MGMT Ch. 14

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What are the negative personal consequences that can happen due to stress?

*Behavioral consequences can be smoking, alcoholism, overeating, and accident proneness *Psychological consequences can be sleep disturbances, depression, and family problems *Medical consequences can be heart disease, stroke, headaches, and backaches *These are all strains

What are the different reasons for poor person-job fit?

*Imperfect organizational selection procedures *Change in both people and organizations over time. A person who finds a new job stimulating and exciting may find the same job boring and monotonous after a few years of performing it.*New technologies require new employee skills *Unique individuals and unique jobs

What is positive affectivity?

*It means that a person has a tendency to be relatively upbeat and optimistic, have an overall sense of well-being, and usually see things in a positive light. They see the glass as half full, and are always in a good mood *This is personality driven

What is negative affectivity?

*It means that a person is generally downbeat and pessimistic, and they usually see things in a negative way. They seem to be in a bad mood most of the time. The glass is seen as half empty *This is also personality driven

What is the fundamental attribution error?

*It means that we look at ourselves in a positive light and others in a negative light *It's when we make the error of explaining someone's behavior based on internal factors (like their personality), especially when they are negative, and to underestimate the influence that external factors have on their behavior (like situational influences) *We also have a tendency to explain our own behavior based on external factors rather than internal factors. We are familiar with our circumstances

What is self-awareness?

*It refers to a person's capacity for being aware of how they are feeling.

What is extraversion?

*It refers to a person's comfort level with relationships. People who are called "extraverts" are sociable, talkative, assertive, and open to establishing new relationships. *Research suggests that extraverts tend to be higher overall job performers than introverts and that they are also more likely to be attracted to jobs based on personal relationships, such as sales and marketing positions. *This is the easiest to assess when you first meet someone

What is openness?

*It refers to a person's rigidity of beliefs and range of interests. People with high levels of openness are willing to listen to new ideas and to change their own ideas, beliefs, and attitudes as a result of new information. *This is important in training

What is emotional intelligence?

*It refers to the extent to which people are self-aware, manage their emotions, motivate themselves, express empathy for others, and possess social skills.

What is burnout as a negative consequence of stress?

*It's a feeling of exhaustion that may develop when someone experiences too much stress for an extended period of time *This is a type of strain

What is attribution?

*It's a mechanism through which we observe behavior and then attribute causes to it; it's how we attribute costs. *Ex. Is Rachel lazy, or was there something out of her control causing her to be late?

What is workplace behavior?

*It's a pattern of action by the members of an organization that directly or indirectly influences organizational effectiveness

What is incubation as the second step in the creative process?

*It's a period of less intense conscious concentration during which knowledge and ideas acquired mature and develop. *Incubation is helped by pauses in rational thought

What is self-efficacy?

*It's a person's beliefs about his or her capabilities to perform a task. *People with high self-efficacy believe that they can perform well on a specific task, whereas people with low self-efficacy tend to doubt their ability to perform a specific task. *This is the belief in your own capabilities

What is stress?

*It's a person's response to a strong stimulus (i.e. a stressor). Your personality influences your stress *Stress is not all bad. In the absence of stress, we may experience lethargy and stagnation. An optimal level of stress, on the other hand, can result in motivation and excitement.

What is the Myers-Briggs type indicator?

*It's a test used to assess personality types, and is useful for determining communication styles and interaction preferences *There are 16 types of personalities with this test *Extroversion vs. Introversion *Sensing vs. intuition--The sensing type prefers concrete things, whereas intuitives prefer abstract concepts. *Thinking vs. feeling *Judging vs. perceiving--People who are the judging type enjoy completion or being finished, whereas perceiving types enjoy the process and open-ended situations.

What is organizational commitment?

*It's an attitude that reflects an individual's identification with and attachment to an organization *An employee's commitment strengthens with age, years with the organization, sense of job security, and participation in decision making *Committed employees have highly reliable habits, plan a longer tenure with the organization, and muster more effort in performance

What is machiavellianism?

*It's behavior directed at gaining power and controlling the behavior of others. This is manipulating or controlling *More Machiavellian individuals tend to be rational and nonemotional, may be willing to lie to attain their personal goals, may put little weight on loyalty and friendship, and may enjoy manipulating others' behavior.

What is job satisfaction or dissatisfaction?

*It's influenced by personal, group, and organizational factors *Satisfied employees are absent less often, make positive contributions, and stay with the organization *Dissatisfied employees are absent more often, may experience stress which disrupts coworkers, and may be continually looking for another job *Satisfaction has a huge impact on your commitment to the organization *Satisfaction doesn't have to correlate to productivity, however

What is self-esteem?

