MGMT 4700 Midterm

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(Ethical/Authentic Leadership) Which core component of authentic leadership involves the fact that authentic leaders welcome and seek out feedback and use it to make informed decisions without becoming over defensive?

Balanced processing of information

The primary explanatory process in Path-goal Theory of leadership is the influence of leader __________.

Behavior on subordinate expectations

The __________ approach began in the early 1950s after many researchers became discouraged with the __________ approach and began to play closer attention to what managers actually do on the job.


An ascribed trait formed by manager's actual behavior pattern and/or follower's perceptual filters is ___________.

Behavioral integrity

Which of the following is NOT an example of supporting behavior?

Clearly explain what the subordinate is expected to do

The ethical __________ describes the shared perceptions of members regarding the organization's ethical practices and procedures


Ethical/Authentic Leadership

Leader behavior is consistent with leader's values and both are consistent with follower's values

(Ethical/Authentic Leadership) What the MOST important indicator of personal integrity in the theories of ethical leadership?

Leader behavior is consistent with the leader's espoused values

What is emphasized MORE in ethical leadership theories than in transformational?

Leader values

A __________ variable explains the process through which two variables are related.


What variable enhances relationships?


(Ethical/Authentic Leadership) In a situation where there is a strong consensus about ethical behavior, __________.

Most people will conform to the social norms

Effective leaders are LEAST likely to have a high score on which "big five" trait?



Neutralize leadership and positively influence outcomes, follower's intrinsic interest in task

What are relatively stable dispositions to behave in a particular way?

Personality traits

___________-oriented behavior is primarily concerned with increasing mutual trust, cooperation, job satisfaction, and identification with the team or organization.


(Contingency Theories) T/F: Early research on leadership failed to provide strong support for universal conceptions of effective leadership


(Ethical/Authentic Leadership) T/F: The formal reward system can encourage and support ethical or unethical behavior by leaders and members


(Transformational/Transactional Leadership) T/F: Personal identification and internalization are types of influence processes that may occur for some followers of a charismatic leader


(Transformational/Transactional Leadership) T/F: Transactional leadership is not likely to generate commitment to task objectives


(Transformational/Transactional Leadership) Transactional leadership motivates followers by appealing to their self-interest and exchanging benefits


T/F: Leaders should continuously analyze where their followers are and change their mode


T/F: Transactional leadership is not likely to generate task objectives


According to Bass, effective transformational leaders ____________.

Use a combination of transformational and transactional behaviors

Substitutes leadership have a __________ effect.


Hersey and Blanchard Model

(Situational Theory) Bell-curve in order of: 1) Delegating: low task, low relationship; 2) Participating: low task, high relationship; 3) Selling: high task, high relationship; 4) Telling: high task, low relationship; Use them from top to bottom in highest employee readiness to lowest readiness (based on maturity and skill).

Authentic Leadership

-A style in which the leader is true to himself or herself while leading -Leader behavior is consistent with the leader's values, and both are consistent with follower's values

Trust vs Trustworthiness

-Ability: Knowledge and skills -Benevolence: Extent to which trustee is believed to want to do good -Integrity: Extent to which trustee is believed to adhere to sound moral and ethical principles

High-quality LMX

-Affect -Loyalty -Contribution -Professional respect

Transformational leadership contains which components?

-Idealized influence -Inspirational motivation -Intellectual stimulation -Individualized consideration

Under Fiedler's Contingency Theory, which 3 dimensions characterize situations?

-Leader-follower relations -Performance goal clarity -Formal authority or power

The Big 5 Model of Personality

-Openness to experiences -Conscientiousness -Extraversion -Agreeableness -Neuroticism

Under trait theory, what are the 3 psychological characteristics?

-Personality: The Big 5 -Ability: Cognitive and Emotional Intelligence -Self-concepts: Core Self-evaluation

Genetic factors make up about ____ of leadership


Psychological Empowerment

A cognitive and motivational state comprised of meaning, competence, self-determination, and impact

Trait Theory

A leadership theory that holds that effective leaders possess a similar set of traits or characteristics

Path-Goal Theory

A leadership theory that states that leaders can increase subordinate satisfaction and performance by clarifying and clearing the paths to goals and by increasing the number and kinds of rewards available for goal attainment

Ethical Leadership

A means of influencing others through personal values, morals, and beliefs

Which statement is true in the context of ongoing controversy about the distinction between management and leadership?

