MGMT 3000 Exam 3 Study Guide Quiz

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Resistance to change is never a positive force for an organization. False True


Positive reinforcement A | reduces the frequency of undesired behavior. B | decreases the desired behavior. C | increases the desired behavior. D | decreases the frequency of negative behavior.


Power that comes from knowledge and skill is A | legitimate power. B | referent power. C | reward power. D | expert power.


Power that comes from one's organizational role or position is A | information power. B | expert power. C | referent power. D | legitimate power.


Employees with more complete information are no more committed to the change effort than those who have less than complete information. True False


People do not welcome change whether it is favorable or not to them. False True


Organizational change can be either radical or incremental. False True


Match each of the following styles for handling conflict with its definition: *Avoiding* *Accommodating* *Compromise* *Competition* *Collaboration* -Reaching one's goal or get their solution adopted regardless of what others say or how they feel -In this style, the person gives in to what the other side wants, even if it means giving up one's personal goals -A middle-ground style in which individuals have some desire to express their own concerns and get their way but sill respect the other person's goals -The objective is to find a win-win solution to the problem in which both parties get what they want -People exhibiting this style seek to avoid conflict altogether by denying that it is there. They are prone to postponing any decisions in which a conflict may arise

*AVOIDING* People exhibiting this style seek to avoid conflict altogether by denying that it is there. They are prone to postponing any decisions in which a conflict may arise *ACCOMMODATING* In this style, the person gives in to what the other side wants, even if it means giving up one's personal goals *COMPROMISE* A middle-ground style in which individuals have some desire to express their own concerns and get their way but sill respect the other person's goals *COMPETITION* Reaching one's goal or get their solution adopted regardless of what others say or how they feel *COLLABORATION* The objective is to find a win-win solution to the problem in which both parties get what they want

Access to specific knowledge or skills is _______________ power. A | information B | coercive C | referent D | reward


All of the following are examples of the Big 5 Personality traits EXCEPT A | extraversion. B | intelligence. C | openness. D | agreeableness.


Active listening involves A | taking time to understand the points being made. B | giving partial attention to the sender so you can be thinking about your response. C | interrupting the message sender to clarify what she is saying. D | refraining from asking senders any questions about their messages.


All of the following are organizational antecedents of political behavior EXCEPT A | expectations of success. B | role ambiguity. C | resource scarcity. D | democratic decision making.


All of the following would freeze a conversation EXCEPT A | You are very skilled at that. B | You had better listen. C | You're jealous. D | You think you have problems!


All of the statements regarding workplace demographics and their impact on change are correct EXCEPT an older workforce A | will likely cause flexible work hours and job sharing to diminish as older people like the structure of set hours of work. B | will create a need for new types of benefits. C | that chooses retirement may cause a loss of valuable knowledge for firms. D | will create a need to train managers so that they are not using age-related stereotypes in managing those employees.


An external communication that combines the look of an article with the focused message of an ad is A | an advertorial. B | a sweepstakes form. C | a web page. D | a press release.


Attempting to get others to do what we want is A | influence. B | charisma. C | power. D | commitment.


Communication that is asynchronous A | is written by the sender and can be read any time by the receiver. B | is written for one receiver and read by one receiver. C | is written for many but often read by only a few. D | is written for one receiver, but can be read by many.


Downward influence is best achieved through A | an inspiring vision. B | forming support networks. C | citing the firm's goals. D | forming alliances.


Effective managers tend to use more A | information-rich channels. B | verbal channels. C | nonverbal channels. D | written channels.


Ensuring that change becomes permanent and the new procedures become the norm is what stage of Lewin's model of planned change? A | refreeze B | change C | unfreeze D | assess


Esteem needs are A | the desire to feel important. B | the desire to form lasting attachments. C | the freedom from an uncertain future. D | the need to bond with other human beings.


If jobs are boring and repetitive or tasks are stressful, the ________ style of leadership is most effective. A | supportive B | directive C | achievement oriented D | participative


If leader-subordinate relations are good, position power is high and task is structured, the situation would be categorized as A | favorable. B | medium favorable. C | controlled. D | unfavorable.


If you dislike working with a person and do not care for them on a personal level either, A | you would have a low least preferred coworker score. B | you would have a high least preferred coworker score. C | you would not have a least preferred coworker score. D | you would have a midrange least preferred coworker score.


Maslow's physiological needs may be satisfied by: A | food. B | human bonds. C | feeling danger-free. D | feelings of importance.


One way to satisfy self-actualization needs is to A | pursue a master's degree through a company's tuition reimbursement program. B | go out to dinner once a month with coworkers from your department. C | get a $100 suggestion bonus from your firm for a labor cost saving tip you placed in your department's suggestion box. D | receive an employee of the week award.


Research findings of leader behaviors suggest A | extremely high levels of leader task-oriented behaviors may lead to burnout in employees. B | when leaders are task oriented, employees are more satisfied. C | task oriented behaviors tend to be more effective in large companies. D | employees who work under people oriented leaders are more productive.


