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Mortar Properties:

Hvdrated lime is available in two types -S and N. Only type S is recommended for use in mortar mixes. The compressive strength of mortar is increased by adding cement. -The most significant property of mortar is the bond strength

Purpose and Location of Reinforcing Steel In Concrete:

Reinforcing steel is placed in concrete to increase the tensile strength and should be placed near the bottom of a concrete beam where tensile forces are greatest. Lowering the top bars or raising the bottom bars by ½ inch more than specified in a 6-inch thick slab could reduce its load carrying capacity by 20%. (1/2" "Tolerance") • The longitudinal (or lateral spacing of reinforcing bars in a 6-inch thick slab will have the least effect (compared to the vertical spacing of the steel) on the strength of the slab

Admixtures for Concrete:

Retarders are used to retard the rate of set of concrete. (Note: sucrose is a commonly used retarder. Accelerators are used to accelerate the strength development of concrete at an early age (Note: calcium chloride is the most commonly used accelerator.) Water reducing admixtures (plasticizers) are used to reduce the water cement ratio or increase slump. Superplasticizers (high range water reducers) are added to concrete with a low to normal slump and water-cement ratio to make high slump flowing concrete. (Note: May be referred to as the WIC or W/CM Ratio" Also us E to punp coNcis Superplasticizers are used in pumped concrete to reduce pump pressure and increase lift and distance capacity. ed in pumped anner work obility, ANd Schup Faun Most superplasticizers increase workability but the time period is short (30 - 60 minutes setting time) followed by a rapid slump loss. Superplasticizers are used when reinforcing steel is placed very close together. A corrosion-inhibiting admixture should be used when concrete is exposed to seawater.


Roof decking is not designed to act compositely with other materials. Roof deck ribs are usually narrower than floor deck rib openings to provide support of rigid thermal insulation board. Roof decking is typically installed to endlap approximately 2" over supports. Standard roof deck finishes are either galvanized or primer painted. о The standard factory applied primer paint is not intended for extended weather. exposure.

Pattern Bonds:

Running bond - all stretchers in each course. Common or American bond - header courses are used every fifth to seventh course Asked: Question a Flemish bond - alternate headers and stretchers in each course. English bond - alternate courses of headers and stretchers. .. % stack Bond- where ali fne joints line up- is the weakest bond of masonry.

Asphalts Used in Built Up Roofing

Trpe I is referred to as "dead level". Tvpe II is referred to as "flat". Type IlI is referred to as "steep". Iype IV is referred to as "special steep"


Welding must be done by a qualified welder during proper weather conditions. Weld washers are not recommended for deck thicknesses of 0.028 inches thick (minimum 22 gage) and greater. Weld washers are recommended for metal thicknesses less than 0.028 inches.

Fastening and Installing Deck

Deck must be installed in accordance with "Approved for Construction" drawings by qualified and experienced workers. No substitution of fastener type or pattern should be made without the approval of the Engineer/Designer. Deck fastening to the structural frame can be accomplished with welds, self-drilling screws, air driven, or powder driven fasteners. (Note: May be referred to as "Ramsets.") Qualife • A minimum of 1 ½" of end bearing should be provided for deck. (Note: Do not confuse with a "Lap") • Only qualified operators may use powder actuated tools; air actuated tools must be used by trained operators familiar with all safety procedures.

Longspan Joists (LH - Series)

Depths are 18" through 48". Lengths from 21' to 96'. LH Joists can be underslung or square ended. Chords can be parallel, or the top chord can be single pitched or double pitched. Minimum bearing depth (BD) for underslung LH Joists is 5". The minimum bearing length is 4" on steel; 6" on masonry or concrete. The bearing plate for LH joists on top of a concrete or masonry wall should be located not more than ½ inch from the face of the wall and should be not less than 9 inches wide perpendicular to the length of the joist. Typical Longspan Joist designation is 40LH13. The 40 indicates the depth of the joist at middle span, the LH is the joist series and the 13 is the chord section.

Deep Longspan (DLH - Series).

Depths are from 52" through 72". Lengths are from 61' to 144'. Minimum bearing depth (BD) for underslung DLH joists are 5" for chord sections through 17 and 7 ½" for chord sections 18 & 19. The minimum bearing length is 4" on steel; 6" on masonry or concrete. The bearing plate for DLH joists on top of a concrete or masonry wall should be located not more than ½ inch from the face of the wall and should be not less than 9 inches wide perpendicular to the length of the joist. Typical Deep Longspan Joist designation is 56DLH18. The 56 denotes the depth in inches at mid-span; DLH is the joist series and 18 is the chord section.

ROOFING Underlayment (Felt paper)

Drip edge should be installed under the felt at the eaves and over the felt along the rakes. Drip edge should be a minimum 28 gauge galvanized or other non-corrosive metal.

