MGMT 3610 Exam 1
organizational mechanisms, group mechanisms, and individual characteristics
1st row of the integrative model of OB is divided into 3 categories
Rule of One-Eighth
A rule that explains why so few organizations are truly effective at how they manage their people. one-eight will actually do what is required to build profits by putting people first.
Rehabilitation Act
Act that prohibits discrimination based on physical or mental disabilities.
Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
An illegal act occurs when: a discriminatory compensation decision is adopted, an employee becomes subject to the decision, an employee is affected by its application
Title VII of CRA
Forbids discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
Method of Science
People accept some belief because scientific studies have tended to replicate that result using a series of sample, settings, and methods
Method of Experience
People hold firmly to some belief because it is consistent with their own experience and observation
Method of Intuition
People hold firmly to some belief because it seems obvious or self evident
Method of Authority
People hold firmly to some belief because some respected official, agency, or source has said it so
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Regulations passed by Congress to reduce unethical corporate behavior
Executive Order 11246
Requires affirmative action in hiring women and minorities
Human Resource Management
The policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and performance
individualized consideration
When leaders show personal care and concern for the well-being of their followers.
prima facie case
a case that, prior to being challenged, appears to provide sound evidence for an assertion
disparate impact
a discriminatory employment practice that has a greater impact on one group over another
organizational behavior
a field of study devoted to understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations
Bona fide occupational qualification
a job qualification based on race, sex, religion, etc. that an employer asserts is necessary qualification for the job
four-fifths rule
a method of showing that an employment practice has a disparate impact
balanced scorecard
a performance measurement tool that looks at more than just the financial perspective
customer service culture
a specific culture type focused on customer service quality
creativity culture
a specific culture type focused on fostering a creative atmosphere
diversity culture
a specific culture type focused on fostering or taking advantage of a diverse group of employees
safety culture
a specific culture type focused on the safety of employees
leader-member exchange theory
a theory describing how leader-member relationships develop over time on a dyadic basis
intangible assets
a type of company asset including human capital, customer capital, social capital, and intellectual capital
resource-based view
a view that describes what exactly makes resources valuable-- that is what makes them capable of creating long-term profits for the firm
shared service model
a way to organize HR function that includes centers of expertise or excellence, service centers, and business partners
13th amendment
abolished slavery
an agile organizational structure, centered around self-management, better distributed autonomy to teams and individuals -dynamic roles -distributed authority -transparent rules
communal culture
an organizational culture type in which employees are friendly to one another and all think alike
mercenary culture
an organizational culture type in which employees think alike but are not friendly to one another
simple structure
an organizational design where authority is centralized in a single person, a flat hierarchy, few rules, and low work specialization ex: a restaurant
bureaucratic structure
an organizational form that exhibits many of the facets of a mechanistic organization, can come in a functional structure, a multi-divisional structure, and a matrix structure
chain of command
answers the question of "who reports to whom?" and signifies formal authority relationships
talent management
anticipating the need for human capital and setting a plan to meet it
consultative leadership style
asks for input, but makes final decision alone
structure of organizational culture
basic assumptions, values, norms, artifacts
encounter stage
begins the day an employee starts work
Factors that affect organizational design
business environment, company strategy, technology, company size
changes to an organization's structure can have __________________ effects on the employees who work for the company, at least in the short term
conflict resolution tactics
competing, collaborating, avoiding, accommodating
contracting with another organization to perform a broad set of services
creating job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect, and consideration of employees' feelings
socially complex resources
culture, teamwork, trust, and reputation are examples of..., termed this because it's not always clear how they develop
initiating structure
defining and structuring the roles of employees for goal attainment
Evidence-based HR
demonstrating that HR practices have a positive influence on the company's bottom line or stakeholders
transactional leadership
directs the efforts of others through tasks, rewards, and structures
mechanistic organizations
efficient, predictable, and rigid organizations that thrive in stable environments
fragmented culture
employees are distant and disconnected from one another
networked culture
employees are friendly to one another, but everyone thinks differently and does his or her own thing
knowledge workers
employees who own the intellectual means of producing a product or service
General Duty Clause
employer must provide an employee with a safe place of employment
14th amendment
equal protection under the law
personal power
expert power and referent power
organic organizations
flexible, adaptive, and outward focused organizations that thrive in dynamic environments
strategic management
focuses on the product choices and industry characteristics that affect an organization's profitability
geographic structures
generally based around the different locations where the company does business
giving employees online access to HR information
product structures
group business units around different products that the company produces
anticipatory stage
happens prior to an employee spending even one second on the job
Characteristics of Mechanistic Organizations
high degree of work specialization, very clear lines of authority, high levels of hierarchal control, info is passed vertically between an employee and they supervisor
external labor market
individuals who are actively seeking employment
expert power
influence based on special skills or knowledge
Occupational Safety and Health Act
is a federal law that establishes and promotes workplace safety standards for businesses.