Research on employee perception of organizational politics finds all of the following if employees think that their organization is overly driven by politics, EXCEPT A | employees have lower job satisfaction, but are no less committed to the organization. B | employees perform worse on their jobs. C | employees have higher levels of job anxiety. D | that perception can be reduced by an infusion of a high level of feedback by the leader.


Research on the direction of influence and the effectiveness of various influence techniques indicates all of the following EXCEPT: A | subordinate use of assertiveness and rationality as influence tactics lead to negative outcomes. B | the better the quality of relationship between the subordinate and supervisor, the more positively resistance to influence techniques are seen. C | extraverts are more likely to use inspirational appeal as an influence tactic. D | rational persuasion is the most frequently used influence tactic across all functional groups.


Servant leaders A | feel an obligation to their employees, customers and the larger community. B | put themselves first. C | make their primary mission high-level personal achievement. D | make their overriding goal getting their employees to contribute to the community.


The ability to attract others, win their admiration, and hold them spellbound is A | charisma. B | influence. C | power. D | commitment.


The ability to influence those in positions lower than yours is A | downward influence. B | upward influence. C | peer influence. D | diagonal influence.


The leadership decision tree A | leads to the determination of how much involvement leaders should seek in making decisions. B | focuses on a static leadership style. C | focuses on leader emergence. D | focuses on an adaptive leadership style.


The two broad categories of leader behaviors are A | task-oriented and people-oriented structures. B | task-oriented and authority-oriented structures. C | people-oriented and authority-oriented structures. D | task-oriented and initiating structures.


All of the following are individual antecedents of political behavior EXCEPT A | political skill. B | role ambiguity. C | expectations of success. D | internal locus of control.


When organizational behavior modification is used to examine employee absenteeism, which step looks at why employees are absent? A | Step 3: Analyze behavior antecedents and outcomes. B | Step 1: Identify behavior to modify. C | Step 2: Measure the baseline level. D | Step 5: Evaluate and maintain.


When reinforcers follow all examples of positive behavior you are using a __________ ___________ of reinforcement. A | continuous schedule B | variable ratio C | equity ratio D | fixed ratio schedule


When the influence target does not wish to comply with the request and either passively or actively repels the influence attempt, they are exhibiting A | resistance. B | compliance. C | conformity. D | commitment.


When well-designed, organizational controls can provide benefits such as A | better ability to manage uncertainty and complexity. B | direct and indirect financial costs. C | responsive costs. D | culture and reputation costs.


Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of authentic leaders? A | They have no set priorities. B | They have high levels of personal integrity. C | They are not afraid to act they way they are. D | They understand where they are coming from.


Which of the following is a hygiene factor in Herzberg's theory of motivation? A | salary. B | promotion opportunities. C | achievement. D | interesting work.


Which of the following statements regarding intelligence is INCORRECT? A | One's intelligence is the strongest predictor of leadership performance. B | Effective leaders tend to have high emotional intelligence as well as high mental intelligence. C | People with high mental abilities are more likely to be viewed as leaders in their environment. D | IQ matters for entry into the high level managerial ranks, but once there, IQ is less effective since all others at that level also possess high IQ.


Which of the following statements regarding overcoming resistance to your proposals is INCORRECT? A | Do not listen to naysayers. B | Present data to your audience. C | Understand the reasons for resistance. D | Involve those around you in the change.


Which of the following statements regarding performance and organizational change is INCORRECT? A | More successful firms find it easier to change than those performing poorly. B | Successful companies often have special practices in place to keep the organization open to change. C | Nothing fails like success is a fitting saying to describe the relationship between organizational change and performance. D | Change in upper level management is a motivator for organizational level change.


Which of the following statements regarding self-esteem and leadership is INCORRECT? A | Leaders with high self esteem punish their subordinates less effectively, when such punishment is due, than do leaders with lower self esteem. B | Those with high self esteem have high self confidence which may affect the image perceived by followers. C | Research shows a strong relationship between height and being viewed as a leader which may be accounted for by self-esteem. D | Leaders with high self esteem support their subordinates more than leaders with lower self esteem.


Which of the following statements regarding the positive and negative consequences of power is INCORRECT? A | Individuals are often quick to question the actions of those in power. B | Powerful CEOs can align an organization to achieve goals. C | The adage, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" seems to have some merit. D | Power can corrupt and lead to the destruction of companies.


A piece rate system A | is a permanent pay raise based on past performance. B | is a program where employees are paid on the basis of individual output produced. C | is a program providing one-time rewards to employees for specific accomplishments. D | is a company-wide program where employees are rewarded for performance gains compared to past performance.


Which of the statements regarding research on House's path-goal theory is correct? A | The theory's greatest contribution is the importance of the leader's ability to change styles depending on the circumstances. B | House's theory suggests that the leader's style is fixed and the environment changes. C | House's theory is based upon goal-setting theory. D | The theory has been fully tested and verified.


Which one of the following traits is NOT a tool that transformational leaders use to influence employees and create commitment to the company goals? A | management by exception B | inspirational motivation C | intellectual stimulation D | charisma


With the scorecard and strategy map in hand, managers break broad goals down into A | strategies. B | mission. C | policies. D | financial and non financial goals.