*It's the extent to which a person believes they are a worthwhile and deserving individual. *A person with high self-esteem is more likely to seek high-status jobs, be more confident in her ability to achieve higher levels of performance, and derive greater intrinsic satisfaction from her accomplishments

What is negative emotionality?

*It's the extent to which a person is calm, resilient, and secure *People with less negative emotionality will be relatively poised, calm, resilient, and secure

What is authoritarianism?

*It's the extent to which one believes that power and status differences are appropriate within hierarchical social systems like organizations. *A person with high authoritarianism believes that power is important

What is consensus as a way that attribution can be formed?

*It's the extent to which other people in the same situation behave the same way. *Ex. Nobody else in the class is late

What is the person-job fit?

*It's the extent to which the contributions made by the individual match the inducements offered by the organization. This is more about the culture *If the organization can take perfect advantage of the individual's behaviors and abilities and exactly fulfill their needs, it will have achieved a perfect person-job fit.

What is consistency as a way that attribution can be formed?

*It's the extent to which the same person behaves the same way at different times. *These can be external or internal attributes *Ex. Rachel is late every class for management

What is distinctiveness as a way that attribution can be formed?

*It's the extent to which the same person behaves the same way in other situations. *Ex. Rachel is late for all of her other classes.

What is preparation at the first step in the creative process?

*It's the formal education and training that's used to "get up to speed" *Experiences on the job provide additional knowledge and ideas *Ex. you go out and take pictures of the countryside for your paintings

What is conscientiousness?

*It's the number of things a person can effectively work on at one time. *Of all the big 5 traits, this is the best predictor of success!* *People who focus on relatively fewer tasks and projects are likely to be organized, systematic, careful, thorough, responsible, and self-disciplined as they work to complete those tasks and projects. These people are high in conscientiousness

What is the psychological contract?

*It's the overall set of expectations held by an individual with respect to what they will contribute to the organization and what the organization will provide in return *You create a fit with the organization. You size them up and they size you up; you have to create a fit or a match with the company *it's not written on paper, nor are all of its terms explicitly negotiated. *The person makes a variety of contributions to the organization—effort, skills, ability, time, loyalty, and so forth. These contributions presumably satisfy various needs and requirements of the organization *In return for these contributions, the organization provides inducements to the person. Some inducements, like pay and career opportunities, are tangible rewards. Others, like job security and status, are more intangible *If either party sees an imbalance or inequity in the contract, they may initiate a change.

What is stereotyping?

*It's the process of categorizing or labeling people on the basis of a single attribute (like gender or race) *It may cost the organization valuable talent, violate federal anti-bias laws, and is likely unethical

What is selective perception?

*It's the process of screening out information that we are uncomfortable with or that contradicts our beliefs *If selective perception causes us to ignore important information, however, it can become quite detrimental.

What is personality?

*It's the relatively stable set of psychological attributes that distinguish one person from another.

What is perception?

*It's the set of processes by which an individual becomes aware of and interprets information about the environment

What is insight as the third step in the creative process?

*It's the spontaneous breakthrough in which the creative person achieves a new understanding of some problem or situation *Patterns of thought coalesce into a new understanding

What are Type B personalities like?

*Less competitive, less devoted to work, and have a weaker sense of time urgency. *Less likely to experience conflict with others *More likely to have a balanced, relaxed approach to life. *Can work at a constant pace without time urgency.

What are the negative work-related consequences that can happen due to stress?

*Poor quality work output and lower productivity *Job dissatisfaction, low morale, and a lack of commitment *Withdrawal through indifference and absenteeism *This is also a type of strain

What is cognitive dissonance?

*The conflict individuals may experience among their own attitudes is called cognitive dissonance. *The affective and cognitive components of the person's attitude conflict with intended behavior.

What is risk propensity?

*The degree to which one is willing to take chances and make risky decisions.

What is the locus of control?

*The extent to which people believe that their behavior has a real effect on what happens to them. *People who believe that individuals are in control of their lives are said to have an internal locus of control. *Other people think that fate, chance, luck, or other people's behavior determines what happens to them; they have an external locus of control

In the movie from "Office Space," what went wrong in the guy's creative processing?

*The guy who had the 'jump to conclusions' idea lacked the verification for his idea; they told him it was lame

What are physical demands as a cause of stress?

*These are associated with the job setting *May have extreme temperatures, poorly designed office space, or threats to one's health *Ex. working outside in the summer heat as an air traffic director

What are task demands as a cause of stress?