Earthwork Calculations:

Earthwork calculations are performed using the following formula: Length (in feet) x Width (in feet) × Depth (in feet) = Cubic Feet Then divide by 27 Cubic Feet per Cubic Yard = Cubic Yards of Earth To do this with a regular calculator you will first have to convert inches to feet, before working the above formula. For a footing excavation that will be 120 feet in length and 16 inches wide and 8 inches deep, you will first have to convert 16 inches and 8 inches to feet by dividing each of them by 12. Doing this you will get 1.33 feet for the 16 inches and 67 feet for the 8 inches. You can then multiply 120 x 1.33 x .67 to come up with 106.93 cubic feet. You then have to divide the 106.93 cubic feet by 27 to arrive at the correct answer of 3.96 cubic yards. (Note: The "Depth" may be given as "Height" or "Thickness.") Construction calculators are permitted for use in the exam. They make the calculation noted above a lot less complicated.

Design and Performance Standard

Erosion control measures shall be planned, designed, and constructed to provide protection from the run off of that 10 year storm that produces the maximum peak rate of run off

Facing brick types:

FBX - Must be uniform in size and color. FBS - for general use in exposed exterior and interior masonry walls. FBA - (irregular or architectural) manufactured and selected to produce architectural effects.

Shear Walls:

Fasteners along the edges in shear panels (shear walls constructed of either Light-Framed Cold-Formed Steel or Wood) shall be placed not less than 3/8 inch in from panel edges

Longspan and Deep Longspan Joists.

Field bolting is required at the ends of joists at column lines. The bolts should be inserted and tightened at the time of joist placement. Joist Girders Since girders are usually not symmetrical, it is imperative that the "tag end" of the girder be placed in the location shown on the Setting Plan Joists must be placed on joist girders at the top chord panel points of the girder. Girders are not bridged as are joists, they are braced by the joists bearing on them. ATTACHMENTS TO JOISTS Camber is the upward arch designed into a joist. Camber is optional in Open Web Joists (shortspans). However, the majority of shortspan joists are manufactured with camber.


Ingredients: Cement Sand Coarse Aggregate Water


Joists should be stored in the same position in which they are shipped - upside down, and in a vertical position.


The proper unloading procedure for unloading is to thread the lifting cables under the bottom chords of the joists at approximately 1/3 span points. Lifting cable should not be attached to the web members or strapping around a bundle of joists. A crane, preferably with a spreader bar and cables should be used to lift joists off a flatbed trailer. Whenever possible, the joists should be unloaded by bundles.

Concrete Masonry Units (CMU):

The weight of a 8" x 8" x 16' CMU made of sand and gravel is 40 lbs The actual size of a nominal 8" x 8"' x 16" CMU is 7 5/8" x 7 5/8" × 15 5/8" (Note: This allows for a 3/8" mortar joint.) Two-core (hole) block is the best masonry unit to use for construction of a reinforced masonry wall because it allows more space for conduit or other utilities and the shell is thicker at the center web. The flange of a CMU is laid in the up position. The flange, which is formed in the center web of the block aids in picking up the block with one hand and also provides a larger surface area for the bed joint of the next course of block. Control joints in a CMU wall should be filled with caulking compound to a depth of 3/4". CMU basement walls below grade should be damp-proofed with ½" thick Portland cement parging. (Note: This differs from the Code which states that .0375" or 3/8"is the minimum. Use the ½" answer.) Lintels for a concrete masonry unit wall are typically made of precast concrete beams.

Delivery, Acceptance, Handling and Storage of Tendons:

Nylon straps should be used during unloading and handling of materials. Never use chains or hooks to unload tendons. Nvlon straps should never be choked in handling post-tensioning coils, always cradle coils in the straps by passing straps through the center of the coil. Hook each eye of the strap onto the hoisting equipment.


Only drawings that have been stamped "APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION" should be used for deck erection. • The engineer of record has approved the attachment method and pattern. Therefore, all fastening to the structure and side laps for sheets must be carefully followed as shown on the "APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION" drawings. PACKAGING Deck bundle weight will be limited to a maximum 4000 pounds for deck to be applied to joists. (Note: This may also be referred to as a Minimum on your exam)


Openings not shown on the erection diagrams, such as those required for stacks, conduits, plumbing, vents, etc. shall be cut (and reinforced, if necessary) by the trades requiring the openings

Approval of Plans

Persons conducting land-disturbing activity on a tract which covers one or more acres shall file three copies of the erosion and sedimentation control plan with the local government having jurisdiction or with the Commission if no local government has jurisdiction, at least 30 days prior to beginning such activity and shall keep another copy of the plan of file at the job site. (c) Erosion and sedimentation control plans may be disapproved unless they include an authorized statement of financial responsibility and ownership. This statement shall be signed by the person financially responsible for the land-disturbing activity or his attorney in fact. Note: The person financially responsible for the site development is responsible for the sedimentation and erosion control. This is the 2nd most frequently asked question)


Plywood soffit boards are attached to the structure using 4d nails spaced at 6" 0.c. Nail fascia boards to rafter tails The Minimum lap for beveled siding is 1" (Note: This is In the Residential Code but not the Building)


Pre-stressed Concrete and Post-Tensioning: The construction sequence for post-tensioned concrete is: (Note: It is important to know the following sequence) 1. Forms are erected and unstressed post-tensioning tendons are placed in the forms at the proper location. Bonded rebar is placed and all steel is securely tied. 2. Concrete is placed in the forms around the tendons and allowed to harden to the required strength. 3. After the concrete is hardened, the pre-stressing steel which is separated from the concrete by the polyethylene sheathing is stressed by a hydraulic jack. 4. In post-tensioned concrete, the tendons are not stressed until the concrete has reached about 75% of its full strength at the construction site. (Note: Usually in 2-3 days.)