___________ leaders lead employees by aligning employee goals with the leader's goals. A | Transformational B | Transactional C | Achievement-oriented D | Directive


All of the following factors are important when unfreezing for planned change EXCEPT A | create a vision for change B | taking things slowly; do not suggest a crisis is imminent C | communicate the plan for change D | provide support


All of the following statements are correct with regard to determining your BATNA EXCEPT A | The party with the best BATNA is in the best negotiating position. B | You must determine your own BATNA but there is little you can do with regard to the BATNA of the party with whom you are negotiating. C | Assessing the best alternative to a negotiated agreement assists you in deciding whether to accept an offer. D | The reason you negotiate is to obtain something better than what you would obtain without negotiating, so know your alternatives.


Communication fulfills all of the following organizational functions EXCEPT A | transmitting information. B | control. C | coordination. D | sharing emotions.


Conflict between two individuals such as coworkers is A | intrapersonal conflict B | interpersonal conflict. C | intergroup conflict. D | interdepartment conflict.


Extraversion is A | being affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind and warm. B | being outgoing, talkative, sociable, and enjoying social situations. C | being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement oriented and dependable. D | being curious, original, intellectual, creative and open to new ideas.


In democratic decision making A | leaders make the decision alone without necessarily involving employees in the decision making process. B | employees participate in the making of the decision. C | the leader provides minimum guidance and involvement in the decision. D | leaders leave employees alone to make decisions.


In situations of medium favorableness, A | either low or high LPC leaders will be effective. B | high LPC leaders are effective. C | medium LPC leaders are effective. D | low LPC leaders are effective.


In the communication process model, the task of translating an idea into words is called A | decoding. B | encoding. C | noise. D | medium.


Making sure that organizational members are ready for and receptive to change is what step of the Lewin model? A | refreeze B | unfreeze C | assess D | change


Maslow's theory of motivation is criticized because A | the research methodology employed does not fully account for the attribution of cause to the individual or the situation. B | research does not support the argument that satisfied needs no longer motivate behavior. C | substantial empirical research has indicated little practical application of the theory. D | its "frustration-regression" hypothesis has no practical implications for the workplace.


Mediation is A | the process of bringing in a third party who has the authority to act as a judge and will make a binding decision. B | the process where a third party enters the situation with the goal of assisting the parties to reach an agreement. C | the process whereby two or more parties work toward an agreement. D | the process that involves people disagreeing.


Openness is A | being outgoing, talkative, sociable, and enjoying social situations. B | being curious, original, intellectual, creative and receptive to new ideas. C | being affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind and warm. D | being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement-oriented and dependable.


People's tendencies to behave consistently with social norms is A | culture. B | conformity. C | power. D | dependency.


People-oriented behaviors are also called A | laissez-faire. B | consideration. C | authoritarian. D | initiating structure.


Political behaviors in organizations include all of the following EXCEPT A | negotiating. B | rational decision making. C | alliance building. D | resolving conflicting interests.


Research on communication indicates all of the following EXCEPT A| Effective communication skills are the top skills sought by recruiters today. B | Although good communication helps retain effective performers, it does not increase a firm's market share. C | Poor communication is seen as a causal factor in 70-80% of all accidents. D | Poor communication can lead to lawsuits.


Research on transformational and transactional leadership shows all of the following EXCEPT A | transformational leaders create higher levels of commitment to organizational change efforts. B | transactional leaders increase the intrinsic motivation of their followers. C | transactional leaders have positive influences over employee attitudes. D | transformational leaders increase the performance of their followers.


Research shows that when confronted with a conflict situation, subordinates are most likely to use all of the following conflict handling styles EXCEPT A | compromising B | forcing C |avoiding D | accommodating


Research suggests all of the following are outcomes of impression management EXCEPT impression management A | influence is especially salient in interview and promotional contexts. B | is less influential in unstructured interviews than structured interviews. C | is related to higher performance ratings for the subordinate due to increased liking on the part of the manager. D | occurs throughout the workplace.


Servant leadership A | involves structuring the roles of subordinates, providing them with instructions, and behaving in ways that will increase the performance of the group. B | is a leadership approach that defines the leader's role as serving the needs of others. C | refers to effective leaders who stay true to themselves. D | is leading employees by aligning employee goals with the leader's goals.


Servant leadership has an explicit focus on all of the following factors EXCEPT A | community development. B | paternalism. C | ethics. D | self-sacrifice.


Situational favorableness includes all of the following conditions EXCEPT A | leader-subordinate relations. B | motivation level. C | position power. D | task structure.


Being organized, systematic, punctual, achievement-oriented and dependable are characteristics of the personality trait A | extraversion. B | openness. C | conscientiousness. D | agreeableness.


