Media and Society: Exam 2

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Harry William's game innovations were electronic scoring and

ball return

The underlying assumption of ______ theory is that our experience of reality is an ongoing, social construction, not something that is only sent, delivered, or otherwise transmitted to a docile public.


A culture's fundamental values are its


Nielson conducts surveys of viewing patterns four times a year during what are called

sweeps periods

Which of the following theories argues that cultures give symbols meaning and then those symbols control behavior?

symbolic interaction theory

The sale of programs to local stations on a market-by-market basis is


The widening disparity between the communication technology haves and have-nots is referred to as

technology gap

Local affiliates used to receive compensation for airing network programs in their markets, but that has changed due to the loss of network audience and

the rise of cable

The percentage of television sets currently in use that are tuned in to a given program is that show's

to share

______ advertising employs messages aimed at retailers and does not necessarily push the product or brand, but promotes product issues of importance to the retailer, such as volume, marketing support, profit potential, distribution plans, and promotional opportunities.


When adults consume entertainment media, they intentionally accept as real what is put before them. This is known as

willing suspension of disbelief

In what year did RCA make the first true public demonstration of television


When was regular television broadcasting first introduced to the public?


Clients are increasingly asking advertisers for ______, agreements on campaign-specific outcomes and consensus on how the effectiveness of a specific ad or campaign be judged.

Accountability metrics

The history of public relations is divided into four stages—early public relations, the propaganda-publicity stage, early two-way communication, and

Advanced two-way communication

During the 1950s and 1960s, women began to assume prominent roles in public relations. Among the most notable was President Dwight Eisenhower's associate press secretary

Anne Williams Wheaton

__________ refers to a fake grassroots organization; that is, one funded in secret by those with a vested interest in the issue at hand.


Near the turn of the twentieth century, the _____________ was established to verify magazine circulation claims.

Audit Bureau of Circulations

Sensing that the future of computing was in personal computers and that computers' power would reside not in their size but in the software that ran them, _____________ dropped out of Harvard University in 1975 and, with his friend _____________, founded Microsoft Corporation.

Bill Gates and Paul Allen

Which of the following theories produced theorist Stuart Hall, who first developed the idea of media as a public forum?

British cultural theory

Advertising in the United States was a small business until the mid-1800s, when industrialization and ______ combined to alter the social and cultural landscape, bringing about advertising's expansion

Civil War

Clandestine broadcasting truly flowered during

Cold War

The first electronic digital computer, _____________, was developed by the British during World War II to help break the German's secret code.


Early cable systems were called

Community Antenna Television (CATV)

The issue of ______, an important tool of journalism, involves the ability of media professionals to keep secret the names of people who provide them with information.


Radio came to China via an American reporter named _____________, who established an experimental radio station there in 1923.

E.C. Osborn

The first "full-service" electronic computer, _____________, was based on the work of Iowa State University's John V. Atanasoff and introduced by scientists John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert of the University of Pennsylvania in 1946.


Around the 1920s, public relations pioneer _____________ began stressing two-way communication—that is, public relations practitioners talking to people, and in return listening to them when they talked back.

Edward Bernays

_______________ is the belief that cultural products made in another country can influence or displace indigenous cultural productions, artifacts, and media to the detriment of the receiving nations.

Electronic colonialism theory

Cable operators offer a form of basic service, ________, composed primarily of local broadcast stations and services with broad appeal such as TBS, TNT, the USA Network, and Comedy Central.

Expanded basic cable

The first full-service ad agency was begun in 1869 by

F. Wayland Ayer

A still-used derogatory name for television, the "vast wasteland," was coined by

FCC Chairman Newton Minow

The intensity of the online world can sometimes trigger ________ in teens.

Facebook depression

Resenting the positive posts of friends on social media is known as

Facebook envy

Among the regulatory requirements that disappeared during the broadcast deregulation movement of the Reagan administration is ______, which required broadcasters to cover issues of public importance and to be fair in that coverage.

Fairness Doctrine

A reporter's commitment to equity is how well he or she affords the subjects in a story as much self-respect as possible.


Cable television was initially developed as a way to bring movies without commercials into U.S. homes.


Facebook depression is not recognized by the American Academy of Pediatrics.


False advertising and puffery are essentially the same.


Many PR firms bill clients a fixed-fee arrangement, a standard surcharge of 17.65% for handling such things as printing, research, and photographs.


