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The optimal strategy for functional products is to use a responsive supply chain.

Concurrent engineering

The practice of using functional departmental experts from various departments such as production, quality, HR, etc. on a team in designing products is known as

Customers and other stakeholders

The product realization cycle, as shown on the drawing in our week 1 document, begins and ends with:


Variation in production systems that is caused by factors that can be clearly identified and possibly even managed is called assignable variation.


Variation that is inherent in a production process itself is called common variation.


What happens to a television at the end of its useful life.

Supplier gets paid

What is the result of the 3-way match?


What technology helps ensure order fulfillment accuracy by indicating to the employee the correct storage location to remove items from to fill the order:


What transportation mode has very high initial investment costs but gives a very low cost per mile for products that are highly specialized and require no packaging?


When using the supply chain uncertainty framework to classify supply chains, a supply chain for functional products with a stable supply process is called which of the following?


When using the supply chain uncertainty framework to classify supply chains, a supply chain for innovative products with an evolving supply process is called which of the following?


Which is expensive capital equipment, as ordered from a catalog, in which no parts are made before an order is received?

Helps you analyze how possible product design features meet (or don't meet) various customer requirements

Which of the following is the best statement about the purpose of quality function deployment (QFD):

Internal failure costs

Which of the following is the cost of quality classification for costs such as scrap, rework, or repair?

invoice from supplier, PO, receiving report

Which of these is matched up in the traditional 3-way match:

The award is based on a broad set of criteria for a good business that address all areas of business and is awarded to organizations each year in categories of manufacturing, service, health care, ...

Which of these statements is most true about Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award:


A doctor might place their medical school diplomas on the wall in an attempt to convey which element of service quality?

receiving report

A document created by your employees at the dock that says you received a shipment in a certain quantity, condition, date/time, etc.


A financially-driven reason for outsourcing is that it can help gain access to new markets, especially in developing countries.


A firm that controls most of the activities in its supply chain is said to be vertically integrated.


A firm's business practices toward its labor force pertain mainly to the economic aspect of the triple bottom line concept.


A fishbone diagram as part of a six-sigma quality improvement process might be found in which DMAIC category?

Purchase order (PO)

A formal legal authorization from a purchaser to a supplier for the supplier to provide material:


A free trade zone is typically a closed facility into which foreign goods can be brought without being subject to the usual customs requirements.

merge in transit

A method of bringing together portions of a product from multiple suppliers into a single shipment to the customer. Done while all of this is in transit to the customer.


A quality guru named Joseph M. Juran defined quality as fitness for use.


A quality guru named Philip Crosby defined quality as conformance to requirements.

Purchase Requisition

A request from a using department or the scheduling system to the purchasing organization to purchase a specified item at a certain time and quantity:


A service system with a high degree of customer contact is less difficult to control than a low degree of customer contact service system.


Attributes are those quality characteristics that are classified as either conforming or not conforming to specification.


Automobiles and appliances are classified as "pure goods."

Assignable variation

In a statistical process control (SPC) chart, which type of variation should cause you to stop the process and initiate corrective action:


Make-to-stock is primarily which type of business model:


Moving containers from ship to train to truck.... to get the shipment to its destination.


Moving operations back to the U.S. that had previously been outsourced abroad.


Retailer behavior when stocking up during promotion periods (where the prices of goods are reduced) is called backward buying.


Service innovations can be patented.


Services are defined and evaluated as a package of features that affect the five senses.


Services are homogeneous.


Shipping by truck, directly from point of origin to destination, without picking up other people's loads.

Bullwhip effect

The effect of the lack of synchronization among supply chain members is referred to as which of the following?


The following statement from the KitchenAid website about their mixers ....."incredible versatility".......refers to what type of requirement:

Fair Trade

The humanitarian movement which certifies products has having been produced in conditions which are safe and profitable for the workers in a developing country:


Company XYZ your dentist hanging their school diploma in their office.

