Medical School Interview Questions--HPRC

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What aspects of your life and experiences do you think make you a good candidate for medical school...


What causes the most stress in your life...


What do you consider to be your greatest achievements to date and why...


What do you consider to be your strengths and your shortcomings...


What do you need to work on to be a good PA


What do you think are the most important characteristics and abilities a person must possess to become a successful PA


What do you think is the most pressing issue in healthcare today...


What experiences have you had in a medical or clinical setting...


What experiences have you had in the community that demonstrates a commitment to medicine...


What has been the highest pressure situation you have been under in recent years and how did you cope with it...


What has been your most rewarding experience working with others...


What hesitations or reservations do you have about joining the PA profession...


What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid...


What is your way of dealing with conflict...


What kind of things do you feel most confident in doing...


What makes you laugh and why...


What makes you think that you can succeed in PA school.


What problems do you see in health care now and the next ten years...


What qualities do you look for in a PA


What scares you the most about PA school...


What sort of leader do people feel you are and are you satisfied...


What special aspects of your education or training have prepared you for The PA profession


What specifically do you do to set an example for your co-workers...


What things frustrate you the most and how do you cope with them...


What three material objects are most important to you...


What was the last major problem that you confronted...


What was your favorite class and why...


What was your toughest subject in college...


What were your favorite and least favorite courses in college...


What will you contribute to the profession...


What will you do if you don't get into medical school...


What would you do if a head of a hospital department screamed at you...


What would you do if a physician humiliated you in front of others...


What would you do if you caught a close friend or room mate cheating on the MCAT examination or an application to medical school...


What would you do to remedy the health care issue in the United States...


What would you want to change about yourself if you could...


When did you contribute to a group effort...


When you need counseling for personal problems, to whom do you talk...


Where do we stand in your list of PA school preferences...


Which of your qualities would you want to pass down to your children...


Who are you...


Who is your hero and why...


Why do you think many physicians are unhappy practicing medicine...


Why should we let you into this school...


Why study medicine when you have so many talents...


Work experience...


Would you prefer to provide less effective treatment to more people or more effective medicine to fewer patients...


Would you share your religious beliefs with your patients...


Would your plans to become a physician change if the U.S. moved to a universal healthcare system, similar to Canada...


Tell me what specifically you do in the activities you participate in...

*** Look at resume

If there was a conflict between team members, how would you attempt to resolve the conflict...


In what field do you think the next major advancement in medicine will come...


In your experience what have you done that you consider truly creative...


Is your family supportive of you going to school...


Last time you did not know what decision to make what did you do...


Med school is a high pressure situation, how do you normally handle and relieve stress...


Most difficult decision in last six months and what made it difficult...


Of all people, who would you most like to have dinner with and why...


Tell about a time able to successfully deal with another person even when that person may not have liked you...


Tell me about a mistake you've made. (Be sure to explain what you learned from this mistake)....


Tell me about a significant event in your life and how it shaped you...


Tell me about an experience you've had working on a team. What role do you tend to play when working on a team...


Tell me about your family...


Tell me about yourself...


Tell me what your think of our PA curriculm


Tell me why you're interested in medicine. Both, what inspired this interest


To this date, what is the most important medical development in the last 25 years...


What approach do you take to get people together to establish a common approach to a problem...


What are the advantages of a teaching hospital versus a private hospital...


What are you most proud of about yourself...


What are you passionate about...


What are your hobbies...


What articles do you read on a regular basis...


Are you able to function independently and without supervision...


Are you able to work in a team...


Describe a difficult obstacle you have had to overcome...


Describe strengths and weaknesses...


Describe yourself in three words...


Discuss a book that you've recently read for pleasure. Why did this book interest you...


Do you consider yourself to be thoughtful, analytic, or do you usually make up your mind fast...


Do you have specific goals in medicine? Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years...


Do you know what a PA's life is like...


Do you like to work alone or with people...


Do you think that your grades are a good index of your abilities...


Do you use a prioritization scheme to complete tasks...


Explain your interest in medicine...


From what you understand about PA school, what do you think will be the biggest challenge for you...


Give me your opinion on the role of spirituality in healing...


Give me your opinions on abortion...


Have you ever cheated on an examination...


Have you held a leadership position...


How can you tell if someone is compassionate...


How do you deal with stress....


How do you go about making an important decision affecting your career...


How do you spend your free time...


How have you contributed to your community...


How would you describe yourself as a person...


How would you help people who did not want to be helped...


How would your friends describe you...


If advisor were asked about your ability as a candidate what would they say...


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