcium from the intestine

Pulmonary Abscess symptoms

acute onset, fever, malaise, anorexia, weight loss, productive cough, foul-smelling sputum, decreased breath sounds, dullness over affected area of lung


acute, and usually reversible confused thinking, disorientation, changes in alertness, difficulty paying attention, fearfulness


adenoids lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx


adrenal gland


advanced degree but not med dr often have extensive training in research treat pts with psychotherapy may aid in evaluation of disorder cannot prescribe meds


again, anew


against infection


against itching


aid physicians in administering daignostic xray procedures


aid physicians in performing ultrasound techniques




air in the thorax

pneum/o, pneumon/o

air, lung


albumin (protein in the blood)

4 major plasma proteins

albumin, globulins, fibrinogen, and prothrombin



transvaginal ultrasound

allows radiologist a closer, sharper look at organs withint he pelvis sound probe is places in vagina instead of over pelvis or abdomen method is best used to evaluate fluid filled cysts


alveolus, air sac in the lung



Embolic stroke

an embolus (dislodged thrombus) travels to cerebral arteries and occludes a small vessel this stroke occurs very suddenly

berry aneurysm

aneurysm in small vessels in brain treatment is occlusion of the vessel with small clips


animal life


antibodies like IgaA, IgE, IgG, IgM, and IgD secreted by plasma cells in response to the presence of an antigen

monoclonal antibody

antibody produced in the lab to attack antigens and destroy cells useful in immunotherapy

dendritic cell

antigen-presenting cell


anxiety becomes a bodily symptom that has no physical basis

PE symptoms

anxiety, apprehension, diaphoresis, chest pain, cough, dyspnea, tachypnea, tachycardia, hemoptysis, leg pain or swelling, low grade fever, cyanosis and syncope in severe cases

full term pregnancy

anything after 37 weeks




area behind uterus but in front of rectum


area btwn anus and vagina


area of darkness

coronary artery

arteries over your heart

arter/o, arteri/o


brachial artery

artery in your arm


aspartate transaminase or called SGOT (serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase) Enzyme present is tissue of high metabolic activity Occurs in decreasing concentrations in the heart, liver, skeletal muscle, kidney, brain, pancreas, spleen, and lungs Enzyme is released into the blood stream following injury or death of cells

bone marrow biopsy

aspiration of bone marrow tissue and exmaination under a microscope for evidence of malignant cells

fibrocystic breast disease symptoms

breast pain, tenderness, and nodularity which worsens before menses Changes are usually bilateral and more pronounced in upper outer



treatment for fibroids

asymptomatic=nothing can have hysterectomy if a lot of bleeding embolization if at childbearing age (put a clot that leads to that myoma, so that that fibroid goes away but doesn't effect the rest of the uterus) uterine artery embolization (UAE)- tiny pellets are injected into uterine atery, blocking the blood supply to fibroids, causing them to shrink



nuclear medicine technologists

attend to pts undergoing nuclear medicine procedures and operate devises under direction of nuclear physician


attraction for


attraction for blood


attraction to, love


audible abdominal sound hyperactive peristalsis "stomach growl"

Myasthenia gravis

autoimmune disease where your body attacks the Ach receptors you get muscle fatigueability


away from






breathing in


breathing out


before, forward




below, under


benign exostoses usually found on the metaphyses of long bones near the epiphyseal plate


benign mass in uterus


benign tumor in the muscle typically a fibroid



mitral valve

between LA and LV

tricuspid valve

between RA and RV




beyond, change


bile vessel


bind together



anthrac/o, melan/o


cyst/o, vesic/o


hem/o, hemat/o






PE causes

blood clots, air embolism, fat embolism (typically after femur fracture), foreign bodies, amniotic fluid embolism, tumor cell embolism Vast majority is DVT


blood condition


blood condition


blood in the joint

quad screeen

blood test and ultrasound of nuchal fold




bluish discoloration of the skin



parietal lobe

body sensations, visual and spatial perception


body temp, sleep, appetite, emotions, controls pituitary




bone building cells


bone cell that reabsorbs bone

compression fracture

bone collapses upon itself seen with osteoporosis (older pts) most commonly in the spine/vertebrae

comminuted fracture

bone is in multiple pieces after crush injuries

greenstick fracture

bone is partially broken typically seen in kids


bone marrow


bruising of the brain tissue as a result of direct trauma to the head usually assoc with skull fracture, cerebral edema, and increased intracranial pressure subdural and epidural hematomas occur, leading to permanent brain injury with altered memory or speech or development of epilepsy

Taylor's Bunion

bunion on the pink side of the foot


burn, burning


burn, heat








bursting forth (of blood)


bursting forth blood




condition of a split mind


condition of being blue caused by lack of oxygen


condition of clotting


calcaneus (heel)

calc/o, calci/o


cali/o, calic/o

calyx, cup-shaped


can elevate mood, increase, physical activity and mental alertness, improve appetite and sleep patterns.


can't use arms or legs

endometrial cancer

cancer of the lining of uterus *most common type of adenocarcinoma* Uterine cancer is the most common gynecologic malignancy Usually postmenopausal Peak incidence between 50-60 years Biggest sign: POSTMENOPAUSAL PERIOD


cancer, cancerous




candida of the mounth Can be seen with inhaled corticosteroid


carbon dioxide


carpals (Wrist bones)

pulmonary valve

carries blood to the lungs after RV

aortic valve

carries blood to the rest of the body after LV

efferent nerve

carries message away from brain motor nerve

afferent nerve

carries message toward the brain sensory nerve


carrying transmission





Essential hypertension

cause of hypertension is not known


caused by the treatment or caused by the physician

Chronic essential hypertension

causes arterial and arteriolar damage potentially results in stroke, MI, heart failure, or renal failure


causing genetic change




cell of the lymph

Pap smear

cells are scraped from the cervic and examined under a microscope to check for disease or other problems (cervical cancer, cervical dysplasia, HPV) cervix viewed through speculum with pt in lithotomy position want endocervical cells (in the cervix!)

exfolliative cytology

cells are scraped from the region of suspected disease and examined under a microscope


condition of going to sleep


condition of the uterus within






cervix (shaped like a donut)

