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How does the Type A Behavior Pattern influence the stress process?

"Type A" people have a strong sense of time urgency and tend to be impatient, hard-driving, competitive, controlling, aggressive, and even hostile.61 If you walk, talk, and eat at a quick pace, and if you find yourself constantly annoyed with people who do things too slowly, chances are that you're a Type A person.

How does motivation affect job performance and organizational commitment?

-Motivation has a strong positive relationship with job performance -and moderate positive relationship with organizational commitment. -Of all the energetic forces subsumed by motivation, self-efficacy/competence has the strongest relationship with performance.

What does it mean to be equitably treated according to equity theory, and how do employees respond to inequity?

According to equity theory:-rewards are equitable when a person's ratio of outcomes to inputs matches those of some relevant comparison other. A sense of inequity triggers equity distress. 1) Under-reward inequity typically results in lower levels of motivation or higher levels of counterproductive behavior. 2) Over-reward inequity typically results in cognitive distortion, in which inputs are reevaluated in a more positive light.

What three beliefs help determine work effort, according to expectancy theory?

According to expectancy theory: effort is directed toward behaviors when effort is believed to 1) result in performance (expectancy), performance is believed to 2) result in outcomes (instrumentality), and those outcomes are 3) anticipated to be valuable (valence).

How do individual people cope with stress?

Behavioral coping involves a set of physical activities that are used to deal with a stressful situation. cognitive coping refers to the thoughts that are involved in trying to deal with a stressful situation. problem-focused coping refers to behaviors and cognitions intended to manage stressful situations. emotion-focused coping refers to the various ways in which people manage their own emotional reactions to stressful demands.

What dimensions can be used to describe the fairness of an authority's decision-making?

Distributive justice reflects the perceived fairness of decision-making outcomes. rewards given to those with more inputs Procedural justice perceived fairness of decision-making processes. Stronger than distributive justice Interpersonal justice perceived fairness of the treatment received by employees from authorities. Respect rule treat employees in a dignified and sincere manner. Propriety rule refrain from making improper or offensive remarks. Informational Justice- fairness of information provided to to emp from employees

What decision-making problems can prevent employees from translating their learning into accurate decisions?

Employees are less able to translate their learning into accurate decisions when they struggle with limited information, faulty perceptions, faulty attributions, and escalation of commitment.

What types of knowledge can employees gain as they learn and build expertise?

Employees gain both explicit and tacit knowledge as they build expertise. Explicit knowledge is easily communicated and available to everyone. Tacit knowledge, however, is something employees can learn only through experience.

What are the methods by which employees learn in organizations?

Employees learn new knowledge through reinforcement and observation of others. That learning also depends on whether the employees are learning-oriented or performance-oriented.

How does stress affect job performance and organizational commitment?

Hindrance stressors negatively affects job performance and OC. Challenge stressors positively affect job performance and OC

What steps can organizations take to become more trustworthy?

Organizations can become more trustworthy by emphasizing corporate social responsibility, a perspective that acknowledges that the responsibilities of a business encompass the economic, legal, ethical, and citizenship expectations of society.

How does learning affect job performance and organizational commitment?

Learning has a moderate positive relationship with job performance and a weak positive relationship with organizational commitment.

What is learning, and how does it affect decision making?

Learning is a relatively permanent change in an employee's knowledge or skill that results from experience. Decision making refers to the process of generating and choosing from a set of alternatives to solve a problem. Learning allows employees to make better decisions by making those decisions more quickly and by being able to generate a better set of alternatives.

How does trust affect job performance and organizational commitment?

Moderate positive relationship with job performance

What steps can organizations take to increase employee motivation?

Organizations use compensation practices to increase motivation. Those practices may include individual-focused elements (piece-rate, merit pay, lump-sum bonuses, recognition awards), unit-focused elements (gain sharing), or organization-focused elements (profit sharing)."

What two methods can employees use to make decisions?

Programmed decisions are decisions that become somewhat automatic because a person's knowledge allows him or her to recognize and identify a situation and the course of action that needs to be taken. Many task-related decisions made by experts are programmed decisions. Nonprogrammed decisions are made when a problem is new, complex, or not recognized. Ideally, such decisions are made by following the steps in the rational decision-making model.

What is psychological empowerment, and what four beliefs determine empowerment levels?

Psychological empowerment -reflects an energy rooted in the belief that tasks are contributing to some larger purpose. Psychological empowerment is fostered when work goals appeal to: 1) employees' passions (meaningfulness), employees have a sense of choice regarding work tasks (self-determination), 2) employees feel capable of performing successfully (competence), and 3) employees feel they are making progress toward fulfilling their purpose (impact)."

What is stress, and how is it different than stressors and strains?

Stress refers to the psychological response to demands when there is something at stake for the individual and coping with these demands would tax or exceed the individual's capacity or resources. Stressors are the demands that cause the stress response, and strains are the negative consequences of the stress response.

What is the four-component model of ethical decision making?

The four-component ethical decision-making model argues that ethical behavior depends on three concepts. Moral awareness reflects whether an authority recognizes that a moral issue exists in a situation. The moral judgment reflects whether the authority can accurately identify the "right" course of action. Moral intent reflects an authority's degree of commitment to the moral course of action. Ethical Behavior

What dimensions can be used to describe the trustworthiness of an authority?

The trustworthiness of an authority is judged along three dimensions. Ability reflects the skills, competencies, and areas of expertise that an authority possesses. Benevolence is the degree to which an authority wants to do good for the trustor, apart from any selfish or profit-centred motives. Integrity is the degree to which an authority adheres to a set of values and principles that the trustor finds acceptable. ?

What steps can organizations take to foster learning?

Through various forms of training, companies can give employees more knowledge and a wider array of experiences that they can use to make decisions.

What is trust, and how does it relate to justice and ethics?

Trust is the willingness to be vulnerable to an authority based on positive expectations about the authority's actions and intentions. Justice reflects the perceived fairness of an authority's decision-making and can be used to explain why employees judge some authorities as more trustworthy than others. Ethics reflects the degree to which the behaviors of authority are in accordance with generally accepted norms and can be used to explain why authorities choose to act in a trustworthy manner. ?

What are the four main types of work stressors?

Work Hindrance Stressors-role conflict, daily hassles, role overload. Work Challenge Stressors-Time pressure, work complexityNon Hindrance Stressors--financial uncertainty, neg. life events, family conflict Non work Challenge Stressors-family time demands, personal development, positive life events

In what three sources can trust be rooted?

disposition-based, meaning that one's personality includes a general propensity to trust others. cognition-based, meaning that it's rooted in a rational assessment of the authority's trustworthiness. affect-based, meaning that it's rooted in feelings toward the authority that goes beyond any rational assessment of trustworthiness. ?

What two qualities make goals strong predictors of task performance, according to goal setting theory?

goals become strong drivers of motivation and performance when they are difficult and specific. Specific and difficult goals affect performance by increasing self-set goals and task strategies. Those effects occur more frequently when employees are given feedback, tasks are not too complex, and goal commitment is high.

What is motivation?

is defined as a set of energetic forces that originates both within and outside an employee, initiates work-related effort, and determines its direction, intensity, and persistence.2 Motivation is a critical consideration because effective job performance often requires high levels of both ability and motivation

What steps can organizations take to manage employee stress?

organizations assess and manage stress using a number of different practices. In general, these practices focus on reducing or eliminating stressors, providing resources that employees can use to cope with stressors, or trying to reduce the strains.

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