The listening public was outraged when radio station WEAF began airing commercials in 1922.


Those who hold the absolutist position on the First Amendment are willing to make an exception when it comes to control of offensive and indecent content.


Video game industry revenues have not yet quite matched those of the movie industry.


Whereas the movie industry may have easily succumbed to pressure from the Red hunters of the McCarthy era, the television industry resisted gallantly:


For all intents and purposes, advertising and public relations are the same endeavor


Many mass social movements suffer from _________, those who do not contribute to protests and other mass actions but willingly enjoy the fruits of those efforts.

Free riders

Originated by Marshall McLuhan, the ________ is the idea that new communication technology will permit people to become increasingly involved in one another's lives.

Global village

Which event caused advertising to lose nearly two-thirds of its revenue?

Great Depression

The first electric pinball game was invented by

Harry Williams

Proponents of the free flow of mass communication across borders support the _______, the idea that globalization inevitably and for the better allows the existence of traces of many cultures in every culture.

Hybridization hypothesis

The idea that social media users tend to show idealized characteristics that don't represent who they are is the

Idealized virtual identity hypothesis

What did N. W. Ayer & Sons do for clients that Volney Palmer's advertising agency did not?

It planned the campaign and created the ads.

Around 1913, public relations pioneer _____________ issued his Declaration of Principles, which moved the profession's focus from primarily dispensing publicity to providing information.

Ivy Lee

The Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, which required anyone who engages in political activities in the United States on behalf of a foreign power to register as an agent of a foreign power with the Justice Department, was a result of which public relations pioneer's contacts with Nazi Germany?

Ivy Lee

Which British inventor sent moving images across the Atlantic using a mechanical disc in the 1920s?

John Logie Baird

Introduced in 1986, __________ was the first game to offer open structure play; that is, play that let players go where they wished and offered multiple routes to winning.

Legend of Zelda

The First Amendment is based on the ______ philosophy that people cannot govern themselves in a democracy unless they have access to the information they need for that governance.


Social responsibility theory was developed after World War II to replace ______, which was seen as too idealistic a standard for the operation of the U.S. media system.


The Internet and social media aid mass social movements is by making possible quick and efficient coordination and rapid action aimed at sometimes shifting political targets. As such, this ________ better balances the power differences between demonstrators and their targets.

Logic of connective action

PR professionals interact with the _____________ through press packets and briefings.


The first public demonstration of television, in the form of regularly scheduled two-hour broadcasts, was presented by __ at the 1939 World's Fair


The first public demonstration of television, in the form of regularly scheduled two-hour broadcasts, was presented by ______ at the 1939 World's Fair.


Reacting to increasing public criticism and FTC scrutiny in the 1970s, the ad industry established the ______ to monitor potentially deceptive advertising.

National Advertising Review Board

The primary collector and reporter of television rating is a company known as


In 2006 _______ was introduced, designed specifically to attract new, non-traditional gamers.

Nintendo's Wii

The first workable device for generating electrical signals suitable for the transmission of a visual was the

Nipkow disc

Atari was incorporated by

Nolan Bushnell

Computer Space, released in 1971, was designed by

Nolan Bushnell

One example of advertising's new creativity in response to the Internet's dramatic change in how audiences consume and react to advertising is that traditional, big-time television advertisers, such as BMW, Lincoln-Mercury, and Burger King, are now creating

Online films

A sucker is born every minute" was the public relations philosophy of what legendary PR practitioner?

P. T. Barnum

In 1962, _____________ of the Rand Corporation proposed a packet-switching system that would allow the military to maintain command over its missiles and planes in the event of a nuclear attack. It is the basis of what we know today as the Internet.

Paul Baran

Cable can trace its roots to 1948 in


Which of the following people demonstrated his television system in 1927 in San Francisco after moving there from Idaho?

Philo Farnsworth

The spark that set off the game revolution was ______, a game from Atari.


Which is the world's largest global advertiser?

Procter & Gamble

Advertisers encourage their audience to perceive their products as having meaning beyond the product's actual function through

Product positioning

Employees, stockholders, the investment community, and the government are among public relations' ________, any group of people with a stake in an organization, issue, or idea.


The Internet and social media aid mass social movements is by making possible quick and efficient coordination and rapid action aimed at sometimes shifting political targets. As such, this ________ better balances the power differences between demonstrators and their targets.