The Teach for America representative faced the group of college students and asked, "Do you want to make a difference in this world? Do you want to give back for all the good things you have had happen to you over your lifetime? Do you want to help a child have a chance, a chance like yours? Then, won't you consider giving just nine months of your life to make a difference? Consider joining me and thousands of your peers in leading this country in a new direction by taking part in Teach for America." The representative is using the _______________ influence tactic. A | personal appeal B | inspirational appeal C | rational persuasion D | pressure


The ability to influence the behavior of others to get what you want is A | charisma. B | power. C | conformity. D | pressure.


The relationship between dependency and power suggests A | the more difficult it is find a substitute, the less power held by the person with the substitute. B | the more unique your resource, the more power you will have. C | the more vital the resources you control, the less power you hold. D | the more dependent an individual is on another, the less power the one being depended on has in the situation.


Which of the following is NOT an impression management category that an individual can use to accomplish the outcomes desired? A | behavior B | personality C | nonverbal D | verbal


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement about leader-member exchange (LMX) theory? A | In low LMX relationships, the leader does his job and the member does his. B | High LMX relationships involve an active dislike between the leader and member. C | In high LMX relationships, both leader and member go above and beyond their job descriptions to assist the other party in succeeding. D | In high LMX relationships, the leader has a trust-based relationship with the member.


Which of the following statements regarding antecedents of political behavior is INCORRECT? A | Role ambiguity presents opportunities for employees to negotiate their duties. B | Authoritarian decision making leads to more political behavior in the organization. C | Individuals high in political skill are more effective at their jobs. D | Individuals high in internal locus of control engage in more political behavior.


Which of the following statements regarding factors of change in the organization is INCORRECT? A | Rapid developments in technology force a firm to change its technology to keep up. B | Manufacturing jobs have been outsourced, but knowledge-based jobs are largely safe from such movement. C | Changes in market conditions or the economy may cause companies to change the manner in which they do business. D | Though 50% of all small businesses fail, those that succeed often evolve into large, complex organizations over time.


Which of the following statements regarding the final stage of planned change is INCORRECT? A | Reward those who embraced the change effort. B | Declare victory early in making the change and get into a routine. C | Change the mindset of people so change becomes a regular part of the corporate culture. D | Employees should be informed regularly of the results of the change.


Which of the following statements regarding the second stage of planned change is INCORRECT? A | Employees will be stressed; support them. B | Create a big win because people need to see that things are happening. C | Early success gives change planners credibility. D | Ensure that management keeps alert to and deals with obstacles that arise.


A communication receiver who is preparing his comment or answer and not really listening to the sender is A | biased. B | using semantics. C | rehearsing. D | using jargon.


A mediator should enter a negotiation when A | personal differences are detected. B | the parties are only talking for short periods of time and tension is rising. C | the parties are unable to find a solution. D | a quick resolution is desired but not imperative.


A memo is an example of A | verbal communication. B | nonverbal communication. C | written communication. D | direct communication.


Alderfer's existence needs correspond to Maslow's A | esteem needs. B | self-actualization needs. C | safety needs. D | social needs.


Alderfer's growth needs correspond to Maslow's A | safety needs. B | social needs. C | esteem needs. D | physiological needs.


Alderfer's theory of motivation does all of the following EXCEPT A | propose a "frustration-regression" hypothesis B | relax the basic assumptions of Maslow's theory of needs C | assume needs are hierarchically-based D | assume needs are grouped into three categories


All of the following are actions those who perceive inequity can undertake to "balance the scales" EXCEPT A | quit. B | begin to arrive at work late. C | produce higher quality work. D | steal.


All of the following are rules for active listening EXCEPT A | listen for feelings. B | note all cues. C | find areas of agreement with the speaker. D | listen for message content.


All of the following statements regarding organizational politics are correct EXCEPT A | organizational politics are informal, unofficial, and even behind-the-scene efforts to influence, increase power or achieve objectives. B | politics arise in an organization as an attempt to influence the allocation of scarce resources. C | effective politics is all about winning at all costs. D | organizations are made up of different interests that must be aligned.


All of the following statements regarding resistance to change are correct EXCEPT A | when people react negatively to change, they are absent more often. B | if resistance to change is not addressed by the firm, time and energy will be lost. C | when people react negatively to change, they experience negative emotions, but are no more likely to leave the firm than they would be in a firm that was not undergoing organizational change. D | all change attempts have to overcome the resistance of people.


An achievement-oriented leader A | makes sure employees are involved in decision making. B | provides emotional support to employees. C | sets goals for employees and encourages them to reach their goals. D | provides directions for his employees.


An example of a crucial conversation is A | assigning weekly work to an employee B | taking part in a weekly meeting C | asking for a raise D | chatting about the company's latest email on the firm's holiday party plans


Authentic leadership A | is a leadership approach that defines the leader's role as serving the needs of others. B | sets goals for employees and encourages them to reach those goals. C | refers to effective leaders who stay true to themselves. D | makes sure employees are involved in decision making.


Coercive power A | stems from the personal characteristics of the person such as the degree to which we respect and want to be like them. B | stems from one's organizational role or position. C | is the ability to take something away or punish someone for noncompliance. D | is the ability to influence due to the possession of knowledge or skill.


