MGMT 409 Final

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what are various types of business strats such as emerson strat

Differentiaon strategy - distinguish itself from competitors through quality of its products or service. Overall cost leadership - reduce manufacturing and other costs Focus strategy - concentrate on a specific regional market, product market, or group of buyers. Then use one of the other strategies to get compete with competitors

what is administrative management

Focuses on managing the total organization

what are organizational goals

Goals serve 4 purposes. Provide guidance and unified direction fro people in the organization. affect other aspects of planning. source of motivation for employees. Effecteviv mechanism or evaluation and control. Strategic goals are set by and for top management. Focus on broad general issues. Increase teh profitability fo each of its coffee stores by 20 percent over teh next five years Tactical goals are set by and for middle managers. Focus on how to operationalize actions necesssary to achieve the strategic goals. working on tactical goals related to company-ownded versus licensed stores and the global distribution of stores in different countries. Operational goals are set by and for lower-level managers. Focus on short term issues assoiceitd with tactical goals. could be to boost the profitabliti of a certain number of stores in each of the next five years

what is job enrichment

One of the alternatives to job specialization kinda the best idea developed to increase the total number of tasks workers perform and the control the worker has over the job managers remove some controls from the job, delegate more authority to employes and structure the work in a complete natural units increases workers sense of responsibility and assessing new and challenging tasks increasing the employees opportunity for growth and advancement

what are types of decisions we make in management

Programm decision recurs often, requires less planning nonprogramm are less frequent and require more time and energy into exploring the sistaution. Intuition and experience are major factors in decision. Made more by top managers.

what is barnyards theory of management

Subs weigh the legitimacy of a supervisors' directives and then decides whether to accept them order is accepted if a subordinate understands it, is able to comply with it, and views it as appropriate

what the various manager roles such as organizer, negotiator, ect

Three main types of roles: INTERPERSONAL Leader - hire and train, and motivate Liaison - coordinates between groups Figurehead taking visitors to dinner, attending ribbon-cutting ceremonies, and the like. These activities are typically more ceremonial and symbolic than substantive INFORMATIONAL monitor - actively seeks information disseminator - spread information spokesperson - formally relay information to people inside or outside organization Although the roles of spokesperson and figurehead are similar, there is one basic difference between them. When a manager acts as a figurehead, the manager's presence as a symbol of the organization is what is of interest. In the spokesperson role, however, the manager carries substantive information and communicates it to others in a formal manner. DECISIONAL entrepreneur - initiator of change disturbance handler - hanglesing strikes, legal problems, public image relations resource allocator negotiator - can be internal or external. Can be business or mediate issue between subordinates

what are the various levels of management

Top Management create org goals, overall strategy, and operating policies Middle Management Largest group, plant manager, operations manager, division head. Implement policies and plans developed by top managers supervise and coordinates the activities of lower-level managers Regional managers some companies have cut these but still have value First-line managers supervise and coordinate the activities of operating employees supervisor, coordinator, and office manager oversee day to day operations, hire operating employees assembly line supervisors spend most of their time supervising the work of subordinates

what is resistance to change

Uncertainty: workers get nervous about job security, uncertain if they will be able to fulfill new job responsibilities, don't like the ambiguity that managers work with threatened self-interest: interest of orgs does align with each manager different perceptions: a change can be viewed necessary by one manager but another manager can have a different view on the situation feeling of loss: change can disrupt current social networks that people like. Other losses are power, status, self-confidence, and security.

what is leadership

ability to influence the behavior of others as a process is the use of noncoecive influence ot shape the group or organization goals. as a property is the set of characteristics attributed ot people who are perceived to be leaders leadership is needed to create change

what is a tactical plan

achieve tatical goals. develpoed to implement specific parts of a strateic plan. involve upper and middle management shorter time horizon more concrete focus. focus more on people and action

what is productivity

an economic measure of efficiientcy that summarizes what is produced relative to resources used to produce it measure of how many ouptus can me produced given inputs

what is organizational change

any modification to some part of the orgainzation. can effect many different areas big or small close dimensions like tasks environment can have great impact of change and require organization to change as well

what is attribution

attribute cause to an observe behavoir. notice something and assion made on the basis of consensus, consistency, and distinctiveness consensus is when you observe someone acts differently than how others would react in same situation (You notice that only one person is late to meetings) low consensus consistency is when you notice the same behavior at different times (you notice that person is late for all meetings) high consistency distinctness is the level to which that person behaves in similar situations (you notice that the late person is late to everything work, lunch) low distinctiveness

what is competition

be the best

what is organizational structure

building blocks of organizing 6 basic blocks are designing jobs, grouping jobs, establishing reporting relationships, distributing authority among jobs, coordinating activities among jobs, and differentiating amongst positions.

what is concept of labor relations

dealing with employees who are represented by a iunion

what is organizational decision making

decision making is the act of choosing one alternative from among a set of alternatives. Multipel steps in process of identifying problem, evaluating alternatives, choosing best then acting. Programm decision recurs often, requires less planning nonprogramm are less frequent and require more time and energy into exploring the sistaution. Intuition and experience are major factors in decision. Made more by top managers.