MRI urography

changing magnetic field produces images of kidney and surrounding structures in three planes of the body useful for visualizing tumor invasion of *blood vessels, lymph nodes, and adjacent tissues*


characterized by an open, exposed surface resulting from the death of overlying tissue Often found in stomach, breast, colon, and skin




chemical element that carries an electrical charge (Ca, Na, K) needed for proper function of muscle and nerve cells


chemical, drug








chest pain

Pericarditis symptoms

chest pain, typically sharp, retrosternal with radiation to the trapezial ridge, pain frequently sudden in onset, with inspiration and movement, pain reduced by leaning forward and sitting up, splinted breathing, fever, myalgia, pericardial friction rub (Scraping, grating sound)



Play therapy

child uses play with toys to express conflicts and feelings



chori/o, chorion/o

chorion layers surrounding the edges of the placenta

cytogenic analysis

chromosomes of normal or tumor cells are examined for breaks, translocation, or deletions of DNA


ciliary body

when looking at the uterus of someone who had endometriosis

classic findings: -chocolate cysts (ovaries large blood filled cysts -powder burns -adhesions, scarring (Can lead to infertility) -feel hard tissue periodically ("string of pearls)


condition usually abnormal






clot, clotting







inner ear

cochlea, organ of corti, auditory nerve fibers




collapsing of smaller airways in the lungs


collection/mass of blood




color appearance (turbid means UTI with pus and bacteria) pH (should be 6.5, but if basic show infection with bacteria that breakdown urea and release ammonia) protein (if albumin in urine indicates leak in glomerular membrane) glucose ketone bodies (appear when breaking down fat for energy and not sugar) sediment and casts (pathological condition) phenylketonuria (baby unable to break down phenylalanine and can lead to mental retardation) bilirubin (if have liver disease and breakdown hemoglobin)

additive addiction

combo of two similar drus is = to the sum of the effects of each

acute renal failure

comes on fast. triggered by meds or infections


common bile duct


common bile duct

arteriovenous fistula

communication between an artery and vein








complete airhead


composed of a variety of types of cells

cardiac tamponade

compression of the heart caused by collection of fluid in the pericardial cavity


congenital deformity A birth defect in boys in which the urinary tract opening is not located properly at the tip of the penis, it's on the underside of the penis Occurs in 1 out of 300 males This birth defect should be treated -The ability to stand and urinate is important for boys -Additionally, as an adult male, a straight penis is necessary for satisfactory sexual function and reproduction Treated surgically (Best done between the ages of 8 months and 18 months)




connection of nerves


constant erection

Aqueous humor

constantly being secreted/turnover


containing dead tissue any type of tumor


continued movement after they're done following your finger


contraction phase of heart beat

percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography

contrast injected via needle through the skin and into the liver

Barium sulfate

contrast medium used to study the upper and lower GI tract Soft Bowel Follow Through- traces the barium as passes through SI Barium Enema- lower GI series


control blood


controls blood pressure (raises to keep it moving through the kidneys)


coordination of voluntary movements and balance

corne/o, kerat/o



cotton dust

Brochiectasis symptoms

cough, sputum, hemoptysis, wheezing, coarse or moist rales, cyanosis, clubbing, barrel chest (sticks out a little)


crackling sound produced when ends of bones rub each other or rub against roughened cartilage


crackling, popping associated with OA





tranvestic fetishism

cross dressing




crushing a stone






dark park of eye can get bigger/smaller to let in more/less light


dark pigment around mammary papilla






decreased visual accuity because of age


deep sleep, coma






deficiency in erythrocytes/hemoglobin can cause lots of different symptoms fatigue, SOB, pale, white/yellowing in the eye, coldness, fainting, low BP, chest pain, angina, heart attack, change in stool color, splenomegaly (hemolytic anemia)


deficiency of bone not quite as bad as osteoporosis




deficient, below

radiation therapy (RT)

deliver max dose of ionizing radiation to the tumor tissue and min dose to the surrounding normal tissue

Pneumothorax symptoms

depends on size, sudden, sharp chest pain on affected side, dyspnea


desire to pull out one's hair


destroy tissue by electric sparks from high freq current

Primary Skin lesions

develop on previously unaltered skin



chronic renal failure

develops slowly over time diabetes and high BP, lupus, interstitial nephritis

PET/CT scan

diagnostic procedure combining CT and PET (positron emission tomography)



Osteoporosis risk factors

dietary, immobilization, cigarettes, caffeine, malabsorption, steroids, excess thyroid hormone post menopausal women!


difficult birth (abnormal)


difficulty breathing


difficulty breathing when laying down


difficulty forming words


difficulty speaking caused by stroke


difficulty swallowing


diffuse itching

Asthma symptoms

diffuse wheezing, dry and chronic cough, tight feeling in the chest, dyspnea, prolonged expiratory phase



-ectasia, -ectasis





dim, dull


dimensions of the size of radiation area used to treat a tumor from specific angle




disease condition of the nerve root




dizziness when you stand




double vision



thoracic duct

drains almost the entire body main collection site


droopy eye




drugs that increase the sensitivity of tumors to xrays



ichthy/o, xer/o

dry, scaly


dura mater external coating over the brain






dyspnea on exertion

o/o, ov/o, ovul/o



egg inside the follicle

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

electrical current is applied to the brain while pt is anestetized with assisted ventilation

second degree heart block

electrical impulse is not passing from the atria to the ventricle can become symptomatic because blood getting out to the rest of the body much slower typically treat with a pacemaker



nonseminomatous tumors

embryonal carcinoma teratoma choriocarcinoma yolk sac tumor

corpus luteum

empty ovarian follicle that secretes progesterone after release of egg cell (progesterone increases the change of the egg implanting in the wall of uterus, if it does implant, eventually the placenta takes over)


end of long bone

layers of the uterus

endometrium myometrium (muscular layer) uterine serosa (produces watery, serum like secretion)


enlarged lymph nodes


enlargement of liver and spleen


epididymis tube that carries sperm to urethra



parenchymal tissue

essential distinctive cells of an organ int he testis, the seminiferous tubules that produce sperm are parenchymal


eustachian tube






excessive birth weight


excessive bleeding


excessive pain


excessive preoccupation to drink alcohol


excessive sensitivity to pain


excessive thirst, assoc with diabetes


excessive thirst. classic symptom of diabetes


excessive urine in diabetes


excessive uterine bleeding at and between menstrual pds basically no pattern sign of endometrial cancer


excessive vomiting


excision, removal

How to lower BP without medication

exercise low sodium diet quit smoking weight loss decreasing alcohol and caffeine

seminal vesicles

exocrine glands that secrete fluid into the vas deferens

Bronchiolitis symptoms

expiratory wheezes, intercostal retractions, fever, cough, grunting, tachypnea, tachycardia, cyanosis, anorexia

high dose irradiation

exposure of the tissue to radiation Destroys tumor cells and produces damage to DNA

