Medieval Europe

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(brothers) men who created religious orders in the 1200s

explain how did most of Europe become christian and identify the year by when this happened

Monks spread Christianity throughout Europe by 1050


holy men and women who had died and were believed to be in heaven


many peasants that couldn't leave the manor or do stuff without the lords approval. They were not slaves because they could own land that the lord could not take away.


originates from the word raiding; any of the Scandinavian seafaring pirates and traders who raided and settled in many parts of northwestern Europe in the 8th-11th centuries. adjective


people that are sent out to teach religion


pictures or images of Jesus, Mary, the saints, or the christian holy pope - was honored by the byzanntine


the leader of a monastery. They became involved in politics and served as administrators to kings and acted as rulers of the lands near their monasteries.


the shift of power from kings to nobles during the AD 800s. In feudalism land owning nobles governed and protected the people in return for services, such as fighting in the nobles army or farming their land.

Identify three groups of invaders during the early Middle Ages

vikings, Magyars, and muslims

Identify the time period of the middle ages

5th - 15th century

Identify the dates of the age of Vikings

9th - 11th centruries

Explain the reciprocal relationship between a vassal and his lord and explain the purpose of feudalism

A vassal serves a lord by being in his army and staying faithful and loyal. The lord, in return, protected the vassal and granted the vassal land.

how did Normans change england

First the brought Europe customs to England. Normans spoke french which likely influenced the English language. Also angles-Saxons and Normans married merging the two cultures.

Identify an order of friars

Franciscans and Dominicans

what languages were spoken in England after the Norman invasion

French and English

Explain why many noble women entered convents from 1000 to 1200

Many nobles entered convents because they were widows, and women who were unable or unwilling to marry. They could focus on learning and studying because they were not married.

explain the role monasteries played in medieval life

Monasteries played an important role in the medieval Europe. Monks school of people, produced and provided food, and offered medical care to the sick. They talk carpentry and weaving and develop better message of farming. They also helped preserve knowledge. There literary efforts of the monks helped preserve the Latin language. They played a role in politics. They produced goods, I made money, and had leaders, and served closer to Kings.

Describe the rights of nobles over surfs

Nobles ran the estates and serfs worked on them. Also the serfs couldn't do many things without the nobles permission.

Identify the responsibilities of nobles

Nobles ran the manor. Later, in the middle ages, they had rights to own more jewelry, better clothes, exotic spices, and built castles with better protection and finer furniture and decoration. Land owning nobles protected and governed the people in return for fighting in their army and farming in their land.

explain the difference between the roman catholic church and the eastern orthodox church. Identify the year of the great schism

Roman catholic church - western roman empire - The pope claimed he was the head of all christian churches, but the byzantine didn't accept the popes claim. Eastern Orthodox Church - Byzantine empire - They believed the patriarch of Constantinople and the bishops were equal to the pope.

Identify the country so Vikings were from

Scandinavia; Denmark, Norway, and sweden

Explain the role of churches in the middle ages.

The main church in the middle ages was the catholic church. It was so powerful at times it could control kings. Almost everyone attended church daily. Christians were completely devoted. Unified Europe because it was one of the same institutions even when there were multiple kings across Europe.

explain the difference between friars and monks

They did not stay in monasteries. Instead they went around the world to preach. Friars lived by begging. They could not own property or keep any personal wealth.

Describe what happens when the Vikings attack monasteries

When vikings attacked, they slaughtered monks and nuns, tortured people, and some monks were even sold as thralls (slaves). They took everything, including cows and holy relics. Finally, they set fire to anything wood.

what occurred in 1066

William, the ruler who conquered Norman arrived in England with his army and defeated herald Goodwin and eventually became the king of england

William (the conquer)

a descendant of the viking ruler who conquered Normandy; william eventually became the king of England by defeating herald godwinson


a disease that spreads quickly and kills many people


a holy war; two religions against each other


a noble who served a lord of higher rank by serving in the lords army. In return the lord protected the vassal and gave them land.


a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons.

Black Death

a terrible plague that swept across Europe and Asia; thought to be caused by a type of bacteria carried by fleas 19-38 million europeans.


an object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical or sentimental interest


church rituals that Christians took about in


religious communities where males lived and worked. Monks schooled people, provided food and rest for travelers and offered medical care for the sick. They taught carpentry and weaving and developed better methods of farming. They had to preserve knowledge.

explain the purpose of knights and their training

there to protect the king and lord and fight in their army. He was trained to take care of his own armor and horse. He was expected to serve his lord/ladies of the house. expected to train to be a warrior.

Identify the rights of surfs

they couldn't leave the manor, own property, or marry without approval. Serfs did have the right to not be enslaved; they could not be sold; right to keep any land that they needed to support themselves. They also had the right to be protected by the lord.

code of chivalry

were the certain rules that knights followed such as being loyal, brave, respectful, helpful, honorable, and be able to fight fairly against enemies. It was a good behavior guide so many ideas about manners today came from it.


writing rooms in monasteries where monks made copies of important writings such as the bible

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