MGMT Midterm

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Individuals in a clique who sit next to each other at a circular table - minimize their power. - neither increase not decrease their power. - are showing respect to their superiors. - increase their power.

- increase their power.

successful managers

-Those promoted through the ranks -Spend more time in organizational socializing and politicking -Spend less time on traditional management responsibilities such as planning and decision making

interactive leadership

A leadership style characterized by values such as inclusion, collaboration, relationship building, and caring.

role approach

An approach to understanding the followership which is seen as a role, or a part that is played, often if not always designated by a term like subordinate.

Goal-setting theory argues all but which of the following? - Goals should be specific and difficult. - Goal commitment is critical. - Followers will work harder if feedback is given. - Both short-term and long-term goals should be given to followers.

Both short-term and long-term goals should be given to followers.

hubristic leaders

Characterized by an inflated sense of self-confidence and abilities, the tendency to attribute successes to themselves, and failure to appropriately consider external forces, and perceive risks to be favorable to them

Which is true of in-groups? - Trust among members of the in-group towards leaders tends to be low. - Leaders have considerably less influence with in-group members. - Members of the in-group typically show low levels of loyalty to leaders. - Commitment to leaders is relatively high among members of the in-group.

Commitment to leaders is relatively high among members of the in-group.

differences between managers and leaders

Creating an agenda: Managers plan and budget Leaders establish direction Developing a human network for achieving the agenda: Managers organize and restaff Leaders align people Executing plans: Managers control and problem solve Leaders motivate and inspire Outcomes: Managers produce a degree of predictability and order Leaders produce change

power distance

Degree to which societies accept the idea that inequalities in the power and well-being of their citizens are due to differences in individuals' physical and intellectual capabilities and heritage

Which of the following is true regarding the measurement and development of emotional intelligence? - The Emotional Competence Inventory can be used to select the best recruits in the U.S. Air Force. - Emotional intelligence can be developed. - The MSCEIT and Bar-On Emotional Quotient tend to produce similar results. - American Express abandoned its EQ training after finding that it failed to produce results.

Emotional intelligence can be developed.

active followers

Endpoint of Kelly's broad followership dimension indicating followers who are engaged in the task at hand—self-starters who have initiative.

exemplary followers

Followers who are active and positive and offer independent constructive criticism

conformist followers

Followers who are always on the leader's side but still looking to the leader for direction and guidance yes people

The first researcher to formally recognize the importance of the leader, follower, and situation in the leadership process was - Richard Hughes. - R. M. Stogdill. - Fred Fiedler. - E. P. Hollander.

Fred Fiedler.

In contrast to previous generations, which group believes that leaders have to earn their positions, not be given them based on seniority? - Gen Xers - Veterans - Baby Boomers - Millennials

Gen Xers

According to the text, which is true of leadership? - It occurs as a result of holding a specific position within an organization. - It occurs in a specific situation. - It occurs when an individual displays a specific behavior. - It is a result of the interaction between a leader and followers.

It is a result of the interaction between a leader and followers.

Which of the following statement is true of the leadership skill? - Leadership is not acquired; it's only an inborn skill. - The world is composed of two mutually exclusive types of people, leaders and non-leaders. - Leadership is an inborn skill; it cannot be acquired through experience. - Leadership can be both innate and acquired.

Leadership can be both innate and acquired.

Identify a true statement about the rational and emotional aspects of leadership. - Leadership involves both the rational and emotional sides of human experience. - Good leadership involves touching others' feelings rather than rational analysis. - Leadership includes actions and influences based on reason and logic rather than emotions. - Leadership is not about the rational or emotional sides of human experience.

Leadership involves both the rational and emotional sides of human experience.

passive followers

Look to leader for direction and motivation

Which of the following is an assumption of Theory Y? - Managers rely on coercive control to motivate workers. - People are intrinsically motivated by their work. - Managers are responsible for limiting the effects of workers' laziness and irresponsibility. - People have a pessimistic view of others.

People are intrinsically motivated by their work.

pragmatist followers

Rarely committed to their groups work goals, but they have learned not to make waves dont like to stick out ambiguous image

Which of the following is a personality-like tool that helps leaders identify their top five strengths (that is, traits)? - Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) - Strengths-Finder 2.0 assessment - Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test - Forer strength assessment test

Strengths-Finder 2.0 assessment

coercive power

The ability of a manager to punish others


The action of leading a group of people or an organization

heroic theory

The assumption that leadership is a general personal trait expressed independently of the situation in which the leadership was manifested


The process of accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of people and other resources.

romance of leadership

The tendency to overestimate the amount of influence and control leaders exert on their groups and their groups' outcomes.

