MGMT 309 Study Guide #2

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What are the 2 levels of strategy?

1. business-level = alternatives chosen from with business in a particular industry 2. corporate-level = alternatives chosen from with operations across several industries and markets

what are the 3 conditions under which decisions are made?

1. certainty 2. risk 3. uncertainty

What are Porter's 3 generic strategies?

1. differentiation = distinguishing itself through quality 2. overall cost leadership = reducing costs below costs of competitors 3. focus = concentrated on specific market, product line, or group of buyers

What are the 4 stages of the product life cycle?

1. introduction 2. Growth 3. Maturity - 4. Decline stage

what are the 2 types of decisions?

1. programmed = decision that is relatively structured or recurs with some frequency 2. non programmed = decision that is relatively unstructured and occurs much less often than a programmed decision

What are Miles and Snows' 4 types?

1. prospector = firm encourages creativity and flexibility 2. defender = focused on lowering costs and improving performance 3. analyzer = maintaining current businesses and being somewhat innovative in new businesses 4. reactor = firm has no consistent approach

What are the 4 purposes of goals?

1. provide guidance and unified direction 2. affects other aspects of planning 3. specific and moderately difficult goals can motivate employees 4. provide an effective method for evaluation

What is formal goal setting?

An effective technique for integrating goal setting and planning

what is a service organization

an organization that transforms resources into an intangible output and creates time and place utility for its customers ex. hair salon, restaurant

risk in decision making

availability of each alternative and its potential payoffs and costs are all associated with probability estimates, moderate ambiguity

BCG Matrix - Cash cows?

businesses that have a large share of a market not expected to grow substantially

BCG Matrix - Dogs?

businesses that have a very small share of a market that is not expected to grow

BCG Matrix - Question Marks?

businesses that have only a small share of a fast growing market

BCG Matrix - Stars?

businesses that have the largest share of a rapidly growing market

dollar shave club

capacity utilization

what is an operation system?

collection of processes and procedures that enable a company to achieve the highest level of efficiency

what does operations management impact?

competitiveness, quality, productivity, and effectiveness

PL Cycle - Decline Stage

demand decreases and total sales drop, should keep costs low to survive

PL Cycle - Maturity Stage

demand growth and # of new firms slows down, firms should focus on product differentiation

PL Cycle - Introduction Stage

demand is high and can outpace supply ability


don't know all alternatives, risks associated with each, or likely consequences, have to approach situation for a rational perspective

what is strategic imitation?

duplicating another organization's competence into a valuable strategy


engaged in decision making by ignoring her friend

What does a strategic plan usually have?

extended time horizon, address questions of scope, resource deployment, competitive advantage, and synergy

What is the BCG Matrix?

framework for evaluating businesses within an organization relative to the growth rate of the market and organization's share of market

What does an organizational mission lead to?

goals and plans

What is the product life cycle's purpose?

helps plot strategy

what is a product-service mix?

how many and what kinds of products or services to offer

Strengths of formal goal setting?

improved motivation and communication, objective performance appraisals, appropriate goals and plans, identifies managerial talent, facilitates control

What is a tactical goal?

intermediate-term set by and for middle managers, focused on actions necessary to achieve strategic goals

Certainty in decision making

knows alternatives and the conditions associated with each

What is a strategic goal?

long-term set by and for top management, focused on broad, general goals

PL Cycle - Growth Stage

more firms begin producing, sales grow, threat to competitive advantage

stars, question marks, and dogs

net cash users

What is a strategic plan?

outlines decisions of resource allocation, priorities, and action steps necessary to reach strategic goals


poor implementation, lack of top management support, overemphasizing quantitative goals, assigned goals lead to resentment and lack of commitment

what is scope?

range of markets in which an organization will compete

what is managerial ethics?

relationships of the firm to its employees, of employees to the firm, and of the firm to other economic agents, personal ethical standards shape how we respond and proceed

what is robotics?

science and technology of the construction, maintenance, and use of robots that perform human functions

What is an operational goal?

short-term set by and for lower-level managers, focused on short-term issues associated with tactical goals

What is a SWOT Analysis?

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats

what is bounded rationality?

suggests that decision makers are limited by their values and unconscious reflexes, skills, and habits

what is operation management?

total set of managerial activities used by an organization to transform resource inputs into products, services, or both

how do we evaluate decision alternatives?

try to choose the most effective option

external SWOT analysis

want to exploit opportunities for high performance, threats increase difficulty of high performance

internal SWOT analysis

want to exploit strengths and have distinctive competencies, often reluctant to focus on weaknesses

What is an organizational mission?

a statement of an organization's fundamental purpose, premises, values, and directions

what is capacity?

amount of products, services, or both that can be produced by an organization

What is strategy?

a comprehensive plan for accomplishing an organization's goals

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