Stressing Tendons:

Where two or more extensions of the stressing jack are required, the final pull should be approximately 60% of the full stroke of the jack.


White:Proposed Excavation Pink:Temporary Survey Markings Red:Electric Power Lines, Cables, Conduit and Lighting Cables Yellow:Gas, Oil, Steam, Petroleum or Gaseous Materials Orange:Communication, Cable TV, Alarm or Signal Lines, Cables or Conduit Blue:Potable Water Purple:Reclaimed Water, Irrigation or Slurry Lines Green:Sewer or Drain Lines


107.1 General. The inspection department shall perform the following inspections: 1. Footing inspection; 2. Under- Slab inspection, as appropriate; 3. Foundation inspection, wood frame construction; 4. Rough-in inspection; 5. Building framing; 6. Insulation inspection; 7. Fire protection inspection; and 8. Final inspection. 107.1.1 Footing Inspection. Footing inspections shall be made after the trenches are excavated, all grade stakes are installed, all reinforcing steel and supports are in place and tied, and all necessary forms are in place and braced and before any concrete is placed. 107.1.2 Under-slab inspection. Under-slab inspections, as appropriate, shall be made after all materials and equipment to be concealed by the concrete slab are completed. 107.1.3 Foundation inspection, crawl space. Foundation and crawl space inspections shall be made after all foundation supports are installed. 107.1.4 Rough-in inspection. Rough-in inspections shall be made when all building framing and parts of the electrical, plumbing, fire protection, or heating-ventilation or cooling system that will be hidden from view in the finished building have been placed but before any wall, ceiling finish or building insulation is installed


204.3.5 Design Professional Seal Required. Where the General Statutes require, no permit shall be issued unless the construction documents (drawings and specifications), bear the North Carolina seal of a registered design professional. Exceptions: For permitting purposes, the seal of a registered design professional is not required when the building, structure or project involved is in one of the categories listed below, unless otherwise required pursuant to the provisions of the General Statutes or the technical codes: 1. A family residence, up to eight units attached with grade- level exit, which is not part of or physically connected with any other buildings or residential units. More than one such set of attached units on a site is determined to be a complex and will require the seal of a registered design professional; 2. A building upon any farm that is for the use of any farmer, unless the building is of such nature and intended for such use as to substantially involve the health or safety of the public; 3. An institutional or commercial building if it does not have a total cost of construction exceeding $300,000; 4. An institutional or commercial building if the total building area does not exceed 3,000 square feet in gross floor area; 5. Alteration, remodeling or renovation of an existing building that is exempt under this section, or alteration, remodeling or renovation of an existing building or building site that does not alter or affect the structural system of the building; change the building's access or exit pattern; or change the live or dead load on the building's structural system. (Note: Answer these questions base on the information presented herein. In many cases, your county or city may have more restrictive requirements.)


25° Undisturbed Buffer Zone Minimum Width Of 25 feet or confine visible sediment (siltation) to the first 25% of the Buffer Zone between grading activity & Trout Waters, whichever is greatest.

Inspections and Investigations

(a)Inspection of sites shall be carried out by the staff of the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources or other qualified persons authorized by the Commission or Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources as necessary to carry out its duties under the Act.

Characteristics of brick veneer:

(Note: This is in the Residential Code) • 3" - 4" nominal single wythe Anchored to a backing system of wood frame, masonry or concrete Is not a part of the structural system of the building (supports no load.) • Has an airspace between the veneer and the backing An adjustable wall tie used to attach masonry facing to a backup system of masonry should engage the masonry facing unit by a minimum of 5/8" A cavity wall usually consists of two walls separated by a continuous airspace that is 2" or more wide. The 2" cavity is the most common.

Buffer Zone Requirements

(a) Unless otherwise provided, the width of a buffer zone is measured from the edge of the water to the nearest edge of the disturbed area, with the 25 percent of the strip nearer the land-disturbing activity containing natural or artificial means of confining visible siltation. Rombene 85% jover 28 Feet (b) The 25 foot minimum width for an undisturbed buffer zone adjacent to designated trout waters shall be measured horizontally from the top of the bank. (Note: Waters that have been classified as trout waters shall have an undisturbed buffer zone that is a minimum of 25 feet wide or of sufficient width to confine visible siltation within the 25% of the buffer zone nearest the land-disturbing activity, whichever is greater.) Methods: • Diversion dikes for perimeter protection must be at least 2' across at the top, and 18" high. о Sediment Basins shall be designed with a storage capacity of 1800 cf/acre. Seedbed preparation requires scarifying the ground at least 4 inches deep.

