Medical Sociology Unit 2

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Social status is a(n) ___________ dimension in "social class" consisting of how much esteem the person is accorded by other people. A. Objective. B. Subjective C. Quantifiable D. Hidden E. None of the above


the contribution of his theory to an understanding of stress is that an individual's perception of himself or herself as a social object depends upon the reactions of other people


Compared to their lower SES counterparts, people with high SES: A. Are more likely to smoke B. Have less health knowledge C. Are less receptive to new health information D.Are better positioned to take advantage of health-enhancing opportunities


If the Black/White mortality rates in the U.S. were equivalent, _______________ fewer black Americans would die each year. A. 1,000 B. 10,000 C. 50,000 D. 100,000


What has been the general pattern in life expectancy during the 20th century with respect to men and women? A. Women outlive men only in a handful of countries. B. Both men and women gained approximately the same amount. C. Men gained more than women in the first half of the century, but dramatic social change in recent decades has meant that women are catching up to men. D. Women gained more than men in the first half of the century but since then men have made greater gains and the gap is narrowing. E. None of the above


Which of these is NOT a measure of socioeconomic status? A. Income B. Education C. Occupation D. Race E. All of these are measures of socioeconomic status


__________________ suicide occurs when people suffer a sudden dislocation of normative systems where their norms and values are no longer relevant, so that controls of society no longer restrain them from taking their lives. A. Egoistic B. Fatalistic C. Altruistic D. Anomic


his work joins with that of others to show how the social support rendered by families and groups helps to reduce the potentially harmful effects of stress upon the body and mind

Gordon Moss

in 1936, he demonstrated the existence of a pituitary-adrenal cortical axis as having a profound effect upon body metabolism

Hans Selye

the National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification (NS-SEC) merged into the European Socio-Economic Classification (ESeC) and is designed for use in all countries of the European Union and features what ten-class model?

#1. large employers and higher grade professional, managerial and administrative occupations #2. lower grade, professional, mangerial and administrative occupations and higher grade technical and supervisory occupations #3. intermediate occupations #4. small employers and the self employed #5. self-employed occupations, including agriculture #6. lower technical and supervisory occupations #7. lower services, sales, and clerical occupations #8. lower technical occupations #9. routine occupations with low job security, no career prospects and closely supervised work #10. no occupation and long-term unemployment

Thomas made what two particularly important contributions concerning stress:

#1. the same crisis will not produce the same effect uniformly in all people #2. adjustment to and control of a crisis situation result from an individual's ability to compare a present situation with similar ones in the past and to revise judgment and action upon the basis of past experience

what are the three basic components of Cooley's looking glass concept?

1. we see ourselves in our imagination as we think we appear to the other person 2. we see in our imagination the other's person's judgment of ourselves 3. as a result of what we see in our imagination about how we are viewed by the other person, we experience some sort of self-feeling, such as satisfaction, pride or humiliation

About _____________ Americans die each year from smoking-related diseases. A. 250,000 B. 450,000 C. 800,000 D. 1,000,000 E. 1,250,000


his stress model shoes the importance of adaptation and explaining how that adaptation is based on an individual's perception of life situations, combined with his or her degree of preparation by society to cope with stressful circumstances

David Mechanic

developed the theory that individuals were integrated into a society as a result of their acceptance of community values, which were reinforced through social interaction with others believing in the same value system


Historically, many urban clinics providing treatment for the poor were established primarily as: A. A way to use tax dollars. B. Religious facilities. C. Medical research facilities. D. Safe houses. E.. Teaching facilities.


Suicide is a major health concern for which minority group? A. Non-Hispanic whites. B. Non-Hispanic blacks. C. Hispanics. D. Asians/Pacific Islanders. E. American Indians/Alaskan Natives


What is an example of a stressful situation? A. Death B. Divorce C. Marriage D. A and B E. All of the above


What is most prevalent health problem of persons over the age of 65? A. Heart disease. B. Stroke. C. Cancer. D. Hypertension. E. Arthritis.