Sessile polypoid tumors

extend from a broad base

Pedunculated polypoid tumors

extend from a stem or stalk


external expression of emotion What the HC provider should look for

spina bifida cystica with meningocele

external protruding sac containing meninges and CSF

spina bifida cystica with myelomeningocele

external protruding sac with meninges, CSF, and spinal cord, often associated with paralysis (lower extremity) and hydrocephalus


external region bewn anus and scrotum


external sac that contains the testes




extreme hypothyroidism


extreme sensitivity to light

ovarian cysts

extremely common When an ovarian follicle fails to rupture during follicular maturation, ovulation does not occur and a follicular cyst may develop (or occurs in follicles that have ruptured by immediately seal) The patient may experience pressure, or pain with rupture, or be totally asymptomatic Bilateral pain There are many other types of benign ovarian cysts malignant- cystadenocarcinomas ONce you have one cyst, you typically have a lot more best treatment is birth control

ocul/o, ophthalm/o, opt/o, optic/o




blephar/o, palpebr/o





fake pregnancy


fallopian tube


fallopian tubes




fast breathing

adip/o, lip/o, steat/o





fear of being in crowded/public places


fear of being in open, crowded or public places


fear of closed spaces


fear of heights


fear of spiders




feeling nervous sensation


feeling, nervous sensation (root)





Pneumonia symptoms

fever, productive cough, purulent sputum (green, yellow, thick pus), dyspnea, shaking chills, wheezing, rales



fibul/o, perone/o



filled with a thin, watery fluid resembling serum


filled with mucus

ventilation studies

fills the air sacs of the alveoli

function of the kidneys

filtration of: water, salts, sugars, urea, waste (meds) secrete hormones: renin, erythropoietin, calciferol kidneys decide what to secrete and what to absorb (filter out toxins but keep balance of electrolytes, salts, and sugars)


fingerlike ends of fallopian tubes






first birth


first menstrual cycle


fixation, putting into place


fixed false belief that cannot be changed by logical thinking






formation of sperm

-plasia, -plasm

formation, frowht

Chronic Heart Failure (CHF)

formerly "congestive heart failure" Principal complication of heart disease Produced by an abnormality in cardiac pump function Can have systolic failure (not functioning good as a pump, heart typically enlarged) or diastolic failure (not able to relax fully and fill with blood well) The heart is unable to transport blood in a sufficient flow to meet metabolic needs *Most common inpatient diagnosis for patients over 65* Treatment: lowering sodium intake, diuretics to promote fluid loss, ACE inhibitors (type I), beta blockers, spironolactone (increases water and sodium by the kidney), digoxin, or heart transplant if all else fails (use Left ventricular assist device (LVAD) as a booster pump which pumps blood to the rest of the body)


forming small glandular sacs Thyroid gland cancer and lymphomas common


found in breast milk, tears, saliva, respiratory mucous


found in green plants absorbing light to convert into energy


found in plasma, higher in chronic conditions



Colles fracture

fracture of the distal radius foosh injury- a fall on an outstretch hand



anterior chamber

front part of eye






fusing the joints





tonoclonic (grand mal) seizure

generalized sudden loss of consciousness -often preceded by aura (peculiar sensation experienced by affected person before onset) -tonic phase duration < 1 minutes (stiffening of the muscles) -followed by a clonic phase with jerking of the body lasting 2-3 minutes -postictal state: confusion, sleep

Absence (petit mal) seizure

generalized seizure consciousness impaired -abrupt onset and termination, mostly in children -may be accompanied by mild clonic, tonic, or atonic components, reduction or loss of postural tone, autonomic components causing enuresis or automatisms

febrile seizure

generalized seizure diagnosis made by the following criteria 1. Duration of seizure (brief < 5 minutes) 2. Age (3 months to 5 years, most common 6 months to 3 years) 3. Fever (> 101.8) 4. Infection (non-CNS, such as otitis media, pharyngitis, adenitis


genetic change

Alpha-1 antitripsyn

genetic condition predispsing to emphysema will present very early in life (30s,40s) and rarely have history of smoking


given birth many times (usually described when looking at the cervix and it kinda changed shape)


gives off radioactivity (RA) as it disintegrates


giving rise to, producing






glans penis






glial cells





testicular torsion trmt

go in surgically and the surgion untwists it, so they attach the veins to the wall because very likely for them to twist again


good feeling


good to excessively happy


good, normal


gradual ending of menstruation (When no more eggs to mature) avg age- 51 1/2 (premature menopause at 45, delayed menopause at 55) no period for a year age can be predicted by when other women in family went through it estrogen levels fall and cause hot flashes, incomnia, vaginal atrophy hormone replacement therapy (HRT) relieves symptoms

second degree relative











growth plate in the joints

pil/o, trich/o



hallucination, to wander in the mind







sclero derma

hardened skin effects the vessels as well

Essential Hypertension

has no identifiable cause. It may be caused by genetics, environmental factors, or even diet, such as how much salt used

Active ROM

has the pt move their body parts themselves


having a yellowish color cerebrospinal fluid that contains blood or bile






head pain



-acusis, -cusis


Acous/o, audit/o


Her-2/neu (breast cancer receptor protein)

human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 Herceptin: antibody that binds to and blocks her-2/neu (effective at stopping growth) Triple negative tumors lack estrogen, progesterone, and Her-2/neu are highly aggressive (but not incurable)


human papilloma virus 100s of strains of it, and not all of them will cause cancer -4 main oncogenic strains that will cause cancer -HPV is sexually transmitted, but this sucks because men don't have any signs usually (even with oncogenic strains) -can cause genital warts (benign growths on vulva, cervix, vagina, or anus) -Not all HPV will turn into cervical cancer, but smokers have a harder time of fighting and clearing the virus




humpack in upper back caused by osteoporosis



Cardiolite scan (Technetium Tc 99m Sestamibi)

injected and traced to the heart muscle exercise tolerance test is administered in a Multiple Gates Acquisition scan (MUGA), TC-99m is inected to stufy the motion of the heart wall muscle and ventricle's ability to eject blood

nephrolithiasis risk factors

iced tea and colas (dark colored beverages), decreased water intake, alcohol

id, ego, and superego

id- represents unconscious instincts present from birth ego- central coordinating branch of personality, mediator btwn id and outside world superego- internalized conscience and moral part of personality