The Chinese government recently enacted new rules for Communist party journalists in which they were required to

Serve the interest of the communist party

Legislation that expressly protects reporters' rights to maintain sources' confidentiality in court is called a

Shield law

Which of the following theories is the idea that people learn through observation to model the behaviors they see?

Social cognitive theory

The Apple II personal computer was developed by

Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak

Spacewar, the first interactive computer game, was designed by

Steve Russell

The first publicity company, _____________, was established in 1906 to help the railroad industry challenge legislation it opposed.

The Publicity Bureau

Self-regulation by print and online news outlets in Great Britain exists in the form of ________, which accepts complaints from the public and investigates them with the involved outlet.

The independent press standards organization

In 2015 Procter & Gamble announced that it was cutting $300 million in advertising expenditures from television because

The internet had dramatically altered the nature of reaching consumers

The continued growth of online advertising is threatened by the presence of _______, racist, misogynistic, threatening, or otherwise hateful online content that appears adjacent to a brand's ads

Toxic content

In a typical beer ad, "buy this beer" is the ______ message, whereas "you need this beer to have fun, to be attractive, and to have friends" may be its ______ message.

Transmissional; ritual

A blockbuster game can cost as much to produce and market as a blockbuster movie


A television program's share is more important than its rating in the consideration of its success in its time slot


Fear of missing out (FOMO) is also known as Facebook envy


Lucille Ball is primarily responsible for development of the off-network television syndication business.


More than half of all Americans play video games


Recently, the number of online movie sales has grown larger than the number of DVD sales.


The first electric pinball game was Contact.


The gender gap among those who play games is being closed, in part because of games on social networking sites.


The massive collection and distillation of consumer data is referred to as dataveillance.


The modern era of public relations is characterized by advanced two-way communication.


Video-on-demand is one example of interactive cable television.


The first successful commercial computer, used by the Census Bureau in 1951, was


______ games, through the use of a headset, generate realistic images, sounds' and other sensations that replicate an actual or imaginary environment.

Virtual reality

Who developed the iconoscope tube?

Vladimir Zworykin

The _____________ concept is based on the realities that there is no completely free (libertarian) media system on Earth; and that even in the most commercially driven systems, there exists not only the expectation of public service and responsibility, but also significant communication-related activities of government to ensure that media professionals meet those responsibilities.


The first corporate public relations department was established in 1889 by

Westinghouse Electric

In 1896, presidential contenders William Jennings Bryan and _____________ both established campaign headquarters in Chicago, where they issued news releases, position papers, and pamphlets.

William McKinley

In international broadcasting, an operation established by one country to substitute for another's own domestic service is called

a surrogate service

When discussing the First Amendment, Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black said, "No law means no law." He was expressing the ______ position on the freedom of press and speech


When a media outlet distributes content with knowledge of its falsity or a reckless disregard for the truth, it has acted with

actual malice

Brands that have become games are referred to as


______ is mediated messages paid for by and identified with a business or institution that seeks to increase the likelihood that those who consume those messages will act or think as the advertiser wishes.


Which of the following theories argues that media do not tell us what to think, but what to think about?

agenda setting theory

Proponents of the global village consider a benefit to be all except which of the following?

all cultures viewing only American content

Among the regulatory requirements that disappeared during the broadcast deregulation movement of the Reagan administration is ______, which required broadcasters to determine actively and affirmatively the nature of their audiences' interest, convenience, and necessity.


What was the first type of Web advertising?


The "free" channels provided automatically to all cable subscribers are called

basic cable

Computers that reduce information to a code made up of the digits 1 and 0 for storage and manipulation are using a(n) _____________ code.


A _____________ is a personal web page that comments on the news and provides links to stories that back up the commentary with evidence


With the rapid industrialization and improved transportation of the 1880s, more product producers were chasing the growing purchasing power of more consumers. As a result, they were forced to differentiate their products, resulting in the development of


Because freedom of the press can be limited if the likely result is damaging, there is no absolute freedom of expression in the case of

clear and present danger

When an affiliate airs a network's program, it is said to ______ the show.

clear time for

PR professionals interact with an organization's _____________, or neighbors, to generate goodwill.


The study of different countries' mass media systems is called

comparative analysis

In advertising research, ______ measures the effectiveness of advertising messages by showing them to consumers.

copy testing

Identifying and granting ownership of a given piece of expression, ______ is designed to protect the creator's financial interest in that expression.