Which of the following is NOT one of the features of neighborhoods that can influence health? A. Physical environment. B. Support services. C. Sociocultural aspects. D. Reputation of an area. E. Racial makeup of the neighborhood


published an influential paper in medical sociology that identified two major types of social stressors: life events and chronic strains

Leonard Pearlin

Black Americans are less likely to commit suicide than white Americans. True False


are clinical assessments (e.g. blood pressure, urine analysis, blood tests for cholesterol and c-reactive protein, waist-hip ratios) of individuals independent of their self-reports and perhaps even awareness that such conditions exist within their body


___________________ appears to be the most important component of SES in predicting health outcomes


the __________ is an image of self that is projected by the individual to other people.


socio-economic status depends on what 3 variables?

income, occupational prestige, and level of education

what is "impression management" according to Goffman?

it is the information a person communicates about themselves through words or actions

the British typically focus on ______________________ to determine class standing.


shattered that idea that was widely assumed in Britain that society was becoming more egalitarian

publication of the Black Report in 1980

"is the social investments of individuals in society in terms of their membership in formal and informal groups, networks and institutions"

social capital

is a category or group of people who have approximately the same amount of wealth, status and power in a society

social class

American sociologists typically use ______________ to determine class standing

socioeconomic status

an individual's _______________ interpretation of a social situation is the trigger that produces physiological responses


what were the three major types of suicide Durkheim developed from his study?

#1. egoistic suicide: in which people become detached from society and suddenly find themselves on their own are overwhelmed by the resulting stress #2. anomic suicide: in which people suffer a sudden dislocation of normative systems where their norms and values are no longer relevant so that controls of society no longer restrain them from taking their own lives #3. altruistic suicide: in which people find themselves so strongly integrated into a demanding society that their only escape seems to be suicide

what are the two findings the Brenner linked to the increase in mental hospitalization during times of economic downturn?

#1. provocation: the stress resulting from being dislocated from one's usual lifestyle or prevented from improving it during a downward shift in the economy caused vulnerable people to reach the point at which they required hospitalization in a mental institution #2. uncovering: economic downturns uncover mentally disordered people

what does Max Weber's five-class model consists of?

#1. the upper class (extremely wealthy top corporate executive and professionals) #2. the upper-middle class (affluent, well-educated professionals and high-level managers) #3. the lower-middle class (office and sales workers, small business owners, teachers, managers, etc.) #4. the working class (skilled and higher semiskilled workers, lower-level clerical workers, etc.) #5. the lower class (less semiskilled and unskilled workers, the chronically unemployed, etc.)

In the United States, heart disease has ______________ over the past 30 years. A. Increased. B. Decreased. C. Stayed the same. D. Been eradicated. E. Mildly increased.


According to Weber, _________ is the ability to realize one's will even against the resistance of others. A. Power B. Prestige C. Presence D. Principle E. None of the above.


Durkheim suggests that society has an existence __________ the individual. A. Outside B. Inside C. Beside D. Within


Who developed the theory known as the <ITAL>general adaptation syndrome? A. Selye B. Goffman C. Pearlin D. Brenner


__________ represents the convergence of biological factors with geographic origins, and cultural, economic, political, and legal factors. A. Race. B. Age. C. Ethnicity. D. Gender. E. None of the above.


For all causes of death, _____________ have the highest death rates. A. Whites. B. Non-Hispanic blacks. C. Hispanics. D. Asians/Pacific Islanders. E. American Indians/Alaskan Natives.


The lower class would include: A. Affluent well-educated professionals and high-level managers. B.. Semi-skilled and unskilled workers, the chronically unemployed. C. Office and sales workers, small business owners, teachers, managers. D. Skilled and semi-skilled workers, lower-level clerical workers. E. All of the above.


What is homeostasis? A. Changing constantly. B. Physiological Adaptation C. Not moving or adapting D. Physically growing


Which component of social class is consistently the strongest single predictor of good health? A. Income. B. Education. C. Wealth. D. Occupation. E. Neighborhood.


