Mental Dental Complete NBDE part II

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Simplified oral hygiene index (OHI-S) what does it measure?

quantifies amount of : debris (DI-s) calculus (CI-S) oral hygiene -good -fair -poor

risk marker or predictor definition periodontitis risk marker or predictors (3)

quantitative association with disease previous history of periodontal disease BOP CAL (most important!!)

most common odontogenic cyst

radicular cyst

most odontogenic cysts are

radio L

most odontogenic tumors are

radio L

measures of dispersion (3)

range variance SD

Measures of dispersion what is RANGE? what is VARIANCE? what is STANDARD DEVIATION

range: max minus min variance: how spread out individual values are from the mean SD: square root of variance

developing a more adaptive thought as a means of coping "i cant do this" -> I did this last time

rational response. /reframing / cognitive coping

Third party payers Usual,customary, and reasonable table of allowances fee schedule

reasonable fee based on geographic location max plan will pay for procedure but ALLOWS dentist to charge more list of FEES the dentist has agreed upon for dental services ( insurance will cover in full)

HEALING AFTER SURGERY reattachment Vs new attachment

reattachment: reunion of epithelial and connective tissue with root surface after incision or injury new attachment: embedding of new PDL fibers into new cementum that has been previously deprived of its original attachment

which one is stronger: rectangular wire vs round which one is stronger: beam vs cantilever

rectangle beam

phase 2 - SURGICAL: what do we do? When is phase 2 done

reduce or eliminate periodontal pockets, correct soft and hard tissue defects, regenerate periodontal tissues, or place implants phase 2 is done when phase 1 iss not successful

GA with halothane is commonly preceded by atropine to

reduce salivation and bronchial secretions caused by halothane


reduced enamel epithelium

HEALING AFTER SURGERY regeneration vs repair?

regeneration- completely restore architecture and function repair- NOT completely restore architecture/function *healing by scar or LONG JE

ghost teeth

regional odontodysplasia

ADDING more teeth to the anchor unit so that the reaction force is distributed over a bigger PDL area

reinforce danchorage

quality of Diagnostic test Reliability vs validity describe

reliability= precision getting consistant results from a test - don't have to be the right result validity= accuracy how close to the truth the results are

Type 3 gypsum used for

removable prostheses and diagnostic casts

The decrease in ventilation caused by morphine, meperidine and some of the related opioids depends chiefly on

rendering the respiratory centerin the brain stem less sensitive to changes in CO2

Autistic pts demonstrate ______________ behavior and ________________________ of light and sound

repetitive, heightened sense

avulsed primary tooth < 30 mins, what do you do?

replant, flexible splint 1-2 weeks, soft diet, antibiotics, endo tx

OSHA if you get needle stick what must you get?

report eval follow up

Extrusion if patient is seen before formation of periapical blood clot - what is tx ?

reposition carefully, flexible splint for 1-2 weeks, endo treatment

subtractive Sx (3)

resective osseous surgery, gingivectomy, apically positioned flap

During growth of the mandible (intramembranous) where does RESORPTION happen? where does apposition happen? 3

resorp- anterior ramus *for molars to fit apposition- post ramus, chin, coronoid process, alveolus

where does resorption of maxilla occur (during growth) where does apposition occur?

resorp:anterior maxilla appo: alveolus, tuberosity,

Barbiturate overdose will kill you due to

respiratory failure

The immediate cause of death from irreversible cholinesterase inhibitors are

respiratory paralysis

2 types of lichen planus

reticular -MC errosive

pros and cons of screw retained implant

retrievability allows for crown removal and good maintenance screw loosen

indications for Bisagittal Split Osteotomy (BSSO)

retrusive mandible protrusive mandible

indications for Lefort 1 osteotomy

retrusive maxilla vertical maxillary excess

Anticholinesterase (drugs) cholinesterase breaks down ach

reversible -Physostigmine -Neostigmine


reversible hydrocolloid (agar) irreversible hydrocolloid (alginate)

__________________ = baby tooth causing ulceration on ventral tongue, smooth or extract it. can cause nursing difficulties

riga-fede disease

Minor connector should form ----- with MC

right angle

metal - porca jxn sshould be at

right angle

major connector requirements 3

rigidity*** not placed on movable tissues rounded edges for comfort

when do we use a CTG

root coverage

do not falsely reassure

"dont worry"

highest risk sites for cancer

#1 FOM #2 post lateral tongue

how do we fluoridate developing countries that does not have safe water?

salt fluoridation 200 mg fluoride per Kg of salt

PUBLIC HEALTH the __________ and ________ of preventing diseases, prolonging life, promoting physical health

science art

uniform widening of PDL limited opening


what type of implant crown is better when you have limited restorative space

screw retained

healing is by primary or seccondary intent -after gingival Sx

seccondary intent

Want to avoid extraction what teeth because they prevent other teeth from drifting and is used for space maintence

second primary molar (E's)

macrolides such as erythromycin inhibit the metabolism of drugs such as

seldane and digoxin


selective a2 inhibitor

Patient autonomy respect pt's right to __________ and _____________

self determination privacy

Total joint replacement is done for

severely pathologic joints -osteoarthritis -rheumatoid arthritis

Periodontitis staging determined by

severity and extend of disease at presentation

genital and lymphoid tissue seem opposite on the growth curve why

sex hormones: estrogen + testosterone cause the lymphoid tissue to stop growing

Preps for primary teeth are more _____________ due to thinner enamel


setting small attainable goals and rewarding yourself after each step


Furcation factors (inc chance of furc involvement)

short root trunk short root roots are close cervical enamel projection

Type I dentin dysplasia demonstrates.... whereas type II dentin dysplasia demonstrates.....

short roots, chevron pulps

Scaling stroke

short, strong pull stroke to remove hard deposites

anatomic prognostic factors that predispose patients to perio disease (8)

short, tapered roots cervical enamel projections/enamel pearls bifurcation ridges root concavities developmental grooves root proximity furcation involvement tooth mobility

occ therapy should be delayed until---

should be delayed until after inflammation is resolved

Md major connector 2 facts

should not impinge on moveable tiss releif and blockout are necesssary to facillitate RPD insert and removal

PFM margin design bucc vs lingual

shoulder - bucc chamfer - lingual

balanced occlusion for dentures definition

simultaneous anterior and bilateral posterior contacts (tripodization) in centric and eccentric movements to maintain seating of dentures

how will anxious patients act?

sit still not say much

Growth SITE vs Growth CENTER

site- where growth is OCCURRING center- ability to control its own GROWTH

growth modification used to treat (2)

skeletal class 2 skeletal class 3

anterior crossbite many teeth tx

skeletal class 3 reverse pull headgear

DISTRIBUTION tail to the right or left= ___________ distribution two peaks = _____________ distribution

skewed bimodal

PAYMENT PLANS (how dr gets paid) Sliding scale fee Balance billing Prospective reimbursement (FQHC)

sliding ---- cost is adjusted based on pt income balance-- dentist charge pt remaining BALANCE between total and what insurance covered prospective --- dentist paid predetermined fixed amount before treatment provided

name some risk FACTORS for perio

smoking diabetes pathogenic bacteria plaque

systemic prognostic factors (3) and why

smoking: have increased prevalence and severity of periodontal disease and decreased healing response to both nonsurgical and surgical therapy diabetes: poorly controlled diabetes has worse prognosis than well-controlled parkinson's: compromise the patient's ability to perform oral hygiene

TOPICAL fluoride is best for what AREA?

smooth surfaces

Motivation to change behavior is influenced by several factors what THEORYs

social cognitive theory Health Belief model

social cognitive theory: Positive SOCIAL consequences

social reinforcement

Fact witness who is that?

someone who was there

zinc oxide eugenol (temp bond)

soothes pulp contains eugenol-- inhibits polymerization of resin

fricative or labiodental sounds = f, v, ph**

sounds made via contact between the maxillary incisors and wet/dry line of lower lip help determine position of incisal edge of maxillary anterior teeth

combination syndrome is

specific pattern of bone resorption in the anterior edentulous maxilla ​when it is opposing mandibular anterior teeth only

2 categories of flaps based on thickness

split or partial thickness flap (mucosal) full thickness flap (mucoperiosteal)

tissue stop functions 2

stabelizes framework maintains space below framework to allow acrylic to flow

what 3 things does a ridge provide

stability support retention

factors that favor disclusion of post teeth post guidance

steep horozontal condylar inclincation (HCL less bennett movement

factors that favor disclusion of post teeth anterior guidance

steep incisal guid steep canine guid

destruction of ALL life forms (bacteria, virus, SPORES)


growth modification - patient must be

still growing

Morphine causes vomiting by

stimulation of the medullary chemoreceptor trigger zone

3 types of mouth guards

stock mouth formed (boil and bite) custom fabricated - made by dentist

FACIAL CONVEXITY straight convex concave what OCCLUSION CLASS are they usually?

straight- 1 convex-2 concave- 3

primary colonizers are what bac ---------- what do they eat

strept species actinomyces ----------- carbon/sugars

perceived threat to one well being


what are longitudinal studies? includes what types of studies (3)

studies that follow people in time (not a one time thing) case control studies prospective cohort study retrospective cohort study

3 implant types

subpereosteal transosteal endosteal << focus on this

N R blockers at NMJ

succinylcoline --- irreverse tobucurarine

SPACE ANALYSIS - tanaka johnston method

sum width of mandibular incisors are plug into equation


sum width of mandibular incisors is used to compare to table to get final result

metal substructure provides 2

support and increases strength of porca

removal of SUPPORTING bone is called? removal of NON supporting bone is called?

supporting- osteECTOMY non- osteOTOMY

DENTAL PLAQUE supragingival subgingival aerobic vs anaerobic

supra- aerobic subgingival - anaerobic

SUPRAgingival components of plaque come from WHERE? SUBgingival components of plaque come from WHERE?

supra- saliva sub- GCF

Supra vs Sub G calculus color minaralization products are from

supra- white/yellow - mineralization via saliva, sub- dark - mineralization via GCF

types of external root resorption

surface = normal PDL, small areas replacement = ankylosis, risk increases with long-term splinting inflammatory = granulation tissue, radiolucency cervical (CRR) = biologic width area, pink spot apical (ARR) = orthodontic forces

what is: sustain talk change talk commitment talk

sustain- not ready to change change- favor change commitment- ready to change

intramembranous ossification seen in (2)

sutures cranial vault maxilla mandible ?

what is the only true growth CENTER

synchondrosis (cranial base)

pattern of anomalies that occur together in PREDICTABLE fashion due to single etiology


exposing patients to items from a LIST from LEAST fearful to MOST fearful

systematic desensitization/ graded exposure

False positive when you reject a null hypothesis that should have been accepted type ________ error

(type 1 error)

Apert Syndrome AKA? characteristics

*Acrocephalosyndactyly* *Syndactyly* (fusion of finger/toe) Acrocephalic (tall skull) Byzantine arch (narrow/high vault)

CROUZON syndrome characteristics

*Midface deficiency* *HYPERTELORISM (wide eyes)* short skull = brachycephalic frontal bossing proptosis (bulging eyes)

What is responsible for closure of diastema in ugly duck stage

*max perm canines

nikolsky sign of pemphigus V. and pemphigoid

+ Slight rubbing of skin or mucosa results in shedding of outtermost layer

Calcification start dates for primary tooth crowns Central incisors? first molars? lateral incisors? canines? second molars

- 14 weeks in utero (central incisors) - 15 weeks in utero (first molars) - 16 weeks in utero (lateral incisors) - 17 weeks in utero (canines) - 18 weeks in utero (second molars)

primary mand 2nd molar #cusps / canals

- 5 cusps - 2 roots (M is bigger with 2 canals)

what is a 2 piece abutment

- Abutment screw and abutment are separate components - Has an antirotation component More common

what is a one piece abutment

- Abutment screw is a part of the abutment (abutment + screw is one piece ) - No antirotation component

Post-Operative Complications- General anesthesia

- Alectasis= collapse of portion of lung, fever - Pneumatosis intestinalis= air in the intestines, fever

Semilunar incision location used for impossible

- Apical to the mucogingival junction - used For apicoectomy - Apically displaced flap is impossible in maxillary palatal

4 TMJ ligaments

- Capsular ligament - Discal/collateral ligament - Posterior ligament - Lateral ligament

GLUTARALDEHYDE is ? how much time

- Cold solution used for heat-sensitive items - Requires a long time

4 types of biopsy

- Cytology - Aspiration - Incisional - Excisional

Post-Operative Complications • BSSO which one is the most common what are the rest (4

- Damage to IAN/paresthesia << most common - Condylar sag= relapse, more potential for relapse with osteotomy than distraction osteogenesis - Swelling - Infection - Bleeding


- Direct histologic contact between bone and implant surface

Attaches to the medial and lateral poles of the condyle Keeps the disc attached to the condyle during movement

- Discal/collateral ligament

recurrent HSV infection types -- 2 and where they occur

- Herpes labialis (cold sore, fever blister) Occurs on vermilion border - Recurrent intraoral herpes Occurs on attached gingiva, hard palate

what is a 2 piece implant

- Implant and abutment are separate components - Implant drilled into bone, then abutment attached next

what is a one piece implant

- Implant body and abutment are attached together - Drilled into bone as one unit - Cannot correct angle between the two components

• BSSO - Mandibular advancement > to correct --- - Mandibular setback > to correct ---

- Mandibular advancement > to correct Class II - Mandibular setback > to correct Class III

• LeFort I - Maxillary advancement > to correct---- - Maxillary setback > to correct ----

- Maxillary advancement > to correct Class III - Maxillary setback > to correct Class II

• LeFort I - Maxillary superior repositioning > to correct --- - Maxillary inferior repositioning > to correct ---

- Maxillary superior repositioning > to correct open bite, to shorten face - Maxillary inferior repositioning > to correct deep bite, to lengthen face

winters classification easiest EXT hardest EXT

- Mesioangular= easiest - Distoangular= most difficult

Cap stage Enamel organ (enamel) contains what layers? Dental papilla give rise to what tooth structure?

- OEE ,IEE, stellate reticulum (between layers), enamel knot (cusp tips) dentin and pulp

Implant Secondary stability

- Osseointegration - Long-term healing of the bone to the titanium alloy

reorganization of fibers / how long after ortho is complete - PDL fibers reorganize - Gingival fibers reorganize - Supracrestal fibers reorganize

- PDL fibers reorganize in 3-4 months after ortho removal - Gingival fibers reorganize in 4-6 months after ortho removal - Supracrestal fibers reorganize in 1 year or more after ortho removal


- Presence of fibrous tissue layer between implant and bone - Failure of OI

when placing implant - the osteotomy is squentially enlarged for 2 reasons

- Reduces heat generated - Helps to maintain axis with free-hand surgery

What factors could make plaque indiced gingival disease worse

systemic factors medications malnutrition

implant Primary stability

- When you first place implant how well screw pattern holds

Defects in the Bell Stage: Histodifferentiation can lead to what?

- amelogenesis imperfecta - dentinogenesis imperfecta

Appliance used for early loss of primary first molar

- band and loop - LLHA or nane

Calcification start dates for PERM tooth crowns first molars? all ant teeth except max laterals? max laterals? first premolars? second premolars? second molars?

- birth (first molar) - 6 months (all ant teeth except max laterals) - 12 months (max laterals) - 18 months (first premolars) - 24 months (second premolars) - 30 months (second molars)

If lateral incisor is missing, what do you do for tx?

- canine substitution or prosthetic replacement

High frenum tx

- close space first, then frenectomy

Failure in initiation stage leads to what type of defects?

- congenitally missing teeth - supernumerary teeth

Two appliances for thumbsucking

- crib - stainless steel fixed reminder appliance in anterior palate region - blue grass - fixed reminder appliance with roller in anterior palate region

Tx for ANUG

- debridement - oxidizing mouth rinse - antibiotics

appliance used for early loss of primary second molar

- distal shoe from first primary molar to unerupted perm first molar - LLHA or nance if perm first molar is erupted

Generalized microdontia can be seen in what type of patients?

- down syndrome - pituitary dwarfism - ectodermal dysplasia

Fluorosis effects enamel or dentin? tetracycline staining effects enamel or dentin?

- enamel - dentin

Defects in maturation stage lead to....

- enamel hypomineralization - fluorosis - tetracycline staining

Tooth germ consists of what?

- enamel organ - dental papilla - dental follicle

Defects during apposition stage can lead to...

- enamel/hypoplasia - enamel pearls - concrescence

Thumbsucking can lead to...

- increase overjet - anterior open bite - max constriction - posterior crossbite

Primate space is where?

- mesial to upper canine - distal to lower canine

Most common pyschostimulant medications for ADHD

- methylphenidate (ritalin) - atomoxetine (strattera) - amphetamine (adderall)

Initiation: Oral epithelium = dental lamina = ectomesenchyme =

- outer layer - first evidence of forming, budding teeth - signals overlying oral epithelium to proliferate into dental lamina

Genearlized macrodontia can be seen in patients that suffer from...

- pituitary gigantism - pineal hyperplasia with hyperinsulinism

characteristics of healthy gingiva in children

- reddish - rounded and rolled margins - flabby consistency - lack of stippling - deeper sulcus

Defects in bell stage: morphodifferentiation can lead to what?

- size and shape abnormalities - peg laterals - macrodontia

Failures in bud stage can lead to what defects?

- supernumerary teeth - congenital absence

Tx for regional odontodysplasia?

- support eruption and extract affected teeth

Primary tooth anatomy summ (10)

- thinner enamel - thinner dentin - bigger pulp - whiter - occlusally directed enamel rods - cervical bulge - more divergent roots - small or absent root trunk wider M-D than perm shorter I-G than perm

START fibro osseous bone lesions


List of NSAIDS

-Aspirin -Diflunisal -Indomethacin -Phenylbutazone

Competitive muscarinic receptor blocker - Drugs

-Atropine -Scopolamine -Propantheline decrease saliva / emergency drug to tx bradycardia

Anti-inflammatories include:

-Prednisone -Hydroxycorticosteroid -Triamcinolone

corticosteroids (list)


NSAIDS effects

-analgesic effects -antipyretic effects -effects on bleeding time


-blocks vagal reflexive control of HR> tachy cardia (so does METHANTHELINE)

Defects in cap stage are...

-cyst/odontoma - gemination - fusion - dens in dente


-lack anti-inflammatory properties -hepatotoxicity -does not cause GI upset

List of MMA (mixed agonist-antagonists)

-pentazocine -nalbuphine

Scopalamine is useful in treating

-peptic ulcers -providing euphoria and amnesia prior to surgery -relieving bronchoconstriction -relieving some symptoms of Parkinsons -Visualization of the retina

Effects of Morphine:

-respiratory depression -euphoria -sedation -dysphoria -analgesia -constipation -urinary retention

HAMP classification (furcation) 0 1 2 3

0 - no furc involve 1 <3mm 2: >3mm 3: thru and thru

MILLER MOBILITY class 0 1 2 3

0 - physiologic 1- slightly more than normal 2 - moderately more than normal (≤1mm) 3 >1mm and vertically depressed

Phases of perio treatment plan

0 - prelim phase 1 - non surgical phase 2 -surgical phase 3 - restorative phase 4 - maintenance phase

ANB angle -- compores Maxilla to mandible _____ or below is class 3 _______ is normal ______ or above is Class 2

0 = class 3 2 = normal 4 = class 2

when initially setting a curette into the pocket, angulation between the blade and tooth should be

0 degrees - closed angle

PERIODONTAL INDEX CPITN (community periodontal index of treatment needs) 0-4 ? who doesnt like it? why?

0 healthy 1 bleeding 2 calculus 3 shallow pocket 4 deep pocket AAP (doesnt account for recession)

What are porcelain veneer reduction requirements?

0.3 mm gingival 1/3 reduction 0.5 mm facial reduction 1-2 mm incisal reduction Intra-enamel preparation

HIV ____% of transmission after needlestick DNA vs RNA Vaccine?

0.3% RNA no vaccine

What is the minimum ratio of height to base regarding tooth preparation?


Water fluoridation: proper range ? smell color taste

0.7 to 1.2 ppm no smell colorless tasteless

Frankl ____ = definitely negative


Infants should drink from a cup as they approach what age?


gold alloys type 1-4 % gold

1 - 99 2- 77 3 - 72 4- 69

gold alloys type 1-4 what each is used for

1 - class V restorations only 2 - inlays 3- onlays/ crown 4- Bridges Post and core Clasps RPD castings

GLICKMAN. (furcation) 1 2 3 4

1 Incipient - into the flute 2 Cul de sac - into the furca 3 through and through 4 through and through that you can see clinically

FOUR ways to fix furcation (by making it easier to clean them)

1 furcation plasty 2. tunneling 3. root amputation 4. hemisection

elongated pulp chamber and short roots.


how can you verify that the pt understands the treatment option

teach back method

natal teeth are...

teeth present at birth

neonatal teeth are...

teeth that erupt within first 30 days

how can you give STRESSED patients a sense of control

tell them what to expect hand signals (to break) time structuring

ultrasonic sscalers are used for

tenacious calculus


1 precontemplation 2 contemplation 3 preparation 4 action 5 maintenance

order of steps after die is cleaned

1 waxing 2 spruing 3 investing 4 burnout 5 casting 6 recovery 7 quenching

First dental visit should be by what age?

1 year old

Any agent that interferes with early development


What antibiotic chelates with calcium


modified widman flap: incisions involved provides acces to what areas? for what purpose?

the 3 horozontal incision provides access to subgingival areas for debridement with the goal of new attachment (un-repositioned flap)

Radiograph follow ups are done at ____, ____, and _____ after incident of trauma

1,2,6 months

INFRABONY DEFECTS 1 wall 2 wall 3 wall 4 wall most common?

1- hemiseptal 2- crater (most common) 3- trough 4- circumferential (ext site)

Miller class (recession) 1-4

1- recession not to MGJ (no interdental bone loss) 2- recession to MGJ or past (no interdental bone loss) 3- recession to MGJ or past (interprox bone loss) 4- recession to MGJ or past (severe interprox bone lost)

free gingival graft--- ideal thickness of graft


IDEAL thickness of FGG what does the "FREE" part stand for?

1-1.5mm doesnt have blood supply

HOW long does it take for calculus to occur? (T/F) calculus is an irritant to the periodontal tissue

1-14 days FALSE (it's the bacteria on it)

Interdental CAL Stage 1 stage 2 stage 3 stage 4

1-2mm stage 1 3-4mm stage 2 5mm or more stage 3 or 4

which stages of gingivitis or reversible


CI to the use of corticosteriods in a dental pt.