The ______ department is where the advertising is developed from idea to ad. It involves copywriting, graphic design, and often the actual production of the piece, for example, radio, television, and web spots.


Creating advertising to appeal to audiences of varying personal and social characteristics, such as race, gender, and economic level, is called ______ segmentation.


The idea that media's influence resides in the "relationship between the larger social system, the media's role in that system, and audience relationships to the media" forms the basis of ______ theory.


The normative theory in which government and media work in partnership to ensure that media assist in the planned beneficial development of the country is the _____________ concept.


The lack of technological access among people of color, the poor, the disabled, and those living in rural areas is called the

digital divide

People who have never known a world without the Internet are known as

digital natives

Which of the following theories argues that people experience a kind of mental discomfort when confronted with new information, and as a result, they consciously and subconsciously work to limit or reduce that discomfort?

dissonance theory

Because the environments in which they are created change constantly, mass communication theories are said to be


Around 1920, the beginning of the _____________ era of public relations, PR companies began talking to people and listening to them when they talked back—in other words, representing their various publics to their clients, just as they represented their clients to those publics.

early two-way communication

Before they develop the intellectual and critical capacity to know what is not real, children confront the world in all its splendor and vulgarity through television. Television-effects researchers call this

early window

There are many publics with whom PR professionals interact, including an organization's _____________ with company newsletters, social events, and internal and external recognition of superior performance.


Rules of behavior or moral principles that guide our actions in given situations are


The idea that we use social media to communicate our actual identities is the

extended real-life hypothesis

Instances in which copyrighted material may be used without permission or payment are referred to as

fair use

The copyright exception of ______ is when the small portions of the original work are used for noncommercial or educational purposes.

fair use

Games played as though seen from the gamer's point of view are called

first-person perspective games

The creation of programs expressly for sale into syndication to individual stations in individual markets is called

first-run syndication

The dual-factor model of social media use claims our engagement with social media is motivated by the need to belong and the need

for self-presentation

Consumers are brought to a theater where they watch a television program with commercials and are asked their brand preferences before and after the show. This technique is known as

forced exposure

During the Great Depression, many advertisements began making direct claims about why consumers needed the products, a technique called

hard sell

Because mass communication theories are created by people, and are therefore influenced by human biases, the times in which we live, the position we occupy in the mass communication process, and a host of other factors, we can say that these theories are

human constructions

The mass society theory idea that media are a dangerous drug, or a killing force that directly and immediately penetrates a person's system, is summed up in the

hypodermic needle theory

Social cognitive theorists give the label ______ to the special form of imitation in which observers do not exactly copy what they have seen but make a more generalized, still-related response.


Social cognitive theorists call the direct replication of an observed behavior


In limited effects theory, the influence of media is thought to be limited by people's intelligence and education, in other words by their

individual differences

The global network of interconnected computers that communicate freely and share and exchange information is called the


Among the criticisms of advertising is its ______, the fact that ads are everywhere—in schools, on sidewalks, even in the sky.


The false and malicious publication of material that damages a person's reputation (typically applied to print media) is


In Great Britain the BBC is funded by _____________ based on the number of receivers people have in their homes.

license fees

Royalty payments in the music industry are collected from users and paid to musicians by ______ like ASCAP and BMI.

licensing companies

"Red Channels: The Report of Communist Influence in Radio and Television"

listed the names of 151 broadcast personalities with alleged ties to the Communist Party

When PR professionals directly interact with elected officials or government regulators and agents, they are engaging in


Media effects that occur at the cultural level are said to be

macro-level effects

During the ______ era of mass communication theory, the media were believed to be corrupting influences that undermined the social order, and "average" people were considered defenseless against their influence.

mass society theory

The ______ department makes the decisions about where and when to place ads and then buys the appropriate time or space.


Media effects on individuals are said to be

micro-level effects

In applying ethics, the person making the decisions is called the

moral agent

The business of television is dominated by a few centralized production, distribution, and decision-making organizations, known as the


Public relations professionals have ________ over the placement of their information; advertising professionals have ________ over the placement of their information.

no control; control

A theory that explains how media should ideally operate in a given system of social values is ______ theory.


When most brands in a given product category are essentially the same, they are called ______ products.


