MGMT 467 Ch. 4 Notes

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Characteristics of Followers

Ability, knowledge, experience, training. Need for independence. Professional orientation. Indifference toward organizational rewards

Least-Preferred Coworker (LPC)

Answers the question, "Are you more task-oriented or relationship-oriented?"

Contingency Leadership Theories

Attempt to explain the appropriate leadership style based on the leader, followers, and situation


Builds on people's tendency to pay attention to the announcement of negative news and their urge to avoid losses

Characteristics of the Task

Clarity and routine. Invariant methodology. Provision of own feedback concerning accomplishment. Intrinsic satisfaction for completing the task

Unsought Add-On

Draws upon the influencing of reference points, loss-aversion, and mental accounting on bargainer's decision making

Situation (time)

Environmental considerations, such as the organization's size, structure, climate, goals, and technology, are considered

Characteristics of the Organization

Formalization (explicit plans, goals, and areas of responsibility). Inflexibility (rigid, unbending rules and procedures). Highly specified and active advisory and staff functions. Closely knit, cohesive work groups. Spatial distance between leaders and followers Anchoring, Cognitive basis which entails basic human tendency to use initial piece of information to make subsequent judgments - regardless of whether this information is relevant or not

Normative Leadership Model

Has a time-driven and development-driven decision tree that enables the user to select one of five leadership styles (decide, consult individually, consult group, facilitate, and delegate) appropriate for the situation (seven questions/variables) to maximize decisions

Substitutes for Leadership

Includes characteristics of the subordinate, task, and organization that replaces the need for a leader or neutralize the leader's behavior

Leadership Model

Is an example for emulation or use in a given situation

Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE)

Is an ongoing cross-cultural investigation of leadership and national culture

Followers Factor

Is based on capability and motivation

Leader Factor

Is based on personality traits, behavior, and experience

Situational Factor

Is based on task, structure, and environment

Formal Authority

Is extent of the leader's position power

Work Group

Is extent to which coworkers contribute to job satisfaction or the relationship between followers

Position Power

Is position power strong or weak? Does the leader have the power to assign work, reward and punish, hire and fire, give raises and promotions?

Task Structure

Is task structured or unstructured? Employees perform repetitive, routine, unambiguous, standard tasks that are easily understood? Is the extent of repetitiveness of the job


Is the degree to which employees defer to others, and want to be told what to do and how to do the job


Is the extent of the employees' ability to perform tasks to achieve goals

Locus of Control

Is the extent to which employees believe they control goal achievement (internal) or if goal achievement is controlled by others (external)

Get a Commitment and Follow Up

Is the fifth step in the oral message-sending process; When giving instructions, it is important to get a commitment to the action. Make sure followers can do the task and have it done by the deadline

Develop Rapport

Is the first step of the oral message-sending process; Put the receiver at ease, usually appropriate to begin communications with small talk correlated to the message

Check the Receiver's Understanding

Is the fourth step in the oral message-sending process; When communicating, ask direct questions and/or use paraphrasing

Leader-Member Relations

Is the relationship good (cooperative and friendly) or poor (antagonistic and difficult)? Do followers trust, respect, accept, and have confidence in the leader.

State Your Communication Objective

Is the second step in the oral message-sending process; It is helpful for the receiver to know the desired end result of the communication before covering all the details

Transmit Your Message

Is the third step in the oral message-sending process; Tell the people what you want them to do - give instructions and set deadlines for completing tasks

Psychological Contract

Is the unwritten implicit expectations of each party in a relationship

Contingency Leadership Model

Is used to determine if a person's leadership style is task- or relationship-oriented, and if the situation (leader-member relationship, task structure, and position of power) matches the leader's style to maximize performance

Leadership Continuum Model

Is used to determine which one of seven styles to select, based on the use of boss-centered vs. subordinate-centered leadership, to meet the situation (boss, subordinates, situation/time) to maximize performance

Path-Goal Leadership Model

Is used to select the leadership style (directive, supportive, participative, or achievement-oriented) appropriate to the situation (subordinate and environment) to maximize both performance and job satisfaction

Facilitate Participation Style

Leader holds a group meeting and acts as a facilitator to define the problem and the limits within which a decision must be made. Leaders seek participation and concurrence on the decision without punishing their ideas

Consult Group Participation Style

Leader holds a group meeting and tells followers the problem, gets information and suggestions, and then makes the decision

Participative Leadership Style

Leader includes employee input into decision-making. Appropriate when followers want to be involved, internal locus of control, follower ability is high

Delegate Participation Style

Leader lets group diagnose the problem and make the decision within stated limits. Role of the leader is to answer questions and provide encouragement and resources

Decide Participation Style

Leader makes the decision alone and announces it, or sells it, to the followers

Supportive Leadership Style

Leader proves high consideration. Appropriate when the followers do not want autocratic leadership and have internal locus of control, follower ability is high

Directive Leadership Style

Leader provides high structure. Appropriate when followers want authority leadership, external locus of control

Achievement-Oriented Leadership Style

Leader sets difficult but achievable goals, expects followers to perform at their highest level, and rewards them for doing so

Consult Individually Participation Style

Leader tells followers individually about the problem, gets information and suggestions, and then makes the decision


Limit each paragraph to a single topic and an average of five sentences. Sentences should average 15 words. Vary paragraph length and sentence length. Write in active voice (I recommend...) rather than the passive voice (it is recommended...)


Make a leadership style unnecessary or redundant


Means "it depends". One thing depends on other things, and for a leader to be effective, there must be an appropriate fit between the leader's behavior and style and the follower and the situation

Path Clarification

Means that the leader works with followers to help them identify and learn the behavior that will lead to successful task accomplishment and organizational rewards


Reduce or limit the effectiveness of a leader's behavior

Situational Favorableness

Refers to the degree to which a situation enables the leader to exert influence over the followers

Subordinate Situational Factors

Situational characteristics are authoritarianism, locus of control, and ability

Environment Situational Factors

Situational factors include task structure, formal authority, and work group


The followers' preferred style for the leader is based on personality and behavior, as with the leader


The leader's personality and behavioral preferred style - based on experience, expectation, values, and confidence in subordinates - are considered in selecting a leadership style

Descriptive Leadership Models

They identify contingency variables and leadership style without specifying which style to use in a given situation

Prescriptive Leadership Models

They tell the user exactly which style to use in a given situation

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