Merchant of Venice Act 1 Test (Faustina Academy)

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What year was the Merchant of Venice first registered?



A charge for borrowed money


A former European gold coin

What is a pun?

A joke showing the different possible meanings of a word

What loan does Bassanio ask Shylock for?

A loan of 3000 ducats. It must be repaid in 3 months


A massive building




An inferior dog

Why does Shylock hate Antonio?

Antonio is Christian. He also brings down interest rates by lending money for free. Antonio also hates Shylock and all Jews

How does Antonio respond to Bassanio's request for money?

Antonio says his money is tied up in his merchant ventures but he will help secure a loan for Bassanio

Why do Salerio and Solanio leave Antonio?

Bassanio arrives and he is Antonio's best friend, so they think Bassanio can help Antonio with his grief

Why does Bassanio ask Antonio for money?

Bassanio is broke but needs money to win over Portia, the lady he wants to marry

What are the differences between Belmont and Venice in the play?

Belmont offers a height from which to view the world, whereas Venice is the gutter of vice


Carelessly spending money

Shakespeare saw the Merchant of Venice as "a work overflowing with ________"?

Christian morality




Gladness or gaiety


Gloominess, depression of spirits

Why is Antonio so confident about repaying the loan?

He claims that he will earn 3 times the value of the loan within 2 months from his merchant ships

What is Bassanio's simile about Gratiano's advice?

He said it is like bushels of chaff with grains of wheat hidden within. He meant that Gratiano's advice had no value and that Gratiano just likes talking

What does Shylock demand if the loan is not repaid on time?

He says Antonio must give him a pound of flesh

Shakespeare borrowed the plot for Merchant of Venice from what three texts?

Il Pecorone Confessio Amantis Gesta Romanorum



What are the moral concerns of the play?

Justice and mercy


Language intended to encourage

What were Shakespeare's company of actors called?

Lord Chamberlain's Men

What does Belmont mean?

Mountain of Beauty

Is Belmont a real place?

No. Belmont is fake

Who is generally accepted as the heroine of the play rather than the drama's eponymous character, Antonio?


What two virtues does Portia speak about in contrast to unruly passion?

Prudence and temperance


Repay, offer something in return



What two men who were executed inspired the story for the Merchant of Venice?

Rodrigo Lopez (Queen Elizabeth's physician) Robert Southwell (A Jesuit priest and poet)

Why does Bassanio love Portia?

She is beautiful and her virtue is even more beautiful than her looks, indicating his love for her as a person

What are the three main events of plot?

Test of caskets, test of trial, and the test of rings

Shakespeare's contemporary, Christopher Marlowe, wrote an anti-semetic play called what?

The Jew of Malta

Which casket does Bassiano choose?

The lead casket

Why is Antonio willing to pay interest on this occasion even though his policy is to pay/charge no interest?

The loan is for Bassanio so Antonio is willing to pay interest for his friend

How do Salerio and Solanio explain Antonio's melancholy?

They first assume Antonio is concerned about his merchant ships, but then they think Antonio is sad because of love


To reject or disdain



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