Successful managers typically subscribe to which of the following? - Theory X - the dual process theory - Theory Y - moral reasoning

Theory Y

Which of the following is true of college professors who are considered leaders? - They are both born and made. - They do not make good leaders. - They find it difficult to learn from their mistakes. - They do not require any training for leadership skills.

They are both born and made.

If you want to minimize status differentials with subordinates, what should you do at a meeting with them? - You should sit while they stand. - You should sit at the end of a rectangular table. - You should elevate your desk. - You should sit at a circular table.

You should sit at a circular table.

Which of the following is the definition of emotional intelligence given by Peter Salovey and John Mayer? - the degree to which thoughts, feelings, and actions are aligned - a set of 15 abilities necessary to cope with daily situations and get along in the world - the extent to which a person can assess ideas analytically - a group of mental abilities that help people to recognize their own feelings and those of others

a group of mental abilities that help people to recognize their own feelings and those of others

Which type of leader is most likely to be successful? - a leader who can empathize and get along with others - a leader who gets along with others, but is not particularly empathetic - a leader who generally gets along with people, but prefers to be a loner - a leader who has strong empathy for us, but doesn't get along with many

a leader who can empathize and get along with others

stereotype threat

a self-confirming concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype


a social group toward which a person feels a sense of competition or opposition

constructionist approach

a sociological approach that focuses on the way specific groups, activities, conditions, or artifacts become defined as problems

motivation to manage

an assessment of how enthusiastic employees are about managing the work of others

socialized power

an expressed need for power that is based on a desire to support the welfare of others, a group, society, or the common good

Which leader is most likely to gain the respect of followers? - a leader who disagrees with his boss - a leader with little influence with higher-ups - an individual whose followers have participated in the selection of the leader - a leader who makes dramatic changes very soon after taking her position

an individual whose followers have participated in the selection of the leader

What type of intelligence is important when leaders face new or novel situations? - analytic - spatial -practical - cognitive


Leaders who try not so much to avoid doing "wrong things" but always do "right things" are known as which type of leaders? - authentic - autocratic - illegitimate - coercive


A leader who is low on the conscientiousness dimension is likely to - have little difficulty keeping promises. - be less concerned with following through with commitments. - be hardworking, organized, and reliable. - rarely get into trouble.

be less concerned with following through with commitments.

Which type of measures are many companies today using in the promotion process for leaders? - cognitive measures - neither cognitive nor non-cognitive measures - both cognitive and non-cognitive measures - non-cognitive measures

both cognitive and non-cognitive measures

Compared to a manager, a leader - challenges the status quo. - asks how and when. - imitates rather than originates. - has a short-term view.

challenges the status quo.

"I enjoy putting together detailed plans" is a behavior associated with which of the factors in the OCEAN model of personality? - conscientiousness - neuroticism - agreeableness - openness to experience


influence tactics

conscious efforts to affect and change behaviors in others

An agent asks a target to participate in planning an activity. In this scenario, the agent uses an influence tactic called which of the following? - rational persuasion - introspection illusion - ingratiation - consultation


The ability to produce work that is both novel and useful uses which type of intelligence? - creative -practical -analytic - cognitive


interactional framework

depicts leadership as a function of the leader, follower, situation examining each level of analysis separetly

Making judgments about the adequacy of behavior with respect to certain criteria refers to - effectiveness. - performance. - motivation. - satisfaction.


The definition of leadership that highlights the directing and controlling aspects of leadership may deemphasize which aspects of leadership? - managerial - emotional - communication - financial


Leaders who show they understand the world as we see and experience it show which of the following? - empathy - values - consistency - integrity



examining overlaps of the three elements of interactional framework

Which of the following are pairs in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator? - extraverted or introverted - thinking or perceiving - judging or intuitive - sensing or feeling

extraverted or introverted

independent, critical thinking followers

followers think for their selves and offer constructive advice or creative solutions

alienated followers

habitually point out all the negative aspects of the organization to others


high degree of loyalty, commutment, trust felt toward the leader

The change in a target agent's attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors as the result of influence tactics refers to which of the following? - blackmail - motivation - influence - power


A salesperson's good-natured or flattering banter with a customer before the customer makes a decision about purchasing a product is an example of an influence tactic called which of the following? - coalition tactic - legitimizing tactic - consultation - ingratiation


An agent makes a request or proposal designed to arouse enthusiasm or emotions in a target person. In this scenario, the agent uses an influence tactic called which of the following? - personal appeal - inspirational appeal - pressure tactic - coalition tactic

inspirational appeal

Leaders who demonstrate their commitment to higher principles through their actions demonstrate strong - integrity. - empathy. - values. - consistency.


