Meteorology Final Labs - All Labs

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How many days had temperatures of 0°F or lower? ________


The tropopause over green bay at this time occurred at an altitude near ______ km above sea level according to the altitude scale on the stuve diagram. This can be confirmed from the table values

10 or 13

Sky cover reported inside the station circle and expressed as a percentage or descriptors scattered, broke, overcast, obscured). As examples, an empty circle indicates no clouds, and a half-shaded circle means 50% of the sky is cloud covered. The reported cloud cover was ______

100% overcast

Wind speed is rounded off to the nearest 5 knots (1 knot equals 1.2 mph) and is symbolized by the combination of feather drawn on the clockwise side of the wind direction shaft. A full feather represents 10 knots, and a half feather indicates 5 knots. A pennant flag indicates 50 knots. A wind direction shaft without feathers depicts a 1-2 knot wind and a circle drawn around the station circle signifies calm conditions (0 wind speed). In this case, the reported wind speed was _______ kt


At 123 1Z 11 SEP 2019, the clumpy amorphous batch of clouds centered in the Iowa-Minnesota-Wisconsin region displayed a brightness in this infrared image, implying the cloud tops to be ____. This was also true for the discontinuous area clouds over areas in northern Rocky Mountains (i.e., western Wyoming, southeast Idaho and norther Utah).


Wind directions at the stations in the states about the center of tropical depression harvey (the major low) were _______ as seen from above. This may be confirmed by locating the L on figure 2b-2 within two closed, circular isobars. Station models in figure 2b-1 also display this circulation pattern

counterclockwise and inward

In figure 3a-1 for nearly four months both the midlatitude and polar locations receive more solar radiation on a daily basis than the equator. From figure 3a-2, the major factors that makes this happen at the north pole is(are) the _______.

daily length of daylight

Examine the surface weather map presented in figure 2a-1. The weather map symbols are those typically seen online in television, and in newspaper. The Hs and Ls identify centers of high or low air pressure compared to their surroundings. Moving outward horizontally in any direction from the blue H positioned in Texas, air pressure ______


The pattern of sunlight received at the equator over the course of a year indicates that tropical locations _______ experience warm and cold seasons as is characteristic of the higher latitudes

do not

Figure 3b-3 is the infrared satellite image for the same time (123 1Z on 11 SEP 2019) as the figure 3b-1 visible image. Infrared images are basically temperature maps of the land, water, and cloud-top surfaces "seen" by the satellite sensor. Compared to the visible image, this infrared image _____ show extensive cloudiness in both the upper Midwest and northern Rocky Mountain region


At the time of the visible satellite image in figure 3b-2, sunlight reached the U.S. from the general direction of ________.


Figure 3a-1 shows average daily solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere varies the least over the period of a year at the_____. At that location, the period of daylight is 12 hrs in length throughout the year.


Of the three latitudes, the location that annually experiences two maxima and two minima periods of incoming solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere is the _____ location.


Several buoys in the Gulf of Mexico northeast of Brownsville showed the current weather condition of an '8' on its side or an infinity symbol. These symbolized


The expanse of clouds across much of the ocean areas to the east and west of south America illustrates this point. Compared to the cloud-free land and ocean areas, clouds have a ____ albedo. (albedo is the percentage of the sunlight striking a body that is reflected


On figure 2b-3 note the finder details of the temperature pattern. Compare the temperature profile you constructed with the temperature sounding of figure 2b-3. The atmospheric interval or layer from the tropopause to about 145 mb, was an example of _____ temperature conditions with height. This was followed from about 145 to 100 mb by a small decrease in temperature


If you wished to create a complete 24 hour time lapse of the cloud patterns across the U.S., such as those routinely seen on television with satellite images from each hour, you should choose ____ images, because ____ image would appear completely black during nighttime hours


Latitude, elevation, and proximity to large bodies of water influence the annual heating degree day pattern on your map. Of these three factors, ___ is generally the most important for the majority of the coterminous U.S.


Examine the northern hemisphere latitude lines in the 21 December satellite image and compare how much of each line is in sunlight with the amount that is in darkness. At all latitudes in the northern hemisphere, the daily period of daylight is ____ the daily period of darkness.

less than

In the infrared image, relatively warm land and sea surfaces appear dark, cooler low clouds top are gray, and cold high cloud tops are shown as bright white. Observe the contrast in the appearance of clouds in the midlatitude southern Pacific Ocean west of South America versus those extending northwest from Mexico and the U.S. west coast. The tops of the middle latitude clouds west of the south American coast (offshore from Peru and chile) were at relatively ____ levels.


Winds at stations are symbolized by the direction from which they blow. The wind at Dallas was generally from the ______


The Kansas-Colorado border roughly approximates a north-south line of longitude. I figure 3b-2, there terminator line is almost ______ to this north-south border. This line of longitude is also roughly approximate to Odessa's sunrise time for this day, since Odessa is along the terminator. The terminator's orientation relative to north-south longitude lines does, however, change throughout the year.


Figure 3a-2 shows the variation in average daily solar radiation over the year, as reported in figure 3a-1, must be due to changes in the daily _______.

path of the sun across the sky

Figure 3a-1 shows a six-month period during which no sunlight is received at the _____. At this location there is only one period of daylight per year, but it Is six months long!


Current weather is plotted to the left of the station circle at the '9 o'clock' position, with a variety of symbols representing the current weather conditions. The two dots are the symbol of ______


Weather conditions reported at map time at a station are plotted to the left of station circle. Several stations from eastern Texas into Louisiana, as well as northern Alabama and Georgia had combinations of two and three dots plotted. These dots showed that different intensities of _______ were occurring. For a listing of the most frequently weather symbols, see the 'users guide'


The midlatitude daylight width implies, during the northern hemisphere's fall, the daylight period is _____ for daylight segments at the same latitude. As the northern hemisphere's fall transitions to winter, the map will show narrower daylight-illumination bands, less sun exposer over the northern latitudes, and more sun exposure over the southern latitudes.

slightly longer in the norther hemisphere

Continental outlines are superimposed on the satellite images for orientation. A red plus "+" is marked in the center of each image approximately where the horizontally positioned equator intersects the vertical 75-degree West longitude line. This makes the location of the sub-satellite point, the spot-on earth's surface directly under the satellite. The sub-satellite point is located in _____ America.


The frontal boundary extending east from northern Mississippi through Alabama and Florida into the Atlantic Ocean has alternating red semicircles and blue triangles on opposite sides of the boundary marking the front as a ______ front


The lower portion of the _______ is evident immediately above 11 km in figure 2a-4 where temperatures remain steady with increasing altitude through several kilometers


Air temperatures are governed by a combination of warm or cold air advection and radiational controls. With no advection, the lowest temperature of the day is likely to occur around ____


Along the Gulf Coast, Tallahassee had a version of the symbol [ ] to the left if the station circle. This symbol shows that

thunder with rain

You have drawn the temperature profile of the lower portion of the US standard atmosphere. The standard atmosphere describes representative or average conditions of the atmosphere in the vertical. As seen in figure 2a-4 the temperature profile from the surface to 11 km depicts the lowest layer of the atmosphere called the ______


Comparatively, the small regions of clouds located in Maine, Nova Scotia, and offshore were seen in the visible figure 3b-2 image, appearing in the figure 3b-3 infrared image as a relatively uniform gray shading. Based off of this shading difference, these blotches of Nova Scotia-offshore cloud tops in the infrared figure 3b-3 image were relatively ____ than the brighter white cloud tops over Iowa and Wisconsin. These Nova Scotia offshore clouds were not as distinct in the infrared image because the tops of these coastal clouds were at lower altitudes and had temperatures similar to that of the water surface.


The wind flow patterns about both of these major pressure systems _______, consistent with their respective hand twist models


From one location to another around the mesocyclone, the wind directions are ___________


The green and red radial velocity shadings as well as the purple in figure 7b-2b __________ generally cover the same areas shaded in the reflectivity return display depicted in figure 7b-2a


The orientation of the figure 3b-4 sunrise terminator line across North America _____ closely coincide with the sunrise terminator line on figure 3b-2, where sunrise was 7:31 AM CDT (123 1Z).


assume figure 9b-7 lower panel is the three month average for SST departures. examine the SST anomalies in the box and estimate the average anomaly temperature. the average SST anomaly of the box __________ show El Nino conditions


compare the forecast tracks, strengths, and landfall times shown in the figure 12b-3 and figure 12b-4. from them, the people in Florida ______ need to monitor tropical storm and hurricane warnings continuously for changes for protection of lives and property


As the cold front passes your location, the temperature would ____.


Two or three, whole or broken horizontal line symbolize _______


Conversely, if you were to fly from Denver to Little Rock while maintaining an actual altitude of 31,000 ft the air pressure outside your plane would _____.

gradually increase

On the 500-mb map, the plotted report for Minneapolis shows that, at the 500-mb pressure level over the station, the temperature was _______ degrees C


The relative humidity of saturated (cloudy) air is ___________


The pressure value plotted for North Platte, NE (located in the center of the state) was 274, meaning the sea level pressure was ____ mb


The total number of days in 2018 where an inch or more of snow had fallen was ________.


On a day when the maximum temperature is 95 degrees F and the minimum temperature is 75 degrees F, the number of cooling degree days (CDD) produced is ____


How many days in the year had temperatures of 90°F or higher? ________


while at this maximum wind speed, michael was a strong category ______ hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale


The mean number of days per year with thunderstorms is ________.


In 2018, Grand Island experienced about ________ times more Heating Degree Days than Cooling Degree Days.


The true altitude of the aircraft over New York is about ____ m


The Dallas dewpoint was ______ degrees F


this pressure dropped over 18 hr, decreasing at the rate of ______ mb/hr. this was the most rapid deepening of Maria's central surface air pressure


figure 9a-5 is the 300-mb constant pressure map for 00Z 31 October 2019, the same time as figure 9a-3 and figure 9a-4. the 300-mb pressure level occurs in the upper troposphere and the 300-mb station heights are plotted in tens of meters. the height of the 300-mb pressure level at Little Rock, AR (LZK) was ________ m above sea level


Friday's overnight cloud cover is forecast as __________


The front plotted in the southeastern US is a ________ front


There is _______ evidence in figure 7a-2 of radar-indicated rainfall ahead of the cold front in Arkansas, compared to figure 7a-1 for the same location. Your answers to #7 and #8 support this statement


In figure 7b-2b, the area of the greatest radial wind components flowing away from the radar site (brightest red) is located to the ________ of the radar site


upper air winds steer low pressure systems as well as air masses. a surface low centered to the east of a trough axis and west of a ridge axis will move toward the ___________


Precipitation is often depicted on weather maps by a variety of symbols as shown in figure 2a-1 including stars or asterisks that represent _______


with passage of the warm front, surface winds shift direction from the east to the _______

southeast or south

Your weather is currently under the influence of a low-pressure system (Low) whose center is located due west of you. The wind at your location is most likely from the ____ and your air pressure is ______.

southeast, falling

In the infrared image, the clouds extending northwest from Mexican and the U.S. west coast as well as blobs of clouds spread over Brazil in equatorial south America are bright white. The clouds associated with these storm systems had relatively ____ tops.


These temperatures suggest that Fairbanks is a ________ latitude location.


the dewpoint at Nashville in figure 11b-2 indicated air with _______ concentrations of water vapor compared to the midsection of the US. the air mass to the east of the cold fronts was distinctly different than the air mass in the northern plains


In the standard atmosphere a pressure of 500 mb occurs at an altitude of 5574 m (18289 ft). The altitude of the 500 mb level over green bay at the time of this sounding was _____ the 500mb level of the standard atmosphere. This relatively cold atmospheric column reflected the conditions that generally exist throughout the troposphere during late summer and early fall in mid latitudes

higher than or lower than

Compressing the air by squeezing the bottle was accompanied by a(n) _____ in the temperature of air inside the bottle


using link 11a-3 over the past 10 years, the trend of total annual event days has ________ since 2000


compare the wind speeds plotted on the 00Z 31 October 2019, figure 9a-4 with figure 9a-5. wind speeds typically ________ as altitude increases in the troposphere


The wind at Minneapolis exhibited a flow oriented almost perpendicular to the isotherm. This wind direction was from ____ temperature regions

lower toward higher

A relationship exists between the orientation of height contours and wind direction on 500-mb maps, especially at higher wind speeds. As seen in figure 8a-5 across Utah to New Jersey, wind directions are generally _________ to nearby height contour lines. This is because the frictional forces acting on moving air at and near Earths surface diminish rapidly with height and are essentially absent in determining middle and upper atmosphere motions


At 23z 25 and 0z 26 September, multiple hourly weather reports (denoted in the row labeled 'WX' underneath the temperature plot) identified some kind of precipitation or weather event. The symbols, which are consistent with those used on surface weather station plots, indicate ___ were the dominant events being reported at Chicago was during this period

rain and thunderstorms

with the passage of a warm front, the air temperature rises and the dewpoint _______


the largest area of highest-speed winds was _____ of the center of the eye


sustained surface winds at Nashville in figure 11b-2 were from the ________ at 10 knots


Directly above the pressure grid panel, second from the bottom in figure 5b-1, a display of sky cover and winds is shown with station model circles. From 17z 25 to 0z 26 September, the wind direction was generally from the ____


The green shaded area depicts air motions toward the radar


The red arrows are directed away from the radar


"Black-and-white" infrared satellite views of Earth display clouds in shades of gray. Generally, the darker the shade of gray, the _________ the cloud-top temperatures and the _________ the cloud tops.


