media designConcordant - A concordant relationship occurs when you use only one typeface in a design. This approach will keep the page harmonious and formal, but can sometimes seem dull.
pink color means
Romance, love, friendship, femininity, truth, passivity, good will, emotional healing, peace, calming, affection, emotional maturity, caring, nurturing, sweet tasting, sweet smelling, ethereal, delicacy.
size weight
These are the elements of contrast that can be employed in type:
orange means
warmth, energy, balance, enthusiasm, vibrancy, vitality, steadfastness, tropics, quick movement, wealth of the mind and knowledge. In restaurants, orange is an appetite stimulant, orange decor encourages sales. Orange backgrounds help images seem closer and larger, but avoid over-use. Useful for highlighting important elements, promoting food products and toys.
yellow means
sun, intelligence, light, accelerated learning, memory, logical imagination, social energy, cooperation, organization, breaking mental blocks, sunshine, joy, happiness, intellect, energy, cheerfulness, optimism.
green means
earth, physical healing, monetary success, abundance, fertility, tree & plant magic, growth, food, hope, personal goals, resurrection, renewal, youth. Green lowers blood pressure, calms and soothes the mind, stimulates creativity. It is an appetite suppressant. It is easy on the eye. Images set in green backgrounds seem farther away.
shape of letters
These are the elements of contrast that can be employed in type:
form direction
purple means
influence, third eye, psychic ability, spiritual power, self assurance, hidden knowledge, dignity, high aspirations, royalty, spirituality, nobility. Almost 75 percent of pre-adolescent children prefer purple to all other colors, making bright purple effective for promotion of children's products.
brown means
: friendships, earth, materialistic thoughts, hearth, home, outdoors, inexpensive, reliability. Useful for promoting food and outdoor products for work and play.
A ____ relationship occurs when two typefaces are used together in a design that are similar in style, size, weight, etc. These similarities can be problematic because the visual relationships are not harmonious, but nor are they different enough.
A _____ relationship occurs when two separate typefaces are used that are distinct from each other, but contain/communicate different feelings.
A _______ relationship occurs when you use only one typeface in a design. This approach will keep the page harmonious and formal, but can sometimes seem dull.
red colors mean
Energy, strength, passion, eroticism, cheerfulness, courage, element of fire, career goals, fast action, lust, desire, blood, vibrancy, driving forces, risk, fame, war, revolution, danger, aggression, strength, power, determination, emotional intensity, sex, provoking, dynamic, stimulating, courage, bravery,good-tasting, force, leadership, drama, excitement, speed, heat, warmth, violence, attention, generosity, romance
Every element of type has a direction. It can run horizontalor vertical or at an angle.
blue means
good fortune, wisdom, communication, protection, spiritual inspiration, calmness, reassurance, gentleness, fluidity, water, sea, creativity, peace,calming, higher thoughts, mystery, sky, formality, travel, devotion, progress, quiet wisdom, freedom. betterment of humanity. Blue does not require the eye to focus, images and objects recede in blue backgrounds.