1. AIDS 2. Candidiasis 3. TB 5. Peptic Ulcers

maturation is

the deposition of enamel and dentin

TCA drug examples

1. Amitriphyline 2. Imipramine

leeway space definition

the difference in M-D width of the primary teeth to their perm primary teeth are larger M-D so we gain spac

EPIDEMIOLOGY the study of

the distribution and determinants of disease

Major SE of Anti-psychotics

1. Anticholinergic effects 2. extra-pyramidal stimulation resulting in tardive dyskinesia

Digitalis is useful in tx. of.... (list 3)

1. Atrial fibrillation 2. Congestive heart failure 3. Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia


the human experience of pain is the sum total of these physiologic processes and the psychological factors of higher thought and emotion

Vertical / angular bone loss is classified by

the number of bony walls remaining

What are the principles of tooth preparation?

1. Biology 2. Mechanical 3. Esthetic

Neutrophil chemotaxis is ? how do they kill bac

the process of migration to the perio pocket phagocytose the bac - then kill them with myeloperoxidase + O2 radicals

Order of most to least common congenitally missing teeth

third molars > md second premolars > mx laterals > mx second premolars


thrombin prevents formation of the fibrin network

Aversion conditioning is not recommended for what patients?

timid and tense-coperative

Nitrous oxide sensation before onset? side effect?

tingling nausea

retentive clasp tip is designed to when is retentive clasp active /passive

tip is designed to engage in undercut​ and resist dislodging forces only active when dislodging forces are applied to them, otherwise seat passively

Antibiotics for perio goal should on by used as

to decrease the number of bacteria in the periodontal pocket should only be used as adjunct to mechanical debridement during phase I

Sliding genioplasty

to move chin in all three directions

What is the primary objective of SRP

to restore gingival health by removing calculus (Supra G, Sub G, ) and rough cementum

full bony impact

tooth is entirely encased in bone, most difficult to EXT

when you go from tooth side -> outer layer of plaque what GRAM do you have?

tooth side- gram POS outside- gram NEG

what does BOLTON analysis measure?

tooth size discrepancy

Fluoride Toxicity toxic dose lethal dose

toxic dose 5mg/Kg 5G = DEAD

facebow transfers

transfers the relationship between the hinge axis and maxilla from the patient to the articulator

What happens in histodifferentiation?

transformation into distinct cell types IEE --> ameloblasts dental papilla --> odontoblasts

PLANES OF GROWTH width _____________________ Length _____________ Height ________________ when does each stop growing

transverse 10-12 anteroposterior 14-16 vertical 18-20

Mucous Extravasation Phenomenon is caused by

trauma to salivary duct

(T/F) biofilm are more resistant to antimicrobials


This enamel hypoplasia is caused by periapical infection or trauma to primary tooth causing inflammatory response that messes up ameloblasts of developing perm tooth

turner's hypoplasia


tx. for atrial fibrillation paroxysmal atrial tachycardia


tx. of supraventricular tachy arrhythmia and atrial fibrillation

taurodontismis is Linked to

type IV amelogenesis imperfecta

FRAUD TERMS Separating procedure into component parts


risk determinant: definition

unchangeable background characteristics, increases likelihood of disease (gender, genetics)

Hand over mouth technique used to gently place hand over pt's mouth to gain attention of what pts?


BRONJ characteristic feat main symtpom

uncovered bone for >8w jaw pain

Treacher Collins Syndrome characteristics ________________ is underdeveloped downslanted _______________ fissures cleft __________ Micro________

underdeveloped MANDIBLE down slanted PALPEBRAL fissures cleft PALATE (35%) MICROTIA (small ears)

what are the other functions of major connectors

unifies components of RPD distributes forces over all supporting structs provides cross arch stabelization and resistance to functional stress

Types of curettes (2)

universal Gracey

Diuretics (list some)

1. Furosemide 2. Chlorothiazide 3. Sprinaolactone

FRAUD TERMS reporting a MORE COMPLEX or higher cost procedure than what was done

upcoding Reporting an RCT - when really you did a pulpotomy


used for supraventricular tachy arrhythmia and atrial fibrillation Prevents bradycardia Type 1 a agent MOA:increase refractory period of muscle

how to treat POST exposure of Heb B

vaccine immunoglobulin


vasodilation direct action on smooth muscle on B.V. walls

what has a better prognosis - vertical or horozontal bone loss

vertical bone loss

AIRBORNE PARTICLES SPLATTER: visible vs non? bigger or smaller than 50um? how far can they project? can carry what pathogens?

visible Bigger than 50um 3 feet carry blood borne

Another name / result of hyperparathyroidism

von Recklinghausen's disease OF BONE


1. Imipramine 2. Amitriptyline

implant success criteria

1. Immobile 2. No peri-implant radiolucency 3. Peri-implant bone loss <0.2mm per year after first year 4. Absence of symptoms like pain

LA-List amides

1. Lidocaine 2. Mepivacaine 3.Bupivacaine 4. Prilocaine 5. Dubivacaine

List anti-arrhythmic drugs

1. Lidocaine 2. Procaine 3. Phenytoin 4. Quinidine 5. Verapamil 6. Digitalis 7. Propranolol

Anterior cross bite - one or a few teeth leads to (2) Tx and appliance

wear, gingival strain • Tx: 2x4, active retainer

When does cleft lip happen? cleft palate?

week 4-6 6-8 weeks

Orthognathic Surgery indications

when a problem is too severe for orthodontics alone • To correct severe skeletal discrepancies Class III, open bite, asymmetry

A-P strap indicate

when both ant and post teeth are missing when just post teeth missing Ken 3 DE

Drugs for Tx. of Angina

1. Nitroglycerin 2. Propranolol 3. Calcium Channel Blockers

canine guidance

when in lateral movements all posterior teeth are immediately dismayed as contact occurs solely between upper and lower canine on the working side.

WHEN do we give LOCAL abx for perio disease?

when localized recurrent and/or residual PD ≥5mm with inflammation are still present following conventional therapies

when do we do space regaining appliances

when there is localized space loss that is minor (<3mm removeable appliance with a fingerspring to tip the teeth distal headgear (mx activated lingual arch (md Then place space maintainer after space is regained

what is the finish line of RPD

where acrylic meets the metal framework is the junction between the major and minor connectors


1. Phenothiazines 2. Chlorpromazine

Flap design Base should be incision location corners should be vertical release location

wider base to ensure adequate blood supply incisions over intact bone, not over bony defects or eminences rounded corners vertical releases at line angles avoid vital structures

primary Mx CI (2)

widest anterior M-D only anterior tooth width > height

LA - List Esters (3)

1. Procaine 2. Tetracaine 3. Cocaine (all the rest are amides)

3 things surgical handpiece is used for

1. Remove buccal bone 2. Remove interradicular bone 3. Section tooth

easier to increase ridge height or width with bone graft


What makes up a direct retainer (clasp assembly)?

1. Rest 2. Minor connector 3. Clasp arms (retentive and reciprical)

Are dentists required by law to report suspected child abuse and neglect even if there is no proof?


list all the dental cements

zinc oxide eugenol (temp bond) zinc phosphate zinc polycarboxylate glass ionomer resin modified glass ionomer resin

list cements from least soluable to most

zinc oxide eugenol (temp bond) zinc phosphate zinc polycarboxylate glass ionomer resin modified glass ionomer resin higher solubility = lower strength

what should be avoided in balanced occlusion for dentures

​anterior guidance (both incisal and canine guidance) should be avoided

ditching a die

​exposes the margin​ of the prep cleaning away any stone below the margin so that the margin is visible

4 steps of pain pathway

1. Transduction 2. Transmission 3. Modulation 4. Perception=

H1 antihistamine are useful for

1. Treating dermatologic manifestations of allergic response (chlorpheniramine) 2. preoperative medication for sedation, anti-emetic properties, anticholinergic effects 3. for controlling symptoms of Parkinson

What is the order of shade selection?

1. Value 2. Chroma 3. Hue

4 stages of anesthesia

1. analgesia 2. delirium 3. surgical anesthesia 4. medullary paralysis

ADA 5 Principles of ethics

1. autonomy- self governance 2. nonmaleficence- do no harm 3. beneficence - do good 4. Justice- fairness 5. Veracity - truthfulness

Tx of Congestive heart failure

1. cardiac glycoside -- Digitalis / . Digitoxin 3. Ace inhibitor: Captopril

THREE types of behavioral learning

1. classical conditioning 2. Operant conditioning 3. Observational learning

FOUR important steps to take in Motivational interviewing

1. engaging (form relationship) 2. focusing (exploring motivation,goals, value) 3. Evoking (elicit their own motivation) 4. planning (exploring how one might move towards change)

WOUND HEALING put in order the cells that grow fastest to slowest: PDL, CT, EPITHELIAL, BONE

1. epithelial 2. CT cells 3. PDL 4. BONE

FOUR stages of occlusion? and ages

1. gum pad - birth to 6 months 2. primary dentinition - 6 months to 6 years 3. mixed dentition- 6-12years 4. perm dentition- 12years - edentulous/death

surgical therapy for TMD - list from most conservative to least

• Arthroscopy • Arthroplasty • Discectomy • Condylotomy • Total joint replacement

Biopsychosocial Model of Pain • Axis I > Axis II >

• Axis I "Bio," nociceptive input from somatic tissue, acute pain • Axis II > "Psychosocial," influence of interaction between thalamus, cortex, and limbic structures, Chronic pain

COMFORT—acknowledge the patient's experience • Be --- and ---- in your initial response

• Be empathetic and tactful in your initial response - I can see that... - It seems like... - It sounds like...

Justice "fairness" • Be ------ with patients, colleagues, and society • Deal with people ---- and deliver dental care without ----- • Never ---- another dental professional

• Be fair in dealings with patients, colleagues, and society • Deal with people justly and deliver dental care without prejudice • Never slander another dental professional

HEALTH BELIEF MODEL motivation to change influenced by (3)

1. perceived susceptibility (risk of getting something) 2. perceived cost and benefits 3. cues to action

THREE factors in social cognitive theory

1. self efficacy 2. behavior modeling 3. social reinforcement

crown delivery steps

1. shade (confirm shade is correct 2. proximal contacts (both on cast and in the patient's mouth) a. open → send crown back b. heavy → adjust before moving on (crown will not seat fully) 3. margins 4. fit 5. R&R (resistance and retention) form 6. occlusion 7. contour 8. if everything looks good, first assess with temporary cement → reassess and then permanently cement

GROWTH is an increase in two things

1. size- hypertrophy 2. number- hyperplasia

Growth theories 1. harry Sicher= sutural theory 2. James Scott = Cartilage Theory 3. Melvin Moss = Functional matrix theory

1. sutural theory- sutures are growth centers (false growing brains push bones apart) 2. Cartilage Theory - cartilage is the growth CENTER 3. Functional matrix theory- chewing,grinding, speaking stim growth

Amalgam restorations for primary teeth should be ______ mm deep and isthmus width is ___________ intercuspal dimension

1.5, one third

Occ contacts should be how far away from metal -porc jxn


how much space is primate space


HEB C ____% of transmission after needlestick DNA vs RNA Vaccine?

1.8% RNA NO vaccine

HTN- 6 categories

1.Diuretics 2.B-Blockers 3.A1 blocker 4. Central acting adrenergic drugs 5. Neuronal blockers 6. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhib.

Requirements for guide planes

1/3 BL width Extend 2-3 mm vertically down from marginal ridge

Requirements for occlusal rests

1/3 MD width 1/2 intercuspal width 1.5 mm deep

biopsy sample should be stored in

10% formalin

ideal force for Translation? extrusion?

100g 50g

Earliest age for TADs


Bell Stage/Histodifferentiation begins _____________ in utero

11 weeks

AUTOCLAVE temp? PSI? time

121C 15PSI 20 min

Apposition takes place ___________ in utero

14 weeks

Maturation takes place _____________ in utero

14+ weeks

Bennett angle

15 degrees

how long to wash hands? how long to flush ultrasonic?

15 seconds min 20-30 seconds. min

DRY HEAT sterilization how long? temp? what can be sterilized how does it kill bacteria?

160C for 60 min glass/metal only by COAGULATION of proteins

what days does Hemifacial microsomia Treacher collins syndrome happen?

19-28 days "20-30"

Minimum crown-to-root ratio


Rate of occurrence of cleft lip

1:1000 birth

Ideal crown-to-root ratio


What is the ideal ratio of monomer to polymer in denture processing?


Veracity "truthfulness" • Be ------- in dealings with the public • Respect the position of trust inherent in the dentist-patient relationship • Must not represent -----

• Be honest and trustworthy in dealings with the public • Respect the position of trust inherent in the dentist-patient relationship • Must not represent care being rendered, fees being charged, or any form of advertising in a false or misleading manner

steps after tooth has been EXT

• Bend back the bone UNLESS orthodontics or implant in the future • Curettage with curette • Smooth bone with bone file or rongeur • Irrigate with syringe

relative Contraindications for Extraction

• Brittle (unstable) diabetes • ESRD • Unstable angina • Leukemia and lymphoma • Hemophilia or platelet disorder • Head and neck radiation • IV bisphosphonates—try to RCT or restore • Pericoronitis—treat infection first

Indications for Extraction

• Caries • Endo • Perio • Ortho • Cracked teeth • Impacted teeth • Supernumerary • Pathology • Questionable teeth should be extracted before radiation therapy

Fibroma • AKA traumatic fibroma, /irritation fibroma/ hyperplastic scar caused by is

• Caused by chronic trauma or irritation • is Fibrous hyperplasia of oral mucosa

Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) what is it trigger point location pain description and location

• Chronic muscular pain disorder • Trigger points in muscles of mastication • Diffuse pain in preauricular region

Impaction depth of molar classes (3)

• Class A= same plane as other molars • Class B= halfway down other molars • Class C= below cervical line of 2nd molar,

How far back the molar is in comparison to ramus (3)

• Class I= crown anterior to ramus • Class II= half crown within ramus • Class III= entire crown within ramus,

purpose of severing ST attachment (2)

• Confirms good anesthesia • Allows apical placement of forceps

when alveolar bone is exposed, how much bone resorption should we expect?


______ mm occlusal reduction for SSC and you seat in what direction?

1mm lingual to buccal

____ mm incisal reduction for strip crown and __________ dictates prep design

1mm, caries

optimal amount of water fluoridation

1ppm (1mg per liter of water)

EDGEWISE BRACKET (which direction) first order bend? second order? third order?

1st - Buccolingual 2- Mesiodistal angulation 3. buccolingual INCLINATION

Mesial ectopic errupt of 1st molars what happens appliances to use /when

1st molar gets impacted underneath the distal aspect of the primary second molar elastic spacer if 1mm minor space issue halterman appliance if 4mm space issue

Frankl ___ = negatitive resistance


what HAMP class would you want for regenerating FURCATION defect

2 buccal- upper buccal or L -lower

Maturation takes ____________ to complete for primary tooth Maturation takes _______ to complete for perm tooth crown

2 years 4-5 years


2- retrognathic mandible 3- retrognathic maxilla

irreversible hydrocolloid set time pour within

2-3m set time pour within 15 min

How much shrinkage does cobalt-chromium have?


Requirements for incisal rests

2.5 mm MD length 1.5 mm deep

Requirements for cingulum rests

2.5-3 mm MD length 2 mm labiolingual width (ledge) 1.5 mm deep (height

leeway space ______________ mm per side on MD _______________ mm per side on upper

2.5mm 1.5mm

Perm Teeth usually erupt with ______ of their rooth having been developed and takes how many years after eruption to complete root development?

2/3 2-3 years

Avg tooth pierces bone with _________________ root formation gingiva with _________________ root formation

2/3 3/4

Subantimicrobial dose Doxy SDD mg? dose? frequency? how long

20mg BID 3-9 months *only one approved by FDA/ADA

how many people in US live in fluoridated community?

210 million 74%

Prophylaxis Regimen: for prosthetic joints

2g PO 1 hr b4 tx.

In Addisonian crisis (hypoaldosteronism) resulting from stress from a minor dental procedures, the pt. should be treated immediately with

2ml (100mg) hydrocotisone hemisuccinate

is considered reduced attached gingiva is when the band of gingiva is less than----


NORMAL DISTANCE from CEJ to alveolar crest bone crest should be ____ to line connecting CEJs

2mm Parallel

biopsy indicatated after how long


how long does it take to complete a primary tooth crown a perm tooth crown

2y 4-5 y

Frankl ___= positive acceptance


thumbsucking is very common up to age ____


apically repositioned flap: incisions used goal

3 horozonotal incisions + additional vertical releasing incisions made beyond the mucogingival junction in order to attain pocket reduction

What is the minimum height for incisors and PM preparation?

3 mm

What is the minimum height of connectors for PFM bridges?

3 mm

Interocclusal space is usually (average)? eqn

3 mm VDR = VDO + inter occ space

Acidulated phosphate fluoride APF gel has ph? What % fluoride

3 pH 1.23%


3-4 mm separation when at rest

calcification of primary tooth roots are completed at what age

3-4 y

ECC mostly occurs between what age? which teeth? what % of US infants/toddlers

3-5 max incisors + molars 5%

Increase nitrous in 10% increments up to about ____% for operative procedures



30 degress

HEB B ____% of transmission after needlestick DNA vs RNA Vaccine?

30% DNA (dane particle) yes vaccine

Frankl _____ = definitely positive


moderate crowding is how much ? Tx

4 - 8 mm crowding LLHA

What is the minimum height for molar preparation?

4 mm

when does the condyle and mandible fuse

4 months (IN UTERO)

Patients with numbness lasting more than ----should be referred for microneurosurgical evaluation

4 weeks

threshold force duration for tooth movement is around _____ to ______ hours

4-8 hours No movement occurs at all until about 4-8h after force application

when does re-eval happen? how often PM?

4-8 weeks every 3 months (first year)

when does PERIO RE-EVAL happen? why?

4-8 weeks after phase 1 therapy allow formation of JE

_______________ is max recommended dose of anesthetic for children


school water is how much more concentrated than community water?

4.5 kids only there part of day

when scaling and root planing, angulation is

45-90 degrees (open angle)

osseointegration is compromised if

47 ̊C for 1 minute or 40 ̊C for 7 minutes

varnish is what %fluride?


Intervention with appliance therapy for thumbsucking is recommended by what age?


what days does Crouzon Syndrome Achondroplasia happen?

50- Birth

children under ____ should be watched when brushing with fluoride (T/F) flossing does NOT prevent tooth decay but may be helpful for gingival health

6 True

asymmetries between right and left sides --> about _____________ is within normal limits, extract _________________________ if there is early exfoliation to keep midline on

6 months, contralateral primary

Initiation starts _______ in utero

6 weeks

ugly duckling stage: what age? what size diastema between CIs is normal

6-11 <2mm

Root torque ideal force? ROTATION ideal force? intrusion?

75g 50g 10g

Parental participation in oral hygiene until age _____ due to lack of manual dexterity


Bud Stage begins _________ in utero

8 weeks

strap width


Cap stage happens at ____________ in utero

9 weeks

Contraindications for NO in children

<2 years old uncooperative wheezing episode (mild to mod asthma is okay)

base metal composition

<25% noble

what fluoride SUPPLEMENTS do we recommend for <3 yo >3 yo >6 yo

<3 yo- fluoride DROPS >3 yo- fluoride TABLEST + LOZENGES >6 yo- fluoride MOUTH RINSE (.2% NaF weekly, or .05% NaF daily)


= anti-metabolite

Children with increased overjet of _____ mm is more often prone to dental trauma


what sound DECIBEL can cause damage?



A Actinomycetemcomitans

which HEPATITIS is transmitted via FECAL ORAL?

A and E fEcAl

Factors Predicting Difficult Extraction

• Divergent roots • Root dilacerations • Endo-treated tooth • Root resorption • Long roots • Dense bone • Root fracture • Proximity to floor of sinus/IAN • Limited opening • Bruxism • Exostoses or tori • Gross caries • Severe crowding

Coxsackie virus 2 types of infections

• Hand-foot-and-mouth disease • Herpangina

• Independent variable (x)= • Dependent variable (y)= • Confounding variable=

• Independent variable (x)= explanatory, predictor • Dependent variable (y)= outcome, predicted • Confounding variable= covariate

types of mid face fractures

• Le Fort I= horizontal across maxilla • Le Fort II= pyramidal • LeFort III= complete cranio facial disjunction • Zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture=

2 least stable Sx in order

• Maxilla down • Maxilla wider

2 most stable Sx in order

• Maxilla up • Mandible forward

4 arteries that supply blood to TMJ

• Maxillary • Ascending pharyngeal • Deep auricular • Superficial temporal


A1 blocker inhibit postsynaptic binding of n. Vasodilation

what race gets perio the most

AA male *diabetes is most for this group too.. coincidence..

Pseudocyst composed of blood-filled spaces, multilocular RL that expands commonly found in posterior Md

ABC (aneurysmal bone cyst)

Pseudocyst composed of blood-filled spaces, multilocular RL that expands and commonly found in posterior Md

ABC (aneurysmal bone cyst)

WHICH BACTERIA healthy gingiva + root caries coronal caries Most common oral bacteria? where does it live? bacteria on implants?

ACTINOMYCES -healthy gingiva + root caries S MUTANS- coronal caries S SALIVARIUS -Most common oral bacteria - where does it live (tongue) PSEUDOMONAS, STAPH- bacteria on implants?

Clonadine is a a2__________ (agonist or antagonist)?


Dobutamine is a b1 ____________ (agonist or antagonist)?


kaposi sarcoma is most commonly seen as a complication of


Leukemia types from disease that affects youngest age to oldest


used to test difference between TWO OR MORE MEANS

ANOVA (analysis of variance)

Myadriasis ______________ response (cholinergic or anticholinergic response)?


Epithelial duct like spaces & enameloid materials; mostly found in anterior Mx & over impacted Ca

AOT (adenomatoid odontogenic tumor)

Epithelial duct like spaces & enameloid materials; mostly found in anterior Mx & over impacted Ca

AOT (adenomatoid odontogenic tumor)

MX MC what to use if there is long span DE

AP strap complete palate

MX MC what to use if there is torus

AP strap horseshoe

2 types of elastic impress material


The most desirable property of an antibiotic when used to treat an odontogenic infection is...

