MGMT 351 Test 1

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Helping organizations to realize a TQM approach successfully was the purpose behind ______.

Demins 14 Principles

Follet advocated for the need to understand the role of ______ in navigating dynamic organizational challenges.

coordination, participation, and leadership

Organizational performance as a managerial factor relates to ______.

correctly setting and attaining organizational goals while maximizing the use of resources

disseminator role

deliverer of information regarding policies, initiatives, and strategies

negotiator role

one who continually discusses and mediates with numerous groups both inside and outside the company to reach agreements and compromises that benefit the organization

Behavioral perspectives were changed after Munsterberg's work laid the groundwork for the use of ______.

more scientific logic to understand organizational behavior

The ability of managers to amass a power base, improve their status and position in the organizational hierarchy, and network effectively within the organization represents ______ skills.


Munsterberg's work used ______ to study ______.

scholarly approaches; the effect of individual differences at work

Which of the following statements accurately describes the systems approach to management?

A management perspective that considers the organization's environment as an important influence on the firm's decisions

Which of the following statements accurately describes total quality management (TQM)?

A management philosophy focused on maximizing quality throughout the entire organization

Which of the following are some of Taylor's principles of scientific management?

Bringing together the science and the scientifically selected and trained workers Development of a science to replace the old "one best way" knowledge of workers

Which of the following represent contemporary approaches to management? (Select all that apply.)

Knowledge management The systems perspective

Which of the following statements best describes the premise of McGregor's Theory X and Y?

Managers have a preset view of their employees' work habits, and this view affects how they treat and motivate their workers.

The managerial factor that relates to correctly setting and attaining organizational goals while maximizing the use of resources is known as ______.

Organizational performance

Which of these represent some of Fayol's principles of management? (Select all that apply.)

Subordination of individual interest to the general interest Remuneration of personnel Centralization Discipline Equity Unity of command Stability of tenure of personnel Authority Unity of Direction Esprit dé corps order scalar chain division of labor

Which of the following represent contemporary approaches to management? (Select all that apply.)

The contingency perspective Total quality management


The person who is always on top of current situations through material gathered from various sources is known as the ______.

Managers responsible for developing the mission, vision, and strategy for the entire organization by considering challenges and opportunities in the current business environment are known as ______-level managers.

Upper Level

Key principles of the administrative and bureaucratic perspective include ______.

allocating authority and figuring out the division of labor

Adaptation skills are represented by the ______.

ability to be flexible, remain calm, and appear in control regardless of the situation

Technical skills

ability to identify, react, analyze, and solve problems that arise daily in organizations

The Hawthorne Effect is defined as ______.

changes in the behavior of someone that occur solely as a function of the individual's awareness of being observed by others

Possessing the ability to identify, react, analyze, and solve problems that arise daily in organizations represents ______ skills



doing the right things so that appropriate goals are set and achieved through ethical means


doing things right by maximizing the value of the organization's resources

Follet's contributions to behavioral perspectives included the ______.

focus on the interaction of management and workers in organizational settings

The bank wiring room study concluded that ______.

group members put informal pressure on each other to be consistent with group norms

The administrative and bureaucratic perspective sought to make organizations better by focusing on ______; while the scientific management perspective sought to make organizations better by focusing on ______.

how management functions were structured; work tasks and tools that could be improved

The finding that workers' behavior will change if they are being observed is one of the conclusions of the ______.

illumination experiment

The ability of a manager to communicate well with subordinates or superiors represents ______ skills.


Employees who rely on their knowledge and who combine their knowledge with others to make job-related contributions are known as ______.


The key difference between managers and workers is that ______.

managers' success or failure hinges upon the performance of their direct reports

liaison role

person who acts as a bridge between groups either inside or outside the organization

allocator role

person who distributes the limited resources of the organization to its various groups or departments

monitor role

person who is always on top of current situations through material gathered from various sources

Conceptual skills are represented by the ______.

see the "big picture"

The systems perspective might argue that the organizations that survive over time are those that are able to ______.


The domestic system of production is defined as a ______.

system of small-scale production where work is done by hand, often by family members in their own homes, or in local workrooms

The extent to which the manager understands the nuances of subordinates' jobs represents ______ skills.


Project management is defined as ______.

the systematic process of managing a work-related project from its inception to conclusion

Manager's Responsibility

to accomplish his or her job in an ethical fashion

Manager's Job

to maximize the organizations performance by leading and motivating subordinates toward attaining the organization's goals. in the process the manager should get employees to work together and use their abilities effectively for the firm

While the administrative perspective focuses on improving the organization through management principles and structure, the human relations perspective suggests these improvements should be made by ______.

understanding why the people inside the organization behave as they do at work

The relay assembly room study concluded that ______.

use of cooperative groups can lead to higher productivity among workers


utilizing and combining key possessions to develop pockets of strength

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