MGMT 201- Chapter 2

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What causes job satisfaction? Summation and Describe

#1 The Work Itself: - The strongest correlation with overall satisfaction - The tasks / variety / independence / feedback #2 Social Component: - 2nd strong correlation with how people view the social context of their work - Interaction with colleagues / hands off supervision

Values lay the foundation at work for our...

- Attitudes - Behaviors - Motivations - Perceptions

What are the outcomes correlating to job satisfaction and subsections?

- Attitudes (Motivation, Job Involvement, Perceived Stress) - Behavior (Job Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB), Turnover)

Why important to understand employee's values in the workplace?

- Because they encompass concepts, principles, or activities for which people are willing to work hard - All workers need an understanding of values to work effectively with others and manage themselves

Describe our belief system

- Carry a "judgment"....your idea on right versus wrong - Are relatively stable

Examples of Terminal Values

- Prosperity (economic success) - An exciting life (stimulating / active life) - A sense of accomplishment (lasting contribution) - Health and well-being (longevity) - Equality (brotherhood / equal opportunity for all) - Family security (taking care of loved ones) - Freedom (independence / free choice) - Ethics (moral compass /do good things right)

Managers need to find ways to reduce CWB. they are...

-Hiring individuals who are less prone to engage in this behavior - Motivate desired behaviors and not CWBs - Respond quickly and appropriately to employees engaging in CWBs

What are values?

Abstract ideals that guide one's thinking and behavior across all situations

Instrumental Values Examples

Ambitious (hard working, aspiring) Broad-minded (open-minded) Self-reliance (competent, efficient) Courageous (standing up for your beliefs) Forgiving (willing to pardon others) Kindness (working for the welfare of others) Honesty (sincere, truthful)

Describe Value Attainment and in Job Satisfaction

An employee's perception that a job allows for the fulfillment of an individual's important values.... determines... their job satisfaction

What are Personal Attitudes?

Attitudes represent our feelings or opinions about people, places, and objects - They range from positive to negative - Important because they impact behavior

Does job satisfaction cause superior performance or does superior performance drive job satisfaction??

Both job satisfaction and superior performance

What are the three components of attitudes?

Cognitive = "I believe" Affective = "I feel" Behavioral = "I intend"

When Attitudes and Reality Collide...

Cognitive Dissonance Occurs

Describe need fulfillment in job satisfaction

Extent to which characteristics of the job allow employee social "needs" to be filled.... Determines.... Job Satisfaction

Describe Met Expectations in Job Satisfaction

If what an individual actually receives from a job (good pay, promotional opportunities, etc.)... What an individual expects to receive from a job.... the result is Job satisfaction

Are values the same in every workplace?

NO. Values vary amongst work groups. Ex. Corporate Managers versus Trade Union Members Subject - - fairness/equality

what are the two different types of values and describe?

Terminal Values: - Desirable end-state - Goals we want to achieve in our lifetime Instrumental Values: - Preferable modes of behavior - The means of achieving your terminal values

Define and explain Job Satisfaction

The employees feelings about their job resulting from their "evaluation" of its characteristics The extent to which an individual likes their job - Position tasks - variation of work - Flexibility and creativity - Feedback

Describe job involvement in terms of attitudinal outcomes

The extent to which an individual is personally involved with his or her work role

Are Attitudes different from Values?

YES . Personal Attitudes are Different from Values

Describe turnover in terms of behavioral outcomes

can be positive if poor performers are leaving and negative if good employees leave

Organizational Citizenship Behavior is BLANK to job satisfaction

highly correlated

Perceived stress is BLANK to absenteeism/turnover

highly correlated

What is strong employee motivation is BLANK to job satisfaction?

highly correlated

Describe Equity and in job satisfaction

if an individual perceives that their work outcomes relative to their work inputs .....greater than or equal to... relevant other's work outcomes relative to work inputs/inputs.... the result is job satisfaction

job performance in BLANK to job satisfaction

moderately correlated

Employee job involvement is BLANK to job satisfaction

only moderately correlated

Describe employee motivation in terms of attitudinal outcomes

psychological process that arouses interest in doing something, and it directs and guides behavior

BLANK on job satisfaction AND employee engagement

strong negative impact

CWB has a BLANK with job satisfaction

strong negative relationship

When employees are dissatisfied with their jobs they have 4 major responses. State and describe them.