Compare the altitudes and pressure levels from the two soundings. Which pressures were at higher altitudes over Little Rocks then over Denver

- 700 mb - 500 mb - 400 mb - 300 mb - 250 mb - 100 mb

the lower panel of figure 0b-9 for November 1998 anomalies shows the pacific SST anomalies along the equator being almost all negative, denoted by the dashed lines, with negative departures dropping below _______. this cooler water is characteristic of La Nina


According to the windchill chart, when the temperature is -10 degrees F and the wind speed is 10 mph the WET is ______ degrees F.


Other pressure levels can be found similarly. For example, 10% of the atmosphere is located above the altitude where the pressure is _______ mb


Throughout this saturated portion of the ascent, the relative humidity of the air parcel is ____


The total number of days when there was at least a trace of precipitation (equal to or greater than 0.01 in.) was ________.


Between 21z 25 and 13 z 26 September, the pressure change (positive or negative) was approximately _____ mb


Over the year the mean wind speed is ________ mph from a direction coded as 17 (tens of degrees measured clockwise from north), meaning essentially from the south. [Wind from due south would be coded as 18.]


The Highest Daily Maximum temperature ever recorded at Grand Island was ________°F in August 1983.


On figure 2a-5 at an altitude of _____ km above sea level, 10% of the atmosphere by weight is above and 90% is below


examine the temperature graph on the reports front page. daily temperature ranges are plotted as vertical lines on the graph, the top line the maximum daily temperature, and the bottom the daily's minimum temperature. assuming that frost occurs if the temperature falls to 32 degrees F or lower, the date of the last spring frost in 2018 at Grand Island was _______ April


the large white, open arrows represent surface ocean currents and indicate that during neutral conditions, surface water flows toward the ________ driven by the prevailing winds


a shift in wind direction accompanies the passage of a front. with passage of the cold front, surface winds shift direction from the south to the ________

west or northwest

as a component of the planetary-scale upper air westerlies and similar to the winds at 500 mb, the polar-front jet stream steers low pressure systems. hence, middle latitude storms generally move from ___________

west to east

The total precipitation for the year (Water Equivalent: Total) was about ________ inches.


Two arrows on the column circle are along the direction of the radar beam, one directly toward the radar and one directly away. These two locations are sensed when the radar beam is at the _______ positions. Because these arrows are oriented directly away from or directly toward the radar site along the beam direction, the radar will sense the full wind speed, away or toward, respectively

5 and 1

The wind at Minneapolis, in southeastern Minnesota, was generally from the west at about 15 knots. The isotherm line plotted just west of Minneapolis was at ____ degrees F (the value is marked along line in Colorado).


atmospheric conditions at Nashville, TN in figure 11b-2, south and east of the central low, were representative of a very different air mass compared to the northern plains. in Nashville, the temperature was 68 degrees F and the dewpoint _________ degrees F


Solid lines on the 500-mb map join locations where the 500-mb pressure level is at the same altitude. These lines, called height contours, are drawn here at intervals of 60 m. The coded height values on the map are in tens of meters, labeled in whole meters. The highest reported 500-mb height at any individual station on the figure 8a-5 map was __________ m


The average monthly temperatures in Fairbanks cover a range of about ________ Fahrenheit degrees.


The air flow at Minneapolis demonstrates that the horizontal pressure gradient, Coriolis and friction forces combine to direct surface air flow around Northern Hemisphere high-pressure centers ________, consistent with the hand-twist model of a High

Clockwise and outward

The observed wind direction at Jacksonville was _______ the arrow you drew in #2

at an angle to

the northern hemispheres upper air westerlies flowing through troughs exhibit counterclockwise (cyclonic) curvature as seen from above. as shown in figure 9a-1 the trough axis line divides the trough into two roughly symmetrical sectors. west of the trough axis winds are from the northwest (a cold weather direction) and east of the trough axis, winds are from the southwest (a warm weather direction) west of a trough axis favor _______ air advection while winds east of a trough line favor warm air advection


to the north and west of the center of an extratropical cyclone, surface winds are likely to produce ______ air advection


Once you have a cloud in the bottle, squeeze the bottle to make the could disappear. The cloud disappears when the air temperature is raised by ______. The change in temperature results in evaporation of the cloud droplets


Most clouds in the atmosphere form in a similar way as the cloud in the bottle. With the temperature change due to expansion, some of the water vapor in the saturated air must _____, forming cloud droplets


These conditions were created by the Great Lakes Low. The horizontal pressure gradient Coriolis, and friction forces combine to direct surface air flow _______ as seen in figure 8b-1 consistent with the hand twist model of a low

counterclockwise and inward

Wind directions in the states around the L were generally ______, as expected with the hand twist model of a low

counterclockwise and inward

Warm surfaces, such as water, land during most of the year, and low clouds, appear relatively ____ on infrared images


These observations indicate that when air is compressed, its temperature increases, and when air expands, its temperature _____


comparing the heights of the 300-mb pressure surface across the southern US to the northern US as latitude increases the height of the 300-mb surface __________. this pattern is the same as that found at 500 mb


Based on the plotted temperature across the entire state of Alaska, they ____ accumulate heating degree days for all plotted stations on 15 September 2019. (do not worry about the station plot missing a maximum value next to Barrow, Alaska).


Bright blue, white and green shadings in figure 7a-3 _____ match the orientation and progression of the fronts when compared to the surface map symbols


In figure 7a-3 an extensive area of blue, white, and green from northern Arkansas into Missouri and Iowa ________ coincide with the figure 7a-1 fronts in the central U.S. as low pressure and southerly air ascended along and in front of the boundaries, lifted and saturated


Comparing figure 7a-1 and figure 7a-2 the cold front with associated precipitation in Oklahoma in figure 7a-1 advanced with the low-pressure center generally toward the _____. This movement is evidenced by an increase in sea-level pressure fro Oklahoma City from figure 7a-1 to figure 7a-2 as well as the changing wind direction due to the passing front


the forecasted track of the hurricane along with its projected strength makes its most serious threat for damage to the ________

east coast of Florida

As the cold front moves toward and passes your location, the air pressure would ____.

fall then rise

The lowest monthly mean temperature for Fairbanks is about ________°F.


From this wind flow pattern, you can conclude ___ air advection occurred. This flow dominated the mid section and northeastern sections of the country


The relative humidity of sinking, clear air


The frictional force added to the pressure gradient force and the Coriolis Effect causes air to spiral _______ in Lows and outward in Highs


According to Figure 2, this is ________ the total for 2018.

less than

Columbia, SC at about the same latitude as Yuma, but in the southeastern United States, is humid because it is located ________ of such a high pressure system in the Atlantic.


What month had the highest average temperature? ________


Becoming saturated at 800 mb, its relative humidity is now _____ 100%

equal to

Grand Island's east to west upslope terrain produces episodes of ________ when winds are from the east.

fog and low stratus clouds

the air at Charleston, SC was _______ than the air at Little Rock, AR

more humid

Winds reported in the states of Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana were predominantly from the ___. The sky conditions reported in Illinois and Iowa stations were reported as partly cloudy.


The dew-point at 500 mb over Minneapolis was ___________ degrees C


for figure 9a-5, highest wind speeds are inside the 110 kt isotach (from west Texas northeastward into the Great Lakes and Ontario) a 90 kt isotach encircles an even larger area than the 110 kt isotach. such high wind speed regions within the overall jet stream flow are called jet streaks. which state below is not under a 110-kt streak region?


an extended period of substantial snowfall at Detroit is more likely if the cyclone takes Track _________


The lowest maximum temperature was 57 degrees F at _____. The daily minimum temperature in that city was also 57 degrees F

Caribou, ME

The city that records more heating degree-days annually is _____

St. Louis

The normal yearly total precipitation is ________ inches.


The green bay station showed the cloud cover as _____

clear or mostly cloudy or overcast

The mean temperature derived from the maximum and minimum temperatures at Albuquerque indicates a ______ was accumulated

cooling degree day (CDD)

The relative humidity of this air parcel is now _____ what it was when it began its journey at 1000 mb

less than

the broad pattern of current SST anomalies across the tropical equatorial pacific was __________

negative over most of the eastern pacific, while positive in western pacific

at 5 am ast on Thursday, 31 august, the status of this tropical weather system, as described in the figure legend directly under the map, was categorized as a ______

tropical storm

The short blocks occupy half of the volume as the tall blocks while containing equal masses. Because density is a measurement of mass per unit volume, the short blacks are ___ as dense as the larger blocks


considering the isotherms and the shading scale for temperature anomalies to the right in the lower panel, the magnitudes in the greatest positive SST anomalies were between ___________ degrees C

+0.5 and +1.0

the SST anomalies in the eastern pacific were positive, with the greatest anomaly more than ________. SST anomalies along the equator were also almost all positive. the location, degree, and duration of the warm SST anomalies define the El Nino phase


Green bay can be found just _____ the warm front associated with the low pressure centered in South Dakota. As in most cases, air on this side of the front tends to have ______ temperatures, compared to the other side

- behind....cooler - behind...warmer - ahead of.....cooler

Therefore, Ely accumulated _____ degree days


by the time of figure 10b-4, the station at Charleston, SC was also behind the cold front of the passing cyclone. by how much did the temperature decrease from figure 10b-1 to figure 10b-4 map time? for reference, the temperature at Charleston was 76 degrees F in figure 10b-1

24 degrees F

Dewpoint :


The number of degree days identified in Albuquerque for this day was ______.


This occurred in the month of ________.


This force acting on the wind flow at Jacksonville was directed toward the _________


the next weather system to affect Detroit is likely a cold ______ approaching from central Canada


The observed wind direction at Minneapolis was _______ to the pressure gradient force

at an angle

Areas to the east of highs would be expected to have _____ air advection


This sky cover condition confirmed saturated air ______ exist aloft over green bay


maritime tropical air from the Gulf of Mexico ________ make it to Grand Island


Figure 5a-2 shows one tall red block and one short blue block side-by-side on their squares bases on the flat horizontal surface of a table (T). Because both blocks weigh the same (although they have different volumes) and their bases are the same size, the blocks exert ____ pressure on the surface of the table


the specific track of an extratropical cyclones low pressure center across Earths surface is largely determined by large scale horizontal winds blowing ________

in the middle and upper troposphere

The sub-solar point in figure 3b-4 shows that, at that time of year, the noontime sun was directly overhead ______.

in the northern hemisphere

Starting at the table top and moving upward in figure 5a-5, the difference in downward pressure on imaginary surfaces 1 and 2 exerted by the overlying portions of the two stacks ____


The warmer air rising above the front expands and cools as it ascends, and its relative humidity _________. If saturated, clouds develop and rain or snow may fall from those clouds


At 500 mb, the temperature of the unsaturated air parcel is ______ the temperature of the saturated air parcel

lower than

Where the horizontal wind blows more parallel to isotherms, there is _____ air advection

neither cold nor warm

strong trade winds also cause the warm surface in the western Pacific is higher than in the easter Pacific. transport of surface waters to the west also causes the thermocline to be ________ in the eastern tropical Pacific than in the western Pacific


winds ahead of the cold front(s) show winds at the surface in figure 11b-3 from the _____. however when examining winds aloft in figure 11b-5 in the same region, the dominant wind was from the _________


On the visible satellite image, the sun's rays would be reaching earth from the ______.