*These are associated with the task itself *This occurs when you have to make quick decisions, critical decisions, or decisions based on inappropriate information *Ex. an ER doctor has task demands

What are withdrawal behaviors?

*These include absenteeism and turnover *Absenteeism occurs when a person does not show up for work. This may be a symptom of other work-related problems *Turnover occurs when people quit their jobs for work-related or personal reasons. This is the most extreme of the two withdrawal behaviors

What are attitudes?

*They are complexes of beliefs and feelings that people have about specific ideas, situations, or other people. *Attitudes are important because they are the mechanism through which most people express their feelings.

What is the Type A personality like?

*They are extremely competitive (or aggressive), very devoted to work, and have a strong sense of time urgency (or impatient). *They have a lot of drive and want to accomplish as much as possible as quickly as possible.

What are individual differences?

*They are personal attributes that vary from one person to another, such as physical, psychological, or emotional attributes

What are performance behaviors?

*They are the total set of work-related behaviors that the organization expects the person to display *This is derived from the psychological contract

What is motivating oneself?

*This dimension refers to a person's ability to remain optimistic and to continue striving in the face of setbacks, barriers, and failure.

What are role demands as a cause of stress?

*This is associated with the role; they may experience role ambiguity or conflict. *A role is a part you play *You might not be sure how to do the tasks you've been given *Role conflict=some tasks you have will conflict with others *Role overload=you take on too many tasks and can't take on anymore

What is the verification stage as the last stage in the creative process?

*This is when tests are conducted and prototypes are built to see if the insight leads to the expected results *Is this what you wanted your painting to look like? Do people buy it? *This determines the validity or truthfulness of the insight

What are social skills?

*This refers to a person's ability to get along with others and to establish positive relationships.

What is managing emotions?

*This refers to a person's capacities to balance anxiety, fear, and anger so that they do not overly interfere with getting things accomplished.

What are the three components of attitudes?

1) Affective component: Feelings and emotions towards a situation. Ex. HEB is the worst store ever 2) Cognitive component: Perceived knowledge. Cognition is subject to individual perceptions. Ex. HEB is the worst store because they don't have Milwaukee Joe's ice cream 3) Intentional component: Expected behavior in a given situation (i.e. what we intend to do about the situation). Ex. HEB is the worst store, so I don't shop there

What are four ways that you can manage stress as an individual?

1) Regular exercise: this reduces tension and stress, and improves self-confidence and feelings of optimism 2) Relaxation: this allows individuals to adapt and better deal with their stress 3) Time management: this reduces stress by prioritizing activities to accomplish them in their order of importance 4) Support groups: socializing away from work decreases stress

What are the "big five" personality traits?

Agreeableness, conscientiousness, negative emotionality, extraversion, and openness.

In the clip from "The Devil Wears Prada," which two sources of stress do you see?

The character that Anne Hathaway plays (Andy) experiences role ambiguity and role overload

What is organizational citizenship?

*It's the behavior of individuals that makes a positive overall contribution to the organization *It's when you do things to benefit the organization, not yourself. *Ex. helping a teammate, or holding open the door

What is creativity?

*It's the ability of a person to generate new ideas or to conceive of new perspectives on existing ideas. *This builds off of personality. Creative people tend to be intelligent and open to new ideas, have high levels of energy, an attraction to complexity, independence, autonomy, strong self-confidence, and a strong belief in their own creativity *Many creative individuals were reared in creative environments

What is empathy?

*It refers to a person's ability to understand how others are feeling, even without being explicitly told.

What are the three stages of stress as part of the General Adaptation Syndrome (or GAS)?

1) Alarm: panic, wondering how to cope, and a feeling of helplessness; our level of resistance to stress drops 2) Resistance: and individual is actively resisting the effects of the stressor. We try to confront and control the stressful situation. In many cases, resistance may end the GAS 3) Exhaustion: prolonged exposure to stress causes a person to give in. We reach this stage if we fail at the first two steps, causing us to give up or quit

In the movie clip from "Break Up" with Jennifer Aniston, which of the big five traits was the main reason for the breakup?


What is divergent and convergent thinking?

Divergent thinking is a skill that allows people to see differences among situations, phenomena, or events. Convergent thinking is a skill that allows people to see similarities among situations, phenomena, or events. Creative people are generally very skilled at both divergent and convergent thinking.

What is agreeableness?

It's a person's ability to get along with others. This is important in teams. You generally want to have a high amount of agreeableness

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