- Exit (Active Option, Employee choose to leave the organization) - Voice (Active Option, Employee works to active, constructive means to improve conditions) - Neglect (Passive Option, Employees neglect their work and allow conditions to worsen) - Loyalty (Passive Option, Employees remains loyal to the organization and waits for change)

What can be done to reduce voluntary turnover

- Hire people who "fit" with the organization's culture - Spend time fostering employee engagement - Provide effective onboarding - Recognize and reward high performers

Describe organizational citizenship behavior in terms of behavioral outcomes

- Individual behavior that is discretionary - Talking positively about the organization (Internal and externally) - Not part of employees' formal job description

Four Key Workplace Attitudes

- Organizational Commitment - Employee Engagement - Perceived Organizational Support - Job Satisfaction

What are the 5 Models of Job Satisfaction?

Need Fulfillment Met Expectation Value Attainment Equity Traits/Genetic Components

describe perceived stress in terms of attitudinal outcomes

Negative effects on many different OB-related outcomes

Define and Explain Employee Engagement

Organizational Members- The harnessing of organizational members' selves to their work roles - "employees "give it their all" Sense of Urgency Being focused Intensity Enthusiasm When engaged people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during job performance

Does salary and total compensation package positively affect job satisfaction?

Pay (Compensation): Not correlated after individual reaches a level of comfortable living

Name the concept, scope, influence, and affects behavior of personal values and personal attitudes

Personal Values, Global, Broad: All Situations, Variously Personal Attitudes: Specific, Targeted: Specifically, Via Intentions

Personal Values Application. Bottom Line.

Positive employee attitudes and motivation are greatest when the work environment is consistent with employee values

Define Cognitive Dissonance and Example

Psychological discomfort experienced when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions (ideas, values, or emotions) Outcome can look like - Hypocrite Saying one thing but acting another way

Define and explain Perceived Organizational Support

Reflects the extent to which employees believe that the organization: - Values their contributions - Genuinely cares about their well-being - Rewards are fair - Supervisors are supportive Leads to high levels of ... - Organizational citizenry / better customer service/higher job satisfaction - Less tardiness

Value Systems:

Represents a prioritizing of individual values by: Content - it is important to the individual Intensity - relative importance with other values Person's value hierarchy tends to be relatively stable

Why might personal attitudes be important to understand in the workplace?

Because... Workplace attitudes are positively related to performance AND Negatively related to indicators of withdrawal i.e. lateness, absenteeism, and turnover.

Describe counterproductive work behavior in terms of behavioral outcomes

Behavior that harms other employees, the organization as a whole, or organizational stakeholders such as customers and shareholders

Increasing Employee Commitment....

Enhances the level of trust. Mgmt. does not breach psychological contracts Hire people whose personal values align with the organization

Define Organizational Members

The harnessing of organizational members' selves to their work roles - "employees "give it their all" - Sense of Urgency - Being focused - Intensity - Enthusiasm

What are the quadrants of the job dissatisfaction and what two parts make up them?

- Exit (destructive, active) - Voice (constructive, active) - Neglect (destructive, passive) - Loyalty (constructive, passive)

Describe job performance in terms of behavioral outcomes

Research provides the following findings about job satisfaction and performance: The relationship is complex- both variables indirectly influence each other

Describe Traits/Genetic Components and in Job Satisfaction

The degree to which personal traits and genetic factors match characteristics of the work environment.... determines... job satisfaction (only 30% influence)

Define and explain Organizational Commitment

The extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals Exists to degree that your personal values generally match the values that undergird a company's organizational culture Positive relationship between person's Organizational Commitment and their motivation - Greater productivity and loyalty - Likely to stay with the organization

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