In northeastern Florida, Jacksonville was under the influence of the Great Lakes Low. The wind at Jacksonville, where the pressure was plotted "103" for 1010.3 mb, showed the air moved toward the _________ at about 10 knots. Draw an arrow pointing from the center of the station circle in the direction the air is flowing

southwest (not)

From New Mexico, the same front curved generally westward to central Arizona and easter California. This front marked the boundary where colder air was fairly stagnant in the Rocky Mountain region, denoted as a _____ front


When the air is calm and there is no additional heat loss from wind, the WET should be _____ the existing air temperature

the same as

The red shaded area depicts air motions away from the radar


And behind warm fronts you can expect ___ air advection


ahead of a surface warm front, warm and humid air rides up and over a wedge of cooler air (known as overrunning) as the ascending warm air expands and cools, its relative humidity _________, and clouds typically form


in general when the central pressure of the tropical storm or hurricane is decreasing the maximum wind speed is _______, and vice versa


radar reflectively shadings of red-orange splotches in figure 11b-3 show precipitation south and east of the low, across Tennessee, eastern Mississippi and Alabama was confined to a relatively narrow band but was _________


It is likely that Kahului's relatively low annual temperature range ________ also moderated by the surrounding Pacific Ocean.


On the figure 8a-3 weather map segment, consider an air parcel at rest at Point A. An initial horizontal pressure gradient force _________ acting on the parcel


On the mareogram in figure 5b-1, compare the temperatures at Chicago from 21z 25 September 2018 to that at 13z 26 September 2018. This temperature change _____ consistent with the passing of a cold front


This minimum monthly temperature ________ within a month of the time of minimum solar heating at the midlatitude, Northern Hemisphere location.


from the figure 13b-3 interval shadings, Memphis, TN could expect to receive between _______ in. of precipitation during the 12 hr period ending at 06Z 23 December 2017


as seen on figure 9a-4 and figure 9a-5 constant-pressure maps, higher wind speeds are located where spacing of height contours are relatively __________. furthermore, the relationship is consistent with surface weather maps between wind speeds and the spacing of isobars

far apart

the climate control primarily influencing local climates is the prevailing wind circulation from ___________.

proximity to large bodies of water

The wave pattern among the contour line on figure 8a-5 consists of topographic ridges and troughs, that is, elongated crests and depressions, respectively. A _________ appears over the region from western Canada to Southern California and Arizona


Several locations across the map show dashed, orange lines. This symbol indicated those boundaries were ________


Along the radar beam, when in position 3, the Doppler wind speed is zero


the region of Tibet in south central Asia is the greenish-brown of a polar climate even though it is surrounded by dry temperate climates. this classification is most likely the result of Tibet's


Immediately after a warm front has passed your location, you usually can expect precipitation to ______ and temperatures to ______.


Figure 5a-5 shows tow more blocks added for a total of five in each stack. A second horizontal surface, imaginary surface 2, is added beneath the top short block and the three top tall blacks. The pressure exerted on the table by the tall stack is ____ to the pressure exerted on the table by the short stack


the anomalous winds along the equator across the tropical pacific were generally ___________

essentially zero in the east and weakly westward in the west

Air forced to rise above green bay would _____

expand and cool

Ascending, unsaturated air _________, cooling at about 10 degrees C per 1000 m of ascent (5.5 degrees F per 1000 ft)


At the same time, the air temperature outside the aircraft ____________


as a cyclone advances, the system typically progresses though its life cycle. as it develops, the central pressure of the system _______ and surface winds strengthen. at maturity, clouds cover a broad area about the low center and precipitation is widespread


with the passage of a cold front, usually the air temperature falls and the dewpoint ________


within a thunderstorm cell, the temperature ________ with increasing altitude because of the expansion of rising air within the cloud


If this air rises as unsaturated (dry) air from 1000 mb, determine its temperature at 500 mb by following the solid, straight green dry adiabatic lapse rate line passing through the starting point, up to 500 mb. At 500 mb, the temperature of the unsaturated air parcel is about _____ degrees C


in figure. 12a-3 micheal rapidly intensified from 00z 8 October to 15Z 10 October. the maximum plotted wind speed occurred at 15Z 10 October )10/10) that speed was ______ knots (127 mph)


On how many days in the year were thunderstorms reported? ________


What was the average temperature that month? ________°F


Poleward from the Antarctic circle on 21 December, the daily period of daylight is _____ hrs. This is the time of the south poles maximum tilt toward the sun for the year.


Recall the heights plotted at individual stations on 500-mb maps are in tens of meters (place a 0 to the right of the three plotted digits). The coded height Minneapolis ("558") indicated 500 mb occurred at ________ m above sea level


The eastern half of the country displayed temperatures at map time generally in the ___ degree F.

60s and 70s

According to Figure 3, the normal monthly temperatures (Normal Dry Bulb) range from a low of 25.1°F in January to a high of ________°F in the month of July in Grand Island, NE.


The shorter thin blue arrow represents the ______ force, which is acting at a right angle and to the right of the direction of motion


Comparing the two dewpoint temperature profiles, the atmosphere from 700 mb to 250 mb was cooler and drier above which station

Denver or Little Rock

What month had the lowest average temperature ("Average Dry Bulb")? ________


while the heavy black line is the forecasters' most probable track of the center of the storms circulation, NHC forecast models indicated a distinct probability center could pass anywhere within the cone displayed, in decreasing probability to either side away from the center tack. this cone in figure 12b-3 shows that in five days (at 2 am Tuesday) the center could possibly be located somewhere in ________

Georgia or the Carolinas

Comparing the two temperature profiles, the atmosphere from 700 mb to 250 mb was cooler above which station

Little Rock or both stations are within a few degrees of one another

At the other extreme, the highest reported minimum temperature for the period was 85 degrees F which occurred at _____.

Ocotillo wells, CA

the wind pattern, as seen from above, in the states surrounding the low-pressure area exhibited a _______ flow, as expected

counterclockwise and inward

most cloudiness associated with a warm front develops over a broad area, often hundreds of kilometers wide, ________ the front. from these clouds, light to moderate precipitation may fall for 12-24 hr or longer

ahead of

Stations experiencing a wind pattern flowing directly (at an acute angle) across isotherms (e.g., Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North, and South Dakota) were all found _____ the advancing prominent cold front in figure 4b-1


Stations in the southeast in figure 6b-1 further away from the low-pressure system and frontal boundaries, experienced stagnant air. What evidence from the surface observation supports this?

calm winds reported in the southeast or air temperatures were much colder closer to Gulf of Mexico

colored areas on the top of the block diagram portion of the figure denote sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) during neutral conditions. The red in the western Pacific denotes the highest SSts occur under ______ in the tropical Pacific. this SST pattern is caused by relatively strong trade winds pushing sun warmed surface water west, as indicated by the direction of surface current arrows

considerable cloudiness

Based on the plotted temperatures across the entire state of Florida, they ____ accumulate heating degree days for all plotted stations on 15 September 2019

did not

figure 9b-2 shows atmospheric and oceanic conditions during El Nino compared to figure 9b-1, the area of stormy weather has moved _______ during El Nino


Because these are surface winds, the local _______ force also acted on the air and in the opposite direction to air flow. Draw a short arrow to represent this force. At map time, this force acted toward the southwest


Radar shadings in figure 7a-2 indicate where the NwS network of weather radars detected precipitation. The intensities of the echoes, according to the scale at the left edge of the map, were related to precipitation rates. From the map in figure 7a-2 precipitation was located ______

in both of these locations. - in a cluster of heavy reflectivity's ahead of the potent cold front in Arkansas and Missouri -wrapped around the lowest area of pressure in MN, stretching back into the Dakotas

during the full 48-hour period from 00Z to 00z 10 October, the wind speed increased dramatically, with the sea level central pressure dramatically


the Nashville upper air station report in figure 11b-4 is imbedded among similarly strong wind speeds, and even faster winds, upstream, west of Tennessee. this high wind speed region is evidence that a ________ existed aloft within a broad jet stream over the southern plains into the mid-south

jet streak

on a black and white infrared satellite image, a large thunderstorm also appears as a bright white blotch, or cluster. the infrared brightness of the blotch indicates the cloud top has a _________ cloud-top temperature


from the 300-mb station models, the highest wind speed plotted on the figure 9a-5 map occurred at Omaha, NE indicating _______ knots. for reference, the wind barb includes three flags

not 120

The change from the initial parcel temperature to the final parcel temperature at the 1000-mb level was caused by condensation (or deposition) which _____ latent heat


The top panel grid on the mareogram shows two black lines representing two types of temperature observations/trends. The top curve is the ambient air temperature, with dewpoint temperature represented and the lower trend line. From 18z to 22z 25 September 2018, the ambient temperature ____.

remained generally constant

as a general rule, the greater the altitude of the top of a thunderstorm cloud (cumulonimbus), the more intense the thunderstorm cell. a relatively high thunderstorm top implies vigorous convection and a relatively __________ updraft


In this example, the winds circulating around the mesocyclone all have the same speed, as shown by arrows with ________ lengths

the same

The green arrows are directed toward the radar


The plotted temperature were much further apart from the dewpoints compared to green bay, especially between the surface and 575 mb. These temperature-dewpoint conditions indicate there _____ a layer of low-level clouds over northern Georgia

was likely not

On the southern flank of the emerging broad high pressure from the Pacific Northwest in figure 7a-1 wispy arcs of yellow are apparent in figure 7a-3 extending into the Southwest. Using these references in figure 7a-1 figure 7a-2 and figure 7a-3 the station models in figure 7a-1 and figure 7a-2 (ex Arizona, New Mexico, and west Texas) indicate that surface stations in these states ________ observing clear skies


based on your response to #5, winds near the surface to the east side of the low ______ be delivering relatively humid air into the low-pressure system


Between 2z and 12 z 26 September the ambient temperature trend


at that landfall, the storm was expected to be that of a ________

major hurricane

The green bay tropopause was at _____ altitude compared to the altitude of the tropopause of the standard atmosphere.

a lower

Very cold surfaces, such as high cloud tops that emit little infrared radiation, appear ____. Surfaces with intermediate temperature appear in varying gray shadings.

bright white

Warm air advection occurred at station _____.


Clouds were not seen in the western quarter of the U.S. and Canada in the image because ____.

the sun had not yet risen there, leaving darkness

compare the 500-mb and 300-mb wind flows. the pattern of wind direction also shoes the winds flow ______ at greater distances from the surface. this directional relationship is particularly evident at higher wind speeds

"parallel" to the contour lines

As the Kansas low pressure became more organized and moved north and east, away from Oklahoma, stations behind this low pressure reported a change in sea level pressure as well. Examine the sea level pressure in Oklahoma City in figure 7a-1 and figure 7a-2. In figure 7a-1, Oklahoma City had a pressure of 1005.9 mb but the pressure increased to 1012.6 mb 12 hr later for total difference of _________

+6.7 mb

at map time, there was(were) ____________

- a low pressure system with precipitation over the southeast - a low-pressure system with precipitation over the upper plains and mountains region - generally fair weather across the Southwest and the Northeast

An important advantage of infrared imagery is that it can be used to observe the planet both day and night. The image produced by infrared radiation emitted by the earth-atmosphere system demonstrates there are clouds in _____ of the earth view shown.

- only the daylight portion - only in the night portion

The strong converging wind flows strengthen the temperature gradient and aid in enhancing uplift (enhancing the low pressure) along the portion of the frontal boundary in the vicinity of Oklahoma-Arkansas. In contrast, what would hinder strong air advection patterns?

- weaker winds - more oblique (less direct) flow across isotherms - widely spaces isotherms

If this air rises as saturated air from 1000 mb, determine its temperature at 500 mb by following the dashed, curved blue saturated adiabatic lapse rate line passing through the starting point, up to 500 mb. At 500 mb, the saturated air parcels temperature is approximately ____ degrees C.


Now look at figure 3a-5, the 21 December satellite image. On the northern hemisphere's winter solstice, the earth's north pole reaches its maximum tilt away from the Sun for the year. Consequently, poleward from the arctic circle, the daily period of daylight is _____ hrs.q


From the windchill chart, changes in wind speed have little effect on WET above 35 mph. At 0 degrees F, an increase in wind speed from 5 to 10 mph causes a 5 degree drop. At the same temperature, an increase in wind speed from 40 to 45 mph reduces the WET by ____ degrees F


The wind speed, rounded to the nearest 5 knots, is shown by a combination of feathers along the direction shaft, where a long feather denotes 10 knots and a short feather is 5 knots. A single long feather on the tail end of the arrow shaft signifies Dallas' wind speed was about _____ knots


Where solar heating varies significantly from the winter to summer solstices, the range of temperatures, indicated by the amplitude of the temperature curve on a climograph, is relatively great. Where the amplitude is relatively small, the seasonal temperature contrast is also small. Examine the temperature curve on the climograph for Kahului, HI (Figure 2). The range of mean monthly temperatures for Kahului is about ________ Fahrenheit degrees.