Section 404 Doors, Doorways and Gates

404.2.2 Clear width. Doorways shall have a clear opening width of 32 inches (815mm minimum. Section 405 Ramps 405.2 Slope. Ramp runs shall have a running slope greater than 1:20 and not steeper than 1:12.


A 3 1/2" butt hinge is used for a 1 3/8" interior door. Never Ust less then Y Inc -"Standard" interior door height is 6'8" (80"). (Note: This is not in your code book) Door stops should be installed after the lockset and strike plate have been installed and the door is latched and are permanently installed (nailed) on the lock side first. (Note: know the following sequence)

A curtain wall

A curtain wall is an exterior non-load-bearing wall not wholly supported at each story. Efflorescence (Not Effervescence) is a deposit of white powder or crust on the surface of brickwork which is due to soluble salts in the mortar or brick, drawn out to the surface by moisture . Raft and matt foundations are used over soils with a low ability to carry weight. (Note: They are often referred to as "floating foundations.")

Repairing Wood Roofs Damaged by Hail

A wood shingle or shake roof is considered bevond economical repair when the repair cost exceeds 80% of the replacement cost.

Safe Working Platform:

A working area at least 12 feet wide is recommended around or along each bundle so the bundle can be safely accessed. • Floor deck should be selected so that it provides at least fifty pounds per square foot capacity as a working platform. • At least thirty pounds per square foot loading should be available for roof deck.


After a joist is fabricated, a metal tag is wired to the end web member, either the diagonal member for underslung trusses or the vertical member for square ended trusses. The tag will indicate the erection mark (such as JI or T3), the joist manufacturer's job number and the joist manufacturer's name. Joists are usually shipped upside down, which provides greater stability since the top chord is a heavier member than the bottom chord and it extends the entire length of the truss

Open Web Joists (K-Series)

Also referred to as bar joists, shortspans and standards. Depths are from 8" through 30" • Instit" Spans range from 8' up to 60'. Usually top bearing or "underslung" and the chords are parallel. The minimum bearing depth (BD) is 2½". The minimum bearing length on steel is 2 " 4" on masonry or concrete. The bearing plate for open web joists on top of a concrete or masonry wall should be located not more than ½ inch from the face of the wall and should be not less than 6 inches wide perpendicular to the length of the joist. Typical Open Web Joist designation is: 18K7. The 18 is the depth of the joist in inches. The K indicates the joist series and the 7 is the chord section.

Joist Girders

Are primarily structural members, designed as simply supported trusses Usually bear on columns and support concentrated loading from steel joists which run perpendicular to them. Depths are from 20" to 120". Lengths run from 20' to >60' Bearing depth (BD) for underslung girders is 7-1/2". Minimum bearing length is 4" on steel; 6" on masonry or concrete. Where girders bear on a masonry or concrete wall, the bearing plate should be located not more than ½ inch from the face of the wall and should be not less than 9 inches wide perpendicular to the length of the joist. Typical Joist Girder designation is 32G6N8K. The 32 indicates the depth in inches at mid-span, the G indicates that it is a Joist Girder; 6N indicates there are 6 joist spacings. The 8K indicates that the concentrated load at each panel point location is 8 kips. (1 Kip = 1000 lbs.) Note: If there are 6 joist spacings then there are 7 joists bearing on the girder.)

Joists and Bridging

As bridging is installed, "sweep" (horizontal misalignment) in the joist should be removed and vertical misalignment should be corrected. Most bridging is the welded horizontal type, either angles or rounds. Bridging is normally furnished in 20 foot lengths. A sufficient amount of bridging is shipped to provide 2 inch to 4 inch laps, plus a percentage more to allow for short drops; however, drops of 3 feet or more should be used. Each bridging connection must be able to resist a horizontal force of not less than 700 pounds which may normally be provided by a 1/8 inch fillet weld, ½ inch long. When uplift forces are a design consideration, a row of bottom chord bridging is required near each end of the joists. Bottom bearing or square end joists must be erected right side up. The first diagonal web member usually runs from the top chord down to the bottom chord. If the joist is designed with camber in the member, the "bow" or camber will be in the up position. Opew in floor yoist stop From to Vann (Metal)

Placing Deck:

As the deck sheets are placed, one edge of the deck will always be "open" or leading. Workers should also maintain a safe distance (6 feet if possible) from the end of the deck unit. When aligning the edge (side) lap, the worker should kneel to lower their center of gravity and decrease the chance of falling. (Note: May be referred to as "Leading Edge Construction.) Roof and floor holes should be decked over. Where large size holes do not allow an opening to be decked over, employees shall be protected in accordance with OSHA Regulations. 104

Cold-applied Bitumens

Asphalt emulsions are made of fine droplets of water dispersed in asphalt with an emulsifier such as bentonite clay. Apply asphalt emulsions at the rate of 3 gallons per square. • • A "Square" is 100 square feet


Batt insulation that is placed between floor joists above an unheated crawlspace should be well supported between the joist by wires or wire mesh. The vapor retarder on the batts should be placed toward the "warm-in-winter" side • Fiberglass insulation is a skin and lung irritant. Wear protective clothing, including a long-sleeve shirt, gloves, long pants, high-top work boots and a cap. Also wear a suitable dust mask, or respirator and eye protection. (Note: Mold-resistant clothing is not required.)