if 2 drugs give less than an additive effect


if two drugs produce greater than additive effects




image of the spinal cord


imaging of urinary tract structures using high freq sound waves kidney size, tumors, hydronephrosis, polycystic kidney disease, and ureteral and bladder obstruction can be diagnosed


immature cell


immature cell build


immature egg


immature tumor

PE risk factors

immobility, estrogen use, femoral venous catheter, obesity, Polycythemia vera (excessive production of all blood cells...very thick blood) lupus, malignancy, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, hypercoagulability, post operative Same risk factors as DVT

ectopic pregnancy

implantation of fertilized egg in any site other than the normal uterine location occurs in 15% of pregnancy 90% of these occur in fallopian tubes (tubal pregnancy) if the ectopic pregnancy ruptures within the tube, can lead to massive abdominal bleeding and death surgeons can remove implant, or treatment and medication (preserving the fallopian tube) other sites: ovaries, absominal cavity


implantation of small, sealed container or seeds of radioactive material directly into the tumor (interstitial) or in a cavity of the tumor (intracavitary)

vitamin D

important for calcium reabsorption without Vit D only 10-15% of calcium absorbed

first degree heart block

improper conduction of impulses through the AV node to the bundle of His taking longer of P wave to cause contraction of ventricles (elongation) often asymptomatic, seen when doing an EKG


in due measure

in vitro

in test tube analysis of blood and urine specimens using RA chemicals Radioimmunoassay (RIA)- combines use of RA chemicals and antibodies to detect hormones and drugs in pts blood

in vivo

in the body evaluate fxn of organ or image it Ex: tracer studies


incision into the trachea (windpipe) that forms a temporary or permanent opening which is called a tracheostomy.


incision into the vein, how you draw blood


incision into vulva done during birth when the baby's head is too large that would cause a tear (so you would have straight edges when repairing)



core needle biopsy

insertion of a large bor eedle into tissue to remove a core of cells for microscopic exam

laparoscope function

inspection and removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes diagnose and treat endometriosis removal of fibroids perform subtotal (cervix is left in place) and total hysterectomies


instrument to cut


instrument to measure


instrument to measure blood pressure


instrument to visually examine


instrument to visually examine the ear






intravenous injection of RA tracer and the computer reconstruction of 3d image based on composite of many views

Endotracheal intubation

introduces a tube into the trachea to provide an open airway to administer oxygen, gaseous medication, or anesthetics. May also be done to remove blockages, or to view the interior walls.


involuntary contraction of muscles

ir/o, irid/o




Radiosensitive tumor

irradiation can cause the death of cells without serious damage to surrounding tissues (morbidity)


is a localized supperative *staphylococcal* skin infection originating in a gland or hair follicle and characterized by pain, redness and swelling -necrosis in the center of the inflamed area forms a core of dead tissue that is spontaneously extruded, eventually absorbed, or surgically removed

ket/o, keton/o











just narrowing of descending aorta doesn't necessarily mean that you have issues with the aortic valve


just not feeling good


lessens pain narcotics/opioids, NSAIDS (Reduce fever, pain, inflammation)

nephr/o or ren/o


nephr/o, ren/o



kills bact




labor, birth


lack of all pituitary secretion


lack of color


lack of coordination


lack of strength


lamina part of your vertebrae

broca's area

language expression (being able to form the words)


large bruise happens after trauma deeper purple

linear accelerator

large electronic device that produces high energy xray beams for the trmt of deep seated tumors


large process proximal ulna


large tumor typically in pubic area has bone, hair, cartilage, and skin cells


larger, central section of uterus


larynx voice box


leiomyoma (tumor/mass of the smooth muscle) Benign tumors originating from smooth muscle cells Most frequent pelvic tumor Usually multiple Growth of myomas is stimulated by estrogen Mostly women in their 40s Found in 25% of Caucasians and 50% of African Americans may be asymptomatic

phac/o, phak/o

lens of the eye


less than 20 million sperm/mL of semen can be caused by mumps (an infectious disease in the testes)














lining of the uterus in places other than in the uterus places it could be: Peritoneal surfaces (bladder, cul-de-sac, pelvic side walls, broad ligaments, uterosacral ligaments, fallopian tubes, and uterus) Lymph nodes *Ovaries* (most common location) Bowel distant sites are possible multiple theories: retrograde menstruation


listening to sounds within the body performed with stethoscope usually for listening to air in and out of the lungs and the heart


little wing




liver makes new glucose




local widening of an artery (at least 50%)


localizing antigens or proteins int tissues using labels antibodies

bulbourethral glands (cowper glands)

located near the male urethra, secrete fluid into the urethra (Acts as lubricant)


long term and intense form of psychotherapy seeks to influence behavior and resolve internal conflicts by allowing pts to bring their unconscious emotions to the surface


losing the proper conduction through the atria so that the contraction isn't synchronized


loss of intellectual abilities with impairment of memory (usually short term lost), judgement, and reasoning


loss of memory


love of dead bodies

electron beams

low energy beams for trmt of skin or surface tumors


low oxygen


lower back


lower portion of the lung


lowest, neck like portion of the uterus

fibrocystic breast disease

lumps and bumps within the breast tissue (numerous small sacs of fluid surrounded by dense strands of fibrous tissue in the breast) completely benign occurs in at least 50% of women reduction of caffeine is recommended Vitamin E therapy can help symptoms (with mastodynia) wear a tight fitting bra around period! important for female to do breast exam! these lumps stay the same, but this way you know when a new one occurs




lying down (prone or supine)

lateral decubitus

lying down on the side with xray beam horizontally positioned




lymph node in neck, groin, back of neck, clavicle, armpit, medial aspect of the knee, deep within the belly and chest (not palpable but can see on imaging)

bladder cancer

malignant tumor of the urinary bladder Bladder cancer tends to occur most commonly in individuals over the age of 60 -2 to 3 time more common in men -Cigarette smoking is associates with 25--65% of cases Occupational exposures (Dyes, textile, tires, rubber) Most commonly will present with painless gross hematuria The lining of the normal bladder is composed of 3 to 7 layers of transitional cells It is these transitional cells that undergo the changes that begin the disease process in patients with bladder cancer The degree of transitional cell invasion is determined by how deeply the cancer has extended into the bladder wall Transitional cell carcinoma is the most common type of bladder cancer (90%)