At 21z 25 September 2018, the pressure was about ____ mb


The coded pressure value at Dallas was plotted as '126' meaning the actual atmospheric pressure corrected to sea level was _______ mb


the location of the greatest negative SST anomalies was centered between ________ longitude

105 degrees W and 95 degrees W

hurricane michael (#13) reached peak intensity on 10 October as a category 4, distinguishing it as the second major hurricane of 2018. when it made landfall that same day, it did so as the third strongest landfalling hurricane in U.S. history. at category 4, the wind speeds would have been _______ mph.

157 or greater

figure 9b-7 displays the average SSt and wind patterns for November 2017 based on observations from the TAO/TRITON buoy array. the upper panel of figure 9b-7 depicts the monthly mean tropical pacific SSTs and wind conditions. the SSTs are represented with isotherms drawn every 5 degrees C and color coded by temperature. arrows at the buoy sites depict wind direction and speed. the shading and isotherms indicate that the warmest waters along the equator are located near ___________ longitude.

160 degree E

the top panel of figure 9b-8, November 1997 Means, displays the average SSTs and surface winds for November 1997. the SSTs across the region ranged from 26 degrees C as the coolest, in the southeast corner to about 30 degrees C as the warmest. the highest SSTs were centered at about _________ longitude in the tropical pacific

170 degrees W

Focus on the other four wind arrow locations shown around the mesocyclone along the radar beam positions 2 and 4. These arrows are neither directly toward or away, nor perpendicular to the radar beam direction. Where the radar beam direction and the wind arrow make an angle other than 0 degree or 90 degree, doppler radar senses only the component of the total motion directly toward or away from the radar. For the two arrows partly toward the radar use a green pencil to draw approximately half length green arrows from the location dots aimed directly toward the radar along the dashed beam direction. These two locations are at the ________ radar beam position


The wind at Wichita, in south central Kansas, was generally from the north at about 15 knots. Wichita was located between the ____ isotherm lines (labeled in New Mexico and Nevada)

20 and 30

the central pressure of the system at 03, 09, 15, and 21 UTC or Z time each day. the blue line joins the time of each pressure values using the pressure scale to the left. when was the central pressure lowest


Between 13z and 18z 25 September, the pressure changes positive or negative was approximately _____ mb


table 2 shows the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane wind scale. the category of hurricane strength related to damage potential and maximum sustained one-minute wind speeds. at the figure 12b-2 advisory time, irma was a category ______ hurricane


For the two arrows directed partly away from the radar use the red pencil to make similar half length red arrows from the location dots, aimed away from the radar. These two locations are at the _______ radar beam position


after passing near Cuba, irma was expected to remain a major hurricane and make landfall at about _______

4 am Sunday near Miami, Florida

Imagine that a little before 12z on 7 December 2017 an aircraft starts its flight from Florida to New York. At 12z over Tallahassee, the onboard pressure altimeter indicated that the aircraft is at 5800 m above sea level. From figure 5a-7, the air pressure at the altitude over Florida is about ____ mb


On the figure 8a-5 map, the lowest height reported at a station was ________ m


The temperature at little rock, AR was 65 degree F with winds from the southwest. The isotherm line plotter north of little rock was the ____ degree F isotherm


The wind at Minneapolis was from the northwest at about ______ knots. (when winds of 50 kt or greater are reported, a pennant is used on the stations wind shaft for a 50 kt increment along with the appropriate number of long and short feathers)


By the time of figure 7a-2, saturated conditions closer to the surface moved eastward toward Illinois and Indiana as seen in the change in dew-point differences. The dew-point in Chicago increased to ________ at 00Z 11 October 2019 from 48 degrees F at 12 Z 10 October 2019

60 degrees F

Examine the climograph for Fairbanks, AK (Figure 6). The highest mean monthly temperature is about ________°F.


temperature :


The strongest gust of wind, as reported in the Maximum 3-Second Wind category was a speed of ________ mph.


the probability of precipitation is as high as __________


the lowest pressure value was _______ mb as maria was approaching Puerto Rico


sea-level pressure is estimated based on dropwindsonde and data in figure 12a-4. the lowest mean sea-level pressure (MSLP) was __________ mb (hPa)


the observed maximum surface wind speed is given in the caption below the image (VMAX) as _______ knots (~133.5 mph)


Compare your map analysis to the map in figure 4a-3 which is based on data from additional locations. According to the figure 4a-3 map, southern ____ has the lowest annual heating degree day totals among the 48 coterminous states.


The mean temperature derived from the maximum and minimum temperatures at Ely indicated ____ were accumulated


The spacing of isobars correlates to the strength of horizontal pressure gradient, closer isobars imply stronger gradients. Compare the pressure gradients inferred by the isobar spacing in the Great Lakes Low the Central Plain High. The weaker horizontal pressure gradients were located in _______

Michigan and Indiana (not)

Examine figure 4a-4. Figure 4a-4 shows the annual temperature curves for (A) San Francisco, CA, a maritime station, and (B) St. Louis, MO, a continental location. They both have nearly the same annual mean temperature as represented by the dashed line. Although both locations are at about the same latitude, the city that accumulates heating degree days during more months of the year is ____

San Francisco

this thunderstorm has a unique shape associated with supercells. which shape best describes another significant shape in the left panel reflectivity image in figure 11b-6 that is often associated with tornadoes?

a hook

precipitation, as represented by the radar echo shadings in figure 10b-1, varied from moderate to heavier. the most intense precipitation in orange and red, was located in __________

a linear formation extending along the cold front and central low pressure

by the time of the figure 10b-4, there is evidence the cyclone neared the end of its life cycle. what evidence can you find on the figure 10b-4 map of late stage cyclone evolution

a purple occluded front near the central low, pinching off the warm-sector

this was ______ the lowest central pressure

about the same

Compare the temperatures, dewpoints, air pressure, and wind directions on the figure 5b-1 mareogram at 13z 26 September 2018 to those of the figure 5b-2 station models surrounding the Chicago area in Illinois and Missouri. The values _____ similar


the wind direction in the eastern Pacific was from the southeast. in the western pacific, along the equator winds were light with some blowing from the west. compare these observed winds and SSTs with the depiction of "ideal" El Nino conditions in figure 9b-2. the observations in figure 9b-7 and the idealized conditions ________ generally consistent


wind direction in figure 9a-3 near blue isobar lines across the country flowed _______. Good examples are the stations located in Wichita, KS and Oklahoma City, OK

at angles across isobars

the energy for tropical cyclones is delivered to the atmosphere by the water vapor evaporated from warm ocean surfaces. it is released within the atmosphere through condensation in thunderstorms and distributed by the persistent, organized wind circulation of the storm. from the color coding of storm intensities indicated in figure 12a-1 of hurricane florence (#6) and hurricane michael (#13) upon making landfall, the weakening of the storms' energy would likely have been due to

both of these factors

Multiple stations in Kentucky do not have a wind barb or feather present. Instead, these station model plots have a circle surrounding the station. This indicates that these stations were experiencing _______

calm conditions

Meanwhile, areas to the west and southwest of lows can be expected to have ____ air advection


in the northern hemisphere, when the polar front jet stream is south of your locality, the weather is relatively


The expansion of air when the bottle to returned to its original shape and volume was accompanied by a ____ in the temperature of air inside the bottle


The 500-mb map in figure 8b-4 also shows that, where contour lines are relatively close, such as across the Central Plains States, wind speeds are ________ compared to where contour lines are more widely spaced. This principle corresponds to the similar relationship between the spacing of isobars and wind speeds on surface maps


Wind speeds shown on upper atmospheric weather charts are generally ___________ where the height-contour lines are closer together.


The contour pattern of the 500-mb map has ______________

generally straight west east flow across the central U.S. (not)

The horizontal pressure gradient force is the primary determiner of wind speed. The higher wind speeds reported in the ______ were associated with stronger pressure gradients

great lakes

This temperature is _____ the temperature achieved by the unsaturated parcel; that ascended dry adiabatically the entire way to 500 mb in #11

higher than

Air sinking in the atmosphere is compressed as the air pressure acting on it increases, and its temperature ____


The 500-mb map and other constant-pressure upper-air maps are topographic maps that give shape to imaginary surfaces where air pressure is the same everywhere, revealing "hills" and "valleys" of the constant-pressure surface. The contour pattern of the figure 8a-5 map indicates the 500-mb surface is at a _______ altitude in southern Canada than in the southern U.S.


This altitude changes of a given pressure surface as you move poleward is in response to generally _____ average temperatures in the underlying air columns, between the constant pressure surface and Earth's surface


Relying on the pressure altimeter, the pilot continues to fly toward New York along a constant pressure level with an indicated altitude of 5800 m. en route the air temperature outside the aircraft gradually falls but the pilot does not alter the calibration between air pressure and altitude. Over New York, the pressure altimeter still reads 5800 m, the indicated altitude of the aircraft. From figure 5a-7, however the true altitude of the aircraft over New York is ____ the altitude indicated by the altimeter

lower than

Two adjacent columns of air, one warm and one cold, exert the same barometric pressure at the Earth's surface. At a height of 2 km above the surface, the pressure in the cold air would be _________ in the warm air at the same elevation.

lower than

The wind at Wichita exhibited a flow oriented almost directly across the isotherms. This wind direction was from _____ temperature regions. Stations from Wichita northeastward to Michigan, north of the frontal system generally displayed this same pattern of temperatures and air flow directions.

lower toward higher

from this very preliminary track, would it appear that the storm threatens the U.S. mainland in the future


The friction at Minneapolis was toward the __________

northeast (not)

From Point C and onward, the air parcel will flow _______ to the isobars. This flow is known as the geostrophic wind


From the experiment, you can infer that where it is cloudy, air is _____ and cooling. Where the atmosphere is clear, the air is moving in the opposite direction


From 0z until 13 z 26 September, the end of the mareogram period, the air pressure generally ____. This rate of pressure change occurred swiftly compared to the earlier portion of the mareogram


Because earth rotates eastward, local time at the sub-satellite point is soon after ______.


On imaginary surface 1 in figure 5a-5, the pressure exerted by all the overlying short blocks is ____ the pressure exerted by all the tall blocks


in figure 11b-2 the wind directions at Nashville and surrounding stations of the dominant low-pressure system ________ consistent with the wind flow of the hand-twist model around a low


changes in surface air pressure, large scale convection and upper air flow patterns as shown in figure 9b-2 and figure 9b-3 alter the planetary wind circulation and affect the weather elsewhere in the world. figure 9b-4 shows some weather patterns statistically associated with El Nono conditions. during our northern hemisphere winter when El Nino is occurring, the southeastern states are _________ than normal. figure 9b-5 shows some weather patterns linked to La Nina conditions

wetter and cooler

Using reflected visible light, the satellite sensor "sees" clouds and surface feature as we do. In the visible image, the appearance of the clouds in the illuminated portion of the image is ____.


Given the advancement described in #7, the advancing front(s) _________ have provided a lifting mechanism for the air, leading to clouds and precipitation


the Friday overnight low temperature is forecast to be ______ degrees F


What was that temperature? ________°F


At map time, a bold blue line with triangles was across the US midwest along the northern Nebraska border, across Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. These symbols indicated the position of a _____ front. For frontal symbols, see weather studies maps and links


According to the map, people living in South Carolina can expect ______ weather after the front passes


The cloud formed when the pressure acting on the saturated air lowered and the temperature _____


As this air rises, assume it becomes saturates at 800 mb. Begin unsaturated from 1000 mb to 800 mb, it will follow a _______ adiabatic lapse rate line


The pressure exerted on the table by the tall stack is _____ to the pressure exerted on the table by the short stack


as the cyclones center approaches Detroit on either storm track, the air pressure at the city


in figure 12b-2, advisory 21 time, irma ______ reached the level of a "major" hurricane


This parcels final temperature is ______ its beginning temperature when it was initially at 1000 mb

higher than

storms that form in or travel to the Caribbean Sea or Gulf or Mexico will impact land areas. there were multiple examples of these tracks in 2018, such as _______

hurricane helene (#8)

the absence of tropical cyclone activity at the equator (0 degrees latitude) _______ due to the absence of the Coriolis effect, which is essential in producing circulation during storm formation


These temperatures suggest that Kahului is a ________ latitude location.