Which is NOT a component of Cooley's theory? A. We see in our imagination the other person's judgment of ourselves. B. We have a core sense of individuality, unique to each of us. C. We see ourselves in our imagination as we think we appear to the other person. D. As a result of what we see in our imagination about how we are viewed by the other person, we experience some sort of self-feelings. E. All of these are components.


The National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification (NS-SEC) is typically used by: A. The CDC B. Americans C. British D. Chinese E. Labor Unions


Compared to other social classes, lower class individuals visit physicians _________. A. The same amount. B. Less often. C. More often. D. Not at all. E. None of the above.


In 2006, the average infant in the U.S. could expect to live for ______ years. A. 68 B. 72 C. 78 D. 85 E. 88


The finding that even the upper middle class lives shorter than the uppermost class, and that every class lives longer than the one directly below it is evidence of what? A. Educational differences. B. Influence of deprivation. C. Social gradient in mortality. D. Social patterning of disease. E. None of the above.


The theory of the _______________ maintains that our self-concepts are the result of social interaction in which we see ourselves reflected in other people. A. Looking mirror. B. Glass Selfish Sense C. Looking Glass Self D. Mirror in Mirror


What federal program provides health insurance to those 65 years and older? A. Pensions. B. Social Security. C. Medicare. D. Medicaid. E. Medihealth.


What is defined by Turner as "the social investments of individuals in society in terms of their membership in formal and informal groups, networks, and institutions"? A. Social Facts B. Social Networks C. Social capital D. Social circumstances


_______________ are the largest minority group in American society. A. Non-Hispanic whites. B. Non-Hispanic blacks. C. Hispanics. D. Asians/Pacific Islanders. E. American Indians/Alaskan Natives.


_____________babies die more often than _________________ babies. A. Healthy, sick. B. Female, male. C. Male, female. D. Younger, older. E. Older, younger.


believed that the real measure of health is not the absence of disease but the ability of the human organism to function effectively within a given environment


the symbolic interaction perspective of stress is reflected in the work of ________________, _________________ and _____________________

Colley, Thomas, Goffman

Black Americans have always had higher cancer death rates than white Americans. True False


Death rates from coronary heart disease among black Americans have increased since 1950. True False


Functionalist theory focuses on the influence of individuals on the larger society. True False


Homicide is one of the three leading causes of death for black Americans True False


The homicide rate for the least educated whites and the most educated blacks is about the same. True False


The upper class and the upper middle class have about the same longevity, which is greater than the lower class. True False


is noted for the dramaturgical or "life as theatre" approach; believed that in order for social interaction to be possible people need information about the other participants


whose principal contribution to our understanding of stress arises from his claim that the self is a sacred object


in 1956, developed a theory known as the general adaptation system to explain why under acute stimulus hormone secretions by the endocrine glands increase and under calming influences secretions decrease

Hans Selye

documented the relationship between stress and the onset of cardiovascular disease among German male blue-collar workers and middle managers; found that high personal effort and low gain (effort-reward imbalance model) are associated over time with higher risk of heart disease

Johannes Siegrist

in his view, stress is the culprit for the social gradient in that the levels of stress experienced, the amount of resources available to cope with stress, and the degree over one's life situation vary by social class

Robert Evans

Blacks with higher SES report more instances of discrimination than those with lower SES. True False


Residential segregation is high for African Americans at all levels of income, not just those with low SES. True False


determined that long term stresses associated with low socioeconomic status were consistently and negatively associated with increased allostatic loads promoting cardiovascular, metabolic and inflammatory risks

Teresa Seeman

theorized that the ability of an individual to cope with a crisis situation will be strongly related to socialization experiences that have taught the person how to cope with new situations


In order for a social variable to qualify as a cause of sickness and mortality, Link and Phelan hypothesize that is must:

influence multiple diseases affect these diseases through multiple pathways of risk be reproduced over time involve access to resources that can be used to avoid risks or minimize the consequences of disease if it occurs

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