Middle ear

malleus, incus stapes, oval window


mandible (lower jaw)




many, increased


many, more




mass of lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx


mass, tumor


mastoid process

ovum (ova)

mature egg cell what is released into fallopian tube


maxilla (upper jaw)






method of separating serum proteins by electrical charge


midline region where bronchi, blood vessels and nerves enter/exit the lung

galact/o, lact/o




phren/o, psych/o, ment/o





mixture, temperament

Dysplastic Nevi

moles that have atypical cells May progress to form melanoma




more than 100 bpm

multiple gestations

more than one fetus inside the uterus higher risk for preterm delivery, growth restriction, high BP, and diabetes

closed fracture

most common break in bone, but no break in skin

carcinoma of the prostate

most common cancer in american men On average, an American man has about a 30% risk of having prostate cancer in his lifetime, but only a 3% risk of dying of the disease ("you die with prostate cancer, not of prostate cancer") By age 50, up to 1 in 4 men have some cancerous cells in the prostate gland By age 80, the ratio increases to 1 in 2 The average age of diagnosis is 72 Controversial: Screen with DRE and serum PSA starting at age 50 (but are you really gunna do anything about it if you do have cancer?) Diagnosis requires Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) to get a biopsy. Treatment: Surgery, radiation(radioactive seeds that develop radiation just to that site), hormonal chemotherapy (administer antiandrogens to diminish testosterone) Complications from prostate cancer are related to both the disease and its treatment Both prostate cancer and its treatment can cause urinary incontinence as well as erectile dysfunction (impotence)

Herpes type 1

most commonly infects the lips causing sores known as fever blisters or cold sores, but it can also infect the typically more oral, but can affect genitals

frontal lobe

most responsible for thought processes, behavior, and emotion

-kinesia, -kinesis, -kinetic




kines/o, kinesi/o

movement (root)


mucous membrane





my/o, myom/o

muscle, muscle tumor


mushrooming pattern of growth in which tumor cells pile one on top of another and project from a tissue surface Most common in the colon



onych/o, ungu/o


vas deferens

narrow tube that carries sperm from epididymis toward urethra




narrowing of urethra


narrowing, tightening



Contrasting medium

needed for when the machine passes through two different body structures that have the same density. This way you can tell the difference between them on the xray film


needle puncture of amniotic sac to withdraw amniotic fluid for analysis cells of fetus are cultures and cytologic and biochemical studies performed to check detal chromosomes, concentrations of proteins and bilirubin and fetal maturation



medulla oblongata

nerve fiber cross over life center


nerve pain


nerve root (leading off of the spinal cord)

phrenic nerve

nerve that innervated the diaphragm

autonomic nervous system

nerves control involuntary body fxns digestion, heart beat






never given birth

digital tomosynthesis

new method of mammography xray tube moves in an arc around breast as several images taken images sent to computer and clear highly focused 3D pictures produces less painful, and makes dense tissue easier to find


new opening

unacceptable kidney donors

newborns, people older than 60, and people with a history or generalized or intra-abdominal sepsis, any disease with possible renal involvement (e.g. diabetes, hypertension, lupus), or malignancy

gynecoid pelvis

nice round pelvis that baby can pass through nicely the best kind of pelvis to have a baby through










nitrogenous waster excreted in urine

sleep apnea

no breathing when sleeping

third degree heart block

no coordination because the atrial and the ventricular contraction typically treat with pacemaker

pelvic rest

no excessively heavy lifting no intercourse


no opening


no pulse


no smell


no urine very acute, stage 4 renal failure




obsessive preoccupation

Toxic Multinodular Goiter

occurs late in life Nodules are insidious and almost never malignant


off, away

PET/CT scan

often used to detext cancer and metastases Combines the two (radioactivity and contrast)


old age



impacted fracture

one fragment of the bone is driven into another seen after a lot of force (car accidents) seen in the hips


one testicle


one, single

partial seizure

only in one area of the brain Limited to part of a cerebral hemisphere) Simple seizures Complex seizures (just like a hand shaking)


open reduction with internal fixation putting screws and plates in the bone to hold it in place

open fracture

open wound bone sticks out of body







Severe Combines Immunodeficiency Disease (SCID)

present at birth deficiency of B and T cells lack of immunity small thymus little or no protection against infection

actinic keratosis

presquamous cell cancer


optic disc, nipple like


order, coordination


organ is essential and distinctive tissue





ex-, exo-

out, outside of, outward


outer fibrous layer protecting eye


outer part of ear acts as a funnel to collect the sound into EAC


outermost layer surrounding the embryo forms fetal part of placenta


outward extension of shoulder blade articulates with clavicle


ovaries, testies

oophor/o, ovari/o



overly suspicious thinking with fixed delusions of being harassed, persecuted, or unfairly treated







Ewing Sarcoma symptoms

pain and swelling of the extremities, fever, and leukocytosis might wake you up in the middle of the night


pain caused by exercise that is relieved with rest




painful menstrual cycle


painful sex


pair of long coiled tubes above each testes. Stores and carries sperm from seminiferous tubules to vas deferens




parathyroid hormone

first degree relative

parent or sibling


parietal (outer layer), visceral (inner layer)


paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea shorter breath at night


partial or incomplete dislocation

complex seizure

partial seizure consciousness impaired -accompanied or followed by psychic symptoms and automatisms

simple seizure

partial seizure consciousness preserved -focal motor symptoms or somatosensory symptoms -paresthesias or tingling that "marches" to different parts of the body

Second Degree Burns

partial-thickness burn) Epidermal and dermal lesions, erythema and blisters, pain

Toxic Alopecia

patchy, asymmetric balding that accompanies severe illness or use of chemotherapy



fibroid symptoms

pelvic pressure and urinary frequency, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, or chronic pelvic pain, abnormal uterine bleeding, and infertility Uterus may be large (might feel pregnant)





elective abortion

performed at the request of the woman

Liver function tests (LFTs)

performed on blood serum tests done: -AST -ALT -Alkaline phosphatase -Total bilirubin

therapeutic abortion

performed when the health of the pregnant woman is endangered




person with skin deficient in melanin

ac, al, ic, ical

pertaining to


pertaining to


pertaining to producing


photoreceptor Color and central vision


photoreceptor Vision in dim light and peripheral vision


physical and psychological dependence and craving for drug and presence of unpleasent effects when that drug is withdrawn




physician who specializes in practice of diagnostic radiology

renal scan

pictures show size and shape of kidney

incisional biopsy

piece of tumor is removed for examination to est diagnosis


pin point areas of bleeding under the skin very superficial reddish color not usually precipitated by trauma