On imaginary surface 2 in figure 5a-5, the downward pressure exerted by the overlying short block is ____ the pressure exerted by the overlying tall blocks


as the cyclone center moves away from Detroit, the air pressure in the city ________


If a day's highest temperature actually occurs just before midnight, then ____ air advection likely occurred sometime from late afternoon until the time of highest temperature


Therefore, the air below the 500-mb region of lowest heights in figure 8a-5 must be _______ than the air below the surrounding higher 500-mb surfaces


On 6 February at 12z, from the surface (1001 mb) up to about the 200 mb pressure level, the atmosphere over Green Bay, WI was _______ standard atmosphere conditions

colder than

Temperatures at stations further to the north and west away from the cold front, especially the Dakotas, were even ____ with temperatures mostly in the ___ based on the isotherm plot

colder....30s and 40s

This range of temperatures suggests that Fairbanks has a ________ climate.


In figure 5b-3, Little Rock, AR is located on the periphery of a high-pressure system, providing warm air across much of the southeastern states. Upstream (to Little Rock's northwest), multiple cold fronts advanced from northwest to southeast. The air over Colorado was, in fact, ______ than over Little Rock

cooler and had less water vapor

based on the wind directions at 300 mb, the system over Lexington was expected to move ________ over the next day


across most of the tropical pacific the winds were directed _________

toward the west

Also included as part of the LCD, Annual Summary is a brief narrative describing the location and climatic aspects of the area surrounding the local NWS office. According to the Grand Island description in Figure 4, its climate is described as primarily ________ in nature.


Continue the ascent to 500 mb. The air parcel temperature is now ______ degrees C


two periods of precipitation, more likely to be rain, separated by a short period of relatively warm fair weather at Detroit occur if the cyclone takes track ________


The converging air in the states centered on the L in figure 6b-1 was forcing vertical atmospheric motion. Therefore, you ______ rising motions would be producing clouds in South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota

can be confident

The broad Canadian high, impacting most of the US northern high plains and great lake states, had wind directions around its center that are ______ as seen from above

clockwise and outward

The lower portions of the vertical profile in green bay, WI (GRB) were _____ than the spacing of the temperature and dewpoint lines above 575 mb. If clouds are present above this station, there is a better chance they are low to mid-level clouds rather than high level clouds

close together

From this wind flow pattern, you can conclude ____ air advection occurred over Iowa. This type of advection also occurred broadly over the northern high plains


Not surprisingly, behind cold fronts you can expect ___ air advection


Punctuated by a string of low pressures from eastern New York state to northeast New Mexico, a front curved generally southwestward and then slightly northwestward


an intense thunderstorm has a relatively ________ cloud top


composed of precipitating clouds, a broad, bright, white arc curls between Wisconsin and central Texas. the arc of clouds forms the band spread ahead of and along the wave cyclone's ________ front


consider the wind shifts and fronts at Detroit as the cyclone passes along track A, the city is on the ______ side of the system


one function hurricanes and tropical cyclones perform in Earths climate system is to transport heat and moisture from tropical oceans to higher latitudes. for examples, look at the path of tropical storm Beryl (#2). it originated as a tropical storm over warm waters south of 15 degrees N, attained hurricane strength, and then weakened and dissipated beyond 35 degrees N latitude. the storms tracks imply that this cyclone ______ transport energy and moisture to higher latitudes


based on the temperatures in these precipitation regions identified in #6, the form of precipitation with the more intense radar echoes was likely _________


In figure 7b-2b the area of radial wind components flowing toward the radar site (brightest green) is located to the _______ of the radar site


Located in the eastern part of the state, Green Bay was to the north of the warm frontal boundary as well as situated on the eastern flank of the potent low-pressure system in the ventral High Plains. The temperature and dewpoint observations at green bay in figure 6b-1 and figure 6b-2 were 58 degrees F, respectively. Because the temperature and dewpoint at the surface were nearly equal (within 3 degrees F) the air at the surface in green bay _______ saturated.

was very likely

Poleward from the Antarctic circle on 21 June, the period of daylight is _______ hrs.


according to your scale, surface wind speeds increased from near calm in the center of the eye (red hurricane symbol) to hurricane strength (heavy 64-kt isotach) in about ________ NM. this change of wind speed over such a short distance implies an extremely strong horizontal air pressure gradient


Air pressure is reported in the station model as a coded number to the nearest tenth of a millibar (mb). To decipher the lotted pressure value, first place a decimal point between the second and third numbers from the left. Then add either a '9' or '10' to the left so that the resulting number falls within the range of air pressures that could occur at sea level (almost always between 950 mb and 1049 mb). For example, a plotted value of 126 represents 1012.6 mb and 863 denotes 986.3 mb. The air pressure reported was _______ mb


The highest maximum temperature in figure 4b-3 was at ocotillo wells in far southern California (near the Salton sea). The maximum temperature was _____ degrees F


The date of the year's first fall frost was about ________ October.


Looks at figure 3a-4, the 23 September image. The earth's axis is perpendicular to the Sun's rays, so the sunset line and earth's axis line up together in this perspective. Each latitude line, including the equator, is half in sunlight and half in darkness. Because the Earth rotates once in 24 hrs, the period of daylight is ______ hrs everywhere except right at the poles.


Figure 5a-7 shows cross section of the atmosphere based on upper air soundings from radiosondes simultaneously on 12z 7 December 2017 at Tallahassee, FL and at Long Island, NY approximately 1520 km (954 mi) apart. Air pressure values in millibars (mb) are plotted at their observer's altitudes, starting with nearly equal values (1013 mb) at earth's surface. Over Florida, the atmosphere exerted a pressure of 200 mb at an altitude of approximately ____ m above sea level.


as of 31 December 2018, there has been 150 tornado event days with 1169 total tornado reports for 2018. on average, each tornado event day had about ________ tornadoes reported


An even more significant change of temperature occurred in the hour between 22z and 23z 25 September, which was approximately ____ degrees F


in figure 11b-2 note the temperature and dewpoint at the easternmost station model in Montana. the temperature was ______ degrees F and the dewpoint 10 degrees F. the Montana station was northwest of the large low and on the forward flank of an approaching high from the northwest


in figure 12b-5 when was the wind speed greatest


The station in figure 6b-1 for green bay indicated clouds were observed from the surface. Figure 6b-3 indicated that because temperature and dewpoint were in close proximity, from the surface upward to about 575 mb, there was low level saturation (and clouds). The green bay station model in figure 6b-1 shows ________ of the sky was filled with clouds. A visible satellite image from a couple hours after figure 6b-3 and figure 6b04, figure 6b-5 shows that there are some brought white clouds over much of Wisconsin. However, when compared to the volume of clouds in Geogia, there were ______ clouds in the southeastern U.S.


Assume that all the water that condensed (or deposited) during the ascent was immediately lost as precipitation from the parcel. Therefore, if the air parcel at 500 mb begins to descend, it will experience warming by compression and immediately become an unsaturated parcel. As the parcel sinks back to the 1000-mb level, it will warm at the dry adiabatic lapse rate, as shown by following the dry adiabatic lapse rate line down from the point at 500 mb. When it arrives back at 1000 mb, its temperature is ______ degrees C


Doppler radar detects only motions directly toward or away from it. At two locations within the rotating wind pattern, where the wind blows along paths perpendicular to the radar, neither air motion nor wind speed is detected by the Doppler radar position. These two locations are sensed by the radar when its beam is in the _______ position. In figure 7b-1 draw a small circle around each of the dots associated with those two arrows to denote this 0 in doppler wind speed


Infer the seasonal weather contrasts at the middle and higher latitudes by comparing insolation values during the months centering on the summer and winter solstices. As seen from the midlatitude curve in figure 3a-1, the June-July average top of the atmosphere insolation is about 11.4 kWh/m2/day while the December-January average is about 3.1 kWh/m2/day. This indicates that during the June-July period the midlatitude location receives about _______ the amount of top-of-the atmosphere solar energy received during December-January.

3.7 times

Maria made landfall along the southeast coast of Puerto Rico as 1015Z on 20 September. at the time of landfall, Maria's winds were estimated at 155 mph, making Maria a very strong category ______ hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale


Temperature to the west and northwest of Chicago, specifically in the neighboring states of Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, were mostly in the ____ degrees F.


From the same NASA data set for figure 3a-1, the average daily insolation averaged over a year in kWh/m2/day is 10.02 at the equator, 7.34 at 45 degrees north, and 4.13 at the north pole. The midlatitude location receives about 73% as much solar energy as the equator and the north pole receives _____ as much solar energy as the equator. This nonuniform receipt of energy sets the stage for earth's weather and climate.


the categories of hurricane strength are related to maximum sustained one-minute wind speeds in miles per hour. mark these intervals and Saffir-Simpson hurricane categories along the right-hand, vertical wind scale. from figure 12b-5, Maria went from a minimum hurricane to a category ________ hurricane within that 18-hour period from #19 and 20


The air mass on the western flank of the Ontario anticyclone (high pressure) and ahead of the advancing fronts in the central U.S. in figure 7a-1 experienced seasonable temperatures for that time of year. In fact, temperatures in Illinois and Indiana (to the north and east of the warm front) were reported in the _________ degrees F. This air mass was distinct from the air mass to the south of the warm front, as temperatures to the south (ex Arkansas, Mississippi) were warmer with higher dew-points


from 18/0900 to 19/0300 the total pressure fell was _______ mb


recall that the heights radiosondes detect at 500 mb are reported in the upper right position of the station, plotted in tens of meters. place a "0" to the right of the number for the actual height. the height of the 500-mb pressure level plotted at Topeka (TOP), in northeast Kansas, was _______ m above sea level, denoted as 553


Ely, in eastern Nevada, where the maximum and minimum temperature were 85 degrees F and 43 degrees F experienced a mean temperature of ______ degrees F.


hurricane michael moved north-northeast when it struck the Florida panhandle. for an estimate of the swath of hurricane-force winds to the right side of the storm track (east-southeast of the central eye), draw a line from the central eye southeast through the center of the crescent-shaped, highest wind speed region. use your scale to approximate the width where the wind speeds were greater than 80 kts (between the two sides of the heavy 80-kt isotach) this band of the storms more intense hurricane force wind speeds of 80 kts and higher was about _______ NM


in addition to the direction change in #14, there is also a change in speed. figure 11b-3 shows Atlanta's wind speed with two long feathers, while in figure 11b-4 it has one flag. higher still in the atmosphere, the same station reports one flag, three long feathers, and one short feather. there has been an increase in wind speed, from the surface to 300mb, by ________ knots


the "surge vulnerability facts" at the bottom of the same storm surge overview page states a strong hurricane with a 23-ft. storm surge somewhere along the U.S. gulf coast could flood 57% of arterial roads, almost half of rail miles, 29 airports, and virtually all ports in the area. it would also risk the inundation of _____ of interstate highways. such inout is crucial for emergency planners to order evacuations and prepare for possible destruction.


now compare the moisture conditions around the cyclone. dewpoints for stations in Georgia and South Carolina are generally in the ______ degree F. those dewpoint values, when compared to stations on the western side of the frontal boundary, are much ____________


Observe the station model for Dallas in northeaster Texas. The station model showed a temperature of ______ degrees F


The lowest mean monthly temperature is about ________°F in both January and February.


Albuquerque, NM had maximum and minimum temperature of 85 and 61 degree F, respectively. The mean temperature at Albuquerque was ____ degrees F.