what is job specialization

degree to ewhcih te overall tasks of the organixastion is broken down and divided into smaller component parts. the degree to which the overall task of the organization is broken down and divided into smaller component parts. Job specialization evolved from the concept of division of labor. Adam Smith, an eighteenth-century economist, first discussed division of labor in his case study about how a pin factory used it to improve productivity. leads to better productivity as this is like the mass-production system breaking the goal of org (building a car) into small task (dude puts on wheel, dude paints, dude welds) kinda always needed because orgs naturally grow. Walt Disney used to do everything, then got enough money to hire people to do each task to make the cartoons. There can be upsides and downsides so managers need to consider the situation and what level they need to specialize. does not always lower transfer time

what is a strategic plan

developed to acieve stratifc goals general plan that oulines decisions of resource allocation, priorities, and action steps necessary to reach strategic goals. set by board of directors and top management. EXTENDED TIME HORIZEON, ADDRESS QUESTIONS of scope, resource deployment, competitive advantage, and synergy

what is impression management

direct and intentional effort by someone ot enhance his or her image in the eyes of the others. important to make others think better or you and helps your self esteem focus on appearance and associated your name with high profile projects not bad but can be bad if an employee becomes obsessed with

what is an organizational contribution of an employee

effort ability, loyalty skills time competencies

what is a psychological contract

employee beliefs about what employees owe the organization and what the organization owes them

what is quantitative management

focus on decision making, economic effectiveness, mathematical models, and the use of computers useful for planning and controlling Cannot fully explain or predict the behavior of people in organizations. Mathematical sophistication may come at the expense of other important skills. Models may require unrealistic or unfounded assumptions 2 main branches are management science and operations management management science - develop mathematical models Operations management - think of as form of applied management science. Operations management techniques are concerned with helping the org produce its products or services more efficiently.

what is title 7 of the 1964 civil rights act

forbids discrimination in all employment relationship

what is operations management

form of applied management science. concerned with heloping the organization produce its products or services more efficiently and can be applied to a wide range of prombes used to mangae inventories, linear programming, break-even analysis. part of quantitative management perspectice

what is board of directors

governing body elected by the stockholders and charges with overseeing the general management of the firm to ensure that it is being run in a way tha best server teh stockholders interest these groups are beginning to get more involved

what are the types of recourse such as information, human

human, financial, phtsical, informational

what is cross training

i think this is training employees to do other jobs so they can easily do other tasks. More flexible.

what is job enlargement

increase the total number of tasks workers performed. worker does more of the assembly process bad as training costs usually increase, unions have arguesd that pay should increase because the worker is doing more tasks, work actually remains boring and routin even after job enlargement

what are various organizational environments

internal, task, general competitors are those that fight for same resources There are two important kinds of regulators. The first, regulatory agencies(EPA, FDA, EEOC), are created by the government to protect the public from certain business practices or to protect organizations from one another. The second, interest groups(NRA, MADD), are organized by their members to try to influence organizations.

what are group needs

interpersonal attraction need for affiliation instrumental benefits like joining a club senior year to be able to put it on your resume

what is job rotation

movinging employees from on job to another so they don't bored does not help employee satisfaction that much because all jobs done are boring used more training and incredase flexibility and lower costs

what is diversification

number of different busioness that an organizasiotn is engaged and the extent to which these buisenses are rewlated to one another single-product strategy makes one product like redbull related diversification unrelated diversification

what is an inducement

occurs when a manager offers to give something to someon else in return for that person's support. Put in a good word with boss if you get help

what is ethics

ones personal beliefs about whether an action or behavior is right or wrong people have ethics orgs dont organizational pracice may influence the ethical standards of employees.

what are various types of communication

oral can take place inperson or online like zoom. Promotes prompt feedback like questions or facial expression, tone of voice. nonverbal communication is exchange that does not use words or uses words to carry more meaning than the strict definition of the words themseslve. powerful and misunderstood. Relies on facial expressions, body moment, physical contact, and proximinity between communicators. 55 % of message content s transmitted by facial expressions and body posture. 38% comes from tone. Words are only lik 7% written is not as common and respected by managers

what is informational justice

orgs got to manage the fairness of the organization to make people feel better Informational justice is perceived fairness of information used to make decisions information should be complete and unbiased Ignoring information or picking certain things leads to less informational justice

what is social responsibility

orgs try to do good for their stakeholders, natural enviroment, and general social welfare

what is merit pay

pay awared to employees on the basis of the relative value of their contributions to the organsation merit is based on person's performance, and overall contributions ot the organizastion

what is perception management

perceptions are the set of process by which an individual becomes aware of and interprets information about the environment selective perception is screening out information that we are uncomfortable with or contradicts our beliefs. Stereotyping is labeling people on basis of single attribute