Outer ear

pinna, external auditory canal, typanic membrane

Open reduction with External Fixation

pins that go right through the skin and into the bone


pituitary gland

core needle biopsy

placement of large bore needle that extracts a thin core of tissue

Fine Needle aspiration

placement of very thin needle inside the tumor mass and extracting cells for microscopic eval






pleural cavity, chest






polyhydramnios- too much amniotic fluid oligohydramnios- scanty amniotic fluid






poor digestion

cauliflower ear

popular in wrestling


pore, passage

spina bifida occulta

posterior vertebrae have not fused, may see mole, dimple, or patch of hair over area very rarely have symptoms because still covered these pts do very well (might have back pain later in life)




precursor for erythrocyte

-cyesis, -gravida



procedure in which a hollow, flexible tube is inserted into the airways, allowing the physician to visually examine the lower airways, including the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles. It can also be used to collect specimens for bacteriological culture to diagnose infectious diseases such as tuberculosis.

tubal ligation

procedure to cause permanent sterility cutting fallopian tube so that the egg cannot get to the uterus Operation which block the tubes carrying a woman's egg to her uterus Worldwide, it is the most commonly used method of birth control Failure rate is 1-5% during the first 10 years Difficult to reverse if want to become pregnant later


procedure used to view the inside of the larynx (the voice box)




process of cutting, incision


process of recording


process of releasing the egg


process of study


process of viewing


process of visually examining the cervix and vagina (done when abnormal cells in cervix) put vinegar onto the cervix so the light shines through the cells and the malignant cells turn white so you know exactly where to biopsy


process, condition


produced by

Antibiotics and Antivirals

produced by a microorganism that inhibits or kills bacteria, fungi, or parasites But the bacteria can develop resistance!


production of blood cells

Chronic Bronchitis symptoms

productive cough (persistent and severe), copious sputum production, intermittent difficulty breathing, wheezes (from narrowing airway) and rhonchi (from the mucus), patient usually overweight

radiologic technologist

professionalist who work with physicians in the fields of radiology and nuclear med


profuse sweating


prostate gland





blood brain barrier

protective separation btwn blood and brain cells made up of endothelial cells and astrocytes






protein produced by B cells to destroy antigens

Colony-stimulating factor (CSF)

protein that stimulates the growth of WBCs


proteins (cytokines) secreted by T cells and other cells to regulate the immune system

complement system

proteins in the blood that help antibodies kill their target include cytokines, interferons, and interleukins


proteins secreted by cytotoxic T cells to aid in antigen destruction (interferons and interleukins)


proteins that stimulate the growth of B and T lymphocytes

PET-CT scanners

provide images that pinpoint the location of abnormal metabolic activity within the brain

Passive ROM

provider moves the pt

photon therapy

rad ther using xrays or gamma rays Produces photon beams to treat tumors

external beam irradiation (teletherapy)

radiation ther applied to a tumor from a distant source

radionuclide scan

radioactive substances are inected intravenously and scans of organs are obtained



seborrheic keratosis

raised lesions that can be anywhere on the body look like a wart almost always in elderly not of concern

atrial flutter

rapid but regular contractions of atria, but they go very fast has saw tooth appearance usually a 3:1 ratio of atria:ventricle, up to 300 bpm often leads to atrial fibrillation

ventricular fibrillation

rapid, random, ineffectual and irregular contractions of the heart quivering of the ventricles (no blood getting pushed out to the body) electrical impulses move randomly throughout the venticles life threatening rhythm commonly seen when people have a heart attack treatment:* defibrillate* (need to shock so that it will go back into its normal rhythm), or meds (digoxin, beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers) convert fib to NSR

atrial fibrillation

rapid, random, ineffectual, and irregular contraction of the heart atria are not having normal rhythmic contractions, so the blood isn't getting fully ejected from atria into ventricle typically very fast, so proper filling of the ventricles doesn't occur so not good perfusion most common cardiac arrhythmia Loss of coordination of impulses in the atria which causes the atria to quiver instead of contract Due to ineffective atrial contractions, patients can develop a thrombus (clot) in the left atria that can dislodge and travel to the brain (worried about stroke!.. especially in pts with paroxysmal AF (irregular HB occur periodically) and permanent/persistant AF (irregular HB continues indefinitely) characteristics: no P waves (no contraction of atria), irregular QRS complexes, often very rapid rhythm


rapid, sharp acid


raspy voice




receive organ from an identical twin


receive organ from someone not an identical twin







strawberry mark

red mark on skin typically in children


reduce the tendency of platelets to stick together Aspirin


reduced freq of seizures


reduces/eliminates sensation Can be local or general (for surgery)






relaxation phase of heart beat


relay station for sensory impuses control of *awareness* and *consciousness*

Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone

released from pituitary gland after onset of menstruation stimulate maturation of ovum and ovulation after ovulation, LH influences maintenance of corpus luteum and production of estrogen and progesterone when pregnant, E and P stop production of FSH and LH so that new eggs do not mature and ovulate


relieving symptoms

perfusion studies

rely on passage of radioactive compound through the capillaries of lungs





renal biopsy

removal of kidney tissue for microscopic examination can be performed at the time of surgery (open) or through the skin (percutaneous or closed) Multiple ways of performing Ultrasound guided CT scan guidance Trans-jugular (Running the biopsy catheter through one of the neck veins)


removal of ovary


removal of plasma from blood by centrifuge, collected cells are then transfused into the donor


removal of the lamina


removal of the parathyroid

excisional biopsy

removal of tumor and a margin of normal tissue


removal of uterus


removal, carrying away


removing fluid from the chest


removing one lobe of the lung


renal function glucose electrolytes


renal pelvis


restoration of the bones to normal position







right lymphatic duct

right side of the face and right arms/chest


ringing in your ears


ringing of the ears

combining form

root + combining vowel




rotation of the spine creates an asymmetry


round, globe


rounded depression in the pelvis that joins the femur


rounded, upper part of uterus


sac of fluid


sad/bad mind




same, equal

chrorionic villus sampling (CVS)

sampling of placental tissues for prenatal diagnosis sample of tissue removed with a catheter inserted into uterus can be performed earlier than amniocentesis (9-12 weeks of gestation)