The highest mean monthly temperature in Kahului occurs in August. This temperature is about ________°F.


the Nashville upper air station model in Tennessee of figure 11b-4, shows a pennant (triangular) and three long feathers. this signifies a wind speed of ______ knots


Michaels lowest central pressure (at 15Z 10 October) was _______ mb, plotted during and after the maximum wind speed


looking down on a northern hemisphere extratropical cyclone, surface winds blow ______ about the center

counterclockwise and inward

Your completed climograph for Detroit, MI (Figure 1) shows that the mean monthly temperature rises from below freezing during most of meteorological winter (Dec., Jan., Feb.) to means over 70°F during July and August and then falls as winter approaches. The observed temperatures from which the means are computed result mainly from the seasonal swing of solar heating, which in turn is largely determined by latitude. As a general rule, the higher the latitude the lower the winter season temperatures. The lowest mean monthly temperature in Detroit occurs in ________.


in figure 11b-3 the low has moved from the Nebraska-Iowa border, to ________ and the pressure values have risen, so it is in a slow stage of ___________


figure 9a-4 is the 500-mb constant pressure map for 00Z 31 October 2019, the same time as the figure 9a-3 surface map. the middle troposphere flow pattern, shown by the height contours, displayed

a trough marked by a center axis from MN to west Texas

the general 300-mb height contours at 00Z on 31 October exhibited an upper air flow with ________

a trough marked by a center axis from MN to west Texas

Cold air advection occurred at station ______.


figure 10b-1 is the surface weather map for 12Z 31 October 2019. a single L was shown within a closed, circular 1004-mb isobar, with the lowest pressure of 1002.6 mb, reported at Lexington, KY. to the south of the lowest pressure, along the Alabama-Mississippi border and into the Gulf of Mexico, a blue _______ front extended generally southwest


now examine figure 9b-9. these are the tropical pacific average SSTs and wind conditions for November 1998, one year after figure 9b-8, when La Nina replaced El Nino. for November 1998, the SSTs along the equator in the eastern pacific were near 22 degrees C, several degrees __________ than those in the same area during the El Nino in November 1997. the winds across the entire pacific area blew from east to west. the warmest waters were in the extreme western pacific.


compare the Atlanta, GA weather conditions in figure 10b-1 to figure 10b-3 and figure 10b-4. the temperature and dewpoint in Atlanta became _________. winds in Atlanta also changed direction, as the observation station was behind the departing low-pressure system

cooler and less humid

around the low-pressure system, the visible image shows a broad white, comma-shaped swirl of clouds. consistent with the hand twist model of a low, an animation would show this swirl to be rotating _________. the circulation and rising air of low-pressure systems leads to the "comma" shape of clouds frequently seen in satellite images of storms


in the right panel of figure 11b-6 the red pixels immediately next to the bright green pixels inside the white rectangle displays a tornadic vortex signature (TVS). recall from investigation 7a that red shadings denote doppler velocities away from the radar site and green toward. imagine a short arrow away from the radar site across the red pixels. imagine a short arrow toward the radar site across the bright green pixels. this pair of arrows represents the radial velocities away from and toward the radars location for the mile-wide mesocyclone. this pattern of arrows suggests a ________ circulation, as seen from above


the overall flow pattern of winds about the central eye was _____ as seen from above


Clouds (and precipitation) can develop in the ascending branch of a convection current, along a front, and up the windward slopes of a mountain range. The ascending branch of a convection current may produce an upwardly billowing cloud known as a ________ cloud. For a review of cloud types and their development, see ch 7 of the Weather Studies Textbook


after the first black dot from Irmas position in figure 12b-2 Irma was forecast to ______ for the next three days

curve toward the west-northwestward

When viewed relative to rotating Card B, the path was _____. This apparent deflection of motion from a straight line in a rotating system is called the Coriolis Effect, after Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis (1792-1843), who first explained it mathematically. Because Earth is a rotating system, objects moving across its surface exhibit curved paths, except at the equator. This include air parcels moving horizontally.


With your cards in the same position as figure 8a-2i, place the pencil point at the X and slowly pull the lower left tab of the card B toward you while slowly moving your pencil away from you, drawing a line along the slit of card B. Card B is rotating counterclockwise. The line you drew is ____________


Now imagine yourself far above the south Pole and looking down on the Earth below. Again, think of loose Card B as earths surface and X representing the South Pole. From this perspective, Earth appears to rotate clockwise. Rotate Card B clockwise by pulling on the lower-right tab as you draw a line along the slit edge. You observe that as the pencil point moves along the slit and away from the X, it draws a path on the rotating card that ______________

curves to the left

Now imagine yourself above the North Pole, looking down on Earth below. Think of loose Card B as Earths surface and that X represents the North Pole. From this perspective, Earth appears to rotate counterclockwise. If the pencil point moves along the slit and away from the X, it draws a path on the rotating surface that _________

curves to the right

The upper air station model also gives the air temperature at 500 mb. The station data show that as latitude increases (i.e. moving poleward), the decline of 500-mb temperatures is accompanied by a ________ in the altitude of the 500-mb surface


During the several hours following landfall, the wind speeds _____ as the storm's circulation responded to the increased roughness of the underlying land surface and loss of evaporation


Air pressure in the open atmosphere always decreases with an increase in altitude. This happens because air pressure is determined by the weight of the overlying air. Air rsing through the atmosphere expands as less pressure acts on it and, in turn, its temperature ____


As altitude increases in the lowest few kilometers of the atmosphere, the atmospheric temperature generally ___________


Suppose at 00z 4 December 2017 you board an airplane and fly non-stop directly from Miami, the southern-most station in Florida, to the Great Falls, the westernmost station in Montana. n route, the plane cruises along the 500-mb surface. Flying from Miami to Great Falls, the aircrafts actual cruising altitude ____________


compare the heights of the 500-mb constant pressure surface across the southern US to the northern US. as latitude increases (poleward) the height of the 500-mb surface generally ____________


whenever air pressure changes over distance, a force will move air from where the pressure is higher to where pressure is lower. the trade winds blow from east to west because from the surface air pressure _______ in that direction


after wreaking havoc on the coastline of the Florida panhandle, hurricane michael moved further inland past the Florida-Georgia state line, becoming the strongest hurricane to impact Georgia since 1898. the land, however, weakened michael quickly. as noted on figure 12a-3 from 21Z 10 to 15Z 11 October the winds ______ and the overall pressure ________

decreasing; increasing

in response to changes in surface currents, ocean surface currents, ocean surface heights in the eastern tropical pacific are higher than during neutral conditions. at the same time, the arrival of the warmer in the east cause the warm surface water to thicken. the depth of the thermocline is ________ in the east compared with neutral conditions


Cold, dry air is _______ relatively warm, humid air. Consequently, warmer (lighter) air is forced to rise above the sloping front overlying colder (denser) air

denser than

In general, where radar shadings indicated precipitation across figure 6b-1, sky cover conditions at stations ______ display varying degrees of cloudiness


Stations showing sky cover conditions from green bay south and westward into northern Illinois and Minnesota ______ indicate that rising motions due to the low-pressure center and fronts across the area were leading to cloud formation and precipitation. Consider the two stations cloud conditions for Illinois and Minnesota


The blue, white, and green shadings in figure 7a-3 moving through northwest Arkansas and Missouri as a slightly curved line, _______ approximately coincide with the figure 7a-1 surface map of precipitation as shown by its radar shadings


the figure 10b-1 Lexington low _______ move during the 20 hrs between figure 10b-1, figure 10b-3, and figure 10b-4, as expected from the 300-mb wind directions aloft as depicted in figure 10b-2


this flow pattern implies an asymmetrical trough in the central portion of the US. typically, the region downstream of a trough axis serves as one ingredient (vertical ascent) for lifting of lower tropospheric air. while the occluding surface low-pressure system near the great lakes fits mostly under the eastern dip of the broad trough, the greatest radar reflectivities occurred downstream of the upper level trough suggesting that support in the upper troposphere needed for thunderstorm formation _______ exist across this region


The reflectivity as seen in figure 7b-2a is related to the intensity of the radar return signal, and hence the precipitation rates, according to the scale along the lower margin. The elongated, disorganized band of orange amber shadings west of the KSGF- radar site near the towns of Stockton, Greenfield, and Monett were returns of moderate to heavy rates of precipitation. There _________ as many moderate to heavy reflectivity shadings east of the radar site (ex Springfield)

did not

figure 11b-2 and figure 11b-3 surface maps _______ show favorable low-level moisture and triggering mechanisms, while figure 11b-4 showed ______ evidence of supportive upper atmospheric conditions, all of which contribute to thunderstorm development

did.....some contradictory

using the cyclones track B fronts in Oklahoma as a guide, draw in the cold and warm front at 12-hr intervals. follow the same guidelines as for track A fronts. with track B, residents of Detroit _____ experience the passage of fronts


figure 12a-2 is an example BOAA product from an interactive mapping tool which can displaying historic hurricane tracks by ocean basin and color-coded storm strength similar to figure 12a-1. according to figure 12a-2, tropical storms formed in either the northern or southern hemispheres _____ cross the equator from one hemisphere to the other.

do not

using the track A fronts in Texas as the starting point, draw the cyclones cold and warm front at 12-hr intervals. for simplicity, draw the warm front in the same position relative to the low-pressure center while rotating the cold front until it is oriented roughly north-south 24 hr after its Texas position. with track A, residents of Detroit ______ experience the passage of fronts

do not

Compare the lines of equal pressure you drew on figures 6 and 7. They appear quite different because one deals with rigid blocks whereas the other deals with compressible air, and their scales are much different. However, both reveal the effect of density on pressure. The lines of equal pressure slope ____ from the lower-density tall blocks or warm air column above Florida to the higher density short blocks or cold air column above New York, respectively


Constant pressure "surfaces" are those that can be imagines an undulating surfaces in the atmosphere on which the air pressure is the same (for example, the 500 mb surface) Comparing the altitudes of each of the pressure surfaces from 700 mb to 100 mb indicates that individual constant pressure surfaces slope from their altitudes in the warmer air over Little Rock ____ to their altitudes in the cooler air over Denver


Generally, high pressure areas in the atmosphere tend to be clear because air in them experiences ____ motion. Low pressure areas tend to have clouds because air in them experiences motion in the reverse direction


Arid and Semiarid climates can be caused by several climate controls. Locations on the eastern side of planetary-scale, persistent high pressure systems, such as those occurring around 30 degrees N in the Atlantic and Pacific, experience subsiding air, which inhibits cloud formation and precipitation. The west side of such systems, by contrast, tends to be humid. The cause of dryness in Yuma AZ, for example, is due mainly to its position ________ of a subtropical high pressure system which persists off the southwest U.S. coast in the Pacific.


Figure 8b-3 focuses on Minneapolis in southeast Minnesota. Conditions at Minneapolis were influenced by the Central Plains High. Again, draw an arrow 1 cm long from the center of the Minneapolis station circle to the lowest pressure (Lake Huron), perpendicular to the 1020-mb isobar just east of the Minneapolis station circle. The plotted pressure at Minneapolis was "201" )1020.1 mb) Minneapolis' pressure gradient force (perpendicular to the 1020-mb isobar) acted toward the _________


cold surface water cools the air above it, which leads to increases in the surface air pressure. warm surface water adds heat and water vapor to the atmosphere, lowering the surface air pressure. these atmosphere ocean interactions result in tropical surface air pressure being highest in the _______ tropical pacific


The two stacks are side by side with another identical block added to each stack in figure 5a-4. An imaginary surface 1 is inserted horizontally through the two stacks so that two short blocks and one tall block are beneath imaginary surface 1. compare the pressure exerted on imaginary surface 1 by the overlying blocks. The tall stack exerts ___ pressure on imaginary surface 1 than does the short stack


At Northern Hemisphere, mid-latitude locations, assuming clear skies, the daily amounts of incoming solar radiation in late September are _____________ the amounts at the same location in late March.

greater than

Looking at the sky cover/wind station model between 3z and 8z 26 September, sustained wind speeds were generally among their ___ for the 24-hour period on this mareogram at about ___ knots. This speed deviation coincided (at its outset) with the shift in wind direction and change in the ambient temperature during this same period


Based on their relative positions on the figure 5b-2 surface map, the nearby cold front ____ swept eastward beyond the Chicago station

half already

Other stations on the map segment show additional wind, sky cover, and current weather conditions. Marfa, TX in the western 'big bend' of the Rio Grande River, has a temperature of 28 degrees F and the current weather conditions (stars or asterisks) is _________

haze or snow

The shading of those areas' rain showers in Iowa and Wisconsin, as well as those in the northern Rockies, suggests those cloud tops extended relatively _____ into the troposphere.


on a visible satellite image, a large thunderstorm can appear as a bright white blotch, or cluster. the brightness of the blotch indicates that the cloud top has ________ albedo for visible solar radiation


Assume you fly from Denver to Little Rock at 31,000 ft (9400 m) above sea level, a typical altitude for commercial aircraft, using your pressure altimeter. With a pressure altimeter, you fly along a constant pressure surface. (to visualize this flight, you can compare the reported altitudes of the 300 mb levels of the two stations) as you approach Little Rock, your aircraft would be at a ____ altitude than indicated by your pressure altimeter when you were over Denver


The aircraft flew along a constant pressure surface (500 mb) which is at a ______ altitude in warm air than in cold air. In actual practice, a pilot must adjust the aircrafts pressure altimeter to correct for changes in the altitude of pressure surfaces due to changes in air temperature en route. This correction ensures a more accurate calibration between air pressure and altitude


The greater the Saffir-Simpson category value of a hurricane, the _________ the storm surge height.