Conflict is A | a process whereby two or more parties work toward an agreement. B | a process where an outside third party enters the situation with the goal of assisting the parties to reach an agreement. C | a process that involves people disagreeing. D | a process that involves bringing in a third party who has the authority to act as a judge and will make a decision to which parties must adhere.


If leader-subordinate relations are poor, position power is low, and task is unstructure, the situation would be categorized as A | medium favorable. B | controlled. C | unfavorable. D | favorable.


In comparing Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory to Alderfer's ERG theory A | Maslow's theory suggests that individuals who are frustrated in their attempts to satisfy one need may regress to another one. B | Maslow's theory recognizes more than one need may operate at one time. C | ERG theory recognizes more than one need may operate at one time. D | ERG theory is based upon observations of individuals in clinical settings.


In which of the following scenarios are you most likely to experience conflict? A | Resources within the firm are relatively plentiful and most departments in the organization are seeing a modest increase in their annual budget. B | Interdepartment meetings have just been concluded that created a list of goals for each department that are compatible with one another. C | The firm just instituted a matrix structure D | Self-awareness exercises have been completed and most of the team members were categorized as Type B.


In which of the following scenarios would you expect high performance? A | The five team members never have a negative word to say to each other; there never seems to be any conflict on the team. B | The two members of the team are constantly bickering. One never says anything without the other disagreeing. C | The team members seem to get along well enough, but on occasion they will argue about a number of issues. D | The three partners have an interesting relationship. Partner A is almost always in agreement with Partner B, but fights constantly with Partner C. Partners B and C get along at times and fight at times.


Information-rich channels convey more A | verbal information. B | effective information. C | nonverbal information. D | ineffective information.


Interactional justice is A | the degree to which outcomes received from the organization are perceived to be fair. B | the belief that high levels of effort will lead to high performance. C | the degree to which people are treated with respect, kindness and dignity in interpersonal interactions. D | the degree to which fair decision-making procedures are used to arrive at a decision.


Intergroup conflict A | occurs between two individuals. B | occurs within the individual. C | occurs between two departments. D | occurs between team members.


Leaders who ensure their employees take part in decision making have a(n) _________________ leadership style. A | achievement-oriented B | supportive C | participative D | directive


Maslow's social needs could be satisfied by A | getting promoted to assistant manager from a supervisor position. B | receiving an employee of the month award. C | attending a department picnic after work. D | taking a class on Microsoft Office.


Most research on leadership has been conducted on which of the following theories of leadership? A | Situational leadership theory B | Fieldler's contingency theory C | Transformational leadership theory D | House's path-goal theory


People resist change for all of the following reasons EXCEPT A | fear of failure. B | personality. C | feelings of certainty. D | disrupted habits.


Research on Fiedler's Contingency Theory indicates which of the following? A | Fiedler's theory is a useful framework for thinking about which learned skills are useful in predicting leadership. B | Predictions about where high LPC leadership will be effective are supported more than those where low LPC leadership is effective. C | Fiedler's theory is important because it recognizes the importance of the leadership context. D | There is full support for Fiedler's Contingency theory.


Research on decision-making styles finds A | Laissez-faire decision making is positively related to employee satisfaction. B | Scientists favor authoritarian decision making over democratic decision making. C | Employees care more about the overall participativeness of the organizational climate than involvement in every single decision. D | Democratic decision making leads to stronger employee productivity.


Research on effective teams indicates that they experience A | high levels of relationship conflict. B | moderate levels of process conflict at the beginning of the project timeline. C | moderate levels of task conflict in the middle of the project timeline. D | moderate levels of relationship conflict and high levels of process conflict.


Research on equity theory suggests A | those who feel over-rewarded experience guilt over the situation. B | those who perceive inequity increase their work performance. C | those who feel over-rewarded experience little distress over the situation. D | those who perceive inequity encourage their fellow coworkers to work less hard.


Task-oriented behaviors are also called A | laissez-faire. B | consideration. C | initiating structure D | authoritarianism.


The collaborative work environment at Trader Joe's satisfies which of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? A | safety B | self-actualization C | social D | physiological


The earliest approach to the study of leadership was A | the behavioral approach. B | the transformational approach. C | the trait approach. D | the transactional approach.


The first step of an organizational behavior modification program is A | measure the baseline level. B | analyze behavior antecedents and outcomes. C | identify behavior to be modified. D | evaluate and maintain.


The key factor in the effectiveness of transformational leadership is A | creativeness. B | charisma. C | trust. D | extraversion.


The most negative reaction to a proposed change attempt is A | compliance. B | enthusiastic support. C | active resistance. D | passive resistance.


Negative reinforcement A | decreases the frequency of negative behavior. B | reduces the frequency of undesired behavior. C | decreases the desired behavior. D | increases the desired behavior.


The trait approach to leadership examines all of the following factors EXCEPT A | psychological attributes. B | physical characteristics. C | behaviors. D | personality characteristics.


The value of the resource is A | its scarcity. B | its substitutability. C | its importance. D | its dependency.