ROI increases

Consider a firm with the following annual financial results: Income Statement Units sold 10,000 Sales Revenue $10,000,000 Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) $5,000,000 All other costs $3,000,000 Net Income $2,000,000 Balance Sheet: Cash and Accounts Receivable $1,000,000 Inventory $ 500,000 Fixed Assets $8,000,000 If this firm invested another $5,000,000 in automation (fixed assets) and reduced its annual labor cost (in COGS) by $2,000,000 and thereby increased its net income by this amount, then which of these statements is true?


Consider a firm with the following annual financial results: Income Statement Units sold 10,000 Sales Revenue $10,000,000 Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) $5,000,000 All other costs $3,000,000 Net Income $2,000,000 Balance Sheet: Cash and Accounts Receivable $1,000,000 Inventory $ 500,000 Fixed Assets $8,000,000 What is the asset turnover ratio?


Consider a firm with the following annual financial results: Income Statement Units sold 10,000 Sales Revenue $10,000,000 Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) $5,000,000 All other costs $3,000,000 Net Income $2,000,000 Balance Sheet: Cash and Accounts Receivable $1,000,000 Inventory $ 500,000 Fixed Assets $8,000,000 What is the inventory turns?

20 or 0.2

Consider a firm with the following annual financial results: Income Statement Units sold 10,000 Sales Revenue $10,000,000 Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) $5,000,000 All other costs $3,000,000 Net Income $2,000,000 Balance Sheet: Cash and Accounts Receivable $1,000,000 Inventory $ 500,000 Fixed Assets $8,000,000 What is the percent profit margin?

21 or 0.211

Consider a firm with the following annual financial results: Income Statement Units sold 10,000 Sales Revenue $10,000,000 Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) $5,000,000 All other costs $3,000,000 Net Income $2,000,000 Balance Sheet: Cash and Accounts Receivable $1,000,000 Inventory $ 500,000 Fixed Assets $8,000,000 What is the percent return on investment (ROI)?


Created by UN in 1988. Consists of 2500 scientists from 130 nations who review and summarize research papers about the global warming and its effects on the environment

mass customization

Customers customizing athletic shoes at the (Links to an external site.) website is an example of:


"Operations" refers to manufacturing and service processes used to transform resources employed by a firm into products desired by customers.


"Product-service bundling" refers to a company building service activities into its product offerings for its customers.


"Quality at the source" refers to the degree to which a product or service design specifications are met.


"Supply Chain" refers to processes that move information and material to and from the manufacturing and service processes of the firm.


A TV commercial talking about the towing capacity of a Dodge pickup truck is emphasizing which element of product quality?

contract manufacturer

A company that provides manufacturing as a service for other companies is called


A defect of some kind. A process has failed to meet customer (either internal or external) requirements in some way:


All of the supply chain processes mentioned in the textbook are: planning, sourcing, delivering, and returning.

Helps you understand various potential causes of process failures

An Ishikawa fish-bone chart is for what purpose:


An example of assignable variation in a production system may be that workers are not identically trained.


An order winner is a set of criterion that differentiates the products or services of one firm from another.


An order winner is a set of screening criteria that permits a firm's products to be considered as possible candidates for purchase.


An organizationally-driven reason for outsourcing is that it can improve effectiveness by focusing on what the firm does best.


Child labor in factory making wigs

Order qualifier is a screening criteria while order winner is a differentiating criteria.

Choose the most accurate description in the context of operations and supply chain from the following list.


Company XYZ appearance of facilities and uniforms is attractive.

Responsiveness Empathy

Company XYZ give customers individual attention.


Company XYZ has error-free records


Design quality in products refers to the degree to which a product or service design specifications are met.


Design quality refers to the inherent value of the product in the marketplace.

Efficient supply chains

Designed for efficiency and low cost by minimizing inventory and maximizing efficiencies in process flow:

none of these

Developed 14 major points and the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle and did not believe in telling the factory workers that they should improve their quality without changing the process:


Firms producing functional products are forced to introduce a steady stream of innovations in order to survive.


Fundamental to any quality program is the determination of quality specifications and the costs of achieving (or not achieving) those specifications.


I am talking with my friends about where to eat dinner tonight. We assume that the restaurant will be clean, therefore we do not think or talk about that. This type of customer requirement is known as:

Engineering/Manufacturing precision-based

I believe my rulers are the best. They are produced within plus or minus .0000001" deviation from 12 inches.