The plotted temperatures and dewpoints in Denver begin much higher on the chart than Little Rock because Denver, the "mile-high" city is at a much ____ elevation than Little Rock. This means the launched balloon at Denver cannot obtain data for all the same pressure levels as Little Rock


figure shows atmospheric and oceanic conditions during La Nina. at times the tropical pacific experiences trade winds stronger than neutral conditions with SSTs lower than usual in the easter tropical pacific and higher than usual in the western tropical pacific. because stronger trade winds produce and stronger surface currents during la Nina, the warm water us pushed westward and colder water wells up, causing below average SSts in the easter tropical pacific. the SSts in the western tropical pacific must be ________ than during a typical El Nino episode


in response to changes in the air pressure pattern across the tropical pacific, the trade winds weaken and even reverse, especially in the western pacific as shown by the bold dark arrows. no longer piled up in the western pacific, the warm surface water reverses and flows toward the east as shown by the surface currents arrows. evident inn the ocean surface temperature shading, the SSts in the eastern tropical pacific are______ than during neutral conditions


Because of the slope of the equal pressure lines in figure 5a-7, it is evident that at 12,200 m above sea level, the air pressure in the warmer air over Florida is ____ the air pressure in the colder New York air at the same 12,2000-m altitude

higher than

The wind at little rock exhibited a flow directed at an angle toward that isotherm. This wind direction was from ____ temperature regions

higher toward lower

Contour lines on constant-pressure upper-air maps separate regions with higher altitudes from those areas with lower altitudes. In figure 8a-5, the area to the south of the 5760-m contour across the southern U.S. is where the 500-mb altitudes are among the _______. Conversely, the area north of the 5460-m contour line from easter Washington State to northern Maine is a region where 500-mb altitudes are the lowest


the rainfall in the tropical pacific is also related to SST patterns. the higher the SSTs, the greater the rate of evaporation of ocean water and the more vigorous the atmospheric convection. consequently, during neutral conditions, rainfall is greatest in the western tropical pacific where SSts are _________.


On figure 8b-1, draw an arrow at 1 cm long pointing from the center of the Jacksonville station circle to lowest pressure (Lake Huron) perpendicular to the 1012-mb isobar just south of the Jacksonville station circle. The arrow you just drew represents the direction of the ________ force acting on the air at Jacksonville

horizontal pressure gradient

in figure 12b-2 advisory, irma was forecast to be among the leeward islands by 8 am Wednesday. the watch and warning indicated the islands were under a _______. this is consistent with the forecast timing from the advisory position

hurricane warning

Based on how solar radiation received varies with latitude, it can be inferred that seasonal temperature contrasts would ____ as latitude increases.


Compare the surface (figure 8b-1) and 500 mb (figure 8b-4) wind speeds in the west-east band across the middle of the country around Minnesota. For relatability, compare the figures as if they were the same time. The wind speed comparison shows as altitude in the atmosphere increases, wind speeds ________. This relationship results in part from the absence of friction in the middle and upper atmosphere


Comparing the three annual radiation curves indicates the annual range (the difference between the curves' maximum and minimum) of solar radiation received daily _____ as latitude increases


Moving outward horizontally in any direction from the red L located in lower Michigan, air pressure


The Coriolis Effect causes objects in the Southern Hemisphere to appear to curve to the _________ as they move freely across Earth's surface


the black trend line in figure 11a-3 represents a running total of tornado reports for the period 2005-2015. when comparing the 2018 red trend line to the annual average, 2018 was _________ the recent periods average

less active than

Begin once again with unsaturated air parcel at 17 degrees C at 1000 mb. Because it is unsaturated, its relative humidity initially is _______ 100%

less than

Compare the annual temperature range for Detroit, in the north-central part of the country, (Figure 1) and Eureka, CA, on the Pacific coast, (Figure 5). Eureka's annual temperature range is ________ that of Detroit.

less than

From the shape of the curve and range of temperature, it is evident that Kahului experiences relatively ________ variation in solar heating through the course of a year.


Weather radar reflectivity displays show precipitation

location and intensity

If condensation occurred during the ascent from 800 mb to 500 mb, the air parcel would have _____ water vapor during the ascent


Figure 8a-1 represents a portion of a surface weather map with three straight, parallel isobars. Pressure is in mb, and isobars are uniformly spaced and drawn with a 4-mb interval. _______ pressure is located across the top of the diagram.


the figure 13b-1 weather map shows the lower Mississippi River Valley and Tennessee-North Carolina area influenced by a ___________ -pressure system


warm surface water transported by the wind away from the South American coast is replaced by cold water rising from below in a process called upwelling. upwelling of cold, deep water result in _________ SSTs in the eastern Pacific compared to the wester Pacific


Point D shows the effect of friction on moving air. The force of friction, represented by the small green arrow, always acts opposite the direction of motion and slows the moving object, which decreases the Coriolis Effect. As shown by the thick arrow at Point D, the direct of airflow changes and air flows obliquely across isobars toward _________ pressure


Recall from inv 5a where profiles from New York and Florida over a range of latitude were shown in figure 5a-7. In general, as you move toward Earth's poles and higher latitudes, you expect the altitudes of a particular constant pressure surface to become ____.


The diagram shows a pattern of air pressure changing over distance. Assuming the atmosphere is initially calm, the only force acting horizontally on a parcel of air at Point a is a pressure gradient force. On figure 8a-1, draw an arrow about a centimeter in length starting at point A and aimed directly toward the top of the diagram to depict the direction the pressure gradient force acts. The arrow shows the pressure gradient force acting directly toward the _____ pressure. This force is directed perpendicular to the isobar lines. The horizontal pressure gradient creates a force that moves an air parcel at A in the direction the force is acting.


figure 11a-3 has a trend line for 2018 for the annual as well as daily tornado counts. Individual spikes, by day, show tornado event days with more tornados than other. the month of _______ had one of the greatest number of daily tornado reports in 2018


when the upper air flow pattern is zonal, the source region for much of the air over the coterminous US is the pacific ocean. on the other hand, when the upper air flow pattern is meridional, the source regions for air masses are Canada (with winds from the northwest) or Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico (with winds from the southeast). hence, from west to east, temperatures are likely to be more variable with a _________ flow pattern


Both the green bay and Chicago stations reported two green horizontal lines, indicating ______ was being reported at map time. With the approach of the low pressure from the west and the proximity to the frontal boundary, significant upward motion occurred in the vicinity of northern Illinois and Wisconsin.

mist and/or fog

Lafayette, the station in south-central Louisiana, showed a weather symbol denoting the intensity of a type of precipitation. The triplet symbol indicated that the precipitation intensity at that station was ________


Given the saturated conditions, particularly in eastern Missouri at the Illinois state line, what were the observed present weather conditions at 00Z on figure 7a-2 indicated by three, filled green circles at St. Louis

moderate rain

Look at figure 5a-6 of a side view of the two stacks of pressure blocks, the same blocks seen in the previous figure. Following the example, draw straight lines connecting the mid points of bases of blocks exerting the same pressure. These lines connecting equal pressure dots become ____ inclined with an increase in height


This comparison demonstrates rising unsaturated, clear air cools _____ than rising saturated, cloudy air over the same pressure change


fundamental to the formation of the polar-front jet stream within the westerlies is that warm air is less dense than cold air when both are at the same pressure. air pressure drops _______ rapidly with increasing altitude in cold air than in warm air


based on the trend of eastward movement in the midlatitudes, the cold front extending from Ohio to Texas in figure 13b-2 __________ developed from the northwestern weather system in figure 13b-1 two and a half days previously

most likely had

The air pressure (mb) is shown in the bottom graph panel of the mareogram. From 20z to 22z 25 September 2018, the air pressure at Chicago was ____. During this period, the storm system and its front were in close proximity to Chicago, moving in from the west.

mostly unchanging

as a cold air mass advances and a warm air mass retreats, the colder, denser air forces the warmer, lighter air to ascend either along or just ahead of the cold front. uplift of warm air triggers cloud development and perhaps showery precipitation. in some instances, uplift is so vigorous that thunderstorms develop. the band of clouds and precipitation associated with a cold front is _______ than that associated with a warm front


the forecast path showed the system was expected to turn and travel generally west-southwestward, threatening the Windward islands and the Leeward Islands in the easter Caribbean Sea after Tuesday. note that there are no colored shadings for watches or warnings shown over the islands. based on table 1, given the forecast position times plotted in figur 12b-1 should watches or warnings be posted


note the projected strength of the storm across Florida in figure 12b-3. irma was forecasted as a major hurricane during its northward trip along Floridas east coast, with major influence of the Atlantic Ocean surface. the watch and warning color coding indicated Florida's east coast would be under _______

no watch or warning

From 3z until 11z 26 September, winds were generally from the _____, a noted change from the trend on the previous day when the front was not yet past Chicago


apply the hand twist model of low-pressure systems to the cyclones position at the 12 hr intervals along track A and assume, before the storms arrival, the wind at Detroit it blew from the east. as the cyclone approaches the wind shifts from the east to the _______


the 500-mb wind directions proivide guidance on surface storm movements. over much of the Ohio Valley and Northeast in figure 9a-4, they indicate the developing cyclone center in northern Kentucky of figure 9a-3 would move toward the _____ over the next day or so


The month of occurrence of the highest mean temperature suggests that Kahului is located in the ________ Hemisphere.


Imagine or draw a straight line perpendicular to the 0 doppler wind speed boundary line through the Springfield radar site with an arrowhead on the end in the red area to indicate the doppler-detected wind direction at the station. The direction of this arrow, signifying the wind direction in the lower layers of the atmosphere sensed by the radar signal is from the _______


Wind direction is shown by the arrow shaft drawn into the station circle. North is to the top on the map and east is to the right. Wind is always named for the direction it blows from. In the above depiction, the wind direction was generally from the _____


the Lexington low in figure 10b-1 had moved hundreds of miles during the 20 hrs between figure 10b-1 and figure 10b-4, its effects evident in the eastern US. having swept eastward, the trailing cold front in figure 10b-4 extended from New Hampshire southward into Florida. the wind directions at stations in Georgia and the Carolinas in figure 10b-4 were from the _________, as would be expected behind the cold front of this more mature low-pressure system


surface wind speeds behind the front in figure 9a-3 were greater than other regions of the US. for example, Dallas, TX reported a sustained wind speed with two long feather and one shorter one, denoting a speed of ______ knots

not 20

One of the highest reported wind speeds plotted in figure 9a-4 was reported at Topeka, KS (TOP) from the southwest at about _______ knots. for reference, the wind barb includes 2 flags and 1 half feather

not 80 maybe 70

a broad band of cloudiness also swelled eastward from northern MN into the Canadian Province of Ontario. this wide cloud aligned east of the storm system's ______ front(s)

occluded and warm

Detroit and Eureka are at similar latitudes and both are located near a large body of water. The climate control causing the difference in annual temperature range is the influence of the prevailing westerly wind at both locations. For Eureka, the temperature range is influenced mainly by the ________ which is upwind and in Detroit by winds blowing from the continent with the nearby body of water being downwind.


Compare the little rock advection pattern to that of Oklahoma City, just north of the frontal boundary. The wind flows and air mass advection patterns on opposite sides of the developing low-pressure center displayed ____ air flow advection patterns, consistent with the circulation expected around a low-pressure center


At upper levels, the wind directions are also related to the contours. Looking at these upper-level winds, especially where winds are relatively fast, they are ________.

parallel to the contours

Imagine a straight line about 3 cm in length along the gray 0 doppler wind speed boundary centered on the radar site. This "zero-speed' situation occurs where the radar beam is _________ to the wind flow and there is no wind motion component directly toward or away from the radar


The moving air parcel follows the dashed curved path shown on the map. The think black arrow at Point B shows the parcels direction of motion at that location. At point V, the longer thin red arrow represents the _________ force

pressure gradient

Dry or wet conditions can also be caused by a location being upwind or downwind of a mountain range. Areas to the lee of high mountains tend to be dry because of the "wringing out" of moisture on the wet, windward slopes (due to orographic lifting, cooling and condensation) and the compressional warming of air which occurs as the air descends on the leeward slopes. The atmospheric stability caused by cold ocean currents offshore can also prevent precipitation by stabilizing the air and inhibiting convection. Instability, however, can occur if ocean currents are warm. The dryness of Yuma, which is downwind of the Coastal Ranges and the cold California Current, is ________ drier because of the influence of mountains and ocean currents.


from the colored shadings and outlines, Tennessee had a likelihood of ___________

rain and chance of thunderstorms

There is evidence of a broad ______ across the region from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico


Once horizontal motion has begun at this Northern Hemisphere location, the air parcel's path is deflected to the _______ of its direction of motion