Be sure to memorize the reinforcement requirements in the drawings on the next two pages for roof or floor deck penetrations. • Floor decks are designated by numbers only • Roof decks will have letters and numbers.

Roof Maintenance

Being walked on is never good for a roof. Make sure accessories (antenna wire and anchors) are of non-corrosive materials that will. not stain the roof. Never pressure clean an asphalt shingle roof. Remove branches and leaves from the roof. (Note: The exam question is often worded. "what should vou advise your customer.

Built-up Roofing

Bitumens used in built-up roofing are either asphalt or coal-tar pitch

Concrete Masonry Unit quantities:

Block: use a factor of 1.125 blocks per square feet. Mortar: Use a factor of 6.0 cubic feet per 100 square feet.


Bundle tags show the job area (derrick) where the bundle belongs. Deck bundles should be separated with dunnage (horizontally and vertically) of at least 1 ½" (more if agreed upon) so that lifting slings can be inserted for unloading.

Cellular deck

Cellular deck is made by attaching a bottom steel sheet to roof or composite floor deck panels. Electrical, telephone and computer wires are easily run through the chase or areaway created between the deck panel and the bottom sheet. Cellular decks are always furnished galvanized or painted over galvanized.

Lumber Defects:

Check. A small crack that runs across the growth rings, parallel to the grain. Shake: A lengthwise grain separation between or through the growth rings Boards shrink more proportionately in width than length or thickness


Flat Bed Trailers are the most common form of shipping joists.


Floor Decks are identified by numbers only TYPICAL COMPOSITE FLOOR DECK PROFILES

Tendon Finishing:

For encapsulated systems, a watertight cap filled with P/T coating should be installed within 24 hours but not to exceed 96 hours after tendon stressing. The grout used to fill the stressing pockets for bonded tendons must not contain any chlorides or other materials known to be deleterious to prestressing steel.

Form Deck

Form deck can be any floor or roof deck product used as a concrete form. • Form deck is furnished galvanized, prime painted or uncoated. • Galvanized deck may be used for roof deck systems where form deck is used to carry a lightweight insulating concrete fill. • In patented, dry-installed roof deck assembly, form deck is utilized as the primary load carrying element. The assembly may include dry-installed thermal insulation placed above either prime painted, field painted galvanized or galvanized and painted steel sections.


General Joists are laterally unstable without bridging, bracing or some type of restraining devices.


General - All Deck Products • Standard deck widths are usually 12", 18", 24", 30", or 36". (1 - 3 feet in 6" increments) Composite floor deck serves several purposes; (a) acts as a working platform (b) stabilizes the frame (c) serves as the concrete form for the slab and (d) reinforces the slab to carry the design loads. о Composite floor decks are distinguished by the presence of shear connectors which are designed to mechanically lock the concrete and the deck together. • The connector devices can be rolled in embossments, lugs, holes or wires welded to the panels. • The deck profile configuration can also be used to interlock concrete and steel. о Composite deck finishes are either galvanized (zinc coated) or phosphatized/painted. о Phosphatized/painted deck has a bare (phosphatized) top surface which is the side to be in contact with the concrete. The bare top surface can be expected to develop rust before concrete is placed. The bottom side of the deck has a primer coat of paint. Galvanized deck has a zine coating on both sides. Composite floor deck is normally installed such that panel ends do not overlap on the supporting beams

Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL

General: Based upon the "Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973" which applies to sedimentation caused by erosion or depositing of soil principally from construction sites and road maintenance. Does not apply to agricultural activities, forestry or mining or emergency activities essential to protect human life. (Note: The typical question asks, "Which of the following would be covered by the act? or would not be covered?") • 4 Sedimentation occurs when flowing water slows down enough to allow suspended soil particles to settle. (Note: This the most frequently asked question)

Side Lap Connections:

Good metal to metal contact is necessary for side lap welds. Burn holes are the rule rather than the exception and an inspector should not be surprised to see them. surprised to see enon around the permede a god walt whit have so ore dris perimeter working. Welding side laps is not recommended for decks type 22 (0.028" minimum) or lighter. Welding washers should never be used at side laps between supports.

Insulating and Moderate Strength Lightweight Concrete:

Group I is made with expanded aggregates such as perlite, vermiculite, or expanded polystyrene beads. Oven-dry densities using these aggregates generally range between 15 lb/cf to 50 lb/cf. This group is used primarily in insulating concrete.


If ground storage is required, bundles should be stored off the ground, with one end elevated to provide drainage. Bundles should be protected against condensation with a ventilated waterproof covering.