A person cannot have the job title "manager" without at least one subordinate to lead

Leadership effectiveness is best assessed by what?

A variety of subjective and objective criteria

Which of the following is NOT a transformational behavior according to Bass?

Contingent reward behavior

Which condition is MOST likely to encourage ethical behavior in organizations?

Cultural values for individual responsibility

A situational moderator variable is called a neutralizer when it __________.

Decreases the effect of leader behavior on the dependent variable or prevents any effect from occurring.

(LMX) When the exchange relationship is favorable, behavior by the leader includes more __________.


Definitions of leadership are important for what?

Designing and interpreting research

Substitues for Leadership Theory

Different situational factors can enhance, neutralize, or substitute for leader behaviors

What is the best explanation for so many different definitions of leadership?

Disagreement about what should be included in the definition

The second perspective of psychological empowerment focuses on what?

Employees' reactions -Meaning -Competence -Self-determination -Impact

Empowering Leadership Model

Empowering Leader Behavior --> Psychological Empowerment --> Outcomes

Which is NOT a core component of authentic leadership?

Externalized moral component

(LMX) T/F: Most of the early research on leadership behavior focuses on how much leaders vary their behavior with different subordinates


(LMX) T/F: Research shows that most leaders have similar relationships with each of their subordinates


T/F: Some traits and skills increase the effectiveness of a leader, and actually guarantee it


Which of the following is NOT a type of situational factor considered in Fiedler's contingency theory?

Follower's performance readiness

(Contingency Theories) According to Leader Substitutes Theory, __________.

Hierarchal leadership is less important when many substitutes are present in the situation

According to Blake and Mouton, effective leaders are MOST likely to have a _________.

High concern for both the task and relationships

Fiedler's Contingency Theory

In order to maximize work group performance, leaders must be matched to the right leadership situation; there is no best way to lead a team

Laissez-faire leadership __________.

Is best described as the absence of effective leadership

__________ is defined in terms of looking for mistakes and enforcing rules to avoid mistakes.

Management by exception

Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory

Leaders and followers develop unique relationships based on their social exchanges, and the quality of these exchanges can influence employee outcomes

What statement about leader influence on the ethical behavior of followers is NOT accurate?

Leaders have very little influence on follower ethical behavior

Contingent Reward

Leaders make rewards contingent on followers meeting a specified performance target

Passive Management by Exception

Leaders wait until the mistakes can no longer be ignored

The first perspective of empowering leader behaviors focuses on what?

Leaders' behaviors -Leading by example -Participative decision making -Coaching -Informing -Showing individual concerns

Which statement comparing transformational and charismatic leadership is MOST accurate?

Leadership articulation of an appealing vision is important in both theories

Transactional Leadership

Leadership based on an exchange process in which followers are rewarded for good performance and punished for poor performance

Achievement-oriented leadership

Leadership behavior characterized by setting challenging goals and improving performance

What is the most common element in definitions of leadership?

Leadership is an influence process

Transformational Leadership

Leadership that generates awareness and acceptance of a group's purpose and mission and gets employees to see beyond their own needs and self-interests for the good of the group

Behavioral Theories

Leadership theories that identify behaviors that differentiated effective leaders from ineffective leaders

All of the following are related concepts except: Self-confidence Self-control Self-esteem Self-efficacy



Situational factors that block the effects of leadership, spatial distance

Supportive leadership is MOST likely to result in what outcome for subordinates?

Stronger satisfaction with the leader

The __________-oriented categories usually include specific behaviors such as clarifying work roles and objectives, assigning specific tasks to subordinates, and planning activities and tasks for the work group.


(LMX) A manager who has a favorable exchange relationship with __________ is more likely to establish favorable exchange relationships with __________.

The boss; subordinates

With transactional leadership, __________.

The leader provides rewards to followers who comply with the leader's requests

Behavioral integrity refers to?

The perceived pattern of alignment between an actor's words and deeds

Trust can be best described as?

The willingness of a party to be vulnerable to another based on expectations

(Contingency Theories) According to Path-goal theory, directive leadership is more effective when __________.

Work roles are ambiguous

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