The interactional framework takes Hollander's transactional approach to leadership one step further by additionally exploring - followers. - leaders. - situations. - interactions.


Which of the following refers to how much one likes a specific kind of job or work activity? - personal motivation - job satisfaction - external motivation - civil satisfaction

job satisfaction

Which of the following building blocks is relatively easy to change? - values - knowledge - personality traits - intelligence


Who has the greater capacity to influence followers? - leaders who have the ability to use rewards and punishments - leaders who have not negotiated a power dynamic with followers - leaders who have new and tenuous relationships with followers - leaders who cannot use rewards or punishments

leaders who have the ability to use rewards and punishments

Which type of power is primarily a function of the situation? - ad hoc - referent - expert - legitimate


Which type of power is most likely to be used in a crisis situation? - referent power - non-coercive power - expert power - legitimate power

legitimate power

effective managers

make real contributions to their organization's performance


meeting for discussion or planning

As the pace of change in the business world continues to increase, we should expect which of the following? - personality traits to play an increasingly important role in leader behavior - the impact of personality traits to diminish as leaders deal with ambiguous situations - strong situations to increase - organizational success to decrease, especially in organizations with strong situations

personality traits to play an increasingly important role in leader behavior

Management is often associated with which of the following terms? - dynamic - planning - change - risk-taking


personalized power

power directed at helping oneself as a way of enhancing their own selfish ends may give the word power a bad name

referent power

power from strength of the relationship between the leader and the followers

reward power

power that comes from the ability to provide rewards or favors

expert power

power that is based on the special knowledge, skills, and expertise that a leader possesses

People with street smarts have a high level of which type of intelligence? - practical - creative - cognitive - analytic


Individuals with a strong achievement orientation - feel unsatisfied when they solve work problems. - prefer tasks that provide delayed feedback and are relatively easy. - prefer tasks that provide immediate feedback and are moderately difficult. - feel unsatisfied when they accomplish assigned tasks.

prefer tasks that provide immediate feedback and are moderately difficult.


producing effet on others

One meaning of personality refers to the impression a person makes on others. This view of personality emphasizes a person's - physical attribution. - academic profile. - personal reputation. - public reputation.

public reputation.

Plato and Kant believed mature moral judgment was which type of process? - virtuous - rational - values-based - ethical


Which type of power does an individual who is admired and seen as a role model have? - reward - expert - referent - legitimate


personal appeals

referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request

passive followers

rely on the leader to do all the thinking

A leader who wants to encourage followers to become partners should - seek input on issues and decision making. - hire people who prefer to take a background role. - focus on individuals who have a background in public relations. - ask an individual to become the firm's expert on a particular subject.

seek input on issues and decision making.

Task, stress, and the environment are all part of which component of the interactional framework? - follower - strategy - situation - leader


glass cliff

situation that women confront in which their leadership position is precarious

pecking order

status differential between members of a group

projective personaity test

subjects are asked to make up a story about each picture


the change in a target agent's attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors as the result of influence tactics

need for power

the extent to which an individual desires to control or influence others

legitimate power

the power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of an organization

Which definition of leadership appears to exclude informal leadership? - the process by which an agent induces a subordinate to behave in a desired manner - actions that focus resources to create desirable opportunities - creating conditions for teams to be effective - a complex form of social problem solving

the process by which an agent induces a subordinate to behave in a desired manner


the process of being guided and directed by a leader in the work environment

Which of the following is not an example of how researchers have defined leadership? - a complex form of social problem solving - directing and coordinating the work of group members - the success and failure of an organization - creating conditions for a team to be effective

the success and failure of an organization


the trade of things of value between the buyer and the seller so that each is better off as a result

rational persuasion

the use of logical arguments and hard facts to show the target that the request is a worthwhile one


the use of strategies, such as flattery, by which people seek to gain another's favor

Recurring regularities or trends in a person's behavior refers to the person's - curiosity. - traits. - openness to experiences. - conscientiousness.


inspirational appeals

trying to build enthusiasm by appealing to others' emotions, ideals, or values

robert kelley and follwership styles

using independent and dependednt/critical and uncritical thinking and active/passive followers to break followers into 5 styles of followership

dependent, uncritical thinking followers

worst followers, need to be told what to do

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