Ability to achieve and maintain adequate concentration at the site of infection

Schwannoma (neurilemmoma) feature

Acellular verocay bodies in Antoni A tissues

Actinomycosis caused by

Actinomyces israelii

Lump jaw


Sulfur granules in purulent exudate


Most common initiating causes are -- odontogenic infections and trauma

Acute osteomyelitis

Most common initiating causes are odontogenic infections and trauma

Acute osteomyelitis

Used to tx. herpes


Which impression material has no byproducts?

Addition silicone (PVS)

Cribriform / swiss cheese microscopic pattern

Adenoid cystic carcinoma

Attraction of unlike molecules


Hierarchy of Evidence from best to worst

• Meta-analysis • Systematic review • Randomized clinical trial • Cohort study • Case-control study • Cross-sectional study • Case report • Expert opinion • Animal studies • In vitro studies

Indications to avoid Extraction

• Minimal crowding or spacing • Deep bite • Flat retrusive lips • Obtuse nasolabial angle

Mucous Extravasation Phenomenon types 2

• Mucocele= common in lower lip • Ranula= when occurs on the floor of the mouth

which agency of HHS? program name? provides early childhood education, health, nutrition and parent involvement services to low income children and their families

Administration for Children and Families ACF Program name: head start

Rx. for treating an infection: Penicillin VK

Adult: 250-500mg dispense 30. take 2 tablets at once then take 1 tab every 6 hours until gone 7days Child (less than 12): 20-50mg/kg qid

Rx. for treating an infection: Amoxicillin

Adult: 500mg, dispense 21, take 1 every 8 hours until gone Child: 20-40mg/kg tid

Rx. for treating an infection: Clindamycin

Adult:150-300mg, dispense 21 take 1 tablet every 8 hours until gone 7 days Child: 8-12mg/kg tid qid

What are they considered? Age 1-7 Age 8-14 Age 15-17

Age 1-7: Infant Age 8-14: competent Age 15-17: responsible

KCOT is (2) most common in

Aggressive and recurrent Most common in ramus of mandible

What is the treatment for OKC?

Aggressive enucleation

Bound edentulous space clasp selection w/ rest seats located adjacent to edentulous space

Akers clasp

Another name for osteopetrosis

Albergs-Schonberg disease Marble bone disease

Irreversible hydrocolloid


What is elevated due to too much breakdown of bone (excessive osteoclast activity) regarding hyperparathyroidism?

Alkaline phosphatase

What is die spacer used for?

Allow room for cement

2 types of somatic pain

• Musculoskeletal pain TMJ, periodontal, muscles (myofascial) • Visceral pain salivary glands, pulpal

• When blood clot dislodges or dissolves before wound heals following an extraction

Alveolar Osteitis ( dry socket)

Between Md alveolar ridge and tongue

Alveololigual sulcus

Occurs in children & teens, most common in posterior Md, myxomatous CT 75% associated with un errupted tooth / prevent errupt

Ameloblastic fibroma (AF)

Occurs in children & teens, most common in posterior Md, myxomatous CT

Ameloblastic fibroma (AF)

Benign but aggressive multilocular RL in posterior Md, high recurrence rate


Classic differential diagnosis for multilocular RL in posterior Md

Ameloblastoma OKC CGCG COF

Intrinsic alteration of enamel; all teeth from BOTH dentitions affected; thin to no enamel but dentin & pulp are normal

Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI)

Intrinsic alteration of enamel; all teeth from BOTH dentitions affected; thin to no enamel but dentin & pulp are normal

Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI)

most effective antidepressant

Amitriphyline - TCA

most common ABX regimen for perio disease mg? dose per day? Is duration or dose more important

Amox 500mg TID + Metronidazole 250 TID 14 days duration is more important than dose - the longer the better

Prophylaxis Regimen: Amoxicillin

Amoxicillin Adult: 2g PO 1 hour b4 tx. Child: 50mg/kg 1hr prior

Prophylaxis Non-oral Regimen

Ampicillin IV/IM Adult:2g 30 min b4 tx. Child: 20mg/kg 30 min b4 tx.

Mixed dentition appliances (3)

• Nance appliance • Lower lingual holding arch • Lip bumper

Allergic reaction to drug or food contact


Tumors composed of blood vessels or lymph vessles


Submucosal hemorrhage • Petechiae • Purpura= • Ecchymosis • Hematoma

• Petechiae= 1mm hemorrhages (Valsalva maneuver, violent cough, fellatio) • Purpura= slightly larger than petechiae • Ecchymosis= 1cm or bigger bruise • Hematoma= mass of blood within tissue, caused by trauma to oral mucosa like an anesthetic needle

Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN) due to pain description

• Potential sequela of herpes zoster infection • Burning, aching, or shock-like

Antirotation Component of implant 2 Functions

• Prevents rotation of abutment • Provides stabilization of abutment

Beneficence "do good" • Professionals have a duty to act for ---- • Provide service to---- • Promote patient's --- • The same ethical standard exists no matter ----

• Professionals have a duty to act for the benefit of others • Provide service to the patient and the public at large • Promote patient's welfare • The same ethical standard exists no matter the financial arrangement

Chin Cup

• Restrains mandibular forward growth • Mostly ineffective in humans • Best for Class III mandibular excess

High-Pull Headgear

• Restrains maxillary forward growth • Intrudes and distalizes upper molars • Best for Class II open bite

skeletal discrepancies • Retrognathic mandible= • Prognathic mandible= • Apertognathic= • Horizontal transverse discrepancy= • Vertical maxillary excess= • Macrogenia= • Microgenia=

• Retrognathic mandible= Class II • Prognathic mandible= Class III • Apertognathic= anterior open bite • Horizontal transverse discrepancy= posterior crossbite • Vertical maxillary excess= maxilla too long, gummy smile • Macrogenia= chin too big • Microgenia= chin too small

Palatal Expanders include (5)

• Schwarz appliance • W-arch • Quad helix • Hyrax appliance • Haas appliance • Transpalatal arch

simple vs Sx EXT

• Simple Extraction - Usually no incisions needed - Usually no sutures needed • Surgical Extraction - Surgical access via elevating mucoperiosteal flap - Surgical handpiece to remove bone or section tooth - Suture usually needed

excisional biopsy indications 2

• Small <1cm lesion • Benign

Reverse-Pull Headgear

• Stimulates maxillary forward growth • Other effects include protraction of upper incisors, retraction of lower incisors, CW rotation of the mandible • Best for Class III maxillary deficiency

most common cause of ankylosis other causes 3

• Trauma is the most common cause • Surgery, radiation therapy, and infection

Bone location type 1 type 2 type 3 type 4

• Type I= anterior mandible • Type II= posterior mandible • Type III= anterior maxilla • Type IV= posterior maxilla

Contraindications for Implant

• Uncontrolled diabetes • Immunocompromised patients • Volume and height of bone • Bisphosphonate therapy • Bruxism • Smoking • History of head/neck radiation • Cleft palate • Adolescents

Flap Design ---- base to ensure ----- Incisions over---- ,,,, not over -- or -- Vertical releases at ----- ---- corners Avoid ----

• Wider base to ensure adequate blood supply • Incisions over intact bone,---- not over bony defects or eminences • Vertical releases at line angles • Rounded corners • Avoid vital structures

excisional biopsy characteristics

• removal of entire lesion + 2-3mm margin • Elliptical incision

thumb sucking results in

Ant open bite - Narrow maxilla usually with posterior crossbite - Proclined maxillary incisors and retroclined mandibular incisors

tongue thrust results in

Ant open bite - Proclined MX and MD incisors with generalized spacing

PDL surface area of abutment teeth should be equal to or greater than imaginary PDL surface area of missing teeth

Ante's law

ABC of behavior chance

Antecedent (factor that facilitates behavior) Behavior Consequence

What are regions of the alveololigual sulcus?

Anterior Middle Posterior

Where is hypermobile ridge more commonly found?

Anterior Mx

Caused by blockage of glands in sinus mucosa

Antral pseudocyst

Always found on moveable / nonkeratinized tissue

Aphthous ulcer

Condyles part of lower member, fossa part of upper member on articular


disc repositioning surgery, for painful persistent clicking or closed lock


NSAID-Antipyretic effects

Aspirin inhibits PG synthesis in the hypothalamic temperature regulation center

Clasps should encircle a tooth:

At least 180 degrees

Tx. for cholinergic crisis


Secondary to deafferentation (removal of part of the neural pathway) as a result of endodontic therapy or extraction phantom toothache

Atypical Odontalgia (AO)

Open Bite Relapse Avoid by Done via -- (2)

Avoid by Preventing intrusion of incisors and overeruption of upper molars Avoiding oral habits Done via -- Upper modified Hawley with posterior bite blocks Vacuum-formed retainers with thickened plastic over posterior occlusal surfaces provides several mm of jaw separation

Class III Relapse Avoid by ---

Avoid by --- Overcorrection (by 1-2mm) of occlusal relationships during finishing especially if elastics were used

Deep Bite Relapse Avoid by --- Done via --

Avoid by --- Preventing overeruption of incisors Done via -- Upper modified Hawley with anterior bite plate

Dane particle which HEP?


which HEPATITIS is transmitted via BLOOD?

B and C


B1 selective blocker - cardio selective decreases CO

Albuterol is a ______ agonist


best method of toothbrushing

BASS method (45 deg)

pt taking an AB that is metabolized in liver --- the metabolism of the AB is decreased by what drug

BENZOS (diezapm

RED COMPLEX is associated with __________ and ___________ red complex components (2)

BOP + deeper pockets 1. P gingivalis 2. T denticola 3. T forsythia

Gingivitis BOP PD

BOP 10% of sites or more PD 3mm or below

perio health BOP PD

BOP <10% of sites PD 3mm or less

Isoproterenol leads to brocho...


Multisystem vasculitis that causes aphthous-type ulcers of oral and genital + inflammation of eye

Behcet's syndrome

papilloma is a caused by

Benign epithelial pedunculated or sessile proliferation Caused by several strains of HPV

Angle obtained after nonworking side condyle has moved anteriorly and medially relative to sagittal plane

Bennett angle

Lateral movement of Md toward the working side during lateral excursions

Bennett shift / movement

Initiator in acrylic

Benzoyl peroxide

orthognathic Sx used to move MD

Bisagittal Split Osteotomy (BSSO)

Fungal infection predominately in NE USA; spores


What are 3 clinical signs of leukemia?

Bleeding (platelets) Fatigue (RBC) Infection (WBC)

best measure of inflammation in periodontal tissue?

Bleeding on probing

what type of anesthesia for biopsy ?. why ?

Block anesthesia is preferred because local infiltration can distort the architecture of the lesion

Gingival cyst of newborn on lateral palate

Bohn's nodules

Lateral neck swelling w/in lymph node of neck

Branchial cyst

What is the places of origin for metastatic carcinoma starting from most likely to least likely?

Breast > lung > kidney > colon > prostate

Fractures easily w/o substantial dimensional changes


Where are lipomas most commonly found?

Buccal mucosa

Where does the buccinator attach?

Buccal shelf

What structures in the lower arch provide the most support?

Buccal shelf and retromolar pad

What muscle attaches into the buccal vestibule?


PV and MMP lesions

Bullae (fluid filled vessicles) that result in Multiple painful ulcers

Type of B cell NKL w/ bone marrow involvement, swelling, pain, tooth mobility, lip paresthesia, & halts root development

Burkitt's lymphoma

Type of B cell NKL w/ bone marrow involvement, swelling, pain, tooth mobility, lip paresthesia, & halts root development

Burkitt's lymphoma

What is oral hairy leukoplakia associated with? 2

Burkitt's lymphoma HIV

Burning, pain, dryness, and maybe also altered taste sensation

Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS)

what is the MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR in determining PROGNOSIS?


mediCARE take care of who? mediCAID takes care of who?

CARE: elderly CAID: poor

Pindborg tumor

CEOT (calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor)

Composed of fibroblasts & multinucleated giant cells, commonly found in anterior Md; RL w/ thin wispy septations MC- young adult

CGCG (central giant cell granuloma)

Composed of fibroblasts & multinucleated giant cells, commonly found in anterior Md; RL w/ thin wispy septations

CGCG (central giant cell granuloma)

Miosis is a ______________ response (cholinergic or anticholinergic response)?


Unfortunately you injected lidocaine intra-arterially. The first sign of lidocaine toxicity would be....

CNS excitation

The most likely symptoms of overdose of atropine are:

CNS excitation and tachycardia

Characteristics of Fetal alcohol syndrome Fetal alcohol syndrome is caused by

CNS problem MIDFACE DEFICIENCY Cleft lip / smooth philtrum microencephally (small head exposure to high ethanol during prego


CNS+PNS action Inhibit acetylcholinesterase

Ghost cells


ghost cells


AKA Gorlin cyst

COC (calcifying odontogenic cyst)

Gorlin cyst AKA

COC (calcifying odontogenic cyst)

RL w/ driven snow calcifications


Dense collagen w/ strands of epithelium; found in bone, well-defined multilocular RL

COF (central odontogenic fibroma)

Dense collagent w/ strands of epithelium; found in bone, well-defined multilocular RL

COF (central odontogenic fibroma)

Composed of fibroblastic stoma in which foci of mineralized products are formed; well-circumscribed RL + opaque F>M juvenile variant is more aggressive

COF (central ossifying fibroma)

Composed of fibroblastic stoma in which foci of mineralized products are formed; well-circumscribed RL; juvenile variant is more aggressive

COF (central ossifying fibroma)

what kind for FORCE creates PURE ROTATION how many points of contact



COX 2 Inhib.

what is the most reliable and reproducable jaw possition


________________ study survey or measurement taken to represent a snapshot in time aka _____________

CROSS SECTIONAL study prevalence

Where are dentigerous cysts most commonly found?

Ca and 3M

The cardiac glycosides will increase the concentration of which ion in an active heart muscle?


Gingival Hyperplasia caused by3

Calcium channel blockers Dilantin= anticonvulsant Cyclosporine= immunosuppressant

Gypsum products are mined as

Calcium-sulfate dihydrate

Gypsum products are manufactured with heat to rid of some water and become

Calcium-sulfate hemihydrate

Imaginary line from ala of nose to tragus of ear

Camper's line

Anticholinesterase (effects)

Can be used to tx. xerostomia

Operant extinction -- Can occur if

Can occur if the link between the behavior and reward/punishment is discontinued

Candidiasis caused by

Candida albicans

What is the main cause of papillary hyperplasia? other causes

Candidiasis local irritation, ill-fitting denture, poor oral hygiene, And leaving dentures in all the time

Where are dentigerous cysts most commonly found?

Canine and 3M

Completely covers the TMJ joint space

Capsular ligament

Angiotensin converting enzyme inhib (list)

Captopril Lisinopril

What is a bactericidal antibiotic used in treatment of infections caused by Pseudomonas species and indole=positive Proteus species


Epithelial cancer


Cancer types:

Carcinoma Sarcoma Leukemia Lymphoma

Well-curcumscribed RO mass w/ RL border associated w/ apex of roots


where do we put PREADJUSTED EDGEWISE brackets on the tooth?

Center of facial surface of clinical crown

Unfixed point around which an object is rotating

Center of rotation

what part of HHS provides ORAL HEALTH SURVEILLANCE, dental infection control, community water fluoridation, cancer and tobacco related issue

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC

which agency of HHS ? HIPPA medicarE MedicaiD CHIP

Centers for medicare and medicaid services

Primary lesion of syphilis


Smoking assoc melanosis how where

Chemicals in tobacco stimulate melanocytes seen in anterior gingiva

Symmetrical bilateral swelling, expansive bilateral multilocular RL; - soap bubble appear autosomal dominant; stops growing after puberty; giant cells


Symmetrical bilateral swelling, expansive bilateral multilocular RL; autosomal dominant; stops growing after puberty; giant cells


measures association between TWO CATEGORICAL VALUES

Chi squared test X² cats vs dogs men vs women see relationship between all

What is the treatment for BRONJ?

Chlorohexidine rinse, antibiotics, conservative surgery

Sarcoma of jaws where new cartilage is produced by tumor cells; commonly involve condyle due to cartilaginous origin


Sarcoma of jaws where new cartilage is produced by tumor cells; commonly involve condyle due to cartilaginous origin features are same as osteosarcoma


Refers to distal space created between Mx and Md occlusal surfaces when Md is protruded due to downward & forward movement of condyles down articular eminence

Christensen's phenomenon

Saturation or intensity of color


Diffuse mottled RL; sequestra (pieces of dead bone); "onion skin"

Chronic osteomyelitis

Growth timing Chronologic age Dental Age Skeletal age Biologic age which is the best at determining growth?

Chronologic age Dental Age- not good Skeletal age (2nd best) - cervical vert or hand wrist film Biologic age (BEST)

Akers clasp =

Circumferential clasp

most difficult EXO Pell and Gregory Classification

Class C and Class 3

Class II Relapse Avoid by --- The more --- the initial Class II problem and the---- the patient at ---- the more likely you will need headgear or bionator in addition to full-time retainer wear

Class II Relapse Avoid by --- Overcorrection (by 1-2mm) of occlusal relationships during finishing especially if elastics were used The more severe the initial Class II problem and the younger the patient at debond, the more likely you will need headgear or bionator in addition to full-time retainer wear

Missing clavicles, supernumerary teeth; autosomal dominal

Cleidocranial dysplasia

Missing clavicles, supernumerary teeth; delayed tooth errupt autosomal dominal

Cleidocranial dysplasia

GI upset and pseudomembranous colitis has been prominently associated with


Which antibiotic is able to achieve a higher concentration in the bone than in serum -penicillin -erythromycin -clindamycin -metronidazole -amoxicillin


Prophylaxis Regimen: Clindamycin

Clindamycin Adult: 600mg PO 1 hour b4 tx.

A good substitute for a pt. who needs an antibiotic but has an allergy to penicillin

Clindamycin or Erythromycin

Leukoplakia is

Clinical description, not a diagnosis White patch that does not rub off

Fungal infection predominately in SW USA; valley fever


Clinging of like molecules


What is the main reason clasps break?

Cold-working / every time pt puts on /off

THIRD thing that forms in the PLAQUE cascade? how long does it take to form

Colonization and plaque maturation 1-2 days

noble alloy composition

≥25% noble metals

high noble alloy composition

≥60% noble metals, of which at least 40% is gold

What is the most rigid Mx major connector?

Complete palatal plate

Mostly posterior, conglomerate mass

Complex odontoma

What material has the highest CoTE?


Mostly anterior, containing bunch of miniature teeth

Compound odontoma

For tooth movement compression side vs tension side

Compression side= osteoclasts stim > bone resorb Tension side= osteoblasts stim > bone deposition

Ability to resist fracture during compression

Compressive strength

What teeth should not be used as abutments for a bridge?

Compromised endo tx teeth Compromised perio teeth (2:1)

What impression material leaves an alcohol byproduct?

Condensation silicone

Bone sclerosis resulting from low-grade inflammation like chronic pulpitis

Condensing osteitis / focal sclerosing osteomyelitis

most comm - least comm Md fx

Condylar > Angle > Symphysis

Mandible Growth ROTATION when Condylar growth > molar eruption -- Closed or Open ? Condylar growth < Molar eruption -- Closed or Open

Condylar growth > molar eruption (CLOSED ) Condylar growth < Molar eruption (OPEN )

Posterior determinant of occlusion

Condylar guidance

Distobuccal area of Mx impression / denture

Coronoid notch

Pair of equal and opposite non-co-llinear forces


UNCONTROLLED TIPPING movement that occure where is heaviest pressure felt? ideal force?

Crown goes in direction of force and root goes opposite direction root apex + crest of alveolar bone 50g

Fungal infection predominately in W USA


Lymphangioma occurring around the neck

Cystic hygroma

What does staining due?

DEC value

What does staining due? 3

DEC value loss of fluoresence increase metamerism

risk ___________________ genetic: polymorphism in IL-1 gene age: prolonged exposure to etiological factors Gender: male have more CAL socioeconomic status


Bulbous crowns due to constricted DEJ + obliterated pulps


statute of limitations starts to run after the injury of DISCOVERED ____________ rule


EPIDEMIOLOGIC MEASURES (which one is irreversible) DMFT Gingival index periodontal index simplified oral hygiene index


best preservation of cutting edge method of sterilization


COLOR OF STAIN tobacco stains ? CHX/stannous fluoride? chromogenic bacteria? where?

Dark brown-black Yellow-Brown Green + yellow (anterior)

When does fetal alcohol syndrome happen during pregnancy?

Day 17

When does ANENCEPHALY happen during pregnancy (absence of a major portion of the brain, skull, and scalp)

Day 18-23

What is the main con for resin-bonded bridge?



Decayed, missing, and filled PERMANENT as a result of caries

What are symptoms of acute osteomyelitis?

Deep intense pain High / intermittent fever Paresthesia / anesthesia of IAN Tooth NOT loose

What are symptoms of acute osteomyelitis?

Deep intense pain High / intermittent fever Paresthesia / anesthesia of IAN Tooth NOT loose caused by periodontitis

incisional biopsy characteristics

Deep, narrow wedge Margins should extend into normal tissue

Type III gypsum

Dental stone (microstone)

Type V gypsum

Dental stone; high strength, high expansion

Type IV gypsum

Dental stone; high strength, low expansion (Prema Rock)

RL attached to CEJ of impacted teeth

Dentigerous cyst

RL attached to CEJ of impacted teeth

Dentigerous cyst / erruption cyst

Chevron pulps and short roots

Dentin dysplasia

Intrinsic alteration of dentin; all teeth from BOTH dentitions are affected; teeth are not good candidates for restorations; chevron pulps & short roots

Dentin dysplasia

Intrinsic alteration of dentin; all teeth from BOTH dentitions are affected; teeth are not good candidates for restorations; chevron pulps & short roots

Dentin dysplasia

Intrinsic alteration of dentin; all teeth from BOTH dentitions affected; short roots, bell-shaped crowns and obliterated pulps; bulbous crowns, blue sclera

Dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI)

Intrinsic alteration of dentin; all teeth from BOTH dentitions affected; short roots, bell-shaped crowns and obliterated pulps; bulbous crowns, blue sclera

Dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI)

From the denture point of view, what provides the most support?

Denture base

From the denture point of view, what provides the most stability?