scope to go in and look at the esophagus, stomach and beginnning of intestine


scoping of the intestines


seizure- where your brain sends out abnormal activity An abnormal paroxysmal neuronal discharge in the brain, which may cause a transient disturbance of cerebral function most causes are unknown (idiopathic) After seizures (postictal) patients often have weakness and confusion (like 10-15 min) May have Todd's paralysis = contralateral postictal paralysis (Persistent weakness less than 24 hours after seizure )




self, own


semen, seed


sensation of the body


sensitivity to sound seen in migrains

Sexual dysfunctions

sexual disorder Disturbances in sexual disorders or changes in sexual response (premature ejac, dyspareunia)


sexual disorder Recurrent sexual urges that involve unusual objects, activies, or situations


sexual excitement achieved by observing unsuspecting people who are naked, undressing, or engaging in sexual activity

sexual sadism

sexual gratification is gained by being humiliated, beaten, bound, or made to suffer by another person

sexual masochism

sexual gratification is gained by inflicting physical or psychological pain or humiliation on others


sexual intercourse


sexual urges and fantasies with kids under 13


shaft of long bone


shape, form






shortness of breath


show the functioning of the kidney

prophylactic oophorectomy

significantly reduces the odds of developing ocarian cancer if a woman is high risk

stereotactic radiosurgery

single large dose of rad delivered from several different angles under stereotactic guidance to destroy vascular abnormality


single, painless lesion usually firm, round, small, and painless


sinus, cavity


skeletal muscle

cutane/o, derm/o, demat/o




Tuberculin Test

skin test is done to detect the presence of tuberculosis (TB) (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). It is done by putting a small amount of TB protein (antigens) under the top layer of skin on the inner forearm. If the patient has ever been exposed to the TB bacteria, their skin will react to the antigens by developing a firm red bump at the site within 2 days. The Mantoux skin test uses TB antigens called purified protein derivative (PPD). The test cannot tell if the infection is active or inactive (latent).

Integumentary System

skin, hair, and nails








slow movement



Intrauterine device (IUD)

small device designed to remain inside the uterus prevents implantation of embryo


small glandular sacs


small hairs that line the fallopian tube and sweep the ovum along by their motion usually takes ovum 2-3 days to pass through fallopian tube


small sac


smooth muscle




soft cartilage


soft tissue surrounding nail border


soft, inner part




softening of the bone

ster/o, stere/o

solid structure

Toxic uninodular goiter

solitary nodule with autonomous function Almost always benign


sores in your mouth




spasm of the veins not necessarily caused by a clot




specialist of NS


specialist pertaining to treatment of the mind


specialist to make things straight

leydig cells (interstitial cells of testes)

specialized cells in the testes that produce testosterone

Atrioventricular bundle (Bundle of His)

specialized muscle fibers connecting the atria with the ventricles and transmitting electrical impulses between them

pacemaker (SA node)

specialized nervous tissue in the right atrium that begins the heartbeat an artificial cardiac pacemaker is an electronic apparatus implanted in the chest to stimulate heart muscle that is weak and not functioning

Atrioventricular node (AV node)

specialized tissue in the wall between the atria electrical impulses pass from the pacemaker (SA node) through the AV node and the bundle of His toward the ventricles

nuclear medicine physician

specializes in practice of diagnostic radiology


specialty concerned with pregnancy and delivery of fetus




sperm cell or ovum

sperm/o, spermat/o

spermatozoa, semen


spinal cord

ankylosing spondilitis

spine is still, starting to fuse together


spiny, thorny




spitting blood, usually lung sputum


spitting up blood (from the lungs)












spreading evenly throughout the affected tissue


stage in prenatal development from 2-8 weeks


stage in prenatal development from 8-39/40 weeks


stage in prenatal development from fertilization to implantation (up to 2 weeks)




state of


state of complete knowledge


state of/ condition


stationary clot






tears, tear ducts


tend to be higher in acute infections

ten/o, tendin/o


anthropoid pelvis

tends to be longer than wide

platypoid pevis

tends to be wider than it is long

abortion (AB)

termination of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus can exist on its own can be spontaneous (miscarriage) or induced (can be therpeutic or elective)


test that measures air you can inhale and exhale

Basic metabolic panel (BMP)

test to determine electrolytes, kidney function, and glucose


testes, testicle

orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o

testis, testicle

complete metabolic panel (CMP)

tests determine electrolytes, kidney function, glucose AND liver function (BMP doesn't have liver function)




the collective external genitalies

What is special about the pulmonary artery?

the only artery that carries unoxygenated blood, all other arteries carry oxygenated blood

placenta previa

the placenta has implanted close to the cervix (We usually want it higher in the uterus because otherwise it will rupture during birth) Patient may present with vaginal bleeding (but no pain) -Caused by the separation of part of the placenta from the lower uterine segment -*painless bright red bleeding* -hemorrhage and premature labor Diagnosed by ultrasound 8(typically at 20 weeks) Cesarean birth Pelvic rest is mandatory the majority of the placentas will move out of the way


the rate of absorption of the radioparmaceutical into an organ or tissue


the study of poisons


the study of protection


the study of the electrical activity of the brain


the study of the heart

Herpes type 2

the usual cause of genital herpes, but it can also affect the mouth during oral sex


the visual examination of the interior of joints with special surgical instruments

Supportive psychotherapy

therapist offers encouragement, support, and hope to pts facing difficult life transitions and events

internal fetal monitoring

type of fetal monitoring go in through the vagina electrode attached to the baby's head to record heart tones, and a pressure catheter to record contractions

meconium aspiration syndrome

thick black tarry meconium in the intestines- they can pass this during delivery and then breathe it in and get into their lungs (THIS IS BAD(=) 10% of all fetuses pass meconium (fecal material) in utero, in some cases associated with fetal distress If aspirated may caused mechanical obstruction and/or severe chemical pneumonitis associated with atelectasis consolidation barotrauma, some degree of direct removal of pulmonary surfactant by free fatty acids in the meconium persistent pulmonary hypertension Syndrome associated with significant morbidity and mortality in the newborn

vitreous humor

thicker, jelly like fluid that maintains shape of eyeball isn't constantly being reproduced


thin, slender


think that they can see the future


thinking, personality, sensations, movement, memory




thirst for alcohol






through the blood

bilius emesis

throwing up bile


throwing up blood form the stomach/GI tract


thymus gland

thyr/o, thyroid/o

thyroid gland




tightening, hardening because of the fat


tingling, numbness


tip/uppermost portion

Shave Biopsy

tissue is excised using a cut parallel to the surface of surrounding skin


to assemble, gather together


to bear


to break


to care for


to carry


to cut


to cut


to cut off, cut short


to give


to grow


to pour


to secrete (to form and give off)