Using different forms of making others feel good about themselves is the influence tactic of A | pressure. B | personal appeal. C | ingratiation. D | exchange.


Which of the following is a need based theory of motivation? A | expectancy theory. B | reinforcement theory. C | ERG theory. D | equity theory.


Which of the following need-based theories has received the greatest amount of support? A | Maslow's hierarchy of needs B | Alderfer's ERG theory C | McClelland's acquired needs theory D | Herzberg's two-factor theory


Which of the following statements is true about the manner in which managers can influence the perceptions of expectancy theory? A | Regardless of the performance rating given on a performance evaluation, make certain that everyone gets a small raise annually. B | Recognize good performance of individuals with cost effective items like coffee mugs and t-shirts. C | Conduct employee surveys periodically to ascertain what they consider to be rewards for performance and integrate that in some manner into the performance evaluation program. D | Individuals with an internal locus of control and high self-esteem believe there is little connection between their effort and performance so a great deal of feedback is needed to motivate them.


Which of the following statements is true? A | high need for power is a trait of those successful in the sales area. B | A need for achievement can be a destructive element in relationships with colleagues. C | A need for power can have an altruistic form. D | A high need for affiliation serves as a real advantage in managerial positions especially with regard to conducting performance appraisals.


Which of the following statements regarding change is INCORRECT? A | Organizational change, at its most basic, involves effective people management. B | Organizational change is the movement of an organization from one state of affairs to another. C | Organizational change takes only a few forms. D | Organizational change can be forced or planned.


Which of the following statements regarding impression management is INCORRECT? A | At work, the most effective approach to impression management is to build credibility and maintain authenticity. B | Whether you are actively managing your image or not, people are forming impressions of you. C | While it is possible to manage others' impressions of you, it is not important because in the end you are who you are D | You can actively shape the way people perceive you. E | You can cause yourself psychological distress by contradicting your personal values in trying to be someone you are not.


People-oriented behaviors include A | providing employees instructions. B | structuring employee roles. C | planning for increased employee performance. D | treating employees with respect.


Which of the following statements regarding leader-member exchange relationships is INCORRECT? A | If a leader is unethical, employees may not want to have a relationship so as not to suffer from guilt by association. B | When high LMX employees succeed, leaders credit the efforts they put forward and their high level abilities. C | All employees would like to have a positive relationship with their leader. D | A problem with a low-quality exchange relationship is that employees may not have access to a positive work environment.


Which of the following statements regarding power distribution research is INCORRECT? A | Power distribution is visible in organizations. B | Individuals ranked themselves higher than their coworkers did. C | In comparing rankings given to managers with regard to their influence, there was general agreement on the top five but no agreement on the bottom five. D | Research indicates the ability to rank managers by influence is a consistent practice in various industries and firms.


Which of the following statements regarding reasons employees resist change is correct? A | people resist change even if it is personally beneficial to them. B | people are less likely to resist a change that is big in scope and has far reaching consequences. C | people resist change that negatively impacts their influence and power in the firm. D | people may not welcome the change currently proposed, but they do not usually place those changes into any past context, so former unsuccessful changes have little impact on the situation.


Which of the following statements related to the unfreezing stage of planned change is INCORRECT? A | Make sure management provides emotional and instrumental support. B | Allow employee participation in planning for change efforts. C | Get everyone on board as soon as the change is initiated. D | Make sure employees hear about planned changes via official channels, not the grapevine.


Your posture, hand gestures, and eye contact are all examples of what aspect of impression management? A | personality B | verbal C | nonverbal D | behavior


Negotiation is A | the process that involves bringing in a third party who has the authority to act as a judge and will make a binding decision. B | the process that involves two people disagreeing. C | the process where a third party enters a situation with the goal of assisting the parties to reach an agreement. D | the process whereby two or more parties work toward an agreement.


According to surveys, the most frequently used influence tactic is A | personal appeals. B | legitimating. C | pressure. D | rational persuasion.


All of the following are aspects of crucial conversations EXCEPT A | high stakes conversations require more planning, reflection and skill than many other types of verbal communication. B | crucial conversations are ones where opinions vary and emotions run strong. C | crucial conversations require flexible communication styles to be most effective. D | communications experts suggest using "but" not "and" in crucial conversations.


All of the following are criticisms of Herzberg's theory of motivation EXCEPT A | the primary research methodology of the study may be flawed. B | the classification of factors as hygiene or motivator is not simple. C | pay may have symbolic value as communication that the employee is advancing within the company. D | the theory suggests that improving the environment only goes so far in motivating employees.


All of the following are examples of intrapersonal conflict EXCEPT A | role conflict. B | role differences. C | role ambiguity. D | role reversal.


All of the following statements regarding negotiations around the world are correct EXCEPT A | Given their culture, Chinese negotiators are uncomfortable saying "no." B | Some cultures find it disrespectful to negotiate prior to establishing a trusting relationship. C | Since Japan is a high context culture, information for negotiation is learned from what is not said as well as what is said. D | Eastern cultures tend view negotiations as a business activity while Western cultures see it as a social activity.