Illegally operated radio stations broadcasting to English audiences from offshore or foreign facilities during the 1960s were called

pirate stations

Sometimes you play games on your at-home console; sometimes you prefer to play on your laptop; and occasionally, when the mood moves you, you spend time with your favorite games on your smartphone. Clearly, you are a _______ game player.

platform agnostic

The power of the government to prevent the publication or broadcast of expression is called

prior restraint

In the early days of radio—from the 1920s until well after World War II—programming was

produced by ad agencies for their clients

An event staged specifically to attract public attention is a


Creating advertising to appeal to consumer groups of varying lifestyles, attitudes, values, and behavior patterns is called ______ segmentation.


The public relations activity of interacting with officials and leaders of the various power centers with whom a client must deal is known as

public affairs

Once the copyright on a piece of expression expires and is not renewed, the material passes into ______, meaning it can be used without permission.

public domain

The public relations activity of getting media coverage for clients is called


One of the difficult issues in the regulation of advertising is finding the line between false or deceptive advertising and ______, that little lie that makes advertising more entertaining than it might otherwise be.


President Franklin D. Roosevelt made impressive use of which medium as a public relations tool to sell his New Deal directly to the people?


______ advertising is the advertising of products by stores like Sears and Macy's. It is typically local, reaching consumers where they live and shop.


Rather than local stations receiving compensation for airing network programs, now networks receive ______, a fee paid by the local station for the right to be that network's affiliate.

reverse compensation

The view of mass media as central to the maintenance of society over time and the representation of shared beliefs is the ______ perspective.


Finding information on the Web is easy thanks to _____________, which provide on-screen menus, making navigation of the web as simple as pointing and clicking.

search engines

People's psychological dissonance is reduced through the selective processes, one of which is ______, the process in which people attend to only those messages that are consistent with their preexisting attitudes and beliefs.

selective exposure

People's psychological dissonance is reduced through the selective processes, one of which is ______, the process by which people interpret messages in a manner consistent with their preexisting attitudes and beliefs.

selective perception

The ______ principle is represented by the paired ideas that the free flow or trade of ideas ensures that public discourse will allow the truth to emerge, and that truth will emerge from this public discourse because people are inherently rational and good


In the fifteenth century, European tradespeople promoted themselves with attractive, artful business cards called


The guarantee to a fair trial is secured in the ______ Amendment to the Constitution.


Oral or spoken defamation of a person's character (typically applied to broadcasting) is


In limited effects theory, the influence of media is thought to be limited by people's religious and political affiliations, in other words by their

social categories

Websites that function as online communities of users are called

social networking sites

______ asserts that media must remain free of government control, but in exchange must serve the public. Its core assumptions are a cross between the libertarian principles of freedom and the practical admissions of the need for some form of control over the media.

social responsibility theory

There are many publics with whom PR professionals interact, including an organization's _____________; they own the organization (if it is a corporation), and their goodwill is necessary for the business to operate.


A syndicated program that runs five nights a week at the same time is said to be


The American broadcasting service established during World War II and the Cold War to deliver Department of Defense internal information, and radio and television programming services to overseas Department of Defense personnel and their families is

the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service

The emergence of cultural theory in mass communication signaled a return to

the belief in powerful media effects

In the span between the Civil War and the First World War, several factors combined to move the advertising industry to establish professional standards and regulate itself, including abuses by patent medicine advertisers; the examination of most of the country's important institutions, led by the muckrakers; and ______ in 1914.

the establishment of the Federal Trade Commission

Mass communication ______ are explanations and predictions of social phenomena that attempt to relate mass communication to various aspects of our personal and cultural lives or social systems.


According to long-time New Yorker columnist A. J. Liebling, freedom of the press is guaranteed to

those who own the presses

At cable's inception, the primary goal of most cable television operations was

to improve the reception of distant signals

Which of the following theories argues that media don't do things to people; rather, people do things with media?

uses and gratifications theory

The "originator of the computer" was _____________, an Englishman who in 1836 produced designs for a "computer" that could conduct algebraic computations using stored memory and punch cards for input and output.

Charles Babbage

What is the general criticism about children watching television ads?

Children cannot rationally judge the worth of advertising claims.

Sesame Street is produced by the

Children's Television Workshop

ESRB stands for

Entertainment Software Ratings Board

LAN stands for

Local Area Network

_________ patented the first interactive video game

Ralph Baer

The first regularly broadcast radio series sponsored by a single company, ______, premiered in 1923, bearing the name of its sponsor.

The Eveready Hour

Theorists in the 1930s who valued serious art and saw consumption of art as a means to elevate people to a better life represented

The Frankfurt school

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