Two types of pleural effusion

transudate exudate based on the fluid accumulated in that space

buckle fracture

trauma creates a buckle common in kids


traumatic self-inducted hair loss usually due to compulsive twisting or plucking. In adults it can be a serious problem and is usually a sign of a personality disorder


travels along the plane local infection










triangular area of urinary bladder




trmt of emotional problems using psychological techniques

Family therapy

trmt of entire family can help the members resolve and understand their conflicts and problems


tube that carries sperm from the testes


tube that takes the fluid (CSF) and redirects is often the tube will go into the belly where the body will just absorb it there if caught early, trmt goes well if goes on, can have mental retardation because of all the pressure on the brain

lactiferous ducts

tubes that carry milk within the breast




tumor (root)

en bloc resection

tumor is removes along with large area of surrounding tisue containing lymph nodes


tumor of bone marrow


tumor of smooth muscle

Radiocurable tumor

tumor that can be completely cured by rad theriapy usually a localized tumor with no evidence of metastasis



spiral fracture

twisting injury most common in tibia


two different sized pupils

bartholin glands

two small rounded glands on either side of vaginal orofice they produce mucous secretion that lubricates vagina


two testicles





molluscum contagiosum

umbilicated lesion viral infection

lactose intolerance

unable to tolerate milk sugar


uncontrollable periodic craving for alcoholic beverages


uncontrollable urge to perform an act repeatedly


under 60 bpm

wernicke's area

understanding the language (comprehension)


uneasy, distressed



gray (Gy)

unit of absorbed radiation dose




unknown cause


unpredictable type of drug toxicity


unstable, undergoing rapid emotional change




urea in the blood


urea, nitrogen


ureter you have two kidney to bladder


urethra you have one bladder to outside the body


urinary bladder


urinary tract


urinating a little


urinating at night








urine (urea)


urine condition

copraxia or copropraxia

use of obscene gestures


use of obscenities


use of xrays and afluorescent screen to produce real time video images Used in interventional radiology

peritoneal dialysis (PD)

uses catheter to introduce fluid into the peritoneal cavity waste materials in the vapillaries of the peritoneum pass out of the bloodstream and into the fluid fluid removed by catheter used to treat pts with chronic kidney disease (can be done with or without mechanical support)

Insight-oriented psychotherapy

uses face to face discussion of life problems and associated feelings AIm to increase understanding of underlying conflicts, themes, thoughts, and behavior patterns to improve mood

metr/o, metri/o







vaccine against HPV (most common one used) covers for 4 strains (2 oncogenic and 2 for genital warts) can be given to men typically given around the age of 11 three shots (must get all three!)

colp/o, vagin/o


methods of abortion

vaginal evacuation by D&C vacuum aspiration stimulation of uterine contractions by injection of saline into amniotic cavity


vagus nerve 10th cranial nerve, branches in head, neck, chest, upper abdomen

valvul/o, valv/o



varicose vein


varicose veins of the testicle Relatively common condition Affecting approximately 10% of men, tends to occur in young men, usually during the 2nd or 3rd decade of life -if in a younger man, can cause infertility (sperm like a cooler environment, and varicocele causes hotter environment) may be associated with aligospermia and azoospermia Normally, blood flows to the testicles through an artery, and flows out via a network of tiny veins that drain into a vein in the abdomen The direction of blood flow in this vein should always be toward the heart A series of one-way valves in the vein preserve the reverse flow of blood back to the testicles These one way valves sometimes fail The reverse flow of blood stretches and enlarges the tiny veins around the testicle to cause a varicocele, a tangled network of blood vessels, or varicose veins The scrotum appears lumpy often referred to as a "*bag of worms*" typically only treated in a younger man when we're worried about fertility Oligospermic men with varicocele and scrotal pain should have varicocelectomy (the internal spermatic vein is ligated)


varied, irregular (shape)


vascular organ attached to uterine wall derived from maternal endometrium and from chorion

phleb/o, ven/o, vein/o







vertebra (condition of)


vertebra (structure itself)

spinal stenosis

vertebral column is getting narrowed and causes nerve issues

Blockage of LAD

very probable sudden death



vas/o, vascul/o



vessel, duct; vas deferens




vibration felt on palpation of the chest, often accompanies a murmur


view of uterus

Pleurisy causes

viral infection, pneumonia, empyema, TB, uremia, cancer of the pleura (mesothelioma), collagen vascular diseases

viral infections vs bacterial infections

viral- infected for life, no cure bacterial- you can cure with antibiotics

-opia, -opsia


occipital lobe



visual exam of the ab cavity using small incisions and a laparoscope "peritoneoscopy"


visual examination of abdominal cavity using endoscope minimally invasive surgery (MIS) made near the woman's navel for intro of the laparoscope

fiberoptic colonoscopy

visual examination of colon using a fiberoptic instrument



jaund/o, lute/o, xanth/o





yellowish plaque, fatty substance


yellowish region in the retina contains fovea centralis (area of the clearest vision bc highest concentration of cones)

importance of ovaries

we try to keep ovaries because they release estrogen (if you take away ovaries, immediate menopause)



anatomical position

what determines which root goes first if there is more than one?

it's dropped

what happens to the combining vowel if the suffix begins with a vowel?


what usually links the root to the suffix or to another root?


when energy of an xray beam causes rearrangement and disruption within a substance

12 lead EKG

when looking at all different angles and pathways of the heart

rhythm strip

when only looking at lead 2

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

when the egg is not fertilized and the progesterone and estrogen levels are lowered depression, breast tenderness, and irritability before menstruation

Abruptio Placentae (placetnal abruption)

when the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus Occurs in 1% of pregnancies Most common associated with condition leading to chronic uteroplacental insufficiency such as hypertension, smoking, trauma, or cocaine use Patients will have *painful dark red vaginal bleeding* An emergency! if the placenta fully separates, then mother gets hemorrhage and the baby won't get any oxygen

middle of a word

where are the roots of words typically located?


where do you start when interpreting a word?

Albin/o, leuk/o









widen, enlarge



endo-, intra-



without pain


woman, female




word, phrase




xray exam of breast to detect breast cancer


xray image of blood vessels and heart chambers Contrast injected through catheter into appropriate blood vessel or heart chamber Coronary angiography- est the degree of obstruction of arteries that supply blood to the heart



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