individual mechanisms that directly affect job performance and organizational commitment
job satisfaction, stress, motivation, trust/justice/ethics, learning/decision making
delegative leadership style
leader allows the employees to make the decisions
facilitative leadership style
leader presents problem to a group of employees and seeks consensus on a solution
autocratic leadership style
leadership style that involves making managerial decisions without consulting others
transformational leadership
leadership that, enabled by a leader's vision and inspiration, exerts significant influence
Equal Employment Opportunity
legally mandated nondiscrimination in employment on the basis of race, creed, sex, or nation origin
organizational power
legitimate power, reward power, coercive power
Characteristics of Organic Organization
low degree of work specialization, employees think broadly in where there responsibilities lie, knowledge and expertise are decentralized, focuses more on info and advice rather than direct orders
alternative work arrangements
methods of staffing other than the traditional hiring of full-time employees include independent contractors, on-call workers, temporary workers, and contract company workers
matrix structure
more complex designs that try to take advantage of two types of structures at the same time combines functional and divisional approaches to emphasize project or program teams
integrative bargaining
negotiation that seeks one or more settlements that can create a win-win solution
distributive bargaining
negotiation that seeks to divide up a fixed amount of resources; a win-lose situation
Four Steps to Ensure a Workplace free of Sexual Harassment
policy statement, training, reporting mechanism, prompt disciplinary action
affirmative action
policy that gives special consideration to women and minorities to make up for past discrimination
referent power
power that stems from being liked
Age Discrimination Act in Employment
prohibits discrimination against applicants and employees 40 years of age or older.
Americans with Disabilities Act
prohibits discrimination against the disabled
intellectual stimulation
promotes intelligence, rationality, and careful problem solving
redesigning an organization so that it can more effectively and efficiently serve its customers
refers to where decisions are formally made in organizations
span of control
represents how many employees each manager in the organization has responsibility for
disparate treatment
results when employees from protected groups are intentionally treated differently
contingencies of power
substitutability, centrality, discretion, visibility
time-driven model of leadership
suggests that the focus should shift from autocratic, consultative, facilitative, and delegate leaders to autocratic, consultative, facilitative, and delegate situations
basic underlying assumptions
taken-for-granted beliefs that are so ingrained that employees simply act on them
human resource management
takes the theories and principles studied in OB and explores the "nuts-and bolts" applications of those principles in organizations ex: study that examines the best ways to structure training programs to promote employee learning
espoused values
the beliefs, philosophies, and norms that a company explicitly states
culture strength
the degree of agreement among members of an organization about the importance of specific values.
the degree to which rules and procedures are used to standardize behaviors and decisions in an organization
work specialization
the degree to which tasks in organization are divided into separate jobs
observable artifacts
the manifestations of an organization's culture that employees can easily see or talk about ex: Iggy the lion for LMU
reasonable accommodation
the process of adjusting a job or work environment to fit the needs of disabled employees
organizational design
the process of creating, selecting, or changing the structure of an organization
organizational culture
the values, beliefs, and attitudes shared by organizational members
job performance and organizational commitment
two primary outcomes of interest to organizational behavior researchers
multi-divisional structure
type of bureaucratic structure, employees are grouped into divisions around products, geographic regions, or clients
functional structure
type of bureaucratic structure, groups employees by the function they perform for the organization
when a resource can't be imitated
client-based structures
when organizations have a number of very large customers or groups of customers that all act in similar way, they might organize their business around serving those customers
elements of organizational structure
work specialization, chain of command, span of control, centralization, formalization