All of the following statements regarding reasons employees resist change are correct EXCEPT A | those who feel they can perform well under a new system will be more committed than those who have lower confidence in their ability to perform. B | we are creatures of habit. C | feelings of uncertainty create stress. D | people with a negative self-concept view change as an opportunity.


All of the following would be effective means of stimulating conflict EXCEPT A | assigning someone to play devil's advocate. B | encouraging disagreement with no fear of reprisal. C | creating competition between teams or individuals with a bonus for those with the best solution. D | building clarity into the situation.


Analyzing Trader Joe's success using Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation would suggest that A | contextual factors, like being among the best paid employees in the retail industry, are the only reason for the firm's success. B | content factors, like the collaborative atmosphere in each supermarket, are the only reason for the firm's success. C | growth needs, like the autonomy of opening products for customer samples, are the only reason for the firm's success. D | Contextual, content, and growth needs factors all help to contribute to Trader Joe's success.


Being disturbed by changes without voicing your opinion is A | compliance. B | enthusiastic support. C | active resistance. D | passive resistance.


Communication usually travels diagonally to A | subordinates. B | supervisors. C | coworkers. D | other departments.


During which phase of the negotiation process does an individual assemble the information gathered in such a manner that his position is supported? A | investigation B | determining the BATNA C | bargaining D | presentation


Expectancy theory suggests individuals are motivated when all of the following conditions are met EXCEPT A | effort leads to high performance. B | high performance will be rewarded. C | rewards are valuable to the performer. D | rewards lead to high performance.


External communication about a client's product or service created for a specific receiver is A | a company report B | a web page C | an ad D | a press release


How could a firm best satisfy an employee's safety needs? A | Enroll the employee in a Microsoft Office training course. B | Provide an employee appreciation luncheon. C | Develop a weekly employee bowling league. D | Create a job security clause in the employment contract.


If there is conflict between two members of a team and the underlying reason for the conflict is personality differences, what is a viable way of managing the organizational conflict? A | Change the structure of the organization. B | Focus attention on a common enemy of the two clashing team members. C | Take a majority vote on which individual is causing more issues on the team. D | Change the composition of the team by separating the individuals at odds.


In expectancy theory, valence is A | the perception that performance is related to subsequent outcomes such as rewards. B | the perception that high levels of effort will lead to outcomes of interest like performance. C | the degree to which people are treated with respect, kindness, and dignity. D | the anticipated satisfaction that will result from an outcome.


Individuals with a high need for affiliation A | desire to make an impact on the organization. B | want to influence others. C | have a strong need to be successful. D | want to be accepted by others.


Intrapersonal conflict is A | a type of conflict between two people. B | conflict that takes place between different groups such as between different departments. C | a process that involves people disagreeing. D | a type of conflict that arises when a person is uncertain about what is expected or wanted or has a sense of being inadequate to the task.


Listening A | does not require close attention to the sender so multitasking is possible. B | is an art, not a skill, and cannot be learned. C | creates a bond between communicators, but does not increase communication flow or accuracy. D | can be demonstrated to the sender by nonverbal signals like the nod of a head.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory of motivation A | was developed based on Maslow's observations of individual employees in a variety of workplace settings. B | enjoys strong research support. C | is a systematic approach managers can utilize to explain the similar needs employees have at any given time and the similar reactions of employees to similar treatment. D | suggests once basic needs are satisfied, higher order needs become motivators.


Maslow's theory of motivation suggests A | employee needs are divided into motivator and hygiene categories. B | employee needs are acquired as the result of life experiences. C | employee needs are grouped in three categories. D | employee needs are ordered.


Men and women tend to differ in their communication styles. Which of the following statements regarding those differences is correct? A | Women use metaphors from the home; men from work. B | Women focus more on competition in their communication; men on cooperation. C | Men focus on requests in their communication; women on orders. D | Women focus on intuition in communicating; men on data.


Recent surveys indicate that managers spend a majority of their time communicating with what group? A | those external to the organization B | others that are internal to the firm (e.g., those in other departments). C | superiors D | subordinates


Referent power A | is the ability to influence due to the possession of knowledge or skill. B | is the ability to take something away or punish someone for noncompliance. C | stems from one's organizational role or position. D | stems from the personal characteristics of the person such as the degree to which we respect and want to be like them.


Research has found all of the Big 5 personality traits to be related to leader emergence and leader effectiveness EXCEPT A | openness. B | extraversion. C | conscientiousness. D | agreeableness.


Research indicates which of the following findings regarding negotiations is correct? A | Those who encounter anger during negotiation are likely to counter with an accommodation approach to negotiations. B | Though men have a greater tendency to negotiate in a salary situation, they are no more successful than women in securing an increase. C | Setting integrative goals is no more likely to improve the chances of arriving at an agreement than going into negotiations with adversarial goals. D | Individuals who were unable to negotiate a deal in previous negotiation situations tended to have lower outcomes in subsequent negotiations than those who had initially negotiated deals in the past.