what is a plan change compared to a reactive change

plan change is planned and optimal reactive is unplanned and nonopitimal

what is organizational development

planned effort that is organization-wide and managedf from the top, indeed to increase organizasiton effectiveness and health through pkaned interventions in the orgainzasiton process, using behaboiral science knowledge. try to change the attitudes, perceptions, behaboirs, and expectation of people in an organization assumes that employees have desire to grow and that employees hava a need to be accepted by pothers within the organization. assumes that org design will influence the way groups and people within the org behave hard to determin if these things help so some don't try anymoer

what are the various functions of management

planning and decision making, organizing, leading, and controlling

what are the various types of power

power is teh abilit to affect the bahavoir of others. Legitimate power power granted through organizational hierarchy. Same as authority. All managers have legitimate power over subordinates reward power power to give or withhold rewards. include salary increases, bonuses, promotions recommendations, praise, and better job assignments. If subordinates wants the informal awards like praise then manager is a leader coercive power power to force compiamnce by means of psychological, emotional, or physical threat. Things like reprimands, layoffs, fines, demoteion, or verbal humuliation. Just not being nice referent power abstaract as it based on identification, imiitaiton, loyalty, or charisma.based on wandering to identify with a leader. Wear the ame kinds of clothes. expert power derived from information or expertise.

what is power

power is the ability to affect the behavior of others

what is punishment and avoidance

punishement weakens behavior avoidance strengthens behavior

what is theory x and y

represents the essence of the human relations movement Theory X is pessimistice and nefative view of workers. Consistant with scientific. Theory y is positive

what is infrastructure

roads and stuff needed for business

what is motivation

set of forces that cause people to behave in certain ways effects employees performance

what is human resource management

set of organizational activities dir3ecxted at attracted, developing, and maininatin an effective workforce.

what is scope

specidies the range of markets in which an organization will compete 1 of 3 of the components of a strategy

what are group norms

standards of behavoir that the group or team accepts for and eexpects for members different groups can have different norms different norms can apply to different members in a team like how rookies gotta carry helmets is called norm variation

what is a mission statement

statement of its fundamental unique purpose that sets a business apart from other firms of its type and identifies the scope of the business opearaiton For instance, Starbucks' mission statement is "To inspire and nurture the human spirit—one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time." Starbucks also espouses these principles effects the strategic goals

what are types of organizational strategy such as joint ventures

strategic alliances when firms work together to both gain joint venture special type of stratic alliance where partesrs share ownership of new enterprise direct investment when a firm builds or purchase facilities or subsidaiars in a fereing contry licensing arrange a foreign company to manufacturer or markets its products under a licening agreemine other company uses an others brand name, trademark, tech, patent, or other assets licenss pays a royalty usually based on sales good because extends profitability in new markets bad because inflecibile and other firm can steal secrets

what is 2 factor theory

suggests that people's satisfaction is influenced by two independent sets of factors - motivation factors and hygiene factors low pay may indenetify being dissatisfaction but high pay does not mean that employee will be satisfied motivating factors influence satisfaction are related to work content hygiene factors are related to dissatisfaction and work environment manager should fix hygiene first so employees are not disatisfiesd may be poor because developed on engineers and accountants only not whole population

what is gantt chart

timeline of scheduled work to be completed

what is quality

totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. lowerign quality does not increase productivity improved quality lowers costs quality can be relative to price point 8 dimensions of quality performance - product's primary operating characteristic such as car acceleration and tv picture qualithy features - supplements to a products basic function characteristics like heated seats on car reliability - not gonna malfunction during a certain period conformance - degree to which a product's design and operating characteristics meet established standards durability - measure of procut life serviceability - the speed and ease of repari aesthetics - how product looks, feels, taset, and smells perceived quality - as seen by customer

What is an employment test(dig deep?)

two basic approaches predictive validation is collectinfg scores of applicantson selection method and correlating their scores with actual job performance. like SAT tests used to validate academic performance content validation uses logic and job analysis to estabilsh the selection method. Analyze the job and what are the acitual skills needed for successful job performance. Test is then developed to measure th eapplicann'ts ability to perform these abilities. Testing practices must be fair Interviews struggle as there is lots of bias in the interview

what is a group

two or more people who interact to accomplish a common goal functional group is a permanent group created to accomplish a number of organizational purposes with an unspecified time horizon. Think different departments. Finish current objectives then get new ones. informal groups are created by its own members for purposes that may not be relevant ot organizational goals. Can have an unspecified time horizon. Managers can ignore these groups Task groups is created by the organization to accomplish narrow range of purposes with a stated time horizon. Team is disbanded at end of goal. Teams are special type of task group. Team work as a unit oftwen with little or no supervision.

what are values

what guids us part of organization's mission effects our ethics. People who value money will be more driven to succeed despite the costs

how do we design organizational systems

what is job design

what is organizational stability

what is organizational stability

what is a socialized team

when a team becomes familiar with each other and adopts norms

what is a compressed work schedule

working a full 40 hour week in less than 5 days do 10 hours one day to get a whole day off workers get tired and perform less later in the day

what is job design

⅙ of the building blocks of organizational structure determination of a person'swork-related responsibilities and the expected performance standards indicators.

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