Repairing Leaks

Leaks around vent flashings are usually the result of improper shingling around the flashing. Minor cracks and worn areas on asphalt shingles can be repaired by applying roofing cement and sprinkling on loose granules and rubbing them into the roofing cement. Damaged asphalt shingles can also be repaired by installing galvanized sheet metal beneath the shingle and nailing the metal in a bed of roofing cement. Cover the nail heads with plastic cement.

Reference Source: North Carolina State Building Code: Administrative Code and Policies 2018 This reference book is permitted to be taken into the exam center; however, there are often no questions from this book. We do not recommend purchasing this reference book. If you already have this reference book and decide to take it with you when you test, you should highlight from the following materal.

Memorize the following

Brick sizes and quantities:

Modular Brick - 4" x 8" x 2 2/3" (nominal dimensions) Use a quantity factor of 7 bricks/sf. "EveRy SIN's thRec CouRsE Mortar quantity: Use a factor of 5.5 cf/100 sf. Three courses of modular brick = a height of eight inches.

Earth Moving Equipment and Procedures

Push Scrapers • Push scrapers are used on extremely large earth moving projects. • A self-loading scraper (Commonly referred to as a "Pan") will be more productive in hard or must son when assisted by a dozer pushing on the push block o the gear ofthe bowl. Downgrade Dozing • A positive grade is an uphill slope. A negative grade is a downhill slope The blade load capacity of a dozer doubles if the load is pushed down a negative 40 percent grade. i.e. a dozer with a blade load capacity of 2.5 CY can push 5 CY yards down a negative 40% grade. • A positive grade has a negative effect on dozer production. When a dozer has to push its blade load up a 40 percent slope, the blade capacity is cut in half. i.e. The dozer with a blade load capacity of2-5 CY can push 1.25 CY up a postive 40% slope. Angle Dozing • Blade angling increases the versatility of the machine. An angled blade ("A" blade) dozer can side cast material in a "Windrow" and position it at 90 degrees to the line of travel. The straight blade ("S" blade) ("Bull-dozer') allows the material to spill to each side of the blade and is not as efficient as the "A" blade dozer in moving material. Traffic Control barrels. The preferred method of traffic control for a lane closure at night is the use of reflective

107.1.5 Building framing inspection. Framing inspections shall be made after the roof (excluding permanent roof covering), wall ceiling and floor framing is complete with appropriate blocking, bracing and firestopping in place. The following items must be in place and visible for inspection 1. Pipes; 2. Chimneys and vents; 3. Flashing for roofs and chimneys; 4. Insulation baffles: and 5. All lintels that are required to be bolted to the framing for support shall not be covered by any exterior or interior wall or ceiling finish material before approval. Work may continue without approval for lintels supported on masonry or concrete. 107.1.6 Insulation inspection. Insulation inspections shall be made after an approved building framing and rough-in inspection and after the permanent roof covering is installed, with all insulation and vapor retarders in place, but before any wall or ceiling covering is applied. 107.1.7 Fire protection inspection. Fire protection inspections shall be made in all buildings where any material is used for fire protection purposes. The permit holder or his agent shall notify the inspection department after all fire protection materials are in place. Fire protecti


Masonry Building brick grades:

SW - (severe weather) Used where bricks are exposed to freezing weather and saturation with water. MW - (moderate weather) Used where there may be exposure to temperatures below freezing but are not likely to be permeated with water. NW - (no weather) is designed for use as a backup on interior masonry.


Screws are #12s or 1/4 inch diameter with a special drill point according to the total thickness of deck plus frame being joined

Interior Carpentry:

Screws used to mount a cabinet to a wall should have at least 1" penetration into the supporting member. (Note: Remember to add mounting board (3/4") and gypsum thickness (1/2") plus the penetration requirement (1") to the screw length for 2 ¼" answer).

CHAPTER 3. Building Blocks

Section 304 Turning Space 304.3 Size 304.3.1 Circular Space 304.3.1.1 New buildings and facilities. In new buildings and facilities, the turning space shall be a circular space with a 67-inch minimum diameter. 304.3.1.2 Existing buildings and facilities. In existing buildings and facilities, the turning space - shall be a circular space with a 60-inch minimum diameter.

CHAPTER 4. Accessible Routes

Section 403 Walking Surfaces 403.5 Clear width 403.5.1 General. The clear width of an interior accessible route shall be 36 inches minimum The clear width of an exterior accessible route shall be 48 inches minimum

CHAPTER 5. General Site and Building Elements

Section 502 Parking Spaces 502.5 Floor Surfaces. Parking spaces and access aisles shall comply with Section 302 and have surface slopes not steeper than 1:48. Access aisles shall be at the same level as the parking spaces they serve. (Note: 1:48 is the same as ¼" per foot.)

CHAPTER 6. Plumbing Elements and Facilities

Section 604 Water Closets and Toilet Compartments 604.2 Location. The water closet shall be located with a wall or partition to the rear and to one side. The centerline of the water closet shall be 16 inches (405mm) minimum and 18 inches (455mm) maximum from the side wall or partition.

CHAPTER 7. Communication Elements and Features

Section 703 Signs 703.3 Raised Characters 703.3.10 Height above Floor. Raised characters shall be 48 inches (1220mm) minimum above the floor, measured to the baseline of the lowest raised character and 60 inches (1525mm) maximum above the floor, measured to the baseline of the highest raised charactel

Side Lap Connections:

Sheet to sheet connections may be required at the side laps of deck. (Note: These connections are frequently referred to as "stitch" connections.) Self-drilling screws, welds or button punches are the usual stitch connections.

Reference Source: Pipe & Excavation Contracting EXCAVATION & GRADING

Site Preparation Hubs and Reference Stakes A hub is a small stake driven into the ground to identify a reference point. A reference or information stake will be driven in the vicinity of the hub and will identify the hub's elevation and situation in relation to the pipeline. The distance shown on the reference stake is a horizontal measurement of the distance from the hub to "centerline" of the cut or fill. (Also called the "Offset") 91

Types and Thickness Ranges

Standard Heavy Duty Extra Heavy Duty Super Duty

Concrete Reinforcement: Reinforcing Bars:

Standard bars are "deformed" bars. Deformations vary based upon the mill and are rolled onto the bar to aid in the concrete adhering to the steel. Deformed bars are designated by a bar number which indicates the size of the bar in eighths of an inch. (Note: For example: A #4 bar would be ½" in diameter.) • There are eleven (11) standard bar sizes - #3 through #11, and #14 and #18.

Stitch crews

Stitch screws are usually self-drilling type; #8's are the minimum diameter that can be used but #10 diameter screws or larger are recommended.

Structural Lightweight Concrete:

Structural lightweight concrete has an air-dry density in the range of 85-115 pounds per cubic foot (lb/cf) To control the uniformity of structural lightweight concrete, the aggregate should be pre-wetted. Air content for lightweight concrete is generally between 4.5% and 9% and a slump of 2 to 4 inches produces the best results for finishing. e Finishing operations should be started earlier than for comparable normal-weight concrete, but finishing too early may be harmful. A minimum amount of floating and troweling should be done; magnesium finishing tools are preferred.


Tag lines attached to the bundles (not the bands) will help workers control and position the load. Never move bundles by pulling on the strapping Bundles should be landed so that the ends of the bundles rest on a bearing surface rather than having one or both ends cantilevered.

Reference Source: North Carolina 811 NORTH CAROLINA ONE-CALL

The excavation notifications received by NC811 are disseminated to One-Call Center members that have underground facilities in the specific area given on the notification. • There is no charge to the excavator for the service provided by NC811 or by any member utility operator that locates facilities for the excavator. • North Carolina law requires a three working day notice be given to the utility owners before your digging begins. • The State of North Carolina Underground Damage Prevention Act requires anyone, except as provided in G.S. 87-106, before commencing all excavations in highways, public spaces or in private easements of utility owners to notify each utility owner having underground utilities in the proposed area to be excavated, either orally or in writing, not less than three nor more than ten business days prior to starting, of his intent to excavate. * Should any utility owner who has been given notice pursuant to G.S. 87-102 fail to respond to that notice as provided in G.S. 87-107, or fail to properly locate the underground utility, then the person excavating is free to proceed with the excavation If a utility owner is not a member of the One-Call Center, the person excavating must notify the utility owner directly. Cal directly Tickets are good for 15 business days from the start time. (Note: May also be referred as a "Renewal Period.") If excavation is to continue past the expiration date, the ticket should be updated on the 12th day. This is so that the three business day notice on the new ticket will have the new locate done by the time the old ticket expires, thereby, giving continual coverage. one street within a one block range. • In case of an apartment or office complex, individual building numbers must go on individual tickets. • If lot numbers are used for subdivisions they may go on one ticket if they fall within the same block. • When calling in locations for Mobile Home Parks, the individual addresses or lot numbers should be given. • When excavation involves more than one street, each street must go on an individual notification. When working at an intersection, the intersection can go on one notification.


The maximum "recommended" sheathing board for use under wood shingle or shakes is a 1 x 8. (Note: The Building Code states a "Minimum" of 1 x 4)

Barrier Cables:

The most common strand used for barrier cable is 1 in. diameter, seven wire strand. The back-stressing force applied to barrier cables should be equal to 80% of the ultimate strength of the strand.

Welded Wire Fabric:

The purpose of welded wire fabric (WF) in concrete slabs is to hold cracks together. Welded Wire Fabric does not provide reinforcement to concrete slabs. When Lapping of WWF the lap should be the size of the grid plus 2". (Note: 6 x 6 WWF should be lapped 8".) WF should be placed within 2" from the top of a concrete slab on ground In a 4" slab the WWF should be placed in the middle

Laying Masonry:

The squareness of a slab should be checked by measuring the diagonals which will be the same length if the slab is square or by using the "6-8-10"rule. The mason's line should be set at least 1/16" away from the face of the block. тів надоло солоност в се повео кат в сало ка на по соал стио 4 Не мем ва Laying the Leads is the first step in constructing a brick masonry wall. Batter boards are used to establish and preserve the building lines during excavation and construction. Before placing batter boards, the builder should "pin the building corners". When cleaning brick by sandblasting, use a low pressure (from 60 lb to 120 lb) and a 1/4" sandblast nozzle Corrugated metal wall ties shall be 22 gauge metal.

Portland Cements:

Type I, normal - general purpose cement Type Il, moderate sulfate resistance - often used in concrete exposed to seawater. Type Ill, high early strength - used when forms need to be removed as soon as possible. Type IV, low heat of hydration - used where the heat from hydration must be minimized in massive concrete structures such as large gravity dams. Type V, high sulfate resistance

Application Temperatures

Types I & Il asphalts should not be applied at a temperature lower than 350°F Types III & IV asphalts should not be applied at temperatures lower than 400°F.

Roof Framing:

Ventilation for Hip Roofs should be provided by eave vents in soffit boards.

Slope as a percent

Vertical rise is expressed in units of rise or fall, compared to a horizontal distance of 100 units. I.e. A 5% slope will rise/fall 5 feet vertically in a horizontal distance of 100 feet. A 45° angle is a 100% slope. If the vertical rise/fall is equal to the horizontal distance, the slope is 100%. • To calculate slope as a percent, divide the vertical rise/fall by the horizontal distance for run. Slope = Rise ÷ Run a Dealing with Rock Igneous rock is formed from molten magma and is the hardest type of rock to excavate or rip. • Sedimentary rock is formed from sediments that were compressed by water and overlying layers and is the easiest rock to excavate or rip Working in Groundwater I check Uhapter 5 • The level of the underground water is known as the water table. • The water table varies in depth from season to season • A wellpoint system can be used to lower the groundwater table in bad groundwater conditions • Groundwater causes unstable soil that's dangerous to work in & impossible to use as backfill. Soil Compaction Soil Structure • The right amount of moisture for compaction to maximum density is called the optimum moisture content. Determining Soil Density • Three methods of determining soil density are the Proctor test (Standard or Modified), the sand cone test and the nuclear density method. • A nuclear density test is advantageous because soil samples do not have to be removed from the site to perform the test. It is, therefore, a "Non-Destructive" test. Proctor & Sand Cone tests are "Destructive."

Lake or watercourse

Visible sediment collected within the first 25% of buffer NO MINIMUM WIDTH

Volume Changes of Concrete:

Volume changes that ordinarily occur in concrete are very small (almost negligible or unchanged).

The information presented in this chapter is taken directly from the remaining 14 reference materials that you will not have with you in the PSI Exam Center. Therefore, you will have to memorize this information. When the faculty at The Construction Institute receives feedback from students who have taken the exam concerning new questions, we research the question in the appropriate reference book and gather the information required to answer that particular question. It is precisely that type of information that follows in this chapter. The following reference materials have been used to provide the memorization information: AMINISTRATIVE CODE NC State Building Code: Administrative Code and Policies, 2018 Laws and Regulations Applicable to General Contracting in the State of NC SITEWORK Pipe and Excavation Contracting, 2011 NC Administrative Code, Title 15A, Chapter 4, Sedimentation Control NC General Statutes Chapter 113A, Article 4, Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 North Carolina 811 Excavation Guide, 2018 METALS SDI Manual of Construction with Steel Deck, 2016 Technical Digest No. 9 - Handling & Erection of Steel Joists & Joist Girders CONCRETE & REINFORCEMENT Design & Con

chapter 2

Bar identification is set by ASTM specifications requiring the bar producer to roll the following information on the bar:

letter or symbol to show the producer's mill a number corresponding to the size of the bar a symbol or marking to indicate the type of steel markings to designate the grade


window list on a set of plans is called the window schedule. Working drawings are the most exact and extensive drawings used on a project. Drawings that show front, side, and rear views of a building are called "Elevations." Floor plans are typically drawn to a 1/4" = 1'0" scale. A Bench Mark is a starting point or point of reference (POR) from which measurements can be made. A bench mark may be a mark on the foundation of a nearby building or a stone or concrete marker in the ground at a certain location.


о If a tendon is to be stressed from both ends, at least 12 inches of tendon tail should be left outside the edge form at each end for stressing. о The sheathing on a tendon should be cut back a maximum of 1" behind the anchor to ensure the sheathing does not protrude into the anchor. • Tendon groups: Not more than 5 - ½" diameter tendons and not more than 4 - 0.6 in. diameter tendons should be banded together in a group. (note: 10 rule) • A minimum clearance of 6 inches should be maintained around all blockouts. Additional support bars for tendons are used to avoid the problem of reverse curvature of tendons. The minimum size support bar should be a #4 bar. Spacing between bundles of tendons should be approximately 1 ½".

Air Entrained Concrete:

• Air entraining admixtures are used to purposely entrain microscopic air bubbles in concrete, improving durability of concrete and its resistance to freezing when exposed to water and deicing chemicals. The slump of concrete increases with increased air content. • Sulfate resistance and permeability is improved (more "Impermeable") by air entrainment. • Excessive air entrainment can result in blistering. 117

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