Research on performance incentives suggest all of the following EXCEPT A | pay-for-performance systems are more effective at retaining higher performing employees than praise or recognition systems. B | firms with pay-for-performance systems have higher customer service. C | eighty percent of all American companies use merit pay. D | employees report lower levels of pay satisfaction under pay-for-performance systems.


Research on procedural justice suggests A | it is best to unexpectedly announce department-wide layoffs because when employees suspect changes in their job status are upcoming, they tend to become much less productive. B | it is best to exclude employees from commenting on potential changes in company procedures like performance appraisals because they do not understand the decision-making process anyway. C | it is best to send an announcement of changes to the company benefit package for the next fiscal year without providing explanatory details because employees do not understand the financial implications anyway. D | it is best to be consistent in the manner in which employees are disciplined for violating company policy for situations like cell phone usage.


Research shows that when managers are dealing with conflict they prefer which conflict handling style? A | compromising B | accommodating C | avoiding D | forcing


The Big 5 personality trait ___________ has the strongest relationship to both leader emergence and leader effectiveness. A | conscientiousness B | openness C | agreeableness D | extraversion


The ability to grant an increase in pay, a perk, or an attractive job assignment is ___________ power. A | legitimate B | referent C | expert D | reward


The influence tactic that works most effectively in organizations that value democratic decision making is A | ingratiation. B | pressure. C | coalition. D | consultation.


The simple premise of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is A | more than one human need operates at one time. B | individuals acquire three types of needs as a result of their life experiences. C | work environment aspects that satisfy an individual are very different than those aspects which dissatisfy an individual. D | human beings have needs that are hierarchically ranked.


To influence instrumentality, managers can A | encourage people to believe their effort makes a difference. B | give employees choice over rewards. C | ensure that environment facilitates performance. D | consistently reward high performers.


What is the first step in Lewin's model of planned change? A | assess B | change C | refreeze D | unfreeze


When a target agrees to a request and actively supports it, the target's response is A | compliance. B | resistance. C | conformity. D | commitment.


When leaders make decisions alone without involving employees in the decision making process, they are using A | laissez-faire decision making. B | participative decision making C | democratic decision making. D | authoritarian decision making.


Which of the following is NOT a stage of Lewin's model of planned change? A | refreeze B | unfreeze C | change D | assess


Which of the following is correct regarding aspects of the relationship between dependency and power? A | If the resources you control are vital to the organization, you will be viewed as a threat to the others and will have less job security. B | If there is a clear substitute that exists, the level of power held is greater. C | The more difficult something is to obtain, the less value it tends to have. D | The more dependent you are on another, the less power you have.


Which of the following is not an aspect of the verbal strategy of impression management? A | what you choose to say B | tone of voice C | rate of your speech D | intent of your speech


Which of the following statements regarding House's path-goal theory of leadership is INCORRECT? A | Leaders can create high performing employees by making sure employee effort leads to performance and that performance is rewarded with desired rewards. B | The role of the leader in the path-goal theory is to remove roadblocks and create a motivational environment for workers. C | Each leadership style identified in the path-goal theory is effective depending on the employee characteristics and those of the work environment. D | House's path-goal theory of motivation is based upon the equity theory of motivation.


Which of the following statements regarding the Asch studies is INCORRECT? A | Most of the participants in the Asch groups were confederates. B | A dissenting minority influenced the nature of response given by participants. C | Conformity with an incorrect answer was attributed to the perception that some members of the group had more information regarding the correct choice. D | A dissenting minority response caused the participants to give the correct answer only if that minority also gave the right answer.


Which of the following statements regarding the Milgram experiment on conformity to authority is correct? A | Participants believed they were engaged in an experiment on job design. B | Over half of the participants refused to shock the learner at very high voltage levels regardless of the encouragement to do so provided by the experimenter. C | Several learners were treated for depression at the conclusion of the study. D | The researcher/experimenter's role was very important in obtaining group compliance with the experiment procedures/guidelines.


Which of the following statements regarding the Zimbardo study is correct? A | The experimental guards received training before they were told to keep order. B | The guards became abusive and aggressive, but the prisoners exhibited little reaction. C | Study participants refused to adapt to their roles. D | The Zimbardo study was ended early due to the participant's deep entrenchment of the roles.


Which of the following statements regarding upward influence is INCORRECT? A | As organization complexity grows, the need for upward influence increases. B | Upward influence examples include forming an alliance or a perceived alliance with a higher up and appealing to a higher authority. C | Asian American and Caucasian American managers use different tactics in influencing their superiors than they utilize in influencing their subordinates. D | While helping higher-ups be more effective can help employees gain more power for themselves, there is no gain for those same employees from allowing those below to influence them.


_______________ power is more effective than formal power bases and is positively related to employee performance and organizational commitment. A | Reward B | Information C | Legitimate D | Referent


Almost all managers surveyed suggest workplace politics exist in their organizations and that to be successful individuals must engage in politics. True False


Culture and reputation costs are intangible costs associated with any form of control. True False


Surveys indicate that resistance to change is one of the top two reasons why change efforts within organizations fail. False True


Those employees who feel they can perform well under a new system will be more committed to change. False True


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