I like my new car because of its trendy body style and color.

Performance or Features

I like my new cell phone because of its extra large screen.


I like my new lawn mower because of the excellent dealer support for parts and maintenance.

Perceived quality

I like my steak dinner because it is from one of the most famous steak restaurants in the nation.


ISO 14000 is primarily concerned with environmental management

Design quality

If a new car appeals to customers because of its performance and features, that is

Conformance quality

If a new car makes its buyer angry because of several manufacturing defects, that is a lack of You Answered


If customers for my 12" rulers will accept rulers with a minimum length 11.9" and a maximum length 12.1" and my process standard deviation has been estimated to be .05 inches and has a process mean of 11.95, then the Cpk is about:

Cp = .33

If customers for my 12" rulers will accept rulers with a minimum length 11.9" and a maximum length 12.1" and my process standard deviation has been estimated to be .05 inches, then which is true:


If the average aggregate inventory value is $1,200,000 and the cost of goods sold is $600,000, which of the following is inventory turnover?


If the average aggregate inventory value is $45,000 and the cost of goods sold is $10,000, which of the following is weeks of supply?

Low production efficiency

In the service-system design matrix, a face-to-face loose specs service encounter is expected to have which of the following?

High production efficiency

In the service-system design matrix, an internet and on-site technology service encounter is expected to have which of the following?


In variables sampling the actual measurements of the variable observed are used regardless of whether the unit is good or bad.


Inventory turn values that are considered good differ by industry and the type of products being handled.


It is impossible to have zero variability in production processes.


My trust in my dentist that she is an expert in root canals is what type of attribute:

Facilitating goods

One of the "package of features" that make up a service is:


Outsourcing is the act of moving some of a firm's internal activities and decision responsibility to outside providers.

Postponement or delayed differentiation

Performing the final assembly of a product at the last moment possible, after the customer has ordered which combination of optional features they desire:


Poka-yoke is roughly translated from Japanese as "avoid mistakes." Correct!


Strip mining for coal


Taking a used product, doing dis-assembly, cleaning and possibly re-machining some worn surfaces, re-wiring, etc. and re-assembling a working product using many of the components from the old product.


The "triple bottom line" relates to the economic, employee, and environmental impact of a firm's strategy.

Pure goods, core goods, core services, pure services

The Goods-Services Continuum consists of which set of the following categories?


The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a specialized international agency recognized by affiliates in more than 160 countries.

Providing feedback to applicants by the examiners

The Malcolm Baldrige award selection process helps improve quality and productivity by which of the following means?


The best strategy for innovative products is to use either a responsive or an agile supply chain.


The capability index is used to gauge economic changes in service systems.

The ratio of the range of values allowed by the design specifications divided by the range of values produced by the process.

The capability index is:


The company hired to transport a shipment from one company to another.


The dimension of design quality that concerns the consistency of performance over time or the probability of failing is which of the following?

bill of lading (manifest)

The document from the company wishing to ship something to the company hired to ship it, which specifies the contents of the shipment, etc. It used as the basis of any damages claims if the truck and all its contents were destroyed in a wreck.


The term "conformance quality" refers to the relative level of performance of a product as compared to competing products. For instance, certain luxury sedans are said to be of "higher quality" than some low-priced subcompact automobiles.


The term "encounter" is defined by Webster's Dictionary as "meeting in conflict or battle" and is used to also designate meetings between consumers and service systems.

Landed cost

The total cost of having something manufactured offshore and shipped to a destination in the U.S., including all costs for shipping, insurance, customs, etc.


The total cost of ownership (TCO) can be categorized into three areas: acquisition costs, ownership costs, and post-ownership costs.

Mail contact

Which of the following are alternative possible service encounters included in the service-system design matrix?

Data storage systems

Which of the following are defined as core goods?


Which of the following is an alternative possible service encounter included in the service-system design matrix?

Physician practice

Which of the following is considered a high-contact service operation?

Service jobs are unskilled

Which of the following is not a characteristic that distinguishes services from goods?

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