The effect of Earth's rotation on the path of objects moving across its surface is greatest at the poles and diminishes to zero at the equator. The Coriolis Effect causes objects freely moving horizontally over Earths surface in the Northern Hemisphere to appear to curve to the ___________


because of a Northern Hemisphere hurricanes counterclockwise circulation around its surface low-pressure center, strong winds cause extensive damage, heavy rainfall, and storm surges mainly to the _____ of an advancing hurricanes center as it comes ashore. in 2018, hurricane michaels circulation center made landfall just west of Mexico beach, FL with catastrophic wave action and storm surge inundation along the shoreline. it also cut two new inlets at St. Joseph state park. the devastation included an estimated $14 billion (2019 USD) with 60 deaths attributed to it


over the next three and a half days, irmas projected path showed hurricane warnings for the Bahamas to the north and a tropical storm watch and warning for Cuba to the south. the warnings differed because, in the northern hemisphere, locations to the _______ of a hurricanes advancing eye have greater wind speeds and damage potential


eventually the cold front catches up and merges with the warm front forming an occluded front. at this stage in the life cycle of an extratropical cyclone (known as an occlusion), the storm often begins to weaken as the central air pressure _________


As the air parcel continues to rise above 800 mb, it will follow a _______ adiabatic lapse rate line


The sky cover at Dallas indicated ______ conditions

scattered clouds

In the ___ stack, the pressure decreases more rapidly with height

short, more dense

as the cyclone progresses across Earths surface, the cold and warm fronts rotate about the center of low pressure. the motion of the storm systems has similarities to that of a flying frisbee, which spins as it sails through the air. the cold front rotates about the center of the low faster than the warm front and the extent of the warm sector, occupied by warm and humid air, at the surface _________


The second letter of the Detroit (Figure 1) and Fairbanks (Figure 6) classifications corresponds to seasonal precipitation regimes with an "f" signifying year-round precipitation. According to their climographs and climate classifications, Detroit and Fairbanks have ________ month-to-month uniformity in their precipitation regimes.


the large-scale motions in the atmosphere show a convection cell (convection loop). the bold dark arrows show air rising in the stormy weather of the Western pacific and ______ in the eastern tropical Pacific


The atmosphere above Long Island, NY was a colder and senser than the air above the more southern, warmer Tallahassee, FL. Following the example shown at the surface, draw straight lines connecting equal air pressure arrowheads on the graph. For most of the atmosphere above earth's surface these lines representing equal air pressures are ____

slightly inclined

there are also radar reflectivities to the north and west of the Lexington, KY low. based on the temperatures in both Green Bay, WI and St. Louis, MO, the radar is likely sampling _________ particles. this is confirmed by the current weather reports at the station in both of those locations (two green asterisks)


Climate classification systems allow climate differences and similarities to be expressed in a "shorthand" form. The broad-scale climate boundaries in the Köppen Climate Classification System (see Climate Classification at the end of this investigation) are based on patterns in annual and monthly mean temperature and precipitation, which closely correspond to the limits of vegetative communities. The major classifications of Tropical Humid (A), Subtropical (C), Snow Forest (D), and Polar (E) are based on temperature; the group Dry (B) is based on precipitation; and the group Highland (H) applies to mountainous regions. Temperatures for both Fairbanks and Detroit place them in the ________ classification.

snow forest (D)

Draw a second arrow to represent the Coriolis force pointing from the station circle center at a 90 degree angle to the right of the pressure gradient force wind arrow from #8. The Coriolis force at Minneapolis was directed toward the _____________


Draw a small arrow from the station circle center at a 90 degree angle to the right of the wind arrow to represent the Coriolis force acting on the wind. Your Coriolis force arrow is directed toward the _____________

south (not)

the left panel reflectivity view figure 11b-6 shows intense precipitation in the dark red associated with the severe thunderstorm. assuming north at the top, the most-intense red pixels in the entire viewing frame are found just _________ of Birmingham, AL and identify the most intense reflectivity, often resulting from large raindrops, hail, or even debris in the air


apply the hand-twist model of low-pressure systems to each of the cyclones 12-hr positions along track B, assuming initially the wind at Detroit blew from the east. as the storm approaches the wind shifts from the east to the _______


dewpoints are likely to be higher to the ______ of the cyclones center


One region in the southern high plains experienced distinctly different weather characteristics from those in the norther high plains. This contrast typically becomes more distinct with each passing week through the fall season. With an acute angle of 5 knot winds directed toward an isotherm, Oklahoma City, OK had ____ winds bringing ____ air advection toward the frontala boundary to the north


examine the wind directions in Atlanta, GA and Charleston, SC. their respective wind directions exhibited winds from a _______ direction. this is consistent with the warm sector of the classic mid-latitude cyclone


another ingredient for tornado formation is the effective outflow of air aloft. which can be measured through an analysis of divergence aloft. although complicated to quantify, one way to visualize it is to examine how winds flow away from one another on an upper-air chart, such as figure 11b-5. follow the 300mb flow over the Oklahoma-Arkansa-Missouri borders where stations show mostly parallel winds. however, downstream the flow begins to ________ with increasing distance from the Arkansas-Missouri-border. this is confirmed by examining the differing wind direction plotted at Atlanta, GA and Detroit, MI on figure 11b-5

spread apart

examine figure 9b-1's neutral (long-term average or normal) conditions in the tropical pacific ocean from about Borneo in the western pacific to the west coast of South America. the scene depicts the ocean surface with atmosphere above and a cross-section of the ocean below. fair weather prevails in the western pacific (near 120 degrees E)


Orient the cards as shown in the figure 8a-2i. Place your pencil at X. With the cards motionless, carefully draw a line on card B along the slit and directly away from you. The line you drew represents a path that is _______


You drew a line on a path both straight and curved at the same time! This is possible because motion is measured relative to a frame of reference. In this demonstration, there are two different frames of reference, one fixed and the other rotating. When the pencil-point motion was observed relative to Card A, its path was _____________


such narrow areas with the precipitation intensity identified in #8 would likely be associated with _________

strong localized thunderstorm

In figure 5a-3 an identical block was placed on top of each black on the table. The amount of pressure exerted on the table by each stack is ____ amount of pressure on the table exerted by the single blocks

twice the

And while not shown here but relying on the hand twist model of a high, areas to the west of highs should have _____ air advection. The hand twist model can be references in inv. 1b


Generalizing from the figure 4a-1 wind and temperature patterns associated with weather systems, areas southeast of lows can be expected to have ____ air advection


This flow of air at little rock was in an area of ___ air advection. Figure 4b-3 and figure 4b-4 show both types of air advection patterns are often found on weather maps, regardless of the time of year


considering the wind shifts at Detroit as the cyclone passes through Michigan along track B, Detroit is positioned to experience weather related to the _______ side of the system


in the extratropical cyclones warm sector (the area between the warm front and the advancing cold front) surface winds are likely to produce _____ air advection


the northern hemispheres upper- air westerlies flowing through ridges exhibit clockwise (anticyclonic) curvature as seen fro above. as shown in figure 9a-1 the ridge axis line divides the ridge into two roughly symmetrical sectors. west of the ridge axis, winds are from the southwest (a warm weather direction) and east of the ridge axis, winds are from the northwest (a cold weather direction). winds to the west of a ridge axis favor ________ air advection while winds to the east of a ridge axis favor cold air advection


The trough line of a broad upper-air trough influencing the weather of the western US is centered in the mountain states. The eastern US is probably experiencing temperatures which are __________ for the time of year.

warmer than normal

Furthermore, the presence and shadings of radar return in norther Wisconsin indicated precipitation ________ occurring in this general area. Precipitation results from cloud formation and droplet growth processes.


From near the 575 mb pressure level, upward unto the tropopause, temperatures and dewpoints above green bay are increasingly different, indicating that the air aloft un the upper troposphere _____ likely saturated. In this case, it can be assumed at this height, vertical cloud growth would cease.

was not

the pattern of hurricane-force wind speeds during hurricane michael ______ the eye as it moved northward. this pattern illustrates the internal dynamics of hurricanes and their interactions with the larger-scale flow may produce complex wind patterns

was primarily to the right of

survey the figure 9a-5 map for winds speeds of 70 knots or more (one flag and 2 long feathers) using this wind speeds threshold to define the existence of a jest stream, there _________ evidence of a jest stream curving across the US on the 300-mb constant-pressure map

was strong

a severe thunderstorm ______ means a thunderstorm has the potential to exist, while a severe thunderstorm __________ means a thunderstorm is imminent or already occurring


the alignment of strong radar reflectively ahead of the cold front in figure 11b-2 and figure 11b-3 _______ spatially consistent with the preliminary severe weather reports in figure 11b-1


these observed winds and SSTs in November 1998 ________ generally consistent with the depiction of those of the figure 9b-3 La Nina phase


On the Stuve diagram, the bold, black irregular curves represent temperature and dewpoint temperature profiles. Temperature is always to the right, while dewpoint is to the left. Where the curves are superimposed, the temperatures and dewpoint values, upward from the surface to about 575 mb on figure 6b-3 indicate that near surface and mid-level air layers _____ to be saturated

were very likely

the bold black arrow along the ocean surface in the convective loop represents the trade winds and points in the direction the prevailing winds are blowing. as indicated by the arrows, winds during neutral conditions blow toward the _______ along the equator


the figure 12b-4 forecast track projected irma would make landfall along the Florida Keys about 8 am Sunday and continue up the ______ coast of the state


Prevailing winds blow from west to east across most of the North America. Winds blowing onshore from the Pacific Ocean are forced up the windward slopes of the Cascade Mountain Range in the Pacific Northwest. Hence, the heaviest precipitation falls on the _______ slopes of the Cascades


tropical cyclones track through many ocean basins, and especially the ______ ocean. among them in 2018, typhoon jebi was the strongest typhoon to strike Japan in 25 yrs, causing multiple fatalities. the frequency of storms in that location is correlated with the large expanse of year-round warm waters

western north pacific

typically, the majority of Atlantic tropical storms travel westward at lower latitudes and then curve to the north and northeast upon reaching the belt of the prevailing westerly winds. with this directional pattern, storms like Florence in figure 12a-1, that do not curve until passing about 75 degrees W, likely impact land before turning northward


the eastward movement of weather systems ___________ suggest that the stormy weather across the Southeast might move on in the next day or so, bringing changes in weather conditions for Tennessee


from the preliminary figure 12b-2 forecast, should people in the southern U.S. have followed the hurricanes updated tracks for the future


Now look at figure 3a-6, the June satellite image. On the northern hemispheres summer solstice, earth's north pole attains its maximum tilt towards the sun. Consequently, poleward from the artic circle, the period of daylight is ______ hrs.


Based on the temperature pattern determined bby the green bay data you plotted, the tropopause above green bay at 12z on 6 February 2018 was located at a pressure level of about _____ mb


A day with a maximum temperature of 60 degrees F and a minimum of 40 degrees F has a mean temperature of 50 degrees F. subtracting 50 from 65 yields 15 heating degree day units for that day. Hence, a day with a high temperature of 45 degrees F and a low of 25 degrees F produces _____ HIDDs.


Air pressure is plotted along the left vertical axis of stuve diagrams in mb with pressure decreasing upward, just as it does in the real atmosphere. Air pressure, which is very close to 1000 mb at sea level in the standard atmosphere, decreases most rapidly with altitude in the lowest part of the atmosphere. The 2a-5 diagram shows air pressure of 500 mb occurs at an altitude of _______ km above sea level


Because air pressure is determined by the weight of the overlying air, half of the atmosphere by weight or mass is above the altitude where the air pressure is 500 mb and half of it is below that altitude. In other words, half of the atmosphere by weight or mass is within _______ km of sea level


The stuve diagram is scaled to allow plotting of atmospheric data up to a pressure of 100 mb (about 16 km). At a level where the atmospheric pressure is 100 mb, about ____ percent of the atmospheres mass remains above

50 or 10 or 1

Figure 4a-1 displays a surface weather map of the contiguous U.S. with a simplified view of a storm system in the eastern part of the country. Local wind data are displayed for several stations and three isotherms are drawn on the map. The isotherm values (from lowest to highest) are _____ Freiheit.

50, 60, 70

From the green bay radiosonde data in table 1, at 12z on 6 February 2018, the pressure of 500 mb occurred at an altitude of _____ m. five hundred millibars is about half of the atmospheric pressure at sea level. Since air pressure is determined by the weight of the overlying air, this means about half of the mass of green bay atmosphere was above this altitude and half below


The troposphere is generally characterized by decreasing temperature with altitude significant vertical motion, appreciable water vapor, and weather. According to the standard atmosphere data you plotted on figure 2a-5 the temperature within the troposphere (up to 11 km) decreases with altitude at the rate of ________ degrees C per km.


Irregular light blue, green, yellow, and red line shadings scattered across the map in the west concentrated in the southeast indicated where the national network of weather radars detected precipitation. The radar shadings with the most intense precipitation at map time was located _____

Near the center of the major low pressure and frontal boundaries

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