Denture flange

Mass in midline FOM (above mylohyoid) or upper neck (below mylohyoid);

Dermoid cyst

Envelopes of Discrepancy

Describes the amount of change in tooth position that can be achieved by: - Orthodontically moving the teeth - Changing the growth of the jaws - Surgically repositioning the jaws

sterilization Disinfection Antisepsis

Destruction of all life forms including bacteria, viruses, and spores Spores are not destroyed in this process, but Mycobacterium tuberculosis is Used on living tissue to reduce bacterial load

TB diagnosed by (4) Health care workers should have a tuberculin skin test how often ?

Diagnosed by symptoms, sputum culture, chest x-ray, or a positive tuberculin skin test tuberculin skin test at least once per year

What is the primary ingredient of alginate?

Diatomaceous earth

Examples of Benzodiazepine

Diazepam Chlorodiazepam

Which Penicillin is useful against penicillinase-producing bugs such as staphylococcus


Wider scale bone sclerosis that could lead to jaw fracture of osteomyelitis

Diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis

what occurs in angioedema

Diffuse swelling of lips, neck, or face

Which one of these 1/2 lives is longer: -Diflunisal -Acetaminophen -Ibuprofen


erythromycin should be avoided in people taking

Digoxin and Seldane

Activator in acrylic


how does one get HEP D

Direct contact prior infection with hep B

Is when the articular disc is in the wrong place ant/post

Disc Displacement/Internal Derangement

CLICK, Disc is anteriorly displaced condyle pops over anteriorly displaced disc and pops on the way back to its fossa

Disc displace with reduct

disc repair or removal when it is severely damaged


Distal step will becom flush will become mesial step will become

Distal step -- almost 100% class 2 Flush - can be anything Mesial step - 90% class 1 -- 10% class 3

what type of gingival Sx is used for pocket reduction distal to terminal molars

Distal wedge

Splinting teeth:

Distributes occlusal forces

Where is granular cell tumor most commonly found?

Dorsum of tongue

MEDICATION factors that could affect Plaque induced gingival disease

Drug induced gingi enlargement from - CCB, dilantin, cyclosporine (acronym CDC) oral contraceptives

Deforms easily under tensile strength


Stages of cancer:

Dysplasia Carcinoma in situ Malignant neoplasm

what Ig___ does Mast cells produce


Oral hairy leukoplakia caused by: description of lesion

EBV White patch on lateral tongue that does not wipe off

when doing a GTR you can add chelating agents to the root name TWO why?

EDTA + Citric acid expose collagen fibrils to improve new attachment

what test used to detect HIV


what is it called when a MINOR is free from care from control of parents


Who/what regulates TRANSPORTATION of dental waste from dental offices ?

EPA *everything outside of office

Missing teeth, hypoplastic hair or nails; X-linked recessive

Ectodermal dysplasia

Missing teeth, hypoplastic hair or nails; X-linked recessive

Ectodermal dysplasia

Casts poured from elastomeric materials are more accurately mounted with:

Elastomeric materials or ZOE paste


Emdogain (enamel matrix protein) PDGF (growth factor) = GEM21s

Surgical removal of a mass without cutting into or rupturing it


Causes skin / mucosa to be fragile & blister easily; autosomal dominant or recessive

Epidermolysis bullosa

Causes skin / mucosa to be fragile & blister easily; autosomal dominant or recessive

Epidermolysis bullosa

endochondral ossification is seen in (2)

Epiphyseal plates of long bones, condylar cartilage of the mandible

What lines a radicular cyst?

Epithelial Rests of Malassez

What type of lining do cysts have?

Epithelial lining

Gingival cyst of newborn on midline palate

Epstein's pearls

erosion vs ulcer

Erosion= incomplete break Ulcer= complete break through epithelium

Which of these drugs is not cross allergenic with penicillin? -Ampicillin -Cephalosporin -Erythromycin


Which erythromycin is associated with an allergic cholestatic hepatitis

Erythromycin Estolate

Ankylosed primary molars more common in E or Ds? max or mandible?

Es, mandible

STAGES of gingivitis: name the time frame + what happens in each STAGE 3 Stage 4

Established lesion (14-21 days) - B lymphocyte infiltration - clinical change in color, contour, consistency Advanced lesion -irreversible periodontitis

Sarcoma of long bones involving "round cells" affects children

Ewing's sarcoma

Sarcoma of long bones involving "round cells" & affects children

Ewing's sarcoma

name the PROGNOSIS classes

Excellent Good Fair Poor Questionable Hopeless

What is one main cause of peri-implantitis with cemented-retained implants?

Excess cement

Effects of Ach


turner's hypoplasia is usually seen where on teeth

F surfaces of Mx incisors

(T/F) Clothes worn at work CAN be washed at home


(T/F) Periodontal packs ENHANCE healing


(T/F) Splinting is used for fremetis or mobility


Barbiturates are analgesics (T/F)


if there is an adverse reaction to a medication in your office -- you report to


What margin provides the best marginal seal?


what 4 syndromes have midface deficiency?

Fetal alcohol syndrome Down syndrome Crouzon Syndrome/Apert

Neoplasm of fibroblasts; difficult to eradicate & often recurs


Malignant proliferation of fibroblasts


Ground glass appearance; usually stops growing after puberty

Fibrous dysplasia

Ground glass appearance; usually stops growing after puberty

Fibrous dysplasia

Describe the Md denture flange in the middle region of the alveololingual sulcus?

Flange is deflected medially (away from Md)

Describe the Md denture flange in the posterior region of the alveololingual sulcus?

Flange is longer and deflected laterally (toward ramus)

Describe the Md denture flange in the anterior region of the alveololigual sulcus?

Flange is shorter

How does the sublingual gland affect the denture flange?

Flange is shorter because gland sits above mylohyoid muscle

Ability to resist fracture during bending

Flexural strength

Used to tx. candidiasis

Fluconazole, Ketoconazole

Object emits visible light when exposed to ultraviolet light


Heck's disease

Focal epithelial hyperplasia

AKA condensing osteitis

Focal sclerosing osteomyelitis

ALLERGY that can cause gingival disease

Food restorative material toothpaste

what part of HHS? Evaluates food, drugs, and medical devices based on efficacy and safety

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Double Y incision used for

For palatal torus removal

Ectopic sebaceous glands

Fordyce granules

Ability to resist the propagation of a crack

Fracture toughness

What papillae are involved with strawberry tongue?

Fungiform white-coated tongue with red inflamed fungiform papillae

Two buds merge into one tooth; tooth count is one less than normal


which bacteria is the one that can bind to primary and secondary colonizers

Fusobacterium nucleatum

TETRACYCLINE concentrate in the ____________ how many doses a day is required

GCF DOXYCYCLINE only requires one dose per day


GI Absorption of vitamin K and prevents synthesis of blood clotting factors

SE of clindamycin

GI upset and pseudomonas colitis

Multiple odontomas + interestinal polyps

Gardner syndrome

Chronic osteomyelitis w/ proliferative periosteistis (onion skin)

Garre's osteomyelitis

One root bud into 2 crowns; tooth count is normal


What muscle attaches into the lingual frenum?


orthognathic Sx used to move chin


Primary TB

Ghon complex

Empty space where nucleus was and keratin fills in, can undergo calcification & little radiodensities detected radiographically

Ghost cells

Any RL between Mx Ca and La

Globulomaxillary lesion

Cross-linking agent in acrylic

Glycol dimethacrylate

Noble metal that is tarnish resistance


What is an example of a material that is malleable?


What are 3 noble metals?

Gold Platinum Palladium

Gypsum-bonded investments

Gold crowns

Multiple OKC + multiple BCC + calcified falx cerebri + fatal

Gorlin syndrome

Multiple OKC + multiple BCC + calcified falx cerebri + fatal

Gorlin syndrome

name where they are for: Gracey 1-2 Gracey 3-4 Gracey 5-6 Gracey 7-8 Gracey 9-10 Gracey 11-12 Gracey 13-14

Gracey 1-2 anterior Gracey 3-4 anterior Gracey 5-6 anterior + premolar Gracey 7-8 posterior, F + L Gracey 9-10 posterior, F + L Gracey 11-12 posterior mesial Gracey 13-14 posterior distal

CAL or RBL Grade A Grade B Grade C

Grade A - no loss /5yr Grade B - <2mm loss / 5y Grade C - 2mm or more loss/ 5y

Smoking Grade A Grade B Grade C

Grade A - no smoker Grade B - less than 10 cigs / day Grade C - 10 or more cigs /day

diabetes Grade A Grade B Grade C

Grade A - none Grade B - HbA1C < 7 Grade C - HbA1C is 7 or mroe

%RBL/ AGE Grade A Grade B Grade C

Grade A =. <0.25 Grade B = 0.25 - 1 Grade C = 1 or more

Neoplasm of Schwann cells

Granular cell tumor

What is the depth of lingual vestibule required for lingual bar Md major connector? and why

Greater than or equal to 7 mm sup border needs to be 3-4 mm away from gingi margin minimal thickness of bar is 3mm

Scarlet fever is caused by:

Group A Strep (Strep. pyogenes)

Tertiary lesion of syphilis

Gumma CNS involve CV involve


H2 antihistamine used to decrease gastric acid secretion

WHICH VACCINE must all dental workers be offered for FREE?


condylar guidance is represented by what on articulator


Associated w/ iron-deficiency anemia


What is Kaposi's sarcoma caused by?


risk indicators of periodontitis (4)

HIV/AIDS - ANUG/ANUP is more often seen in immunocompromised individuals osteoporosis - reduced bone mass may have an impact on progression of periodontal disease infrequent dental visits stress - emotional stress may interfere with normal immunologic function

HMO vs PPO ( both are private insure)

HMO (cheaper) less options PPO (more expensive) more providers

insurance that limits coverage to pt to a specific list of providers

HMO - health maintenance organization

Focal epithelial hyperplasia caused by: presents as

HPV 13 & 32 Multiple small dome-shaped warts on oral mucosa

Increased incidence of oropharyngeal SCC associated with

HPV 16 and 18

proliferative verrucous leukoplakia is associated w/

HPV 16 and 18

Verrucous carcinoma is associated w/

HPV 16 and 18 and tobacco

Condyloma acuminatum (genital wart caused by:

HPV 6 & 11

Elongated filiform papillae

Hairy tongue

Drugs used to tx. Schizophrenia

Haloperidol Chlorpromazine

Scleroderma is

Hardening of skin and CT

pharmacologic antagonist

Has affinity for a receptor but no intrinsic activity

which agency of HHS ? national health service corps ryan white CARE act

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

*principal agency that protects the health of all americans

Health and Human services

ELDER ABUSE who do we report to?

Health and Human services

Health behavior involves a complex interplay of ---

Health behavior involves a complex interplay of a person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

What type of margin is used for PFM crowns?

Heavy chamfer

Anterior uveitis + parotid gland enlargement +facial nerve palsy + fever

Heerfordt syndrome

Anterior uveitis + parotid gland enlargement + facial nerve palsy + fever

Heerfordt syndrome

What is more important for tooth preparation: height or width?


Abnormal capillary formation on skin, mucosa, and viscera; associated w/ iron-deficiency anemia; epistaxis (nose bleeds) frequent presenting sign

Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT)

Abnormal capillary formation on skin, mucosa, and viscera; associated w/ iron-deficiency anemia; epistaxis (nose bleeds) frequent presenting sign

Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT)

Where does epithelial rests of Malassez come from?

Hertwig's epithelial root sheath

proliferative verrucous leukoplakia transformation

High risk of malignant transformation to SCC or verrucous carcinoma

what is best for growth mod correction of skeletal class 2 open bite correction of skeletal class 2 deep bite

High-Pull Headgear Cervical-Pull Headgear

Fungal infection predominately in midwest USA (Ohio, Mississippi)


Reed-Sternberg cells (malignant B cells)

Hodgkin's lymphoma


Holds MD perm 1st molars from moving forward used for Space maintainer or anchorage

What is the least rigid Mx major connector?


How can you DEC setting time of gypsum?

Hot water Less water Use of slurry water INC spatulation time

What Decreases setting time for alginate?

Hot water Less water



What are ceramics etched with?

Hydrofluoric acid

Inhibitor of acrlyic


Causes multiple bone lesions that look like CGCG; Brown tumor ground glass loss of lamina dura resorb phalanges and index finger pt commonly has kidney stones


Causes multiple bone lesions that look like CGCG; Brown tumor


von Recklinghausen's disease of bone

Hyperparathyroidism Osteitis fibrosa cystica (Brown tumor)

What diseases result in elevated alkaline phosphatase?

Hyperparathyroidism Paget's disease

infrabuldge clasps 2

I bar modified T

implant should be 2mm away from


ANTI inflammatory medatiors


PROinflammatory mediators:

IL1- bone resorption IL 6 PGE 2 TNFalpha- macrophage activation MMPs- collagen destruction


IL1- bone resorption TNFalpha- macrophage activation MMPs- collagen destruction *release by neuts

what cytokine does macrophage release?


disinfection is used on what? what is destroyed how long to let it sit?

INANIMATE OBJECTS spores NOT destroyed *mycobacterium tuberculosis is sit 10 min -> wipe

Endochondral ossification Growth from the ___________ increase in _________ what control is it under?

INSIDE increase in LENGTH direct genetic control

What has greater risk for developing BRONJ: IV or oral bisphosphonates?


serial extraction (C-D-4) contraindications

If patient has skeletal Class 2 or Skeletal Class 3

Absorption of water


Pell and Gregory Classification determined via 2

Impaction depth of molar How far back the molar is in comparison to ramus

Type I gypsum

Impression plaster

Porosity of porcelain due to

Inadequate condensation

Anterior determinant of occlusion

Incisal guidance


Increase renal excretion of Na+, Cl-, and K+ Increases toxicity with Digitalis Exasperates diabetes

Short-term effects of amphetamines:

Increased heart rate and blood pressure Reduced appetite and reduced fatigue Dilation of the pupils Feelings of happiness and power

Propranolol ______________________(increases or decreases) the duration of action of lidocaine.

Increases! by slowing down the heart and blood delivery to the liver is reduced-- hence lidocaine will stay in the circulation longer

NSAID-Analgesic effects

Inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins

STAGES of gingivitis: name the time frame + what happens in each STAGE 1 Stage 2

Initial lesion (2-4 days) - neutrophils infiltrate Early lesion (4-7 days) - T lymphocyte infiltration collagen loss - BOP

Angular cheilitis can be associated with:

Insufficient VDO

MOA for LA

Interfere with Na+ transport in the neuron

wiring the jaws closed, placing archbars and elastics, etc.

Intermaxillary fixation (IMF)

Imaginary line between pupils of eyes

Interpupillary line

when does each synchondroses stop? Intersphenoid? Spheno-ethmoid? Spheno-occipital

Intersphenoid- 3 years Sphenoethmoid- 7 years Spheno-occipital- 12-15

When does malignant neoplasm occur?

Invasion past BM

Subperiosteal Abscess avoided by

Irrigate thoroughly to remove fractured tooth or bone spicules below the soft tissue

Grading Is determined by

Is determined by rate of progression / responsiveness to therapy/ assessment of risk

Malignant proliferation of endothelial cells

Kaposi's sarcoma

KCOT stands for

Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor

Where is the thinnest gingival tissue?

L of Molars & F of PM

Which drug class has the most consistent structure

LA (only int. chain differs)

disc displace without reduct

LOCK, Disc is anteriorly displaced condyle is stuck resulting in limited range of motion and ipsilateral deviation on opening

Discrete punched out "ice cream scoop" RL leading to floating teeth

Langerhans cell disease

Discrete punched out "ice cream scoop" RL leading to floating teeth MC = kids M>F histo = birback granules

Langerhans cell disease

Idiopathic histiocytosis

Langerhans cell disease

Idiopathic histiocytosis AKA

Langerhans cell disease

incisional indications 2

Large >1cm lesion suspected to be malignant

Wraps around the condyle and attaches to the disc Prevents post disc displace

Lateral ligament

Most common in Md PM region; always associated w/ vital tooth

Lateral periodontal cyst

always associated w/ vital tooth Most common in Md PM region;

Lateral periodontal cyst

muscles that open the MD

Lateral pterygoid

4 muscles of masticate

Lateral pterygoid Medial pterygoid Masseter Temporalis

what kind of question type should you NOT ask your patient

Leading questions *directs patients to answer a certain way

orthognathic Sx used to move Maxilla

Lefort 1 osteotomy

Neoplasm of smooth muscle cells


Malignant proliferation of smooth muscle cells


What happens to gypsum products if you INC water?

Less strength More porosity Less expansion INC setting time

Blood cancer


Neoplasm of bone marrow cells


Neoplasm of bone marrow cells (lymphocytes, NK cells, granulocytes, and megakaryocytes)


White / grayish edematous lesion of buccal mucosa and dissipates when cheek is stretched


luxating tooth requires what type of motion


Sawtooth rete pegs

Lichen planus

Amorphour pink amyloid w/ concentric calcifications found on histologic sections of CEOT

Liesegang rings

What type of margin is used for gold crowns?

Light chamfer

fixed retainers include 1

Lingual Bonded Retainer

Thyroid tissue mass at midline base of tongue located along embryonic path of thyroid descent

Lingual thyroid

Neoplasm of fat cells


Malignant proliferation of fat cells


DOC for manic phase or manic depression


Amides are metabolized in the....


Extent and distribution of periodontitis Localized perio generalized molar incisor

Localized <30% of teeth involved Generalized 30% or more of teeth involved molar incisor only

Herpangina lesion location

Located at posterior oral cavity soft palate, throat, and tonsils)

Erythema nodosum + bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy + arthrtis

Lofgren's syndrome

Erythema nodosum + bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy + arthrtis

Lofgren's syndrome

1st step of exo

Loosen gingival fibers and PDL fibers attached to tooth Usually done with periosteal elevator

Lower joint space responsible for • Upper joint space responsible for

Lower joint space= rotation • Upper joint space= translation

which cements are used for zircona and metal crowns

Luting cemnts GI RMGI

SCAMMON'S GROWTH CURVE involves what tissue?

Lymphoid neural maxilla mandible general body genital

Lymphatic cancer


leeway space occurs from

M-D width of primary molars and canine is wider than M-D width of perm canine and premolars

cingulum rest contraindicated for

MD incisors

Heat-cured acrlyic monomer

MMA (liquid)

what in the NEUTROPHIL hurts our periodontal tissue? what inhibits it?

MMP8 (neutrophil collagenase) tetracyclines

tendency of a FORCE to cause a body to ROTATE about a specific axis equation?

MOMENT Moment= Force x distance (from center of resistance)

patients whth what conditions CANT have epi

MS graves pt taking MAOI

most common tooth with dental trauma

MX anteriors

open lattice on Mx DE vs Md DE

MX- spans whole ridge Md- spans 2/3

Secondary lesion of syphilis

Maculopapular rash, oral mucous patch, condyloma latum

socket preservation after EXT purpose needs to have

Maintains height and width of alveolar ridge after extraction Need to have an atraumatic extraction

EM drug sensitivity


Neurofibrosarcoma AKA

Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor

Deforms easily under compressive stress


most likely to get displaced into submandibular space

Mandibular third molar

teeth most likely to be impacted

Mandibular third molars > maxillary third molars > maxillary canines

Cut a slit into an abscess or cyst and suture the edges of the slit to keep it open so it can drain freely


What refers to the distobuccal area on the impression / denture of the lower arch?

Masseteric notch

What is angioedema mediated by?

Mast cell release of IgE and histamines

what teeth are most likely to get displaced into the Mx sinus

Maxillary first/second molar

what teeth are most likely to get displaced into the infratemporal fossa

Maxillary third molar

Koplik's spots

Measles occur on B mucosa occur before skin rash

the MANDIBLE grows just lateral to which cartilage of the 1st pharyngeal arch embryonic MANDIBLE grows by what OSSIFICATION?

Meckel's cartilage intramembranous (corpus + ramus) endochondral (condylar cartilage)

Cleft lip occurs due to lack of fusion between:

Medial nasal process and maxillary process

Cleft lip fusion failure of

Medial nasal prominence maxillary prominence

muscles that close the MD

Medial pterygoid Masseter Temporalis

Loss of lingual papillae

Median rhomboid glossitis

Benign hyperpigmentation in mucous membrane

Melanotic macule freckle of mucosa

Fissured tongue + granulomatous cheilitis + facial paralysis

Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome

Where is traumatic neuroma most commonly found?

Mental formamen

What muscle attaches into the labial vestibule?


Color appears different under different lighting


Pain, swelling, paresthesia; ill-defined changes in Md; origin found elsewhere in the body

Metastatic carcinoma

Pain, swelling, paresthesia; ill-defined changes in Md; origin found elsewhere in the body

Metastatic carcinoma

________________ ise used as a detox of patients physically dependant on morphine

Methadone this is because withdrawal is intense and less stressful than those of morphine

Prilocaine causes....


Central acting adrenergic drugs (list)

Methyldopa Clonidine

unilateral, pulsating, nausea and vomiting, photophobia and phonophobia


pharmacological pain manage mild pain moderate pain severe pain

Mild-- ibuprofen or acetaminophen Moderate -- ibuprofen and acetaminophen Severe ---ibuprofen and/or acetaminophen and opioid

EM herpes simplex hypersensitivity


What provides stability on a direct retainer?

Minor connector & reciprocal clasp arm

Where is the most common site for pleomorphic adenoma?

Minor salivary gland: Palate Major: Parotid

Where is the most common site for pleomorphic adenoma?

Minor: Palate Major: Parotid

SE of drug abuse:

Miosis, tolerance, physical dependence, phycological dependence,

Type II gypsum

Model plaster

Measures stiffness / rigidity; sustain deformation w/o permanent change in size or shape

Modulus of elasticity / elastic modulus

What must be present for porcelain to bond to the alloy?

Monomolecular oxidative layer

Composed of single cell type

Monomorphic adenoma

What is the main con for conventional bridge?

More removal or tooth structure

If you have excessive monomer, how does that affect denture processing?

More shrinkage

Nerve injury is most common when extracting which teeth

Most common with lower third molars & IAN

Oro-Antral Communication (OAC) (sinus expose) is most common with what tooth is prevented via 2

Most common with maxillary first molars Prevent via good pre-op radiograph and avoid excessive apical pressure

bodily movement what occurs ideal force

Moves the crown and root equally in the same direction 100g

Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia + cutaneous cafe au lait spots + endocrine abnormalities like precocious puberty

MuCune-Albright syndrome

Composed of mucus and epithelial cells; most common salivary gland malignancy

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma

Composed of mucus and epithelial cells; most common salivary gland malignancy

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma

Autoantibodies against BM; subasilar

Mucous membrane pemphigoid

Cyst caused by blockage of salivary duct by sialolith

Mucous retention cyst

caused by blockage of salivary duct by sialolith

Mucous retention cyst

Multiple neuromas + medually thyroid cancer + pheochromocytoma of adrenal gland

Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN 2B)

AKA plasma cell myeloma

Multiple myeloma

Multiple punched out RL usually in skull; amyloidosis

Multiple myeloma

Multiple punched out RL usually in skull; amyloidosis

Multiple myeloma

plasma cell myeloma AKA

Multiple myeloma

Excessive VDO causes:

Muscles of mastication fatigue excessive display of mandibular teeth clicking of the posterior teeth when speaking strained appearance of the lips patient underable to wear dentures discomfort excessive trauma to supporting tissues gagging

Distal wedge - flaps and incisions used for MX MD

Mx - full thickness flap with parallel incisions Md - full thickness flap with V shaped incisions

Tuberculosis caused by:

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Most common cause of masticatory pain

Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS)

Methods of biotransformation

N-alkylation Sulfate conjugation Glucuronide conjugation

The antagonist of choice in the tx. of opiod overdose is


the Material Data sheet uses color and number of what? list what each means

NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION blue- health hazard red- fire hazard yellow- reactivity white- required PPE 0-4 least to most dangerous

Multiple neurofibromas + multiple skin freckles (cafe au lait spots) + axillary freckles (Crowe's sign) + iris freckles (Lisch spots)

NF Type I / Von Recklinghausen's disease

Is vasoconstriction part of a cholinergic crisis


Does mediCARE cover dental?

NO exception: if it is related to medical condition (EXT before radiation)

HOST MODULATION THERAPY what drugs? what do they inhibit?

NSAIDS (inhib prostaglandins) bisphosphonates (inhibit osteoclast) *BRONJ Subantimicrobial dose Doxy SDD (inhib MMPs collagenase)


Na+ sparing

Reversal agent of morphine


Heart-shaped RL in nasopalatine canal caused by cystification of canal remnants

Nasopalatine duct cyst

Rapidly expanding ulcerative lesion due to ischemic necrosis of minor salivary glands in response to trauma or LA

Necrotizing sialometaplasia

Rapidly expanding ulcerative lesion due to ischemic necrosis of minor salivary glands in response to trauma or LA

Necrotizing sialometaplasia

Ghonorrhea caused by

Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Neoplasm of Schwann cells and fibroblasts


von Recklinghausen's disease


Malignant proliferation of Schwann cells


Pain independent of stimulus intensity

Neuropathic Pain

Another name for Gorlin syndrome

Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome

put the wires in order of strength and stiffness weakest -> strongest

NiTi < TMA < SS

Inflamed salivary duct openings on the palate

Nicotine stomatitis

list cements is regards to bonding characteristics No bond bond to tooth

No bond zinc oxide eugenol zinc phosphate Bonds to tooth GI - adheres to enamel and dent (weak chelation) RMGI resin - bonds to dentin

Neoplasm of fibroblasts; easy to eradicate & rarely recurs

Nodular fascitis

Neoplasma of B or T cells

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

Neoplasma of B or T cells; Burkitt's lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

Upper and lower members are rigidly attached on articular



Nose bleed

Congenital syphilis Hutchinson's triad

Notched incsiors / mulberry molars, deafness, ocular keratitis

Nystatin MOA

Nystatin = ANTIFUNGAL Bind to ergosterol in fungal cells walls to weaken the wall





INTRAMEMBRANOUS ossification Growth from the ___________ increase in _________ what control is it under?

OUTSIDE inc in DIAMETER environmental control

which is worse: undercontoured vs overcontoured CROWN

OVERcontoured- plaque retention

asking a bad kid to watch his good sibling is what kind of learning?

Observational learning

OSHA - stands for what do they do

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) determine regulations for everything in the dental office Protects healthcare professionals from occupational hazards

phase 3 RESTORATIVE : when does it occur what do we do? (2)

Occurs after periodontal disease is under control final restoration fixed/removable prosth

traumatic bone cyst occurs in what age group how is it dx how is it tx

Occurs in teenagers aspirate to diagnosis (should be fluid filled) just monitor

AKA myxofibroma

Odontogenic myxoma

Slimy stroma, messy RL w/ unclear borders & honeycomb pattern

Odontogenic myxoma

RO lesion composed of dental hard tissues


RO lesion composed of dental hard tissues ( enam + dent + pulp) MC odontogenic tumor Mc = kids /teen can block erruption


erythema multiforme locations

Often on lips but can occur anywhere on skin and mucosa

Another name for hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia

Olser-Weber-Rendu syndrome

primate space location Mx vs MD

On MX -- between primary max lateral and primary max canine On Md --- primary mandibular canine and primary mandibular first molar

Light effect of a translucent material appearing blue in reflected light & red-orange in transmitted light


of you have an OPEN mandibular growth rotation how is the bite? face height?

Open bite Long face

OARS motivational interviewing

Open questions affirmations reflective listening summarzing

open reduction VS closed reduction

Open reduction-- fracture fragments are exposed surgically by dissecting the tissues • Closed reduction--- fracture fragments are manipulated without surgical exposure

Epithelial cyst w/in lymphoid tissue or oral muscosa, commonly in palatine & lingual tonsil region

Oral lymphoepithelial cyst

which complex comes first ORANGE or red complex whats in the orange complex (3)

Orange Fusobacterium nucleatum Prevotella intermedia Campylobacter rectus

What muscles attach into the Md buccal frenum?

Orbicular oris & buccinator

What muscle attaches into the Md labial frrenum?

Orbicularis oris

1-2 wall defect how to treat it?

Osseous resection -recontour to make positive architechture

Circumscribed RO mass of bone & osteoblasts


Circumscribed RO mass of bone & osteoblasts pain is common MC in young adult


Blue sclera

Osteogenesis imperfecta Dentinogenesis imperfecta

Lack of bone remodeling and resorption leads to "stone bone"; autosomal dominant or recessive


Sarcoma of jaws where new bone is produced by tumor cells; sunburst pattern


Sarcoma of jaws where new bone is produced by tumor cells; sunburst pattern uniform widen of PDL pain / swelling / parasthesia resorption of surrounding struct


What can cause oxide-oxide cohesive failure?

Oxide layer too thick


P gingivalis

MAIN bug in Pregnancy Gingivitis

P intermedia

how do we test statistical significance? what is it? P >.05 ? P <.05 ?

P value probability that two variables are UNrelated <.05 --- statistically significant - reject null - they are related >.05 --- statistically not significant


PD + recession

PD measures from where to where CAL measured from where to where

PD - from gingival margin to base of pocket CAL - from CEJ to base of pocket

What antibiotic used for endo, pulpal involvement?


Phosphate-bonded investments

PFM crowns

acrylic powder contents

PMMA benzoyl peroxide - initiator salts - pigment

Heat-cured acrylic polymer

PMMA (powder)


PNS direct Ach like action at the neuromuscular junction Inhibit acetylcholinesterase

Providers agree to accept LESS than usual fees in exchange for HIGHER VOLUME of pts

PPO- preffered provider organization

If patient requiring EXT is on DICOUMAROL therapy the most valuable lab test is

PPT (plasma prothrombin time)

"Dentures not fitting"

Paget's disease

Denture and./or hats become too tight

Paget's disease

Progressive metabolic disturbance causing symmetrical enlargement of bones ( skull/ femur / jaw ) usually in adults >50 y/o; cotton wool appearance

Paget's disease

Progressive metabolic disturbance of many bones causing symmetrical enlargement, usually in adults >50 y/o; cotton wool appearance

Paget's disease

Cleft palate occurs due to lack of fusion between:

Palatal shelves

Where is papillary hyperplasia found?


High risk sites for oral melanoma

Palate & gingiva

What structures in the upper arch provide the most support?

Palate and alveolar ridge

What limits the denture extension in the posterior region of the alveololingual sulcus?

Palatoglossus & superior constrictor

Noble metal that has strength


Where is Warthin's tumor usually found?

Parotid of older men

caries causing resorption of primary roots.

Pathologic root resorption

what impaction classification system is only for MD 3rd molars

Pell and Gregory Classification

what impaction classification system is only for 3rd molars

Pell and Gregory Classification Winter's Classification

Autoantibodies against desmosomes; suprabasilar

Pemphigus vulgaris

#1 dental antibiotic for an infection within 24hrs is

Pen VK -- 1gm booster and 500mg q6h

Ability to be burnished

Percentage elongation

Reactive process of unknown origin, most common at apices of Md anterior teeth in middle-aged black females teeth are vital

Periapical COD (cemento-osseous dysplasia)

Reactive process of unknown origin, most common at apices of Md anterior teeth in middle-aged black females & teeth are vital

Periapical COD (cemento-osseous dysplasia)

What provides the most retention?

Peripheral seal

Freckles (face / lip / or in mouth) + intestinal polyps

Peutz-Jeghers syndrome

Tx. of scopolamine overdose


CEOT (calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor) AKA

Pindborg tumor

Noble metal that has strength & INC melting temperature


Composed of mixture of cell types that is firm rubbery swelling; most common benign salivary gland tumor

Pleomorphic adenoma

Firm rubbery swelling composed of multiple cell types

Pleomorphic adenoma

most common benign salivary gland tumor

Pleomorphic adenoma

Mucosal atrophy + dysphagia + iron deficiency anemia + INC risk of oral cancer

Plummer-Vinson syndrome

Second most common salivary gland malignancy for minor glands

Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA)

What impression material leaves a water byproduct?

Polysulfide rubber

What is an example of a material that is brittle?


Bony architecture types (3)

Positive architecture Flat architecture Negative architecture

Digitalis (Glycoside)

Positive inotropic effect Increases the force of contraction of the heart Inhibits Na/K+ ATPase Decreases edema, heart size and diastolic volume Toxicity: extrasystoles, NV, Yellow and Green vision, and AV blocks

Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Positive punishment Negative punishment explain each

Positive reinforcement - do good get reward Negative reinforcement- do good bad removed Positive punishment- do bad get punished Negative punishment- do bad, good gets removed pos- give something neg- take away

Attaches to articular disc and posterior condyle Prevents anterior disc displace

Posterior ligament

Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) most common in associated with 3

Postmenopausal women (older than 50) type II diabetes, malnutrition, xerostomia

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN). is most common in is pain unilateral or bilateral? 1 other feat

Postmenopausal women (older than 50) unilateral Trigger point -- touch it, then triggers pain

What is the active ingredient of alginate?

Potassium alginate

When replacing a (Mx) Canine, why should the CI & LI be splinted together?

Prevent lateral drifting of bridge

Develops where a tooth would have formed; most commonly Md 3M region

Primordial cyst

Develops where a tooth would have formed; most commonly 3M region

Primordial cyst

B-Blockers (List some)

Propranolol Metoprolol Atenolol

------study cohort followed through time to see who develops a disease, can calculate (2)

Prospective cohort study incidence & relative risk "track a group of people fir 5 yrs to see who develops oral cancer"

What mimics SSC in granular cell tumor?

Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia (PEH)

FOUR things to remember about the NECROTIZING perio diseases (ANUG, ANUP) predisposing factors?

Pseudomembrane Fetid "stinky" breath blunted papilla Fever stress, smoking, immunosuppression

candidiasis clinical present

Pseudomembranous > white plaque that rubs off Atrophic > red Median rhomboid glossitis > loss of lingual papillae (PIC) Angular cheilitis > corner of mouth

Connects buccinator and superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle

Pterygomandibular raphe

Hyperplasia of capillaries

Pyogenic granuloma

Mutual sense of trust and openess


3-4 wall defect how to treat it?

REGENERATION --- because better blood supply and cell source proximity

What material is used and placed on the thin portition of remaining dentin -that if removed might expose the healthy pulp in indirect pulp cap ?

RMGI or calcium hydroxide

Clasp selection for distal extension in order of preference:


RL at apex always associated with a nonvital tooth

Radicular cyst

RL at apex always associated with a nonvital tooth

Radicular cyst / periapical cyst

Herpes zoster reaction in geniculate ganglion affecting CN VII and VIII resulting in facial paralysis, vertigo, and deafness

Ramsay Hunt syndrome

2 types of CT tumors

Reactive -- reacting to trauma or stimulus Neoplastic- new abnormal growth

Mandibular condyle translates anterior to the articular eminence and requires mechanical manipulation to achieve reduction

Recurrent Dislocation

Always found on attached gingiva

Recurrent intraoral herpes

Dentigerous cysts are accumulation of fluid between crown and _____

Reduced enamel epithelium

Ghost teeth

Regional odontodysplasia

Quadrant of teeth exhibit short roots, open apices & enlarged pulp chambers; ghost teeth

Regional odontodysplasia

Quadrant of teeth exhibit short roots, open apices & enlarged pulp chambers; ghost teeth

Regional odontodysplasia

Surgical removal of a cyst or tumor and normal tissue around it


Features that prevent removal of crown by apical, horizontal, or oblique forces (occlusal forces)


Proximal grooves provide


What provides support on a direct retainer?


Cervical-Pull Headgear

Restrains maxillary forward growth Extrudes and distalizes upper molars Best for Class II deep bite

What epithelializes the small gingival cyst of newborn lesions?

Rests of dental lamina

Buccal grooves provide


Features that prevent removal of crown along long axis of tooth prep (sticky food)


Resistance to vertical dislodging forces


What provides retention on a direct retainer?

Retentive clasp arm

------study look back after following the cohort and decide what disease you want to look for, can calculate (2)

Retrospective cohort study incidence & relative risk

Best for Class III maxillary deficiency Best for Class III mandibular excess

Reverse-Pull Headgear Chin Cup


Reverses digitalis arrhythmia

Neoplasm of skeletal muscle cells


Malignant proliferation of skeletal muscle cells


What is the best indicator for success of a denture?


What provides the most stability for the upper and lower arches?

Ridge height & depth of vestibule

What is the primary function of a major connector?


funds medical/dental care for HIV/AIDS pts

Ryan white CARE act

Transverse corrections • Maxillary expansion=

SARPE (surgical assisted rapid palatal expansion)

SICKLE scalers are for calculus located where why? hoe many cutting edges cross section?

SUPRA BC of sharp tip 2 cutting edges triangular

Pigments in acrylic

Salts of iron, cadmium, or organic dyes

Hyperimmune; may be triggered by mycobacteria, primarily pulmonary disease but also affects salivary glands & mucosa; xerostomia is a symtpom


Hyperimmune; may be triggered by mycobacteria, primarily pulmonary disease but also affects salivary glands & mucosa; xerostomia


Mesenchymal (CT) cancer


Strawberry tongue

Scarlet fever

Schwannoma (neurilemmoma) is neoplasm of what?

Schwann cells

social cognitive theory: COGNITIVE perception that you can execute behaviors necessary for a given situation

Self efficacy *believe in yourself

Sensitivity vs specificity

Sensitivity= disease correctly ID people with disease Specificity= health correctly ID people without disease

group of anomalies that generally stem from a single major anomaly that alters the development of surrounding structures


simple EXT 3 steps

Sever Soft Tissue Attachment Luxate Tooth with Elevator Deliver Tooth with Forceps

Indications for Extraction

Severe crowding Minimal overbite or open bite Full protrusive lips Acute nasolabial angle Anterior recession or thin tissue Camouflage skeletal class 2 or 3

Cuspal anatomy that favors disclusion

Short cusps w/ shallow inclines

What type of margin is used for all-ceramic crowns?


What are ceramics treated with to bond?

Silane coupling agent

AKA antral pseudocyst

Sinus retention cyst

Autoimmune pathology that affects salivary and tear glands

Sjogren's syndrome

Autoimmune that affects salivary and tear glands

Sjogren's syndrome

Condylar guidance is determined by:

Slope of articular eminence

Dentifrice-associated sloughing is related to what ingredient?

Sodium lauryl sulfate

Increased stimulus yields increased pain

Somatic Pain

Resistance to horizontal dislodging forces


RL in posterior Md below Md canal due to lingual concavity of jaw

Stafne bone defect

RBL Stage 1 stage 2 stage 3 stage 4

Stage 1 - coronal 1/3 (<15% stage 2 - coronal 1/3 (15-33% stage 3 - extending to/past middle 1/3 ( >33% stage 4 - extending to/past middle 1/3 ( >33%

PD Stage 1 stage 2 stage 3 stage 4

Stage 1 4mm or less stage 2 5mm or less Stage 3 6mm or more Stage 4. 6mm or more

tooth loss Stage 1 stage 2 stage 3 stage 4

Stage 1. - none stage 2 - none stage 3 - 4 or less teeth lost stage 4 - 5 or more teeth lost

Laws that set max time after an event which legal proceedings may be initiated

Statute of limitations

Another name for major EM

Stevens-Johnson syndrome

How is elastic modulus calculated

Stress divided by strain it is the slope of the straight part of the strainxstress graph


Strong NSAID

Angiomas of leptomeninges (archnoid & pia mater) + anginomas of skin along distribution of trigeminal nerve

Sturge-Weber syndrome

Extravascular lesions that do not blanch

Submucosal hemorrhage

Occurs when a small piece of necrotic bone or tooth has been left behind after Sx EXT

Subperiosteal Abscess

complications of EXT include

Subperiosteal Abscess Oro-Antral Communication (OAC) (sinus expose) Alveolar Osteitis ( dry socket) Nerve Injury Tooth Displacement

What can inhibit PVS?

Sulfur in latex gloves & rubber dams

Resistance to vertical seating forces


Combination of adhesion and cohesion forces that maintain film integrity

Surface tension

Another name for major aphthous ulcer

Sutton disease

Loss of water


Miliary TB

Systemic spread

NK cells are _____ cells that recognize and kill what kind of cells?

T cells Tumor/virally infected


T denticola

Lichen planus what happens

T lymphocytes target and destroy basal keratinocytes

Measures statistical difference between TWO MEANS (small sample size)

T test

Most commonly used antidepressant


TP (true pos) = TN (true neg - FN (flase neg) - FP (false pos )-

TP (true pos) = patient has caries / and experiment says they have caries TN (true neg - patient doesn't have caries / and experiment agrees FN (flase neg) - our test says they don't have caries - when they actually do FP (false pos )- our test says they do have caries - actually do not

corticosteriods or glucosteriods suppress the immune system in addition to anti-inflammatory activity (T or F?)


What does the operator have the most control over with tooth preparation?

Taper / parallelism

SE of phenothiazine

Tardive dyskinesia

The retromolar pad contains muscle attachments from:

Temporalis Buccinator Superior pharyngeal constrictor Pterygomandibular raphe

are used for skeletal anchorage

Temporary anchorage devices (TADs)

Ability to resist fracture during pulling

Tensile strength

bilateral, non-pulsating, not aggravated by routine activity

Tension type

reduced periodonitum definition can result from

There has been previous attachment loss / bone loss - but healthy now non perio - hard tooth brushing - crown lengthen periodontits hx - but currently stable

Example of Barbiturates

Thiopental (quick onset, and short duration)

teeth most likely to be missing

Third molars > maxillary lateral incisors > mandibular second premolars

Midline neck swelling located along embryonic path of thyroid descent

Thyroglossal duct cyst

Porosity of acrylic due to

Too fast heating (for denture

What does it mean if there is whistling when a patient is saying sibilant sounds?

Too narrow arch form

Back-pressure porosity of metal due to

Too short sprue

Shrinkage porosity of metal due to

Too thin sprue

What does it mean if there is a lisp when patient's s sounds become sh sounds?

Too wide arch form

Toxicity of Digitalis

Toxicity: extrasystoles, NV, Yellow and Green vision, and AV blocks

Large RL scalloped around roots

Traumatic bone cyst

Simple bone cyst / idiopathic bone cavity

Traumatic bone cyst

Entangled submuscosal mass of neural tissue and scar

Traumatic neuroma

Patient autonomy treat the patient according to ---

Treat the patient according to the patient's desires within the bounds of acceptable treatment

chlorpheniramine (H1 antihistamine)

Treating dermatologic manifestations of allergic response

Syphilis is caused by:

Treponema pallidum

Electrical, sharp, shooting, and episodic, followed by refractory periods

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN).

4 types of Neuropathic Pain

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN). Atypical Odontalgia (AO) Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN) Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) Chronic Headache

What controls the setting rate of irreversible hydrocolloid?

Trisodium phosphate

Many benzodiazepine have active metabolites (T/F)


3 components of stress management

Trust - provide patients with a sense of control COMFORT—acknowledge the patient's experience COPING—use cognitive-behavioral interventions


Tx. of paroxysmal tachycardia


Type 1B Agent = decrease excitability for ventricular arrhythmia

False Negative when you accept a null hypothesis that should have been rejected type ________ error

Type 2 testing tooth vitality

What can cause porosity in dentures?

Underpacking during processing Heated too rapidly


Union between condyle and skull can be either bony or fibrous

Universal vs Gracey used for what area of the mouth # of cutting edges Cross section shape

Universal can be used in any area of the mouth 2 cutting edges semicircle cross section Gracey cureetes adapt to specific areas of the mouth 1 cutting edge semicircle in cross section

cytology is used for negative feature

Used For monitoring large tissue area for dysplastic changes Many false positives

Antisepsis used on ? to reduc what? methods (4)

Used on living tissue to reduce bacterial load alcohol CHX detergent quat ammonium


Used to relieve anxiety DOES NOT CAUSE CNS DEPRESSION

Cholinergic agonists

Used to tx. xerostomia

Another name for Heefordt syndrome

Uveoparotid fever

Lightness or darkness


What is the most important with shade selection?


Cleft + lip pits

Van der Woude syndrome

Chickenpox is

Varicella zoster virus primary infection

epi fxn in LA

Vasoconstriction > decrease toxicity increase duration promote hemostasis

Common skin wart

Verruca vulgaris

winters classification types

Vertical Mesioangular Horozontal Distoangular Buccolingual

Stage of perio with.... Vertical bone loss 3mm or more Furcation involvement class 2/3 <20 teeth remaining

Vertical bone loss 3mm or more automatic stage 3 or 4 Furcation involvement class 2/3 automatic stage 3 or 4 <20 teeth remaining automatic stage 4

MALNUTRITION factors that could affect Plaque induced gingival disease

Vit C defficiency

What can cause porcelain-porcelain cohesive failure?

Voids or inclusions

Composed on oncocytes and lymphoid cells

Warthin's tumor

Why do you not want to use RMGI with ACC?

Water absorption causes expansion

Casts poured from alginate are more accurately mounted with:

Wax record

Tx of skeletal class 3 via growth modification

We want to slow the MD and speed up the MX • Reverse headgear---- stimulates maxillary growth • Chin cup ---restrains mandibular growth

Tx of skeletal class 2 via growth modification

We want to slow the Mx and speed up the MD • Headgear--- restrains maxillary growth • Functional appliances ---stimulate mandibular growth

Allergic reaction to inhaled antigen; strawberry gingivitis

Wegener's granulomatosis


Well-curcumscribed RO mass w/ RL border associated w/ apex of roots

When would splinting teeth be recommended?

When peirodontal surface of abutment tooth is not sufficient to support bridge (failure of Ante's law)

Asymptomatic spongy white buccal mucosa & cannot wipe off; autosomal dominant

White sponge nevus

What is the purpose of a free gingival graft?

Widen band of KT

Secondary TB

Widespread lung infection with cavitation

What is an example of a material that is ductile?

Wires (ortho)

Measures statistical difference between TWO MEANS (LARGE sample size) *variance is known

Z test

what does a periodontal pack consist of is used after ____ is left in place for how long why do we place them?

ZOE after invasive perio surgery 1 week protect wound, minimize discomfort, prevent bleeding mainitain tissue placement

_______ buildup in coronal portion and _____ coverage after pulpotomy


What cement can cause pulpal irritation?

Zinc phosphate

What material has the best fracture toughness?


Midface Fractures Best evaluated with



a neuronal blocker for severe HTN

Mandibular Fractures Best evaluated with

a panoramic

implant stability is at its lowest how long after placement

about 4w

what is placed onto the implant body


STAGES OF CHANGE engaged in taking action towards behavior change *requires support


activation vs deactivation ORTHO WIRE

activation - loading -amount of force to put wire into bracket deac- "unloading" amount of force wire applies to tooth to get back into original shape


acts on CNS/ false neurotransmitter


acts to suppress the cough reflex

purpose of beading Mx Mc

adds strength maintains tissue contact and prevents food impaction

SECOND thing that forms in the PLAQUE cascade? how long does it take to form

adhesion/attachment of bacteria minutes

implant should be 3mm away from

adjacent implant

implant should be 1.5mm away from

adjacent natural tooth

gingivitis affects ---% of children over the age of ---

affects 70% of children over the age of 7

smear of toothpaste should be used before what age?

age 2

Pea sized toothpaste should be used for what age?

age 2-5

Clinical prognostic factors

age: younger patients with the same level of disease as an older patient has a worse prognosis disease severity: CAL is more important than PPD plaque control: poor OHI patient compliance:

which agency of HHS quality and access to care research quality assessment = quality assurance =

agency for healthcare research and quality AHRQ Quality assessment= measures quality of care at a location Quality assurance= not only measures quality of care but also implements necessary changes to improve the situation

Most common age of abuse and neglect

ages 0-3

defective neutrophil chemotaxis can lead to _______________

aggressive periodontitis

insufficient VDO causes

aging appearance of face decreased occlusal force angular chelitis

Host modulation therapy aim should only be used as used for what type of perio

aims to downregulate the destructive aspects of host response should only be used as an adjunct to mechanical debridement during phase I chronic periodontitis

what should be avoided when taking MTZ


stages of comprehensive tx

alignment overbite correction (leveling correction of molar relation space closure finshing and detailing

tissue stops are present on

all DE RPD

full palate indications

all post teeth missing bilaterally - Ken1 perio teeth shallow vault small mouth

which teeth are effected in dentin dysplasia

all teeth from both dentitions

SE of erythromycin

allergic cholestatic hepatitis

purpose of retention (3)

allow time for the reorganize of gingival and periodontal fibers prevent ST pressures from altering post treatemtn tooth position hold the new position of teeth until growth is complete

adjunctive therapy is given

alongside mechanical therapy like SRP

when elevating what is your fulcrum

alveolar bone

what is the 4 things in the periodontium?

alveolar bone PDL cementum gingiva *all things that touch PDL

does composite or amalgam have a CoTE most similar to tooth

amalgam COTE is more similar to tooth

enamel organ gives rise to

ameloblasts → enamel

failure in bell stage histo diff can lead to

amelogensis imperfecta dentinogenesis imperfecta

Secondary colonizers eat what?

amino acids


amphetamine tyramine ephedrine cocaine methylphenidate TCA MAOI

amphetamine tyramine ephedrine cocaine methylphenidate TCA MAOI

amphetamine - stim NE release tyramine """ ephedrine "" cocaine - (-) reuptake of NE and D methylphenidate - "" TCA - (-) reuptake of NE and Sera MAOI - block enzymatic breakdown of all

Which penicillin has the best gram - spectrum



an anti-anxiety drug

Meperidine (Demerol) is

an opiod analgesic


an opiod with both agonistic and antagonistic activities


an opiod with both agonistic and antagonistic activities it has abuse potential less than that of heroin It may induce dysphoria and mental aberrations

AP strap - sstrap locations

anterior strap - should be as sposterior as possible to avoid speech isssues posterior border should be short of the vibrating line

B- Blocker MOA

anti-renin effect

4 classes of adjunctive therapy

antibiotics host modulation therapy occlusal correction furcation correction

SE of Antidepressant

anticholinergic or atropine SE

________________ is known as age-appropriate counseling for patients and their parents focused on prevention

anticipatory guidance

Trigeminal Neuralgia TX

anticonvulsants (carbamazepine), surgery

Postherpetic Neuralgia TX

anticonvulsants, antidepressants, or sympathetic blocks

Quaternary ammonium compounds (quats) what CLEANING TIER? how does it work? what does it NOT kill?

antisepsis (living tissue) disrupt cell membrane does not kill spores,TB, non envelope virus

subjective experience involving cognitive emotional, behavioral, and psychological factors


____________ pts are more likely to report pain/discomfort


SE of chloramphenicol

aplastic anemia

Apical pressure

applied to every tooth, avoid excessive pressure in maxillary molars

Aphthous Ulcer- AKA apthous stomatitis AKA canker sore 2 types and diff between them

apthous Minor stomatitis > heal without scarring Major > heal with scarring

If primary canine is lost early, can lead to lingual collapse of incisors and therefor loss of....

arch length

types od local delivery AB (3)

arrestin = minocycline atridox = doxycycline periochip = chlorhexidine gluconate

Adverse effects of L-DOPA include

arrhythmias, psychotic disturbances, nasea and vomiting, abnormal involuntarty movements

which amide AB is metabolized in blood


what seperates the TMJ into upper and lower joint spaces

articular disc

A heroin-dependent pt. should not be given nalbuphine for pain because

as a mixed agonist-antagonist it can elicit withdrawal symptoms

chemical burn can occur from

aspirin hydrogen perroxide silver nitrate phenol

if you dont give the pt informed consent what can they charge you with?

assault battery

When is primate space lost?

at 6 years of age

center of resistance location for a tooth

at the center of its root - Periodontal compromise moves it apically - Root resorption moves it occlusally

comp inhibitors that block M R

atropine scopolamine propantheline

atropine, scopolamine, propantheline are ______________ muscarinic receptors blockers which sometimes are used to control _____________________ _________________

atropine, scopolamine, propantheline are COMPETITIVE muscarinic receptors blockers which sometimes are used to control SALIVARY SECRETIONS

free gingival graft why do want to add more attached gingiva (3)

attached gingiva helps - enhance plaque removal (less painful brushing), -improves esthetics, - reduces inflammation around abutment teeth and implants

Facial pain of unknown cause/diagnosis pending

atypical pain

bone graft types (4) listed from best to worst

autograft: allograft: xenograft: alloplast:

Source of autograft: allograft: xenograft: alloplast:

autograft: from yourself allograft: from another human, usually cadaver xenograft: from another species, usually cow alloplast: synthetic or inorganic

Informed consent which ADA principle?


Patient records: what ADA principle how long should you keep them?

autonomy as long as possible

SSC are for teeth affected by extensive caries especially past the ________________

axial line angles

ECC previously called? defined as #. "dmfs" between what AGE?

baby bottle tooth decay 1 dmfs --- birth -71 MONTHS

INFECTIONS that can cause gingival disease

bacterial (N. Gonorrhoeae, treponema pallidum) Viral (herpes) Fungal (candidiasis)

what does a WATER PIK remove?

bacterial load on GINGIVA *not biofilm on tooth

Penicillin is bactericidal or bacteriostatic?

bactericidal kills rapidly growing cells by inhibiting CELL WALL SYNTHESIS

Are sulfonamides bactericidal or bacteriostatic?

bacteriostatic compete with PABA in folic acid synthesis, thus resulting in folic acid deficiency

Is tetracycline bactericidal or bacteriostatic?

bacteriostatic limit population growth by INTERFERING WITH PROTEIN SYNTHESIS ON BACTERIAL RIBOSOMES 30s

prevents soft tissue downgrowth and permits hard tissue ingrowth

barrier membrane

Guided tissue regeneration 3 components

barrier membrane bone graft biologic agent

Monomorphic adenoma includes (4)

basal cell adenoma, canalicular adenoma, myoepithelioma, and oncocytic tumor

silica -bonded investments

base metal crowns

Stopping oral habits before when will result is a reversing of effects

before erruption of the perm incisors

social cognitive theory: Learn proper behavior from models aroundyou

behavioral modeling

NORMAL distribution is what shape? how many in 1st deviation 2nd deviation 3rd deviation

bell shape 1st dev- 68% 2nd dev- 95% 3rd dev- 99.7%

retentive clasp contacts tooth ​

below ​height of contour/survey line

INSURANCE TERMS beneficiary benefactor benefits

beneficiary- person covered benefactor- insurance company benefits- what insurance pays for

what type of bone is best for implant worst for implant

best = type 1 worst = type 4

Type 4 gypsum feat 3 used for

best abrasion resistance** least gauging water** least amount of expansion** used for fabrication of dies

Flaps are used for

better access and visibility

acrylic denture teeth benefit

better retention - because can ​bond to acrylic resin​ of denture base

BOLTON ANALYSIS if tooth is too big how to fix small?

big- IPR small- build up

Ganglionic blockers (list drugs)

bind N R at ganglion and block it -Mecamylamine -Hexamethonium

Cholinergic agonists (drugs)

bind and activate M R -pilocarpine -methacholine

creates an environment conducive to tissue formation

biologic agent

what does National Institutes of Health. NIH do?

biomedical and public health RESEARCH

which provisional restorative material can be used direct

bis acryl composite

Zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture key feature

bleeding under conjunctiva

Antidepressant MOA

blockade of amine re-uptake or alterations of receptor number

Mechanism of Anti-psychotics

blockade of dopaminergic sites in the brain (can affect the hypothalmic temp regulation)

antral pseudocyst is Caused by

blockage of glands in sinus mucosa


blocks enzyme converting angiotensin 1 --> angiotensin 2 Also for heart failure

CEPHALOCAUDAL GROWTH GRADIENT what does this growth pattern say? 2

body parts close to cranium grow FASTER EARLIER body parts further from head grow LATER

what layer of porca provides most of the shade for PFM

body/dentin porca

Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) what gets regenerated?

bone cementum PDL

is osteoconductive, osteoinductive, and/or osteogenic

bone graft

horozontal bone loss

bone stays parallel to line connecting CEJs

Maxillary major connector specs

borders should be ​6 mm​ away from the palatal gingival margin borders should be ​parallel t​o the palatal gingival margin must have ​0.5 mm beading​ to ensure intimate tissue contact from keratinized palatal tissue cross the midline ​at a right angle

ADHD most common in boys or girls? and what age does it first appear?

boys, 3-6 years

reciprocal clasp fxn

braces abutment tooth so it is not torqued by retentive clasp

cholinergic crisis

bradycardia lacrimation salivation M weak diarrea bronchial constrict tx = atropine

Cholinergic crisis

bradycardia, lacrimation, saliva, voluntary muscle, weakness, diarrhea, brochoconstruction

Cranial vault growth growing __________ pushes cranial bones apart what kind of OSSIFICATION at fontanelles/sutures

brain intramembranous

Bis acryl composite provisional features

brittle, worse mechanical properties than PMMA, less shrinkage, less odor and minimal irritation, radiopaque on x-rays

occlusal contacts should be ---- why

broad and flat prevents wear

Facts about tetracycline (SE, spectrum, toxicity etc.)

broad spectrum liver toxicity: hepatotoxicity effectiveness is reduced by ingestion of antacids and dairy products can cause: superinfection, photosensitivity, discoloration of newly formed teeth, GI symptoms

Cytology AKA

brush biopsy

what should you do if you have a short crown prep

buccal grooves for retention prox grooves for resistance

implant should be 1mm away from

buccal plate, lingual plate, inferior border of MD , maxillary sinus, nasal cavity

Mesenchyme start condensing in what stage?

bud stage

FRAUD TERMS COMBINING distinct dental procedures

bundling Insurance company tells dentist that they are not gona compensate for both crown + B/U and that the B/U is pasrt of the crown - when actually they are 2 different things

lupus feature

butterfly rash / MALAR RASH whickem striae on oral lesions autoantibodies present

Morphine binds to which site to produce analgesia?

by binding to specific receptors in the CNS

At a ph of 7.8 lidocaine (pka = 7.8) will exist in a- ionized form b-non-ionized form c-an equal mixture of ionized and non-ionized form


What is placed on healthy pulp exposure in direct pulp cap?

calcium hydroxide and RMGI placed over restoration

which ceramics can bond vs cant bond

can bond - glass infiltrated ceramic cant bond - non glass infiltrated

Upper canine erupting ahead of or alongside first premolar leads to..

canine forced labially, vampire fang

during lateral, what provide clearance for posterior teeth on balancing side

canines on working side and condyle on balancing side

HMO doctors are paid on what kind of plan?

capitation ( # of pts seen )

Drug used to tx. trigeminal neuralgia


______________ study people with a condition are compared to people without it in the past come with with an

case control study odds ratio " how likely is alcohol associated with oral cancer

RISK FACTOR definition perio disease risk factors (4)

causally associated with the disease (smoking leads to periodontal disease) smoking, diabetes, pathogenic bacteria, microbial tooth deposits


caused by acidic foods/beverages or gastric acid

Why do you not place calcium hydroxide for pulpotomy?

causes irritation leading to root resorption in primary teeth

dental follicle gives rise to

cementoblasts → cementum osteoblasts → alveolar bone fibroblasts → PDL

ROOT RESORPTION during ortho what is going on?

cementum next to hyalinized PDL can undergo resorption

Fixed point that a force must pass through in order to move that object in a linear manner

center of resistance

______________________ provides retention for SSC

cervical bulge

is where IEE and OEE join forms extensions called HERS

cervical loop

What is the first thing you do when you get a crown back from the lab?

check Shade

prescription fluoride suppliments are only for

children at risk for caries who live in non fluoridated areas

put in most common to least Local aggressive periodontitis Chronic periodontitis General aggressive periodontitis refractory periodontitis

chronic > LAP>GAP> refractory

neurovascular pain AKA

chronic headaches

Pyogenic granuloma cyased by 2

chronic trauma or irritation

H2 antihistamine such as ______________________are used to reduce gastric acid


hawley retainer components /function

clasps - for retention acrylic on palate - control overbite labial bow - incisor position retention

which MILLER class gingival problem is best for regenerating recession

class 1 - with thick gingival biotype and wide band of keratinized tissue

Cusp - marginal ridge occlusion seen in

class 1 occ with worn teeth

Cusp - fosssa occlusion seen in

class 2 occ

Cleft lip/palate tend to be CLASS _______ occlusion - with ___

class 3 with deficient Maxilla

% of population that has class I normal occlusion class I malocclusion class II malocclusion class III malocclusion

class I normal occlusion (30-35%) class I malocclusion (50-55%) class II malocclusion (15%) class III malocclusion (1-5%)

behavioral learning neutral stimulus is associated with natural response

classical Conditioning (pavlovs dogs)

aim to isolate one factor to see how it affects pt's health (all other factors constant) random sampling random allocation blinding (single blind, double blind)

clinical trial

If second premolar is missing, what do you do for tx?

close spaces w/ extraction tx on other side to make symmetrical

simple fx

closed to oral cavity

intense pain near one eye


Measures fractional change in size per degree change in temperature

co efficient of thermal expansion CoTE

medical Qs you must ask when child comes in to clinic with dental trauma

coagulation disorders? tetanus coverage? rule out head injury:

The only LA that predictably produces vasoconstriction


pain is a complex phenomenon involving ________ and ________

cognition emotion

coinsurance out of pocket maximum

coinsurance- percent of charge you pay out of pocket max= max you pay before insurance covers the rest

Overdose of morphine:

coma, miosis, respiratory depression

most cost effective and most practical preventive measure to prevent tooth decay

community water fluoridation

The mechanism of H1 antihistamine is

competitive antagonism

DEVELOPMENT is an increase in two things

complexity specialization

Different types of FORCE DECAY continuous interrupted intermittent

con- force stays constant (light wire) inter- force slowly goes to 0 (elastics) intermi- force abruptly goes to 0 (clear aligners)

Union of two adjacent teeth by cementum only


vertical ramus osteotomy and NOT fixated in order to allow soft tissues to reposition condyle and disc into a better position


Hutchinson incisors and mulberry molars

congenital syphillis

Rotary > initial movement used in

conical- rooted teeth

Composite preps may be more _________________ than amalgam


zinc phosphate features

considered gold standard cement contains- phosphoric acid ​--irritate pulp = can cause post-cementation pulpal sensitivity powder (zinc oxide) and liquid (acid) → acid-base reaction → mix on chilled glass slab due to exothermic reaction cement does not have chemical bond to underlying tooth structure

sibilant or linguoalveolar sounds = s, z, sh ch, j

contact between tip of tongue and the anterior palate or lingual surface of the teeth help determine vertical length and overlap of anterior teeth whistling​ → too narrow arch form lisp where s becomes sh ​→ too wide arch form

STAGES OF CHANGE begin to consider behavior change


CHX has substantivity what is that?

continuous effect

cognitive appraisal of threat 4 factors that determine how we view stress

controllability familiarity predictability imminence

Statistical measure that represents the strength of relationship between two variables between what numbers? zero means?

correlation coefficient (r) between -1 and 1 0 means no linear relationship

Broad spectrum antibiotics enhance the of ...

coumarin anticoagulants because of the reduction of Vitamin K sources

how to clean critical semi critical non critical

critical- STERILE ( needle semi critical- minimum of high level DISINFECTION (sterile if heat stable) (mouth mirror non critical- DISINFECTION (BP cuff

SPAULDING CLASS SYSTEM critical semi critical non critical what do they TOUCH

critical- contacts sterile tissue or vascular system semi critical- contacts mucosa non crit- contacts skin

Eruptive movement begins on ____________________

crown completion

Comminuted fx

crushed into multiple fragments

what scaler is for SUBGINGIVAL calculus



curve the floss into a C shape against the side of the tooth rub the floss gently up and down along the side of each tooth

Calcification of the crown begins at

cusp tips / incisal edge

The antipyretic action of salicylates is explained in party by

cutaneous vasodilation leading to increased heat loss = vasodilation

DMFS? DEFT? dmft?

decayed, missing and filled SURFACES decayed EXTRACTED and filled teeth dmft= Decayed, missing, and filled baby teeth

When digitalis is used in atrial fibrillation the therapeutic objective is to

decrease the rate of AV conduction

what wall defect is ideal for regenerating infrabony defect

deep and narrow 3 wall defect

MD deflects toward side that is stuck at maximum opening


________________ is an extra cusp, contains enamel, dentin, and pulp and called talon cusp in anterior teeth

dens evaginatus

__________________ is caused by invagination of IEE, caries can progress very quickly through tunnel

dens invaginatus (dens in dente)

what is the Sac that surrounds the enamel organ and dental papilla

dental follicle

Bud Stage: All primary teeth and perm molars rise from what layer?

dental lamina

bud stage components

dental plaquode condesning mesenchyme

PERSON most at risk for eye damage in dental office?


high plasma levels of LA may cause...

depression of inhibitory CNS

lingual plate indicates

depth of lingual vestibule less than 7mm Ken 1 perio teeth possible future EXT lingual tori

Allergic RXN to penicillin manifests as:

dermatitis, stomatitis, bronchoconstriction, and cardiovascular collapse

when you present treatment plan to pt, what should the order of desirability be?

descending *best option first

Analytical/observational studies purpose of this? includes what types of studies (4)

determine etiology of disease include: cross sectional studies case control studies prospective cohort study retrospective cohort study

MD deviates toward one side then returns back to midline at maximum opening


deep breathing, triggers physiological relaxation response ________________ breathing

diaphragmatic breathing

Mechanisms for coping with stress

diaphragmatic breathing progressive muscle relaxation guided imagery hypnosis rehersals Systematic desensitization/graded exposure Distraction Tell-show-do Rational response/reframing/cognitive coping

best drug for LA OD


methods to make flush terminal plane become class 1

differential teeth shift and differential jaw growth

Damage during root formation stage of primary tooth leads to _______________ in perm tooth


This is an abnormal bed in root. usually due to traumatic injury to a primary tooth


comparing provisional fabrication methods indirect Vs direct

direct = in pt mouth more convenient, faster, more commonly used, requires more chairside time indirect = not in pt mouth better patient comfort avoid chemical/thermal irritation, might get a better marginal fit

Sulfonyl ureas cause insulin secretion by

direct stimulation of pancreatic beta cells

Descriptive/epidemiological studies quantifies _________________

disease status in community

scopolamine OD

disorient confuse hallucinate burn/dry mouth hyperthermia tx= phyostigmine

Scopolamine overdose:

disorientation, confusion, hallucination, burning dry mouth, hyperthermia

outliers affect : central tendency OR dispersion more?


intrusion primary teeth are displaced in what direction

displaced to F of developing tooth

partial denture indications 4

distal extension long span bone loss around potential abutments bridge or implant is too expensive

HUMAN GROWTH CURVE: distance curve? velocity curve?

distance- tracks ACTUAL height velocity- tracks CHANGE in height

occlusal guard functions

distribute occlusal forces more evenly and relax musculature

most essential component of risk management?


Dermoid cyst

doughy consistency

FRAUD TERMS Code was changed to a LESS COMPLEX or lower cost procedure

downcoding Dentist does a 3 surface composite - the insurance changes it to a 1 surface composite

Which antibiotic is anti-microbial and anti-collagenlyctic? clindamycin, doxycycline , metronidazole, amoxicillin


Basal cell carcinoma

due to sun damage rarely metastisize least dangerous cancer

WHEN do we treat posterior crossbites in a child?

early IF FUNCTIONAL SHIFT *if no fxnal shift - we can tx later

Craniosynostosis what is it? what syndrome has it?

early closure of skull sutures CROUZON syndrome + Apert

when does EARLY mesial shift happen? when does LATE mesial shift happen?

early- 6 loss of primate space late - 12 loss of leeway space

Experimental studies determine?

effectiveness of a therapy

under 18 can give you consent if (2)

emancipated emergency situation

ability to understand and share feelings with another Acknowledge their concerns


This is abnormal mineralization resulting in white spots

enamel hypocalcification (failure in maturation stage)

failure in apposition stage can lead to

enamel hypoplasia dentin dysplasia enamel pearl (amelo impef 2/4)

what is the signaling center for the developing tooth

enamel knot

Cap stage components

enamel organ dental papilla dental follicle

adult mandible grows by what method / where ?

endochondral ossification -- condylar cartilage intramembranous ossification to remodel surfaces

SYSTEMIC factors that could affect Plaque induced gingival disease

endocrine changes (puberty, pregnancy, diabetes) blood dyscrasias ( leukemia)

provisional restoration is designed to

enhance esthetics and provide function for a ​limited period of time​ after which it is replaced by a definitive prosthesis

When neostigmine is administered before acteylcholine, the action of acetylcholine will be

enhanced prolonged

infrabuldge clasps requirements

enough vestibular depth no soft tissue undercut

generalized aggressive periodontitis involves what teeth

entire dentition

surgical management of tumors includes 3

enucleation, curettage, resection

surgical management of cysts includes 3

enucleation, marsupialization, curettage

3 Types of Mucoperiosteal Flaps

envelope three cornered trapezoidal

# of vertical releases for envelope three cornered trapezoidal

envelope - 0 three cornered - 1 vert release trapezoidal - 2 vert release

Graves disease makes the pt. most sensitive to the ____________________ in the LA


oncocyte is

epithelial cell with excessive number of mitochondria

Hertwig's epithelial root sheath disintegrate leaving what kind of cells?

epithelial rests of malassez

Denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia 2

epulis fissuratum - vestibule papillary hyperplasia - palat

This presents clinically as a bump on the crest of the alveolar ridge where a tooth should be.

eriuption cyst

Primary molar lost before age 7 --> ? primary molar lost after age 7 ---> ?

eruption of premolar is delayed eruption of premolar is accelerated

risk of malignant transford leukoplakia erythroleukoplakia erythroplakia

erythroleukoplakia > erythroplakia > leukoplakia

Blood cholinesterase levels are important for duration of ______________(amide or ester) LA


Bones in cranial base? what kind of OSSIFICATION

ethmoid sphenoid Occipital ENDOCHONDRAL ossification (at synchondroses)

closest speaking space**​ =

evaluate vertical dimension during pronunciation of s sound, the interincisal separation (also between the premolars) should be ​1 to 1.5mm

MAINTENANCE : what interval?

every THREE months (for 1st year)

PMMA provisional features

exothermic strong, easy to repair, irritate patient due to exothermic reaction

purpose of luxating the tooth (2)

expanssion of bone tearing of PDL

expert who has expertise in dentistry that testifies the breaching of STANDARD OF CARE

expert testimony

clinical crown lengthening (CCL): Is done for what reason? by what? Sx procedures

expose more tooth structure by lowering the bone (combining ostectomy with--- a gingivectomy or apically positioned flap)

Primary first molar w furcation involvement --> tx?


what is guaging water

extra water needed to obtain a workable mix of material, does not chemically react with gypsum;

Extrusion If a primary tooth is extruded more than 3mm, what is the tx?


avulsed primary tooth > 30 mins, what do you do?

extract and space maintenance as needed

Prelim phase -- what do we do?

extract hopeless teeth

Amphetamines have a high potential for abuse. Abuse causes...

extreme violence and paranoid psychotic behavior

First and most common reaction of pt DISCOMFORT

eye/eyebrow movement

AOT gender pref age pref

f>M age = teens

Nerve most damaged in TMJ surgery=

facial nerve CN7

arch length is measured how from mixed to perm does it get: bigger vs smaller

facial surface of incisors to the line that is mesial to the first molars DECREASES (bc of leeway loss)

(T/F) there is no treatment for Hep C

false *recently made one but is expensive

_________________ is a no tx dental visit with an emphasis on introducing the dental setting and common instruments


Margin types and size

featheredge light chamfer 0.3- 0.5 heavy chamfer 1 - 1.5 shoulder 1-1.5

which cements are used for feldspathic and emax crowns

feldspathic - light cure resin cement (esthetics) emax - dual cure resin cement

PAYMENT PLANS (how dr gets paid) Fee for service Capitation plan (HMO)

ffs: dentist paid per procedure (most common way) HMO: dentist paid flat fee for each person seen - cap on how dentist is paid value of service> payment = dentist lose paymetn > value of service = dentist gain

chronic gingivitis leads to?


what is COADHESION ? as biofilm matures shift from __________ to __________ bacteria

firmly attached primary colonizers provide new receptors for attachment of other bacteria facultative gram POS -> anaerobic gram NEG

Most space closure occurs within_____ after tooth loss?

first 6 months

what do they look at in BIOLOGIC age?

first menstruation facial hair

Localized agressive perio involves which teeth

first permanent molars and permanent incisors

how does BIOFILM get nutrients? communication between bacteria in biofilm that encourage the growth of beneficial species and discourage growth of competing species

fluid channels Quorum sensing


fluoride lvl >0.6ppm pt < 6 months pt >16 yo

Nance which arch main fxn uses

for MX Holds Mx perm 1st molars from moving forward used for Space maintainer or anchorage

Diphenhydramine (H1 antihistamine)

for controlling symptoms of Parkinson

Kurols Rule what is it?

for determination if canine will errupt or impact canine NOT past midline of lateral 91% will errupt canine PAST midline of lateral 64% will errupt

strip crowns indication is a good choice if (2)

for primary incisors with proximal caries that approximate or involves incisal edge. They are a good choice if adequate tooth remaining for bonding and if esthetics is of primary importance

___________________ is applied for 5 mins in pulpotomy


reduction what is it types 2

fracture fragments are returned to their normal position open reduction closed reduction

5 types of mucogingival Sx

free gingival graft connective tissue graft frenectomy frenotomy vestibuloplasty

free gingival graft is used to connective tissue graft is used to

free gingival graft is used to widen band of keratinized tissue/promote growth of keratinized tissue*** (happens below the gingival margin) connective tissue graft is Used for root coverage (happens above the gingival margin)

demarcates the free gingiva (not bound) from the attached gingiva (bound)

free gingival groove

The major effect of the drug is produced by the amount of the drug that is

free in plasma

frenectomy frenotomy vestibuloplasty

frenectomy --- complete removal of frenum frenotomy --- incision of frenum vestibuloplasty -- deepen the vestibule

light force from ortho causes ________________ resorption heavy force?

frontal "direct" undermining "indirect"

furcation plasty 2. tunneling 3. root amputation/root resection 4. hemisection

furcation plasty - open up furcation (moves it up) tunneling- remove bone and move tissues apically to purposely create furc class 4 to facilitate cleanliness root amputation- cut one of the roots off and root area is smoothed and endo therapy is done to leave area for hygiene hemisection - cutting a molar in half and retaining the molar as two premolars; endo therapy is done

anxious patients will want you to be: closer vs further


Functional Appliances -- fxn to______ include (5)

fxn to advance the mandible forward • Bionator • Activator • Herbst appliance • Twin block appliance • MARA

intestinal polyp osteoma supernumerary teeth odontomas

gardner syndrome

SE of corticosteriods or glucosteriods

gastric ulcers, immunosupression, acute adrenal insufficiency, osteoporosis, hyperglycemia, redistribution of body fat

gem vs fuse

gem = 1 bud > 2 teeth / share canal normal tooth count fuse - 2 bud > 1 tooth / sep canals / one less tooth count

risk determinants of perio disease (4) and why

genetic factors - periodontitis may be heritable, polymorphisms in IL-1 genes may contribute to severe chronic periodontitis age - due to prolonged exposure to etiologic factors gender - males have more CAL than females socioeconomic status - decreased dental awareness, frequency of dental visits, and more smoking

Treacher Collins Syndrome is caused by

genetic mutation in neural crest cells that affects development of facial bones and tissues

regional odontodysplasia clinical present which teeth

ghost teeth** quadrant of teeth exhibit short roots, open apices and enlarged pulp chambers

split or partial thickness flap (mucosal) layers included in flap used for

gingiva/mucosa, submucosa used for mucogingival surgery --because exposing the bone is unnecessary

full thickness flap (mucoperiosteal) layers included in flap used for

gingiva/mucosa, submucosa, periosteum osseous surgery and periodontal regeneration to permit primary closure as well as in apically repositioned flaps

Most common area of failure of composite restorations are at...

gingival margin

2 types of gingival surgery

gingivectomy gingivoplasty

gingivectomy is ? for what purpose gingivoplasty is ? for what purpose

gingivectomy- excision of gingiva to eliminate suprabony pockets or gingival enlargements gingivoplasty excision of gingiva to reshape tissue deformities

Average peak growth: girls boys?

girls- 12 boys 14

what 4 processes sterilize?

glutaraldehyde pressure sterrilize/ autoclave Dry heat steralize ethylene oxide

Pellicle consists of serve as

glycoproteins proline rich proteins serve as attachment sites for bac

what material has CoTE most similar to tooth


cingulum rest benefits 3

good distribution of occlusal load, esthetics, strength from closeness to major connector

granular cell tumor cells have

granular cytoplasm

fracture that is not all the way through the bone

greenstick fx

Most frequent cause of interdental space

growth of dental arches


guanathiadine resperine clonidine methyldopa

action of guanathiadine resperine clonidine methyldopa

guanathiadine (-) NE release resperine depletes NE store clonidine A2 agonist CSN - blocks SNS methyldopa -

decrease in response that occurs as a result of repeated or prolonged exposure to a conditioned stimulus


situations that have a poor prognosis for a bridge (5)

half or less bone support around an abutment tooth single retainer =​cantilever multiple-splinted abutment teeth nonrigid connectors​ intermediate abutments = ​pier → abutment tooth when pontics are on either side of it and no other adjacent abutments

removable retainers include

hawley retainer upper hawley retainer lower vaccum formed retainer

soft tissue impact

height of contour is above bone level and gingiva is completely or partially covering tooth, easiest to ext tooth

partial bony impact

height of contour is below bone level

Localized macrodontia can be seen in...

hemifacial hyperplasia

___________________ stimulates odontoblasts to secrete radicular dentin (root dentin)

hertwig's epithelial root sheath

PFM alloy desirable characteristics

high yeild strength high modulus of elasticity (stiff casting accuracy corrosion resisst coeff of thermal sslightly higher than porca

desireable mechanical props

high yield strength - does not permanently deform high elastic modulus - does not flex casting accuracy - gold is more accurate than base metal CTE close to that of the tooth biologic compatibility - Ni and Be allergies corrosion resistance minimal wear of opposing dentition

The test is highly sensitive when -- The test is highly specific when --

highly sensitive when -- there is a lot of TP and very little or no FN highly specific when -- there is a lot of TN and very little or no FP

2 things that happen in bell stage

histodiff morphodiff


hormone that acts to elevate blood concentration of ionic calcium

MX MC what to use if there are ant teeth that need to be replace

horseshoe co,plete palate AP strap


hot cast metal placed in cool water to make more malleable for finishing

polyether features 3 pour time

hydrophillic prone to imbition very stiff 60m pour

5 pontic types

hygenic /sannitary saddle /ridge lap conical modified ridge lap ovate

where do you use hygenic /sannitary saddle /ridge lap conical modified ridge lap ovate

hygenic /sannitary - post MD saddle /ridge lap - NEVER USE conical - molars modified ridge lap - mostly anterior ovate - only anterior

hyperbaric oxygen should be used for

hyperbaric oxygen before (and after) extraction Is beneficial for pts at risk ORNJ (had radiation / then EXT

concrescence is linked to....

hypercementosis and can interfere with eruption and extraction

epulis fissuratum

hyperplastic tissue reaction caused by an ill-fitting or ​overextended flange ​ usually seen in the vestibule

Distraction as a stress management tactic is NOT EFFECTIVE for which patient type

hypervigilant anxious patient

Damage during calcification stage of primary tooth leads to _________________ in perm teeth


Damage during apposition stage of primary tooth leads to ____________ in perm teeth


The locus of action of aspirins central antipyretic effect is the


Polysulfide rubber 2 features pour time

hyrdophobic prone to syneresis 30-45m to pour

acrylic liquid contents

hyroquinone - inhibitor glycol dimethacrylate - cross link agent di methyl p toulidine - activator

ideal overbite is ideal overjet is ideal occlusion is

ideal overbite is 10-20% ideal overjet is 1-3mm ideal occlusion is class I

Oro-Antral Communication (OAC) (sinus expose) TX

if <2mm do nothing, 2-6mm 4As (antibiotic , anelgesic, anti histamine, afrin nassal spray) and figure-eight suture, >6mm flap surgery

When do you extract primary tooth that suffered crown fracture involving enamel, dentin, and pulp

if pathologic root resorption is present

Classical conditionin Classical extinction can occur if

if the link between the conditioned stimulus and conditioned reaction is discontinued

HEAVY FORCE pain? blood flow? when does tooth move?

immediate pain blood flow OCCLUDED -> sterile necrosis 7-14 days

implant body AKA

implant fixture

Minors younger than 18 can give _____________ consent or ___________ but not ACTUAL consent

implied consent (informal agreement) assent (formal agreement)

WHEN should we splint?

improve pt comfort and function by stabilizing -- EXCESSIVELY mobile teeth

what is the primary reason for tooth impacted

inadequate arch length

what can you CALCULATE with cohort studies? ___________ and ______________

incidence relative risk

Incisal guidance

incisal edges of lower incisors against lingual slopes of upper incisors represented by pin and guide table on articulator

During protrusive what provides clearance for all post teeth

incisal guidance condylar guid

which rest is used as an indirect retainer

incisal rest

Eruption cysts are most common in children around what tooth? (2)

incisors and mand first molars

who is CHIP for?

income too high for MEDICAID but too low for private insurance

CR reccord provides ability to

increase or decrease the VDO more accurately in the articulator by establishing a radius of the ​mandible's arc of closure

Anti-arrhythmic drugs MOA

increase refractory period of muscle

how does LENGTH of wire affect: Strength range stiffness

increase: range dec: strength + stiffness

Localized agressive perio what bac is increased more commin in what pop

increased AA counts most common in AA children

Down syndrome increase risk of: caries vs periodontal disease

increased periodontal disease risk no increased caries risk

severe overjet risks 2 tx 2

increased trauma risk / psychosocial concern 2x4 or headgear

Thiazide diuretics

increases renal excretion of Na and Cl Increases renal excretion of K Increases toxicity to digitalis Causes hypokalemia Causes hyperglycemia


increases the height of the alveolar process by apically positioning the alveolar mucosa and underlying M attachments

how does DIAMETER of wire affect: Strength range stiffness

increases: strength + stiff dec: Range

which MMR is independent of teeth dependent of teeth

independ= CR depend = MI

PMMA for provisionals - used direct or indirect


ROUTES OF TRANSMISSION infectious agent indirect contact? parenteral contact?

indirect- fomite (door, clothes) parenteral- needle stick

most cancers manifest as

indurated ulcers that are not painful non-healing

Knee to knee exam is for what patients?

infants < 2 years old childs head in dentists lap

Non plaque induced gingi disease can be caused by

infections allergy trauma

GINGIVAL INDEX what does it measure? surfaces? teeth? 0 ? 1 ? 2? 3?

inflammation of teeth 4 surfaces(M,D,F,L) 6 teeth 0- normal 1- mild inflammation 2. moderate 3. severe inflammation, spontaneous bleeding

BIGGEST RISK of mercury if it spills what do you do?

inhalation special vacuum + sulfur powder)

Ghon complex

inhaled bacteria surrounded in a granuloma that undergoes caseating necrosis + infected hilar lymph node draining the first lesion)

NSAID-Bleeding effects

inhibit synthesis of thromboxane A2 preventing platelet synthesis

Initial adhesion of bac is due to firm attachment of bac is due to

initial adhesion is due to weak reversible van der waals and electrostatic forces firm attachment is due to strong irreversible interactions between specific bacterial adhesin molecules and host pellicle receptors

Stages of tooth development

initiation bud stage cap stage / proliferation bell stage /histo/ morphoddiferentiation apposition maturation

Stages of tooth development with time they start

initiation - 6w in utero bud stage - 8 w in utero cap stage / proliferation - 9w in utero bell stage- 11w in utero apposition - 14 w in utero maturation - 14 w in utero

Good samaritan act provides LEGAL protection who provide "reasonable assistance" to WHO?

injured Ill In peril Incapacitated

what is is traumatic neuroma caused by

injury to nerve

Conditions that must be met to leave a retained root tip under a denture

intact lamina dura no radiolucency

space between the primary incisors

interdental space

Sulfonamides and trimethoprim are synergistic bacteriostatic agents because in bacteria they...

interfere sequentially with folinic acid production

MOA with of Chlortetracycline

interferes with protein synthesis on bacterial but not mammalian ribosomes 30s (selectively toxic)

Barbs are CI in a pt. with

intermittent porphyria

using titanium bone plates to hold bone together

internal fixation

3 horozontal incisions used in full thickness flaps

internal or reverse bevel incision sulcular or crevicular interdental or interproximal

internal or reverse bevel incision sulcular or crevicular interdental or interproximal

internal or reverse bevel incision -- about 1mm from the gingival margin, removes pocket lining yet conserves outer gingiva sulcular or crevicular-- through base of pocket to alveolar crest interdental or interproximal: -- removes the collar of tissue around the tooth you created with the first two incisions

Direct pulp cap may cause...

internal root resorption in primary teeth

flat architecture: interproximal and radicular bone are ---

interproximal and radicular bone are at the same height

negative architecture: interproximal bone is --- to radicular bone

interproximal bone is apical to radicular bone

Positive architecture interproximal bone is --- to radicular bone

interproximal bone is coronal to radicular bone, normal ideal alveolar bone morphology

What type of gowth does the MX use ? GROWTH of maxilla occurs where 2 how does this translate the maxilla?

intramembranous at the sutures posterior and superior to the Mx Down + forward

dentinogenesis imperfecta what is it what teeth effected clinical present

intrinsic alteration of dentin; genetic disturbance during the bell stage during histodifferentiation all teeth from both dentitions are affected short roots, bell-shaped crowns, obliterated pulps bulbous crowns in radiographs due to constricted DEJ blue sclera**

amelogenesis imperfecta what is it what teeth effected clinical present

intrinsic alteration of enamel; genetic disturbance during the bell stage all teeth from both dentitions are affected thin to no enamel, but dentin and pulp are normal yellow-brown abnormal enamel

AIRBORNE PARTICLES *AEROSOLS*: visible vs non? bigger or smaller than 50um? airtime? can carry what pathogens?

invisible less than 50um float in air for hours only respiratory infections

another name for alginate

irreversible hydrocolloid

Organophosphates and insecticides

irreversibly inhibit cholinesterase Enzyme to generate organophosphate toxicity = Pralidoxime

Alveolar Osteitis ( dry socket) Tx

irrigation and local pain control, and pack a paste containing eugenol

IV injection of benzodiazepine can cause

irritation such as thrombophlebitis due to the solvent the BDZ is dissolved in

common area for root amputation

is distobuccal root for maxillary first molar

differential teeth shift early mesial shift late mesial shift

is the early mesial shift of first molars to close primate space -- at around age 6 late mesial shift of second molars to close leeway space ----at around age 12

facebow objective

is to duplicate on the articulator the relationship of ​maxillary arch to the skull​ and the ​mandible to the rotational center of the TMJs​ of pt

free gingival graft A "free" graft is ?

is transplanted without a nourishing blood supply so it must undergo revascularization from the recipient bed

list adrenergic agonists

isoproterenol NE EPI phenylphrine oxymetazoline dobutamine albuterol

Receptors they activate isoproterenol NE EPI phenylphrine oxymetazoline dobutamine albuterol

isoproterenol -- all B NE - all A + B1 EPI - All A + B phenylphrine - A1 oxymetazoline - A1 dobutamine - B1 albuterol - B2

butterfly line

junction between hard and soft palate anterior boundary of posterior palatal seal

never SLANDER another dentist what Principle?


primary Sjogren's syndrome features (2

keratoconjunctivits sicca (dry eyes) and xerostomia (dry mouth)

seccondary Sjogren's syndrome features

keratoconjunctivits sicca (dry eyes) and xerostomia (dry mouth) plus another autoimmune disease ---usually RA

how as dentist do we make sure we do NONMALEFICENCE primum non nocere- "first do no harm"

knowledge up to date refer difficult cases

order MC to least of frenum most lilely needing frenectomy

labial > buccal > lingual

Most common cause of inadequate attached gingiva is...

lablial eruption path

When is leeway space lost? what causes the loss

late at 11-12 years of age with the exfoliation of primary 2nd molars (E's) and eruption of permanent 2nd molars


late mandibular growth resulting in lower lip pressure -> teeth move lingual

Images used for tx planning orthognathic Sx

lateral ceph

_________________ --> due to early exfoliation of primary lateral, extract contralateral primary lateral asap to avoid midline deviation

lateral ectopic eruption of incisors

4 ways that ultrasonics clean the perio pocket

lavage-- flush with water cavitation-- vacuum air bubbles collapse and release energy to flush debris vibration:-- mechanically removes deposits and debris acoustic turbulence-- agitation observed in fluids by mechanical vibrations that disrupts bacterial cell walls

Angiotensin 2

leads to vasoconstriction and an increase in BP

curve of spee and wilson


what angle should be formed at finish line jxn

less than 90

WATER LINES EPA requires <_____ CFU of heterotrophic bacteria per mL of water

less than or = 500 Colony forming units / ml of H20

whickem striae seen in

lichen planus lupus erythmatous

limit movement of the mandible


which is more stable -- LC resin cement or dual cure why

light cure cement is more color stable than dual cure or chemical cure cement​; dual cure cement undergoes decomposition of its benzoyl cement by a tertiary cement which causes color staining and discoloration

exploratory stroke

light feeling stroke used with probes/explorers

root planing stroke ultrasonic stroke

light to moderate pull stroke used for final smoothing light intermittent strokes with tip parallel to tooth surface and in constant motion

what does miller class (recession) determine which ones can be fixed?

likelihood of root coverage 1 100% 2 100% 3 partial 4 none


limitation of flow of pain information

Vibrating line location

line from hamular notch to hamular notch 2mm away from fovea palatini

TOOTH BUDS are _______________ and apical to the primary teeth which side do they erupt on?

lingual lingual (except upper centrals)

what is the preffered Md MC

lingual bar

posterior crossbite types which is more common

lingual crossbite -- maxillary posterior teeth are lingual to mandibular teeth buccal crossbite --- maxillary posterior teeth are buccal to mandibular teeth Lingual more common

__________________ --> double row of teeth, will resolve on their own unless over-retained primary incisors

lingual ectopic eruption of incisors

The penetration of LA into the nervous system is based on

lipid solubility of the unionized form

what cases do we use ABX for periodontitis?

local + aggressive refractory periodontitis


loop acting/high ceiling/ ethacrynic acid toxicity with ototoxicity/deafness

Lower second molar erupting ahead of second premolar leads to... prevent ia

loss of leeway space for second molar and may result in its impaction use space maintainer to hold molars back


loss of tooth structure by mechanical wear (tooth-brushing)


loss of tooth structure in cervical areas due to tooth flexure (can b byproduct from above)

Type I gypsum features 3

low expansion weak sets quick

ETHYLENE OXIDE temp? what can it sterilize? requires lengthy _________

low temps can penetrate prepackaged items (PSP plates) lengthy aeration

what appliance do you use for early primary canine loss

lower lingual holding arch OR nance holding arch from perm first molars

CT timors manifest as

lumps/ bumps

what tissue grows 200% of what it will be in adulthood by age 10


what immune cells arrive next


vibration pattern of magnetostricitive Piezoelectric :

magnetostricitive - eliptical pattern Piezoelectric - linear

2 types of ultrasonic scalers

magnetostrictive piezoelectric

STAGES OF CHANGE attempts to maintain a changed behavior


Type 2 gypsum used for

make casts that we can fabricate mouth guards and essix retainers from


making a "negative" by covering the wax and spru with investment material


making a "positive" of the object that you eventually want to make → building the crown via wax on the die


making a path with wax for metal to go into the prosthesis as it is being casted

dental trauma occurs more in female or male


oral melanoma is 5 yr survive of skin vs oral lesion

malignancy of melanocytes skin lesions is greater than 65%, less than 20% for oral lesions

Most common primary teeth to erupt in natal/neonatal teeth are....

mand incisors

Distal eruption is more common in which premolar?

mand second premolar,

Treacher Collins Syndrome aka?

mandibulofacial dysostosis

Material Data sheet made by who? what does it tell you

manufacturer Manual made by the manufacturer that details the hazards of particular chemicals, how to deal with spills,

1st thing you should do when biopsy

mark the lesion

how can you be EMANCIPATED?

married parent/pregnant Military

opaque porca fxn 2

masks the dark oxide color provides the porca - metal bond

what immune cell arrives after macrophage

mast cells

soft white CHEESE LIKE unorganized accumulation of bacteria, salivary proteins, epithelial cells, and food

material alba

Primary max 2nd molar resembles what perm tooth?

max 1st molar - only primary tooth w/ cusp of carabelli, oblique ridge, and DL groove

Ugly duckling stage precedes eruption of what teeth? (between ages 7-11)

max canines

Primary max 1st molar resembles what perm tooth?

max first premolar

Most common teeth with concrescence

max molars

How much leeway space on each side of MX MD

max: 1.5mm each side = 3mm total mand: 2.5 mm each side = 5 mm total

ectopic eruption of molars more common in mand or max?


measures of central tendency (3)

mean - the avg median - the middle mode - most freq

ganglionic blockers that block NR

mecamylamine hexamethonium

The most resistant part of the CNS

medulla oblongata


melt out the wax positive to leave room for the metal to take its place


melting metal into the investment

implant should be 5mm away from

mental nerve

which LA does not have epi in it


Mesial step distal step flush which is most common to least

mesial (49%) > flush (36%) > distal

arch perimeter is measured how mixed -> perm?

mesial line of first molar to the mesial of the contralateral first molar maxillary- increase mand- dec

Most common supernumerary teeth

mesiodens (palatally positioned usually) - may block normal eruption of perm teeth

PFM space requiremnts for metal procalain

metal - 0.5m porca - 1-1.5m

coeff of thermal expansion of metal should be what compared to porca why

metal should be slightly more than porca because places porca in slight compression when cooled

Acetaminophen may cause _____________________________ at high doses


failure in bell stage morpho diff can lead to

micro or macrodontia taurodontism den indente/evaginatus dilaceration

initiating factor of perio disease

microbial plaque

Pierre Robin SEQUENCE mandible? tongue? palate?

micrognathia glossoptosis (backward displacement of tongue) cleft PALATE

3 types of chronic headaches

migrane tension type cluster type

retentive clasp originates from

minor connector and rest

palatal strap indicate

missing post teeth / not DE (Ken 3)

Gypsum mix time set time

mix - 20 second​ vacuum mix or ​30 second​ hand spatulate set - 45-60 minutes

glass ionomer

mixing powder and liquid → acid-base reaction adheres to enamel and dentin (weak chelation bond to tooth structure) releases fluoride; recharges itself by sucking up fluoride ​ → prevent recurrent caries

what causes _______ during ortho: MOBILITY ? PAIN? INFLAMMATION?

mobility: PDL temporarily widened pain- PDL necrosing + remodeling infl- poor oral hygiene

types of full thickness flaps (2)

modified widman flap: apically repositioned flap:

MOA of Benzodiazepine

modulates the activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter, GABA

how does autoclave kill bacteria?

moist heat denatures bacteria PROTEIN

ankylosed primary molar are more common in MX or MD ? 1st primary mo or 2nd primary mo ? what is the most common ankylosed tooth

more common in mandible 2nd primary mo - more comm 2nd MD primary mo - most comm

pros and cons of cement retined implant

more economical allows for minor angle correction easier to use in small teeth requires more chair time XS cement > peri-implantitis

porcelain denture teeth benefit

more esthetic because ​more stain and wear resistant

higher modulus elasticity =

more rigid/stiff

Lingual Bonded Retainer Indications (2)

more than 2mm forward repositioning of lower incisors or large diastema closure of upper incisors

severe crowding is how much what is the tx

more than 8mm crowding tx= serial EXT ( C-D-4

Second part of bell stage is __________________

morphodifferentiation - shape and size of eventual crown is determined during this process


most commonly used antiseptic, denaturation of proteins

resin modified glass ionomer

most commonly used cement higher strength and lower solubility than GI → comes from addition of resin not to be used with all-ceramic crowns due to expansion from water absorption ---(exception to this rule is zirconia)


most compressive strength bonds to dentin light cure, chemical cure, or dual cure varieties

Anatomy of primary mand 1st molar (6

most distinct M-F cervical ridge - CEJ dips more on mesial half --> S shaped cervical ridge - distal triangular fossa - ML cusp is highest and sharpest - MB cusp is largest - 4 cusps, 4 pulp horns

Forcep movements Outward (buccal/labial) > initial movement for

most permanent teeth

Inward (lingual/palatal) > initial movement for

most primary teeth

Primary max 1st molar

most prominent M-F cervical ridge of maxillary primary teeth CEJ dips more on mesial half

T denticola motile vs non gram?

motile Gram NEG SPIROCHETE penetrates epithelium + CT

person centered counseling style to assist in the resolution from AMBIVALENCE to CHANGE ____________________ (OARS)

motivational interviewing

junction between the attached gingiva and the alveolar mucosa (not bound)

mucogingival junction:

Hurler and Hunter syndrome aka? build up of? why?

mucopolysaccharidosis Glycosaminoglycans (GAG) due to enzyme deficiency

acute mercury toxicity SYMPTOMS?

muscle weakness (hypotonia) loss of hair weight loss/GI problems Exhaustion

Cardiovascular collapse elicited by a high circulating dose of LA may be caused by....

myocardial depression

Odontogenic myxoma AKA


furcation is usually measured with what instrument

nabers probe ( increments of 3mm)

Which antibiotics are the least likely to cause a superinfection?

narrow spectrum such as penicillin

Which branch provides loan repayment for health professionals who work in underserved communities?

national health service corps

Most common complication of NO for children


Furcation radiolucency is a sign of ________________ for a primary pulp


non comp - reverse - inhibitors of ach esterase

neostigmine phyostigmine edrophonium

what is the most common post op complication of BSSO

nerve damage

ectomesenchyme is derrived from

neural crest (ectoderm

Hemifacial microsomia loss of _________ during migration (utero) what is DEFICIENT on affected side

neural crest cells 1. Ear 2. Mandibular ramus

if you have SUPPURATION what cells would you have high # of?


what immune cells are the first line of defense for gingival bac /disease


Gingivitis name the order each cell comes in: T cells, B cells, Neutrophils

neuts T B

do stains contribute to gingival inflammation


do you need AB for Alveolar Osteitis ( dry socket)


is old age a contradiction for implant placement


is releif req for tissue stop


Space maintenance is not necessary if ___________________ between primary and perm tooth

no bone remaining

addition silicone (PVS) features pour time

no byproducts best​ fine detail, Best elastic recovery, Best dimensional stability pour 60+ hours due to how stable it is expensive; inhibited by the sulfur in ​latex gloves​ and rubber dam**

LIGHT FORCE pain? blood flow? when does tooth move?

no pain altered blood flow 3-5 days

Tx If there is a root fracture at apical half of primary tooth? if coronal half?

no tx rigid splint or ext for coronal half fracture

Tx for intrusion of primary teeth

no tx, hope to spontaneously re-erupt


non hemorrhagic firm

A Actinomycetemcomitans motile vs non gram? capnophilic? _________ kills human neuts, monocytes, lymphocytes (toxic to leukocytes) LPS or No LPS protease that cleaves Ig______

non motile Gram NEG rod Capnophilic- grows in CO2 well Leukotoxin all Gram neg have LPS IgG

P gingivalis motile vs non gram? capsule or non ___________ protease that cleaves host protein hemolysin

non motile gram neg ROD capsule GINGIPAIN- protease

PLAQUE HYPOTHESIS non-specific specific ecological

non specific: more plaque = more disease specific= specific bugs cause disease ecological= bacteria AND host factors change environment to favor pathogenic bacteria

Continuous, automatic, and informative

non verbal comm


non-selective B-Blockers No reflex tachycardia Decrease CO Inhib renin. Prevents angina pectoris Decreases O2 demand

what causes trisomy 21? characterstics

nondisjunction of chromosome - leading to extra chrom 21 MIDFACE deficiency (opposite treacher) upslanted eyes (opposite treacher)

only ________________(ionized or nonionized) form of LA can penetrate tissues


risk indicator definition

not causally associated with the disease (stress, osteoporosis may influence periodontal disease)

Tx for eruption cyst

nothing usually simple excision if symptomatic

in informed consent what must we tell the patient?

nsture of procedure risk benefits alternative

hypothesis that researcher tries to DISPROVE or REJECT

null hypothesis (H0)

behavioral learning learning occurs thru watching and imitating others

observational learning

sealants is best for what surface?

occlusal *worst place for fluoride

occ therapy includes (2)

occlusal adjustment (coronoplasty) interocclusal appliance (bite guard)


occlusal wear from functional contacts with opposing teeth (bruxism)

shape of occlusal rest cingulum rest incisal rest

occlusal- rounded, semi-circular outline form (spoon-shaped) cingulum- inverted U or V shape incisal rest - rounded notch at incisal angle

Adverse or toxic effects of NSAIDS

occult bleeding from GI tract, tinnitus, nausea and vomiting, acid-base disturbance or metabolic acidosis, decreased tubular reabsorption of uric acid, salicylism,delirium, hyperventilation

statute of limitations starts to run after the injury of malpractice OCCURRED ____________ rule

occurrence rule

In internal root resorption, the ____________________ layer in pulp is damaged In external root resorption, the ___________________ layer in PDL is damaged

odontoblastic cementoblastic

dental papilla gives rise to

odontoblasts → dentin central cells → pulp

Apposition: _____________ deposit dentin matrix (collagen) --> _______________ deposit enamel matrix (amelogenin) ---> _______________ is where IEE and OEE join (Hertwig's epithelial root sheath (HERS) and epithelial rests of malassez

odontoblasts, ameloblasts, cervical loop

all malignant salivary gland tumors most commonly occur where

on the palate

SCC caused by 2 5yr survive

oncogenes or inactivation of tumor suppressor genes 50%

Enamel pearls are seen in what teeth?

only in molars

primary teeth with --open or close apices-- are more likely to remain vital after concussion/subluxation trauma?


minor connectors that join denture base 2

open lattis mesh

Mandible fractures are ideally treated with

open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF)

compound fx

open to oral cavity bone exposed through mucosa

what is open panel? closed panel?

open: dentist can see any patient closed: dentist contracted can ONLY SEE patients who are part of the member care organization (eg cigna)

Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Positive punishment Negative punishment __________________ conditioning


response is increased or decreased due to reinforcement or punishment

operant conditioning

non comp - non reverse - inhibitors of ach esterase

organophosphate nerve gas

what is PHASE 1 treatment?

ortho treatment during MIXED dentition stage

what is used To correct severe skeletal discrepancies

orthognathic Sx

types of osseos sx (3)

ostectomy osteotomy clinical crown lengthen

ways that bone grafts work osteoCONDUCTIVE osteoINDUCTIVE osteoGENIC

osteoCONDUCTIVE- scaffold osteoINDUCTIVE- turn neighboring progenitor cells -> osteoblasts osteoGENIC- make bone

what properties does ALLOGRAFT have?

osteoinductive osteoconductive osteogenic This is why it is the best type of bone graft

Clinical present of ankylosed primary molar

out of occlusion no mobile hollow sound no PDL

FRAUD TERMS charging more than legally or ethically acceptible


of you have an CLOSED mandibular growth rotation how is the bite? face height?

overbite short face

combination syndrome clinical display 4

overgrowth of tuberosities - fibrous pendulous tuberosities papillary hyperplasia in hard palate extrusion of lower anterior teeth loss of bone under the partial denture bases

Procaine is a...

p-aminobenzoic acid ester

ultrasonic is contraindicated for patients

pacemaker the have infectious disease spread by aerosol are at risk of respiratory disease

order sensation dissapear

pain temp touch press

acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis clinical present

pain / possible fever necrotic tiss / fetid breath pseudomembrane on marginal gingiva gingivitis = bleeding inflamed gums and blunted papillae


pain information travels from CNS to thalamus and higher cortical centers


pain information travels from PNS to CNS

Therapeutic effects of aspirin include:

pain relief, antipyretic effects, antirheumatic and anti-inflammatory effects

Phase 1 posterior crossbite tx and appliances

palatal expansion (Quad Helix, Haas, Hyrax)

MX MC what to use if there are perio teeth

palatal strap complete palat

hrseshoe indicate

palatal torus few ant teeth missing

most common donor site for both FGG and CTG


HSV primary infect location

pan-oral location (occurs anywhere in and or around the mouth)

wart in mucosa =


gingival gibers adjacent implant orient in what direction

parallel with implant

repeating what you hear is called?


Controlled tipping how does it differ from uncontrolled? ideal force?

partially tipped + partially translated 75g

Localized microdontia can be seen in isolated instances and are common in what teeth?

peg shaped max lateral

FIRST thing that forms in the PLAQUE cascade? how long does it take to form

pellicle formation SECONDS

Probenecid alters the rate of renal clearance of


how often to change mask? gowns?

per pt per day

WW indications

perio teeth endo teeth

additive sx (4)

periodontal regeneration, FGG CTG, coronally advanced flap

primary mand 2nd molar resembles what perm tooth?

perm mand 1st molar

Most common tooth affected by dens in dente

perm max lateral

normal process of resorption when perm tooth erupts underneath primary tooth

physiologic root resorption

direct acting M R agonists

pilocarpine methacholine

Indications for direct pulp cap in primary tooth

pinpoint pulp exposure after traumatic exposure <24 hrs - carious or mechanical exposure < 2mm

gingivitis in children is induced by...


phase 1 - NON SURGICAL: what do we do?

plaque/caries control patient education prophy,srp Correct restorative irritation factors loca/systemic abx periodontal re-eval

Esters are metabolized in the...

plasma (by esterases_

B cells become __________ cells and make ___________ T helper cells (_______) help in ___________ T cytotoxic cells (CD8) kill what?

plasma cells -> antibodies CD4-> communication intracellular antigens


polysulfide rubber ​condensation silicone addition silicone (PVS) polyether

Reimplantation of primary tooth during avulsion has ___________ prognosis


HOW DO YOU GET THESE STAINS: orange brown BLACK lines on cervical 1/3rd bluish-green

poor OH- orange dark color beverage- brown consumption of iron- BLACK lines on cervical 1/3rd metallic dust from work -bluish-green

Centric relation

position in which ​condyles articulate with the thinnest avascular portion of their respective discs in the most anterior-superior position against the articular eminences

vibrating line is

posterior boundary of posterior palatal seal)

zinc polycarboxylate fet 3

powder base with liquid acid → acid-base reaction has weak chelation bond to tooth (not to restoration) chemically bonds to tooth structure with minimal pulpal irritation

adrenergic antagonists

prazosin chlorpromazine metoprolol atenolol propanolol cervedilol phentolamine phenoxybenzamine

Receptors they block prazosin chlorpromazine metoprolol atenolol propanolol cervedilol phentolamine phenoxybenzamine

prazosin - A1 chlorpromazine - A1 + D2 metoprolol - B1 atenolol - B1 propanolol - all B cervedilol - all B + A1 phentolamine - all A phenoxybenzamine - all A

STAGES OF CHANGE not considering behavior change


making a behavior that has higher chance of happening that is linked to behavior that is not likely of happening bedtime story linked to flossing

premack principle

premium copayment deductible

premium- monthly amount you pay copay- predetermined rate you pay at time of care deductible- what you pay before insurance kicks in

Promethazine (H1 antihistamine)

preoperative medication for sedation, anti-emetic properties, anticholinergic effects

STAGES OF CHANGE preparing to take steps to change *often expresses a desire to change


fine needle aspiration indications 3

presence of fluid, ascertaining type of fluid, or exploration of intraosseous lesion

guide table is used to

preserve - anterior guidance when restorative procedures change the surfaces of any "guiding" teeth (lingual of Mx ant)

Calcium channel blockers

prevent Ca influx Decreases O2 demand by decrease in afterload verapimil amlodipine nifidipine


prevents chontropics response to epi, emotions, and stress decreases O2 demand

Fusion is more common in primary or perm teeth? happens to which teeth, posterior or anterior? What is the tooth count with fusion?

primary anterior one less than normal for fusion

TRAUMATIC OCCLUSION primary occ trauma caused by seccondary occ trauma caused by

primary --- caused by excessive forces on a normal periodontium secondary --caused by normal occlusal forces on a reduced periodontium

the hardest tooth to save with endo is the --- the best primary tooth to save for space maintenance is---

primary 1st molar primary 2nd mo

smallest F-L

primary MD CI

pulpectomy is usually contraindicated in what teeth because they have a lot of accessory canals

primary MX and MD first molar

Most difficult primary tooth to restore?

primary mand 1st molar

Most unique primary tooth?

primary mand 1st molar

Widest M-D primary tooth

primary mand 2nd molar

The last primary tooth to erupt is...

primary max 2nd molar

What is the widest primary tooth in FL direction?

primary max 2nd molar

Widest F-L anterior primary tooth is....

primary max canine

The most common congenitally missing primary tooth is...

primary max lateral incisor

prepubertal periodontitis involves what teeth? is most common in what pop

primary molars AA children

Bud Stage: all perm teeth except molars arise from

primary predecessor

when do we do space maintenance what appliances

primary teeth lsot early - but space is adequate band and loop distal shoe ( before erruption of perm mo lingual arch nance (Mx)

PREVENTION of caries: primary? secondary? Tertiary?

primary- before it occurs (sealants + fluoridation_ secondary- eliminate or reduce disease AFTER it occurs (fillings) tertiary- rehabs pt after disease has taken place (Prosth)

pro and con of STANNOUS FLUORIDE?

pro- antimicrobial con- bad taste + extrinsic staining

space mgmt = space maintenance = space regaining =

proactive - mng and hold leeway reactive- maintain space after premature loss retroactive- regain space (max3mm

Ganglionic blockers

produce orthostatic hypotension

PREDICTION of the outcome of disease?


tensing and relaxing certain muscle groups (focus on the difference between tension/relaxation)

progressive muscle relaxation

Bud Stage: Dental placode =

proliferating bud ( is dental lamina)

Prevalence is

proportion of a given population that is affected by a condition at a given time

List opiod analgesic potencies in order (codeine, oxycodone, propoxyphene, pentazocine)


Thrombophlebitis, which occurs after IV administration of diazepam, is usually attributed to

propylene glycol

REE function later becomes

protects the tooth as it erupts and later becomes junctional epithelium

function of rests

provide support direct forces through the long axis of the tooth

Third party payers negotiate payments between ____________ and _____________

provider patient

after taking provisional off - why is it important to clean the prep before crown delivery

provisional cements have eugenol​ which ​inhibits polymerization of resin​ -- prevents bonding

gingivitis in children peaks at...


Do a _____________ if crown fracture of primary tooth involved enamel, dentin, and pulp. The pulp is non vital


_______________ is done for necrotic and restorable primary teeth with pulp exposure with a ZOE buildup


primary second molar w/ furcation involvement --> tx?


Do a _________________ if crown fracture of primary tooth involved enamel, dentin, and pulp. The pulp is vital


No furcation involvement but other endo symptoms --> tx?


This is done for vital and restorable primary teeth with pulp exposure rather than direct pulp cap


kaposi sarcoma lesion feature

purple color

oral lymphangiomas